Parent Information Night

Parent Information Night

<p> WELCOME TO Ms.McCabe’s KINDERGARTEN CLASS! Parent Information Night July 2011 Room K 1 Welcome!</p><p>Dear Parents,</p><p>Welcome to Parent Information Night! We are off to an exciting and busy start in Kindergarten at Rosa Parks! I am so impressed with the children and I look forward to a wonderful and productive year!</p><p>Every child in my classroom is extremely important to me. I am committed to creating a learning environment that is supportive and nurturing. I strive to make my classroom a place where children are encouraged to achieve to their fullest potential, to be problem solvers, and to be creative thinkers.</p><p>In this packet you will find important information about your child’s kindergarten experience. There is information on what we are going to be learning in kindergarten as well as information on how parents can help at home to support that learning. Following is our daily schedule. We accomplish a lot in a day so it is very important for your child to be on time and to attend school every day! Ms. McCabe’s Schedule 10:45-11:15 Student Arrival/Student Lunch </p><p>11:15-11:45 AM/PM Overlap: ELD/Acceleration/Intervention/Science/Social Studies</p><p>11:45-11:59 AM/PM Overlap: Calendar/district sounds cards/sight words/number recognition</p><p>11:59-12:10 Opening: Good morning songs, Flag salute; phonemic awareness, letters, sight words, skills practice</p><p>12:10-12:25 Interactive Read Aloud: The students and I interact conversationally during a story while working on reading comprehension skills such as prediction, clarification, retell and monitoring as well as author, illustrator, and parts of a book. I teach reading behaviors I expect to see them using in independent reading.</p><p>12:25-12:40 Shared Reading: Reading instruction where my voice is present in the reading along with theirs. I teach reading behaviors I expect to see them using in independent reading.</p><p>12:40-12:55 Independent Reading: Students read independently. They may choose to read around the room, our shared reading charts, our interactive writing, from the library or from their book boxes.</p><p>12:55-1:10 Interactive Writing: The students and I negotiate text and share the pen in writing. Our walls in the classroom are filled with student generated, negotiated, and written text. This writing is then used as a resource in their independent writing. I teach writing behaviors I expect to see them using in independent writing.</p><p>1:10-1:25 Independent Writing: Students write independently in their journals. I expect them to write sentences with sight words they know and to phonetically spell words they don’t know. I expect them to use words in the room that we have read or written.</p><p>1:25-1:35 RECESS</p><p>1:35-2:20 Literacy Centers/Guided Reading/Intervention: The students work independently on center activities that practice skills and standards already taught. During this time I pull reading groups and intervention groups.</p><p>2:20-2:50 Math: Math concepts are taught through read alouds, interactive writing and shared reading. The students are given time for hands-on practice. Fridays: Family Learning Friday 2:50 Home: 11:19 EVERY WEDNESDAY/EARLY RELEASE DAY!!! ~Order of elements is subject to change according to purpose Behavior Guidelines: I have classroom expectations that include being kind and respectful to others, being a good listener, following directions the first time, keeping hands and feet to yourself, walking in line with hands behind back and voices off, cleaning up after oneself, trying your personal best every day, being responsible and returning work on time, being helpful to others, and taking care of our classroom. As you can see, these are a lot of expectations. So our class decided that rather than listing each individual expectation, our class rule should be, BE A FRIEND. This simple rule covers all of the things mentioned above and any others that may arise.</p><p>I also talk to the students about rules for behavior on the rug: 1. Sit flat like a pizza 2. Legs are criss-cross applesauce 3. Ears are listening when someone is speaking 4. Eyes on the teacher and anyone else who is speaking 5. Hands in your lap </p><p>I like to approach classroom management in a positive way. I believe in reinforcing positive behavior. Positive behavior will be reinforced with incentives such as: 1. Oral praise and encouragement 2. Visit to the prize box for behavior magnet on Outstanding student 3. “You Rock” is our class chant when someone does well.</p><p>I am clear as far as my expectations of the students. I constantly tell them what I expect. I can usually handle inappropriate behavior with non- verbal and verbal cues. I also use proximity as a way of heading off behavior. I will remove a student from a situation and redirect them to something else. If we are in whole group, I will place that child in a chair behind the group but facing the teaching so they can continue to learn and participate. This usually does the trick. My last resort is to take their free time which is recess. The student will sit on the bench rather than play. I always tell them that in order to get free time, they MUST work for me first in the classroom. Parents of extreme cases will be called and the student will be put on a behavior contract. </p><p>Lifeskills At Rosa Parks we encourage living the Lifeskills. Following is a list of the Lifeskills we will be practicing and living each day at Rosa Parks.</p><p>Integrity: To act according to a sense of what is right and wrong Initiative: To do something because it needs to be done Flexibility: To be willing to alter plans when necessary Perseverance: To keep at it! Organization: To plan, arrange, and implement in an orderly way; to keep things orderly and ready to use Sense of Humor: To laugh and be playful without harming others Effort: To do your best Common Sense: To use good judgment Problem Solving: To create solutions in difficult situations and everyday problems Responsibility: To respond when appropriate, to be accountable for your actions Patience: To wait calmly for someone or something Friendship: To make and keep a friend through mutual trust and caring Curiosity: A desire to investigate and seek understanding of one’s world Cooperation: To work together toward a common goal or purpose Caring: To feel and show concern for others Curriculum I teach using state and district adopted core curriculum following the state standards and pacing guides. Our reading series is Houghton Mifflin. Our Math series is Envision. Our writing program is Step Up To Writing. I integrate science and social studies throughout the day and during overlap.</p><p>Here are the skills I will be assessing at the end of trimester one.</p><p>*Identify letters in isolation and out of order (capital and lower case) *The sound of each letter *Sight word list A (10 words) *Distinguish a letter from a word from a number Example: g play 5 “point to the word” *Rhyming (orally or identify pictures that rhyme) *Concepts about print(front cover, back cover, title page, title) *Shapes *Counting orally to 10 *Writing and recognizing numbers 1-10 out of order *Patterns (AB, AAB, ABB, ABC) *Days of the week *Writes first name</p><p>*I will provide you with trimester 2 and trimester 3 checklists as we near those time periods. Letter Formation A letter formation guide is available on my website. Please pay close attention to the direction of the arrows and the order your child should make each letter. This is extremely important! Another important thing to pay attention to is whether your child starts writing from the bottom or the top. PLEASE make sure they start from the top and go down.If your child gets in the habit of proper letter formation now, they will be more successful in writing (especially when they learn cursive in later grades). The letters a, b, d, g, p, and q do have a circle as one of the steps. Make sure your child is making the circle in the correct direction as indicated. The letters g, j, p, q, and y all go “down below” the bottom line. Make sure the “tails” of these letters do not sit on the bottom line but go “down below” the bottom line. We write mostly in lowercase letters in the classroom. We do use and talk about uppercase or capitals in proper nouns such as their names and the beginning of a sentence. Sight Words We Will Learn to Read and Write</p><p>List A List B List C List D List E I a is said are my and the he it at an for play you in do have she not on as can we little see to his of that like go her him all me no was but with be by good up this am look had yes they</p><p>Sight words are so essential for reading and writing. These are the 50 words your child needs to know by the end of kindergarten. The must know these words by sight. Many do not lend well to using sounds to figure them out. When I test your child on sight words, I expect them to read each word to me in 3 seconds or less and show no indication that they are trying to use sounds. If they are not able to do this then they do not pass that word or list. Keep this in mind. As we get underway, I will be sending home sight word contracts. You may test your child at home and then when you think they are ready to be tested and pass a list, you can send back the signed parent note. Many times I get this note back but when I test the child, he does not read the words in 3 seconds or less. Following is a list of activities you can do with your child when practicing sight words. Fun Ways to Practice Your Sight Words</p><p>1.Read a story. Count how many sight words you can find. Record the name of the book and number of sight words found. 2.Use yarn or string to form your words. 3.See how many times you can write your sight words in 5 minutes. 4.Write one sentence using each sight word. 5.Tape yourself saying and spelling your sight words. 6.Make flash cards. How many words can you read in 3 minutes? 7.Print the words on someone’s back. Can the person guess the word? 8.Write words on sticky notes? Match to words you find in your story books. 9.Use colored chalk to write your sight words on the sidewalk. 10. Rainbow-write your words using crayons, markers, gel pens…. 11. Paint your words using watercolors or finger-paint. 12. Find words in a newspaper or magazine or junk mail, cut out. 13. Use beans, pasta, rice, or other small objects to form your words. 14. Fold a sheet of paper in fourths. Write your words 2 times in each square and decorate the squares with art supplies. 15. Sing a song to memorize your sight words. Try using the tunes to Frere Jacques or 99 bottles or jingle bells for 3 letter words; Hi-Ho Did You Know for 4 letter words; BINGO for 5 letter words; Happy Birthday or If you’re Happy and You Know It for 6 letter words. 16. Write a message to someone using your words. 17. Draw and write a story using your words. Read your story to someone. 18. Play a game such as Go Fish using your sight words. 19. Look for your words in magazines and newspapers and use a highlighter to circle the words. 20. Pour a thin layer of powdered Jell-O on a paper plate. Practice writing the words in the Jell-O. Use this for name practice and letter formation too. 21. Use magnetic letters and spell your words on cookie sheet. 22. Can you think of more to add to our list?</p><p>Reading</p><p>Please read with your child every night for 15-20 minutes. They are learning to read and will love reading to you. Make sure they are reading books that are at their reading level. You can get this information from me as they learn to read in the next several months. You reading to them is just as important. They need to hear what fluent reading sounds like every day. The more text and vocabulary your child is exposed to, the more successful they will be in reading and writing. If you have time for nothing else in your day, please find the time to read together! There will be a monthly Reading Log sent home to record books read. Please check on the homework website to observe the date the Reading Log should be returned. (Usually the last Homework Tuesday each month).</p><p>Here are some ways to keep a single story fresh ALL DAY!</p><p>1.Mom or dad reads the story first 2.Discuss: What is the title? Who is the author? Who is the illustrator? What do each of these people do? 3.Have your child point to each word as they read. 4.Find the letter of the week in the story. 5.Find the sight word of the week in the story. 6.Draw a picture of your favorite part of the story. 7.Choose a word that repeats in the story to clap on. 8.Take turns reading (mom reads a page then you read a page). 9.Change the pitch and tone of your voice to fit the different characters in the story. 10. Act out the story with your family. 11. Help your child find the spaces between the words. 12. Count the words in the sentences. 13. Retell the story to the person who is reading to you. Remember beginning, middle, and end. 14. Can you think of more to add to our list? Miscellaneous Classroom Information:</p><p>Remember names on ALL belongings!(Jackets,lunch pails,backpacks)</p><p>Lunch We cannot buy lunch in kindergarten because of the time allowed for lunch and the distance they must walk to get it. We also do not have help getting them to the lunch room as we have to be with the class the whole time. Please pack a nutritious sack lunch for your child. Your child should have a sandwich, some fruit, juice or water etc. No candy, cookies or soda.</p><p>Parent Volunteers I love and welcome as many volunteers that want to help. Two volunteers I need for sure are a Tuesday homework volunteer and a room parent. These two jobs take total commitment so make sure that you can devote this time before signing up! Any other help can be a regular day of the week, take home work, helping with projects and special days, or any other way you’d like to participate. There are no siblings allowed at school when you are volunteering. Sign in at the office when you arrive and come on back! I also have materials that can completed at home. Please see me if you could help out with “at home materials.”</p><p>Homework Homework is sent home on Tuesday and is to be returned the following Tuesday. The homework packet will have enough work for your student to complete about 2 pages a night. Please do not allow your child to complete all the work in a day or two. I would like them to be practicing skills all week. The red sight word star is for your child to cut out and keep at home and use for practice. Please keep these stars together and in a safe place. Practice them EVERY night along with the sound flash cards. Make sure your child uses pencil for writing and crayons for drawing. No markers please. Also make sure your child writes their name on the packet; not you! </p><p>Nightly Reading Please read with your child for at least 15-20 minutes each night. The extra practice will make a big difference in their progress in kindergarten. Reading logs are an important part of the homework. As your read together, record the title of the book on the reading logs I send home each month. At the end of the month, it is an expectation to return a completed reading log. The students will receive a special recognition (prize box visit).</p><p>Birthdays We recognize birthdays in kindergarten as something very special. Each birthday child gets to sit in the teacher chair, receives a birthday bookmark and a pencil/sticker etc. The class will also sing the birthday song to the birthday student. There will be no other recognition such as cupcakes, parties, etc per administration and the district. Dress Code Remember that there are no flip flops allowed in school. All shoes must have a back on them. Sandals with open toe are okay, they just must have a back buckle. However, tennis shoes are the best choice. Try to put a pair of shorts under girls’ dresses. Hats and sunglasses can be worn to school but will not be worn in the classroom.</p><p>Drop Off/Pick Up </p><p>Please display “green” name sheet from rear view mirror so it can easily be read by teachers.</p><p>The PM teachers will be on duty and waiting by the back gate on Harrison at10:45. Please do not drop your child before 10:45. Keep pulling forward and stay in your car. The teachers will unload your child for you. Pick up is in the same place at 2:50 Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., and 11:19 on Wednesdays. Please teach your child to buckle themselves in their seats upon pick-up. The time it takes for you to turn and do it for them holds up traffic. Please practice each day at home. Remember that you may only drop-off and pick-up in the lot with teachers. We will not load and unload in the street at the curb. You must walk up or get in the line. Thank you for your help in keeping the children safe. Make sure that anyone you want to be able to transport your child MUST be on the emergency card. The office will not release a child to anyone that is not on the emergency card. Please feel free to send your child with an umbrella on both rainy and hot days. Make sure they know how to use it safely. They will not be permitted to open the umbrella until we are outside at dismissal.</p><p>Early Release Days Every Wednesday is an early release for Rosa parks. PM kinder comes to school in the morning. They must be here at 8:25 am. All of kinder will release one hour early at 11:19. On these days we visit the computer lab and the library. Thank you very much for taking the time to come to our Parent Information Night. Your child’s success at school begins with you at home. They notice your concern and support about their school experience by the way you become involved in their education. If it is important to you then it will be important to them.</p><p>You can contact me at the school at anytime. The office will get me a message but they will not interrupt instruction. I will call you back at the end of the day. I am also in the classroom until at least 3:15 PM each day. You may also send me notes with your child if you need to contact me. Email is the fastest and best way to get me. I check often and even when we are off-track. Please contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. I am here for you and your child and their success is my most important priority. </p><p>If you need to conference with me before the October conferences, please let me know. My email is [email protected] My home email is [email protected]</p><p>You will not see worksheets coming home that often unless they are math practice and letter practice. The same goes for centers. Centers are designed in a way that the activities are practice of skills already taught. They are able to work in the centers with complete independence. This allows me the opportunity to work with small groups uninterrupted.</p><p>I am following the Comprehensive Early Literacy Learning (CELL) style of teaching. It is important to know that the purpose of CELL is to teach students to work effectively in independence. Everything I teach in whole group is directly connected to what I expect to see in independence. CELL teaches students to think and problem solve independently. In order for your child to come to this way of learning, everything I teach is very interactive. I encourage a lot of whole group talking (conversational learning) but sometimes we will raise our hands. Conversational learning includes looking at the person who is speaking, waiting for someone to stop talking before speaking, etc. Please take a moment to visit this website to familiarize yourself with CELL strategies.</p><p>Thank you so much for coming tonight.</p><p>Ms. McCabe Classroom Helper Sign-Up</p><p>Please sign below if you want to help in the classroom each week. I need one regular helper on Tuesdays to get my homework folders ready. I would also like regular helpers for materials prep and regular helpers for working with centers. I also like a parent to help in the library and computers on Wednesdays.</p><p>Center help involves monitoring groups and possible pulling students for extra skills practice such as name practice, number practice, letter sounds, rhyming, and sight words.</p><p>I will need a room mom so if you are willing to dedicate this time to our class let me know. I depend on the room mom for a lot so make sure you can give this time all year!</p><p>SEE SIGN UP SHEETS BELOW: Room Mom: Name______phone______</p><p>Room mom help</p><p>Name______phone______</p><p>Room mom help name______phone______</p><p>Tuesday Homework: name______phone______</p><p>Tuesday HW Backup help name______phone______</p><p>Materials Prep (can work anytime 11:19-2:50)</p><p>Monday: name______phone______</p><p>Tuesday: name______phone______</p><p>Thursday: name______phone______Friday: name______phone______Centers Help: (1:35-2:20)</p><p>Monday: Name______phone______</p><p>Tuesday: name______phone______</p><p>Thursday: name______phone______</p><p>Friday: name______phone______</p><p>Wednesday Computer/Library help 9:35-10:35</p><p>Name: ______Phone:______Name:______Phone:______I can work from home:</p><p>Name______phone______</p><p>Name______</p><p> phone______Name______</p><p> phone______</p><p>Name______</p><p> phone______</p><p>How to Use the Sound Cards Please, please, please, practice these every day. We practice them every day in the classroom. They need to do the same at home. The pictures match the sound the letter makes. This is different from most flash cards as they are generated from the school district. Usually flash cards have the letter A and then an apple. Here are a few examples of the way these flashcards work: The short Aa has a boy pulling off a Band-aid. As he pulls it off the boys says, “Ah, Ah, Ah.” The long Aa has a boy yelling to a batter on the baseball field. He says, “ A, A, A” (the letter’s name). The letter Bb has a drummer. When the drum is being hit it matches the sound Bb makes, “Bu, Bu, Bu.” The stories are included in the handbook. The idea of the flash cards is to teach the letter along with the sound. Short intervals of practice each night will only benefit your child in developing the beginning of the reading process. Making sure they perform the hands motions with the sounds will help them remember. Your child should say,, “The letter is B. The sound is bu, bu, bu.” Thank you for your help and active involvement. </p>

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