2006 Heinlein Awards To Be Given to Williamson and Bear In Anaheim at World Con The principal mailing address of The Heinlein Society, a non-profit charitable corporation, is PO Box 1254, Venice, CA USA 90294-1254 JulyContents 2006 2006 Heinlein Awards ......Pages 1 and 3 Secretaryʼs Report and Annual Notice Election of Directors.........Pages 2 and 3 Inaugural Heinlein Prize Awarded. .................................................Pages 4 to 9 Notice of Bylaw Amendment................ ...........................................................Page 10 Owenby Obituary..................... Page 10 New Directors Appointed......Page 11 Jack Williamson Greg Bear Committee Reports....Pages 12 to 19 Jack Williamson and Greg admired Heinlein as a writer and a Bear, two legendary authors of man, but also because he was a val- Book Reviews....Pages 20. 21 and 23 speculative fiction, have been ued friend,” said Williamson, wide- Membership Application........Page 22 named recipients of the 2006 ly recognized as the dean of sci- Robert A. Heinlein Award for their ence fiction. The author of dozens A “few small things”................Page 24 overall body of work. of novels and winner of both the The award, administered by the Nebula and Hugo Awards, in 1976 We Continue To Need Heinlein Society, will be presented Williamson was named a Damon A Newsletter Editor formally by Jerry Pournelle, a past Knight Memorial Grand Master by A successful applicant will need to be able to attend, on-line, one two-hour recipient, director of the Society SFWA — only the second author monthly board business meeting and initi- and a member of the Advisory so honored after Heinlein in 1975. ate articles of interest to membership, by Board for the Heinlein Award, at Williamson’s most recent novel is encouraging Society officers and members the World Science Fiction Conven- the world-hopping adventure The to prepare them, and by writing them him tion in Los Angeles, California, on Stonehenge Gate. or herself, and editing the results. Ability to use InDesign or the equivalent is useful. Thursday, August 24, 2006, dur- “Of course, it’s an honor and So, too, is ability to herd cats. This News- ing ceremonies surrounding the a privilege to receive the Heinlein letter is intended to issue quarterly. Until guest of honor speeches, which are Award this year, especially since we have that person volunteer, it’s unlikely scheduled to begin at 8 PM. I share the honor with one of my we’ll meet our goals to keep you informed. “I feel a deep appreciation favorites, one of the most influ- Email agplusone@heinleinsociety. org or telephone (310) 346-5669. for the award, not only because I ential writers in science fiction Contʼd on Page Three 1 The Secretary-Treasurerʼs The Heinlein Society Table and Reports Notice of Annual General Meeting And Voting Procedures Board of Directors July 19, 2006 Virginia Heinlein (1916-2003) Charles N. Brown Yoji Kondo Alan Milner Joe Haldeman Jerry Pournelle Michael Sheffield David Wright, Sr. Jane Silver, Secretary-Treasurer David M. Silver, President and Chairman P.O. Box 1254 Venice, California 90294-1254 Dear Members of The Society: Our by-laws, adopted by the Board of Directors in 2002, as amended, require that the board conduct an annual general membership meeting each year during the time and at the place of the annual World Science-Fiction convention, when held in North America, and It’s been pretty quiet. We’ve when not at a place in North America it shall determine. been very concerned for some time This the written notice of that meeting as required in our by-laws to each member en- titled or likely to be entitled to vote at the meeting. You will be entitled to vote only if you about some of our membership that are registered as a regular member and only if your dues are fully paid up and through the seem to have slipped through the current year of 2006 at the time of the meeting. An opportunity to make dues current will be afforded members prior to and at the beginning of the meeting. Supporting members cracks and gone away. Each busi- are not entitled to vote, but, subject to ruling of the chair, may address the meeting. ness meeting I report increases our This yearʼs meeting will be our Societyʼs fifth annual general meeting. It will be held at Anaheim, California, on Saturday, August , 2006, at 5:00 PM, PDT, in a hospitality suite numbers in new memberships but as yet to be assigned to The Heinlein Society by the Anaheim Marriott, 700 West Conven- those numbers have to be adjusted tion Way, Anaheim, California 92802 USA, Phone: 1-714-750-8000. L.A. Con IV, the annual World Science-Fiction convention, has not yet published its programming schedule, by the ones whose dues have and notice of this meeting may not be in its program. Check the front desk at the Marriott become past due by two or more for The Heinlein Society. You need not be a purchaser of L.A. Con IV membership to attend the meeting. The Anaheim Marriott is located directly south of the Anaheim Convention years. What to do? Center, across the street, where L.A. Con IV is being held. The hotel is a public venue, Perhaps I should give you open to non-L.A. Con IV members. Visitors are encouraged to attend, subject to ruling of the Chair. information that some of you may The regular order of business specified in the by-laws to be observed is that customary not realize. Each and every person for non-profit membership charitable corporations and will include, this year, election of three of the nine directors of The Society for the three senior non-exempt positions on the who is working for the Society Board for a term of three years, as specified in the by-laws. is a volunteer. From the Board of The two senior incumbents by length of service in their current term are Charles N. Brown and David M. Silver; additionally, newly-appointed director David Wright, Sr., on the Directors to the committee chairs, expanded board, has been placed in this three year tier for election. Any, or all, or neither, everyone does this for the love of may stand for reelection, as he each may announce at or before the time of the meeting. Mr. Brown has served as an original director of this Society since its formation and pre- it! Sometimes you wonder if this incorporation filings, in August 2000, and was reelected to a three-year term in 2003. Mr. is not a love/hate relationship. Silver was appointed in November 2000, and was reelected to a three-year term in 2003. Mr. Wright was appointed upon expansion of the number of directors this past June. Other There are many different opinions nominations may be made and accepted at the meeting. and ‘suggestions’ of how things Further business consistent with the by-laws will occur at the meeting. You may vote at the meeting in person, or by an assigned written proxy, if you are should be done. Any organization eligible to vote at the time of the meeting. All proxies must be written, signed, and run by committee has a tendency notarized, or accompanied by a clear and legible photocopy of a government-issued photo identification containing a signature for comparison purposes, to be valid. to bog down. I wonder sometimes, Further, they must designate in writing the person to exercise the proxy; and they frankly, if it is all worth it. Then I must be received by the Secretary of the Society by postal mail or in person at or be- fore the time of the meeting. If you mail your proxy to the Societyʼs postal address in remember why I got involved. Venice, California, please note that an officer of the Society will finally check that post I am related to the Chairman office box address on the afternoon of Monday, August 21, 2006, before he departs to Anaheim;, and it is solely your responsibility to ensure it arrives before his departure. and President. He is my older You may designate any natural person to attend the meeting and vote your proxy. brother, (clarification because some Further, the by-laws specify that failure of a non-attending member to designate a proxy shall constitute designation of the president as the holder of the proxy of the of you may think we are husband/ member not in attendance. wife). He was the Secretary-Trea- We all hope as many of the Societyʼs members as possible do attend the meeting. FOR THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: surer when I offered to help with /s/Jane Silver ‘some’ of the clerical. I thought Jane Silver Secretary-Treasurer and Director Contʼd on Page Three 2 3 Heinlein Awards to Jack Williamson and Greg Bear -- Convention Center, hosted in The Contʼd from Page One Heinlein Society’s small hospital- history — Jack Williamson,” said for Mr. Williamson and Mr. Bear ity suite at the Anaheim Marriott Bear, a recipient of multiple Nebula after the awards and the Guest of hotel, across the street south of the and Hugo Awards. His most recent Honor speeches conclude at the Anaheim Convention Center. novel is the near-future thriller Quantico. “To carry on Robert Heinlein’s grand tradition of sto- rytelling, visioneering and general Do you have a new novel out? rabble-rousing is a real pleasure Do you market properly licensed — and a sobering responsibility. Thanks to all, and heartfelt con- Heinlein memorabilia? gratulations to Jack — who may Do you offer goods or services of actually have taught Mr.
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