<p> Dr. Andrew J. Steckl Ohio Eminent Scholar and Carl Gieringer Professor of Solid State Electronics Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0030</p><p>Education:</p><p>B.S.E. Electrical Engineering, 1968, Princeton University</p><p>M.S. Electrical Engineering, 1970, University of Rochester</p><p>Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, 1973, University of Rochester</p><p>Professional Experience:</p><p>1972-73 Honeywell Radiation Center Senior Research Engineer Lexington, MA</p><p>1973-76 Rockwell Electronics Research Center Member of the Technical Staff Anaheim, CA</p><p>1976-87 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Professor of Electrical Troy, NY Engineering</p><p>1981-86 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Founding Director Center for Integrated Electronics</p><p>1977 IBM T.J. Watson Research Center Faculty Fellow Summer Yorktown Heights, NY</p><p>1985 Stanford University Visiting Professor of Summer Stanford, CA Electrical Engineering</p><p>1 1988- University of Cincinnati Ohio Eminent Scholar and Present Cincinnati, OH Gieringer Professor of Solid State Electronics</p><p>1994 Wright-Patterson AFB Summer Faculty Program Summer Dayton, OH Materials Laboratory</p><p>2 Dr. Andrew J. Steckl has had 25 years of experience working as a research scientist in industry and as a professor in the academic world. Over the period 1972-76, first at Honeywell and then at Rockwell, Dr. Steckl investigated infrared devices and charge coupled devices. His pioneering work on IRCCD's has been recognized through a number of invited review presentations and papers.</p><p>In 1976 Dr. Steckl joined Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute as a faculty member in the Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering Department. At Rensselaer, Dr. Steckl carried out research activities in the fields of semiconductor devices and microfabrication. Research carried out in his group included projects on electron beam lithography, focused ion beam technology and applications, reactive ion etching, refractory metal silicides, charge coupled devices, MOS memory devices.</p><p>Under Dr. Steckl's leadership, a multi-disciplinary Center for Integrated Electronics was established in 1981 at Rensselaer. The Center serves as the focus for VLSI-related research activities at Rensselaer. Dr. Steckl served as the founding director of the Center for its first five years.</p><p>In 1988 Dr. Steckl joined the University of Cincinnati as Ohio Eminent Scholar and Carl Gieringer Professor of Solid State Microelectronics in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. At Cincinnati, Dr. Steckl has established the Nanoelectronics Laboratory which is investigating novel semiconductor devices and processes at the nanometer scale. Research areas in Dr. Steckl's group cover: (1) focused ion beam processes and applications to nanoelectronic and optoelectronic devices; (2) wide bandgap semiconductors (SiC and GaN) - thin film growth (CVD and MBE), thin film and surface characterization, and device fabrication.</p><p>Dr. Steckl's research has resulted in over 230 publications and in 270 conference and invited seminar presentations. In 1979, Dr. Steckl was invited to write a chapter on "Charge Coupled Devices" to the second edition of the authoritative Infrared Master Handbook published by the Office of Naval Research and a chapter on “Refractory Gates for VLSI” for the VLSI Electronics book series published by Academic Press. Dr. Steckl has served as guest editor of a Special Issue of the IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices on Infrared Devices (Jan. 1980). </p><p>In connection with his research on focused ion (and other particle) beam for device micro/nanofabrication, Dr. Steckl has given a number of invited presentations at international meetings on “Focused Ion Beam and Particle Beam Technology for Microelectronics” and on “In- Situ Processing.” He was also invited to write a review paper on this subject to a Special Issue of the Proceedings of IEEE on the “Future of Integrated Circuits” (Dec 1986). In 1988 he was the conference chairman for the International Symposium on Focused Ion Beam Technology held in Chicago. In 1997, Dr. Steckl was invited to present reviews on “FIB fabrication of optoelectronic devices” at meetings held in Chicago, IL and Tenerife, Spain. Two of his publications were selected for the 1998 SPIE Milestone Series of Selected Reprints on Quantum Well Intermixing in Photonics. The impact of Dr. Steckl’s work in this field was also recognized in 1998 when he was elected IEEE Fellow for “Contributions to focused ion beam implantation and semiconductor fabrication”.</p><p>3 In recognition of his work with silicon carbide, Dr. Steckl was recently invited to write two extensive reviews: a review paper on SiC reactive ion etching for a Special Issue on SiC in Physica Status Solidi (July 1997) and a chapter on the building blocks of SiC devices (ohmic and rectifying contacts, and p-n junctions) for the book entitled Silicon Carbide: Materials and Devices published by Academic Press in 1998. The techniques and methodology developed by Dr. Steckl’s group over a period of 10 years for SiC reactive ion etching are now widely quoted in the scientific literature and have been adopted for use in many laboratories in the US and abroad.</p><p>4 Professional Recognition</p><p>1. Elected IEEE Fellow: “For Contributions to Focused Ion Beam Implantation and Semiconductor Device Fabrication”, Nov. 1998.</p><p>2. College of Engineering Research Award, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, June 1999.</p><p>3. Elected Scientific Member of the Bohmische Physikalische Gesselschaft: “For Original Research Contributions to Focused Ion Beam Interactions in Materials and Their Applications to Semiconductor Processing”, July 1999.</p><p>Professional Activities</p><p>1. New York State Science and Technology Fellow, University of Rochester, 1971-1972.</p><p>2. General Telephone and Electronics Fellow, University of Rochester, 1970-1971.</p><p>3. Invited Plenary Speaker on "Infrared Charge Coupled Devices," International Infrared Physics Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, August 1975.</p><p>4. Chairman of "IR Imaging" Session, International Infrared Physics Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, August 1975.</p><p>5. Chairman of "Photodetectors" Session, Device Research Conference, Ithaca, New York, June 1977.</p><p>6. Invited to contribute to Infrared Master Handbook, Chapter on Charge Coupled Devices, 1979.</p><p>7. Chairman of "Infrared Detectors" Plenary and contributed paper sessions, Second International Infrared Physics Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, March 1979.</p><p>8. Member of the Organizing Committee and Session Chairman for the 1980 and 1981 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, Rochester, New York.</p><p>9. Member of Technical Program Committee for the 1979, 1980 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, also Session Chairman.</p><p>10. Chairman, IEEE Electron Devices Group, Schenectady Section, 1979-80, 1980-81.</p><p>11. Guest Editor, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Special Issue on Infrared, January 1980.</p><p>12. Invited speaker on "The PbS-Si Heterojunction - A State-of-Art Review," SPIE Symposium, April 1980, Washington, D.C.</p><p>5 13. Co-author of Invited Paper on "A Review of Refractory Metal IC Technology - Past and Present," 1980 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, May 1980, Rochester, New York.</p><p>14. Organizer and Chairman of "Workshop on Testing and Characterization of IR Focal Plane Arrays," July 1980, Palo Alto, California.</p><p>15. Invited Speaker on "The VLSI Program at Rensselaer," Conference on the Impact of Microelectronics, July 1981, Crotonville, New York.</p><p>16. Member of board of referees for the Conference on Advanced Research in VLSI, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, January 1982, Cambridge, Massachusetts.</p><p>17. Organizer/Chairman of Session on "Impact of VLSI on Communications" for IEEE Communications Theory Workshop, Wickenburg, Arizona, April 1982.</p><p>18. Founder and Chairman of University Advisory Committee of the Semiconductor Research Cooperative. Committee includes representatives of the major universities in VLSI such as Stanford, MIT, Berkeley, Cornell and others. 1982-1984.</p><p>19. Organizer and Session Chairman for the IEEE International Circuits and Computers Conferences, October 1982, New York City.</p><p>20. Author of Invited Review Papers on "Refractory Metallization for High Speed IC's" at Brazilian Microelectronics Conference, February 1983.</p><p>21. Member of Technical Program Committee and Session Chairman for IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, 1983.</p><p>22. Invited Speaker at Symposium on Interaction of Electrons, Ions and Photons with Solid Surfaces, Schenectady, New York, October 1983.</p><p>23. Co-author of Invited Paper on "Refractory Materials for VLSI" at the IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, Washington, D.C., December 1983.</p><p>24. Session Chairman at the Photons, Ions, Electron Beams Conference, Tarrytown, New York, May 1984.</p><p>25. Author of Keynote Paper on "Particle Beam Technology" at the Eighth Symposium on Ion Sources and Ion Assisted Technology, Tokyo, Japan, June 1984.</p><p>26. Author of Keynote Paper on "Physico-Chemical Processes in Microelectronic Fabrication" at Gordon Conference on the Chemistry of Electron Materials, Santa Barbara, California, February 1985.</p><p>6 27. Author of Invited Review Paper at In-Situ Processing Workshop, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, June 1985.</p><p>28. Member of Technical Committee Program for IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology, San Diego, California, May 1986.</p><p>29. Co-author of Invited Paper on "Multi-Level Interconnections for Wafer Scale Integration," Symposium on Thin Films for Microelectronics, San Diego, California, April 1986.</p><p>30. Author of Invited Review Paper on "In-Situ Processing" at the IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, Rochester, New York, May 1986.</p><p>31. Author of Invited Paper on "Particle Beam Technology for IC Fabrication" for Special Issue of Proceedings of IEEE on "Integrated Circuit Technologies for the Future," December 1986.</p><p>32. Member of IEEE Awards Committee, 1987-88.</p><p>33. Member of Technical Program Committee for International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, VLSI '87, Vancouver, August 1987.</p><p>34. Author of Invited Review Paper on "Focused Ion Beam Technology" at the NATO Workshop on Emerging Technologies, Corsica, May 1987.</p><p>35. Invited Panel Review Member for Engineering Research Center Proposals at the National Science Foundation, September 1987.</p><p>36. Member of Site Visitation Committee for the Center for Solid State Electronics Research Center at Arizona State University, September 1987.</p><p>37. Conference Chairman for the First International Symposium on Focused Ion Beam Technology, Chicago, Illinois, October 1988.</p><p>38. Member of Board of Visitors for the Office of Naval Research research program reviews.</p><p>39. Member of MRS Publications Committee, 1989-92.</p><p>40. Member of Ohio Eminent Scholar Program Screening Committee, 1989.</p><p>41. Session Chairman of US-Japan Focused Ion Beam Symposium, Portland, Oregon, December 1990.</p><p>42. Section Head and Session Chairman for 34th, 35th, 36th and 37th International Symposium on Electron, Ion and Photon Beams: San Antonio, Texas, May 1990; Seattle, Washington, May 1991; Orlando, Florida, May 1992; San Diego, California, May 1993.</p><p>43. Ohio Science Roundtable, Vice-Chairman, 1990-92.</p><p>7 44. Session Chairman and Invited Speaker on "RTP-CVD of SiC-on-Si," SPIE Microelectronic Processing Integration '91 Symposium, San Jose, California, September 1991.</p><p>45. Member of Proposal Review Panel, National Science Foundation, Division of Materials Research, September 1991.</p><p>46. Member of Organizing Committee and Session Chairman for the ARO Workshop on Nanostructures for Optoelectronics, UCLA, Los Angeles, California, August 1992.</p><p>47. Chairman of Visiting Review Committee for WPAFB Materials Directorate, April 1993.</p><p>48. MASSE Honor Lecturer at the Center for Molecular and Solid State Energetics, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, May 1993.</p><p>49. Member of Organizing Committee and Session Chairman for the ARO Workshop on Low Power Optoelectronics, Lake Arrowhead, California, January 1996.</p><p>50. Member of IEEE Administrative Committee, Meetings Committee 1996 - present.</p><p>51. Member of National Science Foundation Visiting Committee for the National Nanofabrication Users Network, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, November 1996.</p><p>52. Invited Speaker on “Exploring the Frontiers of Optoelectronic Devices Using Focused Ion Beam Technology” at the Advanced Workshop on the Frontiers of Electronics, Tenerife, Spain, January 1997.</p><p>53. Invited Review Paper on “Focused Ion Beam Fabrication of Optoelectronic Components“, at the Symposium on Nanometer Ion Beams, Chicago, IL, May 1997</p><p>54. Invited Review Paper on “Silicon Carbide Reactive Ion Etching” for Special Issue on Silicon Carbide for Physica Status Solidi, July 1997.</p><p>55. Member of IEEE Electron Devices Society Electronic Materials Technical Committee, 1997 - present. </p><p>56. Invited paper on “High Temperature Operation of 4H and 6H SiC High Voltage Schottky Diodes”, Int’l Semiconductor Device Research Symposium, Charlottesville, VA, Dec. 1997. </p><p>57. Invited member at the Strategy Workshop of the US Army Research Office - Electronics Division, Charleston, SC, Jan. 1998.</p><p>58. Chairman of External Review Panel of the National Nanofabrication Users Network for the National Science Foundation, Washington, DC, Jan. 1998.</p><p>8 59. Co-Chairman of Workshop on New Concepts in 3-D Optical Devices using Rare-Earths and other Novel Approaches, Asilomar, CA, April 1998.</p><p>60. Member of Organizing Committee for the Semiconductor Silicon 50th Anniversary Symposium of the Electrochemical Society, San Diego, CA, May 1998.</p><p>61. Invited Chapter on “Building Blocks for Silicon Carbide Devices: Ohmic Contacts, Schottky Contacts and p-n Junctions” in Silicon Carbide: Material and Devices, Academic Press, May 1998. </p><p>62. Co-Author of two papers on Focused Ion Beam Technology selected for the SPIE Milestone Series of selected reprints on Quantum Well Intermixing in Photonics, 1998.</p><p>63. Invited Paper on “Silicon Carbide Thin Film Growth” at the 10th International Conference on Vapor Phase Growth and Epitaxy, Jerusalem, Israel, July 1998.</p><p>64. Member of NSF Review Panel for Science and Technology Center Proposals, October, 1998. </p><p>65. Invited Paper on “SiC Schottky Diodes: The Essential Device for High Voltage, High Temperature Operation”, 9th International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applications, Seoul, Korea, Nov. 1998.</p><p>66. Session Chairman at the Materials Research Society Meeting, Symposium on GaN and Related Alloys, Boston, MA, Dec. 1998</p><p>67. Invited paper on “Large Area SiC Virtual Wafers using Growth on Si”, Materials Research Society Meeting, San Francisco, April 1999. (also session chairman at MRS Meeting).</p><p>68. Invited paper on “Large Area SiC Virtual Wafers using Growth on Si”, Materials Research Society Meeting, San Francisco, April 1999. (also session chairman at MRS Meeting). </p><p>69. Member of Program Committee for the Advanced Workshop on the Frontiers of Electronics, Lecce, Italy, May 1999.</p><p>70. Invited paper on “Development of Er-Ni and Pr-Pt Liquid Alloy Ion SOurces”, 43rd Int’l. Conf. on Electron, Ion and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication, Marco Island, FL, June 1999.(with L. C. Chao).</p><p>71. Editor of Special Issue of the Bulletin of the Materials Research Society, Vol. 24, No.9, September 1999 dedicated to “Photonic Applications of Rare-Earth-Doped Materials”.</p><p>9 Publications</p><p>A. Books, Monographs, Chapters</p><p>1. "Charge Coupled Devices," Chapter 12, Infrared Master Handbook, Published by Office of Naval Research, 1979, W. Wolfe and G. Zissis, Eds.</p><p>2. Focal Plane Array Technology (organizer and major contributor), Published by Office of Naval Research, 1983.</p><p>3. "A Critique of Refractory Gate Applications for MOS VLSI," Chapter 2 in VLSI Electronics, Vol. 9, N. Einspruch, Ed., Academic Press, 1985, (with T.P. Chow).</p><p>4. “Building Blocks for SiC Devices: Ohmic Contacts, Schottky Contacts and p-n Junctions”, Chapter 3 in Silicon Carbide Materials and Devices, Y.S. Park, Ed., Semiconductors and Semimetals, Vol. 52, Academic Press 1998 (with V. Saxena). </p><p>B. Articles</p><p>1. P. Das and A.J. Steckl, "Current Oscillations in Optically Polished and Parallel Plates of CdS," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 16, p. 163, 1970.</p><p>2. M.E. Arellano, P. Das and A.J. Steckl, "Acoustoelectric Current Steps in Optically Polished Paralled CdS," Proc. of 1972 Ultrasonics Symposium, IEEE Press, Cat. No. 72CHO 708- 8SU, p. 168, October 1972.</p><p>3. A.J. Steckl and P. Das, "A Model of the Acoustoelectric Oscillator," Proc. of 1972 Ultrasonics Symposium, IEEE Press, Cat. No. 70CHO 708-8SU, p. 158, October 1972.</p><p>4. A.J. Steckl and T. Koehler, "A Theoretical Analysis of Directly Coupled 8-12µm Hybrid IRCCD," Proceedings of 1973 CCD Applications Conference, p. 247, September 1973.</p><p>5. A.J. Steckl, R.D. Nelson, B.T. French, R.A. Gudmundsen and D. Schechter, "Application of CCD's to Infrared Detection and Imaging," Proc. of IEEE, Vol. 63, pp. 67-74, January 1975. Reprinted in Charge Coupled Devices: Technology and Applications, R. Melen and D. Buss, eds., IEEE Press, J. Wiley and Sons, 1977. Reprinted in Selected Papers on Semiconductor Infrared Detectors, A. Rogolski, ed., SPIE Milestone Series, Volume MS66, SPIE Optical Engineering Press, 1992.</p><p>6. A.J. Steckl, "Charge Coupled Devices," Conference Digest, International Conference on Infrared Physics, E. Wiesendauger and F. Kneubuhl, eds., pp. 37-49, August 1975.</p><p>10 7. A.J. Steckl, "Infrared Properties of Sputtered In2-xSnxO3-y Films," Conference Digest, International Conference on Infrared Physics, E. Wiesendauger and F. Kneubuhl, eds., pp. 135-137, August 1975.</p><p>8. A.J. Steckl, "Low Temperature Silicon CCD Operation," Proceedings of 1975 International Conference on CCD Applications, pp. 383-388, October 1975.</p><p>9. A.J. Steckl, "Injection Efficiency in Monolithic and Hybrid IRCCD's," Proceedings of 1975 International Conference on CCD Applications, pp. 85-91, October 1975.</p><p>10. A.J. Steckl, "Infrared Optical Properties of Sputtered In2-xSnxO3-y Films," Infrared Physics, Vol. 16, pp. 145-147, January 1976.</p><p>11. A.J. Steckl, "Infrared Charge Coupled Devices," Infrared Physics, Vol. 12, pp. 65-73, January 1976.</p><p>12. A.J. Steckl, "IR Detector Properties of the PbS-Si Heterojunction," Proc. IRIS Meeting, Vol. C 127200-3X, pp. 277-286, March 1977.</p><p>13. A.J. Steckl, "IRCCD Imaging Sensors: A Review of Device Options," Proc. of NATO/AGARD Symposium on Impact of CCD and SAW on Signal Processing and Imaging in Advanced Systems, Y. Brault, ed., Vol. CP-230, pp. 4.2.1-4.2.15, October 1977.</p><p>14. A.J. Steckl, H. Elabd, And T.H. Jakobus, "p-n Anisotype PbSi-Si Heterojunction Characteristics," Technical Digest of International Electron Device Meeting, IEEE Cat. No. 77-CH1275-7ED, pp. 549-553, December 1977.</p><p>15. A.J. Steckl, M.E. Motamedi and S.P. Sheu, "Current Mode Operation of the p-n PbSi-Si Heterojunction Detector," Proc. IRIS Meeting, 132900-4-X, pp. 401-413, June 1978.</p><p>16. A.J. Steckl, M.E. Motamedi, S.P. Sheu, H. Elabd and K.Y. Tam, "The PbSi-Si Heterojunction: A New Approach to Infrared Focal Plane Array Integration," Proc. 1978 CCD Conference, pp. 239-251, October 1978.</p><p>17. S.P. Sheu and A.J. Steckl, "Frequency Characteristics of the p-n PbS-Si Heterojunction Detector," Proc. International Conference Infrared Physics, E. Affolter and F. Kneubuhl, eds., pp. 351-353, March 1979.</p><p>18. M.E. Motamedi, K.Y. Tam and A.J. Steckl, "Custom Designed CMOS for Infrared Signal Read-Out," Proc. Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, pp. 62-65, May 1979.</p><p>19. A.J. Steckl and M.E. Motamedi, "Study of the Low Temperature Properties of Charge Coupled Devices," Proc. Microelectronics Symposium, IEEE 79CH13685-4, pp. 57-62, May 1979. Reprinted in Low Temperature Electronics, R. Kirchman, ed., IEEE Press, NY, 1986.</p><p>11 20. H. Elabd, A.J. Steckl and W. Vidinski, "Effect of Substrate Orientation on the Properties of the PbS-Si Heterojunction," Proc. Photovoltaic Material and Device Measurements Workshop, SERI/TP-49-185, pp. 175-178, June 1979.</p><p>21. A.J. Steckl, K.Y. Tam and M.E. Motamedi, "Direct Injection Read-Out of PbS-Si Heterojunction Detector," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 35, pp. 537-539, October 1979.</p><p>22. T.P. Chow and A.J. Steckl, "MoSi2 Gate MOSFETS for VLSI," Technical Digest IEDM, IEEE Cat. No. 79 CH1504-OED, pp. 458-461, December 1979.</p><p>23. A.J. Steckl, K.Y. Tam and M.E. Motamedi, "Read-Out Characteristics of the PbS-Si HJ Detector," Technical Digest IEDM, IEEE Cat. No. 79CH1504-OED, pp. 650-654, December 1979.</p><p>24. H. Elabd, A.J. Steckl and W. Vidinski, "Effect of Substrate Orientation on the Properties of the PbS-Si Heterojunction," Solar Cells Journal, Vol. 1, pp. 199-208, 1979/80.</p><p>25. H. Elabd and A.J. Steckl, "Structural and Compositional Properties of the PbS-Si Heterojunction," Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 51, pp. 726-737, January 1980.</p><p>26. A.J. Steckl, H. Elabd, K.Y. Tam, S.P. Sheu and M.E. Motamedi, "The Optical and Detector Properties of the PbS-Si Heterojunction," IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. ED- 27, pp. 126-133, January 1980.</p><p>27. J.J. Tiemann, T.L. Vogelsong and A.J. Steckl, "Charge Domain Recursive Filters," Technical Digest, IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference, IEEE Cat. No. CH 1490-2/80, pp. 96-97, February 1980.</p><p>28. T.P. Chow and A.J. Steckl, "Size Effects in MoSi2 Gate MOSFET's," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 36, pp. 297-299, February 1980.</p><p>29. M.E. Motamedi, K.Y. Tam and A.J. Steckl, "Design and Evaluation of Ion Implanted CMOS Structures," IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, ED-27, pp. 578-583, March 1980.</p><p>30. A.J. Steckl and K.Y. Tam, "Bias and Temperature Dependence of l/f Noise and Dark Current in the PbS-Si Heterojunction," Proceedings of International Conference on 1/f Noise, pp. 288-296, March 1980.</p><p>31. A.J. Steckl and S.P. Sheu, "The AC Admittance of the p-n PbS-Si Heterojunction," Solid State Electronics, Vol. 23, pp. 715-720, 1980.</p><p>32. D.M. Brown, T.P. Chow and A.J. Steckl, "A Review of Refractory Metal IC Technology-Past and Present," Proc. Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, IEEE Cat. No. 80CH1562-8, pp. 85-86, May 1980.</p><p>12 33. H. Elabd and A.J. Steckl, "Auger Analysis of the PbS-Si Heterojunction," Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 9, pp. 525-549, 1980.</p><p>34. A.J. Steckl and G. Mohammed, "The Effect of Ambient Atmosphere in the Annealing of Indium Tin Oxide Films," Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 51, pp. 3890-3895, July 1980.</p><p>35. T.P. Chow and A.J. Steckl, "Plasma Etching Characteristics of Sputtered MoSi2 Films," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 37, pp. 466-468, September 1980.</p><p>36. T.P. Chow, D.M. Brown, A.J. Steckl and M. Garfinkel, "Silane Silicidation of Mo Thin Films," Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 51, pp. 5981-5985, November 1980.</p><p>37. J.J. Tiemann, T.L. Vogelsong and A.J. Steckl, "Charge Domain Filters," General Electric Technical Information Series No. CRD293, pp. 1-11, December 1980.</p><p>38. B. Zetterlund and A.J. Steckl, "Low Temperature Recombination Lifetime in Si MOSFET's," Technical Digest of International Electron Devices Meeting, IEEE Cat. No. 80-CH1616-2, pp. 284-288, December 1980.</p><p>39. G.E. Smith and A.J. Steckl, "Two-Dimensional Integrated Circuit Process Modeling Program- RECIPE," Technical Digest of International Electron Devices Meeting, IEEE Cat. No. 80CH1616-2, pp. 227-230, December 1980.</p><p>40. T.P. Chow and A.J. Steckl, "Planar Plasma Etching of Mo and MoSi2 Using NF3," Technical Digest of International Electron Devices Meeting, IEEE Cat. No. 80CH1616-2, pp. 149-151, December 1980.</p><p>41. K.Y. Tam and A.J. Steckl, "Integrated PbS-Si IR Detector Read-Out," IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. EDL-2, pp. 130-132, May 1981.</p><p>42. A.J. Steckl, J. McDonald and R.J. Gutmann, "VLSI Design Automation and Interactive Modeling for Electron Beam Lithography," Proc. Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, IEEE Cat. No. 81CH1636-0, May 1981.</p><p>43. T.P. Chow, M. Ghezzo, A.J. Steckl and D.M. Brown, "Silicon Nitride Passivation for Short- Channel Molybdenum-Gate Devices," Electrochemical Society, Vol. 81-1, pp. 738-741, May 1981.</p><p>44. B. Zetterlund and A.J. Steckl, "Low Temperature Recombination Lifetime in Si MOSFET's," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 39, pp. 155-156, July 1981. Reprinted in Low Temperature Electronics, R. Kirchman, ed., IEEE Press, NY 1981.</p><p>45. T.P. Chow, A.J. Steckl and D.M. Brown, "The Effect of Annealing on the Properties of Silicidized Molybdenum Thin Films," Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 52, pp. 6331-6336, October 1981.</p><p>13 46. S. Okazaki, T.P. Chow and A.J. Steckl, "Edge-Defined Patterning of Hyper-Fine Refractory Metal Silicide MOS Structure," IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. ED-28, pp. 1364-1368, November 1981.</p><p>47. G.E. Smith and A.J. Steckl, "RECIPE-A Two Dimensional VLSI Process Modeling Program," IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. ED-29, pp. 216-222, February 1982.</p><p>48. T.P. Chow, A.J. Steckl and R. Jerdonek, "Refractory MoSi2 and MoSi2/Polysilicon Bulk CMOS Circuits," IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. EDL-3, pp. 37-40, February 1982.</p><p>49. J.J. Tieman, T.L. Vogelsong and A.J. Steckl, "Charge Domain Recursive Filters," IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, Vol. SC-17, pp. 597-605, June 1982.</p><p>50. W. Vidinski, A.J. Steckl and J.C. Corelli, "Photoexcitation Properties of Infrared Active Defects Induced by Neutron Irradiation in Silicon," Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 108, pp. 693-699, July 1982.</p><p>51. C.D. Rude, T.P. Chow and A.J. Steckl, "Characterization of NbSi2 Thin Films," Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 53, pp. 5703-5709, August 1982.</p><p>52. T.P. Chow and A.J. Steckl, "Plasma Etching of Sputtered Mo and MoSi2 Thin Films in NF3 Gas Mixtures," Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 53, pp. 466-468, August 1982.</p><p>53. S.S. Bencuya, A.J. Steckl, T.L. Vogelsong and J.J. Tiemann, "Dynamic Packet Splitting in Charge Domain Devices," IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. EDL-3, pp. 268-270, September 1982.</p><p>54. J.A. Moore, D. Follett, K. Weiss, A.J. Steckl and W.-T. Liu, "Polarity Reversal of PMMA Resist by Treatment with Chlorosilanes," Electrochemical Society Meeting, Vol. 82-2, pp. 321-322, October 1982.</p><p>55. T.P. Chow and A.J. Steckl, "The Development of Refractory Gate Metallization for VLSI," Electrochemical Society, Vol. 82-2, pp. 353-354, October 1982.</p><p>56. S.S. Bencuya, A.J. Steckl and T.L. Vogelsong, "Coefficient Accuracy for CCD Packet Splitting Techniques," Technical Digest of International Electron Devices Meeting, Cat. No. 82CM1832-5, pp. 123-126, December 1982.</p><p>57. T.L. Vogelsong, J.J. Tiemann and A.J. Steckl, "A High-Q Bandpass Filter Demonstrating Charge Domain Technology," Technical Digest of International Electron Devices Meeting, IEEE Cat. No. 82CM1832-5, pp. 127-130, December 1982.</p><p>58. A.J. Steckl and T.P. Chow, "The Development of Refractory Metallization for High-Speed VLSI Circuits," Proceedings of Fourth Brazilian Conference on Microelectronics, pp. 15-33, February 1983.</p><p>14 59. T.P. Chow, K. Hamzeh and A.J. Steckl, "Thermal Oxidation of Niobium Silicide Thin Films," Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 54, pp. 2716-2719, May 1983.</p><p>60. T.P. Chow and A.J. Steckl, "A Review of Plasma Etching of Refractory Metal Silicides," Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on Plasma Processing, Electrochemical Society, Vol. 83-10, pp. 362-381, May 1983.</p><p>61. W.-J. Lu, T.P. Chow, A.J. Steckl and W. Katz, "Thermal Oxidation of Sputtered Silicon Carbide Thin Films," Electrochemical Society, 83-1, p. 133, May 1983.</p><p>62. W. Vidinski, A.J. Steckl and J.C. Corelli, "Correlation of Photoluminescence and Symmetry Studies with Photoexcitation and Decay Processes of Infrared Active Defects in Si," Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 54, July 1983.</p><p>63. W.-T. Liu, M. Bourgeois, J.A. Moore, J.C. Corelli and A.J. Steckl, "PMMA Resist Sensitivity Amplification by E-Beam Induced Grafting of Acrylic Acid," Electrochemical Society, 83- 2, pp. 331-332, October 1983.</p><p>64. J.L. Morgenstern, A.J. Steckl, D.C. King, M.A. Bourgeois and G.R. Redinbo, "A First-Order Physical Model of Electron-Beam Scattering in E-Beam Lithography Registration," Electrochemical Society, 83-2, pp. 329-330, October 1983.</p><p>65. T.P. Chow, W.-J. Lu, A.J. Steckl and B.J. Baliga, "Thin Film Properties of Sputtered Niobium Silicide on SiO2 and n+ Poly-Si," Electrochemical Society, 83-2, pp. 446-447, October 1983.</p><p>66. R. Pflueger, A.J. Steckl and J.C. Corelli, "Study of Defect States in Silicon by Photoionization Spectroscopy," Electrochemical Society, 83-2, pp. 554-545, October 1983.</p><p>67. T.P. Chow and A.J. Steckl, "Refractory Metal Silicides: Thin Film Properties and Processing Technology," IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. ED-30, pp. 1480-1497, November 1983.</p><p>68. D.G.L. Chow, J.F. McDonald, D.C. King and A.J. Steckl, "An Image Processing Approach to Fast, Efficient Proximity Correction for Electron Beam Lithography," Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Vol. B1(4), pp. 1383-1390, October/December 1983.</p><p>69. T.P. Chow and A.J. Steckl, "A Review of Refractory Gates for MOS VLSI," Technical Digest of International Electron Devices Meeting, IEEE Cat. No. 83CH1973-7, pp. 513-517, December 1983.</p><p>70. D.G.L. Chow, J.F. McDonald, D. King and A.J. Steckl, "Comparison Between Haar and Walsh Transform Thinning of the Lithography," Microcircuit Engineering, H. Ahmed, J.A. Cleaver and G.A.C. Jones, eds., pp. 65-74, Academic Press, New York 1984.</p><p>15 71. T.L. Vogelsong, J.J. Tiemann and A.J. Steckl, "A Narrowband Charge Domain Bandpass Filter," Proc. Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, IEEE Cat. No. 84CH1987-7, pp. 399- 403, May 1984.</p><p>72. W.-T. Liu, J.C. Corelli, A.J. Steckl, J.A. Moore and J. Silverman, "Resist Sensitivity Enhancement in X-Ray Lithography by In-Situ Polymerization," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 44, pp. 973-975, May 1984.</p><p>73. A.J. Steckl, "Particle Beam Processing for Microfabrication," Proc. of Eighth Symposium on Ion Sources and Ion-Assisted Technology, pp. 365-377, June 1984.</p><p>74. W.-J. Lu, A.J. Steckl, T.P. Chow and W. Katz, "Thermal Oxidation of Silicon Carbide Thin Films," Journal of Electrochemical Society, Vol. 131, pp. 1907-1914, August 1984.</p><p>75. J.A. Moore, J.C. Corelli, A.J. Steckl, J.T. Warden, R. Tarro, W.-T. Liu and J.N. Randall, "Resist Sensitivity Enhancement in Microlithography by In-Situ Polymerization," Polymer Reprints, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 105-106, August 1984.</p><p>76. A.J. Steckl, J.A. Moore, J.C. Corelli and W.-T. Liu, "Image Enhancement in High Resolution Lithography through Polymer Grafting Techniques," 1984 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology, IEEE Cat. No. 84CH2061-0, pp. 60-61, September 1984.</p><p>77. J.F. McDonald, K. Rose, E. Rogers and A.J. Steckl, "Wafer Scale Integration," Invited Paper, IEEE Spectrum, Vol. 21, pp. 32-39, October 1984.</p><p>78. S. Bencuya and A.J. Steckl, "Charge Packet Splitting in CCD's," IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. ED-31, pp. 1494-1501, October 1984.</p><p>79. T.P. Chow and A.J. Steckl, "Plasma Etching of Refractory Gates for VLSI Applications," Journal of Electrochemical Society, Vol. 131, pp. 2325-2335, October 1984.</p><p>80. A.J. Steckl, "The SRC-RPI Program on Advanced Beam Systems for VLSI," SRC Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 11, pp. 1-3, November 1984.</p><p>81. H. Hamedeh, J.C. Corelli and A.J. Steckl, "Focused Ga+ Beam Direct Implantation for Si Device Fabrication," Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Vol. 3, pp. 91-95, January/February 1985.</p><p>82. M.E. Haslam, J.F. McDonald, D.C. King, M.A. Bourgeois, D.G.L. Chow and A.J. Steckl, "Two Dimensional Haar Thinning for Data Base Compaction in Fourier Proximity Correction for Electron Beam Technology," Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Vol. 3, pp. 165-173, January/February 1985.</p><p>83. T.L. Vogelsong, J.J. Tiemann and A.J. Steckl, "Charge Domain Integrated Circuits for Signal Processing," IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, Vol. SC-20, No. 12, pp. 562-571, April 1985.</p><p>16 84. R.M. Tarro, J.T. Warden, J.C. Corelli, J.A. Moore, A.J. Steckl and E. Galiano, "Electron Spin Resonance Studies of Irradiated PMMA," Microcircuit Engineering 1984, pp. 537-544, Academic Press, NY, 1985.</p><p>85. W.-J. Lu, A.J. Steckl and T.P. Chow, "Completely Consumed Carbide - A New Process for Dielectric Isolation," VLSI Science and Technology, Electrochemical Society Proceedings, Vol. 85-5, pp. 244-252, May 1985.</p><p>86. T.P. Chow, W.-J. Lu, A.J. Steckl and B.J. Baliga, "Thin Film Properties of Sputtered Niobium Silicide on SiO2, Si3N4, and N+ poly-Si," Journal of Electrochemical Society, Vol. 133, pp. 175-178, January 1986.</p><p>87. J. Sugiura, W.-J. Lu, K.C. Cadien and A.J. Steckl, "Reactive Ion Etching of SiC Thin Films Using Fluorinated Gases," Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Vol. B4, pp. 349- 354, January/February 1986.</p><p>88. D.C. King, A.J. Steckl, J.L. Morgenstern, J.F. McDonald, M.A. Bourgeois, D.J. Yemc and I. Elminyawai, "The Flip-and-Shift Signal Enhancement Application for a Predictive E-Beam Pattern Registration Model," Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Vol. B4, pp. 273- 279, January/February 1986.</p><p>89. S.-Y. Kim, J. Choi, D. Pulver, J.A. Moore, J.C. Corelli and A.J. Steckl, "Optimization of Solvent Development in PMMA Radiation-Induced Graft Lithography," Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Vol. B4, pp. 403-408, January/February 1986.</p><p>90. S.-D. Chu, J.C. Corelli, A.J. Steckl, R.H. Reuss, W.M. Clark, D.B. Rensch and W.G. Morris, "Comparison of npn Transistors Fabricated with Broad Beam and Spatial Profiling Using Focused Ion Beam Implantation," Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Vol. B4, pp. 375-379, January/February 1986.</p><p>91. A.J. Steckl, S.P. Murarka and J.C. Corelli, "In-Situ Processing of Semiconductor Devices," Invited Paper, 1986 Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, 86CH2258-2, pp. 586-590, May 1986.</p><p>92. W.-J. Lu, A.J. Steckl and T.P. Chow, "Electrical Characteristics of Si Devices Fabricated with Completely Consumed Carbide (C3) - Dielectric Isolation Process," Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 133, pp. 1180-1185, June 1986.</p><p>93. J.F. McDonald, A.J. Steckl, C.A. Neugebauer, R.O. Carlson and A.S. Bergendahl, "Multilevel Interconnections for Wafer Scale Integration," Invited Paper, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Vol. A4, pp. 3127-3138, November/December 1986.</p><p>94. A.J. Steckl, "Prospects for Particle Beam and In-Situ Processing of Integrated Circuits," Invited Paper, Proceedings of IEEE, Vol. 74, pp. 1753-1774, December 1986.</p><p>17 95. S.S. Bencuya, A.J. Steckl and B.C. Burkey, "Impact of Edge Effects on Charge - Packet Splitting Accuracy," Solid State Electronics, Vol. 30, pp. 299-305, 1987.</p><p>96. B. Zetterlund and A.J. Steckl, "Low Temperature Operation of Silicon Surface Channel Charge Coupled Devices," IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. ED-34, pp. 39-51, January 1987.</p><p>97. A.J. Steckl, C.-M. Lin, S.-D. Chu and J.C. Corelli, "Simulation of Graded-Base Bipolar Transistor Characteristics Fabricated with a Focused Ion Beam," Microelectronic Engineering, Vol. 5, pp. 179-189, December 1986.</p><p>98. A.J. Steckl, S. Balakrishnan, H-S. Jin and J.C. Corelli, "Micromachining of Polyimide Films with Focused Ion Beams," Microelectronic Engineering, Vol. 5, pp. 461-462, December 1986.</p><p>99. J.O. Choi, S.Y. Kim, J.A. Moore, J.C. Corelli and A.J. Steckl, "Enhanced Plasma Etch Resistance of Acrylic Acid - Calcium Acetate - Modified PMMA," Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Vol. B5, pp. 382-385, January/February 1987.</p><p>100. R.H. Higuchi-Rusli, K.C. Cadien, J.C. Corelli and A.J. Steckl, "Development of Boron Liquid Metal Ion Source for the Focused Ion Beam System," Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Vol. B5, pp. 190-194, January/February 1987.</p><p>101. J.C. Corelli, A.J. Steckl, D. Pulver and J. Randall, "Ultra Low Dose Effects in Ion-Beam Induced Grafting of PMMA," Nuclear Instruments and Methods of Physics Research. B, Vol. 19/20, pp. 1009-1012, 1987.</p><p>102. R.H. Higuchi-Rusli, J.C. Corelli, A.J. Steckl and K.C. Cadien, "Development of Test Bed System for High Melting Temperature Alloy Fabrication and Mass Spectroscopy Analysis of Liquid Metal Ion Beam Source," Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Vol. A5, pp. 2073-2076, July/August 1987.</p><p>103. R.H. Higuchi-Rusli, J.C. Corelli, A.J. Steckl and H.-S. Jin, "Surface Analysis of Palladium Boride Liquid Metal Ion Beam Deposition on Single Crystal Solid Surface," Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Vol. A5, pp. 1362-1366, July/August 1987.</p><p>104. W.-S. Pan and A.J. Steckl, "Anisotropic and Selective Reactive Ion Etching of SiC in CHF3 and Oxygen Plasma," Science and Technology of Microfabrication, Materials Research Society Proceedings, Vol. 76, pp. 157-162, 1987.</p><p>105. J.F. McDonald, R. Rajapakse, J.C. Corelli and A.J. Steckl, "Optimized Focused Ion Beam Inspection and Repair of Wafer Scale Interconnections," SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 773, pp. 206-215, 1987.</p><p>106. A.J. Steckl, J.C. Corelli and J.F. McDonald, "Focused Ion Beam Technology and Applications," Emerging Technologies for In-Situ Processing, D. Ehrlich and V.T. Nguyen,</p><p>18 Eds., pp. 179-199, NATO ASI Series E-Applied Science, No. 139, M. Nijhoff Publishers, 1988.</p><p>107. C.M. Lin, A.J. Steckl and T.P. Chow, "Rapid Thermal Annealing of FIB-Implanted Ga Shallow Impurity Profiles," Materials Res. Soc. Proceedings, Vol. 101, pp. 495-500, 1988.</p><p>108. R.H. Higuchi-Rusli, J.C. Corelli, A.J. Steckl and H-S. Jin, "Characteristics and Surface Analysis of Ion Beam Deposition from Binary Boron Platinum (Pt58B42) Liquid-Metal Ion Source," Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 63, pp. 878-886, February 1988.</p><p>109. C.M. Lin, A.J. Steckl and T.P. Chow, "Thin Layer p-n Junction Fabrication Using Ga and In Focused Ion Beam Implantation," J. Vac. Sci. Tech., Vol. B6, pp. 977-981, May/June 1988.</p><p>110. S.D. Chu and A.J. Steckl, "The Effect of Trench-Gate-Oxide Structure on EPROM Device Operation," IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 9, pp. 284-286, June 1988.</p><p>111. W.S. Pan and A.J. Steckl, "Selective Reactive Ion Etching of Tungsten Films in Fluorinated Gases," J. Vac. Sci. Tech., Vol. B6, pp. 1073-1080, July/August 1988.</p><p>112. C.-M. Lin, A.J. Steckl and T.P. Chow, "Si p+-n Shallow Junction Fabrication Using On-Axis Ga+ Implantation," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 52, pp. 2049-2051, June 1988.</p><p>113. C.-M. Lin, A.J. Steckl and T.P. Chow, "Electrical Properties of Ga-Implanted Si p+-n Shallow Junctions Fabricated by Low Temperature Rapid Thermal Annealing," IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. EDL-9, pp. 594-597, November 1988.</p><p>114. W.S. Pan and A.J. Steckl, "Reactive Ion Etching for SiC Device Fabrication," in Amorphous and Crystalline Silicon Carbide, G.L. Harris and C.Y. Yang, eds., Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vol. 34, Springer-Verlag, pp. 192-198, 1989.</p><p>115. C.-M. Lin, A.J. Steckl and T.P. Chow, "Sub-100nm p+-n Shallow Junctions Fabricated by Group III Dual Ion Implantation," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 54, pp. 1790-1792, May 1989.</p><p>116. W.S. Pan and A.J. Steckl, "Mechanisms in Reactive Ion Etching of Silicon Carbide Thin Films," Amorphous and Crystalline Silicon Carbide II, Vol. 43, Springer-Verlag, pp. 217- 223, 1989.</p><p>117. A.J. Steckl, C-M. Lin, D. Patrizio, A.K. Rai and P.P. Pronko, "Broad and Focused Ion Beam Ga+ Implantation Damage in the Fabrication of p+-n Si Shallow Junctions," Mat. Res. Soc. Proceedings, Vol. 147, pp. 161-166, 1989.</p><p>118. C.-M. Lin and A.J. Steckl, "Fabrication of Sub-Micrometer PMOSFET's with Sub-100nm p+- n Shallow Junctions Using Group III Dual Ion Implantation," Solid-State Electronics, Vol. 33, pp. 472-474, April 1990.</p><p>19 119. W.S. Pan and A.J. Steckl, "Reactive Ion Etching of SiC Thin Films by Mixtures of Fluorinated Gases and Oxygen," Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 137, pp. 212-220, January 1990.</p><p>120. A.J. Steckl, H.C. Mogul and S.M. Mogren, "Ultrashallow Si p+-n Junction Fabrication by Low Energy Ga+ Focused Ion Beam Implantation," J. Vac. Sci. Tech., Vol. B8, pp. 1937-1940, November/December 1990.</p><p>121. S. Mogren and A.J. Steckl, "STM Characterization of Focused Ion Beam Profiles," MRS Symposium on Nanostructures (EA-26), pp. 103-106, December 1990.</p><p>122. A.J. Steckl, H. Mogul and S. Mogren, "Electrical Properties of Nanometer-Scale Si p+-n Junctions Fabricated by Low Energy Ga+ FIB Implantation," J. Vac. Sci. Tech., Vol. B9, pp. 2718-2721, September/October 1991.</p><p>123. A.J. Steckl, H.C. Mogul, S.W. Novak and C.W. Magee, "Low Energy Off-Axis FIB Ga+ Implantation into Si," J. Vac. Sci. Tech. Vol. B9, pp. 2916-2919, November/December 1991.</p><p>124. A.J. Steckl and J.P. Li, "Epitaxial Growth of ß-SiC on Si by RTCVD with C3H8 and SiH4," IEEE Trans. Electron. Dev., Vol. 39, pp. 64-74, January 1992.</p><p>125. S.W. Novak, C.W. Magee, A.J. Steckl and H.C. Mogul, "SIMS Depth Profiling of Nanometer- Scale p+-n Junctions Fabricated by Ga+ Focused Ion Beam Implantation," J. Vac. Sci. Tech., Vol. B10, pp. 333-335, January 1992.</p><p>126. A.J. Steckl and J.P. Li, "RTCVD Growth of Nanometer-Thin SiC-on-Si," Thin Solid Films Journal, Vol. 216, pp. 149-154, August 1992.</p><p>127. A.J. Steckl, H.C. Mogul and S. Mogren, "Localized Fabrication of Si Nanostructures by FIB Implantation," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 60, pp. 1833-1835, April 1992.</p><p>128. A.J. Steckl, S. Mogren, M.W. Roth and J.P. Li, "Atomic Probe Imaging of ß-SiC Thin Films Grown on (100) Si," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 60, pp. 1495-1497, March 1992.</p><p>129. A.J. Steckl and P.H. Yih, "Residue-Free Reactive Ion Etching of ß-SiC in CHF3/O2 with H2 Additive," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 60, pp. 1966-1968, April 1992.</p><p>130. A.J. Steckl and J.P. Li, "Uniform ß-SiC Thin Film Growth on Si by Low Pressure RTCVD," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 60, pp. 2107-2109, April 1992.</p><p>131. A.J. Steckl and P.H. Yih,"Effect of H2 Additive on Reactive Ion Etching of ß-SiC in CHF3/O2 Plasma," C.Y. Yang and G.L. Harris, eds., Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vol. 71, Springer-Verlag, pp. 423-429, 1992.</p><p>20 132. A.J. Steckl and J.P. Li, "Mechanisms in the Low Pressure Growth of SiC-on-Si by RTCVD," C.Y. Yang and G.L. Harris, eds., Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vol. 71, Springer-Verlag, pp. 49-59, 1992.</p><p>133. A.J. Steckl, P. Chen, A. Choo, H. Jackson, J.T. Boyd, P.P. Pronko, A. Ezis and R. Kolbas, "Dose Effects in Si FIB-Mixing of Short Period AlGaAs/GaAs Superlattice Structures," MRS Proceedings of Symposium on Advanced III-V Compound Semiconductor Growth, Processing and Devices, Vol. 240, pp. 703-708, 1992.</p><p>134. A.G. Choo, V. Gupta, H.E. Jackson, J.T. Boyd, A.J. Steckl, P. Chen, B.L. Weiss and R.D. Burnham, "Raman Characterization in AlGaAs Superlattice Channel Waveguide Structures Formed by CIB and FIB Implantation," MRS Proceedings of Symposium on Advanced III- V Compound Semiconductor Growth, Processing and Devices, Vol. 240, pp. 691-695, 1992.</p><p>135. A.G. Choo, H.E. Jackson, P. Chen, A.J. Steckl, V. Gupta and J.T. Boyd, "Excitation Power Dependence of Photoluminescence in CIB and FIB Implanted Superlattices," MRS Proceedings of Symposium on Advanced III-V Compound Semiconductor Growth, Processing and Devices, Vol. 240, pp. 697-701, 1992.</p><p>136. A.J. Steckl, H.C. Mogul and S. Mogren, "Si Nanostructure Fabrication by FIB Selective Doping and Anisotropic Etching," MRS Proceedings of Symposium on Light Emission from Silicon, Vol. 256, pp. 123-126, 1992.</p><p>137. A.J. Steckl and J.P. Li, "Effect of Carbonization Gas Precursor on the Heteroepitaxial Growth of SiC-on-Si by RTCVD," MRS Proceedings of Symposium on Wide Band-Gap Semiconductors, Vol. 242, pp. 537-542, 1992.</p><p>138. H.C. Mogul, A.J. Steckl and G. Webster, "Electrochemical Capacitance-Voltage Depth Profiling of Nanometer-Scale Junctions Fabricated by Ga+ FIB Implantation into Silicon," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 61, pp. 554-556, August 1992.</p><p>139. J.P. Li, P.H. Yih and A.J. Steckl, "Thickness Determination of ß-SiC Thin Films Grown on Si by RTCVD," Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 140, pp. 178-182, January 1993.</p><p>140. H.C. Mogul and A.J. Steckl, "Rapid Thermal Annealing of Nanoscale Si p+-n Junctions Fabricated by Low Energy FIB Ga+ Implantation," IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 14, pp. 123-125, March 1993.</p><p>141. A.J. Steckl, J. Xu, H.C. Mogul and S. Mogren, "Doping-Induced Selective Area Photoluminescence in Porous Silicon," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 62, pp. 1982-1984, April 1993.</p><p>142. A.J. Steckl, J. Xu and H.C. Mogul, "Photoluminescence from Stain-Etched Poly-Crystalline Si Thin Films," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 62, pp. 2111-2113, April 1993.</p><p>21 143. J.P. Li and A.J. Steckl, "Accurate Determination of Defects in the Gate Oxide of Si MOS Devices by Propane Infiltration," Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 140, pp. L89- 92, June 1993.</p><p>144. P.H. Yih and A.J. Steckl, "Effects of Hydrogen Additive on Obtaining Residue-Free Reactive Ion Etching of ß-SiC in Fluorinated Plasmas," Journal of the Electrochemical Society , Vol. 140, pp. 1813-1824, June 1993.</p><p>145. M. Kumar, V. Gupta, G.N. DeBrabander, P. Chen, J.T. Boyd, A.J. Steckl, A.G. Choo, H.E. Jackson, R.D. Burnham and S.C. Smith, "Optical Channel Waveguides in AlGaAs Multiple Quantum Well Structures Formed by Focused Ion Beam Induced Compositional Mixing," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 4, pp. 435-438, April 1993. Reprinted in Quantum Well Intermixing for Photonics, E.H. Li, Editor, SPIE Milestone Series, 1998.</p><p>146. J.P. Li, A.J. Steckl, I. Golecki, F. Reidinger, L. Wang, X.J. Ning and P. Pirouz, "Structural Characterization of Nanometer SiC Films Grown on Si," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 62, pp. 3135-3137, June 1993.</p><p>147. A.J. Steckl, P. Chen, A.G. Choo, H. Jackson, J.T. Boyd, S.W. Novak, A. Ezis, P.P. Pronko and R.M. Kolbas, "Enhanced Photoluminescence from AlGaAs/GaAs Superlattice Gratings Fabricated by Si FIB Implantation," MRS Proceedings of Symposium on Semiconductor Heterostructures for Photonic and Electronic Applications, Vol. 281, pp. 319-324, 1993.</p><p>148. M. Kumar, G. Debrabander, P. Chen, J.T. Boyd, A.J. Steckl, A.G. Choo, H.E. Jackson, R.D. Burnham and S.C. Smith, "Optical Channel Waveguides in AlGaAs Multiple Quantum Well Structures Formed by FIB-Induced Composition Mixing," MRS Proceedings of Symposium on Semiconductor Heterostructures for Photonic and Electronic Applications, Vol. 281, pp. 313-318, 1993.</p><p>149. A.J. Steckl J. Xu and H.C. Mogul, "Submicron Selective Photoluminescence in Porous Si by Focused Ion Beam Implantation," MRS Proceedings of Symposium on Semiconductor Heterostructures for Photonic and Electronic Applications, Vol. 281, pp. 519-524, 1993.</p><p>150. J.P. Li and A.J. Steckl, "AFM Study of Nucleation and Void Formation in SiC Carbonization of Si," MRS Proceedings of Symposium on Evolution and Thin Film Microstructure, Vol. 280, pp. 739-744, December 1992.</p><p>151. A.J. Steckl, M.D. Roth, J.A. Powell and D.J. Larkin, "Atomic Probe Microscopy of 3C SiC Films Grown on 6H SiC Substrates," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 62, pp. 2545-2547, May 1993.</p><p>152. A.J. Steckl, J. Xu and H.C. Mogul, "Relationship between Crystallinity and Photoluminescence in Stain-Etched Porous Si," Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 141, pp. 674-679, March 1994.</p><p>22 153. H.C. Mogul, A.J. Steckl and S.W. Novak, "Shallow Si p+-n Junctions Fabricated by Focused Ion Beam Ga+ Implantation Through Thin Ti and TiSi2 Layers," Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 74, pp. 2318-2322, August 1993.</p><p>154. H.C. Mogul, A.J. Steckl and E. Ganin, "Electrical Properties of Si p+-n Junctions for sub- 0.25µm CMOS Fabricated by Ga FIB Implantation," IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. ED-40, pp. 1823-1892, October 1993.</p><p>155. P.H. Yih, J.P. Li and A.J. Steckl, "SiC/Si Heterojunction Diodes Fabricated by Self-Selective and by Blanket Rapid Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition," IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. ED-41, pp. 281-287, March 1994.</p><p>156. A.J. Steckl, J. Xu and H.C. Mogul, "Photoluminescence of Chemically Etched Polycrystalline and Amorphous Si Thin Films," MRS Proceedings of Symposium on Silicon-Based Optoelectronics Materials, Vol. 298, pp. 211-216, April 1993.</p><p>157. A.J. Steckl, J.N. Su, J. Xu, J.P. Li, C. Yuan, P.H. Yih and H.C. Mogul, "Characterization of Photoluminescence from Anodically Etched SiC/Si Heterostructures," MRS Proceedings of Symposium on Silicon-Based Optoelectronics Materials, Vol. 298, pp. 361-366, April 1993.</p><p>158. A.J. Steckl, J.N. Su, J. Xu, J.P. Li, C. Yuan, P.H. Yih and H.C. Mogul, "Selective-Area Room Temperature Visible Photoluminescence from SiC/Si Heterostructures," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 64, pp. 1419-1420, March 1994.</p><p>159. A.J. Steckl, C. Yuan, J.P. Li and M.J. Loboda, "Growth of Crystalline 3C-SiC on Si at Reduced Temperatures by Chemical Vapor Deposition from Silacyclobutane," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 63, pp. 3347-3349, December 1993.</p><p>160. O.M.R. Chyan, D.G. Frank, A.T. Hubbard, J.P. Li and A.J. Steckl, "Measurement of Complete Auger Electron Emission Angular Distributions from ß-SiC Films on Si (100)," Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A, Vol. 12, pp. 457-464, March/April 1994.</p><p>161. P.H. Yih and A.J. Steckl, "Residue-Free Reactive Ion Etching of Silicon Carbide in Fluorinated Plasmas: II. 6H-SiC," Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 142, pp. 312- 319, January 1995.</p><p>162. P.H. Yih and A.J. Steckl, "Reactive Ion Etching of 6H-SiC in CHF3 Plasma," Silicon Carbide and Related Materials, Institute of Physics Conference Series, Vol. 137, pp. 317-320, 1994.</p><p>163. A.J. Steckl, C. Yuan, J.P. Li and M.J. Loboda, "Reduced Temperature Heteroepitaxial Growth of 3C-SiC on Si (100) from Silacyclobutane," Silicon Carbide and Related Materials, Institute of Physics Conference Series, Vol. 137, pp. 79-82, 1994.</p><p>164. P.H. Yih, J.P. Li and A.J. Steckl, "High Breakdown Voltage SiC/Si Heterojunction Diodes by Rapid Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition with Methylsilane," Silicon Carbide and Related Materials, Institute of Physics Conference Series, Vol. 137, pp. 577-580, 1994.</p><p>23 165. A.J. Steckl, J.N. Su, P.H. Yih, C. Yuan and J.P. Li, "Ohmic and Rectifying Contacts to 3C-SiC Using All-Ni Technology," Silicon Carbide and Related Materials, Institute of Physics Conference Series, Vol. 137, pp. 653-656, 1994.</p><p>166. M.D. Roth, A.J. Steckl, J.P. Li, J. Edgar and Z.J. Yu, "Atomic Force Microscopy of AlN Thin Films," Silicon Carbide and Related Materials, Institute of Physics Conference Series, Vol. 137, pp. 553-556, 1994.</p><p>167. A.J. Steckl and J.N. Su, "High Voltage, Temperature-Hard 3C-SiC Schottky Diodes Using All-Ni Metallization," Technical Digest of International Electron Device Meeting, IEEE Cat. No. 93CH3361-3, pp. 695-698, December 1993.</p><p>168. C. Yuan, A.J. Steckl and M.J. Loboda, "Effect of Carbonization on the Growth of 3C-SiC on Si (111) by Silacyclobutane," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 64, pp. 3000-3002, May 1994.</p><p>169. H.Q. Yan, H. Wang and A.J. Steckl, "Low Energy Ion Beam Assisted Deposition of Low Resistivity Al Using TMAA," Proceedings of 1993 MRS Symposium on Materials Synthesis and Processing Using Ion Beams, Vol. 316, pp. 863-868, 1994.</p><p>170. P. Chen and A.J. Steckl, "Vacancy Enhanced Al-Ga Inter-Diffusion in Si FIB-Implanted Superlattice," Proceedings of 1993 MRS Symposium on Defects in Advanced Semiconductors, Vol. 325, pp. 37-42, 1994.</p><p>171. X.L. Cao, A.G. Choo, L.M. Smith, H.E. Jackson, P. Chen and A.J. Steckl, "Time-Resolved Photoluminescence from Patterned GaAs/AlGaAs Multiple Quantum Well Structures," Proceedings of 1993 MRS Symposium on Growth, Processing and Characterization of Semiconductor Heterostructures, Vol. 326, pp. 531-536, 1994.</p><p>172. A.G. Choo, S. Tlali, H.E. Jackson, J.P. Li and A.J. Steckl, "Raman Scattering Characterization of Ultrathin Films of ß-SiC," Proceedings of 1993 MRS Symposium on Diagnostic Techniques of Semiconductor Materials Processing, Vol. 324, pp. 267-271, 1994.</p><p>173. A.J. Steckl, C. Yuan, Q-Y. Tong, U. Gösele and M.J. Loboda, "SiC SOI Structures by Direct Carbonization Conversion and Post Growth from Silacyclobutane," Journal of Electrochemical Society, Vol. 141, pp. L66-68, June 1994.</p><p>174. A.J. Steckl, C. Yuan, Q-Y. Tong, U. Gösele and M.J. Loboda, "SiC SOI Structures by Direct Carbonization and Growth with SCB," Proceedings of 1994 Electrochemical Society Symposium on Silicon-on-Insulator Technology and Devices, Vol. 99-11, pp. 117-122, May 1994.</p><p>175. H.C. Mogul, J. Xu, A.J. Steckl, S.J. Clarson, J.O. Stuart and C.L. Hoffman, "Light Emission and Related Materials Properties of Siloxene and Si-based Zeolites," Proceedings of 1994 Electrochemical Society 7th International Symposium on Si Materials and Science and Technology, Vol. 99-10, pp. 563-568, May 1994.</p><p>24 176. J. Xu and A.J. Steckl, "Visible Electroluminescence from Stain-Etched Porous Si Diodes," IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 15, pp. 507-509, December 1994.</p><p>177. J.N. Su and A.J. Steckl, "SiC Devices for Space Electronics-High Voltage, Temperature Hard Contacts," SAE Aerospace Meeting Proceedings, Technical Paper Series 94/227, Dayton, OH, April 1994.</p><p>178. Q-Y. Tong, U. Gösele, C. Yuan, A.J. Steckl and M. Reiche, "Silicon Carbide Wafer Bonding," Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 142, pp. 232-236, January 1995.</p><p>179. A.J. Steckl, J. Xu, H.C. Mogul and S.M. Prokes, "Si Hydrides on Stain-Etched Porous Si Thin Films and Correlation with Crystallinity and Photoluminescence," Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 142, pp. L69-71, May 1995.</p><p>180. A.G. Choo, X. Cao, S. Tlali, H.E. Jackson, P. Chen, A.J. Steckl and J.T. Boyd, "Raman and Photoluminescence Characterization of FIB Patterned AlGaAs/GaAs Multiple Quantum Wells," Proceedings of 1993 MRS Symposium on Diagnostic Techniques of Semiconductor Materials Processing, Vol. 324, pp. 193-198, 1994.</p><p>181. J. Xu and A.J. Steckl, "Fabrication of Visibly Photoluminescent Si Microstructures by Focused Ion Beam Implantation and Wet Etching," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 65, pp. 2081-2083, October 1994.</p><p>182. J. Xu, H.C. Mogul and A.J. Steckl, "Visible Photoluminescence from Stain-Etched Silicon Nanostructure," Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Quantum Confinement, Electrochemical Society Proceedings, Vol. 94-17, pp. 231-239, 1994.</p><p>183. J.P. Li and A.J. Steckl, "Nucleation and Void Formation Mechanisms in SiC Thin Film Growth on Si by Carbonization," Journal of Electrochemical Society, Vol. 142, pp. 634-641, February 1995.</p><p>184. M. Kumar, A.G. Choo, P. Chen, G.N. Debrander, J.T. Boyd, H.E. Jackson, A.J. Steckl, R.D. Burnham and S.C. Smith, "Characterization of Optical Channel Waveguides Formed by FIB Induced Compositional Mixing in AlGaAs MQW's," Superlattices and Microstructures Journal, Vol. 15, 421-425, 1994.</p><p>185. P. Chen and A.J. Steckl, "Selective Compositional Mixing in GaAs/AlGaAs Superlattice Induced by Low Dose Si Focused Ion Beam Implantation," Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 77, pp.5616-5624, June 1995. Reprinted in Quantum Well Intermixing for Photonics, E.H. Li, Editor, SPIE Milestone Series, 1998.</p><p>186. L. Wei, M. Vaudui, C-L. Hwang, G. White, J. Xu and A.J. Steckl, "Heat Conduction in Si Thin Films: Effect of Microstructure," Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 10, pp. 1889- 1896, August 1995.</p><p>25 187. J. Xu and A.J. Steckl, "Stain-Etched Porous Si Visible Light Emitting Diodes," Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, Vol. 13, pp. 1221-1224, May/June 1995.</p><p>188. A.J. Steckl, P. Chen, X. Cao, H.E. Jackson, M. Kumar and J.T. Boyd, "GaAs Quantum Well Distributed Bragg Reflection Laser with AlGaAs/GaAs Superlattice Gratings Fabricated by Focused Ion Beam Mixing," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 67, pp. 179-181, July 1995.</p><p>189. P.H. Yih and A.J. Steckl, "Residue-Free Reactive Ion Etching of 3C- and 6H-SiC in Fluorinated Mixture Plasmas," Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 142, pp. 2853- 2860, August 1995.</p><p>190. C. Yuan, A.J. Steckl, J. Chaudhari, R. Thokola and M.J. Loboda, "Reduced Temperature Growth of Crystalline 3C-SiC Films on 6H-SiC by Chemical Vapor Deposition from Silacyclobutane," Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 78, pp. 1271-1273, July 1995.</p><p>191. A.J. Steckl, J. Devrajan, W.J. Choyke, R.P. Devaty, M. Yoganathan and S.W. Novak, "Effect of Annealing Temperature on 1.5 µm Photoluminescence at 25°C from Er-Implanted 6H- SiC," Journal of Electronic Materials., Vol. 25, pp. 869-873, May 1996.</p><p>192. H.E. Jackson, X. Cao, A.G. Choo, L.M. Smith, P. Chen and A.J. Steckl, "Anisotropic Exciton Diffusion in FIB-Patterned AlGaAs/GaAs Multiple Quantum Well Wire-Like Structures," Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors," D. Lockwood, ed., p. 1723, World Scientific, Singapore (1995).</p><p>193. J.N. Su and A.J. Steckl, "300°C Operation of High Voltage SiC Schottky Rectifier," Proceedings of Workshop on High Temperature Power Electronics, pp. 50-53, April 1995.</p><p>194. A.J. Steckl, P. Chen, H.E. Jackson, A.G. Choo, X. Cao, J.T. Boyd and M. Kumar, "Review of Focused Ion Beam Implantation Mixing for the Fabrication of GaAs-Based Optolectronic Devices," Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, Vol. 13, pp. 2570-2575, Nov./Dec. 1995.</p><p>195. J. Chaudhuri, X. Chang, C. Yuan and A.J. Steckl, "Highly Perfect Thin Films of SiC - X-ray Double Crystal Diffractometry and X-ray Double Crystal Topographic Study," Thin Solid Films, Vol. 292, pp. 1-6, Jan. 1997.</p><p>196. V. Saxena, A.J. Steckl and G. Bordonaro, "Sub-Micron Patterning of 6H-SiC by Anisotropic Reactive Ion Etching," Proceedings of the Symposium on Wide Bandgap Semiconductors and Devices, Electrochemical Society Proceedings, Vol. 95-21, pp. 247-249, October 1995.</p><p>197. J.N. Su and A.J. Steckl, "Fabrication of High Voltage SiC Schottky Barrier Diodes by Ni Metallization,” Institute of Physics Conference Series, Vol. 142, pp. 697-700, 1996.</p><p>198. P.H. Yih, V. Saxena and A.J. Steckl, "6H-SiC Reactive Ion Etching for the Fabrication of Semiconductor Devices," Institute of Physics Conference Series, Vol.142, pp. 621-624, 1996.</p><p>26 199. A.J. Steckl, C. Yuan, J. Devrajan, J.C. Chaudhuri, R. Thokala and M.J. Loboda, "Growth of SiC by CVD from Silacyclobutane," Institute of Physics Conference Series, Vol. 142, pp. 181 - 184, 1996.</p><p>200. S.R. Smith, A.O. Evwaraye, A.J. Steckl, C. Yuan, W.C. Mitchel and M.D. Roth, "Determination of the Conduction Band Discontinuity in n-type 3C-SiC/6H-SiC Heterojunction," Institute of Physics Conference Series, Vol. 142, pp. 317 - 319, 1996.</p><p>201. A.J. Steckl, J. Devrajan, C. Tran and R.A. Stall, “SiC RTCVD Carbonization of the (111) Si SOI structures and subsequent MOCVD growth of GaN”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 69, pp. 2264-2266, Oct. 1996.</p><p>202. V. Saxena, A.J. Steckl, M. Vichare, M.L. Ramalingam and K. Reinhart, “Temperature Effects in the Operation of High Voltage Ni/6H-SiC Schottky Rectifiers”, Transactions of Third International Conference on High Temperature Electronics, pp. VII. 15 - VII. 20, 1996.</p><p>203. A.J. Steckl, J. Devrajan, S. Tlali, H.E. Jackson, C.Tran, S. Gorin, and L. Ivanova, “Characterization of 3C-SiC Crystals grown by Thermal Decomposition from Methyltrichlorosilane” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 69, pp. 3824 - 3826, Dec. 1996. </p><p>204. Ferguson, C. Tran, R. Karlicek, R. Stall, J. Devrajan and A.J. Steckl, “The Growth of GaN on 3C SiC SOI compliant substrates” Proc. 23rd Int. Symp. Compound Semiconductors (1996).</p><p>205. A.J. Steckl, J. Devrajan, C. Tran, and R.A. Stall, “Growth and Characterization of GaN Thin Films on SiC SOI Substrates”, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 26, pp. 217-223, March 1997. </p><p>206. D.H. Naghski, J.E. Boyd, H.E. Jackson and A.J. Steckl, “Potential for Size Reduction of AlGaAs Optical Channel Waveguide Structures Fabricated by Focused Ion Beam Implantation and Oxidation”, Optics Communications, Vol. 150 (1-6), pp. 97-100, May 1998.</p><p>207. A.J. Steckl, “Exploring the Frontiers of Optoelectronics with FIB Technology”, Proceedings of the Advanced Workshop on the Frontiers in Electronics, IEEE Cat. No. 97TH8292, pp. 47- 50, 1997.</p><p>208. P.H.Yih, V. Saxena, and A.J. Steckl, “A Review of SiC Reactive Ion Etching in Fluorinated Plasmas”, Invited paper, Physica Status Solidi, Vol. 202, pp. 605-642, July 1997. </p><p>209. J. Devrajan, A.J. Steckl, C. Tran, and R.A. Stall, “Optical Properties of GaN Films Grown on SiC/Si”, Proc. Silicon Carbide, III-Nitrides and Related Materials, Stockholm, Material Science Forum, Vol. 264-268, pp. 1149-1152, 1998.</p><p>27 210. V. Saxena, A.J. Steckl, “Fast and Anisotropic Reactive Ion Etching of 4H and 6H SiC in NF3”, Proc. Silicon Carbide, III-Nitrides and Related Materials, Stockholm, Material Science Forum, Vol. 264-268, pp. 829-832, 1998</p><p>211. V. Saxena, A.J. Steckl, “High Voltage 4H SiC Rectifiers Using Pt and Ni Metallization”, Proc. Silicon Carbide, III-Nitrides and Related Materials, Stockholm, Material Science Forum, Vol. 264-268, pp. 937-940, 1998</p><p>212. J. Chen, A.J. Steckl, and M.J. Loboda, “Heteroepitaxial Growth of SiC on Si by Gas Source MBE with Silacyclobutane”, Proc. Silicon Carbide, III-Nitrides and Related Materials, Stockholm, Material Science Forum, Vol. 264-268, pp. 239-242, 1998.</p><p>213. V. Saxena, A.J. Steckl, “High Temperature Operation of 4H and 6H SiC High Voltage Schottky Diodes,” Invited Paper, Proc. Int’l. Semiconductor Device Research Symposium, pp. 539-542, Charlottesville, VA, Dec. 1997.</p><p>214. V. Saxena and A.J. Steckl, “Building Blocks for SiC Devices: Ohmic Contacts, Schottky Contacts and p-n Junctions”, Chapter 3 in Silicon Carbide Materials and Devices, Y.S. Park, Ed., Vol. 52 in Semiconductors and Semimetals, R.K. Willardson and E.R. Weber, eds., Academic Press, May 1998.</p><p>215. J. Chen, A.J. Steckl and M.J. Loboda, “MBE Growth of SiC on Si (111) with SCB”, J. Vacuum Science and Technology B, Vol. 16, pp. 1305-1308 (May/June 1998).</p><p>216. S. Madapura, A.J. Steckl and M.J. Loboda, “Heteroepitaxial Growth of SiC (100) and (111) by CVD using Trimethylsilane”, J. Electrochemical Society, Vol. 146, pp. 1197-1202, March 1999.</p><p>217. S. Madapura, A.J. Steckl and M.J. Loboda, “High Growth Rate of Silicon Carbide on Silicon (111) Substrates by Chemical Vapor Deposition Using Trimethylsilane”, Proc. 8th Int’l. Symp. on Si Matls. Sci. and Tech., H.R. Huff, H. Tsuya and U. Gösele, eds., Electrochemical Society Meeting, PV98-1, pp. 1433-1445, San Diego, CA, May 1998. </p><p>218. B. Lee, A.J. Steckl, J.M. Zavada and R.G. Wilson, “The Effect of Hydrogen/Deuterium Introduction in Photoluminescence of 3C-SiC Crystals”, Materials Res. Soc. Proc., May 1998.</p><p>219. V. Saxena, J.N. Su, and A.J. Steckl, “High Voltage Ni-Si Schottky Diodes Utilizing Metal Field Plate Termination”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 146, pp. 456-464, March 1999.</p><p>220. A.J. Steckl and R.H. Birkhahn, “Visible Emission from Er-doped GaN Grown by Solid Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy”, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 73, pp. 1700-1702, Sept. 1998.</p><p>221. A.J. Steckl and I. Chyr, “Focused Ion Beam Micromiling of GaN”, J. Vac. Sci. and Technol. B, Vol. 17, pp. 362-365, March/April 1999.</p><p>28 222. A.J. Steckl, M.J. Garter, R.H. Birkhahn and J. Scofield, “Green Electroluminescence from Er- doped GaN Schottky Barrier Diodes”, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 73, pp. 2450-2452, Oct. 1998.</p><p>223. R.H. Birkhahn and A.J. Steckl, “Green Emission from Er-doped GaN Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy on Si Substrates”, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 73, pp. 2143-2145, Oct. 1998.</p><p>224. M.J. Garter, J.D. Scofield, R.H. Birkhahn and A.J. Steckl, “Visible and Infrared Emission from ITO/GaN:Er/Si Schottky Diodes”, Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 74, pp. 182-184, Jan. 1999.</p><p>225. F.J. Pacheco, A.M. Sanchez, S.I. Molina, D. Araujo, J. Devrajan, A.J. Steckl and R. Garcia, “Electron Microscopy Study of SiC Obtained by Carbonization of Si (111)”, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 343-344, pp. 305-308, 1999. </p><p>226. R.H. Birkhahn, M.J. Garter and A.J. Steckl, “Red Light Emission by Photoluminescence and Electroluminescence from Pr-doped GaN on Si Substrates”, Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 74, pp. 2161-2163, Apr. 12, 1999.</p><p>227. L.C. Chao and A.J. Steckl, “Development of an Er-Ni Liquid Metal Ion Source”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B Vol. 17, pp. 1051-1053, May 1999.</p><p>228. R.H. Birkhahn, R.A. Hudgins, D.S. Lee, A.J. Steckl, R.J. Molnar and J. M. Zavada, “Growth and Morphology of Er-doped GaN on Sapphire and HVPE Substrates”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol.B, Vol. 17, pp. 1195-1199, May/Jun 1999.</p><p>229. R.H. Birkhahn, R. Hudgins, D.S. Lee, A.J. Steckl, A. Saleh, R.G. Wilson and J.M. Zavada, “Optical and Structural Properties of Er3+ - Doped GaN Growth by MBE”, MRS Internet J. Nitride Semicond. Res. 4S1, G3.80, 1999. </p><p>230. Chyr and A.J. Steckl, “Focused Ion Beam Micromachining of GaN Photonic Devices”, MRS Internet J. Nitride Semicond. Res. 4S1, G10.7, 1999. </p><p>231. M. Garter, R. Birkhahn, A.J. Steckl and J.D. Scofield, “Visible and Infrared Rare-Earth Activated Electroluminescence from Erbium–doped GaN”, MRS Internet J. Nitride Semicond. Res. 4S1, G11.3, 1999.</p><p>232. L.C. Chao and A.J. Steckl, “Room Temperature and Infrared Photoluminescence from Pr- Implanted GaN films by Focused Ion Beam Direct Write”, Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 74, pp. 2364-2366, Apr. 19, 1999.</p><p>233. J. Chen, A. J. Steckl, and M. J. Loboda, “In-Situ N2 Doping of SiC films Grown on Si(111) by Chemical Vapor Deposition from Organosilanes”, J. Electrochem. Soc. (submitted).</p><p>234. K. Lorenz, R. Vianden, R. Birkhahn, A. J. Steckl, M. F. da Silva, J. C. Soares, and E. Alves, “RBS/Channeling Study of Er-Doped GaN Films Grown by MBE on (111) Si Substrates”, Nucl. Instr. & Methods B (accepted).</p><p>29 235. F. J. Pacheco, A. M. Sanchez, S. I. Molina, D. Araujo, R. Garcia, and A. J. Steckl, “Effect of Temperature Ramp Rate During Carbonization of Si (111) on the obtained SiC Crystalline Quality”, Proc. Microscopy of Semicond. Materials XI Congress (Oxford, England), March 1999.</p><p>236. A. J. Steckl, M. Garter, D. S. Lee, J. Heikenfeld, and R. Birkhahn, “Blue Electroluminescence from Tm-doped GaN Light Emitting Devices”, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 75, Oct. 11, 1999.</p><p>237. A. J. Steckl and J. M. Zavada, “Optoelectronic Properties and Applications of Rare-Earth- Doped GaN”, Mat. Res. Soc. Bulletin, Vol.24, No.9, pp.33-38, September 1999.</p><p>238. J. Heikenfeld, M. Garter, D. S. Lee, , R. Birkhahn, and A. J. Steckl, “Red Light Emission by Photoluminescence and Electroluminescence from Eu-doped GaN”, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 75, pp. 1189-1191, Aug. 30, 1999.</p><p>239. L.C. Chao, B. K. Lee, C. J. Chi, J. Cheng, I. Chyr, and A. J. Steckl, “Upconversion Luminescence of Er-Implanted GaN Films by FIB-Direct Write”, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 75, pp. 1833-1835, Sept. 27, 1999.</p><p>240. A. J. Steckl and J. M. Zavada, “Photonic Applications of Rare-Earth-Doped Materials”, Mat. Res. Soc. Bulletin, Vol.24, No.9, pp. 16-17, September 1999.</p><p>241. R. Birkhahn, M. Garter, J. Heikenfeld, D. S. Lee, and A. J. Steckl, “Mixed Color Emission from co-doped Er3+ and Tm3+ in GaN”, Electr. Dev. Lett. (submitted).</p><p>242. L.C. Chao, B. K. Lee, C. J. Chi, J. Cheng, I. Chyr, and A. J. Steckl, “Rare Earth FIB Implantation Utilizing Er and Pr Liquid Alloy Ion Sources”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, Vol. 17 (6), Nov/Dec 1999.</p><p>243. I. Chyr, B. K. Lee, L.C. Chao, and A. J. Steckl, “Damage Generation and Removal in the Ga+ FIB Micromachining of GaN for Photonic Applications”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, Vol. 17 (6) Nov/Dec 1999.</p><p>244. L.C. Chao, B. K. Lee, C. J. Chi, J. Chen, R. Birkhahn, and A. J. Steckl, “CW Blue-Green Light Emission from GaN and SiC by Sum-Frequency Generation and Second Harmonic Generation”, Appl. Phys. Lett. (submitted).</p><p>245. J. Chen, A. J. Steckl, M. J. Loboda, “Growth and Characterization of N-Doped SiC Films from Trimethylsilane”, Proc. Int’l. Conf. SiC and Related Materials, Research Triangle Park, NC (Oct. 1999). (submitted).</p><p>30 Presentations</p><p>4. P. Das and A.J. Steckl, "Current Oscillations in Optically Polished and Parallel Plates of CdS," American Phys. Soc. Meeting, Dallas, Texas, March 1970.</p><p>5. A.J. Steckl and P. Das, "Interaction of Light and Ultrasound in the Acoustoelectric Oscillator," American Phys. Soc. Meeting, Cleveland, Ohio, March 1972.</p><p>6. A.J. Steckl and P. Das, "Frequency Modulation of the CdS Acoustoelectric Oscillator," American Phys. Soc. Meeting, Atlantic City, New Jersey, March 1972.</p><p>7. M.E. Arellano, P. Das and A.J. Steckl, "Acoustoelectric Current Steps in Optically Polished Parallel CdS," Ultrasonics Symposium, Boston, Massachusetts, October 1972.</p><p>8. A.J. Steckl and P. Das, "A Model of the Acoustoelectric Oscillator," Ultrasonics Symposium, Boston, Massachusetts, October 1972.</p><p>9. A.J. Steckl and T. Koehler, "Theoretical Analysis of Directly Coupled 8-12um Hybrid IRCCD's," CCD Applications Conference, San Diego, California, September 1973.</p><p>10. A.J. Steckl, R. Nelson, B.T. French, R.A. Gudmundsen and D. Schechter, "Application of CCD's to Infrared Detection and Imaging," International Conference on CCD Technology and Applications, Edinburgh, Great Britain, September 1974.</p><p>11. A.J. Steckl, "New Concepts in IRCCD's," Seminar given at Royal Radar Establishment, Malvern, Great Britain, October 1974.</p><p>12. A.J. Steckl, "Infrared Charge Coupled Devices," Invited Plenary Address, International Conference on Infrared Physics, Zurich, Switzerland, August 1975.</p><p>13. A.J. Steckl, "Infrared Optical Properties of Sputtered In2-xSnxO3-y, International Conference on Infrared Physics, Zurich, Switzerland, August 1975.</p><p>14. A.J. Steckl, "Injection Efficiency in Monolithic and Hybrid IRCCD's," International Conference on CCD Applications, San Diego, California, October 1975.</p><p>15. A.J. Steckl, "Low Temperature Silicon CCD Operation," International Conference on CCD Applications, San Diego, California, October 1975.</p><p>16. A.J. Steckl, "Application of CCDs in Infrared Imaging Systems," Seminar given at Texas Instruments Corporate Research Laboratory, Dallas, Texas, December 1976.</p><p>17. A.J. Steckl, "Infrared Charge Coupled Devices," Lecture given at the Solid State Seminar, University of California, Irvine, California, February 1976.</p><p>31 18. R.D. Nelson, A.J. Steckl, R.D. Williams, B.R. Nagel and J.K. Lennard, "Extrinsic Silicon CCD-Detector Technology," IRIS Detector Meeting, San Diego, California, March 1976.</p><p>19. A.J. Steckl, "IRCCD Device Options and Technologies," Seminar given at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, Palo Alto, California, June 1976.</p><p>20. A.J. Steckl, "Annealing Effects on the Spectral Characteristics of In2-xSnxO3-y," Meeting on Optical Phenomena in Infrared Materials, Annapolis, Maryland, December 1976.</p><p>21. A.J. Steckl, "IR Detector Properties of the PbS-Si Heterojunction," IRIS Detector Meeting, Colorado Springs, Colorado, March 1977.</p><p>22. A.J. Steckl, "IRCCD Focal Plane Arrays: State-of-Art," Colloquium presented at Martin Marietta Laboratories, Baltimore, Maryland, May 1977.</p><p>23. A.J. Steckl, "Low Temperature Signal Linearity and Harmonic Distortion in Charge Coupled Devices," Third European Solid State Circuits Conference, Ulm, Germany, September 1977.</p><p>24. A.J. Steckl, "p-p PbS-Si Isotype Heterojunction Device Characteristics," European Solid State Device Research Conference, Brighton, England, September 1977.</p><p>25. A.J. Steckl, "IRCCD Imaging Sensors: A Review of Device Options," AGARD Symposium on Impact of CCD and SAW on Signal Processing and Imaging, Ottawa, Canada, October 1977.</p><p>26. H. Elabd and A.J. Steckl, "Growth of Polycrystalline PbS Films," 24th Annual National Vacuum Symposium, Boston, Massachusetts, November 1977.</p><p>27. A.J. Steckl, H. Elabd and T. Jakobus, "PbS-Si Anisotype Heterojunction Characteristics," International Electron Devices Meeting, Washington, D.C., December 1977.</p><p>28. A.J. Steckl, M.E. Motamedi and S.P. Sheu, "Current Mode Operation of the p-n PbS-Si Heterojunction Detector," IRIS Detector Meeting, Annapolis, Maryland, June 1978.</p><p>29. A.J. Steckl, M.E. Motamedi, S.P. Sheu, H. Elabd and K.Y. Tam, "The PbS-Si Heterojunction: A New Approach to Infrared Focal Plane Array Integration," 1978 International Conference on the Application of Charge Coupled Devices, San Diego, California, October 1978.</p><p>30. A.J. Steckl, "The PbS-Si Heterojunction: Focal Plane Applications," Seminar given at the Honeywell Electro-optics Center, Lexington, Maryland, January 1979.</p><p>31. S.P. Sheu and A.J. Steckl, "Frequency Characteristics of the p-n PbS-Si Heterojunction Detector," Second International Infrared Physics Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, March 1979.</p><p>32 32. M.E. Motamedi, K.Y. Tam and A.J. Steckl, "Custom Design CMOS for Infrared Signal Read- Out," Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, Rochester, New York, May 1979.</p><p>33. H. Elabd, A.J. Steckl and W. Vidinski, "Effect of Substrate Orientation on the Properties of the PbS-Si Heterojunction," Photovoltaic Material and Device Workshop, Arlington, Virginia, June 1979.</p><p>34. A.J. Steckl and M.E. Motamedi, "Study of the Low Temperature Properties of Charge Coupled Devices," Microelectronics Symposium, Lubbock, Texas, May 1979.</p><p>35. H. Elabd and A.J. Steckl, "Auger Depth Profiling of Interfaces in the PbS-Si Heterojunction," Electronic Materials Conference, Boulder, Colorado, June 1979.</p><p>36. A.J. Steckl and G. Mohammed, "The Effect of Ambient Atmosphere in the Annealing of the Indium Tin Oxide Films," Conference on Glass Science, Troy, New York, August 1979.</p><p>37. A.J. Steckl, K.Y. Tam and M.E. Motamedi, "Read-Out Characteristics of the PbS-Si HJ Detector," International Electron Devices Meeting, Washington, D.C., December 1979.</p><p>38. T.P. Chow and A.J. Steckl, "MoSi2 Gate MOSFET's for VLSI," International Electron Devices Meeting, Washington, D.C., December 1979.</p><p>39. J.J. Tiemann, T.L. Vogelsong and A.J. Steckl, "Charge Domain Recursive Filters," 1980 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference, San Francisco, California, February 1980.</p><p>40. A.J. Steckl and K.Y. Tam, "Bias and Temperature Dependence of 1/f Noise and Dark Current in the Pbs-Si Heterojunction," Second International Conference on 1/f Noise, Orlando, Florida, March 1980.</p><p>41. A.J. Steckl, "The PbS-Si Heterojunction - A State-of-Art Review," Invited Paper, SPIE Symposium, Washington, D.C., April 1980.</p><p>42. T.P. Chow and A.J. Steckl, "Plasma Etching Characteristics of Sputtered MoSi2 Films," Electrochemical Society Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, May 1980.</p><p>43. D.M. Brown, T.P. Chow and A.J. Steckl, "A Review of Refractory Metal IC Technology - Past and Present," Invited Paper, 1980 Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, Rochester, New York, May 1980.</p><p>44. J.J. Tiemann, T.L. Vogelsong and A.J. Steckl, "Fundamentals and Operation of Charge Domain Filters," Device Research Conference, Ithaca, New York, June 1980.</p><p>45. T.P. Chow, D.M. Brown, A.J. Steckl and M. Garfinkel, "Silane Silicidation of Mo Films," Electronic Materials Conference, Ithaca, New York, June 1980.</p><p>33 46. J.J. Tiemann, T.L. Vogelsong and A.J. Steckl, "Charge Domain Analog Sampled Data Filters," Electronic and Aerospace Systems Conference, Arlington, Virginia, September 29, 1980.</p><p>47. T.P. Chow, A.J. Steckl and D.M. Brown, "Formation of Intermediate Silicide Phases in Silicidized Molybdenum," Electrochemical Society Meeting, Hollywood, Florida, October 1980.</p><p>48. B. Zetterland and A.J. Steckl, "Low Temperature Recombination Lifetime in Si MOSFET's," International Electron Device Meeting, Washington, D.C., December 1980.</p><p>49. G.E. Smith and A.J. Steckl, "Two-Dimensional Integrated Circuit Process Modeling Program - RECIPE," International Electron Device Meeting, Washington, D.C., December, 1980.</p><p>50. T.P. Chow and A.J. Steckl, "Planar Plasma Etching of Mo and MoSi2 Using NF3," International Electron Device Meeting, Washington, D.C., December 1980.</p><p>51. A.J. Steckl, "VLSI Activities at RPI," Seminar presented at Department of Computer Science, SUNY-Albany, April 1981.</p><p>52. A.J. Steckl, J. McDonald and R.J. Gutmann, "VLSI Design Automation and Interactive Modeling for Electron Beam Lithography," Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, Rochester, New York, May 1981.</p><p>53. T.P. Chow, M. Ghezzo, A.J. Steckl and D.M. Brown, "Silicon Nitride Passivation for Short- Channel Molybdenum-Gate Devices," Electrochemical Society Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 1981.</p><p>54. C. Rude, T.P. Chow and A.J. Steckl, "Characterization of NbSi2 Thin Films," Electronic Materials Conference, Santa Barbara, California, June 1981.</p><p>55. A.J. Steckl, "The VLSI Program at Rensselaer," Invited Paper, Conference on the Impact of Microelectronics, Crotonville, New York, July 1981.</p><p>56. R. Ming and A.J. Steckl, "An Integrated Approach to IC Design and Simulation," Integrated Circuits Conference, Raleigh, North Carolina, October 1981.</p><p>57. W. Vidinski, J. Corelli and A.J. Steckl, "Photoexcitation of Infrared Active Defects Induced by Neutron Irradiation in Silicon," International Conference on Neutron Irradiation Effects, Argonne, Illinois, November 1981.</p><p>58. A.J. Steckl, "The Center for Integrated Electronics at Rensselaer," Invited Paper, NSF Workshop on Microelectronics, Washington, D.C., April 1982.</p><p>59. A.J. Steckl, S. Bencuya and T.L. Vogelsong, "Charge Domain Devices for Signal Processing," IEEE Communications Theory Workshop, Wickenburg, Arizona, April 1982.</p><p>34 60. A.J. Steckl, "VLSI Research at RPI," Motorola Seminar, Phoenix, Arizona, April 1982.</p><p>61. A.J. Steckl, "An Integrated VLSI Program for Academic Research and Education," Digital Equipment Corporation Colloquium, Hudson, Maryland, May 1982.</p><p>62. A.J. Steckl, "VLSI Research at RPI," University of Vermont Colloquium, Burlington, Vermont, May 1982.</p><p>63. T.P. Chow, K. Hamzeh and A.J. Steckl, "Thermal Oxidation of NbSi2 Thin Films," Electronics Materials Conference, Ft. Collins, Colorado, June 1982.</p><p>64. J.A. Moore, D. Follett, K. Weiss, A.J. Steckl and W.-T. Liu, "Polarity Reversal of PMMA E- Beam Resist by Treatment with Chlorosilanes," Electrochemical Society Meeting, Detroit, Michigan, October 1982.</p><p>65. T.P. Chow and A.J. Steckl, "The Development of Refractory Gate Metallization for VLSI," Electrochemical Society Meeting, Detroit, Michigan, October 1982.</p><p>66. J.C. Corelli, W. Vidinski and A.J. Steckl, "Correlation of Stress-Symmetry Experiments with Photoexcitation and Decay Processes for Infrared-Active Defect Absorption Bands in Silicon," Electrochemical Society Meeting, Detroit, Michigan, October 1982.</p><p>67. S.S. Bencuya, A.J. Steckl and T.L. Vogelsong, "Coefficient Accuracy for CCD Packet Splitting Techniques," International Electron Device Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 1982.</p><p>68. T.L. Vogelsong, J.J. Tiemann and A.J. Steckl, "A High-Q Bandpass Filter Demonstrating Charge Domain Technology," International Electron Devices Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 1982.</p><p>69. A.J. Steckl and T.P. Chow, "The Development of Refractory Metallization for High-Speed VLSI Circuits," Invited Paper, Fourth Brazilian Conference on Microelectronics, Campinas, Brazil, February 1983.</p><p>70. A.J. Steckl, "An Integrated Approach to IC Design, Simulation and Testing," Invited Paper, Fourth Brazilian Conference on Microelectronics, Campinas, Brazil, February 1983.</p><p>71. A.J. Steckl, "Refractory Metal Silicides for VLSI Applications," University of Connecticut Colloquium, Storrs, Connecticut, April 1983.</p><p>72. W.-J. Lu, T.P. Chow, A.J. Steckl and W. Katz, "Thermal Oxidation of Sputtered Silicon Carbide Thin Films," Electrochemical Society Meeting, San Francisco, California, May 1982.</p><p>73. T.P. Chow and A.J. Steckl, "A Review of Plasma Etching of Refractory Metal Silicides," Electrochemical Society Meeting, San Francisco, California, May 1983.</p><p>35 74. A.J. Steckl, "VLSI Research of Rensselaer," Seminar at Hughes Research Laboratories, Malibu, California, May 1983.</p><p>75. A.J. Steckl, "Advanced Beam Systems - Vehicle for Unified VLSI Research," Seminar at Semiconductor Research Corporation, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, May 1983.</p><p>76. D. Chow, J.F. McDonald, A.J. Steckl, W. Smith, M. Harris and K. Molnar, "An Image Processing Approach to Efficient Proximity Correction for E-Beam Lithography," 1983 International Symposium on Electron, Ion and Photon Beams, Los Angeles, California, June 1983.</p><p>77. A.J. Steckl, "Rensselaer's Center for Integrated Electronics," Seminar at Varian Associates, Glouster, Massachusetts, June 1983.</p><p>78. A.J. Steckl, "New Directions in VLSI Research," Seminar at GTE Laboratories, Waltham, Massachusetts, August 1983.</p><p>79. D. Chow, J.F. McDonald, D. King, A.J. Steckl, "A Comparison of Haar and Walsh Transforms in E-Beam Proximity Correction Thinning," International Conference on Microlithography, Cambridge, England, September 1983.</p><p>80. J.L. Morgenstern, A.J. Steckl, D.C. King, M.A. Bourgeois and G.R. Redinbo, "A First-Order Physical Model of Electron - Beam Scattering in E-Beam Lithography Registration," Electrochemical Society Meeting, Washington, D.C., October 1983.</p><p>81. T.P. Chow, W.-J. Lu, A.J. Steckl and B.J. Baliga, "Thin Film Properties of Sputtered Niobium Silicide on SiO2 and n+ Poly-Si," Electrochemical Society Meeting, Washington, D.C., October 1983.</p><p>82. W.-T. Liu, M. Bourgeois, J.A. Moore, J.C. Corelli and A.J. Steckl, "PMMA Resist Sensitivity Amplification by E-Beam Induced Grafting of Acrylic Acid," Electrochemical Society Meeting, Washington, D.C., October 1983.</p><p>83. R. Pflueger, A.J. Steckl and J.C. Corelli, "Study of Defect States in Silicon by Photoionization Spectroscopy," Electrochemical Society Meeting, Washington, D.C., October 1983.</p><p>84. A.J. Steckl, "Use of Advanced Beam Systems in VLSI," Invited Paper, Symposium on Interaction of Electrons, Ions and Photons with Solid Surfaces, Schenectady, New York, October 1983.</p><p>85. A.J. Steckl, "Multi-Disciplinary VLSI Activities at Rensselaer's Center for Integrated Electronics," Conference on Electron Device Activities in Western New York, Rochester, New York, October 1983.</p><p>36 86. J.C. Corelli, H. Hamadeh, R.-T. Huang and A.J. Steckl, "Focused Ion Beam Processes," SRC Topical Conference on Deposition Processes, Troy, New York, November 1983.</p><p>87. T.P. Chow and A.J. Steckl, "A Review of Refractory Gates for MOS VLSI," Invited Paper, International Electron Devices Meeting, Washington, D.C., December 1983.</p><p>88. A.J. Steckl, "Advanced Beam Research at Renssalaer," Seminar at Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, March 1984.</p><p>89. A.J. Steckl, "Center for Integrated Electronics: Multi-Disciplinary Microelectronics Research," Seminar at General Electric Corporate Research and Development Center, March 1984.</p><p>90. A.J. Steckl, "Rensselaer's New Center for Industrial Innovation," Seminar at Xerox Corporation, Stanford, Connecticut, April 1984.</p><p>91. A.J. Steckl and W.-J. Lu, "Oxidation of SiC Thin Films," Surface Science Workshop, Santa Barbara, California, April 1984.</p><p>92. A.J. Steckl, "VLSI Research at RPI's Center for Integrated Electronics," Seminar at the Japanese Optoelectronics Joint Research Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan, April 1984.</p><p>93. T.L. Vogelsong, A.J. Steckl and J.J. Tiemann, "A Narrowband Charge Domain Bandpass Filter," Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, Rochester, New York, May 1984.</p><p>94. A.J. Steckl and T.P. Chow, "The Integration of Refractory Metal Silicides into VLSI Processing," Workshop on Refractory Metal Silicides, San Juan Bautista, California, May 1984.</p><p>95. H. Hamadeh, J.C. Corelli and A.J. Steckl, "Focused Ga+ Beam Direct Implantation for Si Device Fabrication," 1984 International Symposium on Electron, Ion and Photon Beams, Tarrytown, New York, May 1984.</p><p>96. M.E. Haslam, J.F. McDonald, A.J. Steckl and D.C. King, "Two-Dimensional Haar Transform Thinning for Fourier Proximity Corrected Electron-Beam Lithography," 1984 Symposium on Electron, Ion and Photon Beams, Tarrytown, New York, May 1984.</p><p>97. J.L. Morgenstern, A.J. Steckl, D.C. King, M.A. Bourgeois and G.R. Redinbo, "Techniques for Improved Pattern Registration for E-Beam Lithography," 1984 Symposium on Electron, Ion and Photon Beams, Tarrytown, New York, May 1984.</p><p>98. A.J. Steckl, "Particle Beam Processing for Microfabrication," Invited Paper, Eighth Symposium on Ion Sources and Ion-Assisted Technology, Tokyo, Japan, June 1984.</p><p>99. A.J. Steckl, "VLSI Research at RPI," Seminar at Hitachi, Ltd., Central Research Laboratory, Kokubunji, Japan, June 1984.</p><p>37 100. A.J. Steckl, "Particle Beam Research at Rensselaer," Seminar at Kyoto University, Department of Electronics, Kyoto, Japan, June 1984.</p><p>101. J.A. Moore, J.C. Corelli, A.J. Steckl, J.T. Warden, R. Tarro, W.-T. Liu and J.N. Randall, "Resist Sensitivity Enhancement in Microlithography by In-Situ Polymerization," American Chemical Society Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, August 1984.</p><p>102. A.J. Steckl, J.A. Moore and J.C. Corelli, "Image Enhancement in High Resolution Lithography through Polymer Grafting Techniques," 1984 Symposium on VLSI Technology, San Diego, California, September 1984.</p><p>103. R.M. Tarro, J.T. Warden, J.C. Corelli, J.A. Moore, A.J. Steckl and E. Galiano, "Electron Spin Resonance Studies of Irradiated PMMA," Microcircuit Engineering Conference, Berlin, Germany, September 1984.</p><p>104. A.J. Steckl, "In-Situ Fabrication Technology for VLSI," American Vacuum Society Meeting, Reno, Nevada, December 1984.</p><p>105. A.J. Steckl, "Physico-Chemical Processes in Microelectronics Fabrication," Keynote Address, Gordon Conference on the Chemistry of Electronic Materials, Santa Barbara, California, February 1985.</p><p>106. W.-J. Lu, A.J. Steckl, T.P. Chow, "Completely Consumed Carbide (C3) - A New Process for Dielectric Isolation," Electrochemical Society International Symposium on VLSI Science and Technology, Toronto, Canada, May 1985.</p><p>107. J. Sugiura, W.-J. Lu, K.C. Cadien and A.J. Steckl, "Reactive Ion Etching of SiC Thin Films Using Fluorinated Gases," 1985 Symposium on Electron, Ion and Photon Beams, Portland, Oregon, May 1985.</p><p>108. D.C. King, A.J. Steckl, J.L. Morgenstern, J.F. McDonald, M.A. Bourgeois, D.J. Yemc and I. Elminyawi, "The Flip-and-Shift Signal Enhancement Application for a Predictive E-Beam Pattern Registration Model," 1985 Symposium on Electron, Ion and Photon Beams, Portland, Oregon, May 1985.</p><p>109. S.-Y. Kim, J. Choi, D. Pulver, J.A. Moore, J.C. Corelli and A.J. Steckl, "Optimization of Solvent Development in PMMA Radiation-Induced Graft Lithography," 1985 Symposium on Electron, Ion and Photon Beams, Portland, Oregon, May 1985.</p><p>110. S.-D. Chu, J.C. Corelli, A.J. Steckl. R.H. Reuss, W.M. Clark, D.B. Rensch and W.G. Morris, "Comparison of pnp Transistors Fabricated with Broad Beam and Spatial Profiling Using Focused Ion Beams," 1985 Symposium on Electron, Ion and Photon Beams, Portland, Oregon, May 1985.</p><p>38 111. M.E. Haslam, J.F. McDonald, D. King, M. Bourgeois and A.J. Steckl, "Transform Based Priority Corrections: Experimental Results and Comparisons," 1985 Symposium on Electron, Ion and Photon Beams, Portland, Oregon, May 1985.</p><p>112. A.J. Steckl, "Options and Issues for In-Situ Processing: An Overview," Invited Paper, SRC In-Situ Processing Workshop, Chapell Hill, North Carolina, June 1985.</p><p>113. A.J. Steckl, "VLSI Research at the Center for Integrated Electronics," Seminar at Stanford University, Center for Integrated Systems, Stanford, California, August 1985.</p><p>114. A.J. Steckl, "Prospects for Particle Beam Processing of Integrated Circuits," International Symposium on Semiconductor Processing, San Jose, California, January 1986.</p><p>115. A.J. Steckl, J.F. McDonald, C.A. Neugebauer and R.O. Carlson, "Multi-Level Interconnections for Wafer Scale Integration," Invited Paper, International Conference Metallurgical Coatings, San Diego, California, April 1986.</p><p>116. A.J. Steckl, S.-D. Chu, C.-M. Lin and J.C. Corelli, "Device Characteristics of Focused Ion Beam Fabricated Graded-Base Bipolar Transistors," Bipolar Device Technology Research Conference, Tempe, Arizona, April 1986.</p><p>117. A.J. Steckl, S.P. Murarka and J.C. Corelli, "In-Situ Processing of Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits," Invited Paper, IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, Rochester, New York, May 1986.</p><p>118. J.C. Corelli, A.J. Steckl, J.F. McDonald, V.J. Mifsud and J. Colling, "A Versatile Focused Ion Beam System with SIMS Capability," 1986 Symposium on Electron, Ion and Photon Beams, Boston, Massachusetts, May 1986.</p><p>119. J.O. Choi, S.Y. Kim, J.A. Moore, J.C. Corelli and A.J. Steckl, "Enhanced Plasma-Etch Resistance of Acrylic Acid-Modified Poly (Methl Methacrylate)," 1986 Symposium on Electron, Ion and Photon Beams, Boston, Massachusetts, May 1986.</p><p>120. R.H. Higuchi, D.C. Cadien, J.C. Corelli and A.J. Steckl, "Development of Boron and Phosphorous Liquid Metal Ion Sources for the Focused Ion Beam System," 1986 Symposium on Electron, Ion and Photon Beams, Boston, Massachusetts, May 1986.</p><p>121. J.C. Corelli, A.J. Steckl, D. Pulver and J.N. Randall, "Ultra Low Dose Effects in Ion-Beam Induced Grafting," Ion Beam Modification of Materials Conference, Catania, Italy, June 1986.</p><p>122. A.J. Steckl, S. Balakrishnan, H.S. Jin and J.C. Corelli, "Micromachining of Polyimide Films with Focused Ion Beams," International Conference on Microlithography, Interlaken, Switzerland, September 1986.</p><p>39 123. A.J. Steckl, S.-D. Chu, C.-M. Lin and J.C. Corelli, "Graded-Base Bipolar Transistors Fabricated with Focused Ion Beam Technology," International Conference on Microlithography, Interlaken, Switzerland, September 1986.</p><p>124. R.H. Higuchi-Rusli, J.C. Corelli and A.J. Steckl, "Development of Test Bed System for High Melting Temperature Alloy Fabrication and Mass Spectroscopy of Liquid Metal Ion Beam Source," International Vacuum Congress, Baltimore, Maryland, October 1986.</p><p>125. W.-S. Pan and A.J. Steckl, "Anisotropic and Selective Reactive Ion Etching of SiC in CHF3 and Oxygen Plasma," Materials Research Society Symposium on Science and Technology of Microfabrication, Boston, Massachusetts, December 1986.</p><p>126. J.F. McDonald, R. Rajapakse, J.C. Corelli and A.J. Steckl, "Optimized Focused Ion Beam Inspection and Repair of Wafer Scale Interconnections," SPIE Meeting, Santa Clara, California, March 1987.</p><p>127. A.J. Steckl and J.C. Corelli, "Focused Ion Beam Technology and Applications to In-Situ Processing," NATA Workshop on Emerging Technologies for In-Situ Processing, Corsica, May 1987.</p><p>128. W.S. Pan and A.J. Steckl, "Selective Reactive Ion Etching of Tungsten Films in Fluorinated Gases," International Symposium Electron, Ion and Photon Beams, Los Angeles, California, May 1987.</p><p>129. A.J. Steckl, "Focused Ion Beam Systems: Principles and Applications," Invited Paper, New England American Vacuum Society Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, June 1987.</p><p>130. A.J. Steckl, "Particle Beam Microfabrication of Novel Semiconductor Devices," Microelectronics Seminar, University of Texas, September 1987.</p><p>131. A.J. Steckl, "Focused Ion Beam and In-Situ Processing of Semiconductor Devices," Research Colloquium, Texas Instruments Central Research Laboratory, Dallas, Texas, October 1987.</p><p>132. C.-M. Lin, A.J. Steckl and T.P. Chow, "Thin Layer p-n Junction Fabrication Using Ga and In Focused Ion Beam Implantation," Japan-USA Seminar on Focused Ion Beam Technology and Applications, Osaka, Japan, November 1987.</p><p>133. A.J. Steckl, "Application of Focused Ion and Electron Beams to Novel Device Fabrication," Seminar, Hitachi Central Research Laboratory, Kokubunji, Tokyo, Japan, November 1987.</p><p>134. C.-M. Lin, A.J. Steckl and T.P. Chow, "Rapid Thermal Annealing of FIB-Implanted Ga Shallow Impurity Profiles," Materials Res. Soc. Symposium, Boston, Massachusetts, December 1987.</p><p>40 135. W.S. Pan and A.J. Steckl, "Reactive Ion Etching for SiC Device Fabrication," First International Conference on Amorphous and Crystalline Silicon Carbide and Related Materials, Washington, D.C., December 1987.</p><p>136. A.J. Steckl, "Application of Focused Ion Beam Technology to CCD and Other Semiconductor Device Fabrication," Seminar at Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, September 1988.</p><p>137. A.J. Steckl, C.-M. Lin and T.P. Chow, "Fabrication of 100nm p-n Junctions by Focused and Broad Beam Ion Implantation," Electrochemical Society Meeting, First International Symposium on Focused Ion Beam Technology, Chicago, Illinois, October 1988.</p><p>138. W.S. Pan and A.J. Steckl, "Mechanisms in Reactive Ion Etching of Silicon Carbide Thin Films," Second International Conference on Amorphous and Crystalline Silicon Carbide and Related Materials, Washington, D.C., December 1988.</p><p>139. A.J. Steckl, C-M. Lin, D. Patrizio, A.K. Rai and P.P. Pronko, "Broad and Focused Ion Beam Ga+ Implantation Damage in the Fabrication of p+-n Si Shallow Junctions," Materials Res. Soc. Symposium, San Diego, April 1989.</p><p>140. A.J. Steckl, "Nanoelectronics: The Next Semiconductor Revolution," Colloquium at the Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Sciences, Cincinnati, May 1989.</p><p>141. A.J. Steckl, "Nanoelectronics Research at the University of Cincinnati," Seminar at the Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corp., Austin, Texas, May 1990.</p><p>142. A.J. Steckl, H.C. Mogul and S.M. Mogren, "Ultrashallow Si p+-n Junction Fabrication by Low Energy Ga+ Focused Ion Beam," 1990 Symposium on Electron, Ion and Photon Beams, San Antonio, Texas, June 1990.</p><p>143. A.J. Steckl, P. Chen and S. Mogren, "FIB Implantation into AlGaAs/GaAs Superlattice Structures," International Conference on Ion Beam Modification of Materials, Knoxville, Tennessee, September 1990.</p><p>144. S. Mogren and A.J. Steckl, "STM Characterization of Focused Ion Beam Profiles," MRS Symposium on Nanostructures, Boston, Massachusetts, December 1990.</p><p>145. A.J. Steckl, H. Mogul and S. Mogren, "Electrical Properties of Nanometer-Scale Si p+-n Junctions Fabricated by Low Energy Ga+ FIB Implantation," US-Japan Focused Ion Beam Seminar, Portland, Oregon, December 1990.</p><p>146. A.J. Steckl, "Focused Ion Beam Nanofabrication of Semiconductor Devices," Seminar at Purdue University, W. Lafayette, Indiana, February 1991.</p><p>147. A.J. Steckl and J.P. Li, "Rapid Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition of SiC on Si," Washington Materials Forum, Washington, D.C., March 1991.</p><p>41 148. A. Choo, V. Gupta, P. Chen, S. Mogren, A. Steckl, J. Boyd and H. Jackson, "Spatially Resolved Photoluminescence in Focused Si Ion Beam Implanted AlxGa1-xAs-AlyGa1-yAs Superlattice," American Physical Society Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, March 1991.</p><p>149. A. Choo, V. Gupta, P. Chen, S. Mogren, A. Steckl, J. Boyd and H. Jackson, "Raman Study of Si Focused Ion Beam Implanted GaAs-AlxGa1-xAs Superlattice," American Physical Society Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, March 1991.</p><p>150. S.W. Novak, C.W. Magee, A.J. Steckl and H.C. Mogul, "SIMS Depth Profiling of Nanometer- Scale p-n Junctions Fabricated by Ga+ FIB Implantation," 1st International Workshop on the Measurement and Characterization of Ultra-Shallow Doping Profiles in Semiconductors, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, March 1991.</p><p>151. A.J. Steckl, "Nucleation and Growth During Rapid Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition of SiC on Si," Seminar at North Carolina State University Materials Science and Engineering Department, Raleigh, North Carolina, March 1991.</p><p>152. A.J. Steckl, "Heteroepitaxial Growth of SiC on Si by RTCVD," U.S. Navy SiC Materials and Technology Review, Washington, D.C., April 1991.</p><p>153. A.J. Steckl, "FIB Operation and Applications to Semiconductor Nanofabrication," Seminar at Ft. Meade Microelectronics Research Laboratory, Ft. Meade, Maryland, April 1991.</p><p>154. A.J. Steckl, "Research in Semiconductor Nanostructures," Seminar at the Center for Materials Research, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, May 1991.</p><p>155. A.J. Steckl, H.C. Mogul, C.W. Magee and S.W. Novak, "Low Energy Off-Axis FIB Ga+ Implantation into Si," 1991 Symposium on Electron, Ion and Photon Beams, Seattle, Washington, May 1991.</p><p>156. A.J. Steckl and J.P. Li, "Effect of C3H8 Flow Rate on the Nucleation and Hetero-Epitaxial Growth of SiC on Si," Electronic Materials Conference, Boulder, Colorado, June 1991.</p><p>157. A.J. Steckl and J.P. Li, "Hetero-Epitaxial Growth of Nanometer SiC Thin Films on Si by RTCVD," International Workshop on Science and Technology of Thin Films for the 21st Century, Evanston, Illinois, July 1991.</p><p>158. A.J. Steckl, J.P. Li, C. Yuan and P. Moreton, "Rapid Thermal Processing of SiC-Si Heteroepitaxial Structures," Invited Paper at SPIE Symposium on Microelectronic Processing Integration, San Jose, California, September 1991.</p><p>159. A.J. Steckl and J.P. Li, "Low Pressure Rapid Thermal CVD of SiC-on-Si," 4th International Conference on Silicon Carbide, Santa Clara, California, October 1991.</p><p>42 160. A.J. Steckl and P.H. Yih, "Residue-Free Reactive Ion Etching of SiC in CHF3/O2 Plasma with H2 Additive," 4th International Conference on Silicon Carbide, Santa Clara, California, October 1991.</p><p>1. 158. A.J. Steckl, P. Chen, A. Choo, H. Jackson, J.T. Boyd, P.P. Pronko, A. Ezis, R. Kolbas, "Dose Effects in Si FIB-Mixing of Short Period AlGaAs/GaAs Superlattice Structures," Materials Research Society Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, December 1991.</p><p>72. A.J. Steckl and J.P. Li, "Effect of Carbonization Gas Precursor on the Heteroepitaxial Growth of SiC-on-Si by RTCVD," Materials Research Society Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, December 1991.</p><p>73. A.G. Choo, V. Gupta, H.E. Jackson, J.T. Boyd, A.J. Steckl, P. Chen, B.L. Weiss and R.D. Burnham, "Raman and Photoluminescence Characterization in AlGaAs Superlattice Channel Waveguide Structures Formed by CIB and FIB Implantation," Materials Research Society Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, December 1991.</p><p>74. A.G. Choo, H.E. Jackson, P. Chen, A.J. Steckl, V. Gupta and J.T. Boyd, "Excitation Power Dependence of Photoluminescence in CIB and FIB Implanted Superlattices," Materials Research Society Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, December 1991.</p><p>75. A.J. Steckl, H.C. Mogul and S. Mogren, "Si Nanostructure Fabrication by FIB Selective Doping and Anisotropic Etching," Materials Research Society Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, December 1991.</p><p>76. A.J. Steckl, "SiC-on-Si: RTCVD Thin Film Growth and RIE Patterning," Seminar at AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, January 1992.</p><p>77. O.M.R. Chyan, D.G. Frank, A.T. Hubbard, J.P. Li and A.J. Steckl, "Angular Distribution Auger Microscopy Studies of Epitaxial ß-SiC on Si (100)," American Physical Society Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, March 1992.</p><p>78. H.E. Jackson, A.G. Choo, P. Chen, A.J. Steckl and J.T. Boyd, "Raman Scattering from Focused Ion Beam Induced Compositionally Disordered AlGaAs Multiple Quantum Wells," American Physical Society Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, March 1992.</p><p>79. A.G. Choo, H.E. Jackson, P. Chen, A.J. Steckl and J.T. Boyd, "Photoluminescence Characterization of CIB and FIB Implanted AlGaAs Multiple Quantum Wells," American Physical Society Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, March 1992.</p><p>80. S. Mogren, M. Roth, J.P. Li and A.J. Steckl, "Atomic Imaging of SiC Thin Films Heteroepitaxially Grown on Si," SPIE's 1992 Symposium on Compound Semiconductor Physics and Devices, Somerset, New Jersey, March 1992.</p><p>43 81. A.J. Steckl, H.C. Mogul and S. Mogren, "Fabrication of Si Nanostructures by FIB Implantation and Anisotropic Etching," SPIE's 1992 Symposium on Compound Semiconductor Physics and Devices, Somerset, New Jersey, March 1992.</p><p>82. H.E. Jackson, A.G. Choo, B.L. Weiss, J.T. Boyd, A.J. Steckl, P. Chen, R.D. Burnham, S.C. Smith, "Raman and Photoluminescence Characterization of AlGaAs Superlattice Structures Formed by Focused Ion Beam Implantation," SPIE's 1992 Symposium on Compound Semiconductor Physics and Devices, Somerset, New Jersey, March 1992.</p><p>83. A.J. Steckl, "Thin Film Growth of ß-SiC on Si by Rapid Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition," Seminar at Allied-Signal Research and Technology, Morristown, New Jersey, March 1992.</p><p>84. A.J. Steckl and M.D. Roth, "Atomic Probe Microscopy of AlN," Workshop on Wide-Gap Nitrides, St. Louis, Missouri, April 1992.</p><p>85. A.J. Steckl, "Rapid Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition of ß-SiC Thin Films on Si," Seminar at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, April 1992.</p><p>86. A.J. Steckl, "SiC Technology: Thin Film Growth, Device Processing and Surface Analysis," Seminar at NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio, April 1992.</p><p>87. A.J. Steckl, "Research in Silicon Carbide and Other Wide Band-Gap Semiconductors," Seminar at BP Research, Cleveland, Ohio, May 1992.</p><p>88. A.J. Steckl, "SiC Thin Film Growth and Device Fabrication Technology," Seminar at Dow Corning Research Center, Midland, Michigan, June 1992.</p><p>89. A.J. Steckl, J. Xu and H.C. Mogul, "Effect of Doping on Photoluminescence in Porous Si Nanostructures," ARO Workshop on Nanostructure for Optoelectronics, UCLA, Los Angeles, California, August 1992.</p><p>90. A.J. Steckl and P. Yih, "Residue-Free Reactive Ion Etching of SiC," ONR Workshop on SiC Materials and Devices, Charlottesville, Virginia, September 1992.</p><p>91. A.J. Steckl, "Rapid Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition of SiC Thin Films on Si," Seminar at WPAFB Materials Laboratory, Dayton, Ohio, September 1992.</p><p>92. A.J. Steckl, P. Chen, J.T. Boyd, M. Kumar, H. Jackson, A.G. Choo, A. Ezis, A.K. Rai and P.P. Pronko, "Focused Ion Beam Mixing of AlGaAs Superlattice Structures for Optoelectronic Device Fabrication," ONR Workshop on Optoelectronics, Charlottesville, Virginia, November 1992.</p><p>93. A.J. Steckl, P. Chen, A.G. Choo, H. Jackson, J.T. Boyd, S.W. Novak, A. Ezis, A.K. Rai, P.P. Pronko and R.M. Kolbas, "Enhanced Photoluminescence from AlGaAs/GaAs Superlattice</p><p>44 Gratings Fabricated by Si FIB Implantation," Materials Research Society Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, December 1992.</p><p>94. M. Kumar, G. Debrabander, P. Chen, J.T. Boyd, A.J. Steckl, A.G. Choo, H.E. Jackson, R.D. Burnham and S.C. Smith, "Optical Channel Waveguides in AlGaAs Multiple Quantum Well Structures Formed by FIB-Induced Composition Mixing," Materials Research Society Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, December 1992.</p><p>95. A.J. Steckl J. Xu and H.C. Mogul, "Effect of Doping on the Formation of Porous Si and its Application in Realizing Localized Photoemission," Materials Research Society Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, December 1992.</p><p>96. J.P. Li and A.J. Steckl, "AFM Study of Nucleation and Void Formation in SiC Carbonization of Si," Materials Research Society Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, December 1992.</p><p>97. A.J. Steckl, J. Xu, H.C. Mogul and J. Su, "Extending the Photoluminescence of Crystalline Si to Other Structures and Compounds," International Workshop on Light Emission and Electronic Properties of Nanoscale Silicon, Charlotte, North Carolina, February 1993.</p><p>98. J.T. Boyd, H.E. Jackson and A.J. Steckl, "Quantum Wire Nanostructures in Multiple Quantum Well Optical Waveguides: Enhanced Nonlinear Optical Interactions," Workshop on Nonlinear Optical Properties of Quantum-Wire Nanostructures, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio, February 1993.</p><p>99. H.E. Jackson, A.G. Choo, X.L. Cao, M. Kumar, P. Chen, A.J. Steckl and J.T. Boyd, "Enhanced Photoluminescence from GaAs/AlGaAs Superlattice Structures Patterned by Focused Ion Beam Implantation," American Physical Society Meeting, Seattle, Washington, March 1993.</p><p>100. X.L. Cao, A.G. Choo, P. Chen, A.J. Steckl, L.M. Smith and H.E. Jackson, "Spatially and Temporally Resolved Photoluminescence Spectra from Excitons in Patterned GaAs/AlGaAs MQWs," American Physical Society Meeting, Seattle, Washington, March 1993.</p><p>101. A.G. Choo, J.P. Li, S. Tlali, A.J. Steckl and H.E. Jackson, "Raman Scattering from Ultrathin Films of ß-SiC Grown by RTCVD," American Physical Society Meeting, Seattle, Washington, March 1993.</p><p>102. A.J. Steckl, J. Xu and H.C. Mogul, "Photoluminescence from Stain-Etched Amorphous and Poly-Crystalline Porous Silicon Films," Materials Research Society Meeting, San Francisco, California, April 1993.</p><p>103. A.J. Steckl, J. Su, J. Xu, C. Yuan and H.C. Mogul, "Selective Photoluminescence from Anodically Etched SiC/Si Structure," Materials Research Society Meeting, San Francisco, California, April 1993.</p><p>45 104. A.J. Steckl, J.N. Su, P.H. Yih, C. Yuan and J.P. Li, "Effect of Deposition and Anneal Temperature on Ni Metallization for Ohmic and Rectifying Contacts to SiC Diodes," Tri- Service SiC Workshop, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, May 1993.</p><p>105. A.J. Steckl, "Research in Nanoelectronics," Seminar in the Materials Science and Engineering Department, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, May 1993.</p><p>106. Q.Y. Tong, U. Gösele, C. Yuan and A.J. Steckl, "A Feasability Study of SiC on Oxide by Wafer Bonding and Layer Transferring," 1993 IEEE International SOI Conference, Palm Springs, California, October 1993.</p><p>107. P.H. Yih and A.J. Steckl, "Reactive Ion Etching of 6H-SiC in CHF3 Plasma," presented at the 5th International Conference on SiC and Related Materials, Washington, DC, November 1993.</p><p>108. A.J. Steckl, C. Yuan, J.P. Li and M.J. Loboda, "Reduced Temperature Heteroepitaxial Growth of 3C-SiC on Si (100) from Silacyclobutane," presented at the 5th International Conference on SiC and Related Materials, Washington, DC, November 1993.</p><p>109. P.H. Yih and A.J. Steckl, "High Breakdown Voltage SiC/Si Heterojunction Diodes by Rapid Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition with Methylsilane," presented at the 5th International Conference on SiC and Related Materials, Washington, DC, November 1993.</p><p>110. A.J. Steckl, J.N. Su, P.H. Yih, C. Yuan and J.P. Li, "Ohmic and Rectifying Contacts to 3C-SiC Using All-Ni Technology," presented at the 5th International Conference on SiC and Related Materials, Washington, DC, November 1993.</p><p>111. M.D. Roth, A.J. Steckl, J.P. Li, J. Edgar and Z.J. Yu, "Atomic Force Microscopy of AlN Thin Films," presented at the 5th International Conference on SiC and Related Materials, Washington, DC, November 1993.</p><p>112. P. Chen and A.J. Steckl, "Vacancy Enhanced Al-Ga Inter-Diffusion in Si FIB-Implanted Superlattice," Materials Research Society Meeting, Boston, MA, November 1993.</p><p>113. H.Q. Yan, H. Wang and A.J. Steckl, "Low Energy Ion Beam Assisted Deposition of Low Resistivity Al Using TMAA," Materials Research Society Meeting, Boston, MA, November 1993.</p><p>114. X.L. Cao, A.G. Choo, L.M. Smith, H.E. Jackson, P. Chen and A.J. Steckl, "Time-Resolved Photoluminesence from Patterned GaAs/AlGaAs Multiple Quantum Well Structures," Materials Research Society Meeting, Boston, MA, November 1993.</p><p>115. A.G. Choo, X.L. Cao, S. Tlali, H.E. Jackson, P. Chen, A.J. Steckl and J.T. Boyd,"Raman and Photoluminescence Characterization of FIB Patterned AlGaAs/ GaAs Multiple Quantum Wells," Materials Research Society Meeting, Boston, MA, November 1993.</p><p>46 116. A.G. Choo, S. Tlali, H.E. Jackson, J.P. Li and A.J. Steckl, "Raman Scattering Characterization of Ultrathin Films of ß-SiC," Materials Research Society Meeting, Boston, MA, November 1993.</p><p>117. A.J. Steckl and J.N. Su, "High Voltage, Temperature-Hard 3C-SiC Schottky Diodes Using All-Ni Metallization," International Electron Devices Meeting, Washington, DC, December 1993.</p><p>118. A.J. Steckl, "Focused Ion Beam Implantation of III-V Superlattice Structures," Ion Implant Users Group Meeting, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, January 1994.</p><p>119. A.J. Steckl, J. Xu, H.C. Mogul and S.M. Prokes, "Correlation Among Crystallinity, Si Hydrides and Photoluminescence in Stain-Etched Poly and Amorphous Si Films," American Physical Society Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, March 1994.</p><p>120. A.G. Choo, X.L. Cao, S. Tlali, P. Chen, A.J. Steckl and H.E. Jackson, "Raman and Photoluminescence Characterization of FIB Patterned AlGaAs/GaAs MQWs," American Physical Society Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, March 1994.</p><p>121. X.L. Cao, A.G. Choo, P. Chen, A.J. Steckl, L.M. Smith and H.E. Jackson, "Temporally Resolved Photoluminescence from Patterned GaAs/AlGaAs MQWs," American Physical Society Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, March 1994.</p><p>122. J.N. Su and A.J. Steckl, "SiC Devices for Space Electronics-High Voltage Temperature Hard Contacts," SAE Aerospace Meeting, Dayton, OH, April 1994.</p><p>123. A.J. Steckl, "FIB Implantation Mixing of GaAs/AlGaAs Superlattices: Mechanisms and Optoelectronic Applications," International Workshop on Ion MicroBeams, Rottach-Egern, Germany, May 1994.</p><p>124. J. Xu, H.C. Mogul and A.J. Steckl, "Visible Photoluminescence from Stain-Etched Silicon Nanostructures," Electrochemical Society Symposium on Quantum Confinement, San Francisco, CA, May 1994.</p><p>125. A.J. Steckl, C. Yuan, Q-Y. Tong, U. Gösele and M.J. Loboda, "SiC SOI Structures by Carbonization and Growth with SCB," Electrochemical Society Symposium on Silicon-on- Insulator Technology and Devices, San Francisco, CA, May 1994.</p><p>126. H.C. Mogul, J. Xu, A.J. Steckl, S.J. Clarson, J.O. Stuart and C.L. Hoffman, "Light Emission and Related Materials Properties of Siloxene and Si-based Zeolites," Electrochemical Society 7th International Society Symposium on Si Materials Science and Technology, San Francisco, CA, May 1994.</p><p>127. J. Xu and A.J. Steckl, "Spin-Cast Polyaniline Films as Transparent Electrodes for Porous Si Optoelectronic Devices," Electronic Materials Conference, Boulder, CO, June 1994.</p><p>47 128. H.E. Jackson, M. Kumar, V. Gupta, G.N. DeBrander, P. Chen, J.T. Boyd, A.J. Steckl, A.G. Choo, R.D. Burnham and S.C. Smith, "Optical Channel Waveguides Formed by Focused Ion Beam Induced Compositional Mixing in AlGaAs MQW's," 7th International Conference on Superlattices, Banff, Canada, August 1994.</p><p>129. J. Xu and A.J. Steckl, "Stain-Etched Porous Si Visible Light Emitting Diodes," American Vacuum Society Meeting, Denver, Colorado, October 1994.</p><p>130. C. Yuan, A.J. Steckl, J. Chaudhuri, R. Thokala and M.J. Loboda, "Low Temperature Epitaxy of SiC Film on 6H-SiC by CVD from Silacyclobutane," American Vacuum Society Meeting, Denver, Colorado, October 1994.</p><p>131. J.N. Su and A.J. Steckl, "High Field Ni-SiC Schottky Barrier Diodes with Single-Metal Process," American Vacuum Society Meeting, Denver, Colorado, October 1994.</p><p>132. H.E. Jackson, X.L. Cao, A.G. Choo, P. Chen, A.J. Steckl and L.M. Smith, "Temporally and Spatially Resolved Photoluminescence from FIB Patterned Wire-Like Structures," American Physical Society, San Jose, CA, March 1995.</p><p>133. X.L. Cao, A.J. Steckl, P. Chen, H.E. Jackson, M. Kumar and J.T. Boyd, "Distributed Bragg Reflection Laser Fabricated by Focused Ion Beam Implantation," American Physical Society, San Jose, CA, March 1995.</p><p>134. J.N. Su and A.J. Steckl, "300°C Operation of High Voltage SiC Schottky Rectifier," Workshop on High Temperature Power Electronics for Vehicles, Ft. Monmouth, NJ, April 1995.</p><p>135. A.J. Steckl, P. Chen, H.E. Jackson, A.G. Choo, X. Cao, J.T. Boyd and M. Kumar, "FIB Implantation for the Fabrication of GaAs-based Optoelectronic Devices," Electron, Ion and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication, Scottsdale, AZ, June 1995.</p><p>136. J.N. Su, V. Saxena and A.J. Steckl, "Low Resistivity Ni Interconnect Films by Sputter Deposition at Elevated Temperature," Electronic Materials Conference, Charlottesville, VA, June 1995.</p><p>137. J.N. Su, A.J. Steckl and R.L. Moore, "Effect of Anneal on Determining High Performance Ni- SiC Electrical Contacts," Electronic Materials Conference, Charlottesville, VA, June 1995.</p><p>138. J. Devrajan, A.J. Steckl, W.J. Choyke, R.P. Devaty, M. Yoganathan and S.W. Novak, "Effect of Annealing Temperature on 1.5 µm Photoluminescence at 25°C from Er-Implanted 6H-SiC," Electronic Materials Conference, Charlottesville, VA, June 1995.</p><p>139. A.J. Steckl, P. Chen, H.E. Jackson, A.G. Choo, X. Cao, J.T. Boyd and M. Kumar, "Fabrication of Optoelectronic Devices Using FIB Implantation of AlGaAs/GaAs Superlattice Structures," International Conference on Superlattices and Nanostructures, Cincinnati, OH, August 1995.</p><p>48 140. P.H. Yih, V. Saxena and A.J. Steckl, "SiC Reactive Ion Eteching Conditions for the Fabrication of Semiconductor Devices," 1995 International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials, Kyoto, Japan, September 1995.</p><p>141. C. Yuan, A.J. Steckl, J. Chaudhuri, R. Thokala and M.J. Loboda, "Growth of Crystalline 3C- SiC Films on 6H-SiC at 900°C by Chemical Vapor Deposition from Silacyclobutane," 1995 International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials, Kyoto, Japan, September 1995.</p><p>142. J.N. Su and A.J. Steckl, "Fabrication of High Voltage SiC Schottky Barrier Diodes by Ni Metallization," 1995 International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials, Kyoto, Japan, September 1995.</p><p>143. V. Saxena and A.J. Steckl, "Sub-Micron Patterning of 6H-SiC by Anisotropic Reactive Ion Etching," Electrochemical Society Meeting, Chicago, IL, October 1995.</p><p>144. J.N. Su and A.J. Steckl, "Fabrication of High Voltage SiC Schottky Barrier Diode for High Temperature Applications and Study of Thermal Effect on Ni/6H-SiC Metallization," Electrochemical Society Meeting, Chicago, IL, October 1995.</p><p>145. A.J. Steckl, "Light Emission from Porous Si: Mechanisms and Devices," Miami University Invited Seminar, November 1995.</p><p>146. A. J. Steckl, “Focused Ion Beam Fabrication of Optoelectronic Components", ARO Workshop on Low Power Optoelectronics, Lake Arrowhead, CA, Jan. 1996.</p><p>147. R. Gass, P. Chen, A. J. Steckl, H. E. Jackson, "Model for Selective Compositional Mixing in Al GaAs/GaAs Superlattices Induced by FIB Implantation", American Physical Society Meeting, St. Louis, MO, March 1996.</p><p>148. A. J. Steckl, J. Devrajan, C. Tran, Z.C. Feng, and R. Karlicek, “SiC SOI Substrates for GaN Growth”, 3rd Nitride Workshop, St. Louis, Mo., March, 1996. </p><p>149. V. Saxena, A.J. Steckl, M. Vichare, M.L. Ramalingam, and K. Reinhardt, “Temperature Effects in the Operation of High Voltage Ni/6H-SiC Schottky Rectifiers”, 3rd International Conference on High Temperature Electronics, Albuquerque, NM, June 1996.</p><p>150. A.J. Steckl, J. Devrajan, C. Tran, R.A. Stall, “SiC RTCVD Carbonization of the (111) Si SOI Structure and subsequent MOCVD growth of GaN”, Electronic Materials Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, June 1996</p><p>151. A.J. Steckl, J. Devrajan, C. Tran, H.E. Jackson, S. Tlali, S.N. Gorin and L.M. Ivanova, “Characterization of 3C-SiC Crystals grown by Thermal Decomposition of Methyltrichlorosilane”, Electronic Materials Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, June 1996.</p><p>49 152. C. Tran, I. Ferguson, R. Karlicek, R. Stall, J. Devrajan and A.J. Steckl, “The Growth of GaN 3C SiC SOI Compliant Substrates”, 23rd IEEE Int’l. Symposium on Compound Semiconductors, St. Petersburg, Russia, Sept. 1996. </p><p>153. A.J. Steckl, “Exploring the Frontiers of Optoelectronics with FIB Technology”, Invited Paper, Workshop on Frontiers of Electronics, Tenerife, Spain, Jan. 1997.</p><p>154. A.J. Steckl, J.Devrajan, C. Tran, R.A. Stall, “SiC Based Substrates for Growth of GaN Thin Films”, 4th Wide Bandgap Nitride Workshop, St. Louis, Mo., March 1997.</p><p>155. A.J. Steckl and K. Saxena, “Development of SiC Schottky Diodes for Power Electronic Applications”, SAE Aerospace Power Systems Conf., Williamsburg, VA., April 1997.</p><p>156. A.J. Steckl, “A Review of Focused Ion Beam Implantation for the Fabrication of Optoelectronic Components”, Invited Paper, Scanning Microscopy International Conference, Symposium on Nanometer Ion Beams, Chicago, May 1997. </p><p>157. J. Devrajan, A.J. Steckl, C. Tran, and R.A. Stall, “Optical Properties of GaN Films Grown on SiC/Si”, Int’l Conf. SiC and III-Nitrides, Stockholm, Sept. 1997.</p><p>158. V. Saxena and A.. Steckl, “Fast and Anisotropic Reactive Ion Etching of 4H and 6H SiC in NF3”, Int’l Conf. SiC and III-Nitrides, Stockholm, Sept. 1997.</p><p>159. V. Saxena and A.J. Steckl, “High Voltage 4H SiC Rectifiers Using Pt and Ni Metallization”, Int’l Conf. SiC and III-Nitrides, Stockholm, Sept. 1997.</p><p>160. J. Chen and A.J. Steckl, “Heteroepitaxial Growth of SiC on Si by Gas Source MBE with Silacyclobutane”, Int’l Conf. SiC and III-Nitrides, Stockholm, Sept. 1997.</p><p>161. J. Chen and A.J. Steckl, “MBE Growth of SiC on Si (111) with SCB”, North American Conf. on Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Ann Arbor, MI, Oct. 1997.</p><p>162. J. Chen, R. Birkhahn and A.J. Steckl, “Growth of SiC and GaN Thin Films by Gas Sources MBE”, Ohio MatNet Symposium, Bowling Green, OH, Nov. 1997,</p><p>163. V. Saxena and A.J. Steckl, “High Temperature Operation of 4H and 6H SiC High Voltage Schottky Diodes”, Invited Paper, International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium, Charlottesville, VA, Dec. 1997.</p><p>164. A.J. Steckl, B. Lee, and R. Chi, “3-D Optical Memory using Rare Earth Doped Materials”, Workshop on New Concepts in 3-D Optical Devices Using Rare-Earths and Other Novel Approaches, Asilomar, CA, April 1998. </p><p>165. A.J. Steckl, B. Lee, J.M. Zavada and R.G. Wilson, “The Effect of Hydrogen Introduction in Photoluminescence of 3C-SiC Crystals”, Materials Research Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 1998. </p><p>50 166. S. Madapura, A.J. Steckl, and M.J. Loboda, “High Growth Rate of Silicon Carbide on Silicon (111) Substrates by Chemical Vapor Deposition Using Trimethylsilane”, Electrochemical Society Meeting, San Diego, CA, May 1998. </p><p>254. A.J. Steckl, J. Devrajan, S. Madapura, and J. Chen, “SiC Thin Film Growth on Si: Mechanisms and Applications”, Invited Paper, 10th Int’l. Conf. on Vapor Growth and Epitaxy, Jerusalem, Israel, July 1998. </p><p>255. R.H. Birkhahn, R.A. Hudgins, D. Lee, A.J. Steckl, R.J. Molnar and J.M. Zavada, “Growth and Morphology of Er-doped GaN on Sapphire and HVPE Substrates”, North American MBE Conference, State College, PA, Oct. 1998.</p><p>256. A.J. Steckl, V. Saxena, “SiC Schottky Diodes: The Essential Device for High Voltage, High Temperature Operation”, Invited Paper, 9th International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applications, Seoul, Korea, Nov. 1998. </p><p>257. R.H. Birkhahn, D.S. Lee, R.A. Hudgins, A.J. Steckl, J.D. Scofield, A. Saleh, R.G. Wilson and J.M. Zavada, “Growth and Properties of Green Emitting Er-doped GaN”, Materials Research Society Meeting, Boston, MA, Dec. 1998. </p><p>258. I. Chyr, and A.J. Steckl, “Focused Ion Beam Micromachining of GaN Photonic Devices”, Materials Research Society Meeting, Boston, MA, Dec. 1998. </p><p>259. M.J. Garter, R.H. Birkhahn, A.J. Steckl, J.D. Scofield, “Visible Electroluminescence from Er- doped GaN Schottky Diodes”, Materials Research Society Meeting, Boston, MA, Dec. 1998. </p><p>260. B. Lee, C.J. Chi, A.J. Steckl, “Optical Memory Using Biphotonic Stimulation in Rare-Earth- Doped Glass”, Materials Research Society Meeting, Boston, MA, Dec. 1998. </p><p>261. A.J. Steckl, J. Chen and M.J. Loboda, “Growth and Applications of Thick 3C-SiC Films on Si”, Workshop on Wide Bandgap Bipolar Devices, Panama City, FL, Jan. 1999.</p><p>262. A. J. Steckl, “FIB Fabrication of Photonics for High Speed Computing”, Seminar at National Security Agency, Ft. Meade, MD, March 1999.</p><p>263. F. J. Pacheco, A. M. Sanchez, S. I. Molina, D. Araujo, R. Garcia, and A. J. Steckl, “Effect of the temperature ramp rate during carbonization of Si (111) on the obtained SiC crystalline quality”, Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials XI Conference, Oxford, UK, March 1999.</p><p>264. A. J. Steckl, “ Rare Earth Doped GaN – A New Approach to the Pursuit of Light ”, Graduate Seminar, Electrical Engineering Department, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, March 1999.</p><p>51 265. A. J. Steckl, J. Chen, and M. J. Loboda, “Large Area SiC Virtual Wafers Using Growth on Si”, Invited Presentation, Materials Research Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 1999.</p><p>266. A. J. Steckl, R. Birkhahn, M. Garter, “Rare Earth Luminescence in GaN and Related Device Performance”, Materials Research Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 1999.</p><p>267. L. C. Chao and A. J. Steckl, “Development of Er-Ni and Pr-Pt Liquid Alloy Ion Sources”, Invited Paper, 43rd Intl. Conf. Electron, Ion and Photon Beam Technology, Marco Island, FL, June 1999.</p><p>268. I. Chyr and A. J. Steckl, “The Micromachining of GaN and its Substrates by FIB Milling and Related Photonic Applications”, 43rd Intl. Conf. Electron, Ion and Photon Beam Technology, Marco Island, FL, June 1999.</p><p>269. A. J. Steckl, M. Garter, and R. Birkhahn, “Visible and Infrared Electroluminescence from Er- doped GaN Schottky Diodes”, Device Research Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, June 1999.</p><p>270. A. J. Steckl, R. Birkhahn, M. Garter, L. C. Chao, D. L. Lee and J. Heikenfeld, “Optical Properties of Rare-Earth-Doped GaN and Related Light Emitting Devices”, 41st Electronic Materials Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, July 1999.</p><p>271. K. Lorenz, R. Vianden, R. Birkhahn, A. J. Steckl, M. F. da Silva, J. C. Soares, E. Alves, “RBS/Channeling Study of Er-doped GaN Films Grown by MBE on (111) Si Substrates”, 14th Int’l. Ion Beam Analysis Conference, Dresden, Germany, July 1999.</p><p>272. J. Chen, A. J. Steckl, M. J. Loboda, “Growth and Characterization of N-Doped SiC Films from Trimethylsilane”, Int’l. Conf. on SiC and Related Materials, Research Triangle Park, NC (Oct. 1999).</p><p>273. A. J. Steckl, R. Birkhahn, M. Garter, L. C. Chao, D. S. Lee, and J. Heikenfeld, “Rare Earth Activated GaN Light Emitting Devices”, Int’l. Conf. on SiC and Related Materials, Research Triangle Park, NC (Oct. 1999).</p><p>52 Contracts and Grants at University of Cincinnati</p><p>FUNDING AGENCY PERIOD AMOUNT TITLE</p><p>Ohio Edison Program 6/89 - 5/91 $243,864 Fabrication of Advanced Semiconductor Lasers and Other Optoelectronic Devices Using FIB Tech.</p><p>Office of Naval Research - 7/90 - 10/90 $5,457 Focused Ion Implantation for Optoelectronic Circuit Subcontract through UES</p><p>NASA Lewis Research Center 8/15/90-8/14/92 $69,986 In-Situ Dopant Inc. in SiC Thin Films by RTCVD</p><p>Cray Research Corporation 11/90 - 6/92 $18,000 Simulation of Ion-Implantation Profiles Using Monte Carlo Techniques</p><p>Motorola 2/92 - 7/92 $30,000 SiC - Si Wide Bandgap Emitter HBT by RTCVD</p><p>Office of Naval Research - 3/91 - 2/93 $53,971 Monolithic Integration of DBR Lasers by FIB Subcontract through UES and High Energy Ion Implantation</p><p>Edison Materials Technology 7/90 - 6/93 $498,813 Structure of SiC and Related Refractory Thin Center Film Materials</p><p>Biomedical Engineering 11/93 - 12/94 $27,408 Atomic Force Microscopy of Biological Cells Under Grant (w/ Greenwalt, Sperelakis) (total) Electric Field</p><p>NASA/WPAFB 12/14/93 - 12/13/94 $60,000 Growth of Bulk SiC Crystals by Modified CVD </p><p>National Science Foundation 8/15/91-7/31/95 $400,000 Quantum Wire Nanostructures in Multiple Quantum (w/ Boyd/Jackson) (total) Well Optical Waveguides: Enhanced Nonlinear Optical Interactions</p><p>Army Research Office 7/92 - 9/95 $460,000 Fabrication of Nanostructure Arrays in Group IV Semiconductors</p><p>NASA SERC 1/93 – 9/97 $242,605 SiC Technology for Aero/Space Applications</p><p>National Science Foundation - 6/94 - 5/95 $385,000 Acquisition of an Ion Beam Analytical Facility MatNet (w/ Bowling Green, O.S, Case Western) (total)</p><p>Research Challenge $75,000 Center for Near Field Optical Microscopy and (w/ Jackson, Boerio, Boyd, Grue., Newrock, Smith) (total) Spectroscopy</p><p>AF SBIR 1 (w/ EMCORE) 8/30/95 - 2/28/96 $26,648 MOCVD Growth of III-V Nitrides of SiC COI Wafer in a Multi-Wafer Rotating Disc Reactor</p><p>ONR SBIR 2 (w/ EMCORE) 9/25/95 - 3/31/96 $33,331 SiC SOI Compliant Subs. for SiC and III-V Nitrides</p><p>ONR-STTR Program 9/94 - 9/15/96 $60,000 Epitaxial Growth of SiC Using MBE and (w/ UES) (UC) Supersonic Jet Sources</p><p>Ohio Aerospace Institute 10/3/95 - 10/2/96 $30,000 Silicon Carbide Schottky Diodes for High Temperature/High Power Electronics Edison Materials Technology 1/96 - 12/96 $99,641 Large Area and Low Cost SiC Crystals</p><p>53 AFOSR SREP 1/96 - 12/96 $25,000 Growth of Silicon Carbide Thin Films by MBE</p><p>NCEE WPAFB 1 6/1/96 - 5/31/96 $30,000 Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Power Devices</p><p>NCEE WPAFB 2 6/1/96 - 5/31/97 $38,000 Plasma Processing of Wide Bandgap Semiconductors</p><p>MatNet 1 (w/ BGSU, 1993-1995 U.C.$596,096The Ohio Materials Network Total: $2,193,000 CWRU, OSU)</p><p>ASSERT - ARO 9/93 - 8/98 $89,000 FIB Fabrication of SiC Nanostructures</p><p>Army Research Office - URI 12/94 - 11/97 $184,236 Equip. for Nanoscale Fabrication of Optoelectronic OBR Cost Sharing $118,500 Devices Using Light Emission FIB Implanted Si</p><p>National Science Foundation 5/95 - 4/98 $450,000 Nanostructures in Multiple Quantum Well Optical (w/ Boyd, Jackson) (total) Waveguides and Microcavities</p><p>MatNet 2 1995-1997 U.C.$299,200The Ohio Materials Network Total: $1,450,000</p><p>Ohio Aerospace Inst. Phase 2 12/1/96 - 11/31/98 $99,997 SiC Schottky Diodes for High Temp./High Power Electronics</p><p>NCEE (UES) 11/1/97-4/30/98 $3,780 Reactive Ion Etching and Plasma Etching of GaN Using Fluorinated Hydrocarbon Gases</p><p>ARO/BMDO AASERT 9/95 - 8/99 $190,000 Porous Si Laser Fabrication by FIB Implantation</p><p>Army Research Office/BMDO 9/15/95 - 9/14/99 $421,000 Novel Luminescent Materials and Processes Optoelectronic Devices</p><p>Rockwell International 7/15/97 - 7/14/98 $25,000 Growth of GaN Wafers on SiC SOL</p><p>National Security Agency 10/1/97 - 9/30/99 $500,215 Focused Ion Beam Nano-Fabrication of SiC Devices OBR/UC Cost-Sharing $185,000</p><p>Dow Corning 1/1/98 – 12/31/99 $214,000 SiC and GaN Thin Film Growth by CVD and MBE</p><p>ARO/BMDO ASSERT 6/1/98 – 5/30/01 $186,000 Optical Characterization of Light Emitting Mat.</p><p>National Science Foundation 6/15/98 – 5/30/99 $56,000 Optical Memory Device Using Biphotonic Stim. in RE-Doped Material</p><p>Wright Patterson Air Force Base 9/24/98 – 09/23/03 $199,000 Concerning GaN Plasma Etching and Device Fab.</p><p>National Security Agency 6/10/99 – 6/09/01 $1,007,388 Focused Ion Beam Fabrication of Photonic Cirtuits for High Speed Memory OBR/UC Cost-Sharing $340,000</p><p>TOTAL $8,077,136</p><p>54 55</p>
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