<p> Spotted Bear Ranger District Trail Conditions Report Last Updated: 09/10/2015 </p><p>Important information, warnings, and road conditions: </p><p>Both the East-side Reservoir Road (Forest Road #38) and the West-side Reservoir Road (Forest Road #895) are in decent condition and are open to Spotted Bear Ranger Station. The East Side Road was recently bladed, so visitors can expect a smoother ride. Due to extensive fire activity on the district, there are a number of trail closures in place. See the trail report and attached maps for current trail closures. Meadow Creek Road #2826 is closed from the Wilderness Lodge to Gorge Creek Trailhead, and the Spotted Bear River Road #568 is closed in its entirety. Road and trail closures are subject to change as fire conditions continue to fluctuate. For updated fire information and trail closures, call the Spotted Bear Ranger District at 406-758-5376 or visit http://inciweb.nwcg.gov/. Road and trail conditions vary. Trails that have been cleared may continue to experience downfall after the reported clearing date. Extreme caution should be used near or on a river, stream or lake, especially at water crossings. Despite the fact that snow runoff and rain has been lower than average this year, high and fast moving waters may still be encountered. Even as trails are cleared and reported as such please be prepared to expect the unexpected. Small wash-outs, large avalanche debris areas or other blockages may be encountered. Please report any blockages to Spotted Bear Ranger District at 406-758-5376.</p><p>Please visit www.fs.fed.us/r1/flathead for more information. </p><p>If you have questions, please call the Spotted Bear Ranger District at 406-758-5376.</p><p>Trail No. Trail Name Date Cleared Remarks, Projects, Safety</p><p>25 Palisade Creek Not suitable for stock.</p><p>29 Little Salmon 07/25/15 Cleared.</p><p>Cleared from Big Prairie to Gordon Pass - 35 Holland-Gordon 06/23/15 CLOSED as of 09/05/15 from Gordon Pass to Shaw Cabin CLOSED as of 08/15/15 43 Gunsight Peak 08/11/15 Cleared to jct w/Dean Creek Trail #87 56 Meadow Mtn. 06/1/15 Cleared - CLOSED as of 08/22/15</p><p>69 Tom Tom Does not exist. 72 Quintonkin Creek 07/28/15 Cleared.</p><p>74 Posy Creek</p><p>75 Green Mtn. Lookout CLOSED as of 08/13/15</p><p>Cleared - CLOSED as of 08/22/15 from 80 Main South Fork 06/11/15 Spotted Bear to Damnation Creek</p><p>Cleared – CLOSED as of 09/10/15 from 81 Miner Creek 06/23/15 jct w/#43 to approx. two miles in.</p><p>82 Bruce Creek 07/15/15 Cleared – CLOSED as of 08/22/15</p><p>Cleared – CLOSED as of 09/10/15 from 83 Spotted Bear River 07/06/15 trail origin to Great Bear Wilderness boundary.</p><p>83A Spotted Bear Lake Spur </p><p>84 Spotted Bear Lookout 06/23/15 Cleared - CLOSED as of 08/22/15</p><p>87 Dean Creek CLOSED as of 08/15/15</p><p>88 Sergeant - Corporal 08/02/15 Cleared – CLOSED as of 08/15/15</p><p>Cleared – CLOSED as of 08/22/15 to Ibex 89 Silvertip Creek 07/05/15 Mtn.</p><p>90 Wall Creek 07/06/15 Cleared.</p><p>91 Middle Fork Bunker Creek Not maintained.</p><p>92 Hart Creek 07/08/15 Cleared to the lake.</p><p>93 South Cr. - Nanny Cr. Not maintained – CLOSED as of 08/15/15</p><p>94 Trail Creek Connector 06/11/15 Cleared.</p><p>99 Chipmunk Peak 08/03/15 Cleared – CLOSED as of 08/13/15</p><p>Cleared - CLOSED as of 08/22/15 from 100 Helen Creek 07/03/15 jct w/#80 to Pagoda Mtn. Cleared – CLOSED to Bunker Lake as of 101 Bunker Creek 08/04/15 08/13/15 Cleared to jct w/ trail #56 - CLOSED as of 102 Lost Jack 05/26/15 08/22/15 103 Mid Creek 07/30/15 Cleared - CLOSED as of 08/22/15</p><p>105 Hungry Creek 07/16/15 Cleared - CLOSED as of 08/22/15</p><p>107 Picture Ridge 07/17/15 Cleared - CLOSED as of 08/22/15</p><p>109 Elk Ridge West Not maintained – CLOSED as of 08/15/15</p><p>110 Big Salmon Creek 06/21/15 Cleared.</p><p>111 Garnet Not maintained.</p><p>112 White River 07/04/15 Cleared. Cleared to jct w/ #493 - CLOSED as of 115 Stadium/Trickle Creek 06/11/15 08/22/15 116 Sun River Pass 06/23/15 Cleared.</p><p>118 Albino Not maintained</p><p>120 Smoky Creek Trail 07/25/15 Cleared.</p><p>123 Otis Not maintained</p><p>124 Hahn Cabin 06/23/15 Cleared.</p><p>125 Hahn Creek 06/23/15 Cleared.</p><p>126 Eastside South Fork 06/11/15 Cleared.</p><p>127 Tillson - Shale</p><p>128 Pilot Peak</p><p>129 Bartlett 07/10/15 Cleared.</p><p>130 Babcock 08/05/15 Cleared.</p><p>131 Holbrook Creek 07/25/15 Cleared.</p><p>132 Bartlett Mtn. 08/01/15 Bottom 2 miles cleared.</p><p>133 Butcher Mtn.</p><p>135 George Creek</p><p>136 Cardinal Peak Divide 137 Marshall Creek 08/01/15 Cleared.</p><p>138 Molly Creek 06/11/15 Cleared.</p><p>139 Rapid Creek 07/10/15 Cleared.</p><p>140 Bar Creek 07/10/15 Cleared.</p><p>141 Youngs Creek 07/25/15 Cleared.</p><p>142 Foolhen Creek 07/10/15 Cleared.</p><p>143 Limestone Creek 06/23/15 Cleared.</p><p>144 Spring Creek 07/10/15 Cleared to Cabin</p><p>147 Badger Pass Cutoff 07/25/15 Cleared – CLOSED as of 08/13/15</p><p>154 Morrison Creek 06/11/15 Cleared.</p><p>155 Big River Trail 06/23/15 Cleared from Granite Cabin to Gooseberry</p><p>160 Clack Creek 07/10/15 Cleared.</p><p>161 Strawberry Creek 06/23/15 Cleared.</p><p>Cleared from Pentagon Cabin over 173 Dolly Varden-Pentagon 07/13/15 Pentagon Pass and down Dolly Varden to jct w/#327</p><p>175 Cox Creek 06/23/15 Cleared.</p><p>177 Switchback Pass 06/23/15 Cleared.</p><p>179 Lodgepole Creek 07/13/15 Cleared.</p><p>183 Crossover Mtn. Not maintained.</p><p>189 Argosy 08/01/15 Cleared.</p><p>193 Lime Creek 07/17/15 Cleared. Slumps on bottom half – impassable to 195 Burnt Creek stock. 200 Twin Peak 07/21/15 Cleared.</p><p>201 Bradley Lake 07/13/15 Cleared. 205 Cabin Creek 08/05/15 Cleared.</p><p>Cleared - CLOSED as of 09/10/15 from 212 Shaw Creek 07/25/15 Shaw Cabin to jct. w/#131</p><p>213 Cedar Flats Access</p><p>214 Westside Big River 06/23/15 Cleared.</p><p>215 Flotilla Lake 06/23/15 Cleared – CLOSED as of 08/15/15</p><p>216 Trail Creek 07/10/15 Cleared.</p><p>Cleared to wilderness boundary 218 Gorge Creek 06/11/15 (Inspiration Point) - CLOSED as of 08/22/15 to Inspiration Point</p><p>220 Black Bear Creek 08/01/15 Cleared - CLOSED as of 08/22/15</p><p>221 Spruce Creek CLOSED as of 09/05/15</p><p>224 Shaw Mtn. Not maintained - CLOSED as of 09/05/15</p><p>225 Lena Lake CLOSED as of 09/05/15</p><p>226 Picture Point 07/17/15 Cleared - CLOSED as of 08/22/15 Cleared. 228 Silvertip Connection 07/10/15 Connects Silvertip TH to SB River Trail (#83); this section is less than ¼ mi. long. 229 Middle Fork Wall Creek</p><p>230 Tanner Creek 07/22/15 Cleared.</p><p>231 Good Trail 06/11/15 Cleared.</p><p>233 Camp 07/03/15 Cleared.</p><p>236 Grouse Creek 07/21/15 Cleared.</p><p>237 Upper Twin Creek 07/22/15 Cleared.</p><p>238 Spy Mtn. CLOSED as of 08/13/15</p><p>241 Chair Mtn. Trilobites 08/01/15 Cleared.</p><p>243 Bungalow Mtn. 07/07/15 Cleared. 246 Una Mtn.</p><p>248 Lena Peak Not maintained</p><p>249 Charlotte Peak Not maintained</p><p>256 Mount May 07/10/15 Cleared.</p><p>259 Porter Creek 07/13/15 Cleared – CLOSED as of 08/15/15</p><p>261 Slim Creek Not maintained</p><p>Cleared - CLOSED as of 08/22/15 to 263 Westside South Fork 06/11/15 Little Salmon Park</p><p>265 Alloy Creek 07/10/15 Cleared.</p><p>267 Basin Creek Not maintained</p><p>268 Soldier Creek 06/11/15 Cleared to 1 mile from end</p><p>269 Catchem Creek</p><p>271 Stadler Creek 07/5/15 Cleared.</p><p>272 Fiction Creek Not maintained</p><p>273 Ayres 07/07/15 Cleared.</p><p>277 Calf Creek 07/10/15 Cleared from jct w/#265 up two miles</p><p>Not maintained - CLOSED as of 09/05/15 278 Blackfoot Divide from Pyramid Pass to jct w/#221</p><p>279 Otter</p><p>283 Pyramid Pass-Youngs 06/23/15 Cleared.</p><p>284 Ross Not maintained - CLOSED as of 09/05/15</p><p>291 Doctor Creek 07/25/15 Cleared.</p><p>292 Koessler Lake 07/25/15 Cleared.</p><p>317 Winter Creek 07/25/15 Cleared, not passable to stock.</p><p>318 Argosy/Roaring Creek 07/13/15 Cleared. 322 Gateway Gorge 07/25/15 Cleared.</p><p>324 Bowl Creek 07/10/15 Cleared.</p><p>Cleared – CLOSED as of 09/10/15 from 327 Schafer Creek 06/23/15 jct. w/#43 to Rogue Creek</p><p>329 Twin Falls CLOSED as of 08/15/15</p><p>333 Elk Ridge Not maintained.</p><p>337 Lodgepole Mtn. 06/23/15 Cleared.</p><p>338 Cap Mtn. 07/25/15 Cleared.</p><p>340 Red Plume 07/25/15 Cleared.</p><p>343 Conner Connection</p><p>345 Lodgepole LO trail 06/23/15 Cleared.</p><p>346 Clack - Trilobite 08/03/15 Cleared.</p><p>359 Pot Mtn. 07/10/15 Cleared to Shadow Lake.</p><p>368 Chasm Not maintained.</p><p>371 East Fork Strawberry 06/23/15 Cleared.</p><p>378 Basin Creek North 07/25/15 Cleared.</p><p>380 South Fork White River 07/10/15 Cleared.</p><p>385 Lower Twin 07/20/15 Cleared.</p><p>391 Calbick Creek 07/13/15 Cleared. Not recommended for stock. 396 Conner Creek Not maintained.</p><p>Stock is not recommended past the ridge, 2 435 Limestone Peak miles up.</p><p>Cleared to Wilderness Boundary – 440 Lemonade Springs 07/21/15 CLOSED as of 08/15/15</p><p>442 Head Creek 07/21/15 Cleared – CLOSED as of 08/15/15 447 Three Sisters Not maintained.</p><p>451 Brownie Not passable for Stock.</p><p>455 Tango Point Not maintained.</p><p>457 Pendant Creek 06/21/15 Cleared.</p><p>465 Brownstone Creek Not maintained.</p><p>468 Crimson Peak</p><p>470 Mud Lake Mtn. 07/25/15 Cleared.</p><p>476 Winter Cox Divide 07/25/15 Cleared. Cleared. 478 Strawberry Cutoff Steep. 479 Mount May Connector 07/10/15 Cleared.</p><p>486 Stock Driveway</p><p>493 Cannon Creek Not maintained. - CLOSED as of 08/22/15</p><p>Cleared from Jct. with Trail #35 to 506 Cardinal Creek 07/25/15 Cardinal Peak</p><p>522 Capitol Mtn. 07/25/15 Cleared – CLOSED as of 08/15/15</p><p>524 Rambler Creek 07/31/15 Cleared - CLOSED as of 08/22/15</p><p>525 Upper Mid Creek Does not exist.</p><p>569 Jumbo Mtn. 06/23/15 Cleared.</p><p>584 Harrison Creek 07/07/15 Cleared - CLOSED as of 08/22/15</p><p>626 Haystack Mtn. 07/04/15 Cleared.</p><p>628 Kid Mtn. Not maintained</p><p>643 Rampart Mtn. Not maintained</p><p>686 Chair Mtn. Cutoff 07/13/15 Cleared.</p><p>693 Sunburst Lake 06/11/15 Cleared - CLOSED as of 08/22/15</p><p>701 Hodag Ridge CLOSED as of 08/22/15 717 Sentinel Mtn. 08/06/15 Cleared.</p><p>729 Winter Points 07/25/15 Cleared.</p><p>730 South Creek 07/22/15 Cleared – CLOSED as of 08/15/15</p><p>731 Trail Creek 06/23/15 2 miles cleared – CLOSED as of 08/13/15</p><p>732 Kevan Mtn. Not maintained.</p><p>734 Tillson Peak</p><p>739 Spotted Bear Pass 07/05/15 Cleared.</p><p>743 Sandstone Creek Not maintained.</p>
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