<p>Attachment # 1 Southern Kennebec Child Development Corporation Safe Environments Monitoring Report The Center Supervisor shall conduct an inspection of their Center on a monthly basis. Some areas do not require monthly inspections. The months when they are required are indicated. The purpose of this inspection is to spot potential problems, identify hazards and to avoid accidents by taking prompt action to correct problem areas. Center Location: ______Inspected By: ______Date of Inspection: ______</p><p>Heating Equipment 1. Is there sufficient clearance between hot surfaces and combustibles? yes no n/a 2. Boiler room free of combustible storage? yes no n/a 3. Is there any presence of leakage from the burner (oil or natural gas)? yes no n/a 4. Is there a warning sign posted on the door of the boiler room instructing staff to call a service technician immediately if leakage is present (oil or natural gas)? yes no n/a 5. Are heat pipes/units which are accessible to children adequately covered? yes no n/a 6. Are all air conditioning systems/units maintained in good operating order? (April through September) yes no n/a 7. Is equipment and combustion safety controls serviced per manufacturer’s recommendation? (October) yes no n/a 8. Is the oil/natural gas line supplying the burner protected from physical damage? (October) yes no n/a 9. Is the boiler equipped with a thermal electric switch properly located above the boiler? (October) yes no n/a </p><p>Electrical Equipment 1. Are the use of extension cords as a power supply present? yes no n/a 2. Are acceptable safety caps installed over electrical receptacles throughout the areas accessible by children? yes no n/a 3. Are (GFCI's) present within 6 feet of a water source, and in any outside electrical connections? (October) yes no n/a 4. Breaker/fuse panel covers in place, with clearly labeled circuits and easily accessible? (October and April) yes no n/a 5. Surge protection provided for sensitive equipment? (October and April) yes no n/a 6. Are covers provided for all electrical junction boxes? (October and April) yes no n/a </p><p>Water Source 1. Is the center connected to an approved public water source? (October) yes no n/a 2. Is a water test conducted yearly, with a State approved water report on file for facilities not connected to public water source? (October) yes no n/a </p><p>Emergency Lighting/Lighting 1. Does emergency lighting sufficiently illuminate all required means of egress? yes no n/a 2. Are emergency lights tested on a monthly basis (for at least 30 seconds per light) and yearly (for a minimum of 90 minutes per light) and documented? yes no n/a 3. Are rooms, hallways and stairways well lit? yes no n/a Comment: ______4. Is facility equipped with a working flashlight? (October and April) yes no n/a </p><p>Sprinklers 1. Control valves open and secured? yes no n/a </p><p>1 Fire Department Connections 1. Caps in place? (October) yes no n/a </p><p>Fire Extinguishers 1. Are extinguishing stove hood systems in good working order with current service tags? yes no n/a 2. Are kitchen hoods/ducts cleaned with NFPA stickered visible & a inspection report available? (October and April) yes no n/a 3. Extinguishers marked and accessible: yes no n/a 4. Is center staff aware of all fire extinguisher locations? yes no n/a 5. Are extinguishers in good working order (check weight of extinguisher, for obstructions, clear hose, current service tags then date and initial the back side of the tag monthly)? yes no n/a 6. Proper class for occupancy? (October and April) yes no n/a </p><p>Alarm Systems 1. Smoke/heat detection systems in service? yes no n/a 2. Detectors tested at prescribed frequency? yes no n/a 3. Are smoke detectors present in all corridors and in rooms used for sleeping? (October) yes no n/a 4. Are manual pull boxes accessible and marked? (October) yes no n/a 5. Are carbon monoxide detectors in service and functionally tested twice a month? yes no n/a </p><p>Exiting 1. Are exitways maintained clear and unobstructed at all times (including removal of snow & ice)? yes no n/a 2. Are there sufficient directional and exit signs to identify all routes of travel to the outside? yes no n/a 3. Are emergency evacuation routes and emergency evacuation plan and procedures posted for employees to read? yes no n/a 4. Is exiting to exterior stairs via an outward swinging door leading onto a landing which extends away from the building at least the distance equal to the width of the door? (October) yes no n/a 5. Are exitways equipped with round handrails including midrails for use by children? (October) yes no n/a </p><p>Fire Doors 1. In good operating condition? yes no n/a 2. Door openings and area around doors clear? yes no n/a 3. Tested twice per year (to close and latch completely)? yes no n/a </p><p>Stairs/Ramps 1. Is sufficient lighting provided and functioning? yes no n/a 2. Are handrails provided and properly secured? yes no n/a 3. Do open sides of stairs have intermediate rails and ornamental pattern such that a sphere four (4) inches in diameter cannot pass through any opening? (October) yes no n/a 4. Are ramps and inclines provided with non-slip surfaces? (October and April) yes no n/a </p><p>Housekeeping 1. Are indoor areas cleaned daily and kept free of undesirable and hazardous materials and conditions including pests? yes no n/a 2. Is trash removed daily and stored in a safe and sanitary manner? yes no n/a 3. Is trash in metal/labeled/lidded containers? yes no n/a 4. Is there a separate metal labeled/lidded container for the disposal of soiled diapers? yes no n/a 5. Has teaching materials and child prepared artwork exceeding 20% of any wall space been removed? yes no n/a 2 Cleanliness/Maintenance 1. Are all walls, floors, work areas clean, organized and maintained including lavatory floors, offices, halls, storage? yes no n/a Indicate areas where improvement is necessary (be specific). ______2. Is center carpet cleaning schedule being followed? yes no n/a Comments:______3. Is there any peeling, chipped or flaking paint on any surfaces inside or OUTSIDE of the building (i.e. signs, window screens, doors etc.)? yes no n/a Comments: ______</p><p>Floors/Windows/Hallways 1. Are floor surfaces smooth? yes no n/a 2. Are windows and glass doors constructed, adapted or adjusted to prevent injury to children? yes no n/a 3. Are hallways clear of tripping hazards? yes no n/a </p><p>Storage Areas 1. Aisles free of storage? yes no n/a Comments: ______2. Clearance of 18 inches between storage and sprinklers? yes no n/a Comments: ______3. Is the area sufficiently laid out? yes no n/a Comments: ______4. Are products piled in an orderly and stable manner? yes no n/a Comments: ______</p><p>Kitchen/Bathrooms / Classroom Sinks 1. Is kitchen equipment in good working order? yes no n/a Identify any appliance problems: ______2. Does water temperature in kitchen appear to be at least 120 degrees F? yes no n/a Comments: ______3. Does water temperature gauge on Hobart Sterilizer register 170 degrees F? yes no n/a 4. If a Hobart Sterilizer is not available, do you follow one of the listed procedures below? yes no n/a 1. Immersion of dishes/utensils/equipment for ½ minute in hot water of 170 degrees F. 2. Immersion of dishes/utensils/equipment in clean solution of bleach and water of 70 degrees F for 1 minute or more. 5. Do you sterilize baby bottles/nipples after washing them in one of the following ways? yes no n/a 1. Is sterilizer registering 170 degrees F. 2. Immersion of bottles/nipples for ½ minute in hot water of 170 degrees F. 3. Immersion of bottles/nipples in clean solution of bleach and water of 70 degrees F for 1 minute or more. 6. Are toilets and hand washing facilities adequate, clean and in good repair, and easily reached by children? yes no n/a 7. Are bathroom door locks designed to allow locks to be opened from the outside? yes no n/a 8. Are there any signs of toilet malfunctions or leaks? yes no n/a Comments: ______9. Are there any leaks or drips from bathroom/classroom faucets? yes no n/a Comments: ______10. Does water temperature at child accessible sinks appear to be no more than 120 degrees F? yes no n/a Comments: ______</p><p>3 Hygiene/Sanitation/Food Safety 1. Is a Child/Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Site Monitoring Form completed three times a year assessing hygiene and sanitation practices including necessary follow-up conducted at the center? yes no n/a 2. Are copies of the CACFP Site Monitoring Form kept on file at center level? yes no n/a 3. Are staff, volunteers and children abiding by the following procedures for hand washing: Upon arrival for the day, after breaks, or when moving from one group to another. Before and after: preparing food or beverages; eating, handling food, or feeding a child; brushing or helping a child brush teeth; giving medication or applying a medical ointment or cream in which a break in the skin (e.g., sores, cuts or scrapes) may be encountered; playing in water (including swimming) that is used by more than one person; and diapering. After: using the toilet or helping a child use a toilet; handling bodily fluid (mucus, blood, vomit); handling animals or cleaning up animal waste; playing in sand, on wooden play sets, and outdoors; and cleaning or handling the garbage? yes no 4. Are hand hygiene procedures posted in all food preparation, diapering, and toileting areas? yes no n/a 5. Are facilities available for the proper storage and handling of breast milk and formula? yes no n/a Infant/Toddler Classroom Areas 1. Are infant mattresses firm? yes no n/a 2. Is the use of soft bedding materials such as comforters, pillows, fluffy blankets and stuffed toys that could pose a suffocation risk avoided? yes no n/a 3. Are infant and toddler cribs and cots at least two feet apart and allow for easy access to each child? yes no n/a 4. Are there any attachments to cribs (i.e. toys, mobiles) that could pose a strangulation risk? yes no n/a Explain:______5. Are infant and toddler toys made of non-toxic materials? yes no n/a 6. Are infant and toddler toys removed immediately and cleaned/disinfected after being placed in children’s mouths, or coming into contact with bodily secretions? yes no n/a 7. Are infant and toddler toys removed and cleaned/disinfected at a minimum weekly? yes no n/a 8. Are indoor spaces used by mobile infants and toddlers separated from general walkways and areas in use by preschoolers? yes no n/a All Classroom Areas 1. Are diapering procedures in place and followed by staff that adequately protects the cleanliness, health and safety of children? yes no n/a 2. Is toilet training equipment provided for children being toilet trained? yes no n/a 3. Are toileting and diapering areas separated from areas used for preparing food, cooking, eating or children’s activities? yes no n/a 4. Are classroom spaces divided into functional areas that can be recognized by children that allow for individual activities and social interactions? yes no n/a 5. Are materials, equipment, furnishings and play areas safe, durable, in good condition free from choking, aspiration, ingestion, entrapment, strangulation and tip-over hazards (i.e. small parts, straps, strings, openings that could entrap, unsecured furnishings etc.)? yes no n/a Comments:______6. Are toys, materials, adaptive and outdoor equipment stored in a safe and orderly fashion when not in use? yes no n/a 7. Are children well supervised when playing with games and toys that have small parts that may be swallowed? yes no n/a 8. Are all classroom manipulatives/equipment cleaned and disinfected a minimum of monthly? yes no n/a 9. Are other classroom materials (including housekeeping) cleaned and/or laundered monthly? yes no n/a 10. Is classroom free of highly flammable furnishings, decorations and materials that could emit highly toxic fumes when burned? yes no n/a 11. Is staff promoting effective dental hygiene among all children in conjunction with meals? yes no n/a 12. Are staffing patterns regarding class size and number of adults per class being followed according to regulations? yes no n/a 13. Is family contact information and authorization for emergency care up-to-date and readily available on each child (clip board and child file)? yes no n/a 14. Is there 35 square feet of usable indoor space per child? (October, January and April) yes no n/a 15. Are push pins and/or staples being used in classrooms accessed by Infants/Toddlers? yes no n/a Explain:______4</p><p>All Classroom Areas – continued 16. Are storage cabinets which are accessible to children labeled non-toxic items only with a visual stop sign for children? yes no n/a Roof Areas 1. Roofs (visually) inspected on a regular basis? (i.e. flashing, snow and icicles) yes no n/a Comments: ______Yard Areas 1. Storage sheds orderly and secure from trespassers? yes no n/a 2. Combustible storage adequately separated from buildings? yes no n/a 3. Is area free of poisonous plants? (May through October) yes no n/a 4. Grass and brush around building kept trimmed? (May through October) yes no n/a Playground Areas 1. Are swing set chains checked for wear? yes no n/a 2. Are open-ended S-hooks pinched tightly closed on swing chains and seats (no gap or space greater than the thickness of a dime)? yes no n/a 3. Are all fastenings on swing sets checked for wear? yes no n/a 4. Is the distance from the underside of a swing seat no less than 12” with compressed loose surface material beneath it for preschoolers ages 4 and 5 years? yes no n/a Comments:______5. Is the distance from the underside of a tot swing seat no less than 24” with compressed loose surface material beneath it for children under 4 years of age? yes no n/a Comments:______6. Does the hanger mechanism on the tire swing show any signs of wear or crush points (answer if applicable)? yes no n/a Comments:______7. Does the distance from the underside of the tire swing measure no less than 12” (answer if applicable)? yes no n/a 8. Are slide discharge heights for Toddlers (6 mos. – 23 mos.) no more than 6” above protective surface? yes no n/a Comment:______9. Are slide discharge heights for Preschoolers (2 yrs. – 5 yrs.) no more than 11” above protective surface if the slide is no higher than 4’ tall or no more than 7” to 15” above protective surface if slide is over 4’ tall? yes no n/a Comment:______10. Are there any gaps/spaces at the top of slides where the slide chute connects to the platform that could entangle clothing, clothing strings or body parts etc.? yes no n/a 11. Is playground equipment in good condition and checked daily for hazards (no rust, rot, cracks, splinters, sharp points, corners, edges, missing caps, plugs, protrusions or projections)? yes no n/a Comments: ______12. Are there any broken or missing components on the equipment (e.g. handrails, guardrails, protective barriers, steps or rungs on ladders)? yes no n/a Comments:______13. Are there any pinch, crush and shearing points or exposed moving parts? yes no n/a 14. Are there any protrusions on playground equipment that could entangle a child’s clothing or that are large enough to impale/lacerate a child? yes no n/a Comment:______15. Are the children and playground free of possible entanglement hazards (i.e. straps, strings, ropes or similar objects on playground or equipment, drawstrings on hoods or upper body clothing, mitten strings etc.) that could cause death by strangulation? yes no 16. Are there any entrapment hazards on the playground (an entrapment hazards is the distance between any interior opposing surfaces that is greater than 3 ½ inches but less than 9 inches)? yes no n/a Comments:______17. Are surfaces beneath and around playground equipment adequately cushioned with sand or other approved materials? yes no n/a 18. Is there any damage to fences, benches, or signs on the playground? yes no n/a 19. Are outdoor areas/playground checked daily and kept free from insect damage, any obstructions, foreign objects, debris, hazardous materials and conditions which could present a danger for children (i.e. tree branches, soda cans, bottles, glass, etc.)? yes no n/a 5 20. Are there trip hazards in the play area (exposed footings, anchoring devices, rocks, roots, or any other environmental obstacles)? yes no n/a Comments:______21. Does the playground have satisfactory drainage, especially in heavy use areas such as under swings and at slide exits? yes no n/a 22. Are trash receptacles available and emptied when full? yes no n/a 23. Is there 75 sq. feet of outdoor space per child? (October) yes no n/a 24. Is playground equipment secured by concrete footings and padded at level with the ground surface? (October) yes no n/a 25. Are playground areas enclosed and separated from roadways by fence, wall, or other barrier? (October) yes no n/a 26. Are protruding bolts cut back flush and smoothed off on the ends? (October and April) yes no n/a 27. Are outdoor spaces used by mobile infants and toddlers separated from general walkways and areas in use by preschoolers? (October and April) yes no n/a </p><p>Smoking 1. Does all smoking occur off premises? yes no n/a 2. “TOBACCO FREE” signs posted? yes no n/a </p><p>Flammable Liquids 1. Bulk storage in fire rated room or approved cabinet(s)? (No Used Rags or Open Containers In Cabinets) yes no n/a </p><p>Machines/Equipment 1. Are standard guards provided and used? yes no n/a 2. Are machines and equipment in safe operating condition and maintained per manufacturer's recommendations? yes no n/a 3. Are warning signs against unauthorized use secured to machines? yes no n/a </p><p>Hand Tools 1. Are hand tools in safe condition, free of wear, and maintained? yes no n/a 2. Are the right tools being used for the job? yes no n/a 3. For hand held power tools, are hazard warning signs securely fixed to tools and are they inaccessible to children? yes no n/a </p><p>Ladders 1. Are steps and rungs free of cracks or breaks? yes no n/a 2. Are spreaders and hinges working properly? yes no n/a 3. Are safety feet in use? yes no n/a </p><p>First Aid 1. Are all first aid kits readily available in classrooms, identified by the Red Cross symbol, accessible to staff, properly stocked, clean, up to date and kept out of reach of children (including a monthly inspection of the first aid kit in the Go Bag)? yes no n/a 2. Are emergency response procedures posted (i.e. choking information, asthma, medical/dental emergencies)? yes no n/a 3. Are locations and telephone numbers of emergency response systems posted by each telephone (Classroom Emergency Response Aid)? yes no n/a 4. When leaving the building with children does staff take the Go Bag with them? yes no n/a 5. Are individuals identified and trained for CPR and First Aid? (January) yes no n/a </p><p>Personal Protective Equipment (P.P.E) 1. Is P.P.E. provided (i.e. vinyl or neoprene gloves, BBP kits, goggles, face shields, chemical gloves, face masks, etc)? yes no n/a 2. Are examples of P.P.E. above maintained in sanitary condition and adequately supplied? yes no n/a 3. Are vinyl or neoprene gloves worn by staff when they are in contact with spills of blood or other visibly bloody bodily fluids? yes no n/a 6 Training 1. Employees trained in how to transmit a fire alarm? yes no n/a Comments: ______2. In use of extinguishers/small hose? yes no n/a Comments: ______3. In evacuation procedure? yes no n/a Comments: ______4. Are all employees trained in proper lifting techniques? yes no n/a Comments: ______5. Are designated employees trained in use of safety equipment? yes no n/a Comments: ______6. Are all employees trained in hazards of hazardous materials? yes no n/a Comments: ______7. Are lockdown, lockout and clear the halls procedures practiced yearly (please document date and procedure)? yes no n/a Comments:______General 1. Is the State of Maine DHHS certificate of Licensure current, posted and visible at all times? yes no n/a 2. Does the facility enable the safe and effective participation of children with disabilities? yes no n/a 3. Are files maintained on inspection reports from outside agencies/companies/service providers? yes no n/a 4. Are files documented and confirmed that recommendations of those agencies are completed? yes no n/a 5. Are medications (children and adults) kept out of the reach of children, labeled, refrigerated if necessary and stored under lock and key at all times? yes no n/a Comment: ______6. Is there signed permission from the physician and parent for the administration of all medications (including non prescription)? yes no n/a Comment: ______7. Are all cleaning products, flammables, poisons, hazardous chemicals and dangerous materials kept in locked or secured location away from stored medications and food and only accessible to authorized personnel? yes no n/a 8. Are the use of pesticides present? yes no n/a 9. Are all Go Bags readily available, accessible to staff, properly stocked, clean and inventoried every month for the appropriate content and expired materials including all rescue meds? yes no n/a 10. Is the chemical mixing stations readily available, accessible to staff, properly stocked (gloves, goggles, clips), clean and written material up to date? yes no n/a 11. Is the dust mask (designed to filter dust particles) and handout readily available, accessible to staff and properly stocked? yes no n/a 12. Is cell phone in good working order? (i.e. check batteries/reception) yes no n/a Comments: ______13. Is cell phone number affixed to cell phone? yes no n/a 14. Is there a back-up land line phone in case of a power failure? yes no n/a 15. Is visitor/consultant – sign in/sign out sheet available and utilized? yes no n/a 16. Are volunteer/consultant name tags being worn? yes no n/a 17. Are batteries checked on the NOAA Weather/Hazard Radio twice a year (when the time changes)? yes no n/a </p><p>Other Conditions/Comments: ______</p><p>This report is to be submitted to the Safety Officer no later than the 5th day of each month for the prior month. Supervisor Signature: ______Date: ______Copies to: Center ______Safety Officer ______Scanned copies available to Program Managers and Agency Director Safe Environments Monitoring Report: Revised 02-14-17 7</p>
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