<p> PONDICHERRY UNIVERSITY</p><p>(A Central University established by an act of Parliament 1985) A C A D E M I C P E R F O R M AN C E I ND IC A T O R S ( A PI ) F O R C A R EER A D VA N C E M E N T S C H E M E (CAS) for Assistant Professor/ Associate Professor / Professor Part A: GENERAL INFORMATION AND ACADEMIC BACKGROUND</p><p>1. Name (in Block Letters) :</p><p>2. Father’s Name/Mother’s Name :</p><p>3. Date and Place of Birth :</p><p>4. Sex :</p><p>5. Marital status :</p><p>6. Nationality :</p><p>7. Indicate whether you belong to SC/ST/OBC category :</p><p>8. Name of the Faculty and Department :</p><p>9. Current Designation & Grade Pay :</p><p>10. Date of Last Promotion :</p><p>11. Position and Grade Pay for which you are an applicant under CAS :</p><p>12. Date of eligibility for promotion :</p><p>13. Address for correspondence (with Pin code) :</p><p>14. Permanent address (with Pin code) :</p><p>Telephone / Mobile No :</p><p>Email : 15. Academic Qualifications (Matriculation till post-graduation): Examinations Subject Name of the Year of Percentage Division/ Board/University Passing of marks Class/ 1 obtained Grade High School/ Matriculation/ Hr. Sec Intermediate/ PUC B.A./B.Sc./B.Com/B. LIS/B.P.Ed. M.A./M.Sc./ M.Com/MLIS/ M.Tech./M.P.Ed. Other examinations, if any * * NET/JRF/SLET/Lectureship 16. Research Degree(s): Degrees Title Date of Award University M.Phil. Ph.D./D.Phil. Post-Doctoral Programme D.Sc./D.Litt.</p><p>17. Appointment held prior to joining this institution: Designation Name of Date of joining Salary with Reason for Employer Grade leaving Joining Leaving</p><p>18. Posts held after appointment at this institution: Department/ Date of actual Joining Designation Grade Faculty From To</p><p>19. Period of teaching experience: PG teaching (in years) : UG teaching (in years)</p><p>20. Research experience (excluding years spent in M.Phil./Ph.D.) (in years) </p><p>21. Field of Specialization </p><p>(a) … 2 (b) …</p><p>22. Academic Staff College Orientation/Refresher Courses attended:</p><p>Name of the Course / Duration and Dates Sponsoring Agency Place Summer School From To</p><p>23. Number of Ph.D.s awarded under your guidance:</p><p>Full Time / Part Date of Ph.D. Month and Year of Name of the candidate Time Viva Degree awarded </p><p>PART B: ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (Please see detailed instructions of this PBAS proforma before filling-up this section) CATEGORY: I. TEACHING, LEARNING AND EVALUATION RELATED ACTIVITIES I. a Direct teaching (includes Lectures/Tutorials/Practicals/Project Supervision/Field Works) (evidence to be attached)* S. Academic Odd/ Programme Course Hours Hours Score = Document 3 No. year Even allotted handled Hours proof no. Sem. handled / X (X=7.5 for AP X = 7.75 for Prof. and Asso. Prof.)</p><p>* Below 75% of the classes no scores will be given </p><p>I b. Examination Duties I. b(i) Question paper setting (including Ph.D. course work) S. Academic Odd/ Programme Course No. of Actual Score Document No. year Even Question hours = proof no. Sem. papers set spent per X/10 including academic CIA Test year (X) and Practicals</p><p>I. b(ii) Invigilation / Supervision and related examination duties S. Academic Odd/ Date of No. of hours of Score = Document proof No. year Even Examinations examination duty X/10 no. Sem. including CIA Test = X</p><p>I. b(iii) Evaluation of Answer scripts/Assignment/Lab records/Observation work S. Academic Odd/ Programme Course No. of answer Total time in Hours Score Document No. year Even scripts/ (X) = (20* x no. of = X/10 proof no. Sem. assignments answer sheets/ valued assignments) / 60</p><p>* 20 minutes for correction of one answer sheet/assignment Marks Scored Total I.b(i) I.b(ii) I.b(iii) (I.b(i) + I.b(ii) + I.b(iii)) I.b</p><p>I.c Innovative Teaching</p><p>I. c(i) Teaching Innovative Courses: Preparation and the use of innovative teaching – learning </p><p>4 methodologies</p><p>S. Academic Odd/ Programme Course Short Score = Document No. year Even description Hours spent/10 proof no. Sem. of activity</p><p>I. c(ii) Updation of subject content</p><p>S. Academic Odd/ Programme Course Description Score = Document No. year Even of activity Hours spent/10 proof no. Sem. </p><p>I. c(iii) Student Mentoring</p><p>S. Academic Odd/ Programme Course No. of No. of Score Document No. year Even student hours = X/10 proof no. Sem. allotted (X)</p><p>Marks Scored Total I.c(i) I.c(ii) I.c(iii) I.c (I.c(i) + I.c(ii) + I.c(iii))</p><p>Total score in Category – I I.b I.c I.a Total (I.b(i) + I.b(ii) + I.b(iii)) (I.c(i) + I.c(ii) + I.c(iii))</p><p>I.b I.c Maximum score I.a Total (I.b(i) + I.b(ii) + I.b(iii)) (I.c(i) + I.c(ii) + I.c(iii)) Max. score for 70 20 10 100 Assistant Professor Max. score for 60 20 15 95 Associate Professor Max. score for 60 10 20 90 Professor</p><p>CATEGORY: II PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT, CO-CURRICULAR AND EXTENSION ACTIVITIES</p><p>5 II. a(i) Student related Co-curricular and activities, Discipline-related co-curricular activity (eg. Remedial classes, Career counselling, Study visit, Industrial Visit, Education tour, Student Seminar, Organization of Conference / Workshop / Training). S. Name of the Date and Venue Hours spent Actual score Document No. activity Time (X) = (X)/10 proof No.</p><p>II.a(ii) Co-curricular activities (eg. Cultural, Sports, NSS, NCC, Student clubs, Department Association, Placement activity, Magazine clubs, Science day, World literacy day, Nutrition week, World Habitat Day, Environment Day, Department Events, etc.) S. Name of the Date and Venue Hours spent Actual score Document No. activity Time per = (X)/10 proof No. academic year (X)</p><p>II.a(iii) Extension and Dissemination activity (eg. Public lectures / Popular lectures / Talks / Seminars and other Extension activities, etc.) S. Name of the Date and Venue No. of hours Score = (X)/10 Document No activity Time spent (X) proof No.</p><p>Marks Scored Total II.a(i) II.a(ii) II.a(iii) (II.a(i) + II.a(ii) + II.a(iii)) II.a</p><p>II.b Contribution to Corporate Life</p><p>II.b(i) Administrative Responsibility (including Dean, HoD, Convener, Teacher-in-charge, Warden, Dy. Warden/Course Coordinator, Director that require regular office Hours for its discharge (evidence to be produced) S. Calendar Name of the Hours Hours spent per Actual Score Document No year responsibility spent per academic year = X X / 10 proof No. week</p><p>Note: Additional responsibility like Dean/HoD involve 2 hours of office hours/day </p><p>6 II.b(ii) Participation in BoS, Administrative and Academic Committees of Pondicherry University (evidence to be produced) S. Calendar Name of the Hours spent per Actual Score Document No year responsibility academic year = X X / 10 proof No.</p><p>Marks Scored Total II.b(i) II.b(ii) (II.b(i) + II.b(ii)) II.b</p><p>II.c Professional Development Activities (Participation in Seminar, Conferences, Short term training courses, Industrial experience, Lecture in refresher course/Faculty Development Courses, Publication of articles in newspapers, Magazine, Radio talks, Television Programme etc. )</p><p>S. Calendar Name of the Details of Hours spent Actual Score Document No year activity activity (X) X / 10 proof No.</p><p> Max. score in II.(a) = 15; II.(b) = 15; II.(c) = 15</p><p> Total maximum score in Category – II = 45</p><p>Total score in Category – II </p><p>II.a II.b II.c Total (II.a(i) + II.a(ii) + II.a(iii)) (II.b(i) + II.b(ii))</p><p>CATEGORY – III: RESEARCH AND ACADEMIC CONTRIBUTION (For CAS, details for the Assessment period to be given) (Attach document proof wherever necessary) III (A) Research papers published</p><p>III.(A)(i) Research Publications in Refereed Journals as notified by UGC S. Title of the Journal Year, ISSN Whether Impact No. of Are API Maximum No. Publications Volume peer Factor co- you the score Score for and reviewed authors main University teacher* page 7 nos. author? (25 per ? publication)</p><p>III.(A)(ii) Research Publication in other reputed Journals as notified by UGC Year, Volume Maximum and page nos. No. of Score for S. Title of the Are you the ISSN/ API University Journal co- No. Publications main author? ISBN No. score teacher# authors (10 per publication)</p><p>*Wherever relevant to any specific discipline, the API score for paper in refereed journal would be augmented as follows: (i) paper with impact factor less than 1 - by 5 points; (ii) papers with impact factor between 1 and 2 by 10 points; (iii) papers with impact factor between 2 and 5 by 15 points; (iv) papers with impact factor between 5 and 10 by 20 points: (v) papers with impact factor above 10 by 25 points. The API for joint publications shall be calculated in the following manner: Of the total score for the relevant category of publication by the concerned teacher, the First and Principal / corresponding author /supervisor / mentor would share equally 70% of the total points and the remaining 30% would be shared equally by all other authors. # The University shall identify the journals subject-wise through subject expert committees and forward the recommendations to UGC in the format prescribed by UGC for approval of the UGC Standing Committee. The journals approved from this list, by the UGC Standing Committee, shall be included in the “List of Journals” notified by the UGC. The UGC Standing Committee shall give its recommendations within 60 working days of the receipt of the list from the University. The UGC Standing Committee may also, suo-moto, recommend journals for inclusion in the “List of Journals”. The clause 6.0.5 (i) will be strictly followed by the University.</p><p>III.(B) Publications other than journal articles</p><p>III.(B)(i) Text or Reference Books Published by International Publishers Maximum Are you Score for Title of Name of No. of S. Year of the ISSN API University the the Place of co- No. Publication main No. score teacher book Publisher Publication authors author? (30 per book for single author)</p><p>III.(B)(ii) Subject Books by National Level / State Level Publications 8 Maximum Are you Score for Title of Name of No. of S. Year of the ISSN API University the the Place of co- No. Publication main No. score teacher book Publisher Publication authors (20 per book author? for single author)</p><p>III.(B)(iii) Subject Books by Local Publishers Maximum Are you Score for Type of Whether No. of S. Title with Publisher & the API University Book & peer co- No. page nos. main score teacher Authorship ISBN reviewed? authors author? (15 per book for single author)</p><p>III.(B)(iv) Chapters Published in Books Published by International Publishers Maximum Are you Title of the Book Title No. of Score for S. the API Chapter with page editor & ISBN co- University No. main score nos. Publisher authors teacher author? (10 per chapter)</p><p>III.(B)(v) Chapters Published in Books Published by Indian / National level Publishers Maximum Are you Title of the Book Title No. of Score for S. the API Chapter with page editor & ISBN co- University No. main score nos. Publisher authors teacher author? (5 per chapter)</p><p>III.(C) Research Projects </p><p>III.(C)(i) Ongoing Projects (Sponsored Projects)</p><p>Grant / Document S. Amount API Title Agency Period proof No. No. Mobilized score (Rs. Lakh)</p><p>9 III.(C)(ii) Consultancy Projects carried out / ongoing </p><p>Amount Significant Document S. API Title Agency Period Mobilized Contribution proof No. No. score (Rs. Lakh)</p><p>III.(C)(iii) Completed Projects Grant / Document S. Amount API proof No. Title Agency Period No. Mobilized score (Rs. Lakh)</p><p>III.(C)(iv) Projects Outcome / Output </p><p>S. Title of policy Policy document presented to API Document File No. No. document / patent State / Central Agency score proof No.</p><p>Note:</p><p>Category Activity Faculty of Sciences/ Faculties of Languages / Humanities / Maximum score for Engineering / Agriculture / Arts / Social Sciences / Library / University / college Medical / Veterinary Science Physical education / Management teacher * </p><p>III (C) Research Projects III Sponsored (a) Major Projects with Major Projects with grants 20 per Project (C)(i) Projects grants above Rs.30 lakhs above Rs. 5 lakhs (b) Major Projects with Major Projects with grants 15 per Project grants above Rs.5 lakhs above Rs. 3 lakhs up to up to Rs.30 lakhs Rs.5 lakhs (c) Minor Projects with Minor Projects with grants 10 per Project grants above Rs. 1 lakh above Rs. 1 lakh up to up to Rs.5 lakhs) Rs.3 lakhs) III Consultancy Amount mobilized with a Amount mobilized with a 10 for every Rs.10 (C)(ii) Projects minimum of Rs.10 lakh minimum of Rs.2 lakh lakhs and Rs.2 lakhs, Respectively III Projects Patent / Technology transfer / Major Policy document 30 for each (C) (iii) Outcome / Product / Process prepared for international International / Outputs Bodies the WHO / UNO / 20 for each National 10 UNESCO / UNICEF etc. level output or patent Central / State Govt. / Local Major policy Bodies document of International bodies – 30 Central Government – 20 State Government – 10 Local bodies – 5 </p><p>III.(D) Research Guidance (Attach proof)</p><p>Number API Score S. No. Thesis Submitted Degree awarded Enrolled score</p><p>M.Phil. or equivalent 5 per candidate Ph.D. or equivalent 15 for degree awarded/10 for thesis submitted</p><p>III.(E) Fellowships, awards and invited lectures delivered in conferences/seminars</p><p>III.(E)(i) International Award /National Award/State Award / Fellowship from Academic bodies S. Name of the Awarding Date of Nature of the award API Document No. award agency award International/National/State score proof No.</p><p>Note: Category Activity Faculty of Sciences/Faculties of Languages / Humanities /Maximum score for Engineering / Agriculture /Arts / Social Sciences / Library / PhysicalUniversity / college Medical / Veterinary Science education / Management teacher * III (E) Fellowships, Awards and Invited lectures delivered in conferences / seminars III (E) Fellowships / International Award / Fellowship 15 per Award / 15 (i) Awards from academic bodies/associations per Fellowship National Award/Fellowship from 10 per Award / 10 academic bodies/associations per Fellowship State/University level Award from 5 Per Award academic bodies/associations/University level </p><p>III.(E)(ii) Invited Lectures S. Title of the Title of Conference / Organised International/National API Document No. Lecture Seminar/ Workshop by /State/Regional/ score proof No.</p><p>III.(E)(iii) Invited Papers S. Title of the Inviting Name of the ISSN/ International/ API Document 11 ISBN No. National No. Paper Agency Journal score proof No. /State/Regional/</p><p>Note: Category Activity Faculty of Sciences/ Faculties of Languages / Maximum score for University / Engineering / Agriculture / Humanities / Arts / Social college teacher * Medical / Veterinary Science Sciences / Library / Physical education / Management III(E)(ii) Invited International 7 per lecture/5 per paper presented lectures / papers National level 5 per lecture /3 per paper presented State/University level 3 per lecture /2 per paper presented </p><p>E(ii) and E(iii) shall be restricted to 20% of the minimum fixed for Category-III</p><p> Max. score in Category- III.E(ii) and III.E(iii) Stage-I to Stage-II = 4 Stage-II to Stage-III = 10 Stage-III to Stage-IV = 15 Stage-IV to Stage-V = 20 Stage-V to Stage-VI = 80</p><p>III (F) e-learning delivery process Name of the No. of Score S. Whether uploaded API material /delivery Courses/Programmes modules (10 per No. as blog or internet score process module)</p><p>Total score in Category – III </p><p>Marks Scored Total (III(A) + III(B) + III(C) + III(D) + III(E) + III(F)) III(A) III(B) III(C) III(D) III(E) III(F)</p><p>Consolidated Score Sheet</p><p>Item Total</p><p>Total score in Category – I 12 Total score in Category – II Total score in Category – III Total score in Category – II and III Part C: Other Relevant Information</p><p>Please give details of any other credential, significant contributions, assignments (including Post-Doctoral tenure) awards received, etc. not mentioned earlier</p><p>Sl. No. Details (Mention Year, Value, etc. wherever relevant)</p><p>List of Enclosures: (Please attach copies of certificates, sanction orders, papers, etc. wherever necessary)</p><p>1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10</p><p>I certify that the information provided above is correct as per the records available with the university and/or documents enclosed along with the duly filled in PBAS proforma.</p><p>Signature of the Faculty with Designation, Place & Date</p><p>Signature of HOD / Dean</p><p>N:B: The individual PBAS proforma duly filled in along with all enclosures submitted for CAS promotions will be duly verified by the university as necessary and placed before the Screening cum Evaluation Committee or Selection Committee for assessment/verification. Table-II(A) : MINIMUM PBAS SCORES REQUIRED FOR PROMOTION UNDER CAS</p><p>Assistant Professor Associate professor Assistant Professor/ Assistant Professor/ (Stage-3) to (State-4) to Professor (stage 5) Equivalent cadres: Category Activity equivalent cadres: Associate Professor/ Professor/ to ( Stage–1 to (Stage–2 to Stage-3) equivalent cadres equivalent cadres Professor (stage6) Stage- 2) (Stage–4) (Stage-5) Teaching-learning, Evaluation I 80/year 80/year 75/year 70/year 70/year Related Activities Professional Development and Extension activities - Minimum 50/ 50/ 50/ 50/ 100/ II score required to be assessed Assessment period Assessment period Assessment period Assessment period Assessment period Cumulatively Research and Academic Contributions-Minimum Score 20/ 50/ 75/ 100/ 400/ III required - to be assessed Assessment period Assessment period Assessment period Assessment period Assessment period cumulatively Minimum total API scores under 90/ 120/ 150/ 180/ 600/ II + III Categories II and III* Assessment period Assessment period Assessment period Assessment period Assessment period Screening cum Screening cum IV Expert Assessment System Selection committee Selection committee Expert committee evaluation committee evaluation committee 50% - Research 30% - Research Contribution 50% - Research Contribution Percentage Distribution of 30%-Assessment of Contribution No separate points. No separate points. 50%-Assessment of Weightage Points in the Expert domain knowledge 50%-Performance V Assessment (Total weightage = Screening Committee Screening Committee domain knowledge & & teaching evaluation and 100. Minimum required to verify API scores to verify API scores teaching practices. practices. other credential by for promotion is 50) 20%-Interview 20%-Interview referral procedure performance performance * Teachers may score the balance of points from either Category II or Category III to achieve the minimum score required under Category II + III.</p><p>PONDICHERRY UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC SCORE CALCULATION SHEET FOR PROFESSOR (STAGE 5 TO 6) under CAS</p><p>Basic Eligibility Scores by Expert Committee Performance evaluation and Total API Score Remarks Contribution to Research other credentials by referral Name of the under procedure Total Sl.No Category API Score API Score API Score Research performance Categories (Post Doctoral research output, Score Candidate Category I Category II Category III based on API score and Eligible / Awards, Honours, Patents and 100 quality of publications II + III* additional degrees like Pionts Not D.Sc./D.Litt./LL.D. etc.) Eligible (Min. 100 per (Min. 400 per (Min 600 per/ Weightage : 50 (Min. 70 assessment assessment Assessment Weightage : 50 Points /year) period) period) period) Points</p><p>PONDICHERRY UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC SCORE CALCULATION SHEET FOR PROFESSOR (under CAS – Stage 4 to 5) Basic Eligibility Scores awarded by the Selection Committee Teaching Research Domain Knowledge Practices Total API Contribution to be assessed by Score under experts based on To be assessed Sl.No Name of the Candidate Category API Score API Score API Score REMARKS Categories Research performance publications and through lecture / Interview Category I Category II Category III (#) based on API score teaching of papers seminar / Performance Total II + III* and quality of related to the areas discussion Score Eligible / publications of specialization (10 pts.) 100 (20 pts.) Not Eligible Points (Min. 100 Weightage (Min. 50 per per (Min 180 per/ Weightage : 50 Weightage : 30 Points : 20 Points (Min. 70 assessment assessment Assessment Points /year) period) period) period)</p><p>(#) Teachers may combine two assessment periods (in Stages 2 and 3) to achieve minimum API scores, if required * Teachers may score the balance of points from either Category II or Category III to achieve the minimum score required under Category II + III PONDICHERRY UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC SCORE CALCULATION SHEET FOR ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (under CAS – Stage 3 to 4)</p><p>Sl.No Name of Category Basic Eligibility REMARKS Scores awarded by the Selection Committee Total the API Score API Score API Score Total API Score Research Domain Knowledge to be Teaching Interview Candidate Category I Category II Category III under Contribution assessed by experts based Practices Performance Score (#) 100 Research on publications and teaching To be assessed Points Categories II + through lecture / Eligible / performance based of papers related to the areas III* on API score and of specialization seminar / Not Eligible quality of publications (30 pts.) discussion (20 pts.) (Min. 50 per (Min. 75 per (Min 150 per/ Weightage : 30 Weightage : (Min. 75 assessment assessment Assessment Weightage : 50 Points Points 20 Points /year) period) period) period)</p><p>* Teachers may score the balance of points from either Category II or Category III to achieve the minimum score required under Category II + III</p><p>(# ) One course/programme from among the categories of refresher courses, methodology workshops, training, teaching-learning-evaluation technology programmes, soft skills development programmes and Faculty Development Programmes of minimum one week duration. PONDICHERRY UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC SCORE CALCULATION SHEET FOR ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (under CAS – Stage 2 to 3)</p><p>Sl.No Name of the Candidate Category Basic Eligibility REMARKS Scores by Screening Cum Evaluation API Score API Score API Score Total API Eligible / Committee Category I Category II Category III Score under Not Eligible Categories II + III* </p><p>(Min. 50 per (Min. 50 per (Min 120 per (Min. 80 assessment assessment Assessment per year) period) period) period)</p><p>* Teachers may score the balance of points from either Category II or Category III to achieve the minimum score required under Category II + III</p><p># One course/programme from among the categories of refresher courses, methodology workshops, training, teaching-learning-evaluation technology </p><p> programmes, soft skills development programmes and Faculty Development Programmes of 2/3 week duration. PONDICHERRY UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC SCORE CALCULATION SHEET FOR ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (under CAS – Stage 1 to 2)</p><p>Sl.No Name of the Candidate Category Basic Eligibility REMARKS Scores by Screening Cum Evaluation Committee API Score API Score API Score Total API Eligible / Category I Category II Category III Score under Not Eligible Categories </p><p>II + III* (Min. 50 per (Min. 20 per (Min 90 per (Min. 80 assessment assessment Assessment /year) period) period) period)</p><p>* Teachers may score the balance of points from either Category II or Category III to achieve the minimum score required under Category II + III</p><p># One Orientation and One Refresher/Research Methodology Course of 2/3 weeks duration.</p><p>P.S. : Refer also Appendix III – Table III of UGC Gazette notification 2016 while scrutinizing the application.</p>
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