<p> Elgin Board of Education Regular</p><p>May 24, 2016</p><p>The May 24, 2016 regular meeting of the Elgin Board of Education was called to order at 6:00 pm by Board President Jennifer Buchanan at the Elgin Community Room. </p><p>Pledge of Allegiance</p><p>Invocation – Ms. Conroy</p><p>Roll Call: Mrs. Buchanan Present Ms. Conroy Present Mrs. Good Present Mr. Ramey Present Mr. Wasserbeck Present</p><p>Also present were Superintendent Bruce Gast and Treasurer/CFO Kim Reynolds</p><p>Guest </p><p>Steve Whitaker Nicole Sterling Chad Cunningham Tyler Clark Kristin Dyer Dan Gilliam Wendy Muselin Bob Imbody Mickey Malcom Teresa Vermillion Jason Hix Cynthia Gilbert</p><p>Resolution No.42-16 Agenda</p><p>Ms. Conroy moved and Mrs. Good seconded the motion to approve the agenda with the addition of 10a (Bryan Kane) and the removal of 10g (Kristi Brown).</p><p>Roll Call: Ayes: Conroy, Good, Ramey, Wasserbeck, Buchanan Motion Carried Noes: None</p><p>Public Input</p><p> Mr. Steve Whitaker announced the church will continue to serve lunches this summer on Fridays. The summer lunch program begins next week. He also gave the board an update on FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes). There were about 8 students every week. He would like to get some additional training next year and would also like to change the meeting date to the Wednesday before if the scheduled Friday is a late start for school. Steve is looking forward to the upcoming year; he stated, “There are many great students at Elgin”. A suggestion was to get FCA t-shirts to start out next year to broaden communication and grow the program. Another suggestion was to start carpooling students that need a ride. Mr. Gast thanked Mr. Whitaker and TJ Muselin.</p><p> Ms. Tyler Clark spoke to the board about the bad communication for volleyball. Coaches cannot get into the school or practice is cancelled and not told. Summer schedules have not been given out for volleyball. Mrs. Buchanan stopped the discussion and asked Ms. Clark to meet with Mr. Gast before coming with her concerns to the Board of Education stating this is the district’s protocol.</p><p>Wendy Muselin, Varsity Softball Coach, spoke to the Board about a spring (2017) softball trip to Disney. The cost will be $582.00 per students. This includes 4 nights and 5 days accommodations and passes to the theme parks. This trip would be over spring break which is Easter. Students will be able to attend church or worship on Sunday. There will be chaperones for students that do not want to attend. Mr. Hix spoke about the need to know who is interested or going before any fundraisers can be considered. Discussion is now being held on transportation; flying or bussing. This trip will be open to both JV and Varsity players. Both teams will play 4 games. This is a great opportunity for many students. Elgin Board of Education Regular</p><p>May 24, 2016</p><p>Resolution No.043-16 Softball Trip </p><p>Mr. Wasserbeck moved and Ms. Conroy seconded the motion to approve the girls’ softball trip in the spring of 2017 to Florida.</p><p>Roll Call: Ayes: Wasserbeck, Conroy, Good, Ramey, Buchanan Motion Carried Noes: None</p><p>Resolution No.44-16 Item Tabled</p><p>Mr. Wasserbeck moved and Ms. Conroy seconded the motion to table item 9e, FY16 final appropriations, until the special meeting being held on June 7th.</p><p>Roll Call: Ayes: Wasserbeck, Conroy, Good, Ramey, Buchanan Motion Carried Noes: None</p><p>Mrs. Reynolds presented the five year forecast.</p><p>Resolution No.045-16 Consent Agenda </p><p>Mr. Ramey moved and Mrs. Good seconded the motion to approve the following items:</p><p> April 26, 2016 minutes of the Board of Education April Bill List April Financials Appropriation Modifications o Fund 001 (General Fund) – Increase from $12,750,000 to $12,797,000. o Fund 009 (Resale) – Increase from $20,000 to $20,343.20 o Fund 018 (Principal’s) – Decrease from $35,000 to $25,000. o Fund 022 (Agency) – Decrease from $20,000 to $10,150. o Fund 300 (Athletics) – Decrease from $75,000 to $59,000 o Fund 461 (HSTW/5th quarter) – Increase from $12,316.54 to $12,379.56 o Fund 516 (Sp. Education) – Decrease from $266,611.16 to $255,220. o Fund 572 (Title I) – Decrease from $212,811.98 to $171,286.59 o Fund 590 (Title II-A) – Decrease from $50,884.92 to $45,982.84 Five Year Forecast LGS Contract for GAAP META Solutions contract for FY17 Health services with North Union Local School District</p><p>Roll Call: Ayes: Ramey, Good, Wasserbeck, Buchanan, Conroy Motion Carried Noes: None</p><p>Resolution No.046-16 Renewal Levy</p><p>Mr. Ramey moved and Mrs. Good seconded to approve the following resolution: </p><p>A RESOLUTION DETERMINING TO SUBMIT TO THE ELECTORS THE QUESTION OF LEVYING A RENEWAL TAX PURSUANT TO R.C.5705.194 TO 5705.197 TO AVOID AN OPERATING DEFICIT FOR THE ELGIN LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT </p><p>The Elgin Local School District Board of Education, Marion County, Ohio, met in regular session the 24th day of May, 2016. Elgin Board of Education Regular</p><p>May 24, 2016</p><p>BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Elgin Local School District, Marion, Delaware, and Hardin County, Ohio, that:</p><p>Section 1. This board determines and declares that the revenue which will be raised by all tax levies which this district is authorized to impose, when combined with state and federal revenues available to this board, will be insufficient to avoid an operating deficit, and that it is therefore necessary to levy a renewal tax in excess of the ten-mill limitation in order to raise the amount of $850,000.00 each year for a period of five (5) years for that purpose. Section 2. Pursuant to R.C. 5705.194 to 5705.197, there shall be submitted to the electors of this district at the general election to be held on November 8, 2016, the question of levying a renewal tax in excess of the ten-mill limitation for a period of five (5) years commencing with a levy on the tax list and duplicate for the 2017 tax year, to be first distributed to the Board in the year 2018 in order to raise the amount of $850,000.00 each year for a period of five (5) years for the purpose of avoiding an operating deficit, at the annual tax rate necessary to raise that amount. Section 3. The Treasurer is directed to certify immediately a copy of this resolution to the County Auditor of Marion County for the calculation by the county auditor of the annual levy, expressed in dollars and cents for each one hundred dollars of valuation as well as in mills for each one dollar of valuation, throughout the life of the levy which will be required to produce the annual amount set forth above, assuming that the amount of the tax list of this district remains throughout the life of the levy the same as the amount of the tax list for the current year. Section 4. It is found and determined that all formal actions of the Board concerning and relating to the adoption of this resolution were adopted in an open meeting of this Board, and that all deliberations of this Board and of any of its committees that resulted in those formal actions were in meetings open to the public, in compliance with the law.</p><p>Roll Call: Ayes: Ramey, Good, Wasserbeck, Buchanan, Conroy Motion Carried Noes: None</p><p>Mr. Gilliam spoke about using “urgent necessity” to get proposals for the restroom renovation. There would not be advertising for bids, but proposals would be solicited by Elgin. It allows the district to contact local contractors and in turn alleviates about 3 weeks. The 3 contractors would be Stevens Construction, Baldauf Construction and Stegal Construction. The timeline would be: May 31 – Meeting with the contractors June 6 – Bid opening June 7 – Board approval at special meeting June 10 – Issue contract June 13 – Work started August 12 – Project finished The athletic facility will be complete. Mr. Gilliam handed out a drawing of the floor plan for the restrooms. This facility would include a handicapped stall, hot water and heat. The shell of the current building will remain, but will have a metal roof and maintenance free walls.</p><p>Resolution No.047-16 Urgent Neccessity</p><p>Mr. Ramey moved and Mrs. Good seconded the motion to approve waiving competitive bidding based on the “urgent necessity” for timing issues on the outside restroom project.</p><p>Roll Call: Ayes: Ramey, Good, Wasserbeck, Buchanan, Conroy Motion Carried Noes: None</p><p>Resolution No.048-16 Consent Agenda </p><p>Mr. Wasserbeck moved and Mrs. Good seconded the motion to approve the following employments and resignations:</p><p>Certified Employment: Sandy Stevens Tutoring $17.06 per hour Nicole Poduch Tutoring $17.06 per hour Elgin Board of Education Regular</p><p>May 24, 2016</p><p> Bryan Kane HS English 1yr B-0</p><p>Certified Resignation: David White HS English</p><p>Classified Employment: Stacie Kunkle Fiscal Services Continuing contract Diane Johnson Custodian Continuing contract Glenn Smith Bus Driver Continuing contract Shannon Stoner Bus Driver Continuing contract Kim Pytlarz EMIS/Fiscal Services 2 year contract - additional $7,000.00 for EMIS Coordinator Toni Swearingen Van Driver 2 year contract Gerrie Nutter Bus Driver 1 year contract Step 0 Ruthie Price Bus Driver 1 year contract Step 0 Robert Imbody Bus Driver 1 year contract Step 0</p><p>Summer Custodial; $10.00 per hour unless noted Jerry Higgins Kathy Sullivan Cody Kitts Debbie Frazier Bryce Seitter - $8.10 per hour Diana Myers (Bus Garage)- $8.10 per hour; max of 28 hours per week</p><p>Summer Lunch; $15.00 per hour; funded through the summer food service program Janet Elliott Debbie Shifflet Kadi Vermillion</p><p>Substitute Summer Lunch: Melissa Riley Kim Seiter Eric Vermillion Carter Bane</p><p>Elementary Summer School: $100.00 per day Jane Furniss Sandy Stevens</p><p>Supplemental Contracts: 2016-17 School Year Wendy Muselin Assist. Varsity Volleyball $2,090.66 Kim Stutler JV Volleyball $1,929.87 Kim Cornelius 8th Grade Volleyball $1,608.20 Nick Bandstra Assist. Football $3,216.40 Sam Fuchs Assist. Football $3,055.58 Zach Winslow Assist. Football $3,216.40 Robert Schmidt Assist. Football Volunteer John VanGundy MS Football $1,929.84 Shane Clark Assist. MS Football $1,929.84 Dave Britton Assist. MS Football $1,608.20 Bill Runda MS Fall Activities Director $2,590.81 Lance Schwartz Marching Band $4,502.96 Natalie Ritchie Show Choir $3,055.58 Sally Ballinger LPDC $1,608.20 Jane Furniss LPDC $1,286.56 Patty Cumston LPDC $1,447.38 Ashley Auld LPDC $1,286.56 Bruce Gast LPDC Volunteer Elgin Board of Education Regular</p><p>May 24, 2016</p><p>Roll Call: Ayes: Wasserbeck, Good, Ramey, Buchanan, Conroy Motion Carried Noes: None</p><p>Resolution No.049-16- Consent Agenda</p><p>Ms. Conroy moved and Mr. Ramey seconded the motion to approve the following items for the 2016-17 school year:</p><p> OHSAA Membership Student Handbooks Student lunch prices; o $2.50 for Middle School/High School o $2.00 for Elementary School Student Fees</p><p>Roll Call: Ayes: Conroy, Ramey, Wasserbeck, Buchanan, Good Motion Carried Noes: None </p><p>Discussion Items:</p><p> The June Board meeting date has been changed to Wednesday, June 29, 2016 at 6:00 pm. There will be a special meeting on Tuesday June 7th at 6:00 pm. Graduation is Saturday, May 28 at 11:00 am. The Board needs to meet in the DMC at 10:30 am; the front doors will be unlocked at 10:00 am. Teacher work day is Tuesday, May 31st. There will be a breakfast at 8:00 am for all staff; the Board is invited. Mrs. Vermillion will be providing lunch for the staff. Pre-school option for 2017-2018. Debbie Schuster from Head Start approached Elgin about having a pre-school. The whole program is paid through the grant, including payroll, bussing, equipment and all paperwork will be done through Head Start. They are looking for 8 classrooms in Marion County. The grant is available for districts that cannot provide all the pre-school needs in the district. It is an all day, every day pre-school. There would be no cost to the families of Elgin. Staffing for 2016-2017 was discussed. o Mr. Cunningham stated there is one certified position at the HS. Mr. Malcom stated the MS does not have any openings at this time. Mrs. Dyer may have a 1st grade position open because of Kindergarten numbers for next year. Comments from the staff: o Mrs. Dyer is excited for test scores to come back. They have seen a lot of growth with teachers and students the past year. o Mr. Cunningham also stated he would be losing a great group of students and it was a fantastic year. o Mr. Hix also stated it was a very good year; o Mr. Gilliam loved the mild winter. o Mrs. Vermillion stated that summer lunches start June 6th. o Mrs. Gilbert stated things went really well this year and is excited for new things next year in the (Digital Media Center)DMC. o Mr. Imbody agreed the weather was fantastic, and commented about the purchase of a new bus this year. He also stated the people in the community appreciate this building and support Elgin. </p><p>Resolution No.50-16 Executive Session</p><p>Ms. Conroy moved and Mr. Wasserbeck seconded the motion to enter executive session at7:24 pm for the purpose of employment of public employees. Elgin Board of Education Regular</p><p>May 24, 2016</p><p>Roll Call: Ayes: Conroy, Wasserbeck, Buchanan, Good, Ramey Motion Carried Noes: None </p><p>The Board came out of executive session at 7:51 pm.</p><p>Resolution No.51-16 Executive Adjourn</p><p>Ms. Conroy moved and Mr. Ramey seconded the motion to adjourn the May 24, 2016 meeting of the Elgin Board of Education at 7:52 pm.</p><p>______President</p><p>______Treasurer/CFO </p>
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