<p>BLESSED JOHN XXIII WOOD COUNTY, OHIO December 11, 2011 THIS WEEK’S MASSES Sunday Dec. 11 8:00 a.m. – Parish 9:45 a.m. – Special Intensions Pastor’s Note: 11:30 a.m. – Parish GAUDETE Monday, Dec. 12 9:00 a.m. . Tuesday, Dec. 13 9:00 a.m. The third Sunday of Advent is called Wednesday, Dec. 14 9:00 a.m. “Gaudete Sunday” which in Latin Saturday, Dec. 17 5:00 p.m. - Parish means, ‘Rejoice’ or ‘Be Joyful.’ The third candle of the Sunday, Dec. 18 8:00 a.m.- Barb Szul wreath, the rose-colored (pink) one, is lit. Priests have 9:15 a.m. – Paul Hipp the option of wearing rose vestments – I don’t have any, 11:30 a.m. – Matilda Goveia so I will wear violet. And if you listen closely, you will Readings for this Week hear words in the Mass calling us to rejoice. Sunday: Is 61:1-2a, 10-11; Lk 1; Thes 5:16-24; Jn 1:6-8, 19-28 But we have all learned in life that simply Monday: Zec 2:14-17 telling someone to rejoice does not mean that person Tuesday: Zep 3:1-2, 9-13; Ps 34; Mt 21:28-32 will suddenly feel joy-filled. And just what is joy? Wednesday: Is 45:6b-8, 18, 21b-25; Ps 85; Lk 7:18b-23 The type of joy referred to in today’s liturgy is Thursday: Is 54:1-10; Ps 30; Lk 7:24-30 not a passing good feeling or some superficial sense of Friday: Is 54:1-10; Ps 30; Lk 7:24-30 festivity. It is a joy firmly planted in the heart. As such, Saturday: Is 54:1-10; Ps 30; Lk 7:24-30 we may want to equate this joy with confidence in Saturday: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89; Rom 16:25-27; Lk 1:26-38 God’s goodness, with profound trust in God’s help, and with belief in God’s love. Ministers for December 17 & 18 Consequently, people can face very difficult Lectors: situations that bother them and even wear them down, Sat 5:00 Candy Harbauer, Terry Woods all the while remaining joyful. Sun 8:00 David Beeks, Bill Williams Our joy flows from our belief that Jesus is Sun 9:45 Donny Burkin, Sonya Ruppel ALREADY with us. We don’t have to wait until Sun 11:30 Gary Christie, Connie Kern Christmas. Certainly, we observe a time of getting ready Eucharistic Ministers: to celebrate the birth of the Lord. But we know he has Sat 5:00 Jennifer Vickers, Debbie Jaegle, Andrew Swartz, Steve & already come to earth and continues to dwell with us. Kathy Kirwen, Joe & Kathy Frederick, Doug & Lisa Rhodes, Cathy Woods, Rodney Franks Today share some of this inner joy with others. Sun:8:00 Bill & Mary Batchelor, Bob & Linda Schrinel, Tom Jagodzinski, Claudia Losek, Dalton Giesige, Bob & Kathie Maxwell Sun: 9:45 Sue Donaldson, Marti Richards, Richard Podlesny, Larry & Diane Mershman, Don & Geri Sternitzke, Marvin Fuller, Larry & Sandy Batoki, Sarah Dias Sun: 11:30 George Dunlevy, Justin Russell, Meghan Russell, Laurie Barteck, Tina Carella, Beth Fisher, Fred & Maribeth Connor, Katie WELCOME! Dimmerling, Missy Dimmerling Every so often people ask me how we are doing in terms of hospitality as our parish grows larger. I will ask Servers: Sat 5:00 Katelyn Rhodes, Ryan Pierce, Jessica Reighard you who come to be with us the very same question: Sun: 8:00 Alex Schrinel, Hunter Korzec, Joey Korzek Are you feeling welcomed and included as you join us? Sun: 9:45 Hope Burkin, Lauren Zucarell, Alyssa Young Please let me know your experience. Sun: 11:30 Kayla Russell, Nolan Bishop, Jenna Carella Here at Blessed John we believe that hospitality Ushers: is very Christ-like and as we include others, we are Sat 5:00 Kay Asmus, Dave Jaegle, Mark Frederick, John & Marcia actually experiencing the presence of Christ. Buckenmyer, Wayne & Ruth Vreeland, Jerry Lucas With that in mind, we are especially grateful for Sun 8: 00 Dan Sackett, Chris Recker, John Farley, Steve Mochon, Nancy Nirschl, Fred Eberly, Gary Werling, John Janssens your coming today. Your presence enriches our Sun: 9:45 Brent Welker, Mark Kaczinski, Hector Ramirez, Jim Gross, celebration of the Eucharist. – Fr. H Mike Ward, Rodney Theis, Rodger Siebeneck, Tim McGee Sun: 11:30 Sam Christie, Ryan Peiffer, Miker Hagan, Pete Carella, Dan Langendorfer, Brandon Way, Brian Dimmerling, Rick Selhorst CHURCH DECORATING FOR CHRISTMAS Greeters: Many have made it an annual event to help decorate our Sat 5:00 Cleo Lawniczak, Ben Boerst, Marilyn Widman, Deb Parr church for Christmas each year. Whether you have done Sun 8:00 Greg & Karen Bade, Dennis & Bonnie Wolke, it before or not, all are invited to join us on the Sun 9:15 Mike & Diane Bohland, Sr. Regina Smith, Sandy Batoki Sun:11:30 Don & Maryann Buckenmeyer, Maggie Christie, Peggy afternoon of Sunday, December 18. Christie THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT</p><p>Please note that there will not be babysitting GENERATIONS OF FAITH (nursery) at any of our Christmas Masses. Two ‘Generations of Faith’ gatherings will take place today, at 1:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m., for those SACRIFICIAL COMMITMENT registered. The topic, “What’s up with Mark,” will Our Sunday offering last weekend was $13,460.50. allow us to explore this first of all four Gospels. The Thank you very much. Many parents continue to next GOF sessions will be on Jan. 29, when we will teach their children the joys of giving by helping take a new look at the Sacrament of Baptism. them with their ‘children’s envelopes’ each week. If your child does not have an envelope when s/he comes back from Children’s Liturgy of the Word, you MINISTRY SCHEDULER can find some on the tables near the church doors. Please sign on to the Web Terminal on our parish Keep some at home, so each Sunday you can help website to indicate any unavailable dates for the next your child put something into the envelope for the Liturgical Minister Schedule, that will run Dec. 21- offering. Teaching them to give is truly doing them a March 21, 2012. The deadline for changes is today, service for the future. Thank you. Sunday Dec. 11. Since Christmas and New Year’s Day are on Sundays, we have posted a separate schedule now. WEEK AT A GLANCE Please sign up to help out where you can. Thanks. (Dec 11-17) Sunday: Generations of Faith; Monday: Mark’s Gospel Class; NEW PARENT RETREAT Tuesday: Bible Study, Parish Parents seeking Baptism for their children are invited Advent Reconciliation Service; to attend our next New Parent Retreat at 1:30 p.m., Wednesday: Advent Retreat Sunday, Jan 22. The retreat begins with a meal for 2011, HIPS Rehearsal, Christmas Youth Choir, the whole family, and babysitting will be provided for Families Anonymous; Thursday: Mixed Choir; siblings. Please use the registration form in the Saturday: Delivery of Giving Tree gifts, Emmaus magazine rack. Rehearsal.</p><p>ARK’S GOSPEL COURSE LECTORS’ BOOKS M Part II of Fr. Herb’s course on St. Mark’s Gospel will Lectors are reminded to pick up their Lector take place on Monday, December 12. Come even if you Workbook 2012 in Room 103. Please check your missed the first session. This is a great way to get an name off on the sheet in the box. If you are not a over-view of the Gospel from which we will be reding lector and would like to purchase a book, the cost is throughout this coming year. No registration needed. $6.00. Just come with your bible.</p><p>VIOLET IN CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE THE SNOW Our Masses for Christmas Eve will be at 4:30, 7:30, The children of and 11:00 p.m. On Christmas morning, we will have the parish who one Mass at 10:00 a.m. As in the past, we are participate in encouraging you to consider attending some Mass Children’s other than the 4:30, which is always overcrowded. Liturgy of the We understand family traditions, but we also don’t Word will be want you to come to a Mass where you can’t really singing a communion meditation at the 4:30 p.m. and celebrate because of the huge crowd. Please pick a 7:00 p.m. on Christmas Eve Masses. This children’s Mass and build your schedule around it. song will not take place at 11:00 p.m. Mass. As for Sunday, January 1, New Years Day, we Also the children will be singing the will have the usual weekend Mass schedule (5:00 communion meditation at the 10:00 a.m. Mass on p.m., Saturday, December 31; 8:00, 9:45, and 11:30 Christmas day. a.m., Sunday, January 1) BLESSED JOHN XXIII WOOD COUNTY, OHIO December 11, 2011 TEEN FUEL ADVENT Next Sunday: The Teen Fuel RECONCILIATION Annual Christmas Extravaganza! Our parish Advent Here’s what you need: wear your favorite Reconciliation Service will pajamas (Christmas Pajamas are event better), be at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, bring a $5 gift for the gift exchange, and have December 13. There will be an appetite because there is going to be a lot six priests available to assist of food! you. Our neighboring January 1: New Year’s Movie Night. The parishes have services as well: St. Rose will have its perfect way to celebrate the beginning of service at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, Dec 14; All Saints, 2012! Come and hang out at the Parish Life Rossford, will have a service at 7:00 p.m., Dec 20. Center Sunday night. Please give serious thought to using one of Orders are due TODAY for the hooded these opportunities as a time to celebrate the sweatshirts. Additional order forms can be Sacrament of Reconciliation. People have plenty of found in the magazine rack. excuses not to celebrate this sacrament, but usually those are just excuses. This is a time to celebrate God’s love and powerful forgiveness. IMPACT Additional times for private celebration of the Next Sunday, IMPACT is watching sacrament are: Elf! Popcorn and drinks will be Saturday, December 17 3:00-4:00 p.m. provided. Monday, December 19 6:00-7:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 20 5:00-6:00 p.m. MUSIC REHEARSAL THIS WEEK Thursday, December 22 7:00-8:00 p.m. Hidden in Plain Sight, 5:00 p.m. , Wednesday Christmas Youth Choir, 7:00 p.m., RETIRED RELIGIOUS COLLECTION Wednesday Today we will have our annual collection for the Mixed Choir, 7:00 p.m., Thursday Fund for Retirement of Religious. Catholics in the Emmaus, 9:00 a.m., Saturday United States have been conducting this collection for a number of years in order to support religious orders of men and women who are in great need as their CHRISTMAS YOUTH CHOIR congregations grow older. There is still time to sign up for the Christmas Youth The Catholic Church in the United States was Choir! Any children, grades 1-5, are welcome to lead built with the leadership and strength of men and the singing at the 4:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass. The women in religious orders (Religious Sisters and rehearsal schedule will be: Brothers), who worked in schools, hospitals, Wednesday, December 14, 7:00 p.m. orphanages, and other forms of outreach. Often they Wednesday, December 21, 7:00 p.m. worked for almost no pay; certainly they did not Friday, December 23, 3:00 p.m. prepare for retirement. To be part of this choir, sign up by e-mailing Michael Now the average age of most communities is at [email protected] above retirement age. We need to support them. Thank you in advance for your contributions. There ST. VINCENT DE PAUL are envelopes in your packets for this purpose, as well as envelopes on your chairs. Our St. Vincent de Paul is in need of Twin beds, a Double size bed and a Queen size bed, as well as sheets for the above sizes, towels and lamps, to help PRAYERFUL CONDOLENCES a client. If you can assist us with any of the above We offer our prayers and sympathy to Mary Beth articles, please call Bill Batchelor at 419-874-5908 Byrd and her family at the loss of her dad, Erwin or Meg Carek at 419-352-9393. Gora. May he live forever with the Lord of Light! THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT</p><p>COFFEE AND COFFEE TABLE BOOKS LETTER FROM BISHOP BLAIR Because of the holidays, our Guatemalan premium (Perhaps you are familiar with Ohio House Bill 136. coffee will be sold after Mass this weekend for those You may want to respond to this by contacting state who are looking for a Christmas gift. All proceeds go to representatives and senators. – Fr. H) our adopted sister parish, San Lucas Tolimán. Also we have some copies of the Diocesan Dear Priests, Pastoral Leaders, Deacons and School Centenary Pictorial History of our Diocese for sale: a Principals of the Diocese of Toledo, perfect gift for those who want to know more about I would like to bring to your attention an local churches and the history of Catholicism in important and urgent matter of concern to anyone Northwest Ohio. interested in Catholic education in the State of Ohio. I am referring to H.B. 136 which is under consideration GIVING TREE DELIVERY VOLUNTEERS by the Ohio General Assembly. Thanks to all who have brought in their gifts for the The Bishops of the Catholic Conference of Ohio Giving Tree. They will be sorted this week, and are in support of this bill. If it is to succeed, it is deliveries will be made on Saturday, December 17. important that the Catholic people make their voices Please sign up today if you can help with heard. As I said on my weekly radio program, “If this delivery or with either providing home-made cookies to bill fails because it does not have the support of the go with the deliveries (placed in packages of one dozen Catholic people, so be it. But if it fails because the each) or providing a ham to add to the gifts. Catholic people and other potential supporters were There is a sign-up board for all three areas, ignorant of it, or failed to raise their voices, that would found in the Atrium after Mass. Thank you. be sad indeed.” It is urgent that we act now. Why support this bill? KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS It creates ways for parents' tax dollars to The Greg and Susan Silloway family has follow the education of their children, been selected as the November Family of regardless as to whether they have the Month by the Blessed John XXIII attended public or chartered nonpublic Knights of Columbus. The Silloways were the schools; coordinators of the recent successful Tailgate Party held in the Parish Life Center. Co-Knights of the Month for It reaches out to working poor and November are Mike Feldkamp and Rodger Siebineck lower-middle income families; for their essential roles in the Tailgate Party. It provides for Catholic school families to be phased into the program if their KEEP CHRIST IN CHRISTMAS POSTER families meet the bill's household CONTEST income levels; The Knights of Columbus is once again sponsoring a It complements Ohio's other school- “Keep Christ in Christmas” poster contest for children choice programs. in grades 1 through 8. Come to room 105 at 7:00 p.m., So I am asking you to do all you can to make Monday, December 12, to decorate a poster, decorate a the bill known, and to encourage our people to contact cookie, and meet Santa! One poster will be selected to their legislators. To find information on how to do this, be entered in a contest to be displayed as a billboard. simply go to the Catholic Conference of Ohio at http://www.ohiocathconf.org/action_alerts/action_body. OF C PERRYSBURG COUNCIL 7978 LADIES K htm. There you will find an analysis of the bill, AUXILIARY legislator contact information and a bulletin insert. The newly-formed Ladies Auxiliary of Perrysburg Your cooperation and support in this urgent matter will Council 7978 cordially invites any wife, daughter, be greatly appreciated. widow of a K of C member and any Catholic woman You are all in my prayers for a holy Advent over 18 years of age to become a member of the and blessed Christmas. auxiliary. Our next meeting will be at 7:00 p.m., December 14, at 29101 Hufford Road, Perrysburg. For Sincerely yours in Christ, further information, contact Carol Warnimont at 419- 874-5684 or email her with the subject line “Ladies Leonard P. Blair, Bishop of Toledo Auxiliary” at [email protected] Hope to see you there. BLESSED JOHN XXIII WOOD COUNTY, OHIO December 11, 2011 THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT</p><p>COME TO OUR “ADVENT BREATHER” VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Women in the parish are invited to an evening just for you. Take some time to pray, enjoy desserts and chat with old and new friends before the holiday preparations get too intense. You don’t need to cook or bake anything, and all you have to bring is YOURSELF! If you like to plan Christmas down to the last ornament, call in a reservation (419-874-6502). Or, if you’re a last-minute shopper, be spontaneous and show up anyway! NO PRESSURE, LOTS OF FUN FLOWERS FORCHRISTMAS Mark your calendar for 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., In this Christmas season, honor your loved one with December 7, and plan to enjoy your friends and the Christmas flowers to decorate Blessed John. Advent season. This will take place at Blessed John All memorial donations will be listed in the XXIII Parish Life Center. bulletin. If you wish to glorify the church while remembering your family and friends, please use YOUTH MINISTRY E-MAIL UPDATES thisform when submitting your $10.00 donation. Did you know that Michael sends updates to parents of both the Teen Fuel and Impact students on Monday mornings? Content includes a summary of the previous evening’s discussions, conversation starters at home, event reminders and more. If you would like to be added to this e-mail list, please e-mail Michael at [email protected] </p><p>YELLOW ENVELOPES Thanks to all who remember to use the ‘yellow’ SEEDS FOR TOMORROW envelopes for their monthly commitment to last year’s campaign. Thanks to your efforts, we are continuing to pay down the debt to the Diocese for our Parish Life Center.</p><p>KNIGHT OF THE MONTH Blessed John XXIII K of C announces their Knight of the Month for October. Chris Makar is the Knight recognized for his leadership qualities and as a key usher at the 11:30 mass. IN MEMORY OF ______</p><p>______WELCOME TO OUR PARISH FAMILY THE NEWLY BAPTIZED GIVEN BY ______Ava Marie, daughter of Jeff and Ginger Materni, and Hudson Jack, son of Shane ______and Deanna Bauman. May the Lord bless them and guide them through their spiritual path. Checks payable to Blessed John XXIII Church. ______Please note that your request must be submitted today. BLESSED JOHN XXIII WOOD COUNTY, OHIO December 11, 2011</p><p>St. Vincent de Paul Society – Blessed John XXIII Parish Annual Report – Fiscal Year 2011</p><p>Thanks to your generous contributions, your Socierty was able to accomplish the following in the fiscal year ended September 30, 2011. Additional thanks to our Knights of Columbus for their support.</p><p>Cash Donations: Mass collections 14,432.09 Other individual donations 5,547.07 District “Walk for the Poor” proceeds 55.00 20.034.16</p><p>Cash Disbursements: Assistance provided to clients (17,817.54) Christmas, Thanksgiving & Easter baskets (1,448.30) St. Vincent de Paul National, Regional and District dues (340.00) Other operatilng expenses (check costs, etc.) 0.00 (19,605.84)</p><p>Cash received from / given to other St.Vincent de Paul Organization in the area (twinning):</p><p>Cash donation to other SVdP’s (884.28) Cash donation from other SVdP’s 1,053.43 169.15</p><p>Notes: Person-to-person assistance was provided to over 80 individual and family clients during the year. Assistance included helping families with gasoline, utilities, water, rent, food, medical prescriptions, car repairs and insurance payments. Mattresses were also purchased and donated to families in need. Delivered baskets filled with food and other goodies to 20 families during Easter and 26 families over Thanksgiving. Provided 474 gifts of clothing, toys, household items and food to 94 families as part of the Christmas “Giving Tree” project. Distributed approximately 245 hats, gloves/mittens, scarves, and coats donated by parishioners. Distributed an overwhelming amount of school supplies and backpacks to 22 Wood County schools for children in need. Filled a large truck with approximately 165 bags and boxes of clothes donated by parishioners and distributed to families and individuals by St. Louis Helping Hands Outreach Center (food pantry and clothing center). THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT</p>
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