<p> Minutes KEEP ARKANSAS BEAUTIFUL COMMISSION Little Rock, Arkansas October 27, 2005</p><p>Commissioners Present:</p><p>Mary Smith, Chairman Gelene MacDowell, Vice-Chairman Laurie Black Dixie Carlson Randy Frazier Phyllis Jones Thurston Lamb Brenda Williams Sarah Wruck</p><p>Commissioners Absent:</p><p>None</p><p>Staff Present:</p><p>Robert Phelps, Brenda Halbert and Jack Singleton of Keep Arkansas Beautiful</p><p>Guests Present:</p><p>Gloria Robins of Arkansas Department of Parks & Tourism Tracy Horne, Policy Advisor, Office of the Governor Julie Robbins and Mary Burnett of Mangan Holcomb Rainwater Culpepper Teresa Caveness, GAC 2005 State Coordinator Beth White, Keep North Little Rock Beautiful</p><p>Call to Order:</p><p>Mary Smith called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. followed by a brief invocation. Ms. Smith welcomed guests, including Tracy Horne, new liaison from the Governor’s Office. Brenda Halbert called the roll. </p><p>Presentation of Minutes:</p><p>Ms. Smith called for additions or corrections to the August 25, 2005 KAB Commission Minutes.</p><p>Gelene MacDowell made a motion, seconded by Brenda Williams, approving the August 25, 2005 KAB Commission Minutes. The motion passed.</p><p>Financial Report:</p><p>The KAB Financial Report for the period ending September 30, 2005, was presented, reflecting 17% of the total budget expended. Mr. Phelps stated that $25,000 in capital outlay would be expended before the next statement, noting the KAB Division has acquired a new hybrid vehicle, the first in the department that will be the test example for fuel economy and environmental efficiency. After brief discussion, Ms. Smith called for a motion. KAB Commission Minutes October 27, 2005 – page 2</p><p>Thurston Lamb made a motion, seconded by Dixie Carlson, to accept the KAB Financial Report, as presented, for the period ending September 30, 2005. The motion passed.</p><p>Chairman's Remarks:</p><p>Mary Smith stated that today is Phyllis Jones’s last Commission meeting. She complimented Ms. Jones for the fine work she has done in District 3 as well as statewide, noting she will be greatly missed.</p><p>Executive Director's Report:</p><p>Mr. Phelps reported on the following:</p><p> September 10: Kickoff of 2005 GAC (Ms. Caveness will report). Hot Springs “Litter Summit”. 866 “litter hotline” has generated 600 calls a month, three times the number anticipated; we can take credit for raising awareness and providing citizens the ability to report. Newport Pre-Certification KAB training on September 26 (Mr. Singleton will report). Keep America Beautiful: 1) State Leaders Meeting October 2 – 5 at Callaway Gardens, GA (Mr. Frazier served as facilitator and presenter and will report); 2) State Affiliate Guidelines (Keep Arkansas Beautiful affiliation since June 15, 1989); 3) Keep Arkansas Beautiful “State Affiliate Award Recognition Program 2005” report filed with KAB; 4) KAB Awards: Keep Arkansas Beautiful will be recognized for two national Rogers Awards – first place in television, second place in radio, both for the 866 “report littering” campaign; also, “Butterfly Garden” program has been submitted in the Innovation category; 5) KAB Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida, December 7 – 10 (awards will be presented at that time). Mangan Holcomb Partners: New designation for Mangan Holcomb Rainwater Culpepper (Ms. Robbins will report). Financial Disclosure Forms: Complete and submit by January 1. Hurricane Katrina Assistance Relief Effort (KARE): KAB’s offer of Glad and Ruffies bags to hurricane victims. Farewell to Commissioner Phyllis Jones with appreciation for valued contributions to the KAB Commission and State of Arkansas.</p><p>Great Arkansas Cleanup 2005:</p><p>Teresa Caveness presented a preliminary report, as follows:</p><p> 27 of 52 participating counties reported to date: 6,896 volunteers; three-fourths of the cleanups recycled; participation down somewhat due to hurricane relief efforts. KAB Commission Minutes October 27, 2005 – page 3</p><p> Successful cleanups included: Jefferson County with 1,200 volunteers; Lake Dardanelle/Pope County cleanup with 800; Faulkner County; Cabot City Beautiful; White County with a massive amount of white goods recycled; and Little River County who included elementary schools poster and essay contests. Rotary Interact Clubs interest and hopeful they will assume GAC projects statewide. US Army Corps of Engineers: Renewed interest and connection with Rick Bradford of Ozark. Coordinators’ meeting and resources praised; t-shirts a big hit this year, as well as stickers for children.</p><p>Program Services Report:</p><p>Jack Singleton reported on the following:</p><p> Rotary Interact Clubs interest in GAC 2005: Demonstrates connection between cleanups and community development. AR Parks Superintendents’ meeting at Mt. View Folk Center, September 27. Spirit of 110: September 28 Governor’s reception honoring volunteers, including two awards to KAB; maximizing tax dollars using volunteers. KAB Pre-certification update: 1) Newport: September 25; appreciation for Commissioners’ attendance; 2) Van Buren: November 22. “One million pounds” recycling event at Clarksville Recycling Center on November 18: requested a Commissioner represent KAB; Mr. Frazier volunteered. November 3-4: Recycling seminar for teachers’ continuing education credit; Mr. Singleton will present “Litter Free Zone” program. Keep America Beautiful “State Affiliate Innovation Programs” award entry: Reviewed “butterfly gardening” activities statewide. (Mr. Phelps pointed out the importance of such programs in linking children to the environment). Keep North Little Rock Beautiful: Welcomed Beth White, Team Leader, stressing the importance and involvement of such volunteers in KAB programs.</p><p>Advisory Reports:</p><p>None presented.</p><p>Congressional District Reports:</p><p>Congressional District 3:</p><p>Gelene MacDowell reported on the following:</p><p> Thank you to Dempsey Film Group for KAB advertising assistance. KAB Commission Minutes October 27, 2005 – page 4</p><p> Newspaper responses: 1) Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette: Wrote staff in response to feature on Fort Smith area development, enclosing article on “Litter Prevention Impacts Economic Development”; no response to date; 2) Letter to the Editor of the Times Record published regarding litter on Greenwood Avenue in Fort Smith, touting the “litter hotline” and local police enforcement. Cleanup events: 1) Thank you to Ron Smith, Sebastian County GAC Coordinator, in response to Times Record article; 2) Attended September 10 GAC in Ozark under leadership of Ranger Rick Bradford; conducting cleanups for 20 years – first year relation with KAB; appreciated t-shirts for 4-H volunteers. 3) September 13: Fort Smith city-wide cleanup announced; no mention of GAC. KAB supplies: Counter display, clings, etc. to Janet Huckabee Nature Center under construction in the Fort Smith area; pocket ashtrays to local hospital employees. Fort Smith Beautiful With Pride update: Board meeting September 14 with 15 new members present; no new president announced; October meeting canceled. Commended MHP and KAB for “litter” ad on Channel 5 in Fort Smith. November 3 in Van Buren: KAB’s certificate of appreciation for “law enforcement” to Sgt. Wilson of AR Game & Fish Commission.</p><p>Phyllis Jones reported on the following:</p><p> Cleanups and recycling: 1) Attended/assisted with Carroll County Bulk Waste Drop-Off event October 8 in Oak Grove; 2) Attended several Carroll County cleanup events, well organized by a couple of local citizens, with support of Keep Carroll County Beautiful and the recycling center; 3) Clear Spring School had a successful “Trash-A-Thon”, their annual fund raiser; 4) “Road Goats” adopt-a-road group very active. Carroll County’s 2005 cash award was presented to local artist who assisted with recycled floats for the Ozark Folk Festival parade.</p><p>Ms. Jones closed her remarks, stating it had been great serving as KAB Commissioner in a most rewarding mission, and she would miss everyone. She said she was proud to have become involved in such a worthwhile program under the great leadership of Linda Westergard and Peggy Weidman. </p><p>Congressional District 4:</p><p>Sarah Wruck, Commissioner-At-Large, reported:</p><p> She will continue as a member of the Pine Bluff/Jefferson County Facilities Board, as she is not moving from the area as previously announced. KAB Commission Minutes October 27, 2005 – page 5</p><p> Cleanup events: Tiffany Camp coordinated a very successful Pine Bluff/Jefferson County GAC; also, ward cleanups were held throughout the summer. Tire recycling center can no longer accept tires from 9 counties in Southeast Arkansas, only Jefferson County, due to lack of funding. City of Pine Bluff recently passed a no-smoking ordinance in public areas and wonders how it will affect cigarette litter.</p><p>Mr. Phelps suggested KAB’s public relations involvement with the “Cigarette Litter Prevention” program, including assistance with education of law enforcement. Ms. Wruck will serve as KAB’s advocate, presenting the program to the Facilities Board and Mayor. Mr. Phelps will send a letter outlining the proposal.</p><p>Laurie Black reported on the following:</p><p> Cleanup events: One event coordinated in Chicot County; daughter participated in nearby Greenville, MS cleanup. AR Federation of Garden Clubs, SE District meeting: Appreciation for KAB supplies, including new car litter bags (suggestion they be larger). “Litter hotline” counter display in her place of business: Touting message to customers; hopefully, making a difference with community leadership.</p><p>Congressional District 2:</p><p>Randy Frazier reviewed the following:</p><p> Keep Little Rock Beautiful Affiliate: Bylaws have been drafted and under consideration. Keep America Beautiful State Leaders Conference in Georgia: 1) Served as facilitator and conducted training session on “Risk Communication”; 2) Training sessions attended dealt with “How to Market Recycling to Specific Demographic Groups” and “Watershed Management”; tour of Callaway Gardens’ butterfly garden and states sharing ideas also included. Perry County efforts: 1) Solid waste transfer station located that accepts aluminum and steel cans and newspapers; would like to see satellite stations set up in the county; 2) Supporting road department by cleaning Underwood Road. “E-Cycling” article shared from today’s Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. Faulkner County implementing new ordinance for rural properties cleanups and have concerns regarding impact on illegal dumping. Facilitated training retreat for AR Division of Volunteerism at Camp Aldersgate. Their “Commons Building” is “the first Gold level LEED’s” building in Arkansas in regard to Green Architecture; encouraged others to visit, stating it embraces a core value of KAB’s mission; also, noted that Clinton Library and Rockefeller Foundation buildings in Little Rock also follow “green architecture” concept. Researching the best means to determine the types of roadside litter by percentage. Recommended Commission and staff consider a strategic planning retreat with one suggestion to revise KAB’s mission statement. KAB Commission Minutes October 27, 2005 – page 6</p><p>Lengthy discussed followed regarding composition of roadside litter, including the “litter index” as a determination method. Mr. Phelps stated that cigarette litter has been the most prevalent littered item according to the “litter hotline” statistics; other programs, such as AHTD’s Adopt-A- Highway efforts during last year’s GAC validated the same. The Highway Department did not include a litter study in this fall’s GAC effort.</p><p>Thurston Lamb reported on the following:</p><p> Recyling and litter prevention efforts ongoing in Pulaski County; would like to connect with more groups for cell phone recycling. Cleanup events scheduled for Shorter College and Oakgrove Community. Appreciation to KAB staff and MHP for diligent efforts in promoting the 866 hotline, particularly the billboards statewide, a very positive campaign to raise awareness in support of our mission.</p><p>Congressional District 1:</p><p>No GAC event is scheduled for Searcy County, but Ms. Williams will make a second attempt to gain the county judge’s support. Passed along state senator’s compliment of KAB’s billboard.</p><p>Dixie Carlson reported:</p><p> Serious litter problem in Crittenden County: 1) Attended meeting at courthouse, took photos of litter near entrance, still hopeful of getting county judge’s attention and support; 2) One badly littered area cleaned. GAC 2005: Interest of citizens, still hopeful for an event but nothing planned. Newport KAB Pre-Certification training impressive, complimenting Mr. Singleton as well as Cecile Carson of Keep America Beautiful.</p><p>Mangan Holcomb Rainwater Culpepper:</p><p>Ms. Burnett reviewed the following:</p><p> Paid TV and radio campaign has ended; animated TV will continue the last quarter through NCSA, focusing on cigarette litter, and bringing back the “cigarette fairy”. A special radio spot will be carried on the sports network during basketball season.</p><p>Ms. Robbins reported on the following:</p><p> News clips distributed covering “litter hotline”, GAC (thru January), etc. (“lots of print for our money”). Economic development connection to “litter or cleaner”: Piece compiled using statistics and material from relevant examples, i.e., Morrilton, Prescott and Wynne. KAB Commission Minutes October 27, 2005 – page 7</p><p> 866 “Reporting Litter” campaign: 1) AHTD’s focus at AR State Fair in October; 2) MHP covers on their website; extensively on KAB’s site; 3) Submission of AHTD Partnership Award entry to Keep America Beautiful for “litter hotline” campaign and GAC. The Keepsake: Next issue will drive 2006 Awards entries. KAB Awards 2006: 1) Marketing strategy will include targeting specific groups, i.e., GAC coordinators (postcard will call for entries on 2005 project); science teachers for recycling; as well as environmental organizations, hopefully reaching as many as possible electronically; 2) Website: Awards icon will replace GAC icon on the home page for easier navigation; 2006 updates have been requested by KAB staff and should be posted by Friday; 3) Involvement of Commissioners: Requested they make contacts in their districts based on projects/programs covered in news clips. Mangan Holcomb Partners: New designation for agency; rather than add fifth principal’s name; enhances the ability to better reach the customer and please the consumer.</p><p>Old Business:</p><p>None.</p><p>New Business:</p><p>Mary Smith appointed Phyllis Jones, Dixie Carlson and Thurston Lamb to the Nominating Committee for 2006 KAB Commission Officers. This slate must be presented at the November meeting.</p><p>Ms. Smith also requested that handouts be provided Ms. Halbert ahead of time, so they can be included in packets prior to Commission meeting day.</p><p>Again, discussion ensued regarding a KAB planning retreat with action taken, as follows:</p><p>Randy Frazier made a motion, seconded by Laurie Black, directing KAB staff to consider an off-site strategic planning retreat to clarify future goals of the Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission, focusing on a more concise mission statement. The motion passed. </p><p>There being no further business:</p><p>Gelene MacDowell made a motion, seconded by Laurie Black, to adjourn the meeting at 11:45 a.m. The motion passed.</p><p>______Robert Phelps, Director Mary Smith, Chairman Keep Arkansas Beautiful Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission</p>
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