<p>SCHEME OF WORK 15/16 </p><p>Course Title: NCFE Maths Entry Level 3</p><p>Tutor’s Name: Venue: Day/Time: </p><p>Overall course aims and accreditation: to help learners to: . apply mathematical skills and understanding to everyday life . engage competently and confidently with others . develop personally and professionally as positive citizens who can actively contribute to society.</p><p>TERM A - NUMBER</p><p>Mapping to FS and Session / dates Topic CC Ref Session aims Methods Resources Assessment PLTS To determine Formal IA and/or DA Assessment Reflective INDUCTION N1/E3 level of assessment of Literacy outcome Learners N2/E3 underpinning skills screening ILPs knowledge of Practical ILPs learner 1 assessment of To ascertain level functionality Date of functionality Personal with the discussion underpinning skills To agree learning plan with learner</p><p>1 SCHEME OF WORK 15/16 </p><p>Mapping to FS and Session / dates Topic CC Ref Session aims Methods Resources Assessment PLTS Learner PowerPoint Activity Self-management N1/E3.1 Learner(s) to: discussion in Whiteboard observation skills N1/E3.7 Identify values of small and large Hand-outs Peer assessment Positive 3-digit numbers groups contribution as a Computer Observation in numerical and Group work team member word format paper and pens Discussion Interactive Problem-solving Checklist Identify place activities Number and skills values for each Candidate Individual and words cards Safe practice digit in 3-digit Domino feedback group task Communication numbers Oral assessment Demonstration Worksheets skills Identify when a 3- Hand-out Practical IWB 2 digit number is completion WORKING with odd or even activities Date WHOLE NUMBERS Identify numbers of items counting on in tens and hundreds from 10 to 1,000 Count back in tens and hundreds from 1,000 to 10 Round numbers to the nearest ten and hundred</p><p>2 SCHEME OF WORK 15/16 </p><p>Mapping to FS and Session / dates Topic CC Ref Session aims Methods Resources Assessment PLTS Teacher direction PowerPoint Activity Positive N1/E3.2 Learner(s) to: Learner Whiteboard observation contribution as a N1/E3.3 Recognise and discussion in Peer assessment team member N1/E3.8 Hand-outs use appropriate small and large Meeting agreed Computer Observation vocabulary and groups deadlines symbols for paper and pens Discussion Group work Problem-solving addition and Number line Checklist Interactive skills subtraction Candidate activities Number cards Safe practice Identify the place feedback Individual and Jigsaw Communication value when Oral assessment adding 3-digit group task Worksheets skills Hand-out numbers Demonstration IWB completion Add 3-digit Practical numbers with activities totals up to 3 1,000, using ADDITION and different methods SUBTRACTION Date Identify the place value when subtracting 3-digit numbers Subtract pairs of 3-digit numbers, using different methods Use addition to check accuracy of subtraction results Use estimation to check that answers are realistic</p><p>3 SCHEME OF WORK 15/16 </p><p>Mapping to FS and Session / dates Topic CC Ref Session aims Methods Resources Assessment PLTS Teacher direction PowerPoint Activity Positive N1/E3.4 Learner(s) to: Learner Whiteboard observation contribution as a N1/E3.5 Recognise and team member discussion in Hand-outs Peer assessment use appropriate small and large Meeting agreed Computer Discussion vocabulary and groups deadlines symbols for paper and pens Candidate Group work Problem-solving multiplication and feedback Worksheets skills division Individual and Oral assessment group task Vocabulary cards Communication Multiply 2-digit Hand-out IWB skills 4 whole numbers Demonstration completion MULTIPLICATION by single-digit Practical Date whole numbers activities Use addition to check answers to problems involving multiplication Use knowledge of multiples of 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 10 in calculations Teacher direction PowerPoint Activity Positive N1/E3.6 Learner(s) to: Discussion in Whiteboard observation contribution as a N1/E3.7 Divide 2-digit team member small and large Hand-outs Peer assessment whole numbers 5 groups Observation Problem-solving DIVISION by single-digit paper and pens Individual and skills whole numbers IWB Discussion Date group task Safe practice Use multiplication Vocabulary cards Checklist Demonstration Communication to check Worksheets Oral assessment Practical skills accuracy of Hand-out results activities Whiteboard</p><p>4 SCHEME OF WORK 15/16 </p><p>Mapping to FS and Session / dates Topic CC Ref Session aims Methods Resources Assessment PLTS Teacher direction PowerPoint Activity Positive N1/E3.9 Learner(s) to: Learner Whiteboard observation contribution as a N1/E3.8 Identify the team member discussion in Hand-outs Peer assessment numeracy small and large Meeting agreed Computer Observation SOLVING WORD elements in a groups deadlines Discussion PROBLEMS/ simple word paper and pens 6 Group work Problem-solving SIMPLE ALGEBRA problem IWB Checklist Interactive skills Use algebra to Candidate Date activities Worksheets Safe practice PROGRESS solve simple feedback Individual and ILPs Communication REVIEW word problems Oral assessment group task skills Check results of Hand-out Demonstration calculations using completion suitable methods Practical ILPs Update ILPs activities</p><p>HALF TERM dates</p><p> Teacher direction PowerPoint Activity Positive N2/E3.1 Learner(s) to: Learner Whiteboard observation contribution as a N2/E3.2 Identify common team member discussion in Hand-outs Peer assessment fractions written small and large Meeting agreed Computer Observation in words and groups deadlines figures paper and pens Discussion 7 Interactive Problem-solving Write common Checklist FRACTIONS activities Vocabulary cards skills fractions in words Candidate Date Individual and Flashcards Safe practice and figures feedback group task IWB Communication Match common Oral assessment Role plays skills fractions of the Hand-out Demonstration same value completion Practical activities</p><p>5 SCHEME OF WORK 15/16 </p><p>Mapping to FS and Session / dates Topic CC Ref Session aims Methods Resources Assessment PLTS Teacher direction Calculators Activity Self- N2/E3.1 Learner(s) to: Learner PowerPoint observation management N2/L1.2 Find fractions of discussion in Whiteboard Peer assessment skills quantities of small and large Hand-outs Observation Positive items using unit groups contribution as a fractions Computer Discussion Group work team member 8 paper and pens Checklist FRACTIONS of Interactive Meeting agreed Match cards Candidate QUANTITIES activities deadlines Date IWB feedback Individual and Problem-solving Oral assessment group task skills Hand-out Role plays Safe practice completion Demonstration Communication skills Practical activities Teacher direction PowerPoint Observation Self-managnt N2/E3.3 Learner(s) to: Learner Whiteboard Discussion skills Identify the use of discussion in Hand-outs Candidate Meeting agreed decimals in small and large feedback deadlines everyday Computer groups Problem-solving situations paper and pens Oral assessment Group work skills Identify the Match cards Hand-out 9 Individual and Communication purpose of the completion DECIMALS group task Vocabulary cards skills Date decimal point in common Demonstration IWB measures Use decimal places to identify the units of common measure</p><p>6 SCHEME OF WORK 15/16 </p><p>Mapping to FS and Session / dates Topic CC Ref Session aims Methods Resources Assessment PLTS Teacher direction IWB Observation Self-managnt N1/E3.4 Learner(s) to: Learner Whiteboard Discussion skills Use decimal discussion in Sample asst Candidate Meeting agreed places to add and small and large feedback deadlines CALCULATIONS subtract decimals paper and pens groups Problem-solving 10 with DECIMALS in column format Calculators Oral assessment Group work skills Use a calculator ILPs Practice Date PROGRESS Individual and Communication to solve problems assessment REVIEW group task skills which include completion whole numbers Demonstration ILPs and decimals finalise ILPs Individual task Assessment Observation Meeting agreed SUMMATIVE N1/E3 Learner(s) to: papers deadlines ASSESSMENT on Hand-out Complete NCFE Pens completion Problem-solving WORKING WITH summative Calculators skills WHOLE NUMBERS assessment on UP TO 1000 Working with Whole Numbers up to 1000 SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT on Complete NCFE 11 CALCULATING summative WITH NUMBERS – assessment on Date ADDITION and Calculating with SUBTRACTION Numbers – Addition and Subtraction SUMMATIVE Complete NCFE ASSESSMENT on summative CALCULATING assessment on WITH NUMBERS – Calculating with MULTIPLICATION Numbers – and DIVISION Multiplication and Division</p><p>7 SCHEME OF WORK 15/16 </p><p>Mapping to FS and Session / dates Topic CC Ref Session aims Methods Resources Assessment PLTS Individual task Assessment Observation Meeting agreed N1/E3 Learner(s) to: papers Hand-out deadlines SUMMATIVE N2/E3 Complete NCFE Pens completion Problem-solving ASSESSMENT on summative Calculators skills SIMPLE ALGEBRA assessment on Algebra SUMMATIVE Complete NCFE 12 ASSESSMENT on summative UNDERSTANDING assessment on Date FRACTIONS Understanding Fractions Complete NCFE SUMMATIVE summative ASSESSMENT on assessment on UNDERSTANDING Understanding DECIMALS Decimals</p><p>8 SCHEME OF WORK 15/16 TERM B - MSS</p><p>Session / Method Mapping to FS Topic CC Ref Session aims Resources Assessment dates s and PLTS To determine level of underpinning Forma IA and/or DA Assessment Reflective INDUCTION MSS1/E3 knowledge of learner l Literacy outcome Learners MSS2/E3 To agree learning plan with learner asses screening ILPs sment 1 ILPs of skills Date Perso nal discus sion Learn PowerPoint Peer Positive MSS1/E3.1 Learner(s) to: er Whiteboard assessment contribution as MSS1/E3.2 Write amounts of money in columns, discus a team member Hand-outs Observation using correct value places sion in Problem-solving Computer Discussion Add columns of money to find totals, small skills and paper and pens Checklist using correct value places Communication large Hand-out Estimate costs using rounding Different value skills group coins and notes completion Calculate change from different s purchases Worksheets 2 Individ WORKING WITH Check answers, with and without a ual Bingo cards MONEY Date calculator and Vocabulary group cards task IWB Demo nstrati on Practi cal activiti es</p><p>9 SCHEME OF WORK 15/16 </p><p>Session / Method Mapping to FS Topic CC Ref Session aims Resources Assessment dates s and PLTS Teach PowerPoint Activity Positive MSS1/E3.3 Learner(s) to: er Whiteboard observation contribution as MSS1/E3.8 Read and record time in 12-hour and directi a team member Hand-outs Peer 24-hour formats on assessment Problem-solving Computer Read and record dates using a range Learn Observation skills of popular formats er paper and pens Discussion Safe practice discus Blank day plan Identify measures of time using popular Communication sion in Checklist formats TV listings skills small Oral Measure time in 12-hour and 24-hour Digital and and assessment formats analogue clocks large Hand-out 3 group Vocabulary WORKING WITH s cards TIME Date Individ IWB ual and group task Demo nstrati on Practi cal activiti es</p><p>10 SCHEME OF WORK 15/16 </p><p>Session / Method Mapping to FS Topic CC Ref Session aims Resources Assessment dates s and PLTS Teach PowerPoint Peer Positive MSS1/E3.4 Learner(s) to: er Whiteboard assessment contribution as MSS1/E3.5 Read and compare units used to directi Observation a team member MSS1/E3.8 Hand-outs measure length on Problem-solving Computer Discussion Estimate and measure length Learn skills paper and pens Checklist Identify and use common formats for er Communication Hand-out measuring distances discus ruler/tapes skills completion sion in Pieces of string small 4 and IWB LENGTH and large DISTANCE Date group s Individ ual and group task Demo nstrati on</p><p>11 SCHEME OF WORK 15/16 </p><p>Session / Method Mapping to FS Topic CC Ref Session aims Resources Assessment dates s and PLTS Teach PowerPoint Peer Positive MSS1/E3.6 Learner(s) to: er Whiteboard assessment contribution as MSS1/E3.8 Read and compare units used to directi a team member Hand-outs Observation measure weight on Problem-solving Computer Discussion Estimate and measure items and their Learn skills paper and pens Checklist weights er Communication Hand-out discus Kitchen scales skills completion sion in Vocabulary small cards and large IWB 5 group WEIGHT s Date Individ ual and group task Demo nstrati on Practi cal activiti es</p><p>12 SCHEME OF WORK 15/16 </p><p>Session / Method Mapping to FS Topic CC Ref Session aims Resources Assessment dates s and PLTS Teach IWB Observation Meeting agreed MSS1/E3.7 Learner(s) to: er Whiteboard Discussion deadlines MSS1/E3.8 Read and compare units used to directi Pictures of Candidate Problem-solving measure capacity on everyday items feedback skills Estimate and measure capacity Learn Containers Oral Communication er update ILPs assessment skills discus Measuring jags sion in Vocabulary Practice small cards assessment and completion CAPACITY ILPs 6 large ILPs group PROGRESS Date s REVIEW Group work Individ ual and group task Demo nstrati on</p><p>HALF TERM dates</p><p>13 SCHEME OF WORK 15/16 </p><p>Session / Method Mapping to FS Topic CC Ref Session aims Resources Assessment dates s and PLTS Teach IWB Observation Self-managnt MSS1/E3.9 Learner(s) to: er Whiteboard Discussion skills MSS1/E3.8 Identify the standard temperature scale directi Room/body Candidate Meeting agreed on Read and record temperature using thermometers feedback deadlines different units and instruments Learn Flashcards Oral Problem-solving er Measure temperature using different assessment skills discus Vocabulary instruments Communication sion in cards Practice Compare temperature differences in skills small assessment everyday situations and completion TEMPERATURE 7 Read simple scales to the nearest large labeled division group Date s SCALES Group work Individ ual and group task Demo nstrati on</p><p>14 SCHEME OF WORK 15/16 </p><p>Session / Method Mapping to FS Topic CC Ref Session aims Resources Assessment dates s and PLTS Teach PowerPoint Activity Positive MSS2/E3.1 Learner(s) to: er Whiteboard observation contribution as MSS1/L1.8 Identify lines of symmetry in 2D shapes directi a team member Hand-outs Peer Identify 2D shapes with similar on assessment Meeting agreed paper and pens properties Learn Observation deadlines er Flashcards Identify symmetrical 3D shapes Discussion Problem-solving discus Models Identify 3D shapes with similar skills sion in Checklist properties Vocabulary Safe practice small cards Candidate Identify and find the perimeter of and feedback Communication everyday items in practical tasks IWB skills large Oral group assessment s Hand-out 8 Intera 2-D and 3-D completion ctive SHAPES Date activiti es Individ ual and group task Demo nstrati on Practi cal activiti es</p><p>15 SCHEME OF WORK 15/16 </p><p>Session / Method Mapping to FS Topic CC Ref Session aims Resources Assessment dates s and PLTS Teach PowerPoint Activity Positive MSS2/E3 Learner(s) to: er Whiteboard observation contribution as Follow directions to arrive at a set directi a team member Hand-outs Peer destination on assessment Meeting agreed Computer Use compass points to indicate and Learn Observation deadlines find a destination er paper and pens Discussion Problem-solving discus Simple plans skills sion in Checklist Vocabulary Safe practice small cards Candidate and feedback Communication IWB skills large Oral group assessment s Hand-out Intera completion 9 ctive POSITIONAL activiti VOCABULARY Date es Individ ual and group task Role plays Demo nstrati on Practi cal activiti es</p><p>16 SCHEME OF WORK 15/16 </p><p>Session / Method Mapping to FS Topic CC Ref Session aims Resources Assessment dates s and PLTS Individ Assessment Observation Self-managnt MSS1/E3 Learner(s) to: ual papers skills SUMMATIVE Hand-out Complete NCFE summative task ASSESSMENT Pens completion Meeting agreed assessment on Calculations with on 1:1 ILPs ILPs deadlines Money CALCULATIONS Problem-solving 10 with MONEY Finalise ILPs skills Date</p><p>PROGRESS REVIEW</p><p>SUMMATIVE Individ Assessment Observation Self- ASSESSMENT MSS1/E3 Learner(s) to: ual papers Hand-out management on Complete NCFE summative task Pens completion skills CALCULATING assessment on Calculating length, Meeting agreed LENGTH, weight and capacity deadlines WEIGHT AND Complete NCFE summative 11 CAPACITY Problem-solving assessment Understanding time and skills temperature Date SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT on UNDERSTANDIN G TIME AND TEMPERATURE Individ Assessment Observation Self- SUMMATIVE MSS2/E3 Learner(s) to: ASSESSMENT ual papers Hand-out management on Complete NCFE summative task Pens completion skills 12 UNDERSTANDIN assessment on Understanding Meeting agreed G PROPERTIES properties of shapes and positional deadlines Date vocabulary OF SHAPES AND Problem-solving POSITIONAL skills VOCABULARY</p><p>17 SCHEME OF WORK 15/16 TERM C – HD + FS</p><p>Session Mapping to FS Topic CC Ref Session aims Methods Resources Assessment / dates and PLTS</p><p>HD1/E3 To introduce course content and Formal DA Assessment Reflective timetable assess outcome Learners INDUCTION Literacy 1 To determine level of underpinning ment of screening ILPs skills DIAGNOSTIC knowledge of learner ILPs Date ASSESSMENT To agree learning plan with learner Person al discussi on</p><p>18 SCHEME OF WORK 15/16 </p><p>Session Mapping to FS Topic CC Ref Session aims Methods Resources Assessment / dates and PLTS</p><p>HD1/E3.1 Learner(s) to: Teache PowerPoint Activity Identify the purpose of titles, labels and r Whiteboard observation Positive keys directio contribution as Hand-outs Peer Identify numerical values or scales in n assessment a team member Computer lists, tables, diagrams and tally charts Learner Discussion Problem-solving discussi paper and pens skills Find specific numerical details in lists, Checklist tables, diagrams and tally charts on in Phonebooks Communication Candidate small Cooking books skills and feedback Take away large Hand-out menus EXTRACT DATA groups completion 2 FROM LISTS, Interacti Instructions TABLES and ve Dictionaries Date DIAGRAMS activitie Vocabulary s cards Individu IWB al and group task Demon stration Practica l activitie s</p><p>19 SCHEME OF WORK 15/16 </p><p>Session Mapping to FS Topic CC Ref Session aims Methods Resources Assessment / dates and PLTS</p><p>HD1/E3.2 Learner(s) to: Teache PowerPoint Activity Recognise that the title, labels, scale, r Whiteboard observation Positive key, etc. provide information directio contribution as Hand-outs Peer Find numerical information in a bar or pie n assessment a team member Computer chart Learner Discussion Problem-solving discussi paper and pens skills Compare numerical information and Checklist state findings on in images of Communication Candidate small bar/pie charts skills and (newspaper, feedback large Internet) Hand-out groups completion 3 EXTRACT DATA Vocabulary Interacti FROM GRAPHS/ cards ve Date CHARTS IWB activitie s Individu al and group task Demon stration Practica l activitie s</p><p>20 SCHEME OF WORK 15/16 </p><p>Session Mapping to FS Topic CC Ref Session aims Methods Resources Assessment / dates and PLTS</p><p>HD1/E3.3 Learner(s) to: Teache PowerPoint Activity Identify the purpose of collecting/ r Whiteboard observation Positive recording numerical information directio contribution as Hand-outs Peer Identify categories in preparation for n assessment a team member Computer recording numerical information Learner Observation Problem-solving discussi paper and pens skills Record numerical information using Discussion suitable methods, e.g. a tally chart on in Data sets Communication Checklist small Flashcards skills and Candidate IWB large feedback groups Oral Group assessment 4 COLLECT/ work RECORD Hand-out Date INFORMATION Interacti completion ve activitie s Individu al and group task Demon stration Practica l activitie s</p><p>21 SCHEME OF WORK 15/16 </p><p>Session Mapping to FS Topic CC Ref Session aims Methods Resources Assessment / dates and PLTS</p><p>HD1/E3.4 Learner(s) to: Teache PowerPoint Activity Identify different ways to represent r Whiteboard observation Positive information directio contribution as Hand-outs Peer Identify the purpose of representing n assessment a team member paper and pens Information Learner Observation Problem-solving Simple sets of present information as an ordered list / discussi skills data Discussion table/ pictogram on in Communication small IWB Checklist recognise the importance of labelling skills and Oral information in tables and pictograms large assessment groups Hand-out REPRESENT Group 6 DATA: LISTS work and TABLES, Date Interacti PICTOGRAMS ve activitie s Individu al and group task Demon stration Practica l activitie s</p><p>22 SCHEME OF WORK 15/16 </p><p>Session Mapping to FS Topic CC Ref Session aims Methods Resources Assessment / dates and PLTS</p><p>HD1/E3.4 Learner(s) to: Teache PowerPoint Activity recognise the importance of labelling r Whiteboard observation Positive information in diagrams and charts directio contribution as Hand-outs Peer use a simple scale to represent data in a n assessment a team member paper and pens bar chart Learner Observation Problem-solving Simple sets of present basic information as a diagram/ discussi skills data Discussion as a bar chart on in Communication small IWB Checklist Update ILPs skills and ILP Oral REPRESENT large assessment DATA: groups Hand-out DIAGRAMS and Group 6 ILP CHARTS work Date Interacti ve PROGRESS activitie REVIEW s Individu al and group task Demon stration Practica l activitie s</p><p>HALF TERM dates</p><p>23 SCHEME OF WORK 15/16 </p><p>Session Mapping to FS Topic CC Ref Session aims Methods Resources Assessment / dates and PLTS</p><p> IWB Observation PLTS - N1/E3 Learner(s) to: Learner Meeting agreed N2/E3 use skills/knowledge gained on the discussi Whiteboard Discussion deadlines MSS1/E3 course to solve problems in various on in Sample asst Candidate MSS2/E3 Problem-solving contexts small paper and pens feedback HD1/E3 and skills 7 FS MATHS: complete sample assessments in Calculators Practice preparation for formal assessment large assessment Communication PRACTICE groups Maths sets skills Date ASSESSMENTS completion Group work Individu al and group task Learner IWB Observation PLTS - N1/E3 Learner(s) to: discussi Whiteboard Discussion Meeting agreed N2/E3 use skills/knowledge gained on the on in deadlines MSS1/E3 Sample asst Candidate course to solve problems in various small Problem-solving MSS2/E3 paper and pens feedback contexts and skills HD1/E3 Practice complete sample assessments in large Calculators 8 FS MATHS: assessment Communication preparation for formal assessment groups Maths sets PRACTICE completion skills Date ASSESSMENTS Group work Individu al and group task</p><p>24 SCHEME OF WORK 15/16 </p><p>Session Mapping to FS Topic CC Ref Session aims Methods Resources Assessment / dates and PLTS Learner IWB Observation PLTS - N1/E3 Learner(s) to: discussi Whiteboard Discussion Meeting agreed N2/E3 use skills/knowledge gained on the on in deadlines MSS1/E3 Sample asst Candidate course to solve problems in various small Problem-solving MSS2/E3 paper and pens feedback contexts and skills HD1/E3 Practice complete sample assessments in large Calculators 9 FS MATHS: assessment Communication preparation for formal assessment groups Maths sets PRACTICE completion skills Date ASSESSMENTS Group work Individu al and group task</p><p> Learner IWB Observation PLTS - N1/E3 Learner(s) to: discussi Whiteboard Discussion Self- N2/E3 use skills/knowledge gained on the on in management Sample asst Candidate MSS1/E3 course to solve problems in various small skills FS MATHS: MSS2/E3 paper and pens feedback contexts and Meeting agreed PRACTICE HD1/E3 Practice complete sample assessments in large Calculators deadlines 10 ASSESSMENTS assessment preparation for formal assessment groups Maths sets completion Problem-solving Date Finalise ILPs Group ILPs skills work ILPs PROGRESS Communication REVIEW Individu skills al and group task</p><p>25 SCHEME OF WORK 15/16 </p><p>Session Mapping to FS Topic CC Ref Session aims Methods Resources Assessment / dates and PLTS Individu NCFE Assessment PLTS - N1/E3 Learner(s) to: al task assessment completion Meeting agreed N2/E3 complete NCFE FS Maths E3 summative paperwork deadlines MSS1/E3 assessment Problem-solving MSS2/E3 11 skills SUMMATIVE HD1/E3 ASSESSMENT Date</p><p> Individu NCFE Assessment PLTS - N1/E3 Learner(s) to: al task assessment completion Meeting agreed N2/E3 complete NCFE FS Maths E3 summative paperwork deadlines MSS1/E3 assessment Problem-solving MSS2/E3 12 skills SUMMATIVE HD1/E3 ASSESSMENT Date</p><p>26</p>
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