Quarterly Lifestyle & Technology Magazine Volume XIII/4 | Oct 2015 Creative Economy Biznet Increases Bandwidth for Biznet Metronet and Biznet Home Services Prind Ad Contents Article 8 Creative Economy Istilah ekonomi kreatif pertama Creative economy was first kali diperkenalkan oleh John introduced by John Howkins Howkins melalui bukunya yang through his book called 'The Creative berjudul 'Creative Economy: Economy: How People Make How People Make Money from Money from Ideas'. He defines Ideas'. Ia mengartikan ekonomi creative economy as the creation of kreatif sebagai penciptaan nilai- value as a result of ideas. nilai yang berawal dari ide. Article 12 Biznet Fiber Expands CONTENTS to Singapore Biznet Fiber Java Bali network that was officially announced on 19 June 2015 has become Biznet’s initial step to 16 Article offer faster and more reliable Internet History of Mobile Apps connection. Biznet Fiber Java Bangka Batam Singapore was built to extend 18 Tips & Trick existing network with large bandwidth Growing Local Economy and capacity to Singapore, as one of the Building Creative Business Internet hub at South East Asia. 24 Profile Jaringan Biznet Fiber Jawa Bali yang Solution from Technology Innovation telah resmi beroperasi pada 19 Juni 2015 lalu merupakan langkah awal 26 Hot News Biznet untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat akan layanan Internet yang lebih cepat dan handal. Jaringan Biznet Hot News 30 Fiber Jawa Bangka Batam Singapore Biznet Supports Bromo Marathon 2015 dibangun untuk memperluas jaringan yang telah ada dengan kapasitas besar 32 Biznet Timelines ke Singapura sebagai salah satu pusat Internet di Asia Tenggara. 34 Biznet Fiber 62 Global Network 64 Feature News 66 Network Ping Time 67 Product Info 4 | Inspire | VOL XIII/4 Oct Contents Service Feature 20 NOC (Network Operations Center) Biznet Networks Biznet Fiber network is now available in more than 70 cities in Indonesia, providing a fast, reliable and high-quality Internet service. Moreover, Biznet has been operating Biznet Fiber Java Bangka Batam Singapore, Biznet’s first International network. Jaringan Fiber Optik Biznet kini telah Did You Know? tersedia di lebih dari 70 kota di Indonesia, 22 Over the Top Service menghadirkan jaringan Internet yang cepat, handal dan berkualitas. Terlebih lagi, In the last couple of years, telecommunication operators in Biznet baru-baru ini juga telah meresmikan Indonesia have been facing tough challenges since many beroperasinya jaringan Biznet Fiber Jawa foreign Over the Top (OTT) application players started their Bali dan Biznet Fiber Jawa Bangka Batam business in Indonesia. Singapore, yang merupakan jaringan Internasional pertama milik Biznet. Beberapa tahun terakhir ini operator telekomunikasi di Indonesia menghadapi tantangan yang cukup berat karena semakin maraknya pemain aplikasi Over the Top (OTT) asing bermunculan. Contact us for comments, suggestions and subscriptions Editor Destination [email protected] 28 The Beauty of Batam & Bangka Head Office th Batam is small city busy with lots of tourist attractions MidPlaza 2, 8 Floor due to its strategic location. Located in the middle of Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 10 - 11 shipping lane and near to Singapore and Malaysia, Batam Jakarta 10220 - Indonesia has its own charm. Batam has become one of the fastest Tel: + 62-21-57998888 Fax: + 62-21-5700580 growing cities in Indonesia, including in terms of tourism. www.biznetnetworks.com Batam merupakan kota kecil yang sangat sibuk dengan Published by kegiatan pariwisata karena lokasinya yang sangat strategis. Berada di tengah-tengah jalur pelayaran serta dekat dengan Singapura dan Malaysia, Batam memiliki daya tarik tersendiri. Batam juga menjadi salah satu kota dengan pertumbuhan paling tinggi di Indonesia, termasuk dari segi pariwisata. From the Editor Adi Kusma [email protected] Biznet, 15 Years of Connecting Indonesia We are delighted to share with you that we finally Kami sangat senang dapat berbagi kabar bahagia dimana launched Biznet Fiber Java Bangka Batam Singapore kami telah resmi mengumumkan beroperasinya jaringan on 7 August 2015, which has been one of our biggest Biznet Fiber Jawa Bangka Batam Singapore pada 7 Agustus achievements this year. We finally have our own 2015. Jaringan ini merupakan salah satu pencapaian International network and can provide better and faster terbesar kami tahun ini, karena kami kini memiliki jaringan Internet connection for all of our customers, from both Internasional pertama yang memungkinan kami untuk business and retail segments. terus menghadirkan layanan Internet yang lebih baik dan lebih cepat bagi seluruh pelanggan, baik pelanggan bisnis We also celebrate our 15th anniversary on 1 October 2015, maupun retail. and we are proud to announce that our network now available in more than 70 cities all over Java, Sumatra Biznet juga merayakan hari jadi Biznet yang ke-15 tahun pada and Bali, providing high-quality, fast and reliable Internet 1 Oktober 2015, dan di usia yang ke-15 ini, jaringan Biznet services for customers. Soon, our network will cover more telah tersedia di lebih dari 70 kota di sepanjang Pulau Jawa, cities and areas in Indonesia, making sure that more and Sumatera dan Bali, memberikan layanan Internet berkualitas, more people will be able to experience better and faster cepat dan handal. Jaringan kami juga akan segera hadir di lebih Internet connection. banyak kota di Indonesia, memastikan bahwa lebih banyak masyarakat Indonesia akan dapat merasakan layanan Internet In this edition of Inspire, we will give you updates and yang lebih baik dan cepat. information about the growth of creative economy and business that we can do online to push the growth of Di edisi Inspire kali ini, kami akan berbagi dengan Anda economy in Indonesia. We can now see more people mengenai update dan informasi mengenai pertumbuhan are making business out of Internet and gain even more ekonomi kreatif dan bisnis yang dapat kita jalankan profits from it. Moreover, consumer can also gain more secara online untuk membantu mendorong pertumbuhan benefits since they can do many things online, which are ekonomi di Indonesia. Saat ini kita dapat melihat semakin more cost and time efficient. banyak orang yang menjalankan bisnis online dengan memanfaatkan fasilitas Internet dan memperoleh For all of us in Biznet, it is our commitment to make keuntungan dari bisnis tersebut. Terlebih lagi, konsumen sure more people are connected to one another, and to juga dapat memperoleh banyak keuntungan karena mereka the world, and on this special moment of our 15th years dapat melakukan banyak kegiatan secara online, dan anniversary, we would like to thank you for the support tentunya lebih hemat dari segi waktu dan biaya. from all of our customers and partners throughout the years. Bagi kami di Biznet, komitmen kami adalah untuk memastikan lebih banyak orang yang terhubung satu dengan lainnya dan Happy reading! dengan dunia, dan di momen khusus hari jadi kami yang ke-15 ini, kami mengucapkan terima kasih atas semua dukungan dari pelanggan dan rekan bisnis kami selama ini. Selamat membaca! 6 | Inspire | VOL XIII/4 Oct 8 | Inspire | VOL XIII/4 Oct Article Creative Economy Creative economy was first introduced by John Howkins through his book called 'The Creative Economy: How People Make Money from Ideas'. He defines creative economy as the creation of value as a result of ideas. Inspire | VOL XIII/4 Oct | 9 Article In general, creative economy is a concept in the era or how to move from maximizing shareholder return to the economy that focuses on creativity and developed by fulfillment of its wider responsibilities to all its public. people, as the most crucial factor. The players of creative economy must practice Creative economy is one of the most rapidly growing entrepreneurial skills to a lesser or greater extent. The sectors of the world economy. It is highly transformative entrepreneurial competences needed in the creative in terms of income generation, job creation, and export economy are: earnings. But that is not all, creative economy also generates non-monetary value that contributes significantly 1. Accessing the impulsion to express the art. to achieve sustainable development. 2. Articulating a sense of purpose and clarity of vision. 3. Identifying the steps and resources necessary for Human creativity and innovative are the key drivers of getting there. these industries and have become the trust wealth of 4. Qualifying and quantifying the audience who will nations in the 21st century. Unlocking the potential of the enjoy the results. creative economy therefore involves promoting the overall 5. Knowing what the people, who pay you, will want creativity of societies, affirming the distinctive identity from the transaction. of the places where it flourishes and clusters, improving 6. Understanding how the audience/ clients will access the quality of life where it exists, enhancing local image the work. and prestige. Investing in the creative sector as a driver 7. Having an idea of other people that are needed for the of social development contributes to an improved quality project to succeed. of life, well-being of communities, individual self-esteem, 8. Planning the process of creation and delivery. dialogue and cohesion. 9. Setting up milestones to monitor progress. 10. Defining financial needs and goals. The pillars of creative economy are the cultural and creative industries, which are Heritage, Arts, Media and In short, they are the functional competences in:
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