<p> Thelomathesian Society Minutes February 22nd, 2006</p><p>I. Call to Order This meeting of the Thelomathesian Society was called to order in the John W. Hannon Jr. ‘44 Room of the Student Center at 7:42 pm by President Jon Cardinal.</p><p>II. Attendance The following Senators were present, absent, or excused from the meeting on February 8th, 2006:</p><p>Present, Excused, Residence Name Unexcused Senior Townhouses Mandey Barney Present</p><p>62 Park Dean Eaton Jana Morgan Present Harold Sammis Unexcused Brent Davis Present Emily Denham Unexcused Brandon Bates Present Amanda Dox Present Gaines Hulett Kaitlyn Bradley Unexcused Kaitlynn Reyell Present Jenks Amanda Kenton Present Drew Crawford Present Lee Justin Newcom Present Cameron Bruns Present Alessandra Necamp Present Mihnea Tudoreanu Present</p><p>Off-Campus Christine Akin Present</p><p>Priest Zoe Bludevich Present Rebert Alana McNeal Present Christian Amendola Present Larysa Balysky Present</p><p>Reiff Michael Bierce Present Sykes Joe Kondratowicz Present Simon Mawson Present Kirk Donovan Present Meghan Moore Present Emily-Anne Gullickson Present</p><p>Theme Cottages Harry J. Little Present</p><p>Whitman Andrew Ruhs Present Kevin H. Keepper Present Andrew Long Present Ashley White Present Kelly Meisch Present</p><p>On Campus Live in Greek Stephen Cotton Present</p><p>FYC Emily Rama Present Patrick Rossi Present Sophomore Class Dennis Willette Present Elizabeth Pimentel Present Junior Class Michael Wieneke Present</p><p>Senior Class Randy Olivo Present</p><p>Senator At Large Geoffrey Walano Present Tiffany Spoor Present Ben Sears Present Jillian Staffield Present Ashley Cutler Present Eve Gatawa Present Sarah Callaway Present Meredith Kane Present Chance Johnson Present Kristen Bednar Present Emily Taylor Present Julia Jones Present Jasper Burch Present Robert Courtney Present Present Jim Albrittain Macy Steers Present</p><p>Suzy Bayard Present Karla General Unexcused Catherine Ramsey Present III. Officer Reports A. Vice President of Senate Affairs – Matt Brender</p><p>B. Secretary: Sasha Tedeschi No Report</p><p>C. Vice President of University Relations: Laura Rabinow </p><p>D. SLUSAF Central Treasurer: Andy Cook</p><p>E. Student Delegate to the Board of Trustees: Jason DeRosa Delegate DeRosa said that the trustees were calling their new campaign momentum St Lawrence. He expressed that he was feeling better about the way student life issues have been going, further explaining that board members try to split their interests between caring about current students and future students. If you invest completely in current students, the reputation will grow more gradually as more and more students will leave the university satisfied. DeRosa noted that budget has been cut in the past year, making decisions more difficult. DeRosa announced that in spirit of the Canton initiative, the off-campus living option has been reopened. </p><p>F. President: Jon Cardinal This week, President Cardinal has been busy preparing for the Board of Trustees meetings this weekend. Attached to this report are his summary remarks to the Board. These remarks lay out the general themes he will be discussing in his full address to the Board of Trustees on Saturday, February 22. He stresses that he will be elaborating on these issues much more in the full report, especially those dealing with the Greek system, academics, Thelmo’s role on campus, student morale, and student personal responsibility. Once again, these summary remarks are below. President Cardinal also has been busy setting up the student representative positions for the numerous Trustee Committee meetings. Each committee will have a student voice present, so that our beliefs and ideas are at all times expressed. We had our first Coffee Chat this past Tuesday. President Sullivan and Mrs. Sullivan attended. The conversation was great and we had a decent turnout. President Cardinal hopes that in the future, more students take advantage of this opportunity to personally interact with the University’s administrators. We will be having these coffee chats every Tuesday at 7. President Cardinal is also going to have an article in the Hill News this week, highlighting Thelmo’s progress in the past couple of weeks. He is going to have these progress reports every two weeks in order to constantly update the student body on what Thelmo is doing for them. If you have any last minute issues you would like to see addressed in President Cardinal’s report to the Board of Trustees, be sure to send them to him ASAP. His e-mail is [email protected]. </p><p>Jonathan K. Cardinal ’08 Thelomathesian Society President February 2006 Meeting of the Board of Trustees February 23-25</p><p>“Without a doubt, I would say this is one of the best times to be a student at St. Lawrence, and I am honored to serve my fellow students and the University as Thelmo President. In this period of significant progress, I can think of no better job to have. I know that the other newly elected Thelmo officers share this enthusiasm for their opportunity to serve, and I would like to introduce them to you briefly: Vice President of University Relations – Laura Rabinow ’08, Vice President of Senate Affairs – Matt Brender ’08, and Secretary – Alexander Tedeschi ’07. This semester has seen the emergence of a fresh, new Thelmo. Close to three-quarters of the Senators have either never served or have not re-joined for a year or longer. The First-Year class, in particular, has made a strong showing as Thelmo representatives, demonstrating their promise as focused students, dedicated to enhancing the University. The eagerness and passion to make a difference that the Senate has displayed since in session, illustrate the seriousness of purpose and the potential of our reinvigorated student government. No longer do we see a Senate that wants to cut meetings short if they are longer than an hour. Instead, we now have a Senate that even after a two and a half hour meeting, chooses to prolong discussion on an important campus issue. In an effort to redefine Thelmo’s role on campus, we want to prove to the student body that we care about their concerns and want to provide them with help and with hope for change. With this in mind, we are going to change venues for our meeting once a month, utilizing the Winston Room’s big door and comfortable furniture, in anticipation of drawing more students to the meetings. We also have a plan to canvass the entire campus by semester’s end, going door to door and establishing a one-on-one connection with our constituents. In addition, Thelmo must be more supportive of the numerous Greek houses, organizations, clubs, and teams on campus. The recent visit to St. Lawrence by Reverend Joan Brown Campbell and Reverend David Blanchard generated a strong, optimistic belief that with civility and commitment, anything is possible. The highly successful Leadership Conference a few weeks ago energized our campus and taught our University’s student leaders that only when we respect each other and work together do we reach our full potential. With these two messages in mind, in the next year, Thelmo will nobly attempt to break down the false barriers and wash away the misconceived stereotypes that divide our campus community. Thelmo will take a lead role in establishing a “Unity Council” that will be made up of the heads of any group on campus that chooses to participate. Coming together once a week, this council will create the strong bonds needed to work together at creating the community we have so long envisioned but have yet to realize. By all measures, we are a compassionate student body with an immense potential and an endless amount of talent. In order to develop all of our abilities and to fully prepare us for our future, it is essential that St. Lawrence further increase its academic rigor and continue its focus on real world job experience. Increasing course selection must be at the top of our to-do list. An increase in course selection combined with the expansion of discussion based courses that stimulate the articulation of innovative thought would be huge strides in improving the student body’s academic experience. I take great pride in the vast opportunity for internships and job shadows that St. Lawrence offers. I am astonished by the high degree of acceptance to prominent summer internships, whether they be through St. Lawrence alumni or not, that our student body has managed. However, funding for these opportunities remains a persistent problem. An accomplished and impassioned student should not be held back because of their monetary situation in life. With rising costs of education, most students and their families have a tough enough time paying tuition. For this reason, there must be more of a focus on providing an adequate amount of money for a student to complete an internship that undoubtedly complements their St. Lawrence academics and certainly shapes their future. What an exciting time it has been of late. Our student body has appreciated the chance to get involved in the selection of a new Vice President of the University and Dean of Students. The student body also has been greatly encouraged by the increased trust that the administration has placed in them by allowing alcoholic campus events and the self- governance of the Town Houses. I want to stress that this is a great direction for St. Lawrence to be moving, for it enables students to take personal responsibility for the well-being of themselves and those around them. Thelmo will be sure to take an active part in stressing these opportunities and reinforcing the fact that we as students now must not only say, but prove that we are young, responsible adults. As we celebrate our Sesquicentennial, I am honored to call myself a Laurentian. Our distinguished history is only a slight measure of the possibilities and achievements for our University in the years to come. Over the course of the next year, I greatly look forward to working with the Board. You can have trust in me that I will do all that I can to create a clear line of communication between students and the administration, as well as between student groups. Thank you for the opportunity to speak on the behalf of the student body so that our ideas and beliefs may be considered when decisions are made. St. Lawrence University betters every year, but let us make an effort to not simply improve this institution but to make this University into one sought after by the best and the brightest and admired by all. Let us strive to be one of the finest liberal arts universities in the world.” </p><p>IV. Committee Reports A. Academic Affairs Committee: Chair Elizabeth Boyd Chair Boyd said that the Academic Affairs Committee met for its first meeting on Monday, February 20. The committee discussed and brainstormed issues on campus that are currently impacting students and need change. Also, Chair Boyd is meeting with Liz Regosin tomorrow at 1 PM about academic advising and about extending the pass/fail deadline. The Board of Trustees meeting will be this Friday, February 24th in the afternoon. This Academic Affairs meeting will hopefully discuss a class close-out study done on the activity of close-outs during registration for the last three years. The Academic Affairs Committee is going to start researching Reading Weeks at comparison schools this upcoming week. The committee also discussed emailing campus and polling campus along with the Public Relations Committee to gauge research as to what needs to be done this semester. The committee also discussed placing a suggestion box on the bottom floor of the Student Center for anyone who wants to address an academic concern. The next committee meeting will be this Monday, February 27, 2006 at 8 PM.</p><p>B. Sexual Violence Education Liaison: Mia Hutchins-Cabibi Liaison Hutchins-Cabibi announced that the planning for a month of sexual violence education is underway. A sign up sheet would be going around for those interested in assisting with particular events. As of yet the six events planned for march are LipAid, Can I kiss you?, Go Beyond and the clothesline project. The group is also looking into a panel discussion and banquet. Hutchins-Cabibi stressed the importance of collaborative participation when it comes to sexual violence education; she encouraged everyone to spread the word to both friends and constituents. The next meeting of the planning committee will be tomorrow night, February 23rd, at 8:00 pm between the Hill News and Thelmo offices. </p><p>C. Student Affairs Committee: Chair Lindsay Muetterties The Student Affairs Committee had their first meeting on Tuesday (2.21.2006) during the meeting the members went over plans for the semester. Past projects were reviewed and new ideas were developed for the spring semester. The group decided that areas the committee could start were the following: beginning the surveying and reviewing of options for the townhouse meal plans, reviewing the parking ticket appeal process and furthering knowledge of the exact parking policies, surveying the student opinion on the new security discretionary power, and working with the new bus program to Potsdam in hopes to expand that to going other places possibly Ottawa. The work for these projects was delegated out and now being worked on in various forms. The committee also brought up two new ideas in hopes to expand diversity as well as a greater sense of community on St. Lawrence University’s Campus. One of these ideas was to have an all school formal; this event could be in support of a cause or organization that the campus seemed to have interest in, such as AIDS or relief for Hurricane Katrina. This is one way the committee thought the campus could be enhancing the social life on campus for all students as well as working together in serving a greater cause. The other option was that campus would host a day on the quad for all campus groups, clubs, organizations, and Greek/theme houses. This idea could go hand-in-hand with the First- Year-Cup in the beginning of the year, and have all campus involved and it could be one way the First-Years could get to know the people in various groups and not just what they do. This also could bring together various groups for a social event that everyone could enjoy together. These ideas are currently notions and still need further contemplation and research. first meeting on Tuesday (2.21.2006) beginning the surveying and reviewing of options for the townhouse meal plans reviewing the parking ticket appeal process and furthering knowledge of the exact parking policies surveying the student opinion on the new security discretionary power working with the new bus program to Potsdam in hopes to expand that to going other places possibly Ottawa all school formal; this event could be in support of a cause or organization that the campus seemed to have interest in, such as AIDS or relief for Hurricane Katrina. This is one way the committee thought the campus could be enhancing the social life on campus for all students as well as working together in serving a greater cause campus would host a day on the quad for all campus groups, clubs, organizations, and Greek/theme houses: have all campus involved and it could be one way the First-Years could get to know the people in various groups and not just what they do. This also could bring together various groups for a social event that everyone could enjoy together</p><p>D. Public Relations Committee : Chair Salvatore Cania, Asst. Chair Justin Newcom The PR Committee made some serious progress this week thanks in large part to Senators Callaway and McNeal. Chair Cania along with Callaway and McNeal reported on interviewing 150 people and also having received responses from an email that sent out the first Thelmo Outreach questionnaire. Results from the First Survey: Dorms Covered: Sykes and Rebert Average Respondant count = approx. 150 people, all class years How effective do you think Thelmo is? (1-10) Average = 5.6 W/22 undecided Do you feel that you have enough time to decide whether to enroll in a class as a pass/fail option? (YN) Yes = 62 No = 87 Undecided = 9 How do you feel about the grading scale being changed to .25 increments? (YN) Yes = 71 No = 68 Undecided = 13 Do you find the academics rigorous at St. Lawrence? (YN) Yes = 86 No = 6 Undecided = 1 Do you have any questions about our search for a new Dean of Student life? (FF) - They want to know more about the selection process - The deans that are running, and the position - Being more informed about when the dean is leaving Conclusions: Through polling, the committee found that many people don't even know what Thelmo is, much less what its function is. The recognition rate increased as the committee interviewed more and more non-freshmen, but overall, the obtained scores weren’t ideal. Students wanted Thelmo to publicize more and felt they weren't being reached out to. They said they would get the emails but just delete them, which was a source of frustration for the committee. However, the committee received positive feedback about the live interviews, making the effort to go door to door, and the email survey which will soon be on the Thelmo website. Results clearly show that Thelmo needs to be publicized more, and, more importantly, each senator must make the initiative to speak with his/her constituents in order to find out any concerns or thoughts, and then bring these ideas to meetings. The committee and the interviewees concurred that the survey was a good first step in the right direction.</p><p>Senator Morgan asked if Chair Cania had considered dividing up the questionnaire. Cania replied that he would do that in the future.</p><p>President Cardinal asked if the numbers included the email responses. Cania replied yes.</p><p>E. Environmental Conservation Committee: Chair Bob Glover The environmental conservation committee has its first meeting last night. The committee redesigned the ride board on the first floor of the student center. After analyzing the status of the current more administrative orientated projects, new ideas were brainstormed that would serve to involve more people on campus. Notable items discussed were the trash rooms on campus, paper and battery recycling programs and trash receptacles in the student center. In terms of past projects, progress is being made to distribute the 500 or so remaining compact fluorescent light bulbs to faculty and a plan should be drawn up within a week. The ride van proposal was presented at this week’s meeting to solicit ideas and suggestions for the final plan. a. Discussion about Van Service from Canton to Potsdam (Background information: In an effort to reduce car transportation between Canton and Potsdam, the environmental conservation committee proposed the development of a carpool bus system. Thelmo student polling has indicated that this service would be appreciated and highly utilized. Also based on these polls, ideal times for the carpool bus would be Friday and Saturday afternoons and evenings from 4-6pm and 7-10pm. A volunteer, or University paid student driver would drive a University van to Potsdam and remain there until the designated time of departure. Users and drivers would sign up ahead of time to use the shuttle to ensure the availability of the service and of a University-certified driver. Incentives would also be offered to students riding the carpool bus. These incentives include discounts at Mama Lucias, Maxfields, The Cactus, and Isle of You (these businesses have already agreed, and more are being solicited). To obtain these discounts, students riding the shuttle would be given a voucher indicating that they had utilized the service. This voucher would then be presented to the vendor. ) Chair Glover said that the main issue was whether or not to adopt a strict schedule or more flexible schedule, fluxuating with movie times. </p><p>Senator Morgan asked : Does this cost anything for us? Glover responded that it wouldn’t cost anything for the student</p><p>Senator Akin inquired as to who would be driving the vans. Delegate DeRosa explained that it depended on whether it was a bus service, which would be operated by a paid driver, a taxi service, which could be operated by a university certified driver. </p><p>Senator Sears stated that one of the issues would be students taking advantage of the car, using it to do other things like drink instead of eating dinner and movie. He asked what the committee was prepared to do if it wanted to make the schedules more flexible. How could they prevent people taking advantage of the service? Chair Glover stated that if it gets back to campus later than 11 o’clock then there would be issues.</p><p>Senator Gullickson asked if there wasn’t already a taxi service that’s free. Senator Farrell replied that there is a taxi service that runs for 5 $ from Canton to Potsdam, but it is free to Syracuse airport. </p><p>Senator Ruhs asked if they couldn’t you kill two birds with one stone by making a bus that ran from 8 pm – 2 am. VP Rabinow stated that we’re trying to avoid the issue of having the service misconstrued as a drunk bus. </p><p>DeRosa stated that with a strict schedule, i.e. the bus runs every hour on the hour, then one could decide 5 minutes before whether or not he would want to go. A taxi service would involve more logistical problems.</p><p>Senator Morgan asked if there is going to be more than one bus and if so, how many buses. Glover said that we’re going to see how it works out with 1, and then go from there.</p><p>Senator Cotton asked : W hat’s the seating capacity of these buses? Approximately 9 people</p><p>Senator Keepper asked if there would be a minimum limit of the number of students traveling Could there be more than one vehicle on hold? VP Rabinow stated that it would depend on how many people were utilizing the service.</p><p>President Cardinal asked the Senate if they thought the proposed service would be popular. Senator Sears stated that he didn’t think so. He stated that if people go out for dinner, they are going to want to do it by themselves. He said he understood the goal of the service, but thought it would be not practical considering that there are a lot of other available resources. Sears added that he didn’t think people would want to follow a schedule, that some people would use it, but that it would not be popular.</p><p>Senator Gullickson stated that she thought people would take advantage of the discount idea.</p><p>Delegate DeRosa explained this meant coupons that would be thrown in to people using the service. He added that not everyone has a car.</p><p>Senator Morgan stated that the service wouldn’t be huge unless there was advertising but it has the potential to be popular.</p><p>Senator Kenton wondered if the service would include student from other campuses. Chair Glover said that it would be considered. </p><p>Senator Tudoreanu stated that the service couldn’t be huge due to the small capacity of the vans. </p><p>Senator Steers said that a trip to Ottawa would be a lot more popular, and that if we don’t give this a try then the Ottawa program will not evolve.</p><p>Senator Jones asked would you now be able to sign up spur of the moment? Chair Glover said that those are details were going to have to be worked out. Jones stated that it makes to have to sign up but that a lot of people are going to decide last minute to go somewhere.</p><p>- Motion to extend discussion</p><p>Senator Keepper asked if there would also be trips to Montreal or New York as well.</p><p>Glover replied that if the Potsdam service was really successful then we would pursue Ottawa, New York and other places. It must be approved to Potsdam first. </p><p>Senator Akin stated that if this project was put on a trial run, then it would just be good pr for Thelmo, it shows that Thelmo is interested.</p><p>Senator Newcom said that he would be in favor of a more fixed schedule.</p><p>Senator Ruhs expressed his support for the program.</p><p>Hand Vote: Yes = the program should happen No = the program should be avoided</p><p>4 against</p><p>Hand vote: Strict structure: (leave everyday at 4) Sign up (sign up at noon) Both Vote: Overwhelming majority vote for strict structure No official vote</p><p>V. Old Business A. Second approval for the Fencing Club contingency request</p><p>Discussion </p><p>Senator Cotton asked if the equipment would be reused Frasier replied yes.</p><p>Senator Boyd asked where the fencing equipment would be stored. Frasier replied: in Rubbermaid Tupperware containers, duffel bags, etc. The equipment would be stored on campus, or at his home in Maryland.</p><p>Debate: For: Senator Ruhs stated that he had heard a lot of support for this group and supported it whole heartedly. Against: Speak to: Senator Akin asked when the club met. 10 in the morning on Saturday’s in the multi-purpose room Call: Unanimous vote in favor. No abstentions or objections. </p><p>A. Second Approval for Math Club organizational status request Senator Burch announced that last Friday’s meeting boasted the second largest attendance to date: 28 students and 6 faculty members. He stated that the Math event would be next Wednesday the 1st of February at Doug’s tavern. Discussion: Debate for: Senator Courtney stated that having been to one of the meetings, he believed it was one of the better run clubs he had seen on campus and expressed his support for the club. Debate against: Speak to: Senator Burch announced that March 14th would be Pi day and encouraged everyone to pitch the idea of getting pied on Pi day to math teachers. The event will be running from 5 till 8 in the evening. Debate for: Call: Proposal passes unanimously. No abstentions or objections. </p><p>VI. New Business A. Snowbowl Transportation Proposal Senator Cotton, Willette, and Steers addressed the Senate as representatives of ΦΚΣ Fraternity. Revised proposal: The Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity made a proposal to the Thelomathesian Society, and its Senators, to ask for funding towards a project for Snow Bowl on March 4th, 2006. In the past, Phi Kappa Sigma has used its own funds to provide transportation to the event, however, this year, various circumstances have rendered the fraternity unable to do so. As a consequence, with the desire to maintain its civic responsibility to the University, and to continually assure the safe transportation of nearly a quarter of the SLU student body, Phi Kappa Sigma came to the Thelomathesian Society with both the purpose of seeking financial assistance and with the desire to work cooperatively to ensure the collective safety of our contingency in SLU’s most revered tradition. Because Snow Bowl is what Matt Brender called a “beloved event by most,” and more over, a great population of the campus attends the function, ΦΚΣ thought that it would be appropriate for the Thelomathesian Society along with ΦΚΣ to team up to provide the transportation. One of our main goals this year of the ΦΚΣ fraternity is to get more involved in campus activities and use the resources that are made available to its members. There are many benefits for having the transportation. First, and most importantly, safety is of the greatest concern. With the possibility of such a large number of potentially intoxicated students, the likelihood of drunk driving becomes immense. Understandably, such transportation is not intended to encourage irresponsible drinking – and we understand this to be one of the greatest critiques for such a project. On the other hand, we understand that regardless of our involvement, the actions of students will remain virtually consistent; and thus we orient our purpose to the reality of the situation, not the ideologically desired. As such, with the provision of this bus transportation, we will help ensure the safety of our students, of the North Country Community, and those with whom we share the road. Further, with a maximum capacity of 240 individuals, this would eliminate additional 60 cars from driving to Snowbowl, (assuming 5 persons to a car). Lastly, as mentioned previously, it shows that fraternity life, and the Thelomathesian Society are working together to do something entirely worthwhile, while at the same time severing our contingency. To do so, ΦΚΣ asked Thelmo to provide $1,000 to cover the advance payment to the bus company. As previously mentioned, in order to secure the buses, ΦΚΣ needs to pay Laidlaw (bus company) $1,250 in advance – money that ΦΚΣ does not currently have available in full. Should ΦΚΣ receive said financial commitment, ΦΚΣ will return the balance to Thelmo. What this means, should every available seat (240) be sold, at a rate of $5 a person, a total of $1200 would be received. As a consequence Phi Kappa Sigma, would in this case, return $910 back to Thelmo (the absent $40 for wrist bands). - Senator Cotton explained that ΦΚΣ has traditionally gotten buses to provide transportation to and from Snowbowl. He stated that he understood people will be drinking there and just wants them to be safe. Cotton also mentioned the prospective parking problem, and that the buses are an environmentally conscious way of reducing parking. Snowbowl has been getting criticism, and the last thing anyone needs would be someone to get hurt. Cotton stated that the buses would probably actually cost more than $1000, probably more like 1,500. Proposed a charge of ~ 3 dollars and added that if there would be any additional funds, then the rest would be donated to charity. This would create a community–based positive effort. It will provide safe rides, cut down on traffic, and overall will be hugely beneficial, and will go toward a good cause. It will also allow Phi Kappa Sigma to help out community, and although ΦΚΣ has done it in the past, it does not have financial capabilities to do so this year. This efforts shows a commitment to college and university.</p><p>Discussion Senator Bates stated that documentation would be needed.</p><p>Steers stated that none of the proceeds would go towards alcohol and that the purpose of this proposal is solely safe rides.</p><p>Motion to table</p><p>Discussion Senator Morgan asked to explain the 900$ asked for by ΦΚΣ</p><p>Senator Cotton said that ΦΚΣ would be asking for 1000, not 900 And that they were asking for a little bit more based on past averages</p><p>Senator Albrittain stated that regardless of the amount, ΦΚΣ is putting up a difference that the proposed amount is not enough to cover the cost. Its not a matter of if this exact estimate will cover it, it’s the principle of the proposal.</p><p>Senator Jones asked that if we table this proposal, will it give ΦΚΣ enough time to organize. Cotton stated that the proposal was put together a little hastily, but that this is because the date of Snowbowl was only recently fixed. </p><p>Senator Tudoreanu asked how much money do we have to give away in the first place? Treasurer Cook stated that that information could not be disclosed Senator Newcom asked have you talked with other fraternities and sororities to combine efforts. Senator Steers stated that it has always been a ΦΚΣ effort. Senator Cotton stated that this is something that ΦΚΣ feels strongly about and feels proud about</p><p>Senator Keepper asked how many students will this benefit Senator Cotton projected: 160-200</p><p>President Cardinal reminded that the discussion should be about whether or not the proposal should be tabled.</p><p>Senator Morgan stated that the proposal should not be tabled</p><p>Motion to end discussion</p><p>Debate for Tabling issue: Debate For: Senator Courtney stated that he wanted more numbers; specifics as to how many people were projected to be using the buses, the cost, so that Thelmo could make up the difference Debate against: Senator Farrell stated that last year Thelmo donated thousands of dollars to a concert which was poorly attended, and that it is in Thelmo’s best interest to support the proposal Point of Information: Second approval can be waived next week Debate For: Senator Barney stated that she didn’t feel like there was enough time to talk to constituents and that if this proposal was going to happen, then Thelmo’s name should be part of it. Debate Against: Senator Steers stated that ΦΚΣ found out when Snowbowl was going to happen about 5 days ago, giving them little time to prepare. He also guaranteed that considering the popularity of the event, that every seat would be taken Speak to: Senator Cotton stated that if everyone showed support now, then all statistics would be provided next week, but that waiting for support would not give enough time for preparation Senator Spoor stated this won’t get done if its put off until next week Senator Olivo stated that past events should not be referenced Senator Newcom said that he would like to see ΦΚΣ try to get money from other groups on campus and fund raise more Senator Donovan said that this is an issue of safety, that there will be a lot of drunk people, and that it can’t be pulled together in 2 days Senator Courtney stated that ΦΚΣ should provide more numbers next week, but that he wants them to get started as soon as possible Senator Cotton stated that we’re not going to ask Thelmo for anything more than 1000 dollars, and that all that means is that were going to be putting more to charity. Debate for: Treasurer Cook stated that it’s unacceptable to have such a late notice: 9 o’clock this morning and that if we wait to get all of the information until next week, the senate will be more prepared for a decision. Cook also mentioned the issue of liability. Debate against: Senator Wieneke stated that this event was going to happen one way or another, and that Thelmo has liability for everything that it chooses to sponsor. Also he reminded everyone that there would be a debate if the proposal was tabled to next week Speak to: Senator Tudoreanu said let’s just vote now VP Brender asks if the proposal is not granted, would ΦΚΣ still be getting buses. Senator Cotton replied yes Call: 46 against 8 in favor No objections or abstentions </p><p>Discussion Senator Cotton made a friendly amendment to change the proposed amount from $900 to $1000. </p><p>Senator Gullickson asked about IFC funding Senator Steers explained that they didn’t ask, but the ΦΚΣ its not as great as we would like to see, and that money was meant to benefit the Greek system as a whole. </p><p>Senator Cutler said that if certain amounts were charged, then the costs would be covered. Senator Steers said that theoretically we could charge 15 dollars to go to snowbowl, but in reality money isn’t the issue, it’s safety.</p><p>Senator Cotton said we’re asking now because we don’t have the money, and we have to put it up front. VP Rabinow reminded the senators to remain respectful to each other</p><p>Senator Akin asked what you are going to do about alcohol being on the bus. Senator Steers stated that people are not going to be let onto the bus with open containers</p><p>Senator Wieneke said that he had a problem with Thelmo giving money and Thelmo’s name not being associated with the service. Senator Cotton stated that we could do this as a joint thing, but reminded everyone that even though Thelmo will be presenting the money, ΦΚΣ would be doing all the leg work</p><p>Senator Morgan said that it would be better to return the difference to Thelmo.</p><p>Senator Bayard: is the driver going to be paid by a company? Yes Senator Bayard: What problems have you had in the past? People getting on the bus without paying, and people drinking on the bus</p><p>Motion to extend discussion period</p><p>Senator Cook asked how much bracelets are going to cost? Approx. 15 dollars</p><p>Delegate DeRosa said that the charity idea is not good.</p><p>Senator Farrell asked to make a friendly amendment that any extra money will be given back to Thelmo Senator Cotton agreed </p><p>Senator Cotton stated that SLU is going to be liable anyway, regardless if there is a bus or not.</p><p>Liaison Hutchins-Cabibi proposed the idea of using SLU vans and having brothers of ΦΚΣ drive Senator Willette stated that this is unrealistic, and responsibility would fall on the driver Senator Steers stated that it would be safer with a bus driver who does it for a living:</p><p>Debate for: Senator Olivo stated that using school vans simply will not happen, and in terms of liability, it’s the bus managers’ liability coupled with ΦΚΣ Debate against: Speak to: Senator Bayard stated that if 150 people rode the bus and payed $5 a piece then that amounts to $750, and logically Thelmo should not have to pay $1000 for the bus when it will be mostly covered by fees. Debate for: Senator Burch said that he feels that a lot of what this organization does is that help students have things to do off campus, and that I think human life should be valued above anything else Debate against: Senator Courtney stated that he is not Snowbowl bus, but if another club came to Thelmo with a flimsy plan, then there wouldn’t be as much support. Senator Long said that we are dealing in specifics, and there are too many unknown variables to support this Debate Against Treasurer Cook clarified that he is not anti-Greek or anti-snowbowl and is not for drunk driving. He said that the university is going to be liable, that ΦΚΣ showed a complete disregard for contingency request procedure, that if there was preparation, it would have gotten done in time, they say they have lost money which he was not convinced about, that there is personal responsibility at steak and finding a DD would be an alternative, that this is not an appropriate use of SLUSAF funds, and that some Seniors say this is not something we should fund. Speak to: Senator Ramsey brought up the idea of a loan of $1000 Senator Cook stated that this would be feasible, although it has never been done in the past Senator Cotton said that if that’s the only way that it’s going to get done, then he agrees. Cotton asked not to penalize Phi Kap because we don’t have it all mapped out.</p><p>Senator Albrittain responded to Cooks points, saying that liability was an unclear issue, that urgency precedes traditional procedure, that money has been lost for sure every time we’ve done this in the past, that as a fraternity we have put in on in the past 4 years and have taken responsibility for it, that people are motivated to do this if you front us the money, and that his constituents do support this</p><p>Debate against: Senator Gullickson stated that the reason that she was against this proposal is that ΦΚΣ was unwilling to accept help from other organizations. Speak to: Senator Burch stated that given the current state of affairs less than 2 weeks from snowbowl, will the busses be there and will it be possible to meet and work with other groups by the time snowbowl happens. What’s most important is not if we went about it the right way, but what were doing. </p><p>Motion to discuss a loan</p><p>-objection </p><p>Senator Burch stated that in order to agree to a loan, then ΦΚΣ would need to meet. Passing a loan, is basically voting nay. Delegate DeRosa stated that we have a proposal- this is what we’ve been debating. Call: Motion Passes 44 for 10 against No objections or abstentions</p><p>B. Approval of J-Board Justices Chief Justice Katherine Courcy came before the Senate to ask for second approval of the three newly chosen J-board justices, and provided their biographical information: </p><p>As chosen by the selection committee consisting of members from the Thelomathesian Society, Omicron Delta Kappa, and the current Student Judiciary Board</p><p>I was a member of my high school’s disciplinary board, and there are inherent strengths and weaknesses that come with a council such as the Judiciary board. The biggest issue that I will make sure to avoid is bias, and making sure that everyone is treated fairly. At St. Lawrence I feel that the Judiciary Board is a necessary part of the school system, but it is also very unknown to people. I am sure that I will be able to de-myth a lot of the rumors circling about J-Board. Within the meetings, I will always try and understand exactly what happened on, without being biased in any way. I think that the rules and regulations were set up for a reason, and that students should respect them - however, I want to be fair and understanding at the same time. With the new security policy set in place just a few weeks ago, I believe that Judiciary board will be a much more effective group on campus. They can look at each individual account, the report written up, and make the best judgment possible. My biggest concern is a student’s safety and the well being of the school as a whole. -Caroline Palmer ’08 – Personal statement</p><p>I am very driven and I have recently been exposed to a lot of complaints and concerns about J-board and where St. Lawrence policies are taking our campus. If given the chance to serve on J-board, I would use my passion to create a positive change on this campus. It is clear to me right now that this campus is in turmoil and in desperate need of change; I am completely motivated to be a part of this change. We need to find a way to make J- board more open to all students on this campus and eliminate the negative stigma that surrounds it. -Amanda Dox ’07 – Excerpt from application</p><p>I feel fortunate in being chosen to be a justice on the Student Judiciary Board because I see it as a way to give back to the SLU community. I have always had an interest in student run judicial boards; my high school had one, but student were only representatives on the board so they did not have much say. I think SLU's Judiciary Board is unique because it is entirely run by the student body. The main problem I see facing SLU’s Board is the lack of effort to try and bridge the gap between the members and the entire student body; hopefully I will be able to help accomplish this with my time spent on the Board. -Elizabeth Alimi ’06 – Personal statement</p><p>Discussion Liaison Hutchins-Cabibi asked as to what gender ration in J-board was. Chief Justice Courcy replied that there are only 2 males on J-board Debate for: Debate against: Speak to: Call: Motion passes unanimously</p><p>VII. Members Time Senator Morgan announced that Men’s and Women’s rugby had started up again with indoor practices and encouraged everyone to come Delegate DeRosa noted that there was a lot of animosity floating around during the meeting, and affirmed that the Greeks are doing a good service, that its not all about drinking, and applauded everyone on a thorough debate VP Rabinow once again noted a harsh tone assumed by senators and reminded everyone that its important that we all respect each other Chair Cania added that a lot of people think Thelmo is rich white kids arguing in circles Delegate Derosa said we did good work tonight, hammered out important issues, although sometimes there might have been underhanded comments not directed toward debate VP Brender expressed his approval of the bus proposal Liaison Hutchins-Cabibi noted that 1 in 4 women has been involved in sexual violence and asked anyone who knew these people to tell them that advocates were available to talk to Delegate DeRosa reminded everyone that his job would be ending soon and that a new delegate would need to be chosen, and for people to start thinking about that President Cardinal stressed that we need to calm down hostility, that animosity between groups is being tapered because of a fresh new crew and it needs to stay that way, and also applauded everyone on a good debate</p><p>VIII. Adjournment Motion to adjourn at 10:02 pm.</p><p>Respectfully Submitted,</p><p>Alexander J. Tedeschi Thelomathesian Society Secretary</p>
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