Asean Architect Survey on Professional Practice (Brunei Darussalam Malaysia) s1

Asean Architect Survey on Professional Practice (Brunei Darussalam Malaysia) s1

<p>ASEAN ARCHITECT SURVEY ON PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE (BRUNEI DARUSSALAM – MALAYSIA)</p><p>1. ABOUT MEMBER STATE</p><p>MEMBER STATE BRUNEI DARUSSALAM CAMBODIA INDONESIA LAO PDR MALAYSIA</p><p>Lembaga Pengembangan Jasa Board of Architects, Professional Ministry of Public Works and Konstruksi (LPJK) / NAME OF PRA Engineers and Quantity Board of Architects Cambodia Transport Board of Architects Malaysia Construction Services Surveyors Development Board (CSDB) http// PRA WEBSITE ADDRESS</p><p> [email protected] [email protected] PRA Email address [email protected] [email protected]</p><p>3rd Floor, Ministry of Development s" floor, Building of Ministry of Building, Land Management Urban Balai Krida 2nd floor Lane Xang Avenue, Vientiane 17th Floor, Block F, JKR PRA Address Development Road, Planning and Construction, #771- Jl. Iskandarsyah Raya no. 35 Capital City, Lao PDR Headquarters Postal Address Old Airport Berakas, BB 3510, 773, Monivong Blvd., Kebayoran Baru Jalan Sultan Salahuddin Brunei Darussalam Phnom Penh, Cambodia Jakarta 12160 - Indonesia 50582 Kuala Lumpur</p><p>MONITORING COMMITTEE 1- Pengiran Dato Paduka Haji Indonesia Monitoring Committee 1. Prof. Dr Bounleuam on Architectural Services: Othman bin Pengiran Haji To be Submitted SISOULATH 1. Tan Sri Ar. Haji Esa Mohamed Names of Members in MC Omar – Chairman 1. Mr. Endy Subijono President of Council of 2. Datuk Ar. Prof. Amer Hamzah 2. Dr. Bambang Soemardiono Sciences and Technology, Mohd Yunus 2- Khalid Haji Sirat – Deputy 3. Dr. Andreas Suhono MPWT, Chairman 3. Ar. Tan Pei Ing Chairman 4. Mr. Tateng Kurniahadi 2. Prof.Dr somphone 4. Ar. Zuraina Leily Awalludin Djajasudarma DETHOUDOM, Vice- 5. Ar. Assoc. Prof. Mustapha 3- Hajah Fatimah Haji Md. Ali – 5. Mr. Aca Ditamihardja President, Council of Mohd Salleh Secretariat Sciences and Technology, 6. Ar. Chan Seong Aun Secretariat: MPWT. Vice-Chairman 7. Ar. Meor Mohammad Fared 4- Hajah Maihani Haji Abdul Ms. Ati Nurzamiati (tbc) 3. Mr. Phouthasenh Meor Razali Hamid – Member ARKHAVONG, Deputy 8. Ar.Yong Razidah Rashid Address: Director General, 5- Hajah Sarbiah Haji Burut – Pusat Pembinaan Kompetensi Department of Housing and Member dan Pelatihan Konstruksi Urban planning, MPWT, Member 6- Siti Rozaimeriyanty DSLJ Haji Jl. Sapta Taruna Raya 4. Mrs. Saykham Abdul Rahman - Member Kompleks P.U. Pasar Jumat THAMMANOSOUTH, Jakarta 12310 Indonesia Director of Division, Cabinet Tel: +62 21 765 6532 Office, MPWT, Member Fax: +62 21 751 1847 5. Mr Phonesay Email: [email protected] SOUTHIPHONG, Website: President , Association of Lao Architects and Civil Engineers, Member 6. Associate Prof.Dr Soukanh CHITPANYA, Architectural Faculty, National University of loa, Member 7. Mr Bannarith KHATTIGNARTH Association of Lao Architects and Civil Engineers, Member 8. Miss Phonemaly PHOUNVISOUK Official of Council of Sciences and Technology, MPWT </p><p>Pertubuhan Ukur, Jurutera & Council of Sciences and Malaysian Institute of Architects 1. Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia (IAI) Arkitek (PUJA) N/A Technology (CST) [PAM] (Indonesian Institute of NAME OF Architects) PROFESSIONAL INSTITUTE 2. PATI (Persatuan Ahli Teknik Indonesia) (Indonesian Society of Technical Experts) - tbc Unit 3, 2nd Floor, Block B9, Simpang 32-66, Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia (IAI) Kampong Anggerek Desa, N/A Jakarta Design Center Lt. 7 PROFESSIONAL INSTITUTE Berakas, BB3713, Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 53 Lane Xang Avenue, Vientiane Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia, Postal Address Brunei Darussalam Jakarta 10260 - Indonesia Capital City, Lao PDR Wisma Bandar, Level 11, Website Address\ No.18, Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100, Kuala Lumpur PATI: address to follow 2. NUMBER OF ARCHITECTS </p><p>MEMBER STATE BRUNEI DARUSSALAM CAMBODIA INDONESIA LAO PDR MALAYSIA</p><p>As of August 2013 May 2014 As of November 2013</p><p>Type of Membership As at Dec 2012 As at Sept 2014</p><p>295 (Licensing for business) Professional Architect 33 255 (2010 year) 2,679 [registered] (practicing cert.) 1870</p><p>1486 (Graduate Architect: Graduate Architect (Associated NA Person has satisfactorily Approximately 14,000 Architect) completed an architectural (members of IAI, not included 1884 program in architecture those are not member) determined by State Authority)</p><p>- ASEAN Architect N/A 33 32</p><p>- APEC Architect N/A - 16</p><p>Interior Designers - 511 Others - - - Registered Building Draughtsmen - 169 3. TYPE OF PRACTICE</p><p>MEMBER STATE BRUNEI DARUSSALAM CAMBODIA INDONESIA LAO PDR MALAYSIA</p><p>Type of Practice No of practice No. of practice</p><p>Sole proprietorship 31 No Data 1115 NA</p><p>Partnership 9 No Data 129 NA</p><p>Body Corporate (Architectural) - No Data 275 NA</p><p>Body Corporate (Multi- - No Data 41 disciplinary) NA 4. ARCHITECTURE EDUCATION</p><p>MEMBER STATE BRUNEI DARUSSALAM CAMBODIA INDONESIA LAO PDR MALAYSIA</p><p>None 10 02 Schools 149 (2010) 6 no. fully accredited NUMBER OF accredited SCHOOLS OF schools ARCHITECTURE 7 no. Part 1</p><p>LIST OF 1. Royal University of Fine See attached list SCHOOL/PROGRAMME OF - Arts 1. Lao National University, Fully Accredited Programs: ARCHITECTURE 2. Pannasasstra University of Vientiane Capital City, Lao (Part 1 & 2) RECOGNISED BY PRA Cambodia PDR. 3. Institute of Cambodia 1. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Technology 2. Suphanouvong University, a) Bachelor of Architecture 4. Limkokving University Luangphabang City. 2. Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) 5. Mekong University Luangphabang Province. a) Bachelor of Science (Architecture) 6. Sitec University b) Master of Achitecture 7. National Technical Training 3. Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Institute (NTII) a) Bachelor of Housing, Building & 8. Norton University Planning (Architecture) 9. Sineru Institute b) Bachelor of Architecture 10. Phnom Penh Institute of 4. Universiti Malaya (UM) Technology a) Bachelor of Science in Architecture b) Bachelor of Architecture / Master of Architecture 5. Universiti Islam Antarabangsa (UIA) a) Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies b) Bachelor of Architecture 6. Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) a) Bachelor of Science in Architecture b) Bachelor of Architecture</p><p>Part 1 Accredited Programs:</p><p>7. Taylor’s University a.) Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Architecture 8. UCSI University a) Bachelor of Architectural Technology (Part 1) 9. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia(UKM) a) Bachelor of Science in Architecture 10. Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (IUKL) a) Bachelor of Science (Architectural Studies) 11. Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) a) Bachelor of Science (Hons) Architecture 12. Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM Sri Iskandar, Perak) a) Bachelor of Science (Architecture) 13. Lim Kok Wing Executive Leadership College (LELC) a) Bachelor Applied Science (Architectural Science)</p><p>- Approx.400fyear 120 as at 2013/2014 – approximate 8,858 (as at 2009/2010) Fully Accredited programs : 1945</p><p>AVERAGE NUMBER OF STUDENTS / YEAR - as at 2013/2014 – approximate Part 1 Accredited programs : 123</p><p>Approx.200fyear - 105 as at 2012/2013 – approximate 5,102 (as at 2009/2010) Fully Accredited programs : 466</p><p>AVERAGE NUMBER OF GRADUATES PER YEAR - as at 2012/2013 – approximate Partial Accredited programs – Part 1: 21</p><p>- APTARI (Asosiasi Pendidikan COLLATERAL Tinggi Arsitektur Indonesia) COHAS (Council of Head of Architectural EDUCATIONAL Indonesian Association of Schools) Malaysia ORGANISATIONS School of Architecture. 1. Ministry of Culture and Arts Board of Architects, Professional Ministry of Education and Engineers and Quantity 2. Ministry of Education Youth Sports Surveyors (BAPEQS) and Sports BODY/BODIES THAT Board of Architect Malaysia/ ESTABLISH Brunei National Accreditation Ministry of Education & Culture Council of Accreditation & Architectural THE EDUCATION Council (BNAC), Ministry of Education Malaysia (CAAEM) STANDARDS Education  5 years; until 1980 - DURATION OF STUDIES Vary from 4 to 5years  < 5 years; 1980 - 2009 Varies from 5 to 6 years: [recognized by PRA]  4 years + 1 year 5 years Professional Education;  5 years for A Level equivalent 2009-now  6 years for O Level equivalent</p><p>- 130-135 credit, 15-16h / credit 120 credit hours for Part 1</p><p>Total Credit Hours - 60 credit hours for Part 2</p><p>1:20/1:25 - 1:15 for design studio (core subject)</p><p>Lecturer to Student Ratio - Minimum 3 registered architects as full time academic staff in the Architectural Department</p><p>1. Design Studio - 2. Technology and environment Subjects Groupings 3. History and cultural context 4. Communication 5. Management, Pratice and Law 5. INTERNSHIP & PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION</p><p>MEMBER STATE BRUNEI DARUSSALAM CAMBODIA INDONESIA LAO PDR MALAYSIA</p><p>NUMBER OF YEARS OF TBC 2 years INTERNSHIP Min. 2 years</p><p>BODIES THAT DEFINE AND / Board of Architects, Professional Board of Architects Malaysia OR CONTROL INTERNSHIP Engineers and Quantity Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia (IAI) Surveyors (Indonesian Institute of Architects)</p><p>PROFESSIONAL EXAM TBC Yes Yes</p><p>Every 3 years PROFESSIONAL Annually Annually REGISTRATION Every 3 years Every 3 years Renewal</p><p>ADDITIONAL TBC  No violation of professional Compliance with mandatory for REQUIREMENTS TO ethics and code of conduct Continuing Professional PRACTICE [if any]  CPD – 35 points annualy Development (CPD) requirement – 10 CPD Points annually 6. THE PROFESSIONAL REGULATORY AUTHORITY</p><p>MEMBER STATE BRUNEI DARUSSALAM CAMBODIA INDONESIA LAO PDR MALAYSIA</p><p>Board of Architects, Professional Board of Architects Malaysia Lembaga Pengembangan Jasa Engineers and Quantity GOVERNING BODY Board of Architects Cambodia Konstruksi (LPJK) / Surveyors (BAC) Construction Services Development Board (CSDB) 11 members NUMBER OF MEMBERS IN 17 members PRA 25 32 members (boards)</p><p>FUNCTIONS OF PRA (a) to keep and maintain a register of 1. The board of Architects architects, professional engineers and Cambodia (BAC) is the  Registration of Architects and  Registration of Architects, quantity surveyors, a register of the Professional Regulatory Engineers Graduate Architects, Interior architectural, professional Authority (PRA) in Cambodia.  Renew registration of Designers and Building engineering and 2. The board of Architects Architects and Engineers Draughtsmen; quantity surveying practitioners and a Cambodia (BAC) is a  To assist development and  Registration of architectural register of licensees; statutory body established by promotion of construction consultancy practices; (b) to hold or arrange for the holding a Cambodia Royal Decree to services  Regulation of their conduct and of such examinations as the Board gather, administer and  Registration of foreign ethics; considers necessary for the purpose monitor the registered expertise in construction  Conducting examinations for of enabling persons to qualify for architects in Cambodia by services, include monitoring admission to the profession; registration mean accrediting, registering & evaluation  Accreditation of architectural under this Order; and regulating the architects programmes; (c) to approve or reject applications and architecture services. In  Development and Promotion of for registration under this Order or to this esteem, the Board of the profession; approve any such application subject Architects Cambodia (BAC) to such restrictions as the Board may supervises and advices,  Representing the architectural consider fit to impose; issues and implements the profession in any matter at local (d) to cancel, remove or reinstate any policies, strategies and law and international levels. registration; enforcement in the fields of (e) to recommend, with the approval architecture and related in the of the Minister, the scale of fees to be attempt glorify the charged by architects, professional professional qualification and engineers and quantity surveyors for the prestige of the Cambodia architectural, professional architecture. engineering and quantity surveying services rendered; (fl to establish, maintain and develop standards of professional conduct and ethics of the architectural, professional engineering and quantity surveying professions; (g) to promote learning and education in connection with architectural, professional engineering and quantity surveying; (h] to hear and determine disputes relating to professional conduct or ethics of registered architects, professional engineers and quantity surveyors or to appoint a committee or arbitrator to hear and determine those disputes; (i) to appoint arbitrators for the purpose of hearing and determining disputes between registered architects, professional engineers or quantity surveyors or licensed corporations or partnerships and other persons; (j) to license corporations or multi- discipline partnerships which intend to supply architectural, professional engineering or quantity surveying services in Brunei Darussalam; and (k) generally to do all such acts, matters and things as are necessary to be carried out under the provisions of this Order. Brunei Government Self Funding MANNER OF National Budget Monthly honorarium COMPENSATION</p><p>Brunei Government SOURCE OF OPERATIONAL Registration and Re-registration Annual registration fee, the fees Registration and Re-registration FUNDS fee, Other fees imposed under imposed under Architect Act. fee Government regulations</p><p>3 years 2 years TENURE OF MEMBERS 4 years 7. THE LAW</p><p>MEMBER STATE BRUNEI DARUSSALAM CAMBODIA INDONESIA LAO PDR MALAYSIA</p><p>CONSTITUTION OF BRUNEI DARUSSALAM  Undang-Undang Jasa  Construction Law (27/2009)  Achitects Act 1967 (Act 116) EXISTING LAW ON Royal Decree / Sub Decree Konstruksi (UU 18/1999)  Urban Planning Law ( now  Architects Rules 1996, ARCHITECTURE On Establishment of Board of (Order made under Article  Undang-Undang Bangunan review)  Guidelines as issued to Architects Cambodia Gedung (UU 28/2002) members 83(3)) 8. THE LICENSURE EXAMINATIONS</p><p>MEMBER STATE BRUNEI DARUSSALAM CAMBODIA INDONESIA LAO PDR MALAYSIA</p><p>Yes LICENSURE EXAMS REQUIRED FOR PRACTICE Yes Yes</p><p>TBC 1. Log Book (min 104 weeks) & TYPE OF EXAM AND  Passing diploma of Case Study Review SUBJECTS GIVEN IN EXAM professional ethics and code of 2. Oral Interview Examination conduct workshop held by IAI 3. Written Paper 1 & 2  Written paper and application forms covering basic 1. Professional Legislation and competence requirement for Professional Bodies Architects 2. Professional Architect’s Role  Invited for oral interview as in Society considered necessary by the 3. Professional Architect’s Examination Panel Practice 4. Building Legislations and Regulations 5. Building Contract Administration</p><p>TBC  Open submission for written 1.Oral Interview Examination – 1 NUMBER OF DAYS GIVEN paper and application forms day (0.5 hrs/candidate) (depends on applicants – 4 2. Written Exams Paper 1 & 2 – 3 times pre-scheduled hrs each assessments annuallly)  Oral interview: 1 day TBC MANNER OF CHECKING Administered and carried out by Administered and carried out by the Examination Panel (Team of the Examination Panel. Assessors, national and/or provincial level). TBC NUMBER OF EXAMINEES Approximately 200 persons per Approx. 80-100 per year year</p><p>TBC AVERAGE PASSING RATE Approximately 30% 60%</p>

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