To Our Members: Happy Spring Everyone!

To Our Members: Happy Spring Everyone!

<p> TREASURER</p><p>THE CHRONICLE Karl Swanson (PER) To Our Members: Happy Spring Everyone! 332 - 9052 The Ways and Means Committee had a nice warm and sun- ny day for their flea market. Their TRUSTEE (5 YEAR) success at this event is an Elk success. Gerry Vaughan</p><p>Bor- dentown Lodge was well represented at the 372-4523 South West Dis- trict Charity Ball, held at Hamilton Lodge. What a great and TRUSTEE (4 YEAR) rewarding event. It was a pleasure to be invited to Lou Gamba, PDD such a worthy festivity. 638 - 8966 The fish fry went great and was well attended. Great job Don and crew. Bill Johnson, CK TRUSTEE (3 YEAR) Lippincott and committee did an- other great job W. David Rooney with the $ 10,0000 dinner. President Nancy and (PER) the Women’s Auxiliary have many events planned, so 610 - 2358 lets give them any help and support they need. TRUSTEE (2 YEAR) We have a new class coming in on Monday, May 18th. Lets make them feel wel- comed and involved in our Lodge. C.K. Lippincott You know I could write a page plus on the things this lodge does and the thanks would be a few pages long. So, to the Committee Chairpersons 658 - 6063 and their Commit- tees of Volunteers. I say THANK YOU. Again, thank TRUSTEE (1 YEAR) you to all of our members for coming out and supporting our Bill Johnson the events. WOW this looks like a family of Elks to me! Our next family outing of Elks will be in 712 - 5955 Wildwood and the theme is: JUSTICE OF " RELAX, BE HAPPY " SUBORDINATE FORUM Fraternally ,Phil Tyler Exalted Ruler Mickey WHOSE MOTTO is: “GREAT PEOPLE MAKING GREAT STRIDES” DeSantis (PER)</p><p>2014- 2015 298 - 9181 OFFICERS</p><p>EXALTED RULER Phil Tyler 215 - 601– 1440</p><p>LEADING KNIGHT Carmen Adonizio 954 - 7439</p><p>LOYAL KNIGHT Pete DeLucia 529 - 9795 LECTURING KNIGHT Heather Cheesman 298 - 7828</p><p>ESQUIRE Edward G. Taddei 724 - 9489</p><p>CHAPLAIN Phil Horner 234 - 0631</p><p>INNER GUARD Michael Weckenbrock 712-4753 TILER Jim Sharpe 947 - 4560</p><p>SECRETARY Ellen Weckenbrock 298 - 5939  Trustees Corner (Pg. 2)  Veteran’s Field (Pg. 5)  Women’s Aux. (Pg. 4) VOLUME 12 ISSUE 2  YAC (Pg. 3) MAY 2015  Ways & Means (Pg. 6) SPECIAL Special P o ints of Interest AFFAIRS  Audio/Video Com. (Pg. 3)  UPCOMING  Chaplain Sickness & Distress (Pg. 2) LODGE & ENTERTAINMENT  Committee Chairpersons COM.(Pg. 7) (Pg. 14)  CONVENTION  Convention Corner (Pg. 6) NEWS (Pg. 6)  Credentials (Pg. 2)  CONVENTION STEAK DINNER  ELK of the Month (Pg. 7) (Pg. 8)  Elks Nat. Found. (Pg. 7)  YAC FISHING  That’s Entertainment - C&W Dance/Karaoke/Special Events (Pg. 3 & 7) CONTEST (Pg. 8)  House Com. (Pg. 4)  AUX. CASINO BUST TRIP (Pg. 8)  Membership/Retention  MOTOCYCLE (Pgs.6 &10) COM. (Pg. 8)  Monthly Event Calendar  QUOIT LEAGUE (Pg. 8) (Pg. 15)  WOM. AUX. TEE  PER Assoc (Pg. 2) SHIRT SALE (Pg. 9)  Public Relations Com. (Pg. 5)  ENT. COM. MARTINI NITE (Pg. 11)  Sandwich Night Menus (Pg. 7)  AUX. GIFT AUCTION (Pg. 11)  Scholarship (Pg. 6)  SOUNDS OF THE  Secretary Notes (Pg. 2) STREET (Pg. 11)  Special Children’s Com. (Pg. 5)  MARTINI NIGHT (Pg. 11) Page 2 THE CHRONICLE</p><p>TRUSTEES’ CORNER SECRETARY’S CORNER</p><p>Great job done by Can-Do Committee. First things first, there’s no place like home. It Fraternally, Tom Pitcherello, Chairman is great to be back. I would like to thank Lou Gamba for filling in so I could finally spend time with my daughter in Florida. I also had the chance to have lunch with one of our long time Elks. It was fun and quite interesting. P.E.R. ASSOCIATION Second dues notices will be going out within the next week or so to all those who have ei- Next Meeting, ther forgotten or misplaced the first one. We MAY 27, 2015 have all been there. 4th Wednesday of every month. Hope everyone has a great Spring! Time to enjoy the weather for a change.</p><p>Ellen T. Weckenbrock BPOE 2085 Lodge Secretary 609-298-5939 CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE Reminder from the Leading Knight- Members must have their membership card to enter the club. If you do not have it, you must sign the book. HOUSE COMMITTEE DEN A guest may come with a member. That guest must sign the book also. The guest may stay as long as the member is there. But once the For hall usage contact Tony Dilemme member leaves, the guest must leave al- 609-280-1320 so. Thank you for your cooperation in the lodge rules. Carmen Addonizio, Leading Knight</p><p>CHAPLAIN’S PEW MEMBERS ON SICK LIST LEONARD ERLICH, PER, HUBERT “LUKE” PLATT, ROBERT MALLOY, SAL- VATORE “SAL” LEGNETTI BUTCH MILLER Heavenly Father, we ask that you grant these special people a speedy recovery and a future full of good health. Amen. DEPARTED MEMBERS May Almighty God grant our brothers the rewards of good life and offer comfort and solace to their bereaved families. Amen. PLEASE, if you know of anyone who is sick, hospitalized or has passed away, notify Chaplain Phil Horner (609) 234 - 0631. It is important to us that we show respect to our Mem- bers at all times, most importantly in death. As we no longer call their names on the Roll, let us honor them one last time! Volume 11 Issue11 Page 3</p><p>YOUTH Thanks to Don Wirth and his team for another outstanding Fish Fry. Over 175 folks were served and there are too many people to thank for helping because I am getting senile and will surely forget to mention someone. You know who you are, and as the saying goes you are “THE BEST PEOPLE ON EARTH!”. Our Student of the month program and Lodge (not ENF) scholarship program are in progress and drawing closer to the end for the year. Our Scholarship winners have been selected and notified and will be presented their Scholar- ships at the Scholarship Dinner to be held on May 7th. After that our next event is the Fishing contest on Saturday, June May 27th – Martini 9th. See ad in this bulletin for all the details. After the Night – see fishing contest, we will begin preparations for our fall add in bulletin activities which will include our Soccer Shoot and Hoop Shoot. As with other committees in the Lodge, we are Saturday,th June always looking for new members to come up with new 27 – DJ/ ideas for fundraising and giving back to the youth of our Karaoke with community and this Lodge. We meet on the 1st DJs Mark and Wednesday of the month at 7:30 PM (except June Karen since we will be in Wildwood taking a break) and all are welcome. Lou Gamba Audio/ Video THAT’S Commi ENTERTAINMENT ttee OFFICER S: – O Chair u Walt r Papp n Co e Chair x Sue t Crivelli S g o e a c l r e i t s a r t y o</p><p>D i n o s n t n a a l l P a a p n p o Entertainment meetings are u held the second Monday of every month at t s 7:30 PM This Month’s Events i Saturday, May 9th – Karaoke with Rob d e Saturday, May 23rd – DJ/ Karaoke with DJs Mark and Karen Upcoming Events s u Saturday, June 13th – Karaoke with Rob r v e o i u l r l a p n a c r e k i s n y g s t l e o m t ; w t h h e i n s w w e i l r l e n h t e l t p h e t o h a c l o l n t a r s o l w e a l n l y a w s r o t n o g e d n o s i u n r g e s t i h n e w s i a t f h e t t y h e o f t r o u u s r t e m e e s m b f e o r r s f a i n n d a l b a a r p - p r t o e v n a d l e . r s A s w h w e e n m l o e v a e v i f n o g r w t a h r e d b w u i i t l h d i t h u e l d p l l a i n k s e f t o o r h t e h l e p n b e y w d s o u n r a v t e i i n l g l a m n o c n e e y s y i s s t e g m r , e a a t n l y y c a o p m p m r i e t c t i e a e t e t d h . a t M e w e o t i @ 609 298 9191 n R g e s s p a e r c e t f h u e l l l d y , o n C h a a n i r a m s a n n Mickey DeSantis, e PER e d e d b a s i s , a n y o n e i n t e r e s t - e d i n h e l Page 4 THE CHRONICLE</p><p>Women’s Auxiliary Thank You Hank Elmer for donating the screw drivers to the auxiliary. Thank you Charlotte Elmer for another successful Bus Trip to Atlantic City at the Tropicana Casino. We can always count on Charlotte for putting together a great trip. Thank you Peg Del Pup and Janet Stevens for selling the 50 / 50’s on the bus. Also, a special thank you to Donald Swanson (Swanny) and Jim Sharpe for donating door prizes. A Special Thank You to Danielle Messineo for taking pictures at this year’s Installation. She did a wonderful job. We had a great turnout for our Paint and Sip Party held on April 26th. Patti DeSantis chaired this event and she did a great job as always. Thanks to all who came out to support us. It’s that time again for the Mother’s Day flower sale! Pick up yours Wednesday (May 6th) at sandwich night, Thursday (May 7th) in the front vestibule during the Student of the Year Dinner or Friday (May 8th) during the Convention Steak Dinner. Thanks to Patti DeSantis and Mary Lou Noble who are co-chairing the event.</p><p>Don’t miss “Sounds of the Street” a popular Doo Wop group being held on Saturday, May 16th. Linda D’Amico and Donna Pelahaty are co-chairing this event. Linda will be available on Wednesday nights at the lodge or you can contact her directly at (609) 584-8803. Tickets are $15 and are available now. Doors open at 7pm. The Auxiliary is hosting a sandwich night this month on Wednesday, May 27th. Please come out and support the Auxiliary and enjoy a delicious pasta din- ner with homemade meatballs and sausage. Current Events: -Mother’s Day Flower Sale – 5/6; 5/7; 5/8 check for upcoming signs at the lodge with details. -Student of the Year Dinner – Thursday, May 7th at 6 p.m. The auxiliary is providing a family style meal to all those who attend the Scholarship Dinner. Any type of help is needed and would be greatly appreciated! -Sounds of the Street – Saturday, May 16th (see ad in bulletin and posters and flyers at lodge). -Convention Shirts will be in this month for pickup prior to Wildwood.</p><p>-Future bus trip – SAVE the DATE: Sunday, August 2nd: Harrah’s Philadelphia Racetrack & Casino – live harness horseracing (pacers & trotters) Post Time 12:40pm – fastest 5/8 mile tracks in North America; large selection of slots machines & video poker games (over 2,000) plus table games. Restau- rants: Philly Tap & Tavern overlooking the Delaware, Cove Steakhouse & Raw Bar; Mien Noodles & Café Napoli. More details to follow once casino pack- age finalized. See Charlotte Elmer @ (609) 585-0146. -Executive Board Meeting: Wednesday, May 6th – 7:30pm in the Card Room -General Meeting: Wednesday, May 13th - 7:30pm in the Mirror Room In Friendship, Nancy Debnarik, President Up c oming E v e nts -Wildwood Convention: June 5-7 -White Elephant at our general meeting; June 10th- last meeting for the summer -Auxiliary Auction: Thursday, June 25th… more details to follow Meeting Rem i n der Executive Board Meetings are the first Wednesday – 7:30pm in the Card Room General Meetings are the second Wednesday - 7:30pm in the Mirror Room If you know of an Auxiliary member who is sick, hospitalized, or has recently passed away, please see or notify Chaplain, Carol Santoro @ 609-586-5627</p><p>WOMEN’S AUXILIARY OFFICERS 2015 - 2016</p><p>President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Conductress Chaplin Parliamentarian Trustee 3 Year Trustee 2 Year Trustee 1 Year Volume 11 Issue11 Page 5</p><p>S VETERAN’ - be S FIELD th ha e pp Happy Mother’s Day to all r hi y the Mother’s, a g to Grandmother’s, t h m Godmother’s, Stepmother’s e e ee and Mr. Mom’s from the Spe- r st t cial Children’s Committee. n re wit May you be blessed through a s h your loving care of children. l ol yo Matthew 19:13-15 l ut u y io or Some Events being planned: n I May 3rd. – Sunday – , Andy Bush , Chairperson pi a Special Olympics being ct m held at West Special Children’s Committee ur av Windsor/Plainsboro e ail High School South, off ab P s Rte.571. Come out to of le see how these Special U th at Athlete’s compete. B th e 90 May 10 . – Mother’s Day – L e 8- SCC I v 22 June 21 . – Father’s Day C e 7- – SCC Breakfast. nt 73 August 10- Clothing Drive for R p 44 Camp Moore. Andy will pick E o . up clothes at the Lodge on s Se th L Monday, August 10 , by nd A si 4:00 bl all PM. T e pe Our kids bowl every Saturday I If rti at the Thunderbird Lanes in O y ne Wrightstown at 3 PM. Stop N o nt by and see the smiles your S u inf donations put on their faces. n or A Trenton Thunder game is e m I am looking to share ati being planned for our children all the great events we e this season. d on do for our community to Remember, you are never and the Elks. To best h too tall to bend down to help el Bp do this I need to get oe a handicapped child. Our some information from p children, up to age 16, are g - events before and 20 given after. at the opportunity to attend h 8 5 Before any event that pr Camp Moore for a week in is open to the public I er the in @ need; g summer. Your donations -committee g help sponsor the children to th m hosting/running a il at- tend. We also have a -date of the event is Respite weekend for our in .c -admission price o children over 16 years old. -contact person fo SCC Meetings at Lodge 7 r m. -any other relevant If PM the fourth Monday of the information m M at a After EVERY event I ph o will need; io n n ot -committee hosted/ran og t event I h w ra -date of event ph . -number of attendees o ul er F d is needed for an event *We want to thank your please contact me as everyone for coming Memorialcoura early as possible and I will I do ge is try to attend as many to our Wednesday know admir events as I can. night dinners and our your ed, faith- ful bingo players name And T for their support and Nor f your h also to those who are whi sacrif a battle ice is n collecting coupons. you hono k We send each month. died. I red *Our lodge will be do not By y hosting the SW District kno each o Essay winners at a your soul u hom you , brunch, May 3. We Nor have want to thank Tom th inspir D Pitcherello and his tea ed. a crew for manning the tha n kitchen for us. we And I i cried. offer *We will be going to you Vineland, May 30, I do from for our next bingo not my party. If you would kno heart like to join us be at whe Than you k the lodge at 10am. rest you, O ngoing projects: Nor to *Collecting sample the guar size toiletries, prom dian ses s books, batteries, brok unkn CD’s, DVD’s and all n. own occa- sion greeting I do not For kno offeri cards for Vineland your ng and the troops and unifo your And selve The Mission of Honor the s for donations. . Also, we fear us all are still collecting that That lay we manufacturer’s unsp may coupons to send to oken. keep our en- listed families freed But I om overseas. They can kno Our home… be 1 – 2 moths past w We that Honor date. If you could your and divide them between spirit Reme food (anything you exist mber s- Them swallow) and non That food it would be a great help. Thanks to all who have contributed. Fraternally, Jim Sharpe Page 6 THE CHRONICLE</p><p>SCHOLARSHIPS MEMBERSHIP RETENTION COMMITTEE Scholarship Announcements Pending Chairman Lou Gamba, PDD, Co-Chairman Jack Becker, PER Committee Members: Robert Pecht, PER, El- len Weckenbrock, Heather Cheesman</p><p>Fraternally Lou Gamba, PDD</p><p>WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CONVENTION NEWS Chairman-Mickey DeSantis Co-Chair-Sue Crivelli Secretary-Terri Jewell Treasurer-Karl Swanson I want to thank everyone who stepped up and Elks Cookbook Down to the last 35, call a n d helped with the April Sandwich Night while I was reserve one tod a y!!! away. It’s great to see everyone working together Need a gift for a birthday, shower, anniversary, or for a common goal. need to add a little something to your gift, why not As you know we are only a few weeks away from give an Elks Cookbook. Only $15.00, pick up meeting in Wildwood. Final Payment is due by May the phone today and call Patti DeSantis 609 298 1st, and hopefully anyone marching has been to 9181 to place your order. Cookbook is made up Giovanni’s and gotten measured. of over 140 recipes from Elk members, families We have a brand new Elk working on a Friday and friends. Show, so if anyone has ideas find Beverly and chat with her. Our ER picnic on Thursday is summed up, Buy One Today!!! Hurry, only so many left. and I’d like to thank the Auxiliary for stepping up as Have a Fund Raising Idea? they always do. I will be meeting with Joe Fox and Wam is looking for some new ideas and some Don Wirth to get the bar essentials going and Walt new members. Why not lead a bus trip, organize Papp for the garnishes and mixers. Thank you a dinner or social or try a special event. All ideas gentlemen for all your help. will be considered, just come to our next meeting I have to especially say thank you to the committee, and discuss the idea. Its that simple! they have made this year easier than I had anticipat- ed. Everyone had a role and completed it with pro- th Our next meeting is May 14 at 7:30 pm fessionalism. Meetings were well attended and suc- All Ways and Means money goes directly to the cessful. Ladies and Gentlemen, Great Job for a general fund to help with the lodge’s operating Great Event. expenses so that our lodges various committees can use their money to fund the many programs Ellen Weckenbrock, Chair that the Bordentown Elks sponsor.</p><p>Thank you, Mickey UPCOMING LODGE EVENTS 2015 MAY</p><p>8TH CONVENTION STEAK DINNER</p><p>9TH YAC FISHING CONTEST</p><p>10TH SCC BREAKFAST</p><p>16TH SOUNDS OF THE STREET</p><p>Elks National Foundation WOO! We met our 2014-2015 Per Capita goal of $4.00 per member for ENF. We just made it, but we did it. Thank you for all your support and donations last year.</p><p>Have you donated to the Elks National Foundation this year?</p><p>If so, Thank You, your donation helps communities, children, and veteran across our nation. Locally we qualify for over $6000.00 in grants that benefit our lodge, children and veterans. Please consider donatiing at least a $10.per year, please give today.</p><p>Our goal for the 2015-2016 year is to raise $5000.00. We are $4000. dollars away from our goal, please help us make it happen. You can also give your donation to Patti Dixon or Heather Cheesman. Fraternally, Heather & Patti</p><p>SANDWICH NIGHT MENUS - 6pm - 8pm May 6 2015 Pork Dinner, mashed pot., veggies, salad, rolls and dessert. - Vet. Com May 13 2015 Cheesesteaks or Pork Roll sandwiches FF, coleslaw, dessert - House Committee May 20 2015 Pork Roll w/cheese, Cheeseburger or Trenton Burger, coleslaw FF dessert - Conv. Com. May 27, 2015 Pasta dinner with homemade meatballs and sausage - Wom. Aux.</p><p>ELK OF THE MONTH APRIL 2015 - OCTOBER 2015 - MAY 2015 - NOVEMBER 2015 - JUNE 2015 - DECEMBER 2015 - JULY 2015 - JANUARY 2016 - AUGUST 2015 - FEBRUARY 2016 - SEPTEMBER 2015 - MARCH 2016 - Page 8 THE CHRONICLE</p><p>Bordentown Elks Lodge 2085 Friday, MAY 8, 2015 Youth Activities Committee CONVENTION COMMITTEE Annual Kids Fishing Contest STEAK DINNER MAY 9 , 2015 10 AM $15.00 Per Person paid in advance Two (Rain Date May 16, 2015 ) Serving Times: 6pm & 7pm Free to Kids 13 Years Old and Under Cut off Monday May 4, 2015 1st Prize Fishing Pole and Tackle Box CONTACT Don Wirth at 609-273-7189 or ROZANNE HARKINS NORTHERN COMMUNITY PARK 571 - 2261 GROVEVILLE RD. BORDENTOWN, NJ FOR BRING YOUR OWN TACKLE RESERVATIONS Contact Valerie Hines Table reservations accepted. Bar seating 1st come, 1st served (609) 238 0987</p><p>SAVE THE DATE S U N D A Y, AUGUST 2, 2015 HELP WANTED: Women's Auxiliary 2085 BUS TRIP 3 PEOPLE FOR CLEAN-UP CREW HARRAH'S PHILADELPHIA RACETRACK & LOOKING FOR 3-4 BARTENDERS CASINO Contact Carmen Adonizio @ -Live harness horseracing (pacers & trotters): Post (609) 954—7439 or Time 12:40 p.m. - fastest 5/8 mile tracks in North America addiexec@netsca p -Large selection of slots machines & video poker games (over 2,000) plus poker room & table games MOTORCYCLE COMMITTEE -Restaurants: Philly Tap & Tavern overlooking the Bordentown Elks now has a motorcycle committee Delaware; Cove Steakhouse & Raw Bar; Mien Noo- ...If you wish to join, please contact Jack Becker dles & Café Napoli. at 609 915 6 815 . email jackbecker318 Bus leaves Bordentown Elks Lodge at @ or Heather Cheeseman at 609 298 7828 email heatherche e [email protected] 10:30 am sharp Thank you Bus returns to Bordentown Elks Lodge Jack approximately 6:30 pm Ticket Cost: $30.00 QUOIT LEAGUE More details to follow with casino offer THURSDAYS @ 6:30 PM See or contact Charlotte Elmer @ STARTING MAY 7, 2015 609-585-0146 PLAYERS NEEDED JACK BECKER, JR @ 609 947 - 4615 WOMEN’S AUXILLARY</p><p>WILDWOOD TEE SHIRT ORDER FORM Tee Shirts Golf Shirts</p><p>Small t o XL - $15 </p><p>Small to XL - $10 Quantity Amount</p><p>Quantity Amount Small $ </p><p>Small $ Medium $ Large $ Medium $ X-Large $ Large $ X-Large $ 2XL-4XL - $18 </p><p>2XL-3XL - $12 2XL $ 3XL $ 2XL $ 3XL $ 4XL $ Total paid $ 4XL-5XL - $13 </p><p>4XL $ </p><p>5XL $ Total paid $ </p><p>Name </p><p>Phone number </p><p>Amount paid $ Check # or Cash PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER BY APRIL 30TH. Check made out to "Women's Auxiliary"</p><p>Mail to: Women's Auxiliary shirts 108 Lakeview Ct Columbus, NJ 08022</p><p>Contact person: Rosemary Becker 609-424-3167 [email protected] Volume 11 Issue11 Page 10</p><p>M W H A T</p><p>I T</p><p>M E A N S</p><p>T O</p><p>B E</p><p>A N</p><p>E L K</p><p>WON’T YOU C O N S I D E R SPONSORING A NEW MEMBER OR HAVING A FORMER MEMBER REINSTATED BORDENTOWN ELKS LODGE CONVENTION FRIDAY TALENT SHOW 11 Amboy Ave POOL SIDE 2PM - 4PM Bordentown, NJ www.bordet o w n e l The show will go on!! Looking forward to showing ELKS WOMEN’S AUXILIARY talent at Convention. Anyone interested in participating, PRESENTS THEIR please contact Bev Tonne @ 223 - 0341. This is my first year of running this event, so any help would be greatly appreciated.</p><p>Fraternally,</p><p>Thursday JUNE 25TH, Bev Tonne 2015 Doors open 5:00 pm Starts at 7:00 pm Admission $5.00 Food/Refreshments for Purchase NO OUTSI D E FOOD OR DRI N KS Contacts: Charlotte Elmer 609-585-0146 The Entertainment Committee Presents or Donna Papp 609- 324-9501 Martini Night Saturday June 27th 7pm in Upper Ballroom WOMEN’S Auxiliary Presents Tickets are $20 and include 3 different martinis and BACK by POPULAR DEMAND light snacks “Sounds of the Street” See Walt for tickets 516-7787 Doo Wop Music and Dancing Saturday, May 16th, 2015 Doors open at 7pm, Music 7:30-11:30pm $15.00 per ticket - includes Cash Bar available For Tickets Call: Linda D’Amico @ 584– 8803 Community Bulletin Board Page 12</p><p>ADVERTIS E HER E Page 13 Volume 11 Issue11</p><p>A D V E R T I S E H E R E Volume 11 Issue11 Page 14</p><p>2015 – 2016 Committees</p><p>AMERICANISM</p><p>AUDIO VIDEO</p><p>AUDITING</p><p>BAR</p><p>BINGO</p><p>BLOOD DRIVE B 8 UL LE 6 TI 0 N 3 T on C y A G ul N ott D a O P G E e R o r 8 g 8 e 8 H - al 3 u 5 s 6 k 1 a C A M ER 6 A 1 C 0 LU B - 6 Ja 9 ke 2 3 K ni pp er</p><p>5 5 8 - Jack Danielle 4 1 PUBLIC RELATIONS QBecUOITSker Jr.LEAGUE 3 Messineo 908-227- 947- 4 4615 2 7344</p><p>Ellen RITUAL COACHES 424- CHARITIES 3654 Weckenbrock 298- 775- D 9181 7574 a n n y</p><p>S h o l e s</p><p>P D D</p><p>M i c k e y</p><p>D e S a n t i s</p><p>P E R . Dave Tony COMMUNITY WELFARE RENTAL AGENT Dilemme 280-1320 Rooney PER 610- 2385 SAFETY Gerry CONVENTION Vaughn 291-0792</p><p>F AD Jo Bob McVicker 893 L ES h PDD - O n 795 5 A Ja T rz 586 P yk - A 645 R SICK Phil Horner CREDENTIALS NESS LODGE Anthony Escolano AND 498- DIST 234-0631 ACTIVITIES 5461 RES S Robert Tony Lenhardt DGulottaRUG A WPERARENESS 888- PVP 3561</p><p>Mickey SHUFFLEBOARD 638- ELKS NAT’L FND Desantis 298-9181 8966 Heather Cheesman 298- Andy 7828 SPECIAL CHILDREN Bush 585-5792 Walt EPappNTERTAINMENT 324- 9501 Bill Johnson SPECIA Jim L FSharLAGp ReETIREMENT YOUTH 712-5955 947- & CHARIT 4560 IES Donna Pelehaty Jim VETERANS’ SERVICE GOV ERN Sharpe 947-4560 MEN 298-0180 T</p><p>RE LAT ION S</p><p>Tony Mickey WAYS & MEANS OLF GDilemme DeSantis PER 298-9181 280- 1320 WHEE Bill Johnson Jane GOURMET – LADIES LCHAI Rooney RS & 712-5955 649- EQUIP 2014 MENT Nancy Mike GOURMET – MEN WDebnarikOMEN’S AUX Weckenbrock 712- 298-1421 4753</p><p>YOUTH Val 23 Sue erie 8- HANDICAPPED BOWLING ACTI Hin 09 Giancola VITIES 324- HOOP es 87 9010 SHOO Val 23 T erie 8- SOCC Hin 09 HOUSE GOVERNING BODY es 87 Carmen Adonizio ER SHOO Val 23 T erie 8- Hin 954-7439 09 es 87</p><p>29 STUDE RAFFLE NT OF Dav 694 8- e - INSTDonald Swanson PER 05 MTH ANT Wrig 276 95 gins 3 May 2015</p><p>Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat</p><p>1 2</p><p>3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LODGE Mtg. Golf League C & W CONVENTION YAC FISHING 8pm 2pm 7:30 PM STEAK DINNER CONTEST 10 AM SANDWICH 6PM & 7PM NIGHT 6PM</p><p>10 11 12 13 14 15 16 SCC Golf League C & W SOUNDS OF BREAKFAST 2pm 7:30 PM THE STREET 8:30AM SANDWICH 7:00 PM NIGHT 6PM</p><p>17 18 19 20 21 22 23 LODGE Mtg. BINGO Golf League C & W 8pm 7:15 PM 2pm 7:30 PM MEN’S SANDWICH GOURMET 6pm NIGHT 6PM</p><p>24 25 26 27 28 29 30 BINGO Golf League C & W 7:15 PM 2pm 7:30 PM WOMEN’S SANDWICH GOURMET 6pm NIGHT 6PM</p><p>31</p><p>LODGE /COMMITTEE MEETINGS LODGE MEETINGS - 1ST & 3RD MONDAYS 8PM SHUFFLEBOARD—1ST & 3RD MONDAYS POST MTG. HOUSE COM - 4TH MONDAY 7:30PM ENTERTAINMENT COM. - 2ND MONDAY 7:30PM TRUSTEES 2ND MONDAY 7:30PM SCC - 4TH MONDAY 7:00 PM MEN’S GOURMET - 3RD TUESDAY 6PM WOM. GOURMET - 4TH TUESDAY 6PM WOM. AUX. E-BOARD - 1ST WEDNESDAY 7:30PM Y.A.C. - 1ST WEDNESDAY 7:30 PM WOM. AUX. GEN. MTG. - 2ND WEDNESAY 7:30PM PER ASSN - 4TH WEDNESDAY 7:30 PM VETERAN COM. - 3RD WEDNESDAY 7:15 PM WAM - 2ND THURSDAY 7:30 PM MEMBERSHIP RET. COM. - 2ND THURSDAY 7:30 PM CONVENTION COM. 1ST THURSDAY 7:30 PM AUDIO/Visual COM. - 2ND TUESDAY 7:30 PM Standard Mail BORDENTOWN ELKS LODGE U.S. 11 AMBOY ROAD POSTAGE BORDENTOWN, NJ 08505 PAID Permit No. 622 Trenton, NJ</p><p>N E X T</p><p>B U L L E T I N</p><p>I N F O :</p><p>N O</p><p>L A T E R</p><p>T H A N 1 5 T H</p><p>O F</p><p>E 6 V 0 E 9 R - Y 8 8</p><p>8 M - O 3 N 5 T 6 H 1 E E d - i m t a o i r l s : : g T g o r n e y s q a @ n g d m a C i a l t . h c y o m G u l o t t a P H O N E : </p>

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