<p>DECEMBER 6, 2009 – SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT</p><p>INTRODUCTION AND PENITENTIAL RITE Brothers and sisters in Christ, on this Second Sunday of Advent we hear John the Baptist crying out to the world to be ready because Jesus is coming. We know we must prepare for Christmas, but do we really get ready for Jesus to be born again in our hearts? Let us pray that today we can pause for a little while and heed the Baptist’s cry. Let us prepare ourselves to be Christ-bearers.</p><p>[As the following is sung or spoken, two candles are lit.]</p><p>Lord Jesus, you are the fulfillment of God’s promise: Lord, have mercy. Christ Jesus, you are Emmanuel — God-with-us: Christ, have mercy. Lord Jesus, you will be born in us when we make ourselves ready: Lord, have mercy.</p><p>SCRIPTURE READINGS Bar 5:1-9 God is leading Israel in joy by the light of his glory. Phil 1:4-6, 8-11 St. Paul’s prayer is that your love may increase. Luke 3:1-6 Prepare the way of the Lord.</p><p>PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL Presider My friends, let us heed the Baptist’s cry and make ourselves ready for Jesus to dwell within us, as we pray, Be born in us; be born in our world.</p><p>Minister That nations will find the way to peace, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. That the homeless may find shelter; the hungry may be fed; those in harm’s way be protected, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. That those without jobs find work; that those who are despairing find hope; that those who are lonely find love, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. That the elderly are respected; that youth are confident about the future; that all children are nurtured and loved, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. That the sick are made whole; the suffering are comforted; the dying are filled with longing for heaven, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. We remember those who have died … (names). That those who mourn are comforted, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world.</p><p>Presider Loving God, you sent John the Baptist to prepare the way for Jesus. Fill us with your grace and make us heralds of God’s presence in our world. We pray always in Jesus’ name. </p><p>See sung arrangement of the response. DECEMBER 8, 2009 – IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY</p><p>INTRODUCTION Today we look to Mary, who was prepared by God to be the Christ-bearer and who is the model for what we are becoming. Let us pray that we may cooperate with grace and become the holy men and women God intends us to be so that we also may bear Christ to the world.</p><p>PENITENTIAL RITE Lord Jesus, you are Son of God and Son of Mary: Lord, have mercy. Lord Jesus, you came to show us the way to holiness: Christ, have mercy. Lord Jesus, you call us to be Christ-bearers to the world: Lord, have mercy.</p><p>SCRIPTURE READINGS Gen 3:9-15, 20 The story of the fall of humankind Eph 1:3-6, 11-12 We are chosen and called to be holy. Luke 1:26-38 Gabriel tells Mary she is pregnant with God’s Son. </p><p>PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL Presider My friends, today we hear Mary say “Yes” to God’s plan for her to be the Christ-bearer. We — in our own way, in our own world — are also called to be Christ- bearers. Let us pray, asking that Jesus … Be born in us; be born in our world. </p><p>Minister Let us pray for those who are Christ-bearers in the path of war. That we may be peacemakers, we pray, Be born in us; be born in our world. For those who are Christ-bearers to the sick and suffering, to those in prison, to the poor, to the troubled. That we may be a comfort to others, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. For those who are Christ-bearers to their families: for parents who love their children; for grandparents, aunts, uncles and godparents who assist parents in the raising of their children; for families in the midst of change or who are struggling financially. That we may be faithful and supportive to those who love us, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. For those who are Christ-bearers to us: for those who have taught us, nurtured us, inspired us and modeled for us a good Christian life. That we may be a gift to others, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. </p><p>Minister Good and gracious God, you chose humble Mary as a fit dwelling for your son and you choose us, we who stumble along the Way of Jesus, to be his voice, his hands, his feet in this world. Bless us and all who try to be faithful disciples. We pray through the intercession of Mary and in Jesus’ name. Amen. DECEMBER 13, 2009 – THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT</p><p>INTRODUCTION AND PENITENTIAL RITE Brothers and sisters in Christ, on this Third Sunday of Advent we hear again from John the Baptist. The crowds ask him what they should do, and he tells them very specific actions we also must take so that the Lord Jesus will make his home with us. Let us make ourselves ready to listen to the Baptist’s words and so prepare for the great feast of Christmas.</p><p>[As the following is sung or spoken, three candles are lit.]</p><p>Lord Jesus, you are the way that leads to a holy and peaceful life: Lord, have mercy. Christ Jesus, you came to show us the way to holiness: Christ, have mercy. Lord Jesus, you send holy ones to guide us on the right path: Lord, have mercy.</p><p>SCRIPTURE READINGS Zeph 3:14-18a Be glad! The Lord has removed all judgment against you. Phil 4:4-7 Rejoice in the Lord always. Luke 3:10-18 John the Baptist tells us how to prepare for the Lord.</p><p>PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL Presider We have heard God’s word to us today. Let us pray that this word takes root in us as we pray, Be born in us; be born in our world.</p><p>Minister That war will be no more and all people will live in peace, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. That those in harm’s way are protected, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. That every mother’s child is loved and cared for as Christmas draws near, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. That those who are sick find wholeness, that those who are weary find strength, that those who despair find hope, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. That those who are dying are prepared to meet the Lord, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. We remember those who have died … (names). That those who mourn find comfort, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world.</p><p>Presider Loving God, you sent John the Baptist to prepare the way for Jesus. Give us what we need to turn away from sin and embrace a life of grace, peace and love so that we, too, may announce your presence to our waiting world. We pray always in Jesus’ name. Amen. DECEMBER 20, 2009 – FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT</p><p>INTRODUCTION AND PENITENTIAL RITE My friends, Christmas is less than a week away. Let us calm our minds and take this time to listen to God’s word. Today we will hear the ancient story of the meeting of two holy women, Mary and Elizabeth, and their two babies: John and Jesus. Let us pray to be like these women, ready to embrace God’s will for us.</p><p>[As the following is sung or spoken, four candles are lit.]</p><p>Lord Jesus, you are the Son of God and the son of Mary: Lord, have mercy. Christ Jesus, you promise to be born in us and into our waiting world: Lord, have mercy. Lord Jesus, you give us what we need to say “Yes!” to grace: Lord, have mercy. </p><p>SCRIPTURE READINGS Mic 5:1-4a From Bethlehem shall come the ruler of Israel. Heb 10:5-10 The words of the true servant: I come to do your will. Luke 1:39-45 Mary visits Elizabeth, and baby John leaps for joy.</p><p>PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL Presider My friends, on this last Sunday before Christmas, let us bring to God our intercessions for our world, praying, Be born in us; be born in our world.</p><p>Minister That the church may be a voice for the voiceless, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. That the people of the Middle East, the birthplace of Jesus, may be delivered from violence and poverty, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. That as we prepare for Christmas no child on our path is hungry, no sick person is without comfort, no dying person is alone, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. We remember those who have died … (names). That those who mourn are comforted, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. Let us ask God for what we need for Christmas: if we are lonely; if we long for past Christmases when we were children or when our children were little; if we are anxious or without enough money or enough time. That Christmas may find us grateful and joyful, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world.</p><p>Presider Creator God, as you called Mary and Joseph, Elizabeth and Zechariah, John the Baptist and all the saints, so you call each of us to play our part in the kingdom. Hear our prayers and grant each one of us the grace we need to welcome Christmas into our hearts and homes. We pray in always in Jesus’ name. Amen. DECEMBER 25, 2009 – SOLEMNITY OF THE NATIVITY OF OUR LORD</p><p>INTRODUCTION Brothers and sisters in Christ, it is Christmas! All the preparations — the food, gifts, songs, Christmas greetings, even the parties — all is preparation for this day when we celebrate the mystery of divinity within a tiny child. This mystery excites little children and inspires wise men and women. Let us embrace the wonder of this day.</p><p>PENITENTIAL RITE Lord Jesus, you came as a baby — humble, poor and defenseless: Lord, have mercy. Christ Jesus, you came as our Emmanuel — our God-with-us: Christ, have mercy. Lord Jesus, you are born this day wherever you are welcomed: Lord, have mercy.</p><p>SCRIPTURE READINGS Isa 9:1-6 A child is born to us. Titus 2:11-14 The grace of God has appeared, saving all. Luke 2:1-14 Do not be afraid: I proclaim to you good news of great joy. Note: This set of readings is specific to the Midnight Mass, but may be used for any of the Masses for Christmas; these are the readings expected by those who participate in only one Mass. </p><p>PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL Presider My friends, on this holy night (day) let us join with believers who are praying in every part of our world, who gather in great cathedrals and simple chapels, in places at peace and in places at war. Let us pray with everyone … Be born in us; be born in our world.</p><p>Minister That on this day Christians everywhere may be heralds of the Good News and Christ-bearers to the world, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. That on this day the world is a safe place for every mother’s child, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. That on this day the sick are strengthened, the poor are satisfied, the dying are gently welcomed into heaven, the grieving are consoled, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. That on this day enemies are reconciled, hurt feelings are forgiven, wounds are healed and families know love, joy and gratitude for each other … we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. Let us pause and pray for what we most need on this day … (pause). That we may welcome the person placed on our path and be gracious to the stranger and generous to those who love us, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world.</p><p>Presider Good and gracious God, your Word becomes flesh in our midst. Hear our prayers, even those needs we cannot express, and help us to recognize your presence in our world, in the faces of each person we meet this day, and in our hearts. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen. DECEMBER 27, 2009 – THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH</p><p>INTRODUCTION Brothers and sisters, in the Gospel today we hear the familiar story of Joseph and Mary searching for Jesus for three days until they find him in the temple discussing the scriptures with the teachers. Jesus obediently returns to his earthly home and continues to honor his parents as God intends. Let us pray today for our families as we listen to God’s word and continue celebrating the mystery of Christmas. </p><p>PENITENTIAL RITE Lord Jesus, you are child of God and child of Mary: Lord, have mercy. Christ Jesus, you call us to live as our brothers and sisters: Christ, have mercy. Lord Jesus, you call us to be one family in you: Lord, have mercy. </p><p>SCRIPTURE READINGS Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 Honor your parents. Colossians 3:12-21 Bear with one another and forgive each other. Luke 2:41-52 Joseph and Mary find Jesus after three days</p><p>PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL Presider My friends, today let us remember our families and the family of humankind as we pray, Be born in us; be born in our world.</p><p>Minister For our families: that we honor those who gave us life and all those who cared for us, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. For married couples: that they are supported in their love and encouraged when they are struggling to love, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. For those families torn apart by poverty and war: that refugees find a home, that the hungry are fed, all young people educated, the unemployed given meaningful work, and that nations may live in peace, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. We remember those who have died … (names). That those who mourn may be comforted, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world. As we look forward to a new calendar year, let us quietly ask God for what we need this coming year … (pause). That we may welcome your grace, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world.</p><p>Presider Gracious God, you have called all people to be one family, your sons and daughters. May we make of this whole world one home for your family; a place where all are welcome, safe and cherished. We pray always in Jesus’ name. Amen. </p>
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