Church of Ireland Parish Registers

Church of Ireland Parish Registers

National Archives Church of Ireland Parish Registers SURROGATES This listing of Church of Ireland parochial records available in the National Archives is not a list of original parochial returns. Instead it is a list of transcripts, abstracts, and single returns. The Parish Searches consist of thirteen volumes of searches made in Church of Ireland parochial returns (generally baptisms, but sometimes also marriages). The searches were requested in order to ascertain whether the applicant to the Public Record Office of Ireland in the post-1908 period was entitled to an Old Age Pension based on evidence abstracted from the parochial returns then in existence in the Public Record Office of Ireland. Sometimes only one search – against a specific individual – has been recorded from a given parish. Multiple searches against various individuals in city parishes have been recorded in volume 13 and all thirteen volumes are now available for consultation on six microfilms, reference numbers: MFGS 55/1–5 and MFGS 56/1. Many of the surviving transcripts are for one individual only – for example, accessions 999/562 and 999/565 respectively, are certified copy entries in parish registers of baptisms ordered according to address, parish, diocese; or extracts from parish registers for baptismal searches. Many such extracts are for one individual in one parish only. Some of the extracts relate to a specific surname only – for example accession M 474 is a search against the surname ”Seymour” solely (with related names). Many of the transcripts relate to Church of Ireland parochial microfilms – a programme of microfilming which was carried out by the Public Record Office of Ireland in the 1950s. If the quality of the film was deemed inadequate, a transcript was made of the relevant section. For many parishes a film and partial transcript co-exist. As the various forms in which Church of Ireland parochial material exists in the National Archives is confusing for readers, this listing is provided in the hope that access to relevant material will be made easier and the search more rewarding. Aideen M. Ireland Reader Services Division November 2004 1 National Archives Church of Ireland Parish Registers SURROGATES Parish Diocese Parish Search Substitute Volume Abbeyfeale Ardfert 1 Abbeylara Ardagh 1 Abbeyleix Leighlin 1 Abbeymahon Ross 1 Abington & Teogh Emly 1 M 5222 Achill Tuam 1 Achonry Achoney 1 Acton Armagh 1 Adare Limerick 1 Affane Lismore 1 Aghabog Clogher 1 Aghabullog Cloyne 1 M 5067 Aghada Cloyne M 6074-7 a M 6201 Aghaderg Dromore 1 Aghadoe Ardfert M 5974 Aghadoey Derry 1 Aghadown Ross 1 999/562/87 Aghalee Dromore 1 Aghalurcher Clogher 1 Aghancon Killaloe 1 Aghanloo Derry 1 Aghaveagh Clogher 1 999/562/10 Aghavoe Ossory 1 Agherton Connor 1 Aghmacart Ossory 1 Aghour Ossory 1 Aglish Ardfert 1 Ahamplish Elphin 1 Ahascragh Clonfert 1 M 5068-71 M 5354 Ahern Cloyne 1 Ahinagh Cloyne 1 Ahoghill Connor 1 999/565/182 All Saints, Raphoe 1 Taughboyne Altar, Tempol na Cork 12 mBocht Altedesert Armagh 1 Aney Emly 1 999/562/39 2 Annaclone Dromore 1 M 766 b Annaduff Ardagh 1 Annagelliffe Kilmore 1 Annaghdown Tuam 1 Annaghmore Armagh 1 Annahilt Dromore 1 Annalong Dromore 1 Antrim Connor 1 Arboe Armagh 1 Ardagh Meath 1 Ardara Raphoe 1 Ardbraccan Meath 1 Ardcanny Limerick M 5072-6 Ardcarne Elphin 1 M 211 b-c Ardclare Elphin 1 M 211 a Ardclinis Connor 1 Ardcolm Ferns 999/565/96 Ardcrony Killaloe 1 Ardfert Ardfert 1 Ardglass Down 1 Ardkeen Down 1 Ardmayle Cashel 1 M 5889-90 Ardmore Lismore 1 Ardnahan Killaloe M 5253-4 Ardnurcher Meath 1 M 315 Ardoyne Leighlin 1 Ardquin Down 1 Ardrahan Kilmacduagh M 5253-4 Ardstraw Derry 1 999/562/8 Ardtrea Armagh 1 Arklow Glendalough 1 999/562/23, 51 Armagh Armagh 1 Armaghbreague Armagh 1 Arvagh Kilmore 1 999/562/66 Ashfield Kilmore M 5077-80 Askeaton Limerick 1 M 550 Athassel Cashel 1 Athboy Meath 1 Athenry Tuam 1 M 5147 a, b Athleague Elphin 1 Athlone, St Mary Meath 11 Athlone, St Peter Elphin 11 Athnowen Cork 1 Attanagh Ossory 1 Aughagower Tuam 999/562/62 Aughanunshin Raphoe 1 Aughavass Ardagh 1 999/562/63 Aughnamullen Clogher 1 3 Aughrim Clonfert M 5359 Badoney Upr Derry 2 Bailieborough Kilmore 2 Baleek Armagh 2 Balla Tuam 2 Ballee Down 2 Ballinaboy Cork 2 Ballinacourty Tuam 2 Ballinadee Cork 2 Ballinacholla Tuam 2 Ballinasloe / Creagh Clonfert 3 M 5360 Ballinclough Emly 2 Ballinderry Connor 2 Ballingarry Cashel 2 M 5131 Ballingarry Limerick M 5987 Ballinrobe Tuam 2 Ballintemple Cashel 2 M 5886 M 5931 M 5964-5 Ballintemple Kilmore 2 999/562/29 Ballintoy Connor 2 999/562/54 Ballybay Clogher 2 Ballyboy Meath 2 Ballyburley Kildare 999/565/202 Ballycanew Ferns 2 Ballycastle Connor 2 Ballyclough Cloyne 2 M 2601 a M 5047 Ballycommon Kildare 2 Ballycotton Cloyne M 6082 Ballycroy Killala 2 Ballyculter Down 2 Ballycumber Meath 2 Ballycushlane Ardfert 2 Ballydehob Cork 2 Ballyeaston Connor 2 Ballygawley Armagh 2 Ballyhalbert Down 2 Ballyhane Tuam 2 Ballyheigh Ardfert 2 Ballyhooley Cloyne M 2602 Ballyhuskard Ferns 2 Ballyjamesduff Kilmore 2 Ballymacarrett Down 2 Ballymacelligott Ardfert 2 M 5991 Ballymachugh Ardagh 999/567/1 Ballymackey Killaloe 2 Ballymacormick Ardagh 2 Ballymacward Clonfert 2 Ballymacglasson Meath 2 4 Ballymartle Cork M 5081 Ballymascanlan Armagh 2 Ballymena Connor 2 Ballymodan Cork 2 M 6140 Ballymoney Connor 2 Ballymore Armagh 2 Ballymore Eustace Glendalough 2 Ballymoyer Armagh 2 Ballymurtle Cork M 5081 Ballynaclough Killaloe 999/562/42 Ballynahaglish Killala 2 Ballyovie Tuam 2 999/562/78 Ballyphilip Down 2 Ballyrashane Connor 2 Ballyroan Leighlin 2 Ballysax Kildare M 5140-5 Ballyscullion Connor 2 Ballyscullion Derry 2 Ballysodare Achonry 2 Ballysumaghan Elphin 2 Ballyvourney Cloyne 2 Ballywalter Down 2 Ballywillan Connor 2 Balrothery Dublin 2 Balteagh Derry 2 Baltinglass Leighlin 2 Banagher Derry 2 Bangor Down 2 Bannow Ferns 2 Bar Clogher 2 Baronscourt Derry 2 999/562/24 Barragh Leighlin 2 Barronstown Armagh 2 999/562/92 Beaulieu Armagh 2 Belfast Connor 13 Belfast - Connor 3 Christ Church Belfast, St Andrew Connor 13 Belfast, St Anne Connor 13 999/562/35 Belfast, St Luke Connor 13 Belfast, St Matthew Connor 13 Belfast, St Paul Connor 13 Belfast, Shankill Connor 11 Belturbet Kilmore 2 999/565/100 Benowen Meath 2 Berehaven Ross M 6051 Bilbo Leighlin 2 Billy Connor 2 5 Birr Killaloe 2 M 5221-2 Birr, St Brendan Killaloe M 5137 Blackrock, Cork M 6037 St Michael Blessington Glendalough 2 Booterstown Dublin 2 Borrisnafarney Killaloe M 5222 Borrisokane Killaloe 2 Borrisoleigh Cashel 2 Bourney Killaloe 2 Bovevagh Derry 2 Boyle Elphin 2 Brantry Armagh 999/567/4 Bray Dublin 2 M 475 Bridgetown Cloyne M 2603 M 5083 Bright Down 2 Brigown Cloyne M 5999 M 6000 M 6044 Brinny Cork 2 Broomfield Clogher 2 Brosna Ardfert 2 Bruff Limerick M 5976 Bruree Limerick 2 Burnchurch Ossory 2 Burrishoole Tuam 2 Burt Derry 2 Buttevant Cloyne 2 M 2604 Cahir Lismore M 5366 Cahirnarry Limerick 3 M 5112 Calary Glendalough 3 Caledon Armagh 3 Callan Ossory 3 Calry Elphin M 376 999/562/3-5 999/562/32 999/562/67 Camus Bann Derry 3 Camus Mourne Derry 3 Cappagh Derry 3 Carlingford Armagh 3 M 4 Carlow Leighlin 3 1073 Carnalway Kildare 3 Carne Ferns M 1451 Carnmoney Connor 3 Carnteel Armagh 3 Carogh Kildare 3 Carrick Derry 3 Carrickfergus Connor 3 999/562/34 6 Carrickmacross Clogher 3 999/175 Carrigaline Cork 3 M 6001-2 M 6028 97/36 Carrigallen Kilmore 3 Carrigamleary Cloyne M 2605 Carrigrohane Beg Cork 3 Carrigtwohill Cloyne M 5082 M 5139 Carrowdore Down 3 Cashel Cashel 3 999/562/79 Cashel, Cashel M 5366 St John Baptist Castlebar Tuam 3 Castleblaney Clogher 3 CastlecarberyKildare 3 Castlecomer Ossory 3 Castleconnor Killala 3 Castledawson Derry 3 Castledermot Glendalough 3 Castlehaven Ross 3 Castleisland Ardfert M 5985 Castlelost Meath 3 Castlelyons Cloyne 3 Castlemagner Cloyne 3 M 2606 Castlemartyr Cloyne 3 Castlerahan Kilmore 3 Castlerickard Meath M 5132 Castleterra Kilmore 3 Castletown Arra Killaloe M 5241 M 5349 Castletownkindalen Meath 3 Castletownroche Cloyne M 2607 M 5048 M 5083 Castleventry Ross 3 Castlewellan Dromore 3 Cavan Kilmore 3 Celbridge Glendalough 3 Chapelizod Dublin M 199 Chapelrussell Limerick 3 M 5072-6 Charlemont Armagh 3 Christ Church, Connor 3 Belfast Christ Church, Cork 3 M 2608 M 6043 Cork M 6050 Churchtown Cloyne 3 M 2609 Churchtown Ferns M 1451 Clabby Clogher 3 Clane Kildare 3 M 5953 999/562/81 Clara Ossory 3 7 Clare Armagh 3 999/562/38 Clare Abbey Killaloe 3 Cleenish Clogher 3 Clenor Cloyne M 2610 Clogherny Armagh M 5049 Cloghran Dublin M 5084 Clonallon Dromore 3 Clonard Meath M 5232-3 Cloncha Derry 3 999/459 Clondegad Killaloe 3 Clondehorky Raphoe 3 Clondrohid Cloyne 3 Clonduff Dromore 3 Clondulane Cloyne 3 Clone Ferns 3 Clonegall Ferns 3 Clonegam Lismore M 5965 Clonenagh Leighlin 3 Clones Clogher 3 Cloneyhurk Kildare 3 999/562/45 Clonfadforan Meath 3 Clonfeacle Armagh 3 999/562/56 Clonfert Clonfert 3 Clonfert Cloyne 3 M 466 M 2611 Clonleigh Derry 3 Clonmeen Cloyne M 2612 Clonmel (Cobh) Cloyne 3 M 6065 Clonmore Ferns M 5085 Clonmore Leighlin 3 Clonmore Ossory M 5086-7 M 5139 Clonmulsk Leighlin 3 Clonoe Armagh 3 Clonoulty Cashel M 5891 Clonpriest Cork M 5967 M 5114 Clontarf Dublin 3 M 5967 999/562/95 Clontibrit Clogher 3 Clontuskert Clonfert M 5353 Cloon Ardagh 3 Clough Clogher 3 Cloughjordan Killaloe 3 Cloydagh Leighlin 3 1073 Cloyne Cloyne M 6036 M 6057 M 6069 M 6072 M 6079-84 Cobh (Clonmel) Cloyne 3 M 6065 Coleraine Connor 3 Collon Armagh 3 8 Columbkille Ardagh 3 Comber Down 3 Cong Tuam 3 Connor Connor 3 Convoy Raphoe 3 Conwall Raphoe 3 Coolock Dublin 3 Corbally Killaloe 3 Cork Cork 13 Cork - Cork 3 M 2608 M 6043 Christ

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