<p> 194 Thomas Johnson Dr., Ste. A, Frederick, MD 21702 1502 Main St. #202, Mt. Airy, MD 21771 3000-D Ventrie Ct., Myersville, MD 21773 7211 Bank Court #230, Frederick, MD 21703 Phone (240) 215-6310 Fax (240) 566-7751</p><p>Behavior Health Services Prescription Coverage</p><p>Prescription Coverage by Medicare Caregiver Support/Support Groups Part D Prescription Plan Assistance</p><p>Department of Aging /Frederick Respite Care Community Action Agency (FCAA)</p><p>Developmental Disabilities Smoking Cessation</p><p>Emergency Food Assistance Program Infant and Toddler Program</p><p>Heartly House Social Services</p><p>Soup Kitchen Home Care (Home Health Services) (Bread of Life Community Kitchen)</p><p>Meals on Wheels Transportation</p><p>Diabetes Education & Medical Supplies (HME, DME) Weight Management</p><p>Health Care & Dental Coverage WIC Behavior Health Services For More Info – Click on BH Resource Page!</p><p>The Maryland Crisis and Referral Line – for 24/7 Emergency Crisis Intervention 1-800-273-TALK (8255) 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)</p><p>- If you have Insurance, call the number on the back of their card for referral information. - If you have Medical Assistance, contact Value Options (1-800-888-1965) for referral to mental health specialists - If you do not have insurance, contact Maryland 211 or www.211md.org for mental health resources. Patients in Western Maryland can also call 1-866-411-6803</p><p>Frederick County Mental Health Association 301-663-6135 226 South Jefferson Street Frederick MD</p><p>- They have counselors available onsite and the last appointment is 5:00 pm. They do not take insurance but the fees for services are based on a sliding scale (financial based).</p><p>NAMI – National Alliance on Mental Illness 240-379-6186 4 East Church Street Frederick, MD 21701 www.namifcmd.org</p><p>- Public Education Meetings - In Our Own Voice – 90 minute interactive, multimedia presentation offering hope and insight to the recovery possible for people with mental illness. - Family to Family Education Program – FREE 12 week course given twice yearly by trained volunteers for families and friends/caregivers of persons with mental illness. - Public Education Meetings – throughout the year which are open to the public. Meetings are held at the Way Station (230 West Patrick Street). - Support Groups for family members – Meet the 1st Thursday of every month 7-8:30 PM Good Sheppard Lutheran Church 1415 W. 7th Street Frederick MD - Support Groups for family members – Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month 6:30- 8:00 PM All Saints Episcopal Church 106 West Church Street Frederick MD</p><p>On Our Own of Frederick 301-620-0555 217 North Market Street Frederick, MD 21701 http://www.onourownmd.org/ Frederick Community Action Agency 100 South Market Street Frederick MD 21701 Tu-Th-Fri 2-4:00pm Mon-Wed 7-9:00pm - Medical, housing, food programs and services</p><p>Religious Coalition – for Emergency Human Needs Tue 10-4:00pm, Wed-Fri 10-2:00pm 301-631-2670 72 DeGrange Street Frederick MD 21701 www.thereligiouscoalition.org </p><p>Caregiver Support Program/Support Groups Department of Aging M-F 8:30-4:00pm Contact: Mindy (301) 600-6001 1440 Taney Avenue Frederick MD 21702 www.co.frederick.md.us/doa</p><p>- Individualized information, referral and support services - Linkage with other relevant community resources and programs - Respite care and supplemental services subsidies (may be used for purchase of assistive devices, medications, incontinence supplies etc.) as funding allows - A monthly non-disease specific caregiver support group - Education and training in coordination with other organizations - A resource lending library - A monthly caregiver update available to caregivers via mail or email - An in-home care provider registry listing individuals who provide care services in the home (i.e. companionship care, light housekeeping, meal preparation, hair care and styling, etc.) Patient Support and Counseling Services</p><p>Psychosocial Support and Counseling Support is helpful for issues related to adjustment in lifestyle, dealing with emotions, coping with side effects of treatment, changes in body image, effects of cancer on sexuality and relationships, managing stress, and communication with family, friends, and co-workers. Patients have access to Oncology Social Workers on treatment days or by appointment throughout the duration of radiation and/or chemotherapy treatment. An appropriate referral will be made for patients whose needs are more extensive than the medical setting can provide.</p><p>Information and Referral to other Community Resources Information and referral is provided for various support and educational programs and services available within the surrounding community and on the Internet. </p><p>Financial Information and Referral Services Assistance Assistance is provided to address financial concerns of patients during treatment. We provide information and referral services to help patients apply for appropriate programs that they may qualify for to cover medical expenses. These may include: Medical Assistance, Social Security benefits, COBRA, Maryland Health Insurance Program, and various programs to help with medications and treatment related services. </p><p>FMH Cancer Patient Assistance Fund Available to income-qualified cancer patients who need financial help paying for medicine, dietary supplements, and durable medical supplies until a more permanent solution can be found. The Cancer Patient Assistance Fund is dependent upon the generosity of the Frederick community. For more information, contact Support Services at (240) 566-4699 or 240-566-4546. To make a donation, please visit our FMH Make A Gift Page.</p><p>FMH & the American Cancer Society Cancer Resource Center A free lending library and resource center located in the Regional Cancer Therapy Center. American Cancer Society resource volunteers are on-site to provide assistance and support. For volunteer hours please contact Laurie Frey, ACS Community Manager @ 1-888-866-0757 or by phoning an ACS volunteer 301-694-5580, ext 2213. Computer access is also available to cancer patients and their family members. The CRC is open Monday through Friday, 8:00am-4:00pm. Cancer Education Programs Programs of education and support for cancer patients and those who provide support to them are held throughout the year and are open to the general public. Programs meet at the FMH Regional Cancer Therapy Center. Contact Support Services @ 240-566- 4699 or 240-566-4546 for upcoming events. Road to Recovery Transportation Services Volunteer drivers for the American Cancer Society who provide transportation assistance for cancer patients to and from cancer treatments. Patient must be ambulatory. Contact the American Cancer Society, (888) 227-6333, or Support Services at (240) 566-4699 or 240-566-4546 for additional information. Look Good/Feel Better This program assists female cancer patients in coping with appearance related to side effects due to cancer treatment and is co-sponsored by The American Cancer Society and Frederick Memorial Hospital. The programs are held at the Regional Cancer Therapy Center and the Frederick School of Cosmetology. For details and/or to register, contact an ACS volunteer at the FMH ACS Cancer Resource Center @ 301-694-5580 ext 2213 or Laurie Frey, ACS Community Manager @ 1-888-866-0757, or phone the FMH’s Regional Cancer Therapy Center’s support services @ 240-566-4699 or 240-566-4546. Cancer Support Group For those surviving or battling this disease-we present an opportunity for fellowship with others on a regular basis. Family members welcome! Fridays from 10-11:30am, Monocacy Valley Church, 9861 Old National Pike, Ijamsville, Md 21754. For more info please contact: [email protected] or 301-865-9100. Frederick Community College Breast Cancer Support Group Sponsored by the Anne-Lynn Gross Breast Cancer Resource Center, the Breast Cancer Support Group meets the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:00pm in the FCC Classroom/Student Center, H-239. All breast cancer survivors, from newly diagnosed to long-term remission/survival are encouraged to attend. For more information, contact Anne-Lynn Gross Breast Cancer Resource Center, 301-846-2483, http://www.frederick.edu/student-resources/adult-services/breast-cancer-resource- center.aspx. Head and Neck Cancer Support Group (SPOHNC) The local chapter of Support for People with Oral and head and Neck Cancer, Inc. (SPOHNC), holds monthly meetings offering information, support and encouragement to newly diagnosed patients, survivors, and caregivers in a friendly and non-threatening forum. Meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 2-3:30 pm at St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church Parish Center on Rt. 75/Church St. in Libertytown, MD. For information, contact Judith Churco @ 301-631-8159 or [email protected]. Survivors Offering Support (SOS) SOS is a support program that pairs informed and trained breast cancer survivor volunteers with newly diagnosed breast cancer patients. SOS volunteers are matched with new patients by similarities of age, lifestyle and stage of breast cancer. Volunteers share their personal breast cancer experiences and provide insight and emotional support to new patients. To speak to a mentor or to learn more about this important program, contact Denise O’Neill, SOS Volunteer Coordinator at (301) 694-5580 ext. 2018 or [email protected]. Man to Man Prostate cancer support group for both patients and family members is co-sponsored by Frederick Memorial Hospital and the American Cancer Society. The group meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm at the Regional Cancer Therapy Center. Contact Bert Hauver at (240) 566-4715. Dietary Consult for Patients treated at the Regional Cancer Therapy Center Upon request and by appointment, a dietary consult is available at the FMH Cancer Treatment at no cost. Contact the CTC nursing staff, social worker, or your medical oncologist to arrange an appointment. Lymphedema Therapy A specified massage therapy for this common but troublesome side effect of breast cancer. Contact Lymphedema Specialist Angela Roberts at (240) 566-3132 for an appointment or for more information. Reiki Therapy Offered free of charge Tuesday mornings, 8:30-11 am & Friday mornings, 9-11:30am to FMH cancer patients and their caregivers while in active treatment. This service is provided by FMH Volunteer Reiki Therapists at The FMH Regional Cancer Therapy Center. For information and/or to register for an appointment phone Radiation Oncology @ (240) 566-4500 or Support Services @ 240-566-4699 or 240-566-4546.</p><p>Information Compliments of: http://fmh.org/body.cfm? id=539#Patient_SupportandCounseling Department of Aging</p><p>Frederick County</p><p>M-F 8:30-4:00pm 301-600-1605 1440 Taney Avenue Frederick MD 21702 www.co.frederick.md.us/doa</p><p>- Senior Information and Assistance - Senior Health Insurance Counseling - Legal Services - Meals on Wheels/Home Delivered Meals - Senior Centers - Caregiver Support Program - Phone Loan Program - Guardianship - Medicaid Waiver for Older Adults - Volunteer Income Tax Assistance - Senior Care</p><p>Highly encouraged for SHIP (State Health Insurance Program) ALL Medicare patients to Department of Aging take advantage of this. Contact: Ellie (301) 600-1604 M-F 8:30-4:00pm 1440 Taney Avenue Frederick MD 21702 www.co.frederick.md.us/doa</p><p>- The SHIP (State Health Insurance Program) at Frederick County Department of Aging offers free one-on-one counseling and assistance to ALL Medicare Beneficiaries and their families regardless of age. They can answer questions about Medicare and navigate the process with you. They can help you sign up for Medicare D Prescription Drug Plan and help you understand how it works. They can screen you for subsidy programs that are associated with the costs of Medicare. </p><p>Items needed to be screened for subsidy programs: Medicare Card Photo ID Social Security Card Proof of Income List of Medications Recent Bank Statement Carroll County</p><p>CARROLL COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION & ASSISTANCE OFFICE Westminster Senior Center, Bureau of Aging 125 Stoner Ave., Westminster, MD 21157 - 5451 (410) 386-3850, ext. 49; (410) 848-4049/50, (410) 848-4070/1; fax: (410) 840-0436; tty: (410) 848-5355 e-mail: [email protected] web: www.ccgovernment.carr.org/ccg/aging/centers.asp </p><p>Washington County</p><p>WASHINGTON COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION & ASSISTANCE OFFICE Commission on Aging 140 West Franklin St., 4th floor, Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 790-0275; fax: (301) 739-4957; tty: 1-800-735-2258 (toll free) e-mail: [email protected] web: www.wccoaging.org/</p><p>Frederick Community Action Agency (FCAA) – Programs & Services http://www.cityoffrederick.com/DocumentCenter/Home/View/259</p><p>Developmental Disabilities</p><p>The Arc of Frederick County 301-663-0909 620-A Research Drive Frederick, MD 21703 www.arcfc.org </p><p>- The Arc of Frederick County is an organization that provides FREE information and assistance (guidance) for anyone who is looking for employment services, driving assessments, benefits counseling etc.</p><p>The Maryland Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS) http://www.dors.state.md.us/dors </p><p>- Supports the employment and economic independence of people with disabilities</p><p>Developmental Disabilities Administration (Maryland) http://dda.dhmh.maryland.gov/sitepages/howtoapply.aspx (you will need to run add- on when it pops up at the top of your screen). -The Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) funds employment, day residential and support services for persons with developmental disabilities. For DDA to determine whether a person is eligible for services, the patient or a person acting on their behalf must complete an application for DDA services (link above). </p><p>- Western Maryland: 301-791-4670 (Frederick Washington and Carroll Counties). </p><p>Social Security 1-866-331-7089 5340 Spectrum Drive Suite N Frederick MD 21703 http://www.ssa.gov/ http://www.socialsecurityofficelocation.net/frederick-maryland-social-security-office- so618 (local office)</p><p>- SSI Eligibility (Supplemental Security Income) if over 18, income is considered independent of the parent. When someone receives SSI they automatically receive Medical Assistance Benefits as well. The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)</p><p>Frederick Community Action Agency Frederick County Food Bank and Soup Kitchen 100 South Market Street Frederick MD Tu-Th-Fri 2-4:00pm Mon-Wed 7-9:00pm</p><p>Heartly House PO Box 857 Frederick, MD 21705 301-662-8800 www.heartlyhouse.org</p><p>24-hour Crisis Hotline 301-662-8800 Non-Crisis requests for services 8am-10pm, 7 days per week 301-662-8800 National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE National Rape/Sexual Assault/Abuse (RAINN) hotline 1-800-656-HOPE</p><p>- Hotline and counseling services available to survivors of family/partner/domestic abuse/violence, dating abuse/violence, child abuse, child sexual abuse and rape/sexual assault/abuse - Abuser Intervention Program (AIP) Educational groups offer help for adults who want to end violence/abuse toward their partners. - Emergency Shelter to survivors and their children who need refuge from violence in the home - Long term transitional house - Victim/Count Advocacy - Medical Advocacy - Community/Professional Education & Outreach </p><p>Home Care (Home Health Services) http://www.homehealthcareagencies.com/directory/md/frederick/home-call- frederick/4239/ </p><p>FMH Home Health Services 240-566-3222 605 East Church Street, Suite 2 Frederick, MD 21701 http://www.fmh.org/homehealth </p><p>- Skilled Home Health Services including: - Nursing - Medical-Surgical wound care, infusion therapy and enteral therapy - Maternal Child - Pediatric infusion therapy, enteral therapy, phototherapy, apnea monitoring - Physical Therapy (PT) - Occupational Therapy (OT) - Speech Therapy - Medical Social Services</p><p>HomeCall 240-215-4668 1466 W Patrick St #15 Frederick, MD 21702</p><p>In Home Assistance Companies (usually private pay)</p><p>CONTACT DETAILS NOTES INFORMATION SHEPHERD’S Primarily Companionship STAFF -Not licensed to administer meds. If meds in pill box by family member, can make sure client takes 240-566-5106 them and documents that.</p><p>-Nurse is available, working on getting “RSA”</p><p>-Private pay – approximately $18/hour FIRST CARE Employee medication techs and CNAs NURSING SERVICES Do not hire contractors or staffing agencies; employees 301-682-3632 -licensed, bonded, and insured -Have a higher retention, lower turnover</p><p>Schedule a home visit, answer questions – present care package</p><p>-Match client with a caregiver over a few weeks OR -Open forum or group meeting – 2 or 3 employees come meet family/client and have open discussion and meet caregivers. Can decided if and who seems most compatible - “Custom-fit care”</p><p>Have a primary, secondary and a backup caregiver</p><p>Participate with commercial insurance, Medicaid and Medicare. CONTACT DETAILS NOTES INFORMATION</p><p>Cost: $18-25/hour HELPING HANDS Medication reminders, meal preparation, help with IN-HOME CARE bath, light housekeeping. </p><p>301-662-1618 Not all staff is licensed for medication administration but do have some medication techs. Patients would need to have a pill box. A staff member can come out once a week to fill pill box if needed (although that is an additional charge) </p><p>Can come out once a week to fill daily pill planner if needed.</p><p>Cost: $15-18/hour with Minimum of 5 hours at a time HOME INSTEAD Companionship service – standby assistance for SENIOR CARE ADLs, wakeup, transportation, conversation, medication reminders, light housework. $18.50/hour 301-846-9922 Personal care services – Included all services offered through “companionship services” including assistance with bathing, incontinence, mobility, cognitive impairment, and transfers $22.20/hour. </p><p>-Initial RN assessment ($85 fee), 90-day wellness check by RN. $65/visit Required </p><p>Caregivers are employees of Home Instead, and are bonded, license, and insured – background checks, drug screenings, and driving records. Also have Alzheimer’s and dementia training.</p><p>4 hour visit, 2 day per week minimum for both services. Participates with VA benefits, long term care and private pay. OPTIONS FOR Home Aides – companion care, transportation SENIOR AMERICA CORP. CNAs – personal hygiene, transfers, medication reminders, transportation to appointments, shopping 301-624-5630 RNs – skilled care, wound care, medication administration, fill daily pill organizers CONTACT DETAILS NOTES INFORMATION LPNs – skilled care, wound care, medication administration, fill daily pill organizers</p><p>All independent contractors – pay for own worker’s compensation, policy held by Options. Background screen performed every 2 years. Perform random “drop ins” to see how things are going.</p><p>-2 hour minimum - $46 -Hourly rate $18 (companion) up-to $65 (skilled) -Live-in rate - $188-210/day For two people – add approximately 25% to above fees</p><p>Private pay, but accept long-term care RIGHT AT HOME Companionship care – medication reminders (must have daily pill organizer and client must take pills 301-696-1122 out of container. Companion can only make sure pt swallows pills). Can take to doctor appointments, grocery shopping, do light housework, prepare meals, and change sheets. $19-20/hour</p><p>CNA – skilled care like bathing, incontinence care (requires RN evaluation either prior to or within 48 hours, $90 one time fee). $20-22/hour</p><p>4 hour minimum at a regular rate.</p><p>If less time needed, higher rate applies as follows: -$50 for 1 hour of care -$65 for 2 hours of care -$75 for 3 hours of care (Above rates apply for both CNA and companion care)</p><p>Employee 200 caregivers -match client with caregivers -all staff are employees, no agency staff. Licensed, bonded and insured by Right at Home.</p><p>Provide backup coverage if somebody doesn’t show up or calls out sick.</p><p>Can do overnights and weekends at same rates as CONTACT DETAILS NOTES INFORMATION day rates.</p><p>Service Carroll, Frederick, Washington counties</p><p>SENIOR CARE To be eligible for Senior Care: PROGRAM - a person must be 65 years of age or older (A program of the - a resident of Maryland Maryland Department - meet eligibility requirements and annual assistance of Aging and is funded guidelines by the State of MD) - have a medical condition that puts them at risk of having to enter a nursing home or other institution. </p><p>Financial need: 301-600-2635 -Income of no more than $2,600 per month for individual -Income of no more than $3,500 per month for a couple</p><p>Case managers provide evaluation In-home aide service only</p><p>Basic ADL services – bathing and dressing, light housekeeping, meal preparation, shopping/budgeting, transportation</p><p> http://www.fcdss.info/seniorcare.htm </p><p>Meals on Wheels Contact: Mary S. Feaster, Outreach Worker M-F 8:30-4:00pm 301-600-3524 1440 Taney Avenue Frederick MD 21702</p><p>- Meals on Wheels provide two meals a day to eligible participants throughout Frederick County. A hot meal is delivered midday, accompanied by a cold meal that can be refrigerated and eaten later. Participants must be homebound due to illness or physical limitations; not able to prepare meals and has no caregiver to assist with food shopping and preparation; or cannot safely prepare food due to physical, mental or emotional impairment. Volunteers Deliver – must see client or will not leave meals. Free meals to seniors but encourage monthly donations to help offset cost of meals ($9/day). Usually takes a few weeks to go through process of being accepted</p><p>Meals are planned and prepared to meet the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for older adults. Special diets currently offered include: regular, diabetic/low carbohydrate and mechanical soft menus. Additional special diets may be available from some vendors.</p><p>Medical Supplies (HME, DME):</p><p>Roberts Home Oxygen 855-646-0413 20465 Seneca Meadows Parkway Germantown MD 20876 http://www.robertshomemedical.com/</p><p>Whitesell’s 236 N Market St Frederick, MD 21701 301-662-4848 http://whitesells.com/index.aspx?page=9114 </p><p>Frederick Medical Supplies 179 B Thomas Johnson Drive Frederick MD 21702 301-378-2266 301-378-2204-fax http://www.frederickmedsupplies.com/index.htm </p><p>Adam Medical Online Frederick MD 888-799-6150 http://www.adamdme.com/Frederick/default.aspx </p><p>Jessa Medical Supplies 112 Market St Gaithersburg MD 20878 301-990-8706 240-631-7113-fax http://www.jessamedical.com/ </p><p>LINCARE Maryland 877-283-8925 http://www.lincare.com/maps/main.cfm?state=MD&resulttype=flash</p><p>New Hampshire Pharmacy & Medical Equipment 5001 New Hampshire Ave NW Washington, DC 20011 202-726-3100 http://www.nhmedsupply.com/ Health Care & Dental Coverage:</p><p>Maryland Health Connection 1-855-642-8572 TTY: 1-855-642-8573 www.marylandhealthconnection.gov </p><p>**In Frederick County, individuals can use the web site or visit locations to meet with an enroller who can review insurance options and assist with enrollment. People are encouraged to call first to ensure the enroller is on-site. Locations are listed below**</p><p>1. Asian American Center of Frederick, 629 N. Market Street Frederick, MD 21701 301-694-3355 2. Frederick County Dept of Social Services, 520 N. Market Street Frederick, MD 21701 301-698-9939 3. Frederick County Health Dept, 350 Montevue Lane Frederick, MD 21702 301- 600-1029 4. Frederick County Community Action Agency, 100 S. Market Street Frederick, MD 21701 301-600-1506</p><p>- A new health insurance marketplace that makes it easier for Marylanders to shop, compare and enroll in quality health coverage. - All health plans are approved by the State of Maryland and include Essential Health Benefits. The insurance plans offered through Maryland Health Connection are the same high-quality health plans available on the open market. </p><p>- Plan benefits include: Doctor visits Hospital Visits Emergency Care Maternity Care Pediatric Care Prescriptions Medical Tests Mental Health Care Substance Abuse Treatment Flu and pneumonia shots Birth control Routine Vaccinations Cancer screening, such as mammograms and colonoscopies Mission of Mercy 301-631-2670 x110 www.aMissionofMercy.org </p><p>- Hold Clinics to help with Primary Care - Non-emergency care for acute illness - Episodic and long-term treatment of chronic illnesses (such as diabetes, hypertension, asthma, arthritis, depression, etc) - Prenatal Care - Physical Therapy - Prescription Medications (includes test strips if needed) - Dental Care (primarily fillings and extractions)</p><p>Patients can also receive free: Laboratory and blood work, Imaging Services (x-ray, MRI, etc) and a limited number of surgeries</p><p>- First appointment is a walk –in, all future appointments are scheduled. Must arrive at clinic no later than 5:30am – first come, first serve basis. Clinic opens at 9:00am and closes at 4:00pm</p><p>See online clinic schedule for dates/locations:</p><p>Taneytown Baptist Church 4150 Sells Mill Road Taneytown, MD </p><p>Frederick Church of the Brethren 201 Fairview Avenue Frederick, MD</p><p>Faith Baptist Church 2212 Jefferson Pike Knoxville, MD State of Maryland Department of Human Resources Mail-In Application for Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) and Specified Low- Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB) Programs 301-600-4575 http://www.fcdss.info/</p><p>- For patients who have Medicare and low socioeconomic status - QMB covers 20% of Medicare premium and Medicare B expenses - SLMB covers only 20% Medicare premium</p><p>CLICK ON APPLICATION AND PRINT FOR THE PATIENT TO FILL OUT AND MAIL/FAX TO SOCIAL SERVICES</p><p>*if you are unable to fill out the application on your own please contact the Community Action Agency and they can assist with the application*</p><p>Frederick County Community Action Agency 100 South Market Street Frederick, MD 21701 301-600-1506</p><p>Prescription Coverage:</p><p>Medbank Program 301-600-3972 301-600-6098 RX FAX 100 South Market Street Frederick, MD 21701 www.cityoffrederick.com/fcaa</p><p>MedBank of Maryland Pharmacy Finder - sGUI=4b239d2d-b927-42c9-8f6b-eacd3d1db8d9</p><p>If NO PRESCRIPTION COVERAGE: Works by helping people to obtain free or low-cost prescription medications offered through patient assistance programs operated by pharmaceutical manufacturing companies. The prescription must be for a medical or psychiatric condition that requires at least several months’ worth of medication. The Medbank Program in Frederick County is operated by the Frederick Community Action Agency. Eligibility includes: . Frederick County Resident . Meet the financial guidelines set up by the pharmaceutical companies . Have NO OTHER PRESCRIPTION DRUG COVERAGE . Be found ineligible for other programs such as medical Assistance, Primary Adult Care or Medicare Part D . Need medications to treat long term conditions</p><p>Religious Coalition Tue 10-4:00pm, Wed-Fri 10-2:00pm 301-631-2670 72 DeGrange Street Frederick MD www.thereligiouscoalition.org</p><p>- Need Prescription from Provider - Take prescription to Religious Coalition Office (test Strips are covered too) - Paperwork needs to be filled out for first visit (take proof of income, utility bills, and other monthly expenses if you have them) - Whitesell’s Pharmacy fills the prescription Partnership for Prescription Assistance 800-981-5851 (9-5pm) www.pparx.org FREE SERVICE - Call and supply income information and insurance coverage information - Will attempt to find help for prescription coverage through a variety of programs if qualified</p><p>Needy Meds 1-800-503-6897 www.needymeds.org</p><p>Good Rx http://www.goodrx.com/</p><p>Wal-Mart 90day/$10 Rx http://i.walmartimages.com/i/if/hmp/fusion/customer_list.pdf</p><p>Prescription Coverage by Medicare Part D Prescription Plan Assistance: https://www.medicare.gov/find-a-plan/questions/home.aspx</p><p>Medicare Website for a personalized search using the patient’s Medicare number and card information (enter in the medications of choice and this should tell you the cost) http://www.medicare.gov/your-medicare-costs/help-paying-costs/save-on-drug- costs/save-on-drug-costs.html</p><p>Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage (Part D) Low-Income Subsidy Extra Help: Monthly Maximum Income Guidelines Individual $1,396 ($16,755/year) Couple $1,891 ($22,695/year)</p><p>Department of Aging M-F 8:30-4:00pm 301-600-1605 1440 Taney Avenue Frederick MD 21702 www.co.frederick.md.us/doa</p><p>- ALL Medicare Part D patients should re-evaluate their Part D plan every year (similar to an annual physical exam) based upon their medications since formularies also change every year. The Dept of Aging does free Medicare Part D consultations during open enrollment which starts in October of each year. They will provide the patient with the top 3 plans and help the patient switch plans if he/she wants to. Respite Care:</p><p>Frederick County Health Department 301-600-1611 350 Montevue Lane Frederick MD</p><p>- The mission of the Respite Care Program at Frederick County Health Department is to provide funding of respite services for children with special health care needs and their families.</p><p>Sunrise of Frederick 800-405-6209 990 Waterford Drive Frederick MD</p><p>- Provides Assisted Living, Memory Care, Respite Care</p><p>Infant and Toddler Program</p><p>Frederick County Health Department – Infant and Toddler Program http://frederickcountymd.gov/index.aspx?NID=2498</p><p>Maryland State Department of Education – Early Intervention Education (Birth through 5YO) http://www.marylandpublicschools.org/MSDE/divisions/earlyinterv/infant_toddlers/</p><p>Smoking Cessation </p><p>Frederick County Health Department 301-600-3390 “Stop Smoking for Life” Program </p><p>Frederick Memorial Hospital Shanna Figgins 240-566-3622 [email protected] Finding Freedom from Smoking It’s a free 6week, 6 session program</p><p>Maryland Tobacco Quitline (Services also available in Spanish) 800-784-8669 www.smokingstopshere.com Social Services Frederick County Social Services (301) 600-2635 100 East All Saint Street Frederick, MD 21701 http://www.fcdss.info/cps.htm</p><p>Social Services: Adult Protective Services Child Protective Services Cold Weather Shelter Energy Assistance Foster Care and Adoption HIV Services Home Aides Housing Project Home Senior Care</p><p>- Child/Adult Protective Services (CPS/APS) Frederick County FCDSS: 301-600-2464 After Hours: 301-600-2464</p><p>Bread of Life Community Kitchen (Soup Kitchen and Food Boxes) 301-695-6633 419 West South Street Frederick MD 21701 www.therescuemission.org Provides breakfast and lunch daily to men, women and children. Meals are warm and nutritious and served at the Beacon House, 419 West South Street Frederick MD from 6- 7AM and 12-1 PM, Sunday breakfast is 7-8am and lunch is 1-2pm</p><p>Transportation:</p><p>TransIt (M-F 8-4:00 PM) Main #: 301-600-2065 Scheduling #: 301-600-1725 http://www.frederickcountymd.gov/index.aspx?nid=105</p><p>TransIT Fare Policy and Passes General Public One-way base fare $1.25 Between Frederick & Emmitsburg $1.25 Ten-trip ticket: $12.00 Twenty-trip ticket: $22.00 Monthly pass: $45.00</p><p>Youth/Students with I.D. Ten-trip ticket: $8.00 Monthly pass: $30.00 Summer Freedom Pass - $10.00</p><p>Senior and Disabled Persons with Reduced Fare One-way base fare: $0.60 Ten-trip ticket: $ 5.50 Twenty-One-trip ticket: $11.00 Monthly pass: $30.00</p><p>Transfers are free.</p><p>An additional $1.50 will be charged for special stops not along the regular route (24- hour advance request required).</p><p>Medicare card holders are entitled to reduced fares according to the TranslT reduced fare policy. Children under three feet tall ride free. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.</p><p>Tickets and passes may be purchased at 30 North Market Street and the TransIT office or mail. Please allow one to two weeks for processing ticket orders by mail.</p><p>Student tickets are sold at the Frederick Community College bookstore.</p><p>Yellow Cab of Frederick 301-834-5050</p><p>Diabetes Education & Weight Management: Frederick Memorial Hospital Wellness Center (at the FSK Mall) 240-379-6000 http://www.fmh.org/body.cfm?id=59 http://www.fmh.org/weightmanagement</p><p>Three options for weight management: a medically monitored very low calorie diet (VLCD) called New Direction, a low calorie diet (LCD) called Outlook, and individual nutrition services with a Licensed and Registered Dietitian. The Wellness Center offers services to adults and children and is now accepting insurance for weight management services, depending on the patient's eligibility. The contact number for these services is 240-379-6020. Diabetes The Wellness Center is ADA recognized and provides a 10 hour comprehensive program including a 1 hour RN Assessment, 1 hour appointment with a Registered Dietitian, and 8 hours of group education, provided in 4 Map classes. Additional services include follow-up Dietitian appointments, glucose management, pump training, 3 month and 12 month follow-up groups, as well as a monthly support group. The contact number for these services is 240-379-6045.</p><p>WIC 301-600-2507 www.mdwic.org You can participate if you are pregnant, breastfeed, have recently had a baby or are an infant or child under 5 years old and you live in Maryland, have nutritional need, have an annual income (before taxes) equal to or less than: Family Size Yearly Income Every 2 Weeks Weekly 1 $21,500 $831 $416 2 $29,101 $1,120 $560 3 $36,612 $1,409 $705 4 $44,123 $1,698 $849 For each additional family member, add: +$7,511 +$289 +$145 *Annual Income is revised each year in April - srd</p><p>REV 10-16-14</p>
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