Photo of the Week Index

Photo of the Week Index

<p>Photo of the Week Index</p><p>Sailing and Small Craft</p><p>01-11-19 CSC winter sailing 02-03-18 CSC, busy dock 02-04-15 Krusty at CSC 02-06-17 CSC women's clinic 03-02-10 Lugger in Marina entrance 03-03-10 Cal Sailing Club keelboat 03-04-21 Ashby Shoal breakfast 03-05-19 Sakonnet 23 evening sail 03-07-14 Fast dinghy sailing in the South Sailing Basin 03-08-25 Allan Maris sailing in Berkeley Marina 04-02-16 Dinghies for disabled sailors 04-03-29 Docking practice at Cal Sailing Club 04-05-10 Ashby Shoal breakfast 04-10-04 Pelican class sailboat in Marina channel 05-04-04 Rigging a Lido 14 at the Cal Sailing Club 05-05-30 Ashby Shoal breakfast 05-09-12 Open House at Cal Sailing Club 05-11-21 JY-15 race at Cal Sailing Club 06-05-01 Ashby Shoal breakfast 06-08-14 Open House at Cal Sailing Club 06-12-11 Sailing dingy stranded by low tide in South Sailing Basin 07-01-08 Light air sailing lesson at Cal Sailing Club</p><p>Planning and Politics</p><p>01-09-24 ESP planning workshop 02-11-25 Tom Bates in CSC Ensign 02-12-09 State Parks Commission meeting 03-02-03 Magna workshop facilitator's sketch 04-03-01 1910 waterfront proposal 05-01-31 Mayor Beverly Johnson of Alameda in kayak 05-02-21 State Parks plan for the Brickyard 05-06-20 The 1953 "Fried Egg Plan" 05-10-03 Angel Island airport plan 05-10-24 Caruso plan for Golden Gate Fields 06-01-30 Water Trail Steering Committee</p><p>Birds and other wildlife 01-09-10 Great egret on boat docks 01-11-12 Great egret at creek outflow 01-12-24 SSB, ducks 02-02-18 Great blue heron 02-04-22 Northern Harrier in flight 02-06-24 Black Oystercatchers 03-01-06 Bufflehead in Marina 03-02-17 Feral Cat behind race track 03-05-05 Harbor seal with fish 03-05-12 Raft of cormorants in Marina channel 03-05-26 Egrets under Cal Sailing Club gangway 03-06-23 Surf scoter counts 04-01-12 Black Oystercatcher demonstrates mussel opening 04-02-02 American Avocets 04-04-05 Marbled godwits 04-12-13 Dense flock of sandpipers 05-01-17 Brown pelican at Brooks Island 05-03-21 Great Northern Diver in marina 05-04-18 Immature black-crowned night heron in marina 05-06-27 Dolphin by Laura Watt 05-12-05 Surf Scoter at entrance to South Sailing Basin 06-02-13 Great blue heron 06-08-21 Cormorants on the breakwater 06-09-04 Harbor seal in marina 06-10-02 Brown pelican</p><p>Dragon Boats and Outriggers</p><p>01-12-17 Dragons, Council meeting 02-02-04 Marina east-west axis 02-07-08 Dragon boat, on launch ramp 02-09-09 Berkeley Dragons boat and crew portrait 02-12-23 Dragon boat along NSB 03-01-20 Dragon boat, approaching Bulb lagoon 03-04-28 Outriggers on Shorebird Beach 03-06-16 Dragon boat practice 04-01-05 Dragon boat in outrigger and kayak race 04-04-26 Cal Dragons dragon boat team 04-08-09 Maxine paddling dragon boat 05-04-25 Father-daughter in 2-person outrigger 05-05-09 Outriggers on Shorebird Beach 05-08-29 Treasure Island dragon boat festival 05-10-10 Dragon boat approaching Red Oak Victory for breakfast 06-09-25 Treasure Island dragon boat festival 06-12-04 Dragon boat on Albany Beach 07-01-01 Dragon boat practice</p><p>On-Shore Recreation</p><p>01-06-11 Cooling off on park bench 01-07-16 BMX biker 01-11-05 Wetlands boardwalk, Martinez 02-03-11 Wheelchair and gulls 02-11-18 Hang gliding at CCP 03-01-27 Adventure playground tire swing 03-04-07 Kites over Cesar Chavez Park 03-06-30 Swimmer off Shorebird Beach 03-09-22 Swimming at Ashby Beach 03-11-10 Hang gliding in Cesar Chavez Park 04-08-30 Boat down slide at Adventure Playground 04-09-06 Beach scene at Shorebird Park 05-08-08 Percussion and dance troupe Sambasia at Shorebird Beach 06-12-25 Santa arrives for the Berkeley Yacht Club holiday party</p><p>Big Boat Sailing</p><p>01-08-13 Ranger 33, BYC starting line 02-05-27 Trial Run on BYC starting line 02-07-29 City Lights, BYC finish line 02-10-21 BYC spinnakers 03-01-13 BYC crowded starting line 03-06-09 "Jeanette" at start of Friday night race 03-12-01 "Starkite" in BYC Woman Skipper Race 04-03-15 BYC Chowder Race light air start 04-09-13 Large powerboat at BYC 04-10-18 OCSC fleet in berths 04-11-08 BYC Chowder race start 04-12-20 Crush at leeward mark in BYC Midwinter race 05-03-07 Twilight Zone on the cover of Latitude 38 05-03-28 Frers 40 "Jeanette" sailing into the marina 05-09-26 Cal 40 surfing to finish line off Diamond Head 05-11-28 BYC Chowder Race start 06-01-09 Kite view of entrance channel and Berkeley Yacht Club 06-01-16 Santana 22 careened on ramp for bottom cleaning 06-05-22 Catalina 27 "Latin Lass" approaching the finish line 06-10-16 Kayak as race committee boat 06-11-27 BYC Chowder Race, no wind at mark 06-12-18 C&C 36 "Shenanigan" at the start of a BYC Chowder Race</p><p>Infrastructure and Land Use Issues 01-06-04 I-80 overcrossing graphic 01-08-06 Motor homes along frontage 01-08-27 I-80 overcrossing under construction 01-10-01 Trashed and tagged in Albany 02-01-21 CSC, 1974 construction 02-05-20 Marina bathroom model 02-08-19 Straw bale building under construction 02-09-16 Brickyard moonscape 02-12-30 Lordships roof leaks 03-02-24 Marina Blvd. 03-04-14 Solar Calendar model 03-06-02 Open water inside docks A-E 03-09-15 Aquatic Park boathouse facilities 03-12-15 Model of new Cal Sailing Club clubhouse 04-02-23 Tipped-up outboards 04-05-03 Temporary earth berm along North Basin Strip 04-05-17 Berkeley Pier after deck removal 04-08-16 Plan for rebuilding docks A-E 04-08-23 Work begins on Meadow restoration 04-10-11 Meadow after grading 05-01-03 Area W dry storage after relocation 05-01-10 Meadow with new ponds full of water 05-02-28 Saltwater fire-fighting system 05-05-16 Non-navigable boat towed out of marina 05-08-22 Houseboat reconstruction 05-12-12 Final configuration for the rebuild of F-dock and G-dock 05-12-19 Houseboat sinks and damages docks during winter storm 05-12-26 Swamped boat on inside tie of G-dock after heavy rain 06-07-31 Repairs to the middle gangway in the South Sailing Basin</p><p>Shorelines</p><p>01-06-18 Albany beach, wet toes 01-07-02 Albany lagoon, photo contest 01-07-30 Mouth of Codornices Creek 01-09-03 NSB, SW corner looking N 01-10-22 Plateau 01-11-26 Brickyard cove, low tide 01-12-10 NBS, view from 30 ft. up 01-12-31 NSB, SW corner, storm surge 02-01-07 Meadow, seasonal pond 02-02-11 NBS shoreline, low tide 02-02-25 1883 chart 02-03-25 NSB, SW corner 02-12-02 Albany Beach South 02-12-16 SSB at low tide, night 03-08-18 Foot of Gilman Street 03-10-06 1939 aerial photo with modern overlay 03-12-22 High tide on North Basin Strip 04-02-09 Fleming Point over kayak bow 04-07-05 Child at water's edge, Shorebird Park 05-05-23 Eelgrass remediation project in North Basin 05-06-06 Blackberries on the Albany Bulb 06-01-23 Albany Falls 06-02-06 Northwest corner of Cesar Chavez Park 06-08-28 Bay Trail bridge over the Point Isabel canal 06-09-11 Message in a bottle 06-11-20 Lower Strawberry Creek at low tide</p><p>Fishing and Charter Boats</p><p>02-05-13 Fishing fleet 02-09-23 Hornblower houseboat 02-11-04 Ge Ge and Seabreeze co-owner 03-08-04 Fishing off Lordships Point 03-10-27 Cordell Explorer 04-01-19 "Endurance" at night 05-07-11 Kids showing off fish on K-dock 05-07-25 Live bait tanks on K-dock 06-09-18 Fish boat saving money on fuel 06-11-06 Shark caught at marina entrance</p><p>Dogs</p><p>02-09-30 Dog Park, straw bale boundary 02-10-28 Dog in waves at Albany beach 03-03-31 Dogs socialize at Pt. Isabel 04-03-08 Kids and dogs sharing Albany Beach 04-05-24 Leash law signs being installed 04-11-01 Off-leash hiking on Albany Bulb 05-03-14 Dog walker in Cesar Chavez Park 05-11-14 Off-leash exercise on Albany Beach</p><p>Art</p><p>02-01-28 Albany bulb, foam contemplation 02-05-06 Fennel hut on Albany Bulb 02-07-01 Solar Calendar 02-08-26 Mad Mark's castle, Albany Bulb 02-10-14 Do Not Climb sculpture 03-03-03 "The Guardian" Chinese dog warrior 04-01-26 Path on Albany Bulb 04-06-14 Erotic art on Albany Bulb 04-12-06 Brower memorial as designed 05-09-05 Eastshore State Park entry art 05-10-31 Alternate location for the Brower memorial 06-02-27 Driftwood sculpture on Albany Bulb 06-05-29 The Tempest performed on the Albany Bulb 06-11-13 Bay Trail art</p><p>Windsurfers</p><p>01-08-20 Windsurfer over rocks at Pt. Isabel 01-10-08 Tidal steps, Richmond 01-12-03 Windsurfer, winter storm 02-04-29 Windsurfer portage at BYC 02-10-07 Windsurfers launching at Hs. Lordships 03-08-11 Windsurfer getting air 03-12-08 Windsurfer with no wind and no water 03-12-29 High speed windsurfing in South Sailing Basin 04-06-07 Windsurfers in South Sailing Basin 04-07-19 Kitesurfing off Albany Beach 04-09-27 Windsurfers diving off CSC dock 05-04-11 Windsurfer getting air</p><p>Kayaks</p><p>03-03-24 Kayak Fishing, Marina channel 03-09-01 Kayaks in channel off BYC guest dock 03-09-29 Kayak polo practice 03-10-13 Kayaks on the 2003 Water Trail sojourn 03-10-20 Kayak fishing north of Albany Bulb 04-03-22 Kayak with sun on water 05-02-14 Sailing Kayak, north Berkeley waterfront 05-07-18 Cal Adventures kayak class</p><p>Pier and Sunsets</p><p>02-01-14 Pier, winter sunset 02-09-02 Pier, bright sun backlight 03-11-03 Mid-span sunset 04-11-22 Couple on bench in Chavez Park watching sunset 04-11-29 End of pier on calm day 05-01-24 Rainbow over Marina 05-11-07 Green flash 06-02-20 Inferior mirage at sunset</p><p>Ferry</p><p>02-08-12 Ferry, future photo 04-09-20 Ferry demo ride loading at old ferry pier 04-11-15 Passenger deck of the 1898 ferry Berkeley 05-08-15 Potential site for ferry terminal behind Doubletree Hotel 05-09-19 Aerial view of marina showing possible ferry terminal</p><p>Public Service</p><p>01-06-25 Kayak class at Cal Adventures 01-07-09 BYA kids in CSC Ensign 02-04-02 Berkeley Boosters on BYC boat 02-08-05 BYA, four kids on CSC boat 04-04-12 Shorebird Nature Center class on BYC guest dock 04-04-19 Bay Festival, BRCC dragon boat and CSC sailboat rides 04-07-12 BYA kids on Cal Sailing Club keelboat 04-10-25 51 ft ketch Pegasus under sail 05-02-07 EBAYC dragon boat team on first practice 05-05-02 King Middle School students in BYC sailing program 05-07-04 Free dragon boat rides during July 4 festival 06-05-15 Berkeley Tech students in a BRCC dragon boat 06-07-10 Free dragon boat rides during July 4 festival 06-08-07 Canoes from the Shorebird Nature Center</p><p>Events and Milestones</p><p>01-09-17 Beach cleanup day 02-03-04 Shirley Dean, I-80 overcrossing 02-04-08 Police cars on U. Ave. 02-06-10 Fire at Fleming Point 03-07-07 The last run of the 51M 03-07-21 Tom Bates, Bay Trail ribbon cutting 03-09-06 Survey work for dock replacement 03-11-17 Dedicating KRE building to Cal. Radio Historical Society 04-06-21 Straw Bale Building ribbon cutting 04-08-02 Kite Festival 2004 05-06-13 New bathrooms for docks A-E under construction 05-08-01 Volunteer with nail gun finishing new CSC clubhouse 05-10-17 Water Trail bill passes, as reported by San Jose Mercury News 06-07-17 New bathrooms for docks A-E completed 06-10-09 Ribbon cutting for the Eastshore State Park 06-10-30 Sea Scout Ship "Farallon" </p><p>Commerce</p><p>01-10-15 Marine Center, Kings Cruiser 01-10-29 Pumpkin patch, down slide 02-06-03 Seabreeze, carrot juicer 04-07-26 Picket line at the Cavalia horse show 04-12-27 Albany Target as seen from North Sailing Basin 06-03-17 Salmon troller "Miss Annie" at Berkeley Marine Center 06-06-05 Beneteau 57 "Vanessa" at Berkeley Marine Center 06-07-24 Hana Japan Steak House opens 06-10-23 New boatbuilding activity at the Berkeley Marine Center</p><p>April 1</p><p>02-04-01 Disney's California Adventure 03-04-01 Cruise ship in North Sailing Basin</p>

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