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WHINSTON Department of Economics and Sloan School of Management, MIT ALI YURUKOGLU Graduate School of Business, Stanford University We investigate the welfare effects of vertical integration of regional sports networks (RSNs) with programming distributors in U.S. multichannel television markets. Verti- cal integration can enhance efficiency by reducing double marginalization and increas- ing carriage of channels, but can also harm welfare due to foreclosure and incentives to raise rivals’ costs. We estimate a structural model of viewership, subscription, dis- tributor pricing, and affiliate fee bargaining using a rich data set on the U.S. cable and satellite television industry (2000–2010). We use these estimates to analyze the impact of simulated vertical mergers and divestitures of RSNs on competition and welfare, and examine the efficacy of regulatory policies introduced by the U.S. Federal Communi- cations Commission to address competition concerns in this industry. KEYWORDS: Vertical integration, foreclosure, double marginalization, raising rivals’ costs, cable television. 1. INTRODUCTION THE WELFARE EFFECTS OF VERTICAL INTEGRATION is an important but controversial is- sue. The theoretical literature on the pro- and anti-competitive impacts of vertical in- tegration is vast (cf. Perry (1990), Rey and Tirole (2007), Riordan (2008), Bresnahan and Levin (2013)), and typically contrasts potential efficiencies related to the elimina- tion of double marginalization (Spengler (1950)) and the alignment of investment incen- tives (Willamson (1985), Grossman and Hart (1986)) with the potential for losses arising from incentives to foreclose rivals and raise their costs (Salop and Scheffman (1983), Krattenmaker and Salop (1986), Hart and Tirole (1990), Ordover, Saloner, and Salop (1990)). Despite a growing literature, empirical evidence on the quantitative magnitudes of these potential effects, and the overall net welfare impact, is still limited. This paper quantifies the welfare effects of vertical integration in cable and satellite television in the context of high-value regional sports programming in the United States. Gregory S. Crawford: [email protected] Robin S. Lee: [email protected] Michael D. Whinston: [email protected] Ali Yurukoglu: [email protected] We would like to thank the editors, six anonymous referees, and numerous individuals and seminar par- ticipants for helpful comments; and ESRC Grant RES-062-23-2586 (Crawford), the NYU Stern Center for Global Economy and Business (Lee), and the Toulouse Network for Information Technology and the NSF (Whinston) for support. All errors are our own. © 2018 The Econometric Society https://doi.org/10.3982/ECTA14031 892 CRAWFORD, LEE, WHINSTON, AND YURUKOGLU Whether the ownership of content by distributors harms welfare has been at the heart of the debate over recently approved (e.g., Comcast and NBC in 2011), abandoned (e.g., Comcast and Time Warner in 2015), and proposed (e.g., AT&T and Time Warner in 2016) mergers in the television industry. The attention that these mergers have attracted is partly due to the industry’s overwhelming reach and size: over 80% of the approximately 120 million television households in the U.S. subscribe to multichannel television, and the mean individual consumes about four hours of television per day.1 Regional sports programming is a large part of this industry, receiving $4.1 billion out of over $30 billion per year in negotiated affiliate fees paid by distributors to all content providers, and an additional $700 million per year in advertising dollars.2 Our focus on the multichannel television industry, and in particular regional sports programming, is driven by several factors that create empirical leverage to address this question. First, there is significant variation across the industry in terms of ownership of regional sports content by cable and satellite distributors, also referred to as multi- channel video programming distributors (MVPDs). Although this variation is primarily at the national level for most channels, regional sports networks (RSNs) are present in smaller geographic areas, and there is useful variation in ownership patterns both across regions and over time. Additionally, the industry is the subject of significant regulatory and antitrust attention in addition to merger review, including the application of “pro- gram access rules” and exceptions to this rule, such as the “terrestrial loophole” which exempted certain distributors from supplying integrated content to rivals. There are two key components of our analysis. The first is the construction of a com- prehensive data set on the U.S. multichannel television industry, collected and synthe- sized from numerous sources. The data set comprises aggregate and individual-level con- sumer viewership and subscription patterns, channel ownership and integration status, and prices, quantities, and channel carriage “lineups” for cable and satellite bundles at the local market level for the years 2000 to 2010. The second component is the specification and estimation of a structural model of the multichannel television industry that captures consumer viewership and subscription de- cisions, MVPD pricing and carriage decisions, and bargaining between MVPDs and con- tent providers. We significantly extend the model of Crawford and Yurukoglu (2012) by constructing an empirical framework suitable for the analysis of vertical integration and mergers. Our model incorporates integrated firms’ incentives to foreclose rivals’ access to inputs, the potential for double marginalization, and the possibility of imperfect co- ordination and internalization within an integrated firm. This last feature is one of the novel aspects of our approach, as we estimate, rather than impose, the degree to which firms internalize the profits of integrated units when distributors make pricing and chan- nel carriage decisions, and channels decide to supply or foreclose rival distributors. Given our goal to evaluate whether vertical integration improves or worsens welfare due to im- provements in internal efficiency or increases in foreclosure of rivals, taking this approach avoids building into our model the assumption that these two effects actually happen to the extent predicted by theory. For example, only very simple views of the firm imply that integrated firms behave as if they are under unitary control, and managers of integrated firms may well either not consider or over-react to the gains that can be reaped from foreclosure. 1http://www.nielsen.com/us/en/insights/news/2016/nielsen-estimates-118-4-million-tv-homes-in-the-us-- for-the-2016-17-season.html, http://www.nielsen.com/content/dam/corporate/us/en/reports-downloads/2016- reports/q3-2016-total-audience-report.pdf, accessed on March 13, 2016. 2SNL Kagan. WELFARE EFFECTS OF VERTICAL INTEGRATION IN TELEVISION MARKETS 893 An important input into identifying these effects is our estimates of the change in dis- tributor profits from the addition or removal of an RSN from any of its programming bundles. We use the relationship between distributors’ market shares and channel car- riage, as well as observed viewership patterns and negotiated affiliate fees, to infer the values consumers place on different channels. With the estimated profit effects in hand, the pro-competitive effects of vertical integration are largely identified from the degree to which RSN carriage is higher for integrated distributors than would be implied by the RSN’s profitability to the distributor; the anti-competitive foreclosure effects are identi- fied by lower RSN supply to downstream rivals of integrated RSNs. We find that integrated distributors substantially but incompletely internalize the ef- fects of their pricing and carriage decisions on their upstream channels’ profits: we esti- mate that only $0.79 of each dollar of profit realized by its integrated partner is internal- ized when an integrated MVPD makes pricing and carriage decisions, or when integrated MVPDs and RSNs bargain with each other. We also find that integrated RSNs fully (and perhaps more than fully) take into account the benefits their downstream divisions reap when a rival distributor is denied access to the RSN’s programming. After estimating our model, we leverage its structure to examine the mechanisms through which pro- and anti-competitive effects of vertical integration might occur. We do so by simulating vertical mergers and divestitures for 26 RSNs that were active in 2007, and examining their effects on equilibrium firm (carriage, pricing,
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