<p>SHIRE OF MULLEWA ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 15 MAY 2002 </p><p>I N D E X</p><p>0502.1 DECLARATION OF OPENING/ANNOUNCEMENT OF VISITORS:...... 3 0502.2 RECORD OF ATTENDANCE/APOLOGIES/APPROVED LEAVE OF ABSENCE:...... 3 0502.3 RESPONSE TO PREVIOUS PUBLIC QUESTIONS TAKEN ON NOTICE:...... 3 0502.4 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME:...... 3 0502.5 OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL – SUMMARY OF SKATE PARK SURVEY...... 4 0502.6 COUNCIL MEETINGS – ATTENDANCE AT BY SCHOOL CHILDREN...... 4 0502.7 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING:...... 4 0502.8 BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES:...... 4 0502.9 MINUTE NO. 0402.14: MULLEWA CARAVAN PARK – SECURITY OF...... 4 0502.10 MINUTE NO. 0402.16: DOG (RESTRICTED BREEDS) REGULATIONS 2002 – APPLICATION OF...... 4 0502.11 MINUTE NO. 0402.23: HEALTH SERVICES – PROVISION OF...... 5 0502.12 MINUTE NO. 0402.36: RECREATION CENTRE – REDEVELOPMENT OF...... 5 0502.13 MINUTE NO. 0402.44: RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT – TALLERING PEAK...... 5 0502.14 MINUTE NO. 0402.58: 13 STEELE STREET MULLEWA...... 5 0502.15 MULLEWA YOUTH SERVICE...... 5 0502.16 YOUTH DEVELOPMENT OFFICER’S REPORT – RECEIPT OF...... 5 0502.17 HEALTH, BUILDING AND TOWN PLANNING:...... 5 0502.18 BUILDING APPLICATIONS...... 5 0502.19 WORKS, PLANT, PARKS AND GARDENS:...... 6 0502.20 LAND TRANSFER – EXPIRED GRAVEL PIT...... 6 0502.21 MIDLAND SALEYARDS – RELOCATION...... 6 0502.22 RURAL TOWNS PROGRAM – COMMUNITY AWARENESS PROJECT REPORT...... 6 0502.23 AMALGAMATION OF RESERVES – TARDUN...... 7 0502.24 MEETING RECONVENED:...... 7 0502.25 WORKS, PLANT, PARKS AND GARDENS: [CONTINUED]...... 8 0502.26 WORKS SUPERVISOR’S REPORT...... 8 0502.27 PLANT REPORT...... 8 0502.28 FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSE:...... 9 0502.29 CODE OF CONDUCT – TOKEN GIFTS...... 9 0502.30 WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIM – SETTLEMENT OF...... 9 0502.31 RECREATION CENTRE – WAIVER OF HIRE FEE...... 9 0502.32 INDIAN OCEAN MASTERS’ GAMES (IOMG) – DONATION TOWARDS...... 9 0502.33 NORTHERN COUNTRY ZONE – VICE PRESIDENT...... 10 0502.34 NORTHERN COUNTRY ZONE WALGA – MEETING AGENDA...... 10 0502.35 CHANGES TO GRAIN MARKETING LEGISLATION IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA – DISCUSSION PAPER...... 10 0502.36 MIDWEST SPORTS FOUNDATION – CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS...... 10 0502.37 POTENTIAL LEASE PROPERTIES – GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES...... 11</p><p>PRESIDENT: MINUTES CONFIRMED ON 19 JUNE 2002 PAGE 1 SHIRE OF MULLEWA ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 15 MAY 2002 </p><p>0502.38 FINANCE REPORT 30APRIL 2002...... 11 0502.39 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT AND SPECIAL PAYMENTS...... 12 0502.40 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S REPORT:...... 12 0502.41 NEW BUSINESS OF AN URGENT NATURE INTRODUCED BY DECISION OF MEETING:. .12 0502.42 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT AND SPECIAL PAYMENTS...... 12 0502.43 FREEMAN OF THE SHIRE OF MULLEWA – AWARDING OF...... 12 0502.44 BOWLING CLUB PREMISES – DISPOSITION OF...... 13 0502.45 CREATING A TOWN WEBSITE – FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR...... 13 0502.46 LEAVE OF ABSENCE – COUNCILLOR M R DOHERTY...... 13</p><p>PRESIDENT: MINUTES CONFIRMED ON 19 JUNE 2002 PAGE 2 SHIRE OF MULLEWA ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 15 MAY 2002 </p><p>MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF THE SHIRE OF MULLEWA HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON WEDNESDAY 15 MAY 2002.</p><p>0502.1 DECLARATION OF OPENING/ANNOUNCEMENT OF VISITORS:</p><p>1:05pm The President declared the meeting open.</p><p>0502.2 RECORD OF ATTENDANCE/APOLOGIES/APPROVED LEAVE OF ABSENCE:</p><p>PRESENT:</p><p>Councillor A J Messina – President (West Ward) Councillor M R Doherty – Deputy President (North Ward) Councillor F W Newman (South West Ward) Councillor B I N Thomas (East Ward) Councillor M W Steele (South Ward) Councillor G R Jenkin (Central Ward) Councillor J B Thurkle (Central Ward) Councillor L J Wainwright (Central Ward) Councillor N D Johnstone (South Ward)</p><p>OFFICERS:</p><p>Mr G S Wilks – Chief Executive Officer Ms Samantha Grahame – Administration Officer Mrs Val Noack – Executive Secretary</p><p>APOLOGIES:</p><p>Councillor P T Freeman (Central Ward) Councillor L M Newman (East Ward)</p><p>LEAVE OF ABSENCE:</p><p>Nil</p><p>VISITORS:</p><p>Ms Erin Jacobsen – Teacher, Our Lady of Mount Carmel School Jessica Morrissey – Student, Our Lady of Mount Carmel School Kevin Glasson – Student, Our Lady of Mount Carmel School</p><p>The President welcomed the visitors and Ms Samantha Grahame to the meeting.</p><p>0502.3 RESPONSE TO PREVIOUS PUBLIC QUESTIONS TAKEN ON NOTICE:</p><p>Nil</p><p>0502.4 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME:</p><p>The President opened the meeting for public questions.</p><p>PRESIDENT: MINUTES CONFIRMED ON 19 JUNE 2002 PAGE 3 SHIRE OF MULLEWA ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 15 MAY 2002 </p><p>0502.5 OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL – SUMMARY OF SKATE PARK SURVEY</p><p>Kevin Glasson provided a summary of a Skate Park Survey carried out at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School. </p><p>A majority of the children would like a Skate Park and the teachers supported this proposal because it would keep the children busy and promote a healthy lifestyle.</p><p>The President thanked Kevin for his report and advised that Council is working on the proposal that, with the Bowling Club being moved, this area may be developed into a Youth Centre with a Skate Park and Basketball Court. The Community Development Employment Program (CDEP) had shown interest in taking over the clubhouse.</p><p>0502.6 COUNCIL MEETINGS – ATTENDANCE AT BY SCHOOL CHILDREN</p><p>The Shire President asked Ms Jacobsen if the children were benefiting from attending Council meetings and if it was worthwhile continuing with this practice. </p><p>Ms Jacobsen replied that the children were gaining knowledge of local government procedures and that it would be beneficial for the children to continue attending Council meetings.</p><p>The Chief Executive Officer suggested to Kevin and Jessica that Council will need input from the school children in the redevelopment project of the Bowling Club premises and associated area.</p><p>0502.7 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING:</p><p>Moved: J B Thurkle Seconded: M W Steele</p><p>That the minutes of the Council meeting held on 17 April 2002, as printed, be confirmed. CARRIED 9/0</p><p>0502.8 BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES:</p><p>0502.9 MINUTE NO. 0402.14: MULLEWA CARAVAN PARK – SECURITY OF</p><p>Councillor Jenkin advised that Telstra had informed him that it had received a letter from Council regarding the relocation of telephone boxes within the townsite. Telstra had advised Councillor Jenkin that the telephone at the Caravan Park would not be moved but that two outback pole telephones would be installed, one at the Mullewa Police Station and one in the central business district. Telstra advised Councillor Jenkin that it would be visiting Mullewa in approximately two weeks to examine this matter.</p><p>0502.10 MINUTE NO. 0402.16: DOG (RESTRICTED BREEDS) REGULATIONS 2002 – APPLICATION OF</p><p>Councillor Jenkin asked if the recent Ranger’s visit was successful.</p><p>The Chief Executive Officer advised that the Ranger had issued quite a number of infringements and in future, the Ranger will visit more frequently on an irregular basis. </p><p>PRESIDENT: MINUTES CONFIRMED ON 19 JUNE 2002 PAGE 4 SHIRE OF MULLEWA ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 15 MAY 2002 </p><p>Councillor Thurkle suggested that the Ranger be equipped with a CDMA phone whilst he is in Mullewa to enable immediate contact.</p><p>0502.11 MINUTE NO. 0402.23: HEALTH SERVICES – PROVISION OF</p><p>Council resolved to</p><p> Now not form part of the deputation from the Northern Zone of the Western Australian Local Government Association to meet with the Hon Minister for Health, and To respond to the Mullewa Health Service Board of Management advising of Council’s support to the establishment of a strategic direction with respect to the recruitment and retention of a Medical Practitioner and other health matters.</p><p>1:27pm: Ms Jacobsen, Kevin Glasson and Jessica Morrissey left the meeting 1:28pm: Mr David Hadden, Council’s Manager Health/Building, entered the meeting</p><p>0502.12 MINUTE NO. 0402.36: RECREATION CENTRE – REDEVELOPMENT OF</p><p>The Chief Executive Officer advised that there will be a meeting at the Recreation Centre on 16 May 2002 at 10:30am to finalise plans to go to tender on the Bowling Green. All Councillors are welcome to attend.</p><p>0502.13 MINUTE NO. 0402.44: RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT – TALLERING PEAK</p><p>The Chief Executive Officer advised that he had contacted Mount Gibson Mining Ltd who will meet with the President, Deputy President, Councillor Freeman and himself on 22 May 2002 at 12 Noon. After this meeting Mount Gibson personnel will meet with Aboriginal people to discuss Native Title issues.</p><p>0502.14 MINUTE NO. 0402.58: 13 STEELE STREET MULLEWA</p><p>The Shire President asked Council if it wished to sell this property. </p><p>Moved: J B Thurkle Seconded: M S Steele</p><p>That a decision be made on the future of 13 Steele Street after the housing inspection which is to be carried out on Monday 20 May 2002. CARRIED 9/0</p><p>0502.15 MULLEWA YOUTH SERVICE</p><p>0502.16 YOUTH DEVELOPMENT OFFICER’S REPORT – RECEIPT OF</p><p>Moved: B I N Thomas Seconded: G R Jenkin</p><p>That the Youth Development Officer’s report for the month of May 2002 be received.</p><p>CARRIED 9/0</p><p>0502.17 HEALTH, BUILDING AND TOWN PLANNING:</p><p>0502.18 BUILDING APPLICATIONS</p><p>Moved: G R Jenkin Seconded: N D Johnstone</p><p>PRESIDENT: MINUTES CONFIRMED ON 19 JUNE 2002 PAGE 5 SHIRE OF MULLEWA ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 15 MAY 2002 </p><p>COUNCIL DECISION: That the report of building statistics for the month of April 2002 be received. CARRIED 9/0</p><p>2:08pm: Mr Hadden left the meeting</p><p>0502.19 WORKS, PLANT, PARKS AND GARDENS:</p><p>0502.20 LAND TRANSFER – EXPIRED GRAVEL PIT</p><p>Moved: F W Newman Seconded: J B Thurkle </p><p>COUNCIL DECISION: That</p><p> There is no objection to the return of Reserve 31495 to the owners of the adjoining property for incorporation within Victoria Location 10290, and Any such return shall be on the understanding that no costs shall be paid by the local authority.</p><p>CARRIED 9/0</p><p>Moved: B I N Thomas Seconded: M R Doherty</p><p>That a review be carried out on the Gravel Materials Agreement and referred to the next Council meeting for consideration.</p><p>CARRIED 9/0</p><p>0502.21 MIDLAND SALEYARDS – RELOCATION </p><p>Moved: M R Doherty Seconded: F W Newman</p><p>2:30pm: Mrs Val Noack left the meeting 2:35pm: Mrs Val Noack returned to the meeting</p><p>COUNCIL DECISION: That </p><p> The Shire of Northam be thanked for its correspondence, and In the absence of definitive information that the location of the saleyards at Northam would be a direct financial advantage to the residents of this community, that no letters of support or financial contribution be made.</p><p>CARRIED 9/0</p><p>0502.22 RURAL TOWNS PROGRAM – COMMUNITY AWARENESS PROJECT REPORT</p><p>Moved: M R Doherty Seconded: B I N Thomas</p><p>COUNCIL DECISION: That</p><p> The “Groundwater Study of the Mullewa Townsite” report, as</p><p>PRESIDENT: MINUTES CONFIRMED ON 19 JUNE 2002 PAGE 6 SHIRE OF MULLEWA ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 15 MAY 2002 </p><p> part of the Country Towns Program – Community Boreholes Project, be received; The “Groundwater Study of the Mullewa Townsite” report be referred to the Mullewa Land Conservation District Committee, and A sub-committee consisting of a representative of the Council, Councillor J B Thurkle, a Shire staff member, Mr Michael Barr, a representative of the Mullewa Land Conservation District Committee, be formed in order to progress the recommendations arising from the report and to provide direction to Council in this matter.</p><p>CARRIED 9/0</p><p>2:45pm: Councillor F Newman left the meeting</p><p>0502.23 AMALGAMATION OF RESERVES – TARDUN </p><p>Moved: B I N Thomas Seconded: G R Jenkin</p><p>COUNCIL DECISION: That assistance be extended to the Tardun community in the following areas:</p><p> Waste Management – Rehabilitation of the illegal dump site to the best of Council’s ability with direction and support to institute a new waste management removal system if considered desirable, Water Supply – Incorporation of the community bore within the area that has been identified as suitable for excision as a gravel supply source, and Cropping Activity – Entering into arrangements with the Department of Land Administration for a licence or lease for the purposes of cropping and grazing of that area (or thereabouts) previously cropped, and such an area being sub-leased to the Tardun community under such terms and conditions that the municipality is protected.</p><p>CARRIED 8/0</p><p>2:47pm: Mrs Val Noack left the meeting 2:48pm: Councillor F Newman returned to the meeting 2:48pm: Mrs Val Noack returned to the meeting</p><p>MEETING ADJOURNED FROM 2:52PM TO 3:12PM</p><p>0502.24 MEETING RECONVENED:</p><p>PRESENT:</p><p>Councillor A J Messina – President (West Ward) Councillor M R Doherty – Deputy President (North Ward) Councillor F W Newman (South West Ward)</p><p>PRESIDENT: MINUTES CONFIRMED ON 19 JUNE 2002 PAGE 7 SHIRE OF MULLEWA ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 15 MAY 2002 </p><p>Councillor B I N Thomas (East Ward) Councillor M W Steele (South Ward) Councillor G R Jenkin (Central Ward) Councillor J B Thurkle (Central Ward) Councillor L J Wainwright (Central Ward) Councillor N D Johnstone (South Ward)</p><p>OFFICERS:</p><p>Mr G S Wilks – Chief Executive Officer Ms Samantha Grahame – Administration Officer Mrs Val Noack – Executive Secretary</p><p>0502.25 WORKS, PLANT, PARKS AND GARDENS: [continued]</p><p>0502.26 WORKS SUPERVISOR’S REPORT</p><p>The Chief Executive Officer commented that Parks and Gardens staff had placed pots of plants at the War Memorial site where the Anzac Day Service was held and later taken them away. The area had looked nice.</p><p>Moved: M W Steele Seconded: F W Newman</p><p>COUNCIL DECISION: That the Works Supervisor’s Report incorporating the Parks and Gardens activities for the month of May 2002 be received, and the following be directed for his attention:</p><p> Devils Creek Road – Councillor Messina commented that there appears to be a problem with the shoulders on this road as a vehicle could become bogged if it is necessary to get off the narrow bitumen. Maintenance Program – Councillor F Newman expressed concern at the maintenance grading “hit and miss” and suggested that in some cases may be more miss than hit. Last February Councillor Newman had advised of holes on the Erangy Spring Road between Micke and Holmes Roads. Only half of these were filled with gravel but reappeared very soon after the grading. In his view it may be helpful if someone could check and mark bad patches before the grader arrives. The Shire President requested that this matter be referred to the Works Supervisor for actioning.</p><p>CARRIED 9/0</p><p>0502.27 PLANT REPORT</p><p>Moved: M W Steele Seconded: F W Newman</p><p>COUNCIL DECISION: That the Plant Mechanic’s Report be received.</p><p>CARRIED 9/0</p><p>PRESIDENT: MINUTES CONFIRMED ON 19 JUNE 2002 PAGE 8 SHIRE OF MULLEWA ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 15 MAY 2002 </p><p>0502.28 FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSE:</p><p>0502.29 CODE OF CONDUCT – TOKEN GIFTS</p><p>Moved: J B Thurkle Seconded: N D Johnstone</p><p>COUNCIL DECISION: That, for the purposes of the Code of Conduct under Section 5.103(3) of the Local Government Act and Regulation 34B, a “token” gift means a gift of, or below, the value of $1,000.00.</p><p>CARRIED 9/0</p><p>0502.30 WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIM – SETTLEMENT OF</p><p>Moved: F W Newman Seconded: M R Doherty</p><p>COUNCIL DECISION: That the action of the Chief Executive Officer in seeking to obtain a “without admission of liability” settlement in the case of Reed versus the Shire of Mullewa be endorsed, however should that be unsuccessful then the Chief Executive Officer is authorised to obtain whatever resources is necessary in order to defend the municipality, but in doing so he is to ensure that the Council is kept fully updated on the progress of the case.</p><p>CARRIED 9/0</p><p>0502.31 RECREATION CENTRE – WAIVER OF HIRE FEE</p><p>Moved: M W Steele Seconded: B I N Thomas</p><p>COUNCIL DECISION: That the Mullewa District High School be permitted usage of the Mullewa Recreation Centre for the purpose of conducting badminton classes over an eight week period commencing on Wednesday 15 May and concluding Wednesday 3 July 2002 provided that</p><p> Precedence will be given to a hirer willing to pay full hire charges, Negotiation with the Mullewa Badminton Club for usage of its equipment, and The hire facility is to be left neat and tidy at the conclusion of each day’s event. CARRIED 9/0</p><p>0502.32 INDIAN OCEAN MASTERS’ GAMES (IOMG) – DONATION TOWARDS</p><p>Moved: B I N Thomas Seconded: L J Wainwright</p><p>COUNCIL DECISION: That the correspondence from the Geraldton Midwest Sports Federation advising of the establishment of the inaugural Indian Ocean Masters’ Games in June 2004 be noted and that the sum of up to $200.00 be provided within the 2002/2003 Municipal Budget for the purposes of pre-planning. CARRIED 9/0</p><p>PRESIDENT: MINUTES CONFIRMED ON 19 JUNE 2002 PAGE 9 SHIRE OF MULLEWA ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 15 MAY 2002 </p><p>0502.33 NORTHERN COUNTRY ZONE – VICE PRESIDENT</p><p>Moved: M W Steele Seconded: M R Doherty</p><p>COUNCIL DECISION: That there be no nomination from this Council for the position of Vice President of the Northern Country Zone of the Western Australian Local Government Association.</p><p>CARRIED 9/0</p><p>0502.34 NORTHERN COUNTRY ZONE WALGA – MEETING AGENDA</p><p>Moved: B I N Thomas Seconded: F W Newman</p><p>COUNCIL DECISION: That delegates for the Northern Country Zone of the Western Australian Local Government Association Executive Meeting to be held on 27 May 2002 be directed to vote as follows:</p><p> Shire of Greenough: Working Party Report – Australian Accounting Standards 27: Based upon discussion at the meeting, and Shire of Chapman Valley: Unexploded Ordinances (UXO’S): In favour of</p><p>CARRIED 9/0</p><p>0502.35 CHANGES TO GRAIN MARKETING LEGISLATION IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA – DISCUSSION PAPER</p><p>Moved: B I N Thomas Seconded: M R Doherty</p><p>COUNCIL DECISION: Council resolved that a response to the Discussion Paper as prepared by the Department of Agriculture entitled “The Need for Changes to the Grain Marketing Legislation in Western Australia” and to seek retention of the Single Desk be left to the farmers.</p><p>CARRIED 9/0</p><p>0502.36 MIDWEST SPORTS FOUNDATION – CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS</p><p>Moved: J B Thurkle Seconded: G R Jenkin</p><p>COUNCIL DECISION: That the correspondence from the Midwest Sports Federation be received and that no financial support be given.</p><p>CARRIED 9/0</p><p>4:03pm: Mrs Val Noack left the meeting</p><p>PRESIDENT: MINUTES CONFIRMED ON 19 JUNE 2002 PAGE 10 SHIRE OF MULLEWA ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 15 MAY 2002 </p><p>0502.37 POTENTIAL LEASE PROPERTIES – GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES</p><p>Moved: L J Wainwright Seconded: G R Jenkin</p><p>COUNCIL DECISION: That the Chief Executive Officer enter into negotiations with Government Employees’ Housing Authority to finalise the development of a proposal to construct accommodation on behalf of the Government Employees’ Housing Authority with sufficient term and rental to ensure that it is of financial benefit of the municipality.</p><p>CARRIED 9/0</p><p>4:07pm: Mrs Val Noack returned to the meeting 4:07pm: Mr Matthew Bowen, Manager Corporate Services, entered the meeting</p><p>0502.38 FINANCE REPORT 30APRIL 2002 </p><p>Moved: M R Doherty Seconded: F W Newman</p><p>COMMENT: FINANCIAL POSITION</p><p>The Bank Reconciliation balances for April 30, 2002 and March 31, 2002 with comparisons to the previous year, were as follows:</p><p>APRIL 2002 MARCH 2002 *MUNICIPAL FUND $62,250.02CR $207,628.46CR TRUST FUND $14,001.11CR $14,121.11CR</p><p>APRIL2001 MARCH 2001 *MUNICIPAL FUND $81,940.33CR $220,873.32CR TRUST FUND $16,689.61CR $17,519.61CR *MUNICIPAL FUND INCLUDES ALL UNRESTRICTED FUNDS</p><p>BANK STATEMENT BALANCES: THE BANK BALANCES AS AT 30 APRIL 2002 WERE AS FOLLOWS:</p><p>UNRESTRICTED FUNDS MUNICIPAL FUND $18,811.36CR CASH DEPOSIT ACCOUNT $81,279.88CR COMMERCIAL BILL – EXCESS OF RESERVES NIL</p><p>RESTRICTED FUNDS RESERVE FUNDS COMMERCIAL BILL $245,000.00CR TRUST FUND $13,609.11CR</p><p>ALL OF THE ABOVE FUNDS ARE INVESTED WITH THE COMMONWEALTH BANK.</p><p>COUNCIL DECISION: That the Finance Report for the period ended 30 April 2002 be received.</p><p>CARRIED 9/0</p><p>PRESIDENT: MINUTES CONFIRMED ON 19 JUNE 2002 PAGE 11 SHIRE OF MULLEWA ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 15 MAY 2002 </p><p>0502.39 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT AND SPECIAL PAYMENTS</p><p>Moved: M W Steele Seconded: F W Newman</p><p>COUNCIL DECISION: That the accounts numbered</p><p>Trust Fund 0076 – 0077 (inclusive) Municipal Fund 6669 – 6675 (inclusive) Municipal Fund 6758 – 6774 (inclusive) Municipal Fund 6786 – 6871 (inclusive) Direct Debits 24.04.02, 24.04.02, 08.05.02 </p><p> totalling $276,618.45, and Special Payments numbered</p><p>Trust Fund 0076 – 0077 (inclusive) Municipal Fund 6669 – 6675 (inclusive) Municipal Fund 6758 – 6774 (inclusive) Direct Debits 24.04.02, 24.04.02, 08.05.02</p><p> be passed for payment, subject to no irregularities being detected at signing.</p><p>CARRIED 9/0</p><p>0502.40 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S REPORT:</p><p>Moved: G R Jenkin Seconded: M W Steele</p><p>That the Chief Executive Officer’s report for the month of May 2002 be received:</p><p> Forthcoming Meetings 27 & 29 April 2002: Peer Support Team Workshop 30 April 2002: Synthetic Bowling Green Inspections 7 May 2002: drumMUSTER Inspector Training Course</p><p>CARRIED 9/0</p><p>0502.41 NEW BUSINESS OF AN URGENT NATURE INTRODUCED BY DECISION OF MEETING:</p><p>0502.42 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT AND SPECIAL PAYMENTS</p><p>Moved: M W Steele Seconded: M R Doherty</p><p>That the list of accounts totalling $23,389.32 outstanding since 10 May 2002 be received.</p><p>CARRIED 9/0</p><p>0502.43 FREEMAN OF THE SHIRE OF MULLEWA – AWARDING OF</p><p>The President read a letter received from Dr Patrick Docherty thanking Council for his recent Award and presentation dinner.</p><p>PRESIDENT: MINUTES CONFIRMED ON 19 JUNE 2002 PAGE 12 SHIRE OF MULLEWA ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 15 MAY 2002 </p><p>0502.44 BOWLING CLUB PREMISES – DISPOSITION OF</p><p>The Shire President advised that he had received a letter from the Community Development Employment Program (CDEP) about the Bowling Club and this organisation was looking forward to further discussions and planning.</p><p>The Shire President advised that he would raise the subject of funding with Mr Shane Hill MLA, and other government agencies.</p><p>Councillor John Thurkle enquired when works on the Recreation Centre redevelopment would begin.</p><p>The Shire President advised that tenders would be called soon and a likely date for completion will be before Christmas 2002.</p><p>0502.45 CREATING A TOWN WEBSITE – FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR</p><p>Councillor Thurkle advised of a project titled “Give an Aussie a Go” which enables towns to create a website on the Internet. He asked if the Shire would assist financially with the setting up of this website. He advised that he would be taking this matter to the next Mullewa Chamber of Commerce meeting. </p><p>The Shire President advised that Council would consider this project.</p><p>0502.46 LEAVE OF ABSENCE – COUNCILLOR M R DOHERTY</p><p>Councillor Doherty requested Leave of Absence for the June 2002 meeting.</p><p>Moved: B I N Thomas Seconded: M W Steele</p><p>That Councillor Doherty be granted Leave of Absence from the Council meeting to be held on 19 June 2002.</p><p>CARRIED 8/0</p><p>CLOSURE OF MEETING:</p><p>4:47pm: The President closed the meeting.</p><p>These minutes were confirmed at a meeting on 19 June 2002.</p><p>Signed:</p><p>A J Messina, President</p><p>Date: 19 June 2002 </p><p>PRESIDENT: MINUTES CONFIRMED ON 19 JUNE 2002 PAGE 13</p>
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