....... - ,,,,.,-, ..- :..: ~. All the News of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse Pointe ews Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes Home of the New, Vol. 30-No, 10 Entered u Second Clau Matter at p.GOPIIr Year Page~Two Sections-Sec:tion the Pod Office at Detroit, Mlcblcall. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, Thursday, March 6, 1969 10c Per ('AlP)' 28 One --------------_._-------~ II EADLINES Winners in Rotary Club Youth Forum Contest Bus. Service Halts Farms Solons. of the Change Mhtd 'VEER As Drivers Reject On Resolution As Compiled by the Grosse Painte News Interested Groups to be Offers of Company Given Opportunity to Thursday, February 27 Buy Academy Prop. GENERAL MOTORS AN- President Schweikart Says Meeting Demands of Em. erty and to Make NOUNCED Wednesday that it Plans Work is lU'eparing to nlltify 4.9 mil- ployes Would Cost $163,524 Annually lion owners Of GM cars and and Force Lines Out of Business trucks to return them to dealers The Farms council was for replacement of a carbure- literally surrounded by in. t,)r part which may become de- Bus service between Detroit a~d Grosse Pointe, terested persons who op- fecthe or for service to prevent S1. Clair Shores and Harper Woods was brought to a posed the council's resolu. the possibility of exhaust emis- halt on Friday, February 28, when 'drivers for Lake tion to adopt a proposed sions entering the car. The. re- Shore Coach Lines went' on strike after turning' down ordinance to rezone the 19. call affects approximately 2.5 an 18-cent.an-hour wage increase offered by the com. acre Sacred Heart Convent million .1968 and 1969 Chevro- pany. 'rhe drivers had been working since February 2 property, 171 .Lake Shore lets, P 0 n t i a c s, Oldsmobiles, without a contract. @ . road, currently zoned for Buicks, Cadi'.lacs and GMC The union representing the ]_.;J Off Community Service, to resi- trucks equipped with four-bar. drivers, Amalgamated Transit uuge ers dential. rel Quadra.Jet carburetors. An UnIon Local 176, asked for 2 ' additional 2.4 million Chevro- 3S-cent increase, from $3.07 an to At a publir. hearing held on lets, certain' Biscayne, Bel Air, hour to $3.40. p. lan Curb' Monday, MaJ:'ch 3, a record Impala and Caprice models, Additional. demands include number of people crowded into 1965 througb 1968 will be re, more holidays, a pension plan, F.1. Y th the couticil chambers. The called for inspection and ser- increased sick and accident nrrtng OU lucky ones who came early got vice.to the body areas adjacent benefits. and overtime after the the seats, while others stood to the exhaust. tail pipe. The basic work.week of 54 hours, Offenders W 0 u I d Be against the four walls, and still replacements and servicing will Company president Walter others sat on the floor. The aud. he made at no cost to the Schweikart said the wage in- Forced to Work Satur- ience spilled cut into the hall. owners. crease combined with the other days under Surveil. way, and ,these ~ad to strain to .' " * beriefits would cost the com- lance of Polic". catch every wofd that eloquent Friday, FebfTjary 28 pany $163,524 antlually, an .. speaker.representatives spoke. THE COAST-TO-COAS,T ainount Schweikart says ''We've Department Mayor States Case Transportation Workers Union ne1(er made since I organized -- Mayor William Butler, who strike that shut down American the company in 1932." As one more example of p~ese';lted' the city's Point ?f Airlines Thursday c8used incon. • '. 1'... Photo by Edale McGrath, Zr. Won't Operate at Loss Gro.sse Pointe's growing v.lew 10 the matter, h8ndled hIS venience and delay to many air and TERI ALBRECHT. Standing, Jeft to right: CINDY S h 'ik t' ff f ages d f SIde, extremely well, as 1:e up- Six of the $25 prize wiilners in the weekly compe. c we ar s 0 er 0 w ~wareness an cone.ern or held the councU's intention to travelers at Metropolitan Air- tition sponsored by. ~oitJte- ~otarians, po~e for the ASHTON, SUE SMALE, DEBBIE .KIT(:HEN and and fringe benefits would It th d th b port. They had to find seats ELIZABETH BUD MAN. amount to $50,945 a year. He s you an. err P~Q - adopt the ordinance to. protect on other planes. It took time photograph~r. Seated, left to.right:KATWl MORAN claimed Lake Shore Lines made lerns, Far m S MumcJpal the interest of the community but most travelers were able $33,169 last year before taxes Judge Robert Pytell pro- and city's taxpayers. to get transportation to where G AU' E.'d 't . d Le · It. B1 D .1 and went on to' say "We will posed to the Farms Council On the other hand, Charles ever they desired, if they were , eorge ,'.en uca ors an g.s a or ue evr,s not operate the company At a on Monday, February- 24, M. Bayer of U30 ~is~oP road, loss" . that they consider his pro. represell~g the 0 BrIen-Robin. 5,qoo people ride the posed plan for the treat- son 90rnm1ttee, a. group s~!lr. pa;:~''L''SHA''wd:niedThur6' 'AbOut, S~aksH~l'e ,.~ Panel for Discussi~n Beat Austin lines' 48 buses daily. Tardiness ment of youthful offenders heading the rezonmg OPpos1tion) in . area schools was reported . 14Ues O'Br~en of 41 Hendrie. day, in New Orleans", that he 0'" M'"" h" l'0' Of' Ed ti.. I E'., • I T ;~:~d~~f~~::F~K~::C::;:~~,n. a;rc ," I ' uea ons ., Jnancmg,~..,.,.,n ",O!'l",ey. tOPe.lrlgher;!l;l~usu,al ,.Area_ ~~~int!ng. o~t that the. pro- lane,co-organi~~~ ..\Vith. Mr~~" • '.ji even knew the two men V'ith -- I'P ~ t C't' f Ed t" S p' t' • • h B' r::f~~~~~:~~'~~~~~=.~~~=J~c;~~,~r'ffii'~'~~':~~~{~611i~~Y: .-:'1 . w.hom he is accused of consplr- Career Ambassador Wi! I om e I Izens or uca Ion ponsors rogram a Come-back FiniS rings and other domestic help that mistake, not a crlminal," Pytell of the committee, Petet- Thur-. ing. The defense then rested ~ts Give' Final Lecture of Pierce School: Drac~ler, Sla?en,' ~arc:on, Ander~ Victory to South High coUld not otherwlsehave reach. suggested that youthful offend. }\er of 16910Vill8ge, and others cue, and ~e 32-day trial ~Fr" Fe r,_ • t : son,alld Waldron Air Their. Views Cat'lers for 17th ed their entployers' home. ers be assign,ed by his court to spoke well in pressing their seemed near 1ts end. les rum ~rles a , " •.• " '.' . " , ":J , ' ' The'immediate restoration of the police department where views on why the 'property • • • War Memorial - ,. ..:' )1Mill~g~'iS:'an"archaic, outworn procedure," declared ;~trai9ht ~.in of service appears a slim possi. they would spend their Satur. should not be rezoned. '., Saturday, MarchI \, " . , ' Df> Norman ,DrachI(!r, ,s\1perintendent of Detroit Public SeasQn . hilityas' both. the union and days working off their offense. Conditions Imposed WITHANTI.AMERICAN Career Am bas s a d~ r Sch()ols,'Febru~y,26, at Pierce auditorium. th~ company wait to hea~ from Cites SlmUar Programs The arguments presented br demonstrations flaring in the George Venable Allen will He joinediliree other educa-~ .' . .' ---- .Overcomingperhapstheir state and. federal mediators, Pytell pointed out that, siml. the op~se~s swayed tjle council streets of Paris, President d' . Mi h' l' 1 to I Bargaining is not expected un- lar programs are working suc- to resc~d Its resolution to adopt Nixon began unity ta~ with address the c~nclu mg .se~ !ors and a. c ,l~an ,egIS a r Ilem,"he said. "We, have to toughest opposition, Gros.se til sometime this week: cessfully in Royal Oak and ~e. ordman.ce, but ,on~y on c~n. French President Charles De- sioil of the Fnes Forum on 1O.a panel diSCUSSionof th.e ai- . change the system. We have to Pointe. Soutlt' High School's Would Creat/'; 'KItty' Livonia. The basie philosophy dltion that. if the 0 Brlen.Robm- Gaulle. Chanting "Nixon pig" Monday March ,10. at the loeation of state educational decide where we are going to basketball team rallied on The walkout came one week is that both society and the off. son CommIttee cannot pu,:chll;se and "Nixon go home," over Grosse Pointe War Memor- funds, and the concensus was put our priorities." Monday . evening ,to beat after a 5.cent fare increase ender benefit when a nlisde. the scbool property fo~ Its m. 2,000 students marc hed to •. e lasl' F'rles.. A u d.t'I onum b e- tothatinsurenew qualityways musteducationbe foundfor . H. e added '..s"Thi coun.ryt hAt'as us In' 66-58 . ,.~e fore 3000, went into effect. meanor is corrected before the tended. purpose of a pnvate co- Foreign Ministry while Nixon giin'1ing at 8:15: children, in Michigan and the rlUsed the asplTations oflts ~eQ' phis fans, em the Blue Devils 8<'1Jweikart said that he of- youth commits a felony. educational elemen~ry sc~ool, was dressing for a black.tie A b d All n ho served ti pIe. We have mass education. home court on the f'''st fere<! to put into a "kitty" all. I and that the New Yori!:Pro~ce . El P I m ~ssa or e. , w . na qn.. .. .. The J'ob ahead is that of quality .
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