<p> ASU Adam, Eve, Christmas and Easter – Key Stage: 2 Length of unit: 3 lessons Title: what are the connections? Year Groups: 5/6 Cross curricular links: Literacy, PSHEE Lesson Title of lesson Main points of content / Bible references for Christianity units 1 INTRODUCTORY LESSON Recap on story of Adam and Eve and focus on the perfect relationship between them and God. Adam, Eve and Good Friday – Relationship of trust, honour and respect Gen 1:26 – 31, Gen 2:16 what is the connection? The relationship between God and Adam and Eve was broken by Adam and Eve when they chose to disobey His instructions. Gen 3 The OT is full of stories of people who chose to disobey. What are the consequences when people choose to act badly? Easter is about forgiveness for disobeying God. ‘For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit.’ 1 Peter 3:18 2 Christmas, Good Friday and The OT explains that Jesus will come to restore the relationship between God and His creation that was broken when Adam and Eve chose to disobey. Easter Day – why did Jesus Explore the names that Jesus was given at his birth by the prophet Isaiah 9:6 and 7 A have to die? child will be born. How are these names and roles of Jesus fulfilled on Good Friday? Who was/is Jesus? 3 EVALUTATION LESSON Recap on the main points of the previous lessons True/False game Adam, Eve, Christmas, Good How do you think the link between Adam, Eve, Christmas and Easter affects the belief Friday and Easter Sunday – and action of Christian people today? can you see the links?</p><p>Notes / Background to the unit: Much of this unit uses the Old Testament as source material for study and therefore there are links with teachings in Judaism and Islam but the distinctly Christian aspect is the concept that the New Testament shows how much of the Old Testament prophecy was fulfilled in the life of Jesus. Please do feel free to cut material or to spread the unit over more sessions if you feel that there is too much material available. Assessment ideas are included Where there are links with wider school issues such as SMSC, Every Child Matters and Community Cohesion (Co-Co), these are identified on each lesson plan.</p><p>Guildford Diocesan Board of Education Unit title: Adam, Eve, Christmas and Easter – what are the Age range: Upper KS2 connections? Lesson title: Adam, Eve and Good Friday – what is the Skills being developed: Investigation, Interpretation, connection? Evaluation, Application, Reflection, Empathy Lesson: 1 of 3 Cross-curricular links / wider school issues: Judaism; PSHEE; SMSC Learning Objectives Introduction: Learning A perfect world/An imperfect world Through the learning experiences, pupils Brainstorm words reflecting a perfect world e.g. love, kindness, generosity outcomes should learn: Brainstorm words reflecting an imperfect world e.g. hate, greed, selfishness e.g. what am I looking for / that Adam and Eve Investigate in pairs: What has happened to the perfect world that God created what can pupils do better now? chose to disobey God to make it imperfect? that there are many ALL: Main activities (including skills-based learning): stories in the Bible identify that people Story 2 ‘The Perfect world’ Adam and Eve (see page 12 Barnabas schools bible make choices about people who chose Genesis 2:4-25) about doing to disobey God Story 3 ‘Right and Wrong’ and ‘Adam and Eve sent away’ (see page 13and 14 something that is Barnabas schools Bible Genesis 3:1-24) that the story of Adam right and doing and Eve has a direct something that is Read the stories. wrong connection with what Interpretation: On ‘post its’ answer the question ‘Adam and Eve made a choice. (AT2 L3) happened to Jesus on Why do you think they chose to disobey God?’ Stick ‘post its’ onto one large sheet and share some of the comments. Good Friday MOST: know that Christians that Christians believe The Old Testament if full of stories of people who chose to disobey God. believe there are that Jesus paid the Investigate some of these stories. All these characters made choices about consequences to how they behaved. Why do you think they chose to behave as they did? ultimate price and died deciding to disobey as a sacrifice for the Examples (there are many more) to research (numbers and titles refer to God just as there were sins of other people Barnabas bible) for Adam and Eve (AT1 L4) Jacob (Story 23 Isaac’s blessing Genesis 27:1-45) Joseph’s brothers (Story 30 and 31Jacob’s special son and sold to be SOME: a slave) will know why Christians believe that Jesus paid the ultimate Guildford Diocesan Board of Education Resources / price for sin and died as Moses (Story 43 Moses kills a slave driver: Exodus 2:11-15a) a sacrifice on Good Background The Israelites (Story 58 The golden calf: Exodus 32:1-14) Friday ( AT1 L5) A copy of the Barnabas Schools’ Bible is important for this unit as the Achan (Story 77 Stolen silver and gold: Joshua 7) numbers alongside the bible story relate to the number of the story in Jonah (Stories 186 and 187Jonah runs away Jonah 1:1-12) Barnabas Bible. Copies available fro King Nebuchadnezer (Stories 216 and 217The Golden Statue and the Education Resources Centre, Guildford 01483 450423 The blazing furnace of fire Daniel 3:1-30) If Barnabas Schools’ Bible is not available use another good quality Plenary/Extending the thinking: story bible and look up the references Investigation, Evaluation and Application Discuss: Do we make choices about how to behave or does it just happen? What makes us decide how to behave? How do we disobey God? Investigate the consequences of choosing to act badly and contrast it with the consequences of choosing to do good e.g. choosing to tell a lie or choosing to tell the truth, choosing to call someone a bad name or choosing to say something nice about them, choosing to disobey our parents or choosing to do as they ask etc.</p><p>Background learning: Adam and Eve chose to disobey God and in the bible that is called ‘sin’. In Judaism and Christianity there is an understanding that sin or disobeying God has a consequence and has to be paid for. In the Old Testament (which Judaism and Christianity share) the ‘payment’ was made through a sacrifice or offering of something pure and very valuable. In the New Testament the Christian teaching is that one sinless (pure) person (Jesus) gave his life for all the sinful (impure) people as a final sacrifice so other sacrifices are no longer required to ‘pay’ for sin.</p><p>Recap on the Christian teaching of Good Friday which is about Jesus Christ (who the New Testament says was sinless) being put to death on a cross and dying to forgive the sin of anyone who takes responsibility for their wrong actions and therefore their disobedience of God and asks God to forgive them. This understanding is summed up in this verse from the bible: ‘For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit.’ 1 Peter 3:18 Guildford Diocesan Board of Education Expression: Here is a challenge Who thinks they can now explain the connection between Adam and Eve and Good Friday?</p><p>Reflection and Empathy:</p><p>Play or sing the song ‘There is a green hill far away outside a city wall’ (Google lyrics)</p><p>Guildford Diocesan Board of Education Unit title: Adam, Eve, Christmas and Easter – what are the Age range: Upper KS2 connections? Lesson title: Christmas, Good Friday and Easter Day – was it Skills being developed: Investigation, Interpretation, all a surprise? Evaluation, Application</p><p>Lesson: 2 of 3 Cross-curricular links / wider school issues: Literacy; PSHEE; SMSC Learning Objectives Introduction: Learning Prepare: Through the learning experiences, pupils outcomes should learn: joy → fear → joy e.g. what am I looking for / what can pupils do better birth →death → rebirth now? that Christians believe celebration → sadness → celebration that prophecies in the ALL: unknown → all Jerusalem → all world can describe the Old Testament show Christian belief that that God planned to prophesied → prophesied → prophesied many prophecies in the send Jesus at the first Old Testament are Christmas hundreds of Give the learners copies of the above. Challenge them to find the links between about Jesus (AT 1 L3) years before it the series of words and what they know of Christianity. (The link in each one is this …… Christmas/Jesus birth→Good Friday/Jesus death→Easter Day/Jesus happened resurrection) The objective of this is to ensure that the learners know that MOST: that prophecies in the Christians believe there is a clear link between Christmas and Easter. Christians will suggest answers to Old Testament show believe that the reason that Jesus came to earth as a baby was in order to live the question of the and understand life as a human being and then to die as a sinless human being in identity of Jesus (AT2 that God still loved His the place of sinful human beings like us. Jesus resurrection demonstrates that he L4) people even when they is God and has power over sin and death) disobeyed Him SOME: will express their own that Jesus did the job Main activities (including skills-based learning): Isaiah was a prophet sent by God to the people to tell them important messages and others views on the that was prophesied from God. challenge of belief in that He would do Sometimes these messages were reminders about the consequences of choosing Jesus (AT1 L5) to disobey God and sometimes they were reminders that despite the wicked behaviour God still loved the people.</p><p>Here is a prophecy from Isaiah that gave the people great hope. Read/Listen to the story (195) called The Future King (adapted from Isaiah chapters 1- 9 Guildford Diocesan Board of Education Resources / especially 9: 6 and 7) Background Christians believe that these verses are Christmas and Easter promises made A copy of the Barnabas Schools’ Bible about Jesus hundreds of years before He was born. is important this unit as the numbers alongside the bible story relate to the Investigation and Interpretation: Explore the names in Isaiah 9:6: Wonderful number of the story in Barnabas Adviser (Counsellor), Mighty God, Eternal Father and Prince of Peace Bible. Copies are available at the Research the meanings of the adjectives – Wonderful, Mighty and Eternal Education Resources Centre, Research the meanings of the nouns – Adviser (Counsellor), God, Father, Prince Guildford. 01483 450423 and Peace Learners will need to be able to research words in a dictionary or Write a sentence/paragraph describing what Jesus was going to be like from your on line research. Learner will need to be confident in understanding parts of speech – Interpretation, Evaluation, Application (Circle time): adjectives and nouns Remind the learners that Jesus did not stay dead but rose again on the first This lesson has elements that Easter morning. work well in Circle time Read these statements to the learners:</p><p>Some people have said that Jesus was just a very good man. Some people have said that he was mad. Some people have said that he was a very bad man. Some people have said that he was God. Jesus can only be one of them. Challenge: Who do you think that Jesus was/is? Plenary/Extending the thinking: What connections can you see between the names that Jesus was given at his birth by Isaiah the prophet (Wonderful Adviser, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace) and what happened at Easter? OR As Good Friday is all about Jesus death why do you think that Christians call it Good and not Bad Friday? </p><p>Guildford Diocesan Board of Education Unit title: Adam, Eve, Christmas and Easter – can you see the Age range: Upper KS2 links? </p><p>Lesson title: Adam, Eve, Christmas, Good Friday and Easter Skills being developed: Reflection, Synthesis, Expression Sunday – can you see the pattern? Evaluation Lesson Cross-curricular links / wider school issues: Literacy; SMSC Learning Objectives Introduction: Learning Recap on the past 2 lessons with a game. Through the learning experiences, pupils Clear some space! outcomes should learn: e.g. what am I looking for / that Christians believe Reflection The learners are told that you are going to make various statements about the what can pupils do better now? that there is a ‘bigger last 2 lessons. picture’ that links the If the learners think that the statement is true then they jump up and down on ALL: the spot. If the learners think that the statement is false then they walk carefully beginning of the Bible are able to make links backwards around the room. story with the events of between the Bible If the learners are unsure then they stand on one leg. Easter and Christmas stories of Adam, Eve, Christmas and Easter Have a few true/false statements of your own prepared as a practice – they could and the belief that be about anything in your school. Jesus paid the price for Statements for the game. It is worth mentioning to the learners that they may the consequences of need time to think about the statements before they respond: other people Adam and Eve chose to obey God. (False) disobeying God (AT 2 Some people in the Old Testament chose to disobey God. (True) Resources / L3) When people choose to disobey God the bible calls that sin. (True) Background The Bible teaches that good people never sin (False) MOST: Space will be needed in the The Bible teaches that even good people sin. (True) classroom for a game that Christians believe that the birth of Jesus as a baby was talked about hundreds of can describe the involves jumping, hopping and years before it happened (True) impact that this belief walking backwards. One of Jesus’ names was ‘Mighty God’ (True) (that Jesus paid the price for the A4 paper folded into 8 or made Christians believe that Jesus died as a pure sacrifice so that the sin of everyone consequences of into an origami book from Adam and Eve onwards to the end of time could be forgiven(True) Good Friday is the Christian name for the day that Jesus was killed (True) human beings Christians believe that Good Friday happened because of sin (True) disobeying God) has on Good Friday is the end of the story (False) the lives of Christian Jesus stayed dead (False) people (AT1 L4) Guildford Diocesan Board of Education Easter day celebrates that sin can be destroyed because Jesus came back to life (True) SOME: Christians believe that Jesus was God in human form(True) can explain what they Main activities (including skills-based learning): believe about the link between Adam and Eve, Synthesis and Expression Christmas and Easter and Choose one or both activities: how it affects their lives (AT2 L5) 1. In pairs or threes the learners tell each other as much of the story as they can from Adam and Eve, through Christmas to Easter. The connections and links need to be made from one part to the other. 2. If you think that the activity needs to be more challenging then the learners take turns to tell the story in this way: One person begins while the other/s listen/s but when the teacher calls ‘change’ another picks up the narrative until the teacher calls ‘change’ again. Repeat 5 or 6 times to the end of the story. 3. Fold an A4 sheet 3 times to make 8 equal sections or make origami ‘books’ out of a single A4 sheet. Use each section or ‘page’ to draw and write the story from Adam and Eve, the prophesies, first Christmas and then to Good Friday and Easter Sunday. The pictures and writing need to reflect the links between the events.</p><p>Application and Interpretation Plenary/ Extending the thinking: How many learners think that they can see the links connecting Adam, Eve, Christmas, Good Friday and Easter Sunday? How do you think this link affects the belief and action of Christian people today?</p><p>Enjoy sharing each others’ work. Find something good to say about another person’s work</p><p>Guildford Diocesan Board of Education AT1 AT1 AT1 describe the Christian belief that know that Christians believe will express their own and many prophecies in the Old there are consequences to others views on the Testament are about Jesus. (AT 1 deciding to disobey God just as challenge of belief in Jesus L3) there were for Adam and Eve (AT1 L5) (AT1 L4) AT2 AT2 AT2 explain what they believe identify that people make will suggest answers to the about the link between Adam choices about doing question of the identity of Jesus and Eve, Christmas and something that is right and (AT2 L4) Easter and how it affects doing something that is their lives (AT2 L5) wrong (AT2 L3)</p><p>Guildford Diocesan Board of Education Names: Names: Names:</p><p>Assessment sheet for RE Year: 5/6 Unit: Adam and Eve, Christmas and Easter – What are the connections?</p><p>Guildford Diocesan Board of Education</p>
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