Human Services Committee

Human Services Committee

<p> HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE CLARK, ROWINSKI, STULIGROSS August 18, 2010</p><p>The monthly meeting took place on Wednesday, August 18, 2010, in the 2 nd floor conference room located at 197 Main Street, Cooperstown, at 1:30 p.m. Those present were: Representative Kathleen Clark, Chairperson; Representatives Linda Rowinski and Katherine Stuligross, committee members; Joyce L. Boyd, Commissioner of Social Services; Eve Bouboulis, Deputy Commissioner; Liz MacNaught, Director of Income Maintenance, and Anthony Leshinski, Director of Administration. Also present were Melody Porter and Cheryl Sparks from the Department of Social Services Accounting unit and Dan Crowell, Otsego County Treasurer. Representative Catherine Rothenberger was unable to attend. </p><p>The meeting began with a review of the department’s monthly expenditure reports while awaiting Linda Rowinski and Dan Crowell’s arrival from another meeting obligation. The current budget should be at 58.33%. Welfare Administration is approximately 58%; Records Management is at 60.99% and programs are at 52.37%. Budget Transfers to correct overages in certain areas were approved at the last committee meeting and are scheduled for Administration Committee on August 24, 2010 before going to the full County Board in September. </p><p>Representative Clark asked how the collection of Committee on Special Education (CSE) bills was going with area schools. To date the Department has collected $159,852; leaving an outstanding balance of $692,797. Some schools have been very cooperative either paying in full or setting up payments. Others have been meeting with our Attorney, Stephen Baker, to get a better understanding of the directive regarding these bills. By August 31, 2010, these outstanding amounts will be referred to the State for intercept processing. New bills for the school year 09-10 will be issued at the end of December 2010.</p><p>Representative Clark inquired about the process one takes when someone refuses Adult Protective Services. Who can declare someone incompetent? Deputy Commissioner Bouboulis stated there are many involved when competency is being questioned. The Caseworker, healthcare providers, and Office for the Aging can get involved. It is helpful if the client is willing to assist by authorizing releases for the agency to obtain needed information. Once enough information is gathered a competency petition may be filed, and then the Judge makes the final decision. </p><p>Commissioner Boyd informed the committee the Department has no vacancy requests this month.</p><p>Representative Rowinski entered the meeting at 1:45 p.m.</p><p>Non-Mandated Training HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Page 2 CLARK, ROWINSKI, STULIGROSS AUGUST 18, 2010</p><p>Request for staff to attend the following non-mandated training(s) was presented with results as follows.</p><p>Approval was received from all representatives of the Human Services Committee via email on August 12, 2010 for three Income Maintenance staff to attend Region III Self Employment training on August 26, 2010 (total approximate cost $301.05). </p><p>Request for two Adult Protective staff to attend Adult Abuse Training Institute on September 15th and 16th , 2010 (total approximate cost: $40.36); two Services staff to attend Forensic Interview Best Practices Training September 22nd – 24th ,2010 (total approximate cost: $231.36); one Staff Development Coordinator to attend Advanced Staff Development Training September 22nd – 24th , 2010 (approximate total cost: $284); and two CPS Staff to attend 2nd Annual Multi-Disciplinary Training on October 1, 2010 was made. Representative Stuligross motioned to approve. Representative Rowinski seconded the motion. Total: 3; Ayes: 3; Absent Rothenberger; motion approved.</p><p>Dan Crowell entered the meeting at 1:55 p.m.</p><p>PROPOSED BUDGET 2011</p><p>WELFARE ADMINISTRATION: $5,982,721</p><p>Commissioner Boyd issued a memo to the Committee highlighting information in support of the DSS 2011 budget request. The DSS 2011 Budget was entered into the GP System as follows with changes approved as written:</p><p>6010.1000 Personal Service ($4,444,148) – This line does not include $58,025 for two new positions and proposal to increase salaries of two M&C positions. </p><p>Last month Liz MacNaught, Director of Income Maintenance, made a presentation regarding caseload growth in the temporary assistance unit. Request to create one Social Welfare Examiner was made. The salary rage would be $25,677 - $30,247. Reimbursement would be 50% Federal and 15% State, leaving a 35% local cost of $8,987 - $10,586 without fringe. </p><p>Ms. MacNaught presented a workload analysis of the Employment unit which consists of one Welfare Employment Representative (Supervisor); two Employment & Training Assistants (ETAs) and one Clerk. With increasing temporary assistance caseloads, employment caseloads are also increased. This unit works with most temporary assistance applicants and all adults receiving cash assistance. Federal law mandates that adults receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) must engage in work or work preparation activities and that States and districts achieve a Federal work participation rate (WPR) of 50%. In 2007, all Safety Net (SN) individuals were to be included in these participation rates. Otsego County has not met the Federal participation rate since at least 2005. Not achieving the Federal participation rate can expose States and districts to significant fiscal penalties. Also lower WPR results in more single individuals and childless couples being on assistance longer, which increases State and local costs. HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Page 3 CLARK, ROWINSKI, STULIGROSS AUGUST 18, 2010</p><p>Representative Clark asked for reasons why we do not meet the WPR. Ms. MacNaught stated increased workload/caseload and harder to serve clients are the cause. Each applicant is assigned an ETA that is following up on job search with the individual, making referrals, authorizing transportation monies/bus passes, assisting individual with child care plans, and authorizing child care payments, as well as working on employment assessment for each individual adult applicant. Each comprehensive assessment takes at minimum 1 hour per adult. All of this is to be done during the first two weekly appointments per adult applicant. </p><p>Ms. MacNaught asked staff for ideas on how to fix some of these issues in the Employment unit. Staff shared that too much paperwork to do leaves them little time to assist clients the way they need. Debbie Currie, Principal Examiner, updated a PowerPoint presentation that explains how the workload has increased and changed over time, making it harder to count a client in the WPR numbers. </p><p>Request to create one Employment and Training Assistant for the Employment unit was made. The salary range would be $26,823 - $31,598 without fringe. Reimbursement would be 100% Federal as the position would be funded under the Department’s Flexible Funding for Family Services (FFFS) plan.</p><p>It was brought to the attention of the committee that BOCES anticipates not renewing their current contract for one school-based Caseworker at their Milford location, expiring December 31, 2010. The Department is approaching other schools regarding interest in an on-site caseworker. There is a possibility the Department may need to request an additional Caseworker at DSS in 2011, depending on the outcome.</p><p>There are currently two M&C positions which have current salaries inequitable to their job titles. The Director of Administration’s current salary of $43,115 is below that of other Directors in the department. The Commissioner’s Secretary’s current salary of $25,480 is below that of a Grade 5 Clerk position, which she supervises. Requests were made as follows:</p><p>To make the salary of the Director of Administration equitable with the current salary of the DSS Director of Income Maintenance, a comparable position, $2,025 needs to be included in the 2011 DSS Budget request to bring base salary ($45,140) in line aside from the issue of the 2011 raise for M&C.</p><p>To make the salary of the Commissioner’s Secretary more equitable it needs to be higher than a Grade 7 – Sr. Clerk title. In 2011, the Sr. Clerk will make $28,942 (max). $3,500 needs to be included in the 2011 DSS Budget request making the salary ($28,980) more equitable aside from the issue of the 2011 raise for M&C.</p><p>Representative Rowinski stated she would like to see an official process for the M&C salary issues; perhaps an application in writing that would get approval through the Personnel Officer first. Representatives Rowinski and Stuligross agreed these increases seem justifiable. However, these issues should be a group decision of the County Board, not individual committees. Commissioner Boyd stated a compilation of these HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Page 4 CLARK, ROWINSKI, STULIGROSS AUGUST 18, 2010 issues are currently being prepared by the M&C group to be brought to the County Board’s attention. </p><p>Representative Stuligross motioned to approve making changes to line 6010.1000 to include salaries for two new positions of Social Welfare Examiner and Employment and Training Assistant only. Representative Rowinski seconded the motion. Total: 3; Ayes: 3; Absent Rothenberger; motion approved. </p><p>6010.2000 Equipment ($0)</p><p>6010.2335 IT Equipment Hardware ($500) – DVD Recorder/Player needed to play and/or record trainings received via satellite or in DVD format</p><p>6010.2400 Equipment / Vehicles ($50,346) – The cost of 3 new Chevy Impala vehicles at the 2011 State contract price. Of the 19 cars currently in our fleet, 4 have mileage over 200,000 miles. One of those cars was recently removed from the fleet at the recommendation of the Highway Department as the frame was badly rusted and declared unsafe. </p><p>6010.4005 Mileage ($34,000) – Paid at prevailing IRS rate as set by the County trended. This line has been reduced from 2010 based on having more reliable vehicles in the County fleet and consistent utilization of county owned vehicles. </p><p>6010.4010 Lodging, Meals & Tolls ($1,800) – Expenses incurred for transporting foster children out of the county; traveling to court appearance out of the area; and attending meetings that are not considered training.</p><p>6010.4050 Training ($75,000) – Includes State and Federal mandated training. This line was agreed to be left as is for the reason spending a portion of these funds (training CAP) draws down more funding.</p><p>6010.4100 Telephone ($40,460) – Monthly costs and annual fees. Included is funding for 2 wireless air cards to increase efficiency. Air cards will allow Caseworkers wireless internet access through their laptops while working in the field. </p><p>6010.4400 Postage / UPS ($48,000) – Trended; allowance for 2011 rate increase.</p><p>6010.4500 Materials & Supplies ($32,400) - Blanket purchase order with Hummels for supplies such as computer paper, copier paper, etc. trended.</p><p>6010.4515 Vehicle Expense ($13,000) – Maintenance and repairs done by the Highway Department, other car repairs, towing, misc. supplies (i.e.: Tires, fluids) trended. This line has been reduced from 2010 based on having more reliable vehicles in the County fleet and consistent utilization of county owned vehicles.</p><p>6010.4535 IT Materials / Supplies ($22,000) – Toners, materials and supplies, per click charges. HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Page 5 CLARK, ROWINSKI, STULIGROSS AUGUST 18, 2010</p><p>6010.4560 Fuel ($43,000) – Gas charges from the County and on credit cards trended.</p><p>6010.4630 Equipment Lease ($315) – 2 pagers for on-call.</p><p>6010.4635 It Copier Lease ($10,225) – Leases for 8 copiers.</p><p>6010.4648 Food Stamp Job Search ($14,000) – Stipends issued to applicants for job search trended.</p><p>6010.4650 Subscriptions/Dues/Publications ($4,100) – Physicians Desk Reference, legal publications; Dues: NYPWA, NYS Fiscal Administrators, NYS Staff Development.</p><p>6010.4800 Other ($7,100) – Workers Compensation policy for workfare clients, answering service for on-call, maintenance and repairs on equipment, water at the Meadows, Foster Parent functions, delivery charges for vehicles, and petty cash used for documents needed to establish eligibility. </p><p>6010.4805 NYS Chargebacks ($50,000) – Chargebacks from the State for processes and equipment, i.e. Finger Imaging, Fair Hearings, Client Notices System, Disability Assistance Program, trended.</p><p>6010.4810 Advertising ($5,000) – Vacancies, Civil Service tests, and public hearings as required by law.</p><p>6010.4835 IT Other/Software ($0)</p><p>6010.4851 IT Charges ($5,250) – Charge for Internet and email accounts.</p><p>6010.4852 DSS Internet Charges ($800) – Connectivity at 197 Main for the training satellite.</p><p>6010.4860 Agency Operated Foster Home AOFH ($14,000) – Non-contractual expense of operating the home, including electric, phone, cable, fuel, water, garbage removal, furnishings/supplies, repairs.</p><p>6010.4900 Contracts ($985,277) – Including all Flexible Funding for Family Services contracts, interagency agreements with District Attorney for FEDS/Fraud; Sheriff for secure transportation and Meadows security; OFA for NY Connects, Point of Entry, and HEAP; Day Care with Catholic Charities; HEAP, Weatherization, Non-Residential Domestic Violence with OFO; Food Stamp Nutrition Education with Cornell Cooperative Extension; Single Audit; and AOFH with Berkshire Farms. A request to change line 6010.4900 in the GP system to include an additional $840 for ADA services at an hourly rate was made. Representative Stuligross motioned to approve. Representative Rowinski seconded the motion. Total: 3; Ayes: 3; absent Rothenberger; motion approved.</p><p>6010.4910 Fees for Service ($22,000) – Costs of drug/alcohol assessments (FFFS), emergency housing payments (FFFS), bus passes, outside legal counsel, service of HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Page 6 CLARK, ROWINSKI, STULIGROSS AUGUST 18, 2010 papers outside the area, paternity testing, income executions through the Sheriff’s Department, shredding, and legal notices.</p><p>6010.4935 IT Support Services ($60,000) – Contracted salary reimbursement for 1.5 full time employees. </p><p>RECORDS MANAGEMENT: $111,090</p><p>6011.1000 RM Personal Service ($54,980) – Salaries of two full time staff.</p><p>6011.2335 RM IT Equipment & Hardware ($12,766) – Cost of two replacement scanners for the document imaging system. A request to change line 6010.2335 in the GP system to $12,266 due to a typo made during data entry. Representative Rowinski motioned to approve. Representative Stuligross seconded the motion. Total: 3; Ayes: 3; absent Rothenberger; motion approved.</p><p>6011.4500 RM Material & Supplies ($1,000) – Trended.</p><p>6011.4835 RM IT Software/Other ($0)</p><p>6011.4900 RM Contracts ($42,344) – Support agreement with MTS for support of the document imaging system support for the two replacement scanners and maintenance of the microfilm equipment. Discussion was made regarding a presentation for a new imaging program. The company offers $100,000 in free software and reduction in support contract costs in the future. </p><p>PROGRAMS: $18,535,621</p><p>6055.4730 Day Care ($905,954) – Annual allocation from the State for child care subsidy. A request to change line 6055.4730 in the GP system to $736,868 due to a reduction in the State allocation was made. Representative Stuligross motioned to approve. Representative Rowinski seconded the motion. Total: 3; Ayes: 3; absent Rothenberger; motion approved.</p><p>6070.4731 Purchase of Service ($75,000) – Costs associated with the provision of services to children and families, such as in-home intensive parent education, transportation reimbursement for visitations, miscellaneous expenses for emergencies.</p><p>6100.4732 MMIS ($10,267,595) – Local cost of Medicaid based on Medicaid CAP (3 months at SFY 2010 rate, 9 months at 3% increase).</p><p>The DSS 2011 Budget does not include any reduction in cost for Medicaid (MMIS) due to the continuation of Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP). At this time the figures are uncertain. What we do know is that our FMAP amount will be less than it has been in prior years. One projection is that Otsego will benefit by $720,000 in FMAP.</p><p>6101.4733 Medical Assistance ($183,000) – Third Party Health Insurance Premiums, Medicaid pay-in reconciliations, non-contractual Medicaid transports (i.e. air transports). HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Page 7 CLARK, ROWINSKI, STULIGROSS AUGUST 18, 2010</p><p>6101.4900 Contracted Transportation ($802,572) – Medicaid portion of the County contract with Birnie Bus and cost of direct payment for third party transports arranged by Birnie Bus for Medicaid recipients.</p><p>6109.4734 Family Assistance ($2,150,000) – Federal cash assistance program, including Temporary Assistance (TA) and Emergency Aid to Families (EAF) for both eligibility programs and Services programs, entitlement programs trended.</p><p>6119.4735 Child Welfare ($1,135,000) – Includes three levels of foster care – family, group home, and residential; preventive services; subsidized adoption; institution payments trended. A request to change line 6119.4735 in the GP system to $1,341,595 was made. Representative Rowinski motioned to approve. Representative Stuligross seconded the motion. Total: 3; Ayes: 3; absent Rothenberger; motion approved.</p><p>6119.4741 Committee on Special Ed. ($1,600,000) – 100% Local share of the cost of education for physically handicapped children in specialized placements such as schools for the blind, schools for the deaf, and Springbrook. Local DSS has no control over these placements or costs. Reimbursement of 20% of the Local cost is sought from the school district making the placement trended.</p><p>6123.4736 Juvenile Delinquent ($300,000) – Costs related to youth adjudicated by the court as JD trended.</p><p>6129.4737 State Training School ($25,000) – Cost of children placed by the court in Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) facilities. </p><p>6140.4738 Safety Net ($1,055,000) – State cash assistance program includes indigent burials, entitlement program trended. A request to change line 6140.4738 in the GP system to $1,100,000 was made. Representative Stuligross motioned to approve. Representative Rowinski seconded the motion. Total: 3; Ayes: 3; absent Rothenberger; motion approved.</p><p>6141.4739 HEAP ($20,000) – Payments generated locally.</p><p>6142.4740 Emergency Aid to Adults ($16,500) – Funding for emergencies faced by SSI recipients, entitlement program trended.</p><p>Once all GP system line changes are complete the DSS 2011 Proposed Budget will be:</p><p>WELFARE ADMINISTRATION $ 6,036,061 RECORDS MANAGEMENT $ 110,590 PROGRAMS $18,708,130 TOTAL $24,854,781</p><p>Representative Stuligross stated she felt the department’s 2011 proposed budget was reasonable in all areas. HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Page 8 CLARK, ROWINSKI, STULIGROSS AUGUST 18, 2010</p><p>The next meeting of the Human Services Committee has been scheduled for Thursday, September 23, 2010 at 9:00 a.m. in the 3rd floor conference room located at 197 Main Street, Cooperstown.</p><p>The meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m.</p>

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