<p> 4.NBT.5 2011</p><p>Domain: Number and Operations in Base Ten Cluster: Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. Standards: Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one digit whole number, and multiply two 2-digit numbers, using strategies base on place value and the properties of operations. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models. Essential Questions Enduring Understandings Activities, Investigation, and Student Experiences -How would you know -Making an array with place Build arrays to model multiplication. when an estimated or exact value blocks provides a way to number is needed? visualize and find products. 6x4= -How do parentheses help -Basic facts and place value you solve an equation? patterns can be used to find **** -Can your numbers be in products when one factor is 10 **** any order when adding? or 100. Why or why not? -There is more than one way to **** -Can your numbers be in do a mental calculation. **** any order when -Rounding is one way to **** subtracting? Why or why estimate products. **** not? -There is an expanded algorithm -How could you draw a for multiplying where numbers Use base ten blocks to build area models to illustrate picture of a multiplication are broken apart using place fact? value and the parts are used to 23x42= find partial products. Content Statements -The standard multiplication Small leveled group work. algorithm is just a shortened way -Students will use arrays to of recording the information in multiply by 10 or 100. the expanded multiplication -Students will use basic algorithm. multiplication facts and -The standard algorithm for number patterns to multiply multiplying 3-digit by 1-digit by multiples of 10 and 100. numbers is just an extension to -Students will break apart the hundreds place of the numbers and use arrays to 4.NBT.5 2011 multiply 2-digit by 1-digit algorithm for multiplying 2-digit numbers. by 1-digit numbers. -Students will use -Information in a problem can compensation to multiply often be shown using a picture numbers mentally. or diagram and used to -Students will use rounding understand and solve the to estimate solutions to problem. multiplication problems. -Basic facts and place value -Students will record patterns can be used to mentally multiplication using an multiply a 2-digit number by a expanded algorithm. multiple of 10 or 100. -Students will multiply 2- -Products can be estimated by digit numbers by 1-digit replacing numbers with other numbers by using pencil numbers that are close and easy and paper methods. to multiply mentally. -Students will use the -Some problems can be solved standard algorithm to by first finding and solving a multiply three and four sub-problem. digit numbers by 1-digit - The expanded algorithm for numbers. multiplying by two digit -Students will identify what numbers is just an extension of information in a problem is the expanded algorithm with a 1- missing or is not needed. digit number. -Students will use arrays to -Making an array with place multiply 2-digit numbers value blocks provides a way to by multiples of 10. visualize and find products using -Students will discover and an expanded algorithm. use patterns to multiply by -The standard algorithm for multiples of ten. multiplying a two-digit number -Students will use by a multiple of ten is just an compatible numbers and extension of the algorithm for rounding to estimate multiplying multi-digit numbers solutions to multiplication by a one-digit number. 4.NBT.5 2011 problems involving two 2- -The standard multiplication digit numbers. algorithm is a short cut for the -Identify and answer expanded algorithm. Regrouping hidden questions to solve is used rather than showing all multi-step problems with partial products. operations. -Sometimes the answer to one -Students will use arrays to problem or question is needed to multiply two-digit numbers find the answer to another by two-digit numbers to problem or question. find a product. -Students will use an expanded algorithm to multiply tow-digit numbers by two-digit numbers to find a product. -Students will use grids and patterns to multiply 2-digit numbers and multiples of ten. -Students will use partial products to multiply two- digit numbers by two-digit numbers and find the product. -Students will solve two- question problems. Assessments -Series Assessments –Teacher Observation -Teacher made Assessments -Open-ended word problems 4.NBT.5 2011</p><p>Equipment Needed: Math manipulatives, available Teacher Resources: technology, pencil, paper. Series Textbook</p><p>Supplemental Worksheets</p><p> http://studyjams.scholastic.com/studyjams/jams/math/index.htm Math Movies </p><p> http://www.k-5mathteachingresources.com/</p><p> http://www.mathsteacher.com.au/year7/ch01_whole/04_mult/m ult.htm gives step by step instructions for multiple digit multiplication</p><p> http://www.superteacherworksheets.com/multiplication2.html extra practice and worksheets</p><p> illuminations.nctm.org - look for websites and lesson plans</p><p> http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/vlibrary.html</p><p> www.softschools.com</p><p> http://math.pppst.com/ - Many free Pre-made Power Point Presentations for Math and across the curriculum</p>
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