Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Law

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Law

<p>RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>2/5 LLB (III Semester)</p><p>2015 -2016</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS (Regulations 2013-2014) RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2015 -2016 2/5 LLB (III Semester)</p><p>POLITICAL SCIENCE –III (Indian Political thought)</p><p>Part : A INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS:</p><p>1. Explain the salient features of the Hindu concept of State</p><p>2. Discus the Saptanga Theory of Kautilya & Manu </p><p>3. What was the Islamic concept of State in India?</p><p>4. Examine the spread of liberalism and Marxism in India</p><p>5. What is meant by Sarvodaya and detail about Gandhism?</p><p>Part :B ASSIGNMENT TOPICS</p><p>1. Ancient Indian Political Thought was known as:</p><p>A. Rajya Sastra, Raja dharma, Dandaneethi, Nitishastra etc.</p><p>2. In Vedas and in Brahmanas, there were references to….</p><p>A. The Theory and Practice of Government.</p><p>3. The Hindu organic theory of the State isbased largely on the Saptangas or seven elements of the State. They are…</p><p>A. I) the King or Sovereign (Swamin), ii) the Minister (Amatya), iii) the territory and population (Rastra or Janapada), iv) the Fortified City or Capital (Durga), v) the treasury (Kosa), vi) The Army (Danda), and Vii) The Friends and Allies (Mitra)</p><p>4. What is meant by ‘Danda’ ?</p><p>A. Military Force, Coercion, Punishment, Fine or even Justice</p><p>5. What is meant by ‘Matyanyaya’ ?</p><p>.A. Matyanyaya means ‘justice of fish’. A big fish devours a small one. It implies the strong overpowering the weak and exploiting them. 6. Kautilya was the Prime Minister of Chandragupta Maurya.</p><p>A .322 BCE – 298BCE.</p><p>7. What was the statecraft of Kautilya?</p><p>A .Well organized Spy System</p><p>8. What was the Varna System of Manu?</p><p>A .Brahmanas, Kshyatriya, Vyshyas, and sudras.</p><p>9. How many chapters in Manu Smruthi? A .12 chapters.</p><p>10.What was the period of the study of the Bhuddhist political ideas of ancient India?</p><p>A .6th Century BCE to the 3rd Century A.D.</p><p>11.When Muhammad was born in Mecca?</p><p>A .570 A.D.</p><p>12.Who are Shias and Sunnis?</p><p>A .The followers of Ali, the Prophet’s son-in-law are called Shias (minority) and the Muslims who accept the correction of the order of succession are known as Sunnis (majority)</p><p>13. Who were the leaders of Indian liberalism could best be understood from the political ideas?</p><p>A. Dadabhai Naoroji, M.G. Ranade, Pheroze Shah Mehta, Srendranath Banerjee, GopalKrishna Ghokale and Madan Moha Malavia. </p><p>14. Who was M.N.Roy?</p><p>A. M.N. Roy (Manavendranath Roy), was Humanist and founder of Indian Communist Party.</p><p>15. Who were the first profounder of Marxism I India?</p><p>A. M.N. Roy, Acharya NarendraDev, Jayaprakashnarayan, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia, and Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. 16. Important works of Gandhiji. They are…</p><p>A. My experiment with truth (1925) - Satyagraha in South Africa (1928) Ethical Religion - Hind Swaraj</p><p>17. What is meant by Satyagraha? A. Satya, which means truth and Agraha which means ‘force’, ‘request’ or ‘strength’.</p><p>18. What are the Techniques of Satyagraha?</p><p>A.1) Non-cooperation, 2) Hartal 3) Social Boycot, 4) Picketing 5) Civil disobedience or Civil Resistence 6) Hijrat 7) Fasting 8) Strike. 19. What is meant by Sarvodaya? A. It means the establishment of new social order on the basis of love and non-violence. 20. What are the main ideals of Sarvodaya? A. 1 .Emphasis on spirit 2. Non-violence, 3. Emphasis on moral values 4. Party less democracy 5. Stateless society 6. Decentralized village communities (gram swarajya) 7. Bhoodan, gramdan,Jeevandan,sramdan,sampathdan etc. RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2015 -2016 2/5 LLB (III Semester)</p><p>ECONOMICS –II (Indian Economic Policy)</p><p>Part: A INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS:</p><p>1. Role of Regional Rural Banks. </p><p>2. Labour and Division of Labour </p><p>3. Explain the trends in poverty in India.</p><p>4. Write a essay on the recent export Promotion and import substitution Policies.</p><p>5. Answer any three of the following </p><p>1. Priorities between agriculture and Industry.</p><p>2. Commercialization of Agriculture </p><p>3. Types of Unemployment </p><p>4. Estimates of National Income </p><p>5. Small Scale Industries. Part: B ASSIGNMENT TOPICS</p><p>1. Explain the trends in Indian Population</p><p>2. Explain the structure of Indian Economy.</p><p>3. Choice of Technology.</p><p>4. Explain the impact of green Revolution on Indian Agriculture Sector.</p><p>5. Answer the following:</p><p>1. National Income 2. Disguised unemployment 3. Joint Sector 4. Bank Credit 5. Nominal wage 6. Productivity 7. Balance of Payment 8. Deficit Finance 9. Agriculture Credit 10. Small Scale Industries </p><p>RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2015 -2016</p><p>2/5 LLB (III Semester)</p><p>LAW OF TORT </p><p>(Including MV Accident and Consumer Protection Law ) </p><p>Part : A</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS:</p><p>1 What is Tort ? How does it differ from other wrongs ? </p><p>2.What are the Torts against person ?</p><p>3.Define defamation what are the defenses against defamation? </p><p>Part :B</p><p>ASSIGNMENT TOPICS</p><p>1.Elobrate the general defenses available against Tort.</p><p>2.Give a brief account an the Tort of Negligence.</p><p>3.What is Strict Liability ? How does it differ from Absolute Liability.</p><p>4.What are the pronouns relating to Motor Vehicle Act?</p><p>RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2015 -2016</p><p>2/5 LLB (III Semester)</p><p>CONSTITUTIONAL LAW -I</p><p>Part: A</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS:</p><p>1. Write about the salient features of the Constitutional of India.</p><p>2. Define State U/ Act-12 of the Constitution and what are the authorities come under its purview?</p><p>3. Write about distinction between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State policy. </p><p>Part: B ASSIGNMENT TOPICS</p><p>1. Write about the significance of Article -21 of the Constitution of India under its new dimensions with case Law.</p><p>2. What is Judicial Review? Whether an amendment made to the Constitution can be reviewed by the courts ‘or’ not?</p><p>3. Write about the writ Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court U/ Art -32 of the Constitution and What are the writs can be issued by the Supreme Court.</p><p>4. Short Questions:</p><p>.1Preamble 2.Free –Legal Aid 3.Citizenship 4.Rule of Law 5.Uniform Civil Code 6.Victim Compensation 7.Self Incrimination 8. Fundamental Duties </p><p>5. Explain the following Cases:</p><p> a) Keshavananada Bharati Vs State of Kerala (1973) 4 SCC 225</p><p> b) Maneka Gandhi Vs Union of India AIR 1978 SC 597</p><p> c) D.K.Basu Vs. State of West Bengal AIR 1996 SC SEMINAR & CLINICAL LEGAL EDUCATION RECORD</p><p>Submitted in partial fulfillment of the Requirement for the award of the Degree of LL.B.</p><p>Submitted By XXXXXXXX (Regd.No.xxxxx) III Semester of 5 Year LL.B.</p><p>RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA – 533 005 RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA – 533 005</p><p>Certificate</p><p>This is to certify that ‘The Seminar & Clinical Legal Education Record’ submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of the Degree of LL.B. is a record of bonafide work done by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, bearing Regd.No. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx during the Third Semester of 5 Year LL.B. under my guidance and that this record has not been previously formed as a basis for the award of any degree, diploma, associate ship, fellowship or similar title.</p><p>Teacher – in-charge Principal DECLARATION </p><p>The work incorporated in this record has been carried out by me from the Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Law , Kakinada .This work is original and I declare that it has not been submitted previously in any other Institution or University for the award of any Degree or Diploma.</p><p>Kakinada Signature of the Student Date : Regd.No:</p><p>Address & Mobile No :</p><p>RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW, KAKINADA INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2015 -2016 (Regulations: 2013-2014) Paper VI : Seminar and Clinical Legal Education 2/5 LLB : Third Semester Part –A Marks – 50 (Seminar write up:25 Marks and oral presentation– 25 Marks)</p><p>Topics for Seminar </p><p>1. National Income 2. Poverty 3. Manu 4. Gowthama Budda 5. General Defenses Against Tort 6. Rights of Consumer 7. Victim Compensation under article 21 of Indian Constitution. 8. Uniform Civil Code</p><p>Note : The Student is required to make oral Presentation on any one of the above topics before the Principal and class Teacher on the Date fixed prior to the Viva – Voce Test and also before the External Examiner on the day of Viva Test on any one of the above topics and A written record shall also be submitted to the college well in advance ( on or before due date). </p><p>Part – B</p><p>Marks – 50 (Record– 25 Marks and Viva - 25 Marks)</p><p>Clinical Legal Education - Activities suggested</p><p>1. Visit to Human Rights Organization / Human Rights Court 2. Other Programs suggested by College</p><p>Note : A written record shall be submitted to the college on the above Programme Seminar and Clinical Legal Education record shall be kept in same record which is to be in a Laminated Bounding in A4 Size along with Certificate from the college well in advance or before due date. RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>3/5 LLB (V Semester)</p><p>2015 -2016</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS ( Regulations 2013-2014) RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2015 -2016</p><p>3/5 LLB ( V Semester )</p><p>POLITICAL SCIENCE – V</p><p>(International Relations and organization) </p><p>Part : A</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS:</p><p>1. Discuss the role of Multi National Corporations (MNCs)</p><p>2. Discuss in detail the objectives and functions of Global Finance Capital.</p><p>3 What are the Causes and Consequences of the Second World War.? </p><p>Part :B</p><p>ASSIGNMENT TOPICS</p><p>1.Explain the Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in International Relations. .</p><p>2.Discuss the Role of UNO in developing countries. </p><p>3.Discuss the nature and origin of International Law, Is it a true Law ? Discuss</p><p>4. Write Short Notes on </p><p>1.U.N.O. </p><p>2. Political Parties</p><p>3. Transnational Corporations. </p><p>RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2015 -2016</p><p>(3/5 LLB V Semester )</p><p>ECONOMICS – III (Money Banking and Fiscal Policy)</p><p>Part: A</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS</p><p>1 Functions of Money.</p><p>2. Explain the role of IMF.</p><p>3. NABARD</p><p>4. Answer any 2 of the following: </p><p>1. Rural Money Markets 2. Contingent Functions 3. Central Bank ( RBI) </p><p>Part: B</p><p>ASSIGNMENT TOPICS</p><p>1.Role of Money.</p><p>2. Explain the objectives NABARD </p><p>3. Explain the Functions of Central Bank </p><p>4. Answer the following: </p><p>1. Money 2. Commercial Bank 3. Inflation 4. Public debt 5. Public Expenditure 6. Fiscal Policy 7. Balance of Payment 8. Bank Credit 9. NABARD 10. IMF. RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2015 -2016</p><p>3/5 LLB ( V Semester)</p><p>FAMILY LAW – I (Family Relations)</p><p>Part: A</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS:</p><p>1.Sources of Hindu Law.</p><p>2. Schools of Hindu Law</p><p>3. Kinds of Marriage.</p><p>Part :B</p><p>ASSIGNMENT TOPICS</p><p>1. Salient Features of the Hindu Moorage Act 1956.</p><p>2. Salient features of Hind u Adoptions and Maintaining Act 1956.</p><p>3. Salient Features of Hindu Minorities & Gandisem ship Act 1956.</p><p>4. The Hindu Joint Family.</p><p>5. Hindu successes. RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2015 -2016</p><p>3/5 LLB ( V SEMESTER )</p><p>ENVIRONMENTAL LAW </p><p>Including Laws for the Protection of the wild life and other creatures Including Animal welfare</p><p>Part: A</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS:</p><p>1. Concept of Environment </p><p>2. Origen , definition , scope of Ecologies </p><p>3. Salient features of Environmental Protection Act 1980</p><p>Part :B</p><p>ASSIGNMENT TOPICS</p><p>1.Environment degradation and pollution </p><p>2. Common Law reminders against pollution</p><p>3. Principles of strict liability and absolute liability</p><p>4.Law relating to marine life and costal Eco - system </p><p>5. Rights to decampment and sustainable development RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2015 -2016</p><p>3/5 LLB ( V SEMESTER )</p><p>HISTORY OF COURTS, LEGISLATURES AND LEGAL PROFESSION IN INDIA</p><p>Part : A</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS:</p><p>1 Administration of Justice in The Regulating Act,1773 2 The Govt of India Act,1915 3 The Growth and Development of Judicial system under Lord Bentinck</p><p>PART-B ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS </p><p>1.Write the Following:</p><p> a) Charter of 1774 b) The Legal Practioners Act, 1853 c) I Law Commission d) II Law Commission e) III Law Commission f) IV Law Commission </p><p>2.Write the Following:</p><p> a) East India Company b) Warren Hastings c) Govt of India Act,1935 d) Privy Council </p><p>3.Write the Following:</p><p> a) Trial of Raja Nanda Kumar b) Case of Kamaluddin c) Patna Case d) Cossijurah Case SEMINAR & CLINICAL LEGAL EDUCATION RECORD</p><p>Submitted in partial fulfillment of the Requirement for the award of the Degree of LL.B.</p><p>Submitted By XXXXXXXX (Regd.No.xxxxxxxxxx) v Semester of 5 Year LL.B.</p><p>RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA – 533 005 RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA – 533 005</p><p>Certificate</p><p>This is to certify that ‘The Seminar & Clinical Legal Education Record’ submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of the Degree of LL.B. is a record of bonafide work done by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, bearing Regd.No. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx during the Fifth Semester of 5 Year LL.B. under my guidance and that this record has not been previously formed as a basis for the award of any degree, diploma, associate ship, fellowship or similar title.</p><p>Teacher – in-charge Principal DECLARATION </p><p>The work incorporated in this record has been carried out by me from the Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Law , Kakinada .This work is original and I declare that it has not been submitted previously in any other Institution or University for the award of any Degree or Diploma.</p><p>Kakinada Signature of the Student Date : Regd.No:</p><p>Address & Mobile No :</p><p>RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW, KAKINADA INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2015 -2016 (Regulations: 2013-2014) Paper VI : Seminar and Clinical Legal Education 3/5 LLB : Fifth Semester Part –A Marks – 50 (Seminar write up:25 Marks and oral presentation– 25 Marks)</p><p>Topics for Seminar </p><p>1.U.N.O 2.World War-II 3.Foreign Investment and Foreign Trade 4.Banking 5.Joint Family 6.Matrimonial Remedies under Hindu Law 7.Environmental Protection Act. 8.CRZ Notification 9. Administration of Justice in Presidency Towns (1600-1773) 10. Government of India Act 1935</p><p>Note : The Student is required to make oral Presentation on any one of the above topics before the Principal and class Teacher on the Date fixed prior to the Viva – Voce Test and also before the External Examiner on the day of Viva Test on any one of the above topics and A written record shall also be submitted to the college well in advance ( on or before due date). </p><p>Part – B</p><p>Marks – 50 (Record– 25 Marks and Viva - 25 Marks)</p><p>Clinical Legal Education - Activities suggested</p><p>3. Visit to Public Offices (Registrar Office, E-Seva, Mee-Seva etc., 4. Other Programs suggested by College</p><p>Note : A written record shall be submitted to the college on the above Programme Seminar and Clinical Legal Education record shall be kept in same record which is to be in a Laminated Bounding in A4 Size along with Certificate from the college well in advance or before due date. RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>4/5 Year LL.B (VII Semester)</p><p>2015 -2016</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS ( Regulations 2009-2010) RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2015 -2016</p><p>4/5 LL.B (VII SEMESTER )</p><p>PROPERTYLAW INCLUDING TRANSFER OF PROPERTY ACT AND EASEMENTS ACT</p><p>Part : A</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS:</p><p>1. Immovable Property</p><p>2. Actionable Claim</p><p>3.Notice</p><p>4.Attestion </p><p>2.Explain the following </p><p> a. Conditions restraining Alienation</p><p> b.. Conditions restraining Enjoyment</p><p> c..Explain the sale Immovable property</p><p>3. .Explain the following </p><p> a) Mortgage</p><p> b)Lease of Immovable Property</p><p>Part -B ASSIGNMENT TOPICS</p><p>1.Exchange of Properties</p><p>2.Gift of Property</p><p>3.Law of Easement </p><p>4 Explain the following Cases</p><p> a) Cooper Vs. Cooper</p><p> b) Noakes & Co. Vs Rice</p><p> c) Kerglinger Vs New Patagonia Meat cold storage Co</p><p> d) P.Venkata Subbanna Vs D.Chimmayya. RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2015 -2016</p><p>4/5 LL.B (VII SEMESTER)</p><p>LABOUR AND INDUSTRIAL LAW -I </p><p>PART-A</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS:</p><p>1. History of Trade Union Movement.</p><p>2. Salient features of Trade Unions Act 1926.</p><p>3. Collections forgiving</p><p>Part :B</p><p>ASSIGNMENT TOPICS</p><p>1. Definition of Industries</p><p>2. Authorities under the I.P .Act 1947.</p><p>3.Domestic Enquires.</p><p>4.Recommendations of II Labour Commission.</p><p>5.Salient features of Industrial Employments.(Standing Orders) Act 1956.</p><p>RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2015 -2016</p><p>4/5 LL.B (VII SEMESTER)</p><p>COMPANY LAW </p><p>Part: A</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS:</p><p>1.Give a brief account of formation of company. 2. Explain the differences between Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association. 3. Who is a ‘Promotor a’ and what are his duties towards the company Promoted by him? 4. Explain the doctrine of Indoor management. 5. Fill in the Blanks 1. A Company is common Parlance means an artificial person created by law with ______( Ans. Perpetual existence and common seal)</p><p>2. Public Utility service Companies namely _____ (Railways, Roadways, Electricity, etc)</p><p>3. Holding company means______(One company Controls the other controlling Company)</p><p>4. After incorporation, a Company becomes a Legal Person, distinct from that of its______(Members or share holders) </p><p>5 Pre – Incorporation Contracts means ______(The Contracts purported to be made on behalf of the Company before its incorporation.) </p><p>6. The word charge signifies for ______( Payment of debt of Performance of obligation)</p><p>7. Directors of Board of Directors play an important role in the ______( Administration and Management of the Company)</p><p>8.The management of the company is vested in a body called ______(Board of Directors)</p><p>9. In the meetings, decisions taken are recorded by means of _____( resolutions )</p><p>10.Deligation of Power means ______( transferring Power another ) Part :B</p><p>ASSIGNMENT TOPICS</p><p>1. Discuss the meaning of lifting of the corporate veil of a Company. 2. Define ‘share ‘and discuss about the Procedure for transfer of shares. 3 .Define of the Director? What are the powers and duties of the directors. 4. What is meant by winding up? And Explain various modes of winding up of a Company. 5. Fill in the Blanks 1. When shares are transferred from one Person to another on account of operation of Law is called ______( Transmission of shares ) </p><p>2. The term allotment means ______(The acceptance of the offer to take share by the company) 3. A Share warrant is a ______(Negotiable instrument) 4. The ______Share holders’ have no voting rights (Preference) 5. A Share warrant is a document issued by a ______Limited by shares (Public Company) 6. The word charge signifies for ______( Payment of debt or Performance obligation ) 7. Directors or Board or Directors play an important role in the ______(administration and Management of the Company)</p><p>8. The Management of the company is vested in a body called ______( Board of Directors) 9. In the meetings, decisions taken are recorded by means of ______(resolutions) 10. Delegation of Power means ______(Transferring Power to another) RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2015 -2016</p><p>4/5 LL.B (VII SEMESTER)</p><p>ADMINISTRATIVE LAW</p><p>Part : A</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS:</p><p>1. Write about the Separation Powers under the Indian Context?</p><p>2.What is Delegated Legislation and what are the reasons for the growth of delegated Legislation?</p><p>3. Write about the significance of the Principles of Naturals Justices </p><p>Part: B ASSIGNMENT TOPICS</p><p>1. What is Precedent and what is its Significance in the administration of Justice ? </p><p>2. Discuss Rule of Law and what its significance under the Indian Context?</p><p>3. Write about the writ of Habeas Corpus and its significance with relevant case Law.</p><p>4. Write about the position of Administrative Tribunals in India with relevant Case Law.</p><p>5. Short Questions:</p><p>1.Writ of Mandamus 2.Supreme Legislation 3.Sub Delegation 4.Ratio decedendi 5.Personal bias 6. Ombudsman 7. Writ of Quo – warranto 8. Lokpal 9. Special Leave Petition (SLP) 6 Explain the following Cases: a) Maneka Gandhi Vs. Union of India AIR 1978 SC 597</p><p> b) Gullapalli Nageswara Rao Vs. State of A.P</p><p>RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2015 -2016</p><p>4/5 LL.B (VII SEMESTER)</p><p>INTERPRETATION OF STATUTES AND PRINCPLES OF LEGISLATION</p><p>Part: A</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS:</p><p>1.” The object of interpreting a statue is to ascertain the intention of the legislature enacting “ Explain .</p><p>2. Discuss the rule of Ejusdem Generis with relevant case Law.</p><p>3. Explain the rule of Beneficial Construction by referring to decided cases .</p><p>4.Explain the Golden rule of Interpretation .</p><p>5.a) Non- obstante Clause b) Waiver c) Statutes in pari materia d) Words of rank e) stare Decisis f)Doctrine of Eclipse f) Codifying Statute g) Judicial Restraint h) Generalia Specialibus non derogant i) Territorial Nexus </p><p>Part :B ASSIGNMENT TOPICS</p><p>1.” No Statute binds the crown unless the Crown is named there in either expressly or implication “ Examine the extent of its application in India .</p><p>2.Explain the concept of Judicial Activism in the light of Supreme Court Decisions.</p><p>3. Critically examine the Cannons of Interpretation of Penal Statutes and compare it with Civil Statutes . 4. Explain the nature and scope of Grammatical and Logical interpretation of Statutes . </p><p>5. a) Causus Omissus b) Noscitur A Sociis c) Rule of Last Antecedent d) Juristic Activism e) Rule of Heydon’s Case f) Legislative Intent g) Advisory Jurisdiction g) Repugnancy h)Retrospective Operation of Statutes i) Reddendo singula singulis </p><p>RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>5/5 Year LL.B ( IX Semester)</p><p>2015 -2016</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS ( Regulations 2009-2010) RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2015 -2016</p><p>5/5 LL.B (IX SEMESTER)</p><p>CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE AND LIMITATION ACT </p><p>Part: A</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS:</p><p>1.Discuss about the Jurisdiction of Courts to try the Suits?</p><p>2.Explain the rule laid down under the Doctrine of Res – Judicata</p><p>3. Discuss the procedure in respect of the Suits by or against the Minors and Persons of Unsound Mind. </p><p>Part : B</p><p>ASSIGNMENT TOPICS</p><p>1. Define Pleadings and explain the objects ad fundamental principles regarding Pleadings.</p><p>2.Explain the general Principles of Limitation under theLimitation Act,1963. </p><p>3 Explain the following Cases:</p><p> a) Deep Chand Vs. Land Acquisition Officer AIR 1994 SC 1901.</p><p> b) State of Maharastra Vs. Admane Anita Moti AIR 1995 SC 351.</p><p> c) U.P State Road Transport Corporation Vs State of U.P AIR 2005 SC 446.</p><p> d) Deva Sahayam vs. P.Savithramma AIR 2006 SC 779.</p><p>RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2015 -2016</p><p>5/5 LL.B (IX SEMESTER)</p><p>LAW OF CRIMES - II</p><p>(Criminal Procedure Code, Juvenile Justice and Probation of offenders Act) </p><p>Part : A</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS:</p><p>1. Explain the Provisions relating to , Security for Keeping peace and good Behavior .</p><p>2. Expalin the Concept of Bail and its various Provisions under Cr.P.C.</p><p>3. Explain the Social Justice concept of sec 125 under Cr.PC. </p><p>Part :B</p><p>ASSIGNMENT TOPICS</p><p>1. Explain Salient features of the Juvenile Justice Act 1986 and its latest Developments.</p><p>2. Criticaly Examine provisions as to information to the police and their powers to Investigation.</p><p>3. Critically Examine the probation offenders Act </p><p>4. Explain the following Cases</p><p> a) State of Tamilnadu Vs SARJA AIR 2005 SC 4462</p><p> b) Kultez Singh Vs Circle Inspector 1992 Cr.L.J 1173</p><p>RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2015 -2016</p><p>5/5 LL.B : IX SEMESTER</p><p>LAW OF EVIDENCE </p><p>Part : A</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS:</p><p>1. Explain Resgestae and their relevancy of Evidence. </p><p>2.Define and Distinguish “ Admission “ and“ Confession “ .</p><p>3.Explain Various types of Evidences under the Indian Evidence Act.1872. </p><p>Part :B ASSIGNMENT TOPICS</p><p>1. Discuss about Witnesses , Examination and Cross Examination. </p><p>2. What are the general rules relating to Burden of Proof.</p><p>3. a) Conclusive Proof </p><p> b) Accomplice</p><p> c) Primary Evidence</p><p> d) Conspiracy</p><p>4. Explain the following Cases</p><p> a) Goutham Kundu Vs State of West Bengal AIR 1993 SC 2295</p><p> b) State of Tamil Nadu Vs Guru Swamy AIR 1997 SC 1200 RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2015 -2016</p><p>5/5 LL.B : IX SEMESTER</p><p>LAW OF INSURANCE </p><p>Part: A</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS:</p><p>1Explain the Contract of Insurance and nature of Insurance Contract.</p><p>2.Explain the meaning and definition of Insurable Interest .</p><p>3. Explain meaning and scope of Risk and elements of risk.</p><p>Part :B</p><p>ASSIGNMENT TOPICS</p><p>1. Meaning and definitions of premium</p><p>2. Fire Insurance and Special Doctrines.</p><p>3. Marine insurance and different kinds of Marine policies.</p><p>4. Perils of the sea.</p><p>5. Voyage and deviation RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2015 -2016</p><p>5/5 LL.B : IX SEMESTER</p><p>MEDIA LAW INCLUDING RIGHT TO INFORMATION </p><p>Part : A</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS:</p><p>1.What is the significance and importance of Media Law ?</p><p>2.What are the protections available to the Media to discharge its functions effectively ? </p><p>3.Write about the wage boards for the Working Journalists in the Media.</p><p>Part :B</p><p>ASSIGNMENT TOPICS</p><p>1. What are the Salient features of Right to Information Act - 2005? </p><p>2.Write about the Cinematography Act - 1952.</p><p>3. Discuss about the Constitution of State Information Commission and Central Information Commission and their functions. </p><p>4. Short Questions:</p><p>1. Press Council of India 2. Electronic Media 3. Defamation 4. Parliamentary Privileges 5. Internet 6. Contempt of Court 7. Public Information officer (PIO)</p><p>5 Explain the following Cases:</p><p> a) Peoples Union for Civil Liberties and Others vs. Union of India AIR 2002 SC</p><p> b) Indian Express News Papers Ltd. vs. Union of India.</p><p>RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>2/3 Year LL.B (III Semester) (Grading System)</p><p>2015 -2016</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS ( Regulations 2013-2014) RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2015 -2016</p><p>2/3 LL.B (III SEMESTER )</p><p>PROPERTYLAW INCLUDING TRANSFER OF PROPERTY ACT AND EASEMENTS ACT</p><p>Part : A</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS:</p><p>1. Immovable Property</p><p>2. Actionable Claim</p><p>3.Notice</p><p>4.Attestion </p><p>2.Explain the following </p><p> a. Conditions restraining Alienation</p><p> b.. Conditions restraining Enjoyment</p><p> c..Explain the sale Immovable property</p><p>3. .Explain the following </p><p> a) Mortgage</p><p> b)Lease of Immovable Property</p><p>Part -B ASSIGNMENT TOPICS</p><p>1.Exchange of Properties</p><p>2.Gift of Property</p><p>3.Law of Easement </p><p>4 Explain the following Cases</p><p> a) Cooper Vs. Cooper</p><p> b) Noakes & Co. Vs Rice</p><p> c) Kerglinger Vs New Patagonia Meat cold storage Co</p><p> d) P.Venkata Subbanna Vs D.Chimmayya. RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2015 -2016</p><p>2/3 LL.B (III SEMESTER)</p><p>LABOUR AND INDUSTRIAL LAW -I </p><p>PART-A</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS:</p><p>1. History of Trade Union Movement.</p><p>2. Salient features of Trade Unions Act 1926.</p><p>3. Collections forgiving</p><p>Part :B</p><p>ASSIGNMENT TOPICS</p><p>1. Definition of Industries</p><p>2. Authorities under the I.P .Act 1947.</p><p>3.Domestic Enquires.</p><p>4.Recommendations of II Labour Commission.</p><p>5.Salient features of Industrial Employments.(Standing Orders) Act 1956.</p><p>RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2015 -2016</p><p>2/3 LL.B (III SEMESTER)</p><p>COMPANY LAW </p><p>Part: A</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS:</p><p>1.Give a brief account of formation of company. 2. Explain the differences between Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association. 3. Who is a ‘Promotor a’ and what are his duties towards the company Promoted by him? 4. Explain the doctrine of Indoor management. 5. Fill in the Blanks 1. A Company is common Parlance means an artificial person created by law with ______( Ans. Perpetual existence and common seal)</p><p>2. Public Utility service Companies namely _____ (Railways, Roadways, Electricity, etc)</p><p>3. Holding company means______(One company Controls the other controlling Company)</p><p>4. After incorporation, a Company becomes a Legal Person, distinct from that of its______(Members or share holders) </p><p>5 Pre – Incorporation Contracts means ______(The Contracts purported to be made on behalf of the Company before its incorporation.) </p><p>6. The word charge signifies for ______( Payment of debt of Performance of obligation)</p><p>7. Directors of Board of Directors play an important role in the ______( Administration and Management of the Company)</p><p>8.The management of the company is vested in a body called ______(Board of Directors)</p><p>9. In the meetings, decisions taken are recorded by means of _____( resolutions )</p><p>10.Deligation of Power means ______( transferring Power another ) Part :B</p><p>ASSIGNMENT TOPICS</p><p>1. Discuss the meaning of lifting of the corporate veil of a Company. 2. Define ‘share ‘and discuss about the Procedure for transfer of shares. 3 .Define of the Director? What are the powers and duties of the directors. 4. What is meant by winding up? And Explain various modes of winding up of a Company. 5. Fill in the Blanks 1. When shares are transferred from one Person to another on account of operation of Law is called ______( Transmission of shares ) </p><p>2. The term allotment means ______(The acceptance of the offer to take share by the company) 3. A Share warrant is a ______(Negotiable instrument) 4. The ______Share holders’ have no voting rights (Preference) 5. A Share warrant is a document issued by a ______Limited by shares (Public Company) 6. The word charge signifies for ______( Payment of debt or Performance obligation ) 7. Directors or Board or Directors play an important role in the ______(administration and Management of the Company)</p><p>8. The Management of the company is vested in a body called ______( Board of Directors) 9. In the meetings, decisions taken are recorded by means of ______(resolutions) 10. Delegation of Power means ______(Transferring Power to another) RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2015 -2016</p><p>2/3 LL.B (III SEMESTER)</p><p>ADMINISTRATIVE LAW</p><p>Part : A</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS:</p><p>1. Write about the Separation Powers under the Indian Context?</p><p>2.What is Delegated Legislation and what are the reasons for the growth of delegated Legislation?</p><p>3. Write about the significance of the Principles of Naturals Justices </p><p>Part: B ASSIGNMENT TOPICS</p><p>1. What is Precedent and what is its Significance in the administration of Justice ? </p><p>2. Discuss Rule of Law and what its significance under the Indian Context?</p><p>3. Write about the writ of Habeas Corpus and its significance with relevant case Law.</p><p>4. Write about the position of Administrative Tribunals in India with relevant Case Law.</p><p>5. Short Questions:</p><p>1.Writ of Mandamus 2.Supreme Legislation 3.Sub Delegation 4.Ratio decedendi 5.Personal bias 6. Ombudsman 7. Writ of Quo – warranto 8. Lokpal 9. Special Leave Petition (SLP) 6 Explain the following Cases: a) Maneka Gandhi Vs. Union of India AIR 1978 SC 597</p><p> b) Gullapalli Nageswara Rao Vs. State of A.P</p><p>RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2015 -2016</p><p>2/3 LL.B (III SEMESTER)</p><p>INTERPRETATION OF STATUTES AND PRINCPLES OF LEGISLATION</p><p>Part: A</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS:</p><p>1.” The object of interpreting a statue is to ascertain the intention of the legislature enacting “ Explain .</p><p>2. Discuss the rule of Ejusdem Generis with relevant case Law.</p><p>3. Explain the rule of Beneficial Construction by referring to decided cases .</p><p>4.Explain the Golden rule of Interpretation .</p><p>5.a) Non- obstante Clause b) Waiver c) Statutes in pari materia d) Words of rank e) stare Decisis f)Doctrine of Eclipse f) Codifying Statute g) Judicial Restraint h) Generalia Specialibus non derogant i) Territorial Nexus </p><p>Part :B ASSIGNMENT TOPICS</p><p>1.” No Statute binds the crown unless the Crown is named there in either expressly or implication “ Examine the extent of its application in India .</p><p>2.Explain the concept of Judicial Activism in the light of Supreme Court Decisions.</p><p>3. Critically examine the Cannons of Interpretation of Penal Statutes and compare it with Civil Statutes . 4. Explain the nature and scope of Grammatical and Logical interpretation of Statutes . </p><p>5. a) Causus Omissus b) Noscitur A Sociis c) Rule of Last Antecedent d) Juristic Activism e) Rule of Heydon’s Case f) Legislative Intent g) Advisory Jurisdiction g) Repugnancy h)Retrospective Operation of Statutes i) Reddendo singula singulis SEMINAR & CLINICAL LEGAL EDUCATION RECORD</p><p>Submitted in partial fulfillment of the Requirement for the award of the Degree of LL.B.</p><p>Submitted By XXXXXXXX (Regd.No.xxxxxxxxxx) III Semester of 3 Year LL.B.</p><p>RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA – 533 005 RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA – 533 005</p><p>Certificate</p><p>This is to certify that ‘The Seminar & Clinical Legal Education Record’ submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of the Degree of LL.B. is a record of bonafide work done by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, bearing Regd.No. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx during the Third Semester of 3 Year LL.B. under my guidance and that this record has not been previously formed as a basis for the award of any degree, diploma, associate ship, fellowship or similar title.</p><p>Teacher – in-charge Principal DECLARATION </p><p>The work incorporated in this record has been carried out by me from the Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Law , Kakinada .This work is original and I declare that it has not been submitted previously in any other Institution or University for the award of any Degree or Diploma.</p><p>Kakinada Signature of the Student Date : Regd.No:</p><p>Address & Mobile No :</p><p>RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW, KAKINADA INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2015 -2016 (Regulations: 2013-2014) Paper VI : Seminar and Clinical Legal Education 2/3 LLB : Third Semester Part –A Marks – 50 (Seminar write up:25 Marks and oral presentation– 25 Marks)</p><p>Topics for Seminar </p><p>1.Formation and Administration of company 2.Share Capital 3.Sale 4.Easement Rights 5.Trade Unions- Immunities 6.Authorities under the Industrial Disputes Act 7.Principles of Natural Justice. 8.State Liability 9.Basic Rules of interpretation 10. The General Clauses Act, 1897.</p><p>Note : The Student is required to make oral Presentation on any one of the above topics before the Principal and class Teacher on the Date fixed prior to the Viva – Voce Test and also before the External Examiner on the day of Viva Test on any one of the above topics and A written record shall also be submitted to the college well in advance ( on or before due date). </p><p>Part – B</p><p>Marks – 50 (Record– 25 Marks and Viva - 25 Marks)</p><p>Clinical Legal Education - Activities suggested</p><p>1. Visit to Human Rights Courts / Pre Legal Aid 2. Other Programs suggested by College</p><p>Note : A written record shall be submitted to the college on the above Programme Seminar and Clinical Legal Education record shall be kept in same record which is to be in a Laminated Bounding in A4 Size along with Certificate from the college well in advance or before due date. RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>3/3 Year LL.B (V Semester)</p><p>(Grading System)</p><p>2015 -2016</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS (Regulations 2013-2014) RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2015 -2016</p><p>3/3 LL.B (V SEMESTER)</p><p>CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE AND LIMITATION ACT </p><p>Part: A</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS:</p><p>1.Discuss about the Jurisdiction of Courts to try the Suits?</p><p>2.Explain the rule laid down under the Doctrine of Res – Judicata</p><p>3. Discuss the procedure in respect of the Suits by or against the Minors and Persons of Unsound Mind. </p><p>Part : B</p><p>ASSIGNMENT TOPICS</p><p>1. Define Pleadings and explain the objects ad fundamental principles regarding Pleadings.</p><p>2.Explain the general Principles of Limitation under theLimitation Act,1963. </p><p>3 Explain the following Cases:</p><p> a) Deep Chand Vs. Land Acquisition Officer AIR 1994 SC 1901.</p><p> b) State of Maharastra Vs. Admane Anita Moti AIR 1995 SC 351.</p><p> c) U.P State Road Transport Corporation Vs State of U.P AIR 2005 SC 446.</p><p> d) Deva Sahayam vs. P.Savithramma AIR 2006 SC 779.</p><p>RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2015 -2016</p><p>3/3 LL.B (V SEMESTER)</p><p>LAW OF CRIMES - II</p><p>(Criminal Procedure Code, Juvenile Justice and Probation of offenders Act) </p><p>Part : A</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS:</p><p>1. Explain the Provisions relating to , Security for Keeping peace and good Behavior .</p><p>2. Expalin the Concept of Bail and its various Provisions under Cr.P.C.</p><p>3. Explain the Social Justice concept of sec 125 under Cr.PC. </p><p>Part :B</p><p>ASSIGNMENT TOPICS</p><p>1. Explain Salient features of the Juvenile Justice Act 1986 and its latest Developments.</p><p>2. Criticaly Examine provisions as to information to the police and their powers to Investigation.</p><p>3. Critically Examine the probation offenders Act </p><p>4. Explain the following Cases</p><p> a) State of Tamilnadu Vs SARJA AIR 2005 SC 4462</p><p> b) Kultez Singh Vs Circle Inspector 1992 Cr.L.J 1173</p><p>RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2015 -2016</p><p>3/3 LL.B : V SEMESTER</p><p>LAW OF EVIDENCE </p><p>Part : A</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS:</p><p>1. Explain Resgestae and their relevancy of Evidence. </p><p>2.Define and Distinguish “ Admission “ and“ Confession “ .</p><p>3.Explain Various types of Evidences under the Indian Evidence Act.1872. </p><p>Part :B ASSIGNMENT TOPICS</p><p>1. Discuss about Witnesses , Examination and Cross Examination. </p><p>2. What are the general rules relating to Burden of Proof.</p><p>3. a) Conclusive Proof </p><p> b) Accomplice</p><p> c) Primary Evidence</p><p> d) Conspiracy</p><p>4. Explain the following Cases</p><p> a) Goutham Kundu Vs State of West Bengal AIR 1993 SC 2295</p><p> b) State of Tamil Nadu Vs Guru Swamy AIR 1997 SC 1200 RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2015 -2016</p><p>3/3 LL.B : V SEMESTER</p><p>LAW OF INSURANCE </p><p>Part: A</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS:</p><p>1Explain the Contract of Insurance and nature of Insurance Contract.</p><p>2.Explain the meaning and definition of Insurable Interest .</p><p>3. Explain meaning and scope of Risk and elements of risk.</p><p>Part :B</p><p>ASSIGNMENT TOPICS</p><p>1. Meaning and definitions of premium</p><p>2. Fire Insurance and Special Doctrines.</p><p>3. Marine insurance and different kinds of Marine policies.</p><p>4. Perils of the sea.</p><p>5. Voyage and deviation RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2015 -2016</p><p>3/3 LL.B : V SEMESTER</p><p>MEDIA LAW INCLUDING RIGHT TO INFORMATION </p><p>Part : A</p><p>INTERNAL EXAMINATION QUESTIONS:</p><p>1.What is the significance and importance of Media Law ?</p><p>2.What are the protections available to the Media to discharge its functions effectively ? </p><p>3.Write about the wage boards for the Working Journalists in the Media.</p><p>Part :B</p><p>ASSIGNMENT TOPICS</p><p>1. What are the Salient features of Right to Information Act - 2005? </p><p>2.Write about the Cinematography Act - 1952.</p><p>3. Discuss about the Constitution of State Information Commission and Central Information Commission and their functions. </p><p>4. Short Questions:</p><p>1. Press Council of India 2. Electronic Media 3. Defamation 4. Parliamentary Privileges 5. Internet 6. Contempt of Court 7. Public Information officer (PIO)</p><p>5 Explain the following Cases:</p><p> a) Peoples Union for Civil Liberties and Others vs. Union of India AIR 2002 SC</p><p> b) Indian Express News Papers Ltd. vs. Union of India.</p><p>SEMINAR & CLINICAL LEGAL EDUCATION RECORD</p><p>Submitted in partial fulfillment of the Requirement for the award of the Degree of LL.B.</p><p>Submitted By XXXXXXXX (Regd.No.xxxxxxxxxx) V Semester of 3 Year LL.B.</p><p>RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA – 533 005 RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW KAKINADA – 533 005</p><p>Certificate</p><p>This is to certify that ‘The Seminar & Clinical Legal Education Record’ submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of the Degree of LL.B. is a record of bonafide work done by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, bearing Regd.No. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx during the Fifth Semester of 3 Year LL.B. under my guidance and that this record has not been previously formed as a basis for the award of any degree, diploma, associate ship, fellowship or similar title.</p><p>Teacher – in-charge Principal DECLARATION </p><p>The work incorporated in this record has been carried out by me from the Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Law , Kakinada .This work is original and I declare that it has not been submitted previously in any other Institution or University for the award of any Degree or Diploma.</p><p>Kakinada Signature of the Student Date : Regd.No:</p><p>Address & Mobile No :</p><p>RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF LAW, KAKINADA INTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: 2015 -2016 (Regulations: 2013-2014) Paper VI : Seminar and Clinical Legal Education 3/3 LLB : Fifth Semester Part –A Marks – 50 (Seminar write up:25 Marks and oral presentation– 25 Marks)</p><p>Topics for Seminar </p><p>1.Res Judicata 2.Powers of Court to enforce execution 3.Arrest of Persons 4.Appeals 5.Relevancy of Facts 6.Confession 7.Insurable Interest and Indemnity. 8.Warranties 9.Historical Perspective mass media Laws 10.Press Council Act,1978.</p><p>Note : The Student is required to make oral Presentation on any one of the above topics before the Principal and class Teacher on the Date fixed prior to the Viva – Voce Test and also before the External Examiner on the day of Viva Test on any one of the above topics and A written record shall also be submitted to the college well in advance ( on or before due date). </p><p>Part – B</p><p>Marks – 50 (Record– 25 Marks and Viva - 25 Marks)</p><p>Clinical Legal Education - Activities suggested</p><p>1. Visit to Companies / Visit to Local Body. 2. Other Programs suggested by College</p><p>Note : A written record shall be submitted to the college on the above Programme Seminar and Clinical Legal Education record shall be kept in same record which is to be in a Laminated Bounding in A4 Size along with Certificate from the college well in advance or before due date. </p>

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