<p> A Guide to Specifying Rite Door Integrated Door Assemblies 6/11/09</p><p>A Guide to Specifying Rite Door® Integrated Door Assemblies</p><p>School and University</p><p>1 A Guide to Specifying Rite Door Integrated Door Assemblies 6/11/09</p><p>Health Care</p><p>Theater and Entertainment</p><p>2 A Guide to Specifying Rite Door Integrated Door Assemblies 6/11/09</p><p>First Review the Plans to Find the Rite Door® Specification Opportunity</p><p>I. Review the plans and look for the application.</p><p>COMMON TO ALL OCCUPANCIES</p><p>1. Look for Lever x Lever applications:</p><p>- pairs of doors (inswing or outswing) ( D 3 6 4 4 ) c l a s s r o o m f u n c t i o n</p><p>( D 3 6 4 5 ) p a s s a g e f u n c t i o n</p><p>( D 3 6 4 6 ) s t o r e r o o m f u n c t i o n</p><p>( D 3 6 4 7 ) e l e c t r i f i e d f u n c t i o n</p><p>2. Look for Flush PULL applications: - Cross corridor (same swing pair) ( D 3 6 8 1 ) E x i t D e v i c e x F l u s h P U L L</p><p>3. Look for Flush PUSH / PULL applications: - Elevator Cab doors (single or pairs) ( D 3 6 8 2 ) F l u s h P U S H / P U L L</p><p>OCCUPANCY SPECIFIC ( H e a l t h C a r e )</p><p>1. Surgical Suites</p><p>- Same-swing pair or Single ( D 3 6 7 6 x 3 0 8 0 ) E x i t D e v i c e x L e v e r – T R O p a i r </p><p>( D 3 6 7 7 x 3 0 8 0 ) E x i t D e v i c e x L e v e r – T R O s i n g ( eliminates</p><p> strike plate on frame side</p><p> o r</p><p>( D 3 6 7 5 x 3 0 8 0 ) E x i t D e v i c e x L e v e r – M o r t i s e s i n g</p><p>3 A Guide to Specifying Rite Door Integrated Door Assemblies 6/11/09</p><p>2 . D o u b l e E g r e s s Cross corridor doors</p><p>( D 3 6 7 6 ) E x i t D e v i c e </p><p>OCCUPANCY SPECIFIC ( E d u c a t i o n a l ) 1. Same-swing pair or Single</p><p>( D 3 6 7 6 x 3 0 8 0 ) E x i t D e v i c e x L e v e r – T R O p a i r</p><p>( D 3 6 7 7 x 3 0 8 0 ) E x i t D e v i c e x L e v e r – T R O s i n g ( eliminates</p><p> strike plate on frame side</p><p> o r</p><p>( D 3 6 7 5 x 3 0 8 0 ) E x i t D e v i c e x L e v e r – M o r t i s e s i n g</p><p>2 . D o u b l e E g r e s s Cross corridor doors</p><p>( D 3 6 7 6 ) E x i t D e v i c e </p><p>OCCUPANCY SPECIFIC ( H o s p i t a l i t y ) 1. Same-swing pair or Single</p><p>( D 3 6 7 6 x 3 0 8 0 ) E x i t D e v i c e x L e v e r – T R O p a i r</p><p>( D 3 6 7 7 x 3 0 8 0 ) E x i t D e v i c e x L e v e r – T R O s i n g ( eliminates</p><p> strike plate on frame side</p><p> o r</p><p>( D 3 6 7 5 x 3 0 8 0 ) E x i t D e v i c e x L e v e r – M o r t i s e s i n g</p><p>2 . D o u b l e E g r e s s Cross corridor doors</p><p>( D 3 6 7 6 ) E x i t D e v i c e </p><p>3 . B a l l r o o m / A s s e m b l y a r e a s</p><p>( D 3 6 7 6 x 3 0 8 0 ) E x i t D e v i c e x L e v e r – T R O p a i r</p><p>4 A Guide to Specifying Rite Door Integrated Door Assemblies 6/11/09</p><p>( D 3 6 7 7 x 3 0 8 0 ) E x i t D e v i c e x L e v e r – T R O s i n g ( eliminates</p><p> strike plate on frame side</p><p> o r</p><p>( D 3 6 7 5 x 3 0 8 0 ) E x i t D e v i c e x L e v e r – M o r t i s e s i n g</p><p>II. Verify the Fire Rating Requirements (w/o requirement for Bottom rod)</p><p>III. Verify aesthetic details (HPL, Finish Paint, etc.) </p><p>IV. Check “clear opening width” details</p><p>V. Coordinate access control requirements</p><p>VI. What details can be specified to give RITE DOOR an advantage (HPL, full armor plate, 5/8” projection, etc.)</p><p>VII. What other ASSA ABLOY products can be pulled through (Sargent, Norton, etc)</p><p>MISC COMMENTS:</p><p>Continuous hinge makes door less visible</p><p>Use of wall mounted closer</p><p>Improved aesthetics with concealed closer and continuous hinge</p><p>5 A Guide to Specifying Rite Door Integrated Door Assemblies 6/11/09</p><p>Astragal Not Required</p><p>Positive Pressure Listed</p><p>Listed for use with “Case Frame” with Applied Stops</p><p>Visual continuity in all openings</p><p>6 A Guide to Specifying Rite Door Integrated Door Assemblies 6/11/09</p><p>Next Follow This Procedure for Writing the 08 71 00 Integrated Opening Specification</p><p>When an opening is identified as requiring a RITE DOOR , assign a Hardware Set beginning at HS-101 in Section 08 71 00 (Door Hardware) . Subsequent openings with different hardware configurations can be identified with the next number in the sequence (vis HS-102, HS-103, etc.)</p><p>There are two reasons for using this technique. First, it “breaks-out” the RITE DOOR into a separate area; making it easy to locate this product later in the specifying process. </p><p>Second, the sets developed will actually be modified later on when Section 08 17 00 (Integrated Door Assemblies) is developed</p><p>Develop the Hardware Set in Section 08 71 00 (Door Hardware) as you would develop a non- Rite Door set, using the Rite Door model number as if it were just an ordinary exit device. </p><p> Specify the desired finish for the exit bar. Include a description of the door (including door number associated with the Hardware Set) </p><p> Complete the detailing of all items that are going to be shipped with the RITE DOOR. Items that are part of the opening, but are not to be shipped from the factory with the RITE DOOR, are listed generically and will be shown separately when broken out of the integrated door assembly.</p><p> An asterisk is added to the RITE DOOR model numbers; and a NOTE is added to the bottom of the set explaining the meaning of the asterisk </p><p>7 A Guide to Specifying Rite Door Integrated Door Assemblies 6/11/09</p><p>For example:</p><p>HS-101</p><p>Pair, 3’-0” x 7’-0”, Labeled, Hard Wired Alarm Exit Device, Electrified Fail Safe (Power-to- Lock) Outside Trim with cylinder override, 18 ga, HC core, 450º temp rise, prime coat door finish.</p><p>Refer to frame detail “XYZ”</p><p>Doors: 123, 145, 391</p><p>6 Hinges McK TA2314 (4-1/2 x 4-1/2) 630</p><p>2 Rite Door AR D3676AW * 630</p><p>2 Wire Transfer A/R 4612 630</p><p>2 Closers(pull) Sgt 1430 EN</p><p>1 Power Supply A/R PS-1 USP</p><p>1 Kickplate </p><p>1 Cylinder </p><p>NOTE: 1. * Refer to Heading -101 Section 08 17 00 for details. </p><p>2. Coordinate tie-in of “EL” exit device trim with Fire Alarm System. </p><p>3. OPERATION:</p><p>The “EL3081” trim is normally locked when power is applied. Power failure or a fire alarm will unlock the “EL3081" trim. </p><p>During normal business hours the door is locked from stair side, entry from stair side is by key. Unauthorized exit sounds local alarm.</p><p>8 A Guide to Specifying Rite Door Integrated Door Assemblies 6/11/09</p><p>After completing all the Hardware sets for Section 08 71 00 (Door Hardware), complete the text in PARTS I, II, and III for Section 08 17 00 (Integrated Door Assemblies). Copy the Hardware Sets with the “HS-100 series designations” into PART III of Section 08 17 00, and modify as shown in RED below. For example:</p><p>HS-101</p><p>Heading 101</p><p>Pair, 3’-0” x 7’-0”, Labeled, Hard Wired Alarm Exit Device, Electrified Fail Safe (Power-to- Lock) Outside Trim with cylinder override, 18 ga, HC core, 450º temp rise, prime coat door finish.</p><p>Refer to frame detail “XYZ”</p><p>Doors: 123, 145, 391</p><p>6 Hinges McK TA2314 (4-1/2 x 4-1/2) 630</p><p>2 Rite Door A/R D3676AW 630</p><p>2 Wire Transfer A/R 4612 630</p><p>2 Closers(pull) Sgt 1430 EN</p><p>1 Power Supply A/R PS-1 USP</p><p>1 Kickplate *</p><p>1 Cylinder *</p><p>NOTE: 1. * Refer to Heading-101 Section 08 17 00 for details. * Refer to HS-101 Section 08 71 00 for details</p><p>2. Coordinate tie-in of “EL” exit device trim with Fire Alarm System. </p><p>3. OPERATION:</p><p>The “EL3081” trim is normally locked when power is applied. Power failure or a fire alarm will unlock the “EL3081" trim. </p><p>9 A Guide to Specifying Rite Door Integrated Door Assemblies 6/11/09</p><p>During normal business hours the door is locked from stair side, entry from stair side is by key. Unauthorized exit sounds local alarm.</p><p>Return to the HS-100 series Sets in Section 08 71 00 (Door Hardware), and modify the original as shown below:</p><p>For example:</p><p>HS-101 Leave only those items from the hardware set that will not be shipped as part of the Rite Door assembly.</p><p>Pair, 3’-0” x 7’-0”, Labeled, Hard Wired Alarm Exit Device, Electrified Fail Safe (Power-to-Lock) Outside Trim with cylinder override, 18 ga, HC core, 450º temp rise, prime coat door finish.</p><p>Refer to frame detail “XYZ”</p><p>Doors: 123, 145, 391</p><p>6 Hinges McK TA2314 (4-1/2 x 4-1/2) 630 </p><p>2 Rite Door A/R D3676AW * 630</p><p>2 Wire Transfer A/R 4612 630</p><p>2 Closers(pull) Sgt 1430 EN</p><p>1 Power Supply A/R PS-1 USP</p><p>1 Kickplate * Rkwd 8” high bevel 3 sides 630</p><p>1 Cylinder * Sgt 626</p><p>10 A Guide to Specifying Rite Door Integrated Door Assemblies 6/11/09</p><p>NOTE: 1. * Refer to Heading -101 Section 08 17 00 for details balance of hardware.</p><p>2. Coordinate tie-in of “EL” exit device trim with Fire Alarm System. </p><p>3. OPERATION:</p><p>The “EL3081” trim is normally locked when power is applied. Power failure or a fire alarm will unlock the “EL3081" trim. </p><p>During normal business hours the door is locked from stair side, entry from stair side is by key. Unauthorized exit sounds local alarm.</p><p>The Following Pages are an actual Rite Door® Specification to be used as a guide</p><p>11 A Guide to Specifying Rite Door Integrated Door Assemblies 6/11/09</p><p>SECTION 08 17 00 – INTEGRATED DOOR OPENING ASSEMBLIES (Formerly Section 08150 in the old CSI format)</p><p>PART I – GENERAL</p><p>1.1 SUMMARY</p><p>A. SECTION INCLUDES</p><p>1. Work in this section includes providing integrated door opening systems including metal frame, integrated doors, and associated finish hardware, unless specified elsewhere. Smoke Seals shall be included in related work areas, unless specifically listed in this section.</p><p>B. RELATED DOCUMENTS</p><p>1. Related documents, drawings and general provisions of contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 specification sections apply to this section. </p><p>C. RELATED SECTIONS</p><p>1. 06 10 00 – Rough Carpentry 2. 06 20 00 – Finish Carpentry 3. 08 01 00 – Operations and Maintenance 4. 08 06 71 – Door Hardware Schedule 5. 08 71 00 – Door Hardware 6. 08 81 00 – Glass Glazing 7. 08 91 00 – Door Louvers 8. 09 90 00 – Painting</p><p>1.2 REFERENCES</p><p>A. STANDARDS</p><p>12 A Guide to Specifying Rite Door Integrated Door Assemblies 6/11/09</p><p>1. ANSI-A250.4 – Steel Doors and Frames Physical Endurance 2. ANSI A156.1 – Butts and Hinges 3. ANSI A156.2 – Bored Locks and Latches 4. ANSI A156.3 – Exit Devices 5. ANSI A156.4 – Door Controls – Door Closers 6. ANSI A156.5 – Auxiliary Locks and Associated Products 7. ANSI A156.6 – Architectural Door Trim 8. ANSI A156.7 – Template Hinge Dimensions 9. ANSI A156.8 – Door Controls – Overhead Holders 10. ANSI A156.15 – Closer Holder Release Devices 11. ANSI A156.16 – Auxiliary Hardware 12. ANSI A156.18 – Material and Finishes 13 ANSI A156.26 – Continuous Hinges 13. ANSI A156.32 – Integrated Door Opening Assemblies 14. ANSI/SDI-100 – Recommended Specifications for Standard Steel Doors an Frames 15. NFPA 80 – Fire Doors and Windows 16. SDI-105 – Recommended Erection Instructions for Steel Frames 17. SDI-107 – Hardware on Steel Doors (reinforcement application) 18. UL10C – Positive Pressure Fire Tests of Door Assemblies</p><p>B. CODES</p><p>1. NFPA 101 – Life Safety Code 2. IBC 2009 – International Building Code 3. ANSI A117.1 – Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities 4. ADA – Americans with Disabilities Act</p><p>1.3 SUBMITTALS</p><p>A. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS</p><p>1. Submit copies of schedule in accordance with Division 1, General Requirements. </p><p>B. PRODUCT DATA</p><p>1. Submit manufacturer's product data and standard details for integrated door opening assemblies.</p><p>13 A Guide to Specifying Rite Door Integrated Door Assemblies 6/11/09</p><p>C. SHOP DRAWINGS</p><p>1. Submit shop drawings with proposed integrated door opening assembly system, product and hardware options. Include anchors, hardware and other components not included in manufacturer's standard data for a complete and working installation.</p><p>D. OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS</p><p>1. Upon completion of construction and building turnover, furnish two (2) complete operation and maintenance manuals to the owner.</p><p>1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE</p><p>A. SUBSTITUTIONS</p><p>1. All substitution requests must be submitted before bidding and within the procedures and time frame as outlined in Division 1, General Requirements. Those manufacturers whose products are deemed acceptable for this project are listed and approved in this section. Deviations are not permitted unless required for the purpose of providing proper operational function due to special circumstances. These will be approved in advance by the architect.</p><p>1.5 WARRANTY</p><p>A. All items except as noted below shall be warranted to be free of defect in material or workmanship under normal use for a period of five years. Exception: Doors finished in High Pressure Laminate will be warranted for a period of 2 years. The manufacturer, at its sole option, will repair or replace the product or parts thereof found to be defective in material or workmanship per the details contained in the warranty certificate.</p><p>1. Continuous Hinges: Ten (10) years 2. Door closers: Ten (10) years</p><p>14 A Guide to Specifying Rite Door Integrated Door Assemblies 6/11/09</p><p>PART II – PRODUCTS</p><p>2.1 MANUFACTURERS</p><p>A. Only manufacturers as listed below shall be accepted. Obtain all products from a single manufacturer.</p><p>1. Specified Manufacturer: Adams Rite - RITE Door 2. Approved Substitutes: NONE</p><p>2.2 EQUIPMENT</p><p>A. MATERIALS</p><p>1. DOOR AND FRAME REQUIREMENTS</p><p> a. Doors shall be 1-3/4” thick, with no seams or spot welds on door face and be of manufacturer’s standard construction: Door face skins to be minimum 18 gauge cold rolled steel; door core construction shall be honeycomb. All doors shall be constructed with a U-Shaped, 16 gauge steel reinforcement channel, top and bottom, for the installation of door hardware accessories and shall be supplied with an 18 gauge top cap.</p><p> b. Frames shall be 16 gauge ASTM A366, cold roll steel and shall comply to ANSI/SDI 100 Level A – Grade III and / or HMMA/NAAMM – 850-99. Frames shall be furnished with mitered corners, continuously welded, ground smooth on frame face. Prepare frames with proper 14 gauge reinforcements for applied hardware and provide suitable adjustable type anchors, minimum 4 per jamb.</p><p>15 A Guide to Specifying Rite Door Integrated Door Assemblies 6/11/09</p><p>2. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS</p><p> a. Provide a complete integrated door opening assembly including the installation and adjustment of the latching mechanism within the door construction. </p><p> b. Exit devices shall be clean and unobtrusive in design with a minimal bar height of 2- 7/16”. The push bar of exit devices shall not exceed a projection of 5/8” and shall be made of heavy duty aluminum extrusion, available in anodized and true architectural finishes using a metal cladding; end caps shall be metal.</p><p> c. Push and pull devices shall be clean and unobtrusive in design with a maximum projection of 1/4” on pull side and 5/8” on the push side. </p><p> d. Lever handles shall be clean and unobtrusive in design with a maximum projection of 3- 1/2” and shall match design of other hardware furnished on project.</p><p>3. HARDWARE OPTIONS</p><p> a. Provide hardware sets to indicate hardware options for each integrated opening assembly.</p><p>1) Hinges: Continuous (geared or pinned), Butt Hinges, Offset/Intermediate Pivots. 2) Latching Hardware: Exit Devices, Lever Hardware, Push/Pull 3) Door Closers: Surface Closer, Pocket Closer 4) Accessory Items: Magnetic Holders, Protection Plates, Edge Guards, Astragals, Smoke Seal</p><p>2.3 FINISH REQUIREMENTS</p><p>A. The designations used in schedules and elsewhere to indicate hardware finishes are those listed in ANSI/BHMA A156.18 or traditional U.S. finishes shown by certain manufacturers for their products.</p><p>B. Provide quality of finish, including thickness of plating or coating (if any), composition, hardness, and other qualities complying with manufacturer's standards, but in no case less than specified by referenced standards for the applicable units of hardware.</p><p>16 A Guide to Specifying Rite Door Integrated Door Assemblies 6/11/09</p><p>C. FINISHES</p><p>1. Door Faces: Primed 2. Frames: Primed 3. Hardware: As specified in headings.</p><p>PART III – EXECUTION</p><p>3.1 EXAMINATION</p><p>A. Contractor is responsible for notification of any wall conditions or building structure that would prevent proper execution of the installation of products produced in accordance with approved hardware schedule.</p><p>B. Note short or damaged deliveries on the bill of lading at the time of delivery.</p><p>C. The fire label is a manufacturer’s certification only. Proper installation of products and proper wall construction are requirements to meet fire label.</p><p>D. Verify that power supplies, as required, are available to power electrically operated devices.</p><p>E. Beginning of installation means acceptance of existing conditions.</p><p>3.2 INSTALLATION</p><p>A. Mount furnished hardware accessories at heights indicated in “Recommended Locations or Builder’s Hardware” for Standard Doors and Frames, Custom Steel Doors and Frames, established by the Door and Hardware Institute (DHI), except if otherwise indicated or to comply with requirements of governing regulations, or if otherwise directed by the architect.</p><p>B. Install furnished hardware accessories in compliance with the manufacturer’s instructions, templates and recommendations. Comply with specified degree of opening for doors with automatic operators, overhead door closers, etc. Securely fasten all furnished parts. Make sure</p><p>17 A Guide to Specifying Rite Door Integrated Door Assemblies 6/11/09</p><p> all operating parts move freely and smoothly without binding, sticking and void of any excessive clearance.</p><p>C. Coordinate installation and interface wiring with fire alarm and smoke detection systems.</p><p>D. Remove or protect furnished hardware accessories, prior to any painting or finishing that is to be completed after the installation of the hardware accessories.</p><p>3.3 ADJUSTMENT AND CLEANING</p><p>A. Adjust and check door assembly and each operating item of hardware to ensure correct operation and function. Units which cannot be adjusted to operate as intended for the application made shall be replaced.</p><p>B. Wherever hardware installation is made more than a month prior to building acceptance or occupancy of a space or area, the installer shall return to the work during the week prior to acceptance or occupancy and make final check and adjustment of all hardware items. Hardware Accessories shall be cleaned as necessary to restore correct operation, function, and finish. Do not use cleaners that will harm finish.</p><p>3.4 PROTECTION</p><p>A. Whenever furnished hardware accessories are located in areas where it may be subject to damage during construction by handling, cleaning, etc., (e.g. painting, cleaning of bricks) it shall be protected and/or removed from its location until the hazardous condition is terminated.</p><p>3.5 HARDWARE SCHEDULE</p><p>A. The following schedule is furnished for whatever assistance it may afford the Contractor; do not consider it as entirely inclusive. Should any particular door or item be omitted in any scheduled hardware heading, provide door or item with hardware same as required for similar purposes. Hardware supplier is responsible for handing and sizing all products as listed in the hardware heading. Quantities listed are for each pair of doors, or for each single door.</p><p>Refer to section 08 06 71 (Door Hardware Schedule) for hardware headings.</p><p>18 A Guide to Specifying Rite Door Integrated Door Assemblies 6/11/09</p><p>Manufacturer’s Abbreviations:</p><p>AR – Adams Rite</p><p>CR – Corbin Russwin</p><p>HS – HES</p><p>IV – Ives</p><p>Ma - Markar</p><p>MC – McKinney</p><p>NO – Norton</p><p>PE - PEMKO</p><p>RD – Rite Door</p><p>RO – Rockwood</p><p>RX – Rixson</p><p>SA – Sargent</p><p>SN – Securitron</p><p>YA – Yale</p><p>19 A Guide to Specifying Rite Door Integrated Door Assemblies 6/11/09</p><p>Heading 1.0</p><p>Unequal Pair, 3’-0”/2’-0” x 7’-0”, Lever x Lever, Labeled, 18 ga HC core, 450º temp rise, prime coat door finish, Classroom function. </p><p>Refer to frame detail “XX”</p><p>Doors: 329, 410</p><p>2 Continuous Hinges MA FM-300 630</p><p>2 Rite Door A/R D3644 x LNB 626</p><p>2 Closer Sgt 1430 EN</p><p>1 Kickplate *</p><p>2 Wall Stop *</p><p>NOTE: * Refer to HS-6 Section 08 71 00 for details. </p><p>20 A Guide to Specifying Rite Door Integrated Door Assemblies 6/11/09</p><p>21 A Guide to Specifying Rite Door Integrated Door Assemblies 6/11/09</p><p>Heading 2.0</p><p>Single, 3’-0” x 7’-0”, Labeled, Mortise Exit Device, Electrified Fail Safe (Power-to-Lock) Outside Trim with cylinder override, 18 ga, HC core, 450º temp rise, prime coat door finish.</p><p>Refer to frame detail “YY”</p><p>Doors: 394, 517, 596A, 596B</p><p>3 Hinges McK TA2314 (4-1/2 x 4-1/2) 630</p><p>1 Rite Door A/R D3375 630</p><p>1 Lever Trim A/R 3081E-33-55 626</p><p>1 Closer Sgt 1430 EN</p><p>1 Wire Transfer A/R 4612 630</p><p>1 Power Supply A/R PS-1 USP</p><p>1 Wall Stop *</p><p>1 Cylinder *</p><p>NOTE: 1. * Refer to HS-7 Section 08 71 00 08 71 00 for details. </p><p>2. Coordinate tie-in of “EL” exit device trim,with Fire Alarm System. </p><p>3. OPERATION:</p><p>The “3081E” trim is normally locked when power is applied. Power failure or a fire alarm will unlock the “EL3081" trim. </p><p>22 A Guide to Specifying Rite Door Integrated Door Assemblies 6/11/09</p><p>During normal business hours the door is locked, entry from the stair side is by key.</p><p>Openings 596 A and B in plans</p><p>23 A Guide to Specifying Rite Door Integrated Door Assemblies 6/11/09</p><p>Heading 3.0</p><p>Single, 4’-0” x 7’-0”, Labeled, Mortise Exit Device, Outside Trim with cylinder, 18 ga, HC core, 450º temp rise, prime coat door finish.</p><p>Refer to frame detail “ZZ”</p><p>Doors: 391B</p><p>3 Hinges McK TA2314 (4-1/2 x 4-1/2) 630</p><p>1 Rite Door A/R D3375 630</p><p>1 Lever Trim A/R 3081 626</p><p>1 Closer Sgt 1430 EN</p><p>1 Wire Transfer A/R 4612 630</p><p>1 Magnet *</p><p>1 Cylinder *</p><p>NOTE: 1. * Refer to HS-13 Section 08 71 00 for 08 71 00 for details. </p><p>24 A Guide to Specifying Rite Door Integrated Door Assemblies 6/11/09</p><p>25 A Guide to Specifying Rite Door Integrated Door Assemblies 6/11/09</p><p>Heading 4.0</p><p>Pair, 3’-0” x 7’-0”, Labeled, Hard Wired Alarm Exit Device, Electrified Fail Safe (Power-to-Lock) Outside Trim with cylinder override, 18 ga, HC core, 450º temp rise, prime coat door finish.</p><p>Refer to frame detail “XYZ”</p><p>Doors: 391A</p><p>6 Hinges McK TA2314 (4-1/2 x 4-1/2) 630</p><p>2 Rite Door A/R D3676AW 630</p><p>2 Wire Transfer A/R 4612 630</p><p>2 Closers(pull) Sgt 1430 EN</p><p>1 Power Supply A/R PS-1 USP</p><p>1 Kickplate *</p><p>1 Cylinder *</p><p>NOTE: 1. * Refer to HS-4 Section 08 17 00 for details of Heading 4.0</p><p>2. Coordinate tie-in of “EL” exit device trim with Fire Alarm System. </p><p>3. OPERATION:</p><p>The “EL3081” trim is normally locked when power is applied. Power failure or a fire alarm will unlock the “EL3081" trim. </p><p>During normal business hours the door is locked from stair side, entry from stair side is by key. Unauthorized exit sounds local alarm.</p><p>26 A Guide to Specifying Rite Door Integrated Door Assemblies 6/11/09</p><p>27 A Guide to Specifying Rite Door Integrated Door Assemblies 6/11/09</p><p>Heading 5.0</p><p>Pair, 3’-0” x 7’-0”, Labeled, Magnetic Hold-Open, Swing Clear Continuous Hinges, Lever Trim Outside, 18 ga, HC core, 450º temp rise, prime coat door finish.</p><p>Refer to frame detail “XYZ”</p><p>Doors: L1-14, L1-56</p><p>2 Cont Hinges MA HG311 (swing clear) 630</p><p>2 Rite Door A/R D3676 630</p><p>2 Lever Trim A/R D3081 626</p><p>2 Closers(pull) A/R D-DC-689 689</p><p>2 Wall Magnet RX 998 x 120 vac SA</p><p>1 set Smoke Seals A/R DS88D30 x DS77D10 BLACK</p><p>2 Kickplate* RO 10” high 630</p><p>2 Cylinder *</p><p>NOTE: 1. * Refer to HS 5.0 Section 08 17 00 for details. </p><p>2. Coordinate tie-in of wall magnet, and key switch with Fire Alarm System.</p><p>28 A Guide to Specifying Rite Door Integrated Door Assemblies 6/11/09</p><p>29 A Guide to Specifying Rite Door Integrated Door Assemblies 6/11/09</p><p>Heading 6.0</p><p>Pair, 3’-0” x 7’-0”, Labeled, Magnetic Hold-Open (300 #), Pocket Pivots, Lever Trim Outside, 18 ga, HC core, 450º temp rise, prime coat door finish.</p><p>Refer to frame detail “XYZ”</p><p>Doors: GF-23, GF-24, GF-25</p><p>6 Pocket Hinges McK PH-4 626</p><p>2 Rite Door A/R D3676 * 630</p><p>2 Lever Trim A/R 3080 626</p><p>2 Closers(pull) A/R D8907PKT90 689</p><p>2 Wall Magnet A/R D-MDH-113 (300# hold) SA</p><p>1 set Smoke Seals A/R DS88D30 x DS77D10 BLACK</p><p>2 Kickplate A/R 10” high 630</p><p>1 Key switch * SN MK Momentary SPDT 630</p><p>3 Cylinder* </p><p>1 Wiring Diagram*</p><p>NOTE: 1. * Refer to HS-133 Section 08 71 00 for details</p><p>2. Coordinate tie-in of wall magnet, and key switch with Fire Alarm System. </p><p>3. OPERATION:</p><p>During normal hours the door are held open magnetically. When exhibit is closed, doors are released and locked. Emergency Exit via panic hardware. Momentary Switch releases hold open magnet.</p><p>30 A Guide to Specifying Rite Door Integrated Door Assemblies 6/11/09</p><p>Openings GF-23, 24, 25 in plans</p><p>31</p>
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