REMINDER: the General Public Is Requested to Sign the Register at the Press Table to Address

REMINDER: the General Public Is Requested to Sign the Register at the Press Table to Address

<p> CONNELLSVILLE AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL BOARD MEETING – MAY 26, 2016</p><p>Minutes of the special meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Connellsville Area School District held in the Connellsville Area Senior High School, 201 Falcon Drive, Connellsville, Pennsylvania, on Thursday, May 26, 2016, at 7:00 PM.</p><p>An executive session was held prior to the meeting to discuss personnel issues.</p><p>CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by the President, Jay Fox at 7:30 p.m.</p><p>ROLL CALL Bryan Kisiel Paul Harshman Dr. Paul Means Jay Fox James Duncan Francis Mongell Daniel Martucci Gary Wandel</p><p>Kevin Lape was absent.</p><p>Others present included Superintendent Martell, District Administrators Basinger, Evans, Marko, Parlak, Stern, Ghost, Solomon, Boggs, Kirsch and Hampe, Building Administrator Jaynes and Michael, Solicitor Stern, one reporter and approximately thirty concerned citizens. 1. PUBLIC COMMENT FOR AGENDA ITEMS None</p><p>ATHLETICS</p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Martucci and seconded by Mr. Wandel to approve the 2016-2017 winter athletic supplemental contracts, contingent upon receipt of a “signed” contract no later than one month after issuance, including the posting if the contingency is not met, as proposed. The following voted in favor: Means, Wandel and Fox. The following voted against: Harshman, Kisiel, Martucci and Mongell. Motion The following abstained: Duncan. Motion Failed: 4-3-1</p><p>BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS</p><p>Motion was made by Dr. Means and seconded by Mr. Kisiel to approve the following addition to the substitute custodian list for the 2015-2016 school year: Daniel King The following voted in favor: Duncan, Harshman, Kisiel, Martucci, Means, Mongell, Wandel and Fox. </p><p>CURRICULUM</p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Wandel and seconded by Dr. Means to participate in the Summer Correspondence School Program, through the Intermediate Unit One, at an approximate cost of $2,000, as proposed. The following voted in favor: Duncan, Harshman, Kisiel, Martucci, Means, Mongell, Wandel and Fox. </p><p>CONNELLSVILLE AREA CAREER & TECHNICAL CENTER </p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Harshman and seconded by Mr. Mongell to accept the supplemental equipment grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Career and Technical Education in the amount of $25,225.80 based upon the program application and its guidelines. The following voted in favor: Duncan, Harshman, Kisiel, Martucci, Means, Mongell, Wandel and Fox. </p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Harshman and seconded by Mr. Martucci to adopt a proposed final budget for the Connellsville Area Career and Technical Center for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2016 and ending June 30, 2017 to include expenditures $4,043,272 and instruct the Board Secretary to give legal notice to the local newspaper that the proposed final budget is available for public inspection to all interested persons at the School District Administrative Office. The following voted in favor: Duncan, Harshman, Kisiel, Martucci, Means, Mongell, Wandel and Fox. </p><p>Page 1 of 20 CONNELLSVILLE AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL BOARD MEETING – MAY 26, 2016 FINANCE </p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Kisiel and seconded by Mr. Mongell to approve the Tax Collection Agreement between the City of Connellsville and the Connellsville Area School District, as proposed, pending solicitor review and approval. The following voted in favor: Duncan, Harshman, Kisiel, Martucci, Means, Mongell, Wandel and Fox. </p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Kisiel and seconded by Mr. Harshman to approve the Settlement Agreement and Release made May 19, 2016 by and between Cintas Corporation and the Connellsville Area School District, as proposed. The following voted in favor: Duncan, Harshman, Kisiel, Martucci, Means, Mongell, Wandel and Fox. </p><p>Page 2 of 20 CONNELLSVILLE AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL BOARD MEETING – MAY 26, 2016</p><p>Page 3 of 20 CONNELLSVILLE AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL BOARD MEETING – MAY 26, 2016</p><p>Page 4 of 20 CONNELLSVILLE AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL BOARD MEETING – MAY 26, 2016</p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Kisiel and seconded by Mr. Harshman to adopt a proposed final budget for the Connellsville Area School District for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2016 and ending June 30, 2017 to include expenditures of $71,706,419 and instruct the Board Secretary to give legal notice to the local newspaper that the proposed final budget is available for public inspection to all interested persons at the School District Administrative Office. The following voted in favor: Duncan, Harshman, Kisiel, Martucci, Means, Mongell, Wandel and Fox. </p><p>PERSONNEL AND REVIEW </p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Martucci and seconded by Mr. Mongell to approve Kristen Pavlovich as a long- term substitute effective January 4, 2016. The following voted in favor: Duncan, Harshman, Kisiel, Martucci, Means, Mongell, Wandel and Fox. </p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Martucci and seconded by Mr. Mongell to recall the following employees as full – time effective the 2016-2017 school year: Frank Dean, Leslie Bartosh, Heather Snyder The following voted in favor: Duncan, Harshman, Kisiel, Martucci, Means, Mongell, Wandel and Fox. </p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Martucci and seconded by Mr. Harshman to approve the following supplemental contract for the 2016-2017 school year, contingent upon receipt of a “signed” contract no later than one month after issuance, including the posting if the contingency is not met, with salaries to be determined: Senior High Marching Band Director, Jonathan Eutsey Senior High Winterguard, Kelli Winwood Senior High Flags & Rifle Instructor, Kelli Winwood The following voted in favor: Duncan, Harshman, Kisiel, Martucci, Means, Mongell, Wandel and Fox. </p><p>Page 5 of 20 CONNELLSVILLE AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL BOARD MEETING – MAY 26, 2016 Motion was made by Mr. Martucci and seconded by Mr. Mongell to amend the Act 93 Administrative Agreement, as proposed. The following voted in favor: Harshman, Kisiel, Martucci, Means, Mongell, Wandel and Fox. The following abstained: Duncan. Motion Carried 7-0-1</p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Martucci and seconded by Mr. Wandel to appoint Bruce Jaynes as Elementary Principal effective July 1, 2016 at an annual salary of $99,877.00 in accordance with the Connellsville Area Administrators Fringe Benefits and Compensation Agreement. The following voted in favor: Duncan, Harshman, Kisiel, Martucci, Means, Mongell, Wandel and Fox. </p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Martucci and seconded by Mr. Harshman to appoint Jennifer Sanzone as Connellsville Area Career and Technical Center Assistant Principal effective July 1, 2016 at an annual salary of $ 77,652 (94% of $82,609) in accordance with the Connellsville Area Administrators Fringe Benefits and Compensation Agreement. The following voted in favor: Duncan, Harshman, Kisiel, Martucci, Means, Mongell, Wandel and Fox. </p><p>Page 6 of 20 CONNELLSVILLE AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL BOARD MEETING – MAY 26, 2016 Motion was made by Mr. Martucci and seconded by Mr. Wandel to appoint Stephanie Romanishan as Middle School Assistant Principal effective July 1, 2016 at an annual salary of $ 77,652 (94% of $82,609) in accordance with the Connellsville Area Administrators Fringe Benefits and Compensation Agreement. The following voted in favor: Duncan, Harshman, Kisiel, Martucci, Means, Mongell, Wandel and Fox. </p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Martucci and seconded by Mr. Wandel to appoint Danny Boggs as Co-Director of Buildings and Grounds effective April 1, 2016 at an annual salary of $49,470 in accordance with the Connellsville Area Administrators Fringe Benefits and Compensation Agreement. The following voted in favor: Duncan, Harshman, Kisiel, Martucci, Means, Wandel and Fox. The following voted against: Mongell. Motion Carried 7-1</p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Martucci and seconded by Mr. Harshman to appoint Scott Kirsch as Co-Director of Buildings and Grounds effective April 1, 2016 at an annual salary of $49,470 in accordance with the Connellsville Area Administrators Fringe Benefits and Compensation Agreement. The following voted in favor: Duncan, Harshman, Kisiel, Martucci, Means, Wandel and Fox. The following voted against: Mongell. Motion Carried 7-1</p><p>SPECIAL EDUCATION </p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Duncan and seconded by Mr. Mongell to approve the agreement between Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic of UPMC and the Connellsville Area School District March 1, 2016 thru February 28, 2017 at a cost of $70 per day, per student, as proposed, pending solicitor review and approval. The following voted in favor: Duncan, Harshman, Kisiel, Martucci, Means, Mongell, Wandel and Fox. </p><p>Page 7 of 20 CONNELLSVILLE AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL BOARD MEETING – MAY 26, 2016</p><p>Page 8 of 20 CONNELLSVILLE AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL BOARD MEETING – MAY 26, 2016</p><p>Page 9 of 20 CONNELLSVILLE AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL BOARD MEETING – MAY 26, 2016</p><p>Page 10 of 20 CONNELLSVILLE AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL BOARD MEETING – MAY 26, 2016</p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Duncan and seconded by Mr. Mongell to approve the agreement between Adelphoi Education Inc. and the Connellsville Area School District for alternative education services for the 2016-2017 school year, as proposed, pending solicitor review and approval. The following voted in favor: Duncan, Harshman, Kisiel, Martucci, Means, Mongell, Wandel and Fox. </p><p>Page 11 of 20 CONNELLSVILLE AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL BOARD MEETING – MAY 26, 2016</p><p>Page 12 of 20 CONNELLSVILLE AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL BOARD MEETING – MAY 26, 2016</p><p>Page 13 of 20 CONNELLSVILLE AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL BOARD MEETING – MAY 26, 2016</p><p>Page 14 of 20 CONNELLSVILLE AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL BOARD MEETING – MAY 26, 2016</p><p>Page 15 of 20 CONNELLSVILLE AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL BOARD MEETING – MAY 26, 2016</p><p>Page 16 of 20 CONNELLSVILLE AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL BOARD MEETING – MAY 26, 2016</p><p>Page 17 of 20 CONNELLSVILLE AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL BOARD MEETING – MAY 26, 2016</p><p>Page 18 of 20 CONNELLSVILLE AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL BOARD MEETING – MAY 26, 2016</p><p>STUDENT SERVICES </p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Wandel and seconded by Mr. Harshman to amend the 2016-2017 school calendar as follows: Move Act 80 Day from 6/6/17 to 8/23/16 making last day for teachers on 6/5/17 August 22 Monday 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Year Teachers August 23 Tuesday Act 80 Day The following voted in favor: Duncan, Harshman, Kisiel, Martucci, Means, Mongell, Wandel and Fox. </p><p>TECHNOLOGY </p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Harshman and seconded by Mr. Kisiel to purchase the following items from Allegheny Educational Systems at PEPPM pricing for the Fab Lab at the Junior High to be paid for with funds from the Falcon Foundation: Roland Printer/Cutter $10,474.90 Epilog Zing Laser Engraver $16,381.36 Mojo 3D Printer 2-Year Pack $8,277.98 The following voted in favor: Duncan, Harshman, Kisiel, Martucci, Means, Mongell, Wandel and Fox. </p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Harshman and seconded by Mr. Kisiel to approve the purchase and installation of networking equipment from OA Systems at a cost of $144,255.80, as proposed. The following voted in favor: Duncan, Harshman, Kisiel, Martucci, Means, Mongell, Wandel and Fox. </p><p>Page 19 of 20 CONNELLSVILLE AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL BOARD MEETING – MAY 26, 2016 PUBLIC COMMENT FOR NON-AGENDA ITEMS None</p><p>PRESIDENT’S REPORT</p><p>INFORMATION ITEMS PER BOARD POLICY, CONTRACT, STATURE, ETC.</p><p>A. John May, custodian, will be retiring effective June 30, 2016 and the Board Secretary will send him a letter of appreciation for his years of service.</p><p>B. Robin Martin, teacher, will be retiring effective June 7, 2016 and the Board Secretary will send her a letter of appreciation for her years of service.</p><p>C. Rebekah Hann, teacher, will be retiring effective June 7, 2016 and the Board Secretary will send her a letter of appreciation for her years of service.</p><p>D. Lourie Stewart, Librarian, will be retiring effective June 7, 2016 and the Board Secretary will send her a letter of appreciation for her years of service.</p><p>E. Deborah Piper, Librarian, will be retiring effective June 11, 2016 and the Board Secretary will send her a letter of appreciation for her years of service.</p><p>F. Ruth Ann Goretsky, monitor/aide, will be retiring effective June 3, 2016 and the Board Secretary will send her a letter of appreciation for her years of service.</p><p>G. Cortny Kennick, Flags & Rifle Instructor, Winterguard Coordinator, resigned effective immediately and the position will be posted. </p><p>H. Tim Martin, Senior High Marching Band Director, resigned effective immediately and the position will be posted.</p><p>I. Lori Rosensteel, teacher, will be taking an intermittent Family and Medical Leave Act absence effective May 16 thru June 10, 2016.</p><p>J. The following Buildings and Grounds uses are scheduled, subject to each individual/group providing the district with a certificate of insurance as appropriate, in accordance with the district Utilization of School District Facilities Policy:</p><p>1. Engineering Design & Development used the Senior High School room 121 for a presentation, Wednesday, May 18, 2016, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. 2. Student Travel Group used the Senior High School room 121 for a meeting with parents, Wednesday, May 25, 2016, 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. 3. Cafeteria Employees used the Junior High School cafeteria for a union meeting, Monday, May 23, 2016, 2:30 p.m. </p><p>ADJOURN</p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Harshman and seconded by Mr. Wandel to adjourn. With all those in favor the meeting was adjourned at 7:49 p.m. </p><p>Vicki D. McWilliams Board Secretary</p><p>Page 20 of 20</p>

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