<p>GLOVER PUBLIC SCHOOL</p><p>STUDENT HANDBOOK 2016 – 2017</p><p>1 BOARD OF EDUCATION</p><p>Jamie Stewart, President Tony Cunningham, Vice-President Robert Whitfield, Clerk</p><p>Meets 4th Monday of each month – 7:00 P.M. (Except when otherwise posted)</p><p>ADMINISTRATION</p><p>Tanya Stuart ------Superintendent Doris Richbourg------Superintendent Secretary/Treasurer</p><p>SCHOOL FACULTY</p><p>Bridgett Olson------Pre-K/Kindergarten Kasey Phillips------First/Second Grade Lucretia Hamrick------Third/Fourth Grade Daniel Ridenour------5th-8th Grade Social Studies/Reading Jaison Davis------5th – 8th Grade Math/Science Johnny Cochran------Physical Education/Coach Sharon Bean------Music/Lab/Teacher Assistant Martha Smalling------Office/Encumbrance Clerk Becky Donison------Library/Teacher Assistant Gail Stewart------Library Media Specialist Michelle Pratt------3 year old Program Freida Grantham------Cook Misty Roan------Cook/Custodian</p><p>2 A MESSAGE FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT</p><p>Each new school year brings anticipation, excitement, and, for some, anxiety of what the new school year may bring. As we begin the 2016 – 2017 school year, I believe that the students of Glover School are ready for new challenges and achievements. Faculty and staff members have been busy preparing classrooms and planning instruction for the new year. Together we will strive toward excellence in academics and extra-curricular activities while preparing our students for the future. We are committed to unfolding the potential of every child and we value your partnership in this mission. It is my privilege and honor to work with a faculty, students, parents, and community that believe in quality education. I would like to thank you for your support of our students, faculty, and administration. We look forward to your involvement in educating the students of Glover School. Together we can make a difference.</p><p>Sincerely, Tanya Stuart</p><p>This handbook is not intended to cover every situation that may occur. It is intended to provide a general understanding of the rules and a guide for student, staff, and parents. Due to extenuating circumstances, the Glover Administration reserves the right to take situations on an individual basis. </p><p>3 SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN</p><p>Mission Statement and Exit Outcomes:</p><p>The Mission of Glover School District is to establish, maintain, and continually improve the educational opportunities of its students, and to provide students with the necessary resources to have success. </p><p>Where We Are:</p><p>Academically – Glover School has consistently scored high on the state tests when compared to national, state, and local norms. Students are expected to maintain high academic standards, which correlate to the Oklahoma Academic Standards. </p><p>Student Discipline – The Board of Education has adopted a discipline management plan that allows for options, which take into account students needs and differences while maintaining an atmosphere conducive to order. </p><p>Personnel – Staff members have received all required training. All teachers are certified in the areas they teach as required. All classes are within the required teacher- pupil ratio, and all teachers are being given the appropriate salary raises. The elementary superintendent has the proper certification from the state, as have all other staff. All Board members are provided with opportunities to receive the required training. </p><p>Where We Want To Be:</p><p>Academically – We would like to see a (NCE) gain in every-grade and subject level each year through. Students in grade Pre-K - eighth will be given opportunities for computer- assisted learning for proficiency. All students will have access to computers and computer technology. Students will receive weekly computer lab time, where reading and math will be emphasized. All Staff will implement the Oklahoma Academic Standards (OAS), insuring that students are progressing at an appropriate pace and mastery level. The library media center will continue to encourage reading by participating in the Sequoyah Reading Program. 4 All appropriate standards and all requirements will be in place at the appropriate time.</p><p>Personnel – We will continue to insure that all staff is certified in the appropriate area. Staff development will insure that employees will be continually updated on the latest developments. Student Discipline – The staff will take into account student needs and differences while maintaining a safe and orderly atmosphere. </p><p>How Do We Get There?</p><p>- Expand Staff Development to include appropriate areas of need. </p><p>- Upgrade computer system with hardware and software as needed.</p><p>- Add instructional materials as needed. </p><p>- Parent involvement in school will continue to be encouraged.</p><p>- We will continue to evaluate and adjust our curriculum to meet the needs of our students.</p><p>Monitor/Assessment Process:</p><p>Each curriculum area will be assessed and monitored annually. In- depth reviews in one core curriculum area will be conducted. Grading policies and student behavior will be reviewed annually to assess effectiveness. Test scores will be monitored yearly to ensure mastery of objectives. </p><p>IMMUNIZATIONS</p><p>Oklahoma State Law prohibits any public school from enrolling a minor child unless such child can present proof that such child has received or is in the process of receiving immunizations against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, measles, (rubella), poliomyelitis, Hep A, Hep B, and Varicella. </p><p>5 HEAD LICE</p><p>It is not uncommon for public schools to experience problems with head lice. It is no disgrace to be exposed or catch them. In order to protect students and prohibit the spread of head lice, Glover School has adopted a very strict policy. </p><p>All students will be checked on a regular basis by personnel approved by the School Board. These people are licensed nurses and are volunteers without pay. Students found to have lice or nits will be sent home and NOT ALLOWED TO RETURN UNTIL CLEARED BY THE APPROPRIATE PERSONNEL.</p><p>ADMINISTERING MEDICATION TO STUDENTS</p><p>No medication of any type will be administered to students at school until a “Parental Authorization to Administer Medicine” form has been completed and returned to school. During the school year students sometimes become ill and will need to take medicine. If your child is to take medication during the school day, please let their teacher, or the office staff know by calling and sending a note. </p><p>School personnel will administer all medications. All medications will be stored in the office in a secured cabinet. </p><p>*If your child requires an inhaler or medications that must be administered quickly please inform school administration. Students on inhalers may be allowed to keep this type of medication in their possession.</p><p>PUPIL PERSONNEL</p><p>STUDENT ATTENDANCE</p><p>The Board of Education believes that in order for students to realize their fullest potential from educational efforts, they should attend all classes possible. Realizing that some absences may be beyond a student’s control, the board has adopted a policy requiring students to be in attendance a minimum of 90% each semester to receive credit for any course in which the student is enrolled. Exception to this requirement will be considered by the board on an individual, case by case basis. Any student failing to attend 90% of the time will be required to obtain the proper forms and applications from the school’s superintendent no later than 5 working days after the end of the semester. The superintendent will present the </p><p>6 application to the board of education at the next school board meeting. The Board of Educations decision will be final. The Board of Education will only consider an absence for the following reasons: Illness or death, tragedy, other extraordinary events, which were out of the control of the student. The Board of Education wishes to inform the parents and students of the fact that average daily attendance is a factor used in comprising school financial assistance. NO SINGLE FACTOR DOES MORE TO AID A STUDENT’S SUCCESSFUL PROGRESS IN SCHOOL THAN REGULAR ATTENDANCE. Students are responsible for requesting make-up assignments when they return to school. A student shall have one (1) school day for each day absent to make up the work missed, unless granted additional time by the teacher or principal. For unexcused tardies students shall be sent to the principal’s office. Unexcused tardies or absences may result in disciplinary action. Teachers shall keep up with and report all student absences and tardies daily. three (3) tardies shall constitute one (1) absence. In order to receive perfect attendance a student must be present every day school is in session and must not miss more than ½ of a day for the school year. Keep in mind three (3) tardies will be counted as an absence. Students may not miss any portion of any school day in order to receive a recognition plaque for perfect attendance. Students who miss a portion of a day will receive a certificate of recognition. Students must be in attendance at school for at least ½ of the school day in order to participate in any extra-curricular activities unless approved by the superintendent. </p><p>*Students may not drive to school unless they have a valid D.L.</p><p>LEAVING THE SCHOOL GROUNDS</p><p>No student shall be permitted to leave the school grounds without permission of the superintendent. If it is necessary to pick up your child during the school day, please come to the office to sign your child out of school.</p><p>BIRTH CERTIFICATE</p><p>Birth Certificates and shot records shall be required of all students entering Glover School for the first time. This certificate must be presented before the child can attend school. A child must be 5 years old on or before September 1st to be eligible for Kindergarten and 6 years old on or before September 1st to be eligible for First Grade. Students must turn 4 years old on or before </p><p>7 September 1st to be eligible for Pre-K and 3 years old on or before September 1st to be eligible for our three year old program.</p><p>VISITORS</p><p>All visitors to Glover Schools must check in with the Superintendent’s Office. Student visitors are not allowed at school unless they have specific school business, are accompanied by a parent or guardian, and have checked in with the Superintendent’s Office. We ask your cooperation in order to prevent disruption of regular classroom schedules.</p><p>STUDENT RETENTION</p><p>In accordance with the policy of the Board of Education, the following criteria for the selection of students to be retained in their current grade will be used in this school district. Students shall be promoted or receive credit for a course of study if a grade average of 60% has been achieved for an entire course of study as determined by the teacher. Students in grades one through eight must achieve a grade average of 60% or higher in at least three major courses of study to be promoted to the next grade. The major courses of study are Math, Language Arts, Science, Reading, and Social Studies. If a student is recommended for retention in the present grade level by the student’s teacher, such student may not be promoted unless the student’s parent signs a written request for promotion. Glover School will inform the parent or guardian at least one working week before the final day of school of their intention to retain the student. The parents or guardians must notify the superintendent of schools by the last of school of their intentions. A copy of such request will be included in the permanent record of the student. Students in Special Education are excluded from this policy and will be advanced or retained in accordance with their Individual Educational Placement team.</p><p>HONOR STUDENT POLICY</p><p>When determining our 8th grade Honor Students (Valedictorian, Salutatorian, Historian), both semester grades from the 6th and 7th grade years plus the first semester grades of the 8th grade year in each subject are compiled and a grade point average is figured. Students earn 4.00 points for each A, 3.00 points for each B, 2.00 points for each C, 1.00 point for each D, and 0.00 points for each F 8 that is on their transcript during their 6th, 7th, and 8th grade years. From this the Honor Students are selected in the order of the highest GPA. In order to be considered as an Honor Student, students must have at least a 3.00 GPA, or “B” average for the five semesters mentioned. Students must maintain a 3.50 GPA or better to be considered as a Valedictorian. Students must maintain a 3.20 or better to be considered as a Salutatorian. </p><p>Adopted on 12-19-2011</p><p>POLICY ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATION DEVICES</p><p>Students are not allowed to have their cell phones, iPads, iPods, or any other devices on their person while they are at school unless approved by the administration. Devices are to be turned into the front office or the superintendent’s office, when students arrive at school. Students in violation of this rule will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include suspension from school, or any other action deemed appropriate by school administration. </p><p>Students are not allowed to bring CD players, tape players, radios, CD's, or tapes to school without the permission of the school superintendent.</p><p>RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR STUDENTS AT GLOVER ELEMENTARY</p><p>Teachers will go over these rules with their students at the beginning of the school year and occasionally remind them through the year. Please go over the rules with your child and reinforce our efforts in this area.</p><p>1. Do not run on the walks or to and from buses. 2. Do not leave school grounds under any circumstances without permission. 3. Skateboards and roller skates or heelies are not allowed at school. 4. Do not climb the fence to recover a ball – report the lost ball to the person on playground duty. 5. Stay out of the building at recess unless you have a note from a parent to stay in because of illness. 9 6. Do not play in the rest rooms. 7. Unless a student has WRITTEN PERMISSION to go elsewhere after school or to ride a different bus, the driver will let the student off at his/her designated place. 8. All students must observe bus rider rules, which will be handed out the first week of school. 9. If for some reason you miss your bus in the afternoon, come to the office. DON'T WALK HOME! 10. If you normally ride a school bus, you must not walk home without a note from your parents. 11. Chewing gum is not allowed at school or on the bus. 12. Weapons and Dangerous Instruments: A student shall not knowingly possess, handle, or transmit any object that can be considered a weapon. (see DANGEROUS WEAPONS explanation) 13. Narcotic drugs, stimulants, barbiturates and alcoholic beverages: A student shall not possess, handle or transmit any of the above items. 14. The bus driver has the authority to assign students to a particular seat to provide for safe transportation. 15. Any form of student dress that proves to be inappropriate is not allowed. (SEE DRESS CODE) 16. No food or drinks allowed in the classrooms unless approved by administration. 17. NO CELL PHONES AT SCHOOL! See policy on wireless communication involving cell phones. </p><p>NOTE: Each teacher may need to add other rules deemed necessary.</p><p>GLOVER PUBLIC SCHOOL STUDENT CONDUCT DRESS CODE (REGULATION)</p><p>In accordance with the policy of the Board of Education, the following regulation shall establish a dress and grooming code for the Glover Public School System. Generally, students should regard neatness and cleanliness in grooming and clothing as important. Dress, grooming, and clothing are important. Dress or grooming that is in any way disruptive to the operation of the school will not be permitted. Revealing or sexually provocative clothing or clothing of extreme style may not be worn. </p><p>10 Principals, in conjunction with sponsors, coaches, or other persons in charge of extracurricular activities, may regulate dress and grooming of students who participate in a particular activity. If the principal reasonably believes that the student's dress or grooming creates a hazard, or may prevent, interfere with, or adversely affect the purpose, direction, or effort required for the activity to achieve its goals, the principal may require the student to alter their attire or appearance. If a student's dress or grooming is objectionable under the above provisions, the principal shall request the student to make appropriate corrections. If the student declines, the principal shall notify the student's parents or legal guardian and request that person to make the necessary corrections. If the guardian refuses, the principal shall take appropriate disciplinary action. Student's who violate provisions of the dress code and who refuse to correct the violation may be disciplined by removal or exclusion from extracurricular activities. In extreme cases, students may be suspended until the violation is corrected.</p><p>The following are specifically prohibited:</p><p>1. T-shirts and other attire may not advertise or display alcohol, tobacco, drugs, heavy metal, or inappropriate language. Clothing which has any connotations of immorality, obscenity, nudity, or gang activity is not appropriate for school activities. Sagging trousers or the wearing of trousers in an inappropriately low manner is prohibited. Heavy chains or bandannas may not be worn or displayed at Glover School or at school sponsored activities. 2. Each student is required to wear a shirt or blouse that covers the back and midriff. (This means halter tops, mesh shirts, tank tops are unacceptable.) 3. Shorts are permitted as long as they are appropriate. Appropriate is seen as hanging below the students fingertips when their arms are hanging at their side. 4. Indoor wearing of hats or caps is prohibited for male and female. 5. Short dresses, mini-skirts, or other sexually provocative clothing is prohibited. 6. Any clothing, apparel, make-up, paint, jewelry, unusual colored hair and/or other items that are considered by the administration to be a distraction to the educational process are not allowed. </p><p>11 This policy pertains mainly to the 4th thru 8th grade students. However, students in the Kindergarten thru 3rd grades should wear clothing that is deemed as appropriate. </p><p>EMERGENCY MEDICAL STATEMENT</p><p>Glover School will obtain emergency life or limb threatening medical treatment for a student if parent/guardian cannot be contacted. </p><p>EIGHTH GRADE TRIP</p><p>Students in the eighth grade who earn the privilege are taken on an educational field trip each year toward the end of school. Please be aware that this is something that must be earned and students guilty of any of the following will not be allowed to go on the trip:</p><p>1. Excessive tardies and absence 2. Constant discipline problems 3. Failing grades 4. Inability to get along with others 5. Medical problems that may result in student’s inability to leave home.</p><p>LUNCH PROGRAM</p><p>The School Cafeteria serves a balanced lunch and breakfast, and we encourage all students to participate in these programs. All Glover students receive free meals. All students will report to the cafeteria during the breakfast and lunch periods. Those students who bring their lunch will eat it in the cafeteria.</p><p>SCHOOL HOURS</p><p>Students are requested not to report to school before 7:45 each morning. School starts at 8:00 A.M. ends at 3:55 P.M.</p><p>12 The buses will leave at 4:00 P.M. No supervision will be provided before 7:45 A.M. or after 4:15 P.M. Teachers who are on duty will be at school at 7:45 A.M. All other school personnel will be at school by 7:55 A.M. unless, cleared by the Superintendent.</p><p>GLOVER SCHOOL WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR STUDENTS WHO ARE CONTINUALLY NOT PICKED UP ON TIME.</p><p>ALCOHOL/DRUG POLICY</p><p>It is the absolute position of this school that use of illicit drugs/alcohol and/or unlawful possession of drugs/alcohol are wrong and harmful. Therefore, the following policies and procedures are in place for both students and staff:</p><p>A. Alcohol/drug abuse use and abuse education is provided to all students.</p><p>B. Disciplinary sanctions are in place to address unlawful possession, use, sale, distribution, or being under the influence of alcohol, illicit drugs, inhalants, or look-alike drugs in school buildings, on school property, at school sponsored events, and/or in school vehicles. These disciplinary sanctions also apply to drug abuse paraphernalia and/or chemicals to prepare, mix, cut, or alter drugs. </p><p>C. Information and procedures are also available on alcohol/drug abuse intervention/treatment. </p><p>D. Procedures are also in place on the use of drug detection animals and equipment in respect to search, and confiscation of alcohol, drugs, or other contraband. </p><p>E. Student offenders of this policy can expect suspension and may be required to obtain an assessment or verification of completion of a treatment at their expense. In the event of arrest, parents or guardians will be notified concurrent with legal actions. Following are the disciplinary sanctions:</p><p>1. First Offense: Students found in violation of this policy for the first time will be required as a minimum to produce documentation of a formal assessment as determined by this school. Additional actions may be taken as necessary depending upon this offense. Law enforcement officials may also be involved. Student offender will be suspended if not in good faith </p><p>13 compliance with all requirements of school officials. Cost of these services will be the responsibility of the student, parent(s), or legal guardian. </p><p>2. Second and Subsequent Offenses: Students guilty of a second or subsequent offense within a four year period of the first offense will be suspended and be required to provide documentation of enrollment in an alcohol/drug abuse counseling or treatment program. Law enforcement officials may also be involved. The Student Assistance Program Coordinator will maintain contact with the counseling or treatment program to check on the student's progress. Cost of these services will be the responsibility of the student, parent(s), or legal guardian.</p><p>F. Good faith cooperation with all alcohol/drug policy and procedures is required or students will be suspended or expelled. Students and parents also have the right to appeal disciplinary sanctions to the Board of Education.</p><p>G. The Quit Line is now currently offering cessation services and tools to Students who wish to quit tobacco along with adults. 1-800-QUIT-NOW</p><p>Oklahoma House Bill 1685 The use of tobacco products of ANY KIND shall be PROHIBITED 24 hours a day / 7 days a week in or on an educational facility, in school vehicles, or at any school-sponsored or school- sanctioned event or activity. Effective 8/20/2015</p><p>DANGEROUS WEAPONS</p><p>Possession of any type firearm on or around a school is forbidden by federal law. Any pupil found to be in possession of a dangerous weapon (knives, guns, explosives, etc.) may be suspended by the superintendent for the current school semester, the succeeding semester, and face federal weapons charges. </p><p>14 TORNADO DRILLS</p><p>One continuous long ring of the bell will be used to signal a tornado drill. Students will move to designated areas in an orderly fashion as directed by the teacher. A map to the safe room should be near the exit of each room.</p><p>FIRE DRILL</p><p>A fire drill will be initiated by the sound of the fire alarm: 1. Everyone should use the exit as posted in classroom. 2. Everyone should march in a row. No running will be allowed. 3. Teachers will call the roll or take a head count to account for all students.</p><p>Glover Notification of Rights under FERPA for Elementary and Secondary Institutions</p><p>The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students over 18 years of age ("eligible students") certain rights with respect to the student's education records. They are:</p><p>(1)The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days of the day the District receives a request for access. </p><p>Parents or eligible students should submit to the school principal (or appropriate school official) a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The principal will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. </p><p>(2)The right to request the amendment of the student's education records that the parent or eligible student believe are inaccurate or misleading. (3)Parents or eligible students may ask the District to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write the school principal, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. </p><p>15 If the District decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent or eligible student, the District will notify the parent or eligible student of the decision and advise them of their right to a hearing regarding the request of amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing. </p><p>(4)The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. </p><p>One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosures to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the District as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the School Board; a person or company with whom the District has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, or therapist); or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. </p><p>A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. (Optional) Upon request, the District discloses education records without consent to officials of another school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. (NOTE: FERPA requires a school district to make a reasonable attempt to notify the student of records request unless it states in its annual notification that it intends to forward records on request).</p><p>(5)The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the District to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA are:</p><p>Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education 600 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20202-4605</p><p>Note: In addition, a school may want to include its directory information public notice, as required by 99.37 of the regulations, with its annual notification of rights under FERPA.</p><p>16 The district will arrange to provide translations of this notice to non-English speaking parents in their native language.</p><p>TEXTBOOKS AND EQUIPMENT</p><p>Textbooks are property of the school and are loaned to students. They must be carefully cared for. Likewise, the abuse of any other school equipment or property may be charged against the student causing damage. Students are required to write their name in the proper place of each of their textbooks. Students who lose or allow their books and equipment to be damaged will be responsible for replacing the materials.</p><p>BUS RIDER RULES</p><p>I. Previous to Loading (on the road and at school) 1. Be on time at the designated school bus stops- keep the bus on schedule 2. Stay off the road at all times while waiting for the bus. (Bus riders conduct themselves in a safe manner while waiting.) 3. Be careful in approaching bus stops. 4. Bus riders are not permitted to move toward the bus at the school-loading zone until the bus has been brought to a complete stop. </p><p>II. While on the Bus 1. Keep hands and head inside the bus at all times after entering and until leaving the bus. 2. Assist in keeping the bus safe and sanitary at all times. 3. Remember that loud talking and laughing or unnecessary confusion diverts the driver's attention and may result in a serious accident. 4. Treat bus seats and windows as you would valuable furniture in your own home. 5. Bus riders should never tamper with the bus or any of its equipment. 6. No gum chewing or eating on bus. 7. Do not leave books, lunches, or other articles on the bus. </p><p>17 8. Keep books, packages, coats, and other objects out of the aisles. 9. Help look after the safety and comfort of small children. 10. Do not throw anything out of the bus window. 11. BUS RIDERS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO LEAVE THEIR SEATS OR STAND UP WHILE THE BUS IS IN MOTION. 12. Bus riders are expected to be courteous to fellow pupils and the bus driver. 13. Keep ABSOLUTE QUIET when approaching a railroad crossing stop. 14. In case of emergency, children are to remain in the bus unless otherwise directed by bus driver. 15. Any behavior that is distracting to the bus driver is not permitted. </p><p>III. After Leaving the Bus 1. When crossing road; go at least ten feet in front of bus, stop, check traffic, and watch for bus driver's signal, then cross road. 2. Students living on right side of road should immediately leave bus and go immediately to their own driveway/house. 3. Help look after the safety and comfort of small children who exit the bus at the same time. 4. The driver will not discharge riders at places other than the regular bus stop, except, by proper authorization from the parent or school official.</p><p>EXTRA-CURRICULAR TRIPS</p><p>1. The above rules and regulations will apply to any trip under school sponsorship. 2. Pupils shall respect the wishes of a competent chaperone appointed by the school officials. 3. The regular driver of the bus should be the driver on activity trips. </p><p>PUBLIC LAW 81-874 INDIAN POLICIES AND PROCEDURES</p><p>18 GLOVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS</p><p>1. Children living on Indian land participate in school programs on an equal basis with all other children attending school in the Glover District. No teacher or program director is to exclude or limit participation in any District activity on the basis of race. The Glover School District will review school data and comments from tribal officials and parents to assess the extent of Indian children's participation in the educational program on an equal basis. An annual statistical study will be conducted to determine the extent Indian children do participate on an equal basis and modifications will be made in the educational programs, as needed, to allow equal participation of all children.</p><p>2. Pertinent program policies/plans, applications and evaluations will be disseminated through one or more of the following ways: A. Mail notices in advance to tribal leaders and send handouts home to parents of Indian children requesting their participation in meetings regarding education programs assisted with funds provided under Public Law 81-874. B. Inform the Indian community of events in education programs assisted with funds provided under Public Law 91-974 through student handouts and/or the student newspaper and make greater use of newspapers serving the Glover area. C. Mail copies of an information summary sheet describing the Public Law 81-874 application and evaluations, program plans, and other information concerning education programs assisted with funds provided under Public Law 81-874 to the tribe and send copies home with children to all parents of Indian children when these items request to the superintendent/principal, copies of the original documents listed above. 3. By scheduling through the superintendent's office a place on the agenda of any open meeting of the Glover Board of Education, a tribe, or their designee, parent or group of parents, concerned with the educational opportunity of any student or group of students in Glover School may: A. Present views regarding applications. B. Make recommendations concerning the needs of their children.</p><p>19 C. Provide input into the planning and development of the educational program of the district. D. Present views on the education program and its operation. In addition to the above, the Glover School District will: A. Provide notice of any annual meetings regarding education programs assisted with funds provided under Public Law 81-87 to the Indian community and to the tribe. B. Work with the tribal leaders to seek input from the Indian parents, tribe and other Indians in the community by using available forms of communication and cooperation to seek and encourage such input. C. Hold all meetings involving or discussing education programs assisted with funds provided under Public Law 81-874. D. Provide ample time for discussion of education programs assisted with funds provided under Public Law 81-874. E. Invite comments and suggestions from the Indian community with regard to educational programs assisted with funds provided under Public Law 81-874 by holding as many meetings with the tribe and Indian community as are necessary to ensure that the needs of the Indian community are received and considered. F. LEA officials will review school data and comments from tribal officials and parents to assess the extent of Indian children's participation in the educational program on an equal basis. 5. A Public Hearing will be held each year, at which parents of children living on Indian land and/or tribal officials may discuss the current status of school programs, desired directions for future development for Board consideration, and any changes needed in the Indian policies and procedures. In addition to the above, Glover School will: A. Encourage staff members of the LEA to elicit input regarding the general educational program from Indian parents and tribal leaders, and to submit such suggestions to the administration for consideration and evaluation. B. Encourage staff members to use their best efforts in establishing a more amicable </p><p>20 relationship with tribal leaders and parents of Indian children to illicit voluntary input. C. Recommendations of the tribe will be considered and written response will be submitted. The above policies and procedures related to tribal and parental involvement in the education of children residing on Indian lands are hereby approved by the Glover Board of Education, Glover Public Schools, in regular session on July 21, 2011. The above policies and procedures shall remain in effect until rescinded by the local Board of Education. </p><p>ASBESTOS MANAGEMENT PLAN</p><p>Glover School will annually notify all parents, teachers and other employees of the availability of the management plan by inclusion of this information in the student handbook. Additionally, information regarding any asbestos-related activities, planned or in progress, will be disseminated by notes sent home with students and given directly to employees, concerning the specific activity. </p><p>All buildings at Glover School have been inspected for asbestos and a management plan has been developed in accordance with state and federal regulations. There is no need to remove any of the asbestos found, and it poses no danger to anyone. </p><p>All school buildings nation-wide, including Glover, will continue to be inspected on a periodic basis to insure that any problems with asbestos will be taken care of.</p><p>Management plans are available for review in the superintendent's office.</p><p>21 CERTIFICATION STATEMENT</p><p>Please read and keep this student handbook. It will prove to be helpful throughout the year. You should go over the rules with your child/children and let them know that you are aware of what is expected of them.</p><p>After you have received and read the handbook, please remove this page, sign, and return to the school.</p><p>********************************************************************** ********************************</p><p>I have read the Glover School Handbook 2016-2017 Edition, and I understand the rules and policies of the Glover Elementary School.</p><p>______Parent Signature Date</p><p>______Student Signature Grade</p><p>22 AUTHORIZATION FOR EMERGENCY CARE TO MINOR</p><p>I/We the undersigned, Parent(s) or Legal Guardian o f the minor listed below:</p><p>______(Minor’s Name) (Date of Birth)</p><p>Do hereby authorize any X-Ray examination, Anesthetic, Dental, Medical, or Surgical Diagnosis or treatment by any licensed Physician or Dentist and Hospital service that may be rendered to said minor under the general, specific, or special consent of:</p><p>Glover Elementary School (Name of Facility/Person who is Temporary Custodian)</p><p>The temporary caregiver (Faculty or Staff member of Glover School) of the minor; whether such diagnosis or treatment is rendered at the office of the physician or dentist, or at a hospital. I/We authorize the physician or dentist to call in any necessary consultants in his/her discretion.</p><p>It is understood that this consent is given in advance of any specific diagnosis or treatment being required, but is given to encourage those persons who have temporary custody of the minor, and said physician or dentist to exercise his/her best judgment as to the requirements of such diagnosis, medical, or dental treatment.</p><p>This consent shall remain in effect until 4:00 p.m. of the 18th day of May, 2017.</p><p>______(Father) (Date)</p><p>______(Mother) (Date)</p><p>______</p><p>23 (Legal Guardian) (Date)</p><p>List any allergies minor may have: ______</p><p>Insurance Company ______Policy #______</p><p>24</p>
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