<p> HOLY THURSDAY EVENING MASS OF THE LORD’S SUPPER PRESIDENTIAL PRAYERS FROM THE CHAIR</p><p>Introductory Rites</p><p>Sign of the Cross</p><p>Priest Celebrant (†): In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.</p><p>Faithful Celebrants (‡): Amen.</p><p>Greeting</p><p>† The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.</p><p>‡ And with your spirit.</p><p>† My brothers and sisters, the feast of the lamb has begun</p><p>Presentation of the Holy Oils</p><p>[Rosalie, at the ambo, announces the presentation of the oils as they are now brought in through procession— The first Oil Bearer, followed by the Standard Bearer, walk down the aisle and stop at the 3rd pew—the other two Oil Bearers and Standards Bearers follow—with space between them—when the first Oil Bearer approaches the altar, the second and third bearers move forward]</p><p>Rosalie: Each year, on the Thursday before Holy Week, the Bishop of every diocese celebrates the Mass of Chrism. </p><p>The Chrism Mass is one of the principal expressions of the fullness of the Bishop’s priesthood 1 and signifies the close unity of the priests with him. </p><p>During that Mass, the Bishop consecrates the Oil of Sacred Chrism and blesses the Oil of Catechumen and the Oil of the Infirm. </p><p>I. [The Oil of the Infirm is presented by a bearer)</p><p>Rosalie: The Oil of the Infirm.</p><p>[The Oil and Standard Bearer move forward, standing in front of the altar, facing the altar and raising it high in the air. The community sings a joyous acclamation, led by the Cantor:]</p><p>Cantor: Blessed Be God Forever. (all repeat)</p><p>Rosalie: We bring the Oil of the Infirm, blessed by our Bishop, for the anointing of all those who suffer in mind or body. By this holy anointing, may the sick gain strength in their suffering. May they be released from fear and receive the consolation of faith.</p><p>† Lord God, Loving Father, you bring health to the sick through your Son, Jesus Christ. </p><p>Hear us as we pray to you in faith and send the Holy Spirit—our helper and our friend — upon this oil which nature has provided to serve the needs of all.</p><p>2 May your blessing come upon all who are anointed with this oil that they may be freed from pain and illness— and made well again in body, mind and soul. </p><p>Father, may this oil be blessed for our use in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.</p><p>[The Oil is brought to the left and placed on the left-most table. The standard is placed in the holder behind that table—Bearers return to their seats)</p><p>3 II. [The Oil of Catechumen is presented by a bearer]</p><p>Rosalie: The Oil of Catechumen.</p><p>[The Oil and Standard Bearer move forward, standing in front of the altar, facing the altar and raising it high in the air. The community sings a joyous acclamation, led by the Cantor:]</p><p>Cantor: Blessed Be God Forever. (all repeat)</p><p>Rosalie: We bring the Oil of Catechumen, blessed by our Bishop for the anointing of all the infants, children and adults who are called to prepare for Baptism. </p><p>By this Anointing, may they receive the strength to renounce sin and the glamour of evil and so approach the waters of Baptism.</p><p>† Lord God, protector of all who believe in you, bless this oil and give wisdom and strength to all who are anointed with it in preparation for their Baptism. </p><p>Bring them to a deeper understanding of the Gospel, help them to accept the challenge of Christian living, and lead them to the joy of new birth in the family of your Church. </p><p>Through Christ, our Lord.</p><p>4 [The Oil is brought to the left and placed on the center table. The standard is placed in the holder behind that table]</p><p>5 III. [The Oil of Sacred Chrism is presented by a bearer, halfway up the aisle]</p><p>Rosalie: The Oil of Sacred Chrism.</p><p>[The Oil and Standard Bearer move forward, standing in front of the altar, facing the altar and raising it high in the air. The community sings a joyous acclamation, led by the Cantor:]</p><p>Cantor: Blessed Be God Forever. (all repeat)</p><p>Rosalie: We bring the Holy Chrism, the mixture of oil and fragrant perfume, consecrated by our Bishop - to anoint all the baptized in the sacrament of Confirmation, - to anoint the presbyters’ hands and the Bishop’s head, - to anoint the altar and the walls of the Church.</p><p>† Let us pray that God our Almighty Father will bless this oil so that all who are anointed with it may be inwardly transformed and come to share in eternal salvation.</p><p>Through Christ, our Lord.</p><p>[The Oil is brought to the left and placed on the right-most table. The standard is placed in the holder behind that table]</p><p>[Once all oils are placed properly, they are incensed together as all sing the Gloria.]</p><p>6 Gloria</p><p>†‡ Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.</p><p>Collect</p><p>7 † Let us pray.</p><p>O God, who have called us to participate in this most sacred Supper, in which your Only Begotten Son, when about to hand himself over to death, entrusted to the Church a sacrifice new for all eternity, the banquet of his love, grant, we pray, that we may draw from so great a mystery, the fullness of charity and of life.</p><p>Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. ‡ Amen.</p><p>[Following the homily, the parish priest may recommit himself to service of his parish in words such as the following. Immediately after, the Washing of Feet takes place.]</p><p>Renewal of Priestly Commitment & Service</p><p>† Brothers and sisters, as the pastor of the Church of St Mary, I wish to follow the example of our Lord Jesus Christ who, on the night before he offered himself on the cross for the redemption of all people, washed the feet of his disciples in loving service to them. 8 Like Jesus, I pledge my service to you, the people of this parish and the people of the Diocese of Albany. I firmly believe that in serving you I serve Christ.</p><p>Out of love for Him, I will earnestly strive to serve you with all the more love and faithfulness. I ask you to pray for me: that I might always serve his Church with the same Spirit that empowered Jesus to pour out his life for his friends.</p><p>9 The Washing of Feet</p><p>- After the Homily and renewal of Priestly Commitment & Service, Fr will remove his outer vestments and lay them over presider’s chair…he will wear an amice around his waist. At that point, the altar servers should take the 12 white chairs, 6 on each side in the sanctuary area and unfold and place the chairs in a line following the top step (on top step).</p><p>- Once the chairs are in place, The 12 people having their feet washed should approach and sit in those chairs.</p><p>- Another altar server should bring out the basin</p><p>- Another altar server should bring out the various towels and the pitcher and of water. Fr will pour the water over each person’s foot. </p><p>- After the last person’s foot is washed, an altar server should take the basin back into the sacristy and empty the basin. </p><p>- Those that had their feet washed should put their shoes back on and return to their pews while the altar servers return the chairs to the sacristy.</p><p>- After Father returns from the Sacristy, fully vested, the Mass will continue with the Prayer of the Faithful.</p><p>- The Mass continues as usual through Communion.</p><p>The Creed is NOT Said.</p><p>10 The Prayer of the Faithful or Universal Prayer</p><p>† [Insert Priest Celebrant’s Introduction here]</p><p>Petitions of prayer are proclaimed by the Lector or, if present, the deacon.</p><p>† [Insert Priest Celebrant’s Concluding Prayer here]</p><p>11 Prayers of the Faithful</p><p>[Insert particular petitions, prayers and intentions on this page.]</p><p>Communion</p><p>The Mass continues as usual through Communion.</p><p>During communion, charcoal is lit in the thurible</p><p>Torch bearers proceed outside after receiving Communion to line the walkway.</p><p>Following distribution of the Holy Eucharist, it is combined into the large Ciborium and placed on the Altar (includes any hosts in the Tabernacle). Father David goes to his chair, at which time the Altar Server brings Cope and Stole to Father David and takes Chasuble. When ready, another Server brings binder to him and Father David does Prayer after Communion.</p><p>12 Prayer after Communion</p><p>† Let us pray.</p><p>Grant, almighty God, that, just as we are renewed by the Supper of your Son in this present age, so we may enjoy his banquet for all eternity.</p><p>Who lives and reigns for ever and ever.</p><p>‡ Amen.</p><p>Transfer of the Blessed Sacrament to the Altar of Repose</p><p>Following the conclusion of the Prayer after Communion, another Server brings out Thurible and Boat to Father who places incense in Thurible.</p><p>Congregation is asked to process to the Parish Hall following the Cross Bearer—Cross Bearer will proceed down center aisle and out the vestibule doors following by congregation. Torch bearers will line the sidewalk outside the vestibule and leading into the Parish Hall.</p><p>Once the Church is empty, the Altar Servers lead Father David down center aisle with incense (walking slowly), through the Center doors, around to the Parish Hall Center entrance and into Hall, standing in front of Altar of Repose. Father David will place the Blessed Sacrament on the Altar and, when ready, takes thurible and incenses Blessed Sacrament. </p><p>Father David will return the Thurible to Server and will knell. Servers should knell as well. When Father David is ready to exit, Altar Servers lead him out back into the Church.</p><p>Night Prayer</p><p>After about a half-hour or so, Mary Lou Flavin concludes with the Night Prayer. </p><p>After Night Prayer, the Blessed Sacrament is placed in the Reconciliation Room with lit candle. Reconciliation Room is then loced and all depart. </p><p>13 Excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal © 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.</p><p>14</p>
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