<p>John Mozolak Jr. NEW YORK SHIPS TO FOREIGN PORTS “V” Ships [email protected] 9.1939 thru 8.1945 Page 1</p><p>VAALAREN: Swe M/V Reefer 1936 3,406gt 1941: 9/23; 11/17 1942: 1/10; 3/21; 5/26; 7/24; 9/16; 11/10 1943: 1/21; 3/24 4/5/1943: Torpedoed and sunk by U229 about 320nm ESE of Cape Farewell at approx 58N-34. Voyage: New York in convoy HX 231 for Belfast Lough and Swansea with general cargo.</p><p>VACHEL LINDSAY: Am (EC2) 1943 7,176gt 1944: 9/28</p><p>VACLITE: Br S/T 1928 5,026gt 1939: 10/7; 12/24 1/30/1940: Torpedoed and sunk by U55 about 68nm southwest of Land’s End at 49 20N-07 04W. Voyage: London in convoy OA 80G for New York in ballast.</p><p>VACPORT: Br S/T 1939 6,774gt 1944: 2/4; 2/11; 5/9; 7/10</p><p>VACUUM: Am S/T 1920 7,020gt 1941: 9/1 1942: 11/25R 1943: 1/22; 4/22; 4/27 1944: 10/17 1945: Renamed Dawn. Broken Up.</p><p>VAGRANT: Pan M/V 1938 2,226gt 1941: 8/26; 10/4 1942: 2/25; 5/11 1944: 5/5; 8/22</p><p>VALDONA: Latvia S/S 1904 3,038gt 1939: 11/28 1941: Seized by Germany renamed Baltenland. 12/26/1944: As Baltenland, torpedoed and sunk by Soviet submarine K-56 in Baltic Sea about 70nm east of Bornholm Island at 55 15N-17 05E.</p><p>VALDOSTA VICTORY: Am (VC2) 1945 7,607gt 1945: 4/7; 6/22 With US Army cargo returned and retained, and US Army cargo IT (in transit) from France for Hollandia. </p><p>VALLDEMOSA: Br S/T 1935 7,222gt 1941: 9/4 1943: 6/25; 11/19 1944: 3/20; 6/8; 8/30; 11/8 1945: 3/30 diverted to Baltimore instead of Norfolk (4/2); 5/24; 7/19</p><p>VALVERDE: Am (T2) 1944 10,296gt 1944: 10/20; 12/14 1945: 4/23</p><p>VAMAR: Pan S/S 1919 598gt (ex American 1940) 1941: 2/7 3/21/1942: Foundered and capsized at mouth of St. Andrew’s Bay, off Panama City, northwest Florida.</p><p>VAN DE VELDE: Du S/S 1919 6,389gt (ex EMPIRE PENGUIN*Br 1942; TENNESSEAN-Am 1940) 1942: 9/18 delayed-awaiting navy orders-expect to proceed 9/25 1943: 4/7 1944: 2/25 1945: 3/22; 4/27</p><p>VAN DER CAPELLE: Du S/S 1942 7,037gt (ex EMPIRE RUSKIN-Br 1943) 1945: 7/10; 7/18</p><p>VAN DER HELST: Du M/V 1942 6,904gt (ex EMPIRE SIDNEY*Br 1943) 1944: 1/3 John Mozolak Jr. NEW YORK SHIPS TO FOREIGN PORTS “V” Ships [email protected] 9.1939 thru 8.1945 Page 2</p><p>VAN DYCK: Br S/S Pass-Reefer 1921 13,241gt 1939: 9/16 6/10/1940: Damaged in air attack in convoy north of Harstad-Narvik (Norway). Ship caught fire, abandoned, sank. </p><p>VAN HONTHORST: Du S/S 1943 6,140gt (ex EMPIRE FORTUNE-Br 1943) 1945: 5/4; 6/4</p><p>VAN RENSSELAER: Du S/S Pass 1920 4,241gt 1939: 9/8 5/12/1940: Mined and sunk on leaving from Ymuiden, Amsterdam with passengers. Total Loss. </p><p>VAN RUISDAEL: Du M/V 1938 7,862gt (ex EMPIRE KAMAL*Br 1944) 1945: 4/26</p><p>VANCOLITE: Br/Can M/T 1928 11,404gt 1941: 6/6; 12/31 1942: 3/25; 8/18R; 10/12R; 12/5R 1943: 1/18; 2/22; 3/12; 4/8; 5/1; 6/2R; 6/14; 7/30; 8/30; 10/14; 11/23 1944: 1/10; 3/6; 6/12; 9/13; 10/21 1945: 7/13; 7/17 detained-engine trouble-proceeding 7/20</p><p>VANCOUVER CITY: Br M/V 1942 7,261gt 1942: 8/6 1944: 9/29 </p><p>VANJA: Nor M/T 1929 6,198gt Arr 1940: 1/22; 10/21 1941: 7/1; 12/6 1942: 1/27; 9/16; 11/4R 1943: 3/13; 4/26; 7/17; 9/11; 9/30; 12/8 1944: 3/2; 5/18; 7/1; 9/13; 11/25 1945: 6/16; 7/13</p><p>VANORA: Am Schooner 1903 54gt 1943: 1/25 detained for compass adjustment</p><p>VANZETTI: USSR S/S 1928 2,363gt 1943: 6/25</p><p>VARAND: Br S/T 1927 6,023gt 1941: 6/27; 8/28 1945: 6/11; 7/14 diverted to Lake Charles instead of Houston (7/17).</p><p>VARANGER: Nor M/T 1925 9,305gt 1941: 6/28; 9/11 1/25/1942: Torpedoed by U130 about 28nm southeast of Atlantic City at 38 58N-74 06W. She drifted northeast 20nm and sank at 39 10N-73 45W. Voyage: Curacao (lv 1/16) for New York. </p><p>VARDEFJELL: Nor M/T 1940 8,316gt 1942: 11/11 clearance cancelled-clearance surrendered to laden cargo at this port-recleared 11/18 1944: 8/12; 8/21 1945: 6/8 voyage abandoned-clearance cancelled; 6/11; 7/13 12/13/1942: Broke in two in a storm while in convoy. Forepart floated away from aft part which was still able to function, but, by sailing stern first. Towed to Kirkwall then to Sunderland. Fitted with a new forepart. Voyage: Clyde (lv 12/11) for North Africa in a convoy with fuel oil. About 3,000 tons of oil was recovered.</p><p>VASAHOLM: Swe M/V 1930 4,209gt 1939: 10/3 Arr 1940: 3/16; 7/5; 8/26; 9/5 1941: 1/16; 2/21</p><p>VASALAND: Swe M/V Reefer 1934 2,709gt Arr 1940: 7/29; 8/12; 12/13 John Mozolak Jr. NEW YORK SHIPS TO FOREIGN PORTS “V” Ships [email protected] 9.1939 thru 8.1945 Page 3</p><p>1941: 5/15; 6/11; 9/8</p><p>VAV: Nor M/T 1931 6,415gt 1941: 3/7; 6/16; 8/8; 10/25 1942: 8/15; 10/7; 11/19R 1943: 2/22; 7/7; 10/10; 12/23 1944: 3/8; 5/9; 7/1; 8/28 1945: 7/24 detained for repairs-proceeding 7/27 8/331/1941: Collided with another vessel off Belfast. Cargo taken make TempR. PermR made in New York.</p><p>VEDBY: Dmk M/V 1945 4,446gt 1945: 7/27</p><p>VEENDAM: Du S/S Pass 1923 14,450gt 1939: 9/9; 11/15; 12/26 Arr 1940: 2/6; 3/27. 5/11/1940: Badly damaged in an air attack on Rotterdam. Caught fire when flames spread from nearby Statendam. 6/21/1941: Seized by Germany. In KM service as naval accommodation vessel at Gdynia (Gotenhafen). 3/15/1942 and 7/25-26/1943: Damaged in air attack at Hamburg. 11/4/1944: Heavily damaged in fires from Allied bombing of Hamburg. 5/1945: Retaken at Kiel.</p><p>VELI RAGNAR: Fin S/S 1914 2,158gt Arr 1940: 6/28; 11/12; 12/3</p><p>VELMA: Nor M/T 1930 9,720gt 1941: 7/18; 9/24 1942: 10/30R; 12/12 1943: 3/31; 5/18; 6/29; 8/19; 9/27 1944: 1/29; 4/13; 6/9; 7/19; 9/8 1945: 8/1</p><p>VELOX: Nor M/V 1922 3,831gt 1944: 3/6 detained-proceeding 3/11; 5/9 1945: 6/6</p><p>VENEZIA: Swe M/V 1938 1,673gt 1939: 11/9; 11/25 Arr 1940: 2/26; 5/21; 5/24; 5/29; 12/26 1941: 1/17; 3/21; 4/4; 6/28; 7/8; 9/19; 11/27; 12/3 1942: 2/14; 5/11; 7/16; 10/28 6/21/1943: Torpedoed and sunk by U513 about 300nm southeast of Rio de Janeiro at 25 50S-38 38W. Voyage: Bahia for Buenos Aires with tobacco, coffee, cocoa and vegetable oil in drums.</p><p>VENI: Nor S/S 1901 2,982gt 1941: 9/23 1942: 1/23 1943: 3/19; 6/1 1945: 3/9 3/29/1941: Damaged in air attack about 120nm WNW of Butt of Lewis, Outer Hebrides at 59 11N-10 11W. Repaired at Grangemouth. Voyage: Louisbourg (Nova Scotia) for Grangemouth with timber. </p><p>VENICE MARU: Japan S/S 1921 6,571gt 1941: 5/23 11/11/1942: Torpedoed and sunk by submarine USS Haddock in Yellow Sea at 35 40N-123 45E.</p><p>VENUS: Dmk S/S 1920 2,456gt 1939: 10/27 8/7/1941: Mined and sunk off Schleimunde, eastern Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.</p><p>VERA: Nor M/T 1934 6,485gt 1944: 4/6; 7/24; 9/25; 12/11</p><p>VERA CRUZ: Am S/T 1919 6,958gt 1942: 9/17 voyage abandoned-clearance cancelled 9/19 and recleared same day 1943: 1/19 John Mozolak Jr. NEW YORK SHIPS TO FOREIGN PORTS “V” Ships [email protected] 9.1939 thru 8.1945 Page 4</p><p>VERA CRUZ: Am (T2) 1943 10,198gt 1943: 3/8; 4/6; 5/15; 6/15; 7/30; 9/4; 9/7; 11/3; 11/11; 12/17 1944: 4/8; 8/28 1945: 6/9</p><p>VERA RADCLIFFE: Br S/S 1925 5,587gt Arr 1940: 8/19 6/9/1944: Scuttled as a breakwater blockship in Gooseberry 4 off Juno Beach, Courseuulles Sur March, Normandy.</p><p>VERAGUA: Am S/S Pass-Reefer 1932 6,982gt 1939: 9/13; 9/30; 10/21; 11/8; 11/25; 12/13; 12/30 Arr 1940: 1/15; 2/1; 2/19; 3/7; 3/25; 4/11; 4/29; 5/16; 6/3; 6/20; 7/8; 7/25; 8/12; 8/29; 9/16; 10/10; 10/28; 11/14; 12/2; 12/18 1941: 1/8; 1/24; 2/12; 2/28; 3/19; 4/5; 4/23; 5/9; 5/28; 6/13; 7/2; 7/23; 8/13; 9/3; 9/24; 10/15; 11/12; 12/3; 12/24. 1942: 1/14 1942: To USN as stores ship renamed USS Merak*(AF-21).</p><p>VERMEER: Du M/V 1942 7,240gt (ex EMPIRE RALEIGH*Br 1942) 1942: 8/3 1943: 3/27; 4/17; 7/8 1944: 3/20</p><p>VERMONT: Am S/S 1919 5,670gt 1941: 5/29; 12/5 1942: 1/15 detained-proceeding 1/19; 4/21 1943: 6/28; 9/8 1944: 3/31; 6/29; 8/29 1945: Transferred to USSR renamed Ismail</p><p>VERMONT: Am S/T 1919 6,917gt (ex DERBYLINE-Am 1939) 1942: 5/22 1943: 7/20 1944: 1/21</p><p>VERNON CITY: Br S/S 1929 4,748gt Arr 1940: 3/5 1941: 4/3 1942: 12/28R 6/28/1943: Torpedoed and sunk by U172 in Central Atlantic east of Natal, Brazil at 04 30S-27 30W. Voyage: Tyne, and Oban (lv 6/4) in combined convoys KMS 16/OS 49, left convoy to sail independently for Montevideo with coal and coke.</p><p>VERNON L. PARRINGTON: Am (EC2) 1943 7,176gt 1944: 6/17</p><p>VEST: Nor S/S (War) 1920 5,074gt (ex GALEB-Yug 1939) 1941: 1/15; 5/23 1943: 2/12 12/2/1943: Badly damaged in an air attack at Bari. Repairs completed after end of war. Voyage: Brindisi (lv 11/25) for Bari to discharge one half of her cargo 6000 tons of coal for providing coal bunkers. </p><p>VESTFOLD: Pan S/T Whale Factory 1931 14,547gt (ex Norwegian) Arr 1940: 4/13 1942: 9/16-S; 11/10 1943: 1/5 1/17/1943: Torpedoed and sunk by U268 about 190nm southwest of Keflavik, Iceland at 61 25N-26 12W. Voyage: New York, Halifax (lv 1/8) in convoy HX 222 for the Clyde with fuel oil, landing crafts LCT-2239, 2267and 2344 on deck.</p><p>VESTHAV: Nor M/T 1941/10,298gt 1945: 8/25 1941: Laid up in Malmo, Sweden under Allied control. Released in 1945. </p><p>VESTLAND: Nor S/S 1916/1,934gt 1939: 10/1; 11/29 10/17/1941: In collision with and sinking coaster M/S Heenvliet (Du) in St. George’s Channel while in convoy. 1/15/1942: Ran aground in a heavy storm at Hvalfjord, Iceland. Refloated 3/16 and towed to Reykjavik where TempR completed 10/17. Still leaking three days after leaving Reykjavik in tow for the Tyne when on 10/21 she sinks 105nm southwest of Cape Clear, Ireland at 50 15N-11 30W. </p><p>VESTVARD: Nor M/V 1925 4,319gt Arr 1940: 4/8 John Mozolak Jr. NEW YORK SHIPS TO FOREIGN PORTS “V” Ships [email protected] 9.1939 thru 8.1945 Page 5</p><p>9/27/1940: Torpedoed and sunk by U31 about 300mi west of Ireland. She sailed alone after convoy dispersed. Voyage: Manchester/Liverpool (lv 9/24) in convoy OB 218 for Montreal in ballast.</p><p>VETLUGA: USSR S/S 1918 1,717gt 1943: 6/10</p><p>VETTOR PISANI: Italy M/V 1939 6,338gt Arr 1940: 2/21 3/16/1942: Slightly damaged by possible dud torpedo from submarine HMS Unbeaten off Cape Buzzano. 7/24/1942: Torpedoed by submarine HMS Unbeaten several miles west of Cephalonia in Ionians at 38 05N-20 12E. Towed to the vicinity of Argostoli where on the following day the ship was bombed and sunk by British aircraft.</p><p>VICKO FERIC: Yug S/S 1911 4,173gt (ex ANTE TOPIC-Yug 1939) 1940: 10/15 1942: Transferred to Panama renamed Flight Command*(scuttled).</p><p>VICKSBURG: Am (T2) 1943 10,195gt 1943: 12/25 1944: 1/28; 4/14; 5/19; 6/23; 9/2 1945: 2/17</p><p>VICTO: Nor S/S 1906 3,655gt Arr 1940: 4/29 11/8/1941: Damaged in air attack about 5nm northeast of Scarborough at approx 54 20N-0 17W. Broke in two. Forepart sank next day. Aft part remained afloat eventually sinking. Voyage: London (lv 11/6), and Southend (lv l1/7) in convoy for the Tyne and Freeport in ballast. </p><p>VICTOLITE: Br/Can M/T 1928 11,410gt 1941: 6/26 delayed-proceeding 6/30 2/10/1942: Sunk by torpedo and gunfire from U564 about 260nm northwest of Bermuda at 36 12N-67 14W. Voyage: Sailed independently from Halifax for Las Piedras (Venezuela) in ballast.</p><p>VICTOR HERBERT: Am (EC2) 1943 7,176gt 1943: 11/12</p><p>VICTORIA: Arg M/T 1941 7,417gt (ex CARLANTIC-Am 1941) 1941: 12/13 1942: Transferred to Panama renamed Culpepper*. 4/17/1942: Torpedoed by U201 about 330nm ENE of Cape Hatteras at 36 41N-68 48W. Abandoned. Reboarded two days later and towed to New York arr 4/21. Voyage: Buenos Aires for New York with linseed oil. </p><p>VICTORIA CITY: Br S/S 1929 4,739gt Arr 1940: 11/8 12/2/1940: Torpedoed and sunk by U140 in North Atlantic west of North Channel, Ireland. No survivors. Voyage: New York (lv 11/17), and Halifax in convoy HX 90 for London with steel.</p><p>VICTORIA PARK: Br/Can (Scan) 1943 2,875gt 1943: 5/26; 7/24; 9/24; 11/23 1944: 1/21; 2/24; 4/24; 7/3; 8/23 1945: 2/19</p><p>VICTORY SWORD: Am S/S 1910 4,750gt 1942: 10/7 6/7-11/1944: Scuttled as breakwater blockship in Gooseberry 1 off Utah Beach, Varreville, Normandy.</p><p>VIGGO HANSTEEN: Nor (EC2) 1943 7,176gt 1944: 4/1 1945: 5/26</p><p>VIGIL: Pan S/S 1907 3,335gt (ex CARIBE*Cuba 1942; KOURA-Fin 1941) 1942: 5/9; 8/26</p><p>VIGILANT: Am M/Yacht 1916 30gt John Mozolak Jr. NEW YORK SHIPS TO FOREIGN PORTS “V” Ships [email protected] 9.1939 thru 8.1945 Page 6</p><p>Arr 1940: 9/25</p><p>VIGRID: Nor M/V Reefer 1923 4,765gt 1939: 9/23; 10/11 Arr 1940: 4/26; 5/17 6/24/1941: Torpedoed and sunk by U371 about 330nm south of Cape Farewell at 54 30N-41 30W. Developed engine problems and straggled from the convoy. Voyage: New Orleans (lv 6/5), and Bermuda (lv 6/14) after joining Bermuda convoy BHX 133 from Halifax for Belfast and Manchester with copper steel, spelter and general. </p><p>VIGSNES: Nor S/S 1930 1,599gt Arr 1940: 3/13; 5/20 1/23/1945: Torpedoed and sunk by U1172 in Irish Sea, about 8nm north of Point Lynas, Wales at 53 33N-04 17W. Voyage: Cardiff in convoy MH 1 for the Mersey with coal.</p><p>VIKINGLAND: Swe S/S 1932 2,629gt 1945: 8/18</p><p>VILLANGER: Nor M/V 1929 4,884gt 1942: 8/28; 11/2 1943: 1/13; 4/5; 6/5; 8/26; 10/23; 12/21 1944: 3/4; 5/9; 7/10; 9/12; 11/8 1945: 1/22; 4/17; 7/20</p><p>VILLA DE MADRID: Spain M/V 1931 6,942gt 1941: 7/29; 10/11</p><p>VILLA FRANCA: Portugal S/S 1906 2,043gt Arr 1940: 11/16 1942: 3/5</p><p>VILLARPEROSA: Italy M/T 1921 6,255gt Arr 1940: 3/27 1941: Transferrd to Panama renamed Colin*(sunk).</p><p>VILLE D’AMIENS: Br S/S Pass 1924 6,975gt (ex France-1940) 1942: 10/7 1943: 2/1 1944: As French 12/21</p><p>VILLE D’ANVERS: Belgium S/S Pass (Hog B) 1920 7,430gt (ex AMERICAN BANKER*Am 1940) Arr 1940: 4/18; 5/24; 7/8; 8/12; 9/30; 12/23 1941: 1/2; 3/1; 5/1; 7/4; 9/10; 12/31 1942: 3/5; 7/13; 10/7 1943: 2/5; 4/5; 6/6; 8/6; 10/9; 12/1 1944: 1/27; 3/20; 5/26; 7/10</p><p>VILLE D’ARLON: Belgium S/S Pass (Hog B) 1920 7,555gt (ex AMERICAN TRAVELER*Am 1940) Arr 1940: 4/22; 6/24; 7/29; 9/7; 11/6 12/2/1940: Torpedoed and sunk by U47 west of Ireland after straggling from the convoy. Voyage: New York (lv 11/15), and Halifax in convoy HX 90 for Liverpool. </p><p>VILLE D’ORAN: France S/S 1936 10,172gt 1943: 6/16</p><p>VILLE DE GAND: Belgium S/S Pass (Hog B) 1920 7,590gt (ex AMERICAN IMPORTER*Am 1940) Arr 1940: 4/17; 6/10; 7/25 8/18/1940: Torpedoed and sunk by U48 about 183nm WNW of Erris Head, Ireland at 55 28N-15 10W. Voyage: Liverpool for New York with shell casings.</p><p>VILLE DE HASSELT: Belgium S/S Pass (Hog B) 1920 7,461gt (ex AMERICAN TRADER*Am 1940) Arr 1940: 4/15; 5/20; 6/28; 8/7 8/30/1940: Torpedoed by U46 about 110nm NNW of Malin Head at approx 57N-9W. Sank next day after drifting west for 20nm to 57 40N-9W. Voyage: Liverpool for New York with general cargo. </p><p>VILLE DE LIEGE: Belgium S/S Pass (Hog B) 1920 7,463gt (ex AMERICAN FARMER*Am 1940) John Mozolak Jr. NEW YORK SHIPS TO FOREIGN PORTS “V” Ships [email protected] 9.1939 thru 8.1945 Page 7</p><p>1940: 4/1; 5/20; 7/15; 8/15; 9/30; 12/9 1941: 2/11; 4/5 4/13/1941: Torpedoed and sunk by U52 about 320nm southwest of Keflavik, Iceland at 59 50N-29 30W. Voyage: New York for Belfast and Liverpool with steel, tools, wheat, bacon and general cargo.</p><p>VILLE DE MAJUNGA: Br S/S 1931 4,962gt (ex France) 1944: 10/24</p><p>VILLE DE MONS: Belgium S/S Pass (Hog B) 1921 7,463gt (ex AMERICAN SHIPPER*Am 1940) 1940: 4/25; 6/4; 7/15; 8/20 9/2/1940: Torpedoed and sunk by U47 about 180nm west of Butt of Lewis, Outer Hebrides at 58 20N-12W. Voyage: New York for Liverpool and Glasgow with fruit, corn, wheat and general cargo. </p><p>VILLE DE NAMUR: Belgium S/S Pass (Hog B) 1920 7,463gt (ex AMERICAN MERCHANT*Am 1940) 1940: 4/26; 6/3 6/19/1940: Torpedoed and sunk by U52 in Bay of Biscay about 110nm southwest of St. Nazaire at 46 25N-04 35W. Voyage: New York for Bordeaux with horses. </p><p>VILLE DE STRASBOURG: Br S/S Pass 1920 7,159gt (ex France) 1944: 9/27 1/7/1943: Torpedoed by U371 about 10nm north of Cape Tedles, Algeria at 37 04N-04 06E. On 1/26 damaged in air attack at Algiers. Docked 7/43 at Gibraltar where TempR. PermR made at Tees. Voyage: Bone (Algeria) for the Mersey in convoy MKS 5 with coal and sand ballast.</p><p>VILLE DE TAMATAVE: Br S/S 1931 6,276gt (ex France-1941) 1941: 12/11 1942: 2/26; 4/29; 6/26; 8/29; 11/18 detained-crew delay-now proceeding 6/30/1941: As Vichy French ship, captured by cruiser HMS Dunedin in Central Atlantic east of St. Paul Rocks. 1/24/1943: Lost rudder in heavy seas northeast of St. John’s NF around 50 54N-41 45W. Foundered about 200nm NNE of St. John’s at 50 17N-49 55W. No survivors. Voyage: Cardiff, and Belfast Lough in convoy ON 160 for New York in ballast. </p><p>VIMEIRA: Br S/T 1927 5,728gt 1941: 8/6; 10/10 8/11/ 1942: Sunk by torpedo and gunfire from U109 in Central Atlantic west of Freetown at 10 03N-28 55W. Voyage: Sailed independently from Curacao and Trinidad for Freetown with gas oil and fuel oil.</p><p>VINCENT: Am S/S 1919 6,210gt Arr 1940: 10/17; 12/31 1941: 1/4; 6/21; 7/12 12/12/1941: Sunk by IJN auxiliary cruisers Aikoku Maru and Hokoku Maru in South Pacific west of Easter Island at 25 41S-118 19W. Crew interned in Japan. Voyage: Sydney NSW for Balboa (Panama) with chrome ore.</p><p>VINCENT HARRINGTON: Am (EC2) 1944 7,210gt 1944: 8/18; 12/18 1945: 2/15; 5/1</p><p>VINCENZIA: Pan S/T 1920/6,886gt (ex MEVANIA-Am 1944) 1944: 2/14; 3/16; 4/14; 5/15; 6/9; 7/8; 8/8; 11/10; 12/2; 12/29 1945: 1/6 voyage abandoned-clearance cancelled; 2/8; 5/10</p><p>VINELAND: Pan S/S (Hog) 1919 5,587gt (ex SAPINERO-Am 1940) 1941: 7/3: 12/6 1942: Transferred to UK. 4/20/1942: As British ship, sunk by torpedo and gunfire from U154 about 70nm NNW of North Caicos Island at 23 05N-72 20W. Voyage: Sailed independently from Portland (Maine) for St. Thomas in ballast.</p><p>VINGA: Nor M/T 1927 7,321gt 1942: 8/3; 10/2; 12/26 1943: 3/29; 6/28 1944: 6/23; 8/17 1945: 3/20; 6/16 9/15/1941: Badly damaged in air attack about 225nm west of Butt of Lewis, Outer Hebrides at 58 08N-13 17W. John Mozolak Jr. NEW YORK SHIPS TO FOREIGN PORTS “V” Ships [email protected] 9.1939 thru 8.1945 Page 8</p><p>Towed to Rothesay. PermR made in Glasgow. Voyage: Greenock in convoy OS 6 for Trinidad in ballast. </p><p>VINGALAND: Swe M/V 1935 2,734gt Arr 1940: 7/1; 8/22; 10/14 11/7/1940: Badly damaged by long range bomber. Presumed to have been torpedoed and sunk next day by Italian submarine Marconi about 290nm WNW of Erris Head, Ireland at 55 41N-18 24W. Voyage: New York, and Halifax in convoy HX 84 for Glasgow with steel and general cargo. </p><p>VINGAREN: Swe M/V 1936 3,154gt 1939: 9/14; 11/22; 12/5 Arr 1940: 2/29; 3/11 1941: 8/28; 12/13 1945: 8/22</p><p>VINLAND: Nor M/V 1924 4,436gt Arr 1940: 1/29 1942: 9/25 1943: 1/5; 4/12; 6/28; 9/4; 12/8 1944: 2/16; 9/14 1945: 4/7; 5/26; 7/19</p><p>VINNI: Nor M/V 1937 5,181gt 1939: 12/16 12/7/1940: Sunk by KM raider Komet about 5 miles south of Nauru Island at 00 41S-16 55E. Scuttled by German crew. Voyage: Dunedin (New Zealand) (lv 11/21) to Nauru (arr 11/30) to load phosphate.</p><p>VINRIVER: Br S/S 1917 3,872gt (ex Panamanian 1942; CSARDA-Hungary 1940) 1942: 11/12R 1943: 2/12 detained-engine trouble-expect to proceed 2/18 1943: Renamed Vinlake (Br).</p><p>VIRGILIA: Br S/T 1927 5,723gt 1941: 10/29 10/11/1940: Damaged in night air raid at Liverpool. 11/24/1941: Torpedoed and sunk by E boat 3 miles northeast of Hearty Knoll Buoy off Great Yarmouth. Broke in two. Voyage: New York in convoy for London with gasoline and fuel oil.</p><p>VIRGINIA: Am S/T 1917 6,390gt Arr 1940: 11/23</p><p>VIRGINIA: Am S/T 1941 10,731gt 1941: 4/12; 4/24; 5/6; 8/14; 10/3; 10/15; 10/27; 11/8 5/12/1942: Torpedoed and sunk by U507 about 35nm ESE of South Pass of Mississippi River at 28 53N-89 29W while waiting to pick up the pilot. Voyage: Baytown (Texas) for Baton Rouge with gasoline.</p><p>VIRGINIA: Am S/T 1942 10,944gt 1943: 3/8; 5/11; 7/1; 10/12; 12/14 1944: 4/5; 5/11; 6/23; 7/25; 11/25; 12/12 1945: 1/13</p><p>VIRGINIA: Honduras S/S 1904 1,676gt Arr 1940: 7/25 1941: 4/8; 4/22 1943: 9/3</p><p>VIRGINIA: Dmk S/S 1920 4,088gt 1945: 8/1 7/21/1942: Mined off Trelleborg, southern Sweden. Severely damaged. Towed to Elsinores for repairs which were completed 11/42. Laid up at Copenhagen. Returned 5/1945. Voyage: Emden for Lulea in ballast.</p><p>VIRGINIA DARE: Am (EC2) 1942 7,176gt 1942: 6/13; 12/24 1943: 1/26; 9/21; 11/30 1944: 2/9 John Mozolak Jr. NEW YORK SHIPS TO FOREIGN PORTS “V” Ships [email protected] 9.1939 thru 8.1945 Page 9</p><p>3/6/1944: Struck mine when convoy entered an Allied mined area about 20nm northeast of Bizerte at 37 26N-10 18E. Proceeded to Tunis to partially unload cargo. Left 3/8 for Bizerte. Returned to Tunis arr 3/13 when hull cracked in rough seas. Broke in two while being beached. Total Loss. Voyage: New York (lv 2/9), and Hampton Roads in convoy UGS 33 for Suez with general and military cargo.</p><p>VIRGINIA LEE: Br S/S Pass 1928 2,158gt (ex American 1942) 1942: 9/2 </p><p>VIRGINIA SINCLAIR: Am S/T 1930 6,151gt 1943: 1/13R 3/10/1943: Torpedoed by U185 in Windward Passage about 32nm east of Guantanamo Bay at 19 49N-74 38W. Sunk by gunfire from USN ship as the tanker was partially underwater and a hazard to navigation. Voyage: Baytown (Texas) joining convoy KW 123 from Key West for Cristobal CZ with aviation gasoline. </p><p>VIRGO: Fin S/S 1906 1,100gt Arr 1940: 11/20 1941: 5/23 </p><p>VIS: Yug S/S 1921 1,772gt 1941: 1/21 detained-will proceed 1/25; 2/28; 5/3 1942: 2/20; 11/2; 11/17R 1944: 4/10; 4/27; 5/31; 6/24; 7/15; 8/1; 8/26; 12/1 1945: 1/12</p><p>VISTULA: Am M/T 1920 8,537gt 1939: 9/10 1942: 8/19; 10/10; 11/12R 1943: 2/22; 5/6 2/11/45: To USN at Brisbane, Australia as shuttle tanker, renamed USS Belusan (IX-187).</p><p>VISUT KASATRI NAWA: Thailand S/S 1904 1,857gt (ex NAWA-1942; GLEN-1941 1941: 10/25</p><p>VITO: Nor M/V 1937 5,181gt Arr 1940: 3/9</p><p>VITORIALOIDE: Brazil S/S 1922 6,067gt (ex AIDA LAURO-Italy 1942) 1943: 5/8; 5/21R 1944: 12/19 1945: 5/26</p><p>VITRUVIUS: Am S/S Concrete (C1-S-D1) 1943 4,826gt 1944: 3/22 6/7-11/1944: Scuttled as a breakwater blockship in Gooseberry 1 off Omaha Beach, Varreville Normandy.</p><p>VIVA: Nor S/S 1938 3,798gt 1941: 7/12 1942: 2/24 1943: 11/20 2/9/1944: Torpedoed and sunk by U188 in Arabian Sea about 210nm east of Socotra Island at 12 30N-57 50E. Voyage: Bombay, and Cochin (lv 2/5) for Aden and UK with tea and general cargo.</p><p>VIVI: Nor M/T 1932 6,546gt Arr 1940: 2/15 1941: 8/30; 10/25 1944: 12/13 detained for repairs-proceeding 12/19 1945: 5/4 destination changed-diverted to Corpus Christi (5/16); 5/25 detained-awaiting navy orders-proceeding 5/29; 7/31</p><p>VIZCAYA: Spain S/S 1923 4,579gt 1939: 12/6 Arr 1940: 3/16; 7/10</p><p>VOCO: Br S/T 1925 5,090gt 1939: 12/27; 12/30 Arr 1940: 5/1; 6/24; 8/23; 12/24 1941: 1/10 1942: 4/6; 8/2; 10/3; 12/18R; 12/22R 1943: 2/17; 4/1R; 4/10; 6/4; 6/14; 7/29; 10/30 John Mozolak Jr. NEW YORK SHIPS TO FOREIGN PORTS “V” Ships [email protected] 9.1939 thru 8.1945 Page 10</p><p>1944: 1/14; 3/20; 6/1; 7/15; 7/20; 7/27 1945: 5/7 3/4/1942: In collision with and sinking ore carrier Gypsum Prince*(Br) 3.5 miles off Lewes, Delaware. 9/21/1944: In collision with tanker Empire Garrick*(Br) and freighter Choapa*(Chl) which sank about 9nm east of Long Branch, New Jersey at 40 16N-73 47W.</p><p>VOJVODA PUTNIK: Yug S/S 1916 5,879gt 1941: 6/12 1942: 4/8; 6/10 1943: 2/11 detained-now proceeding 2/20 4/12/1942: Ran aground 2 miles east of Hen and Chickens Lightship, Buzzards Bay, near south entrance of Cape Cod Canal. Refloated. Repaired in New York. Voyage: New York for Hull with general cargo. 3/8/1943: Torpedoed and sunk by U591 about 400nm east of Cape Farewell at 58 42N-31 25W. Ship fell behind convoy due to steering problems. Vessel had stopped engines and was abandoned when torpedoed. No survivors. Voyage: Bahia Blanca, and New York (lv 2/23) in convoy SC 121 for Loch Ewe and London with wheat. </p><p>VOLENDAM: Du S/S Pass 1922 15,434gt 1939: 9/23 Arr 1940: 2/23; 4/17; 7/1 1944: 12/24 8/30/1940: Torpedoed by U60 about 90nm northwest of Malin Head, Ireland at 56 04N-09 52W. Passengers transferred to other ships. Towed to the Clyde. Beached at Kames Bay. Towed to Rothesay arr 12/13. Drydocked at Glasgow. Towed for further repairs to the Mersey and Birkenhead. Voyage: Liverpool in convoy OB 205 for Canada and New York with 335 children and 271 adults.</p><p>VOLGA: USSR M/V Reefer 1935 3,113gt 1943: 2/20; 5/21</p><p>VOLUNTEER: Am S/S 1918 7,717gt Arr 1940: 6/15 1941: 5/31; 12/6 1944: 6/22; 9/16 1945: 3/24; 5/31; 7/14; 8/3</p><p>VULCANIA: Italy M/V Pass-Reefer 1928/24,469gt 1939: 10/4; 11/8; 12/9 Arr 1940: 1/18; 2/23; 4/3 1941: In Italian troopship service then laid up at Trieste. 1942: Chartered to International Red Cross for evacuating Italian nationals from East Africa. Laid up again. 9/8/1943: Transported cadets from Italian Naval Academy at Pola to an Allied port. 10/43: To Allied troopship.</p><p>VULCANUS: Du S/S 1907 1,819gt 1942: 7/28R; 11/27R</p>

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