<p> Scroll Minute Book 1911-1923</p><p>At Dundee the 1st day of March 1911 At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Clerk’s Office at seven o’clock p.m. present Deacons John High Bonnetmakers The Meeting adjourned for want of a quorum</p><p>At Dundee the 15th day of March 1911 At a Meeting of the Investment Committee held within the Clerk’s Office at 12.45 p.m. Present Convener W A Nicoll Ex Convener James Mollison and Deacons P McCabe, John High and Alex R Stewart Convener Nicoll in the Chair The Clerk submitted a proposal for Loan of £500 @ 3¾% for a fixed period of vive ears from Whitsunday first over subjects at Downfield belonging to Mr Thomas Bairner together with Rental of the Property and the following Valuation by Messers Robert Keith & Son Architects Dundee (take in) Having considered said Proposal detailed Rental and Valuation the Meeting agreed and herby agree to grant the said Loan. The Clerk was instructed accordingly </p><p>At Du the 21st day of April 1911. At a Meeting of the Com. Appointed by the G.F Court on 14th Feby last to consider as to the repairing the Propr at Victoria Road Dee belonging to the 9 Trades. Present Convener Nicoll. Ex Convr Mollison & Mr J G Sibbald. The Convener in the Chair The Convener reported that the Town had employed Mr J. B Hay Builder Dundee to make the necessary repairs on the Building and that he had done the Work in a very satisfactory manner. Mr Hay’s a/c amounting to £41.15. 9 £42. 8. was produced & ordered to be paid.</p><p>At Dundee the 10th day of May 1911 At a Stated General Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Town House Buildings Dundee at Seven o’clock p.m. Ex Convener James Mollison in the Chair</p><p>The Minute of the General Meeting held on 2nd Novr last were read and approved of and subscribed by the Convener. The Minute of the Adjourned Meeting of the General Meeting held on 4th November last were read and approved of and subscribed by the Convener The Minute of the Special Meeting of the General Fund Court held on 21st November last were read and approved of and subscribed by the Convener. The Minute of the General Meeting held on 7th December was adjourned for lack of a quorum. The Minute of the Committee appointed to audit the Boxmaster’s Books and Account &c held on 10th January last were read and approved of and subscribed by the Convener. The Minute of Meeting of the Committee appointed to arrange as to the Biennial Dinner held on 20th January last were read and approved of and subscribed by the Convener. The Minutes of the Special Meeting of the General Fund Court held on 14th February last were read and approved of and subscribed by the Convener. The Meeting of the General Fund Court on 1st March last was adjourned for want of a quorum. The Meeting of Meeting of the Investment Committee held on 15th March last were read and approved of and subscribed by the Convener. The present Meeting being called for the election of three Directors of the Dundee Royal Lunatic Asylum in room of the three retiring being Messers James Macintosh, James Mollison and James Smith the Clerk laid a Copy of the Charter of the Asylum on the table. Three retiring Directors having been heard in regard to the affairs of the Asylum and its management Mr R W Laburn moved that Mr Macintosh be elected which was seconded by Mr J A Kidd. Mr Robert Keith moved that Mr Mollison be elected which was seconded by Mr Wood. Mr John F Shaw moved that Mr Smith be elected which was seconded by John W High and no other being nominated the Convener declared that</p><p>1 Messers Macintosh, Mollison & Smith duly elected as Directors of the Dundee Royal Asylum on behalf of the Nine Incorporated Trades for the ensuing year. The Clerk was instructed to certify their election accordingly. The Clerk read a letter from the Clerk dated 8th March last stating that the Lord Provost, Magistrates & Town ?Council have resolved to attend Divine Service on the Coronation (22nd June next) and asking if the Members of the Nine Trades would take part in a procession from the Victoria Art Galleries to the Parish Church on that day. He was instructed to reply that the Members would be glad to join the Town Council and other bodies in the Procession. A vote of thanks to the Chairman concluded the proceedings.</p><p>The following Minute is out of sequence</p><p>At Dundee the 6th day of Sept 1911 At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Clerks Office at Seven ‘clock p.m. The Meeting adjourned for want of a Quorum</p><p>At Dundee the 7th day of June 1911 At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Clerk’s Office at Seven ‘clock p.m. The Meeting adjourned for want of a Quorum</p><p>At a Meeting of the Committee appointed in regard to the proposed reconstruction of the Harbour Board held within the Clerk’s Office at 3 p.m. Present Norman Nicoll Ex Convener Mollison and Taylor and Messers J. S. Nicoll & A T Durkie Convener Nicoll in the Chair The Clerk produced a Report by the Committee. It was stated that the Meeting had been called to adjust a Report to the Stated General Meeting of the Trades to be held on Wednesday the 10th Inst Copies if which had been sent to the Members of the Committee. It was carefully considered and adjusted and it was resolved that it should be read to the said General Meeting on 110th Instant. The report follows (take in)</p><p>At Dundee the 3rd day of October nineteen Hundred and eleven. At a Stated General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day within the Town House Buildings at three o‘clock afternoon</p><p>The Minutes of General Meeting held on 10th May last were read and approved of and subscribed by the Convener. The Meeting of the General Fund Court on the 7th September June last was adjourned for want of a quorum. The Minutes of Meeting of the General Fund Court held on 6th September last were read and approved of and subscribed by the Convener. The present Meeting being called for the Election of Convener, Convener Nicoll thanked the Meeting for the confidence reposed in him during the time he held office. The Meeting then proceeded to the election of a Convener for the ensuing year when ex Con Anderson moved that Mr W S Nicoll be appointed which nomination and motion were seconded by D of G Smibert and no other Member being nominated the Convener declared (blank) to be duly elected for the ensuring year and installed him with the Insignia of Office. Convener (blank) then took the chair. The Clerk was instructed to certify the Conveners Election. Convener (blank) proposed a vote of thanks to the retiring Convener which was cordially awarded. Note: The draft of this Minute was obviously pre-prepared before the Meeting. The retiring Convener and new Convener were both the same person namely W S Nicoll</p><p>At Dundee the 23rd day of October 1911. At a Special Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day within the Clerk’s office at one o’clock p m Present: Convener W S Nicoll Ex-Convener James Mollison: Bakers Assessor Couttie: Tailors Assessor Taylor: Hammerman Deacon Cuthbert and Assessor Bisset: Weavers #Assessor Croll</p><p>2 Convener W S Nicoll in the Chair The Clerk reported that the Meeting had been called too appoint a Committee to co-operate with Committees from the Guildry and the Three Trades in adjusting regulations for the Joint General Meeting for the Election of two Harbour Trustees under the “Dundee harbour and Tay Ferries Consolidation Act 1911” when the following were appointed with powers vizt; The Convener Ex-Convener Mollison & the Clerk.</p><p>At Dundee the 1st day of Nov 1911 At a Stated General Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Royal Hotel at 6 o’clock p m Present: Convener Nicoll, Ex Convener Mollison Deacons Assessors Bakers Fraser Couttie Shoemakers Mann Glovers Mitchell Tailors Young Taylor Bonnetmakers Sibbald Bisset Fleshers Stewart Findlay Hammerman Cuthbert Weavers illegible Convener Nicoll in the Chair The Boxmaster reported to the Meeting on behalf of the Baker Trade that the following Members of that Trade had been admitted since their Lockit Book was last docqueted vizt ; Andrew Graham Kidd Baker Dundee in right of his Father the late A G Kidd: Alexr Black House Agent Dundee in right of his father in law the late David Durkie: Dues of entry £2.10/- and David Storrier Small Manager of Dundee Co-operative Society Ltd Dundee: Alexander Weir Paton Commercial Teacher Dundee and David Whamond Grocer Dundee all Unfree, Dues of entry 10 each and tha these dues had been paid to him thereafter the Meeting admitted and do hereby admit the said Andrew Graham Kidd, David Strorrier Small, Alexander Weir Paton, David Whamond and William Whyte Members of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee with all the rights, privileges and immunities pertaining thereto and appointed their names to be enrolled and Certificates of Admission to be issued in common form. Adam Malcolm Cabinetmaker Dundee and James Thomson City Engineer Dundee were also admitted Members of the Baker Trade but being previously entered with the Trades no dues are exigible. The Boxmaster also reported to the Meeting on behalf of the Hammerman Trade that the following Members of the Trade had been admitted since their Lockit Book was last docqueted vizt: William Whyte Engineer 184 High Street Lochee in right of his Father William Whyte Dues of entry £2.1/- and that the dues had been paid to him. Wherefore the Meeting admitted and do duly admit the said William Whyte a Free Member of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee with all the rights, privileges and immunities pertaining thereto and appointed his name to be enrolled and Certificate. The Meeting proceeded to scrutinise the Lists of Poor lodged by the respective Trades and having compared the same with last years Lists fixed the same as follows: Wholes Halves Wholes Bakers 6 10 11 Shoemakers 3 1½ Tailors 2 2 3 Bonnetmakers 6 10 11 Fleshers 4 4 6 Hammerman 1 3 2½ Weavers 2 __ 37 21 32 37</p><p>The Meeting adjourned until Friday at Eight o’clock then to meet finally to adjust the Lists of Poor and allocate the payments for the year. The following were appointed a Committee to audit the Boxmasters Books and Accounts for the current year and to invest the Funds of the Corporation on such terms & conditions at such rate of Interest and for such period of time as they may think expedient (and to pay the Expenses in connection with the dispositions to new Dundee Harbour Act) with full power vizt: the Convener, Ex Convener Mollison, Deacons Fraser, Sibbald and Cuthbert. The Convener to be Convener and three a quorum. The Clerk & Boxmaster was continued.</p><p>At Dundee the 3rd day of Nov 1911</p><p>3 At an adjourned Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Royal Hotel at 6 o’clock p m Present Deacons Assessors Bakers Simon G Fraser Jas Couttie Shoemakers A McGowan David Mann Glovers D S Mitchell Tailors C J Young R R Taylor Bonnetmakers J G Sibbald C G Bisset Hammerman Geo Cuthbert J M Bisset Weavers G Fairweather Chas Ower Dyers Jas Stevenson Jas Stevenson Convener W S Nicoll in the Chair The Rate of Poor were again considered & finally adjusted. The Meeting resolved to divide the sum of Eight Pounds to each full share and halves in proportion payable to the Deacons or Boxmasters if their respective Trades on Monday next between the hours of Eleven Twelve and One o’clock. Receipts for Payments to the Popor by the respective Trades were then produced and examined and found to be correct. The Lockit Books of the respective Trades were then produced and docqueted as follows vizt: There follows the details of names of the various new members of each Trade. These are recorded in the separate full Members Lists file covering the whole records of the Trades </p><p>At Dundee the 6th day of November 1911 At a General Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day within the Town House Buildings at eleven o’clock forenoon Convener Nicoll in the Chair The Minutes of General Meeting held on 3rd October last were read and approved of and subscribed by the Convener. The Minutes of the Special Meeting of the General Fund Court held on 1 st November last were read and approved of and subscribed by the Convener. The Minutes of the adjourned Meeting of the General Fund Court held on 3rd November last were read and approved of and subscribed by the Convener. The present Meeting being called for the election of a Director of the Dundee High School in room of the retiring Director the Clerk read the Notice in the Newspapers calling the Meeting and laid the Dundee Advertiser of 31st October last and the constitution of the High School of Dundee and the William Harris Endowment and Dundee Education Act 1872 on the Table. Convener W S Nicoll having been heard in regard to the state of the School. Mr Charles Ower nominated Convener W S Nicoll for election which was seconded by Mr R Halley Brown and no other Members being nominated the Convener declared himself to be duly elected a Director of the High School of Dundee for the year ensuing the third Monday of November 1911. The Clerk was instructed to certify his election accordingly.</p><p>At Dundee the 6th day of December 1911 At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Clerk’s Office 7 o’clock pm Present: Convener W S Nicoll, Ex Convener James Mollison</p><p>Deacons Assessors Bakers Simon G Fraser Jas Couttie Shoemakers A McGowan David Mann Glovers D S Mitchell W C F Stewart Tailors C P Young R R Taylor Bonnetmakers J G Sibbald C J Bisset Fleshers Alex Stewart J M Findlay Hammerman Geo Cuthbert John M Bisset Weavers W W Fairweather Chas Ower Dyers Jas Stevenson John L Stevenson</p><p>Convener Nicoll in the Chair</p><p>4 The Clerk reported the names of those who had signified their intention of being present at the Dinner to the Rev H. M. Davidson in the 15th inst & of this who were unable to be present at the Dinner but who had subscribed to the Testimonial. The Meeting adjourned farther consideration of the subject until the Evening of the Monday the 11th inst at Eight o’clock. The Clerk was instructed accordingly. It was remitted to the Convener Deacons Sibbald & Mr C J Bisset to wait on Mr Davidson & ascertain his views in regard to the Meeting on Monday.</p><p>At Dundee the 11th day of December 1911 At an Adjourned Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Clerk’s Office at eight o’clock Present: Convener W S Nicoll, Ex Convener James Mollison</p><p>Deacons Assessors Bakers Fraser Couttie Shoemakers McGowan Mann Glovers Mitchell W C F Stewart Tailors Young Taylor Bonnetmakers J G Sibbald C J Bisset Fleshers Alex Stewart Findlay Hammerman Cuthbert C J Bisset Weavers Fairweather Ower Dyers Jas Stevenson J L Stevenson</p><p>Convener Nicoll in the Chair Convener Stocks & Mr J Wilkie Clerk to Minister read the Three Trades (two words illegible) Inscription of being selected £25. 3/- No 8015. The Convener reported that the Rev H M Davidson had been waited on by the Convr (word illegible) at last Meeting & that he had signified that he would like a Dressing Case his desire that the presentation to him from the Nine Trades & Three Trades should take the for of a Dressing Case. Several Dressing Cases were produced to the Meeting and one was selected at a cost of £25.3/-. The Clerk produced an inscription to be placed on a Silver Plate and the Dressing which was approved of.</p><p>At Dundee the 11th day of January 1912 At an Meeting of the Committee for Auditing the Boxmasters Books and Accounts for the past year held within held within the Clerk’s Office at eight o’clock Present: Convener W S Nicoll, Ex Convener James Mollison: Deacon Sibbald Convener Nicoll in the Chair The Boxmasters Books & Accounts for the past year as audited by Messers Alexander Tosh & Son C.A. Dundee were carefully gone over and examined and compared with the Vouchers and docqueted as correct the Funds being as follows.</p><p>Heritable Property 5500. 0. 0 Heritable Bonds 4900. 0. 0 Feu Duties at 20 years Purchases 116.13. 4 Ground Annual @ 22½ -of- 225. 0. 0 Dundee Water Comrs Stock 800. 0. 0 Annual Bequest from Pullars M @ 20 years Pur 100. 0. 0 Gold Badge & Chain 20. 0. 0 Dundee Police Comrs Interim Receipt 150. 0. 0 Due by Bank on Deposit Receipt 107.12. 3 -do- Current account 30.14. 2 11949.19. 9</p><p>Note: there falls to be added to the above the sum of £13.16. 1 being the amount of Income tax recoverable from the Government for the year 1911. The Cash Book was docqueted accordingly.</p><p>5 The Clerk reported that the currency of certain Heritable houses expired at Whitsunday next. It was resolved to obtain revaluations of certain of the Properties and to allow being as Loans not more than two thirds of the sum in the Valuations and that for such period and at such rate of interest as may be arranged. He Clerk farther reported that the sum of £8 which had been lodged in the Bank annually since January 1900 to meet the Duplicand Feuduty on Victoria Road Property (£212) due at Whity 1924 now amounted to £107.12. 3. He was instructed to look out for a suitable investment for £100 of his sum and it was resolved to reduce the amount annually deposited in Bank to £6 it bong estimated that these sums with accumulated Interest would be sufficient to meet the said Duplicand at Whitsunday 1924.</p><p>At Dundee the 31st 13th day of January February 1912 At an Meeting of the Auditing Committee held within held within the Clerk’s Office at 3 o’clock Present: Convener Nicoll. Ex Convener Mollison, Deacons Fraser Sibbald & Cuthbert. Convener Nicoll in the Chair Note: No other entry is made under this heading</p><p>At Dundee the 6th day of March 1912 At a Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Clerk’s Office at Seven o’clock Present: Convener W S Nicoll, Ex Convener James Mollison</p><p>Deacons Assessors Bakers Fraser Couttie Shoemakers Mann Glovers Mitchell Tailors Taylor Bonnetmakers S. Sibbald Fleshers Alex Stewart Findlay Hammerman Cuthbert Bisset Weavers Fairweather Dyers Convener Nicoll in the Chair The Boxmaster reported to the Meeting on behalf f the Baker Trade that the following Members of that Trade had been admitted since their Lockit Book was last docqueted vizt: here follows the list of names now recorded in the File of Members. A similar report was made on behalf of the Tailor and Bonnetmaker Trades. The question of the City Improvements was before the Meeting after discussion Deacon Sibbald moved that it be deferred until reports of the various sub-committees appointed by the Town to consider the several (two words illegible) Whole was seconded by Ex Convener Mollison & agreed to. </p><p>At Dundee the 22nd day of April 1912 At a Meeting of the Auditing Committee held within held within the Clerk’s Office at 3 o’clock Present: Convener Nicoll. Ex Convener Mollison, Deacon Sibbald Convener Nicoll in the Chair The Meeting resolved and hereby resolve to purchase Feuduties at Blackscroft Dundee amounting after deduction of their own Feuduty of £3.10.11 per annum for the sum of £70 provided the Title is on order and the necessary searches are furnished. The Clerk was instructed accordingly.</p><p>At Dundee the 8th day of May 1912 At a Stated General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Town House at Seven p.m. Convener Nicoll in the Chair The Minutes of General Meeting held on 6th November last were read and approved of and subscribed by the Convener. The Minutes of Special Meeting of the General Fund Court held on 27th Novr last were read and approved of and subscribed by the Convener. The Minutes of Meeting of the General Fund Court held on 6th December last were read and approved of and subscribed by the Convener. The Minutes of Meeting of the General Fund Court held on 11th December last were read and approved of and subscribed by the Convener The Minutes of Meeting of the Committee appointed to Audit the Boxmasters Books and Accounts held on 11th December last were read and approved of and subscribed by the Convener.</p><p>6 The Minutes of Meeting of the General Fund Court held on 6th December last were read and approved of and subscribed by the Convener. The Meeting of the Auditing Committee held on 31st January last was adjourned for want of a quorum. The Meeting of the Auditing Committee held on 18th Fey last were read and approved of and subscribed by the Convener. The Minutes of Meeting of the General Fund Court held on 6th March last were read and approved of and subscribed by the Convener The Minutes of Investment Committee held on 22nd April last were read and approved of and subscribed by the Convener. The Boxmaster reported to the Meeting on behalf of the Weaver Trade that the following Members of that Trade had been admitted since their Lockit Book was last docqueted vizt: here follows the list of names now recorded in the File of Members. The present Meeting being called for the Election of Three Directors of the Dundee Lunatic Asylum in room of those retiring being Messers James McIntosh, James Mollison and James smith the Clerk laid Copies of the Charter of the Asylum on the Table. Mr McIntosh one of the retiring Trustees having been heard in regard to the affairs of the Asylum and its management Mr Sibbald moved Mr Anderson Mr How seconded –do- Mr M(illegible) moved Mr Mackay Mr Inglis seconded –do- Mr Sibbald moved Mr Smith Mr Wood seconded –do- And no other person being nominated the Convener declared that Messers W G Anderson, J A Mackay & J Smith duly elected Directors of the Asylum for the ensuing year. The Clerk was instructed to certify their election accordingly.</p><p>At Dundee the 5th day of June 1912 At a Stated General Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Clerks Office at Seven o’clock The Meeting adjourned for want of a quorum</p><p>At Dundee the 3rd day of July 1912 At a Stated General Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Town House Bldgs at 3 o’clock p.m. Convener W S Nicoll in the Chair The Minutes of the General Meeting held on 8th May last were read and approved of and subscribed by the Convener The Minutes of Meeting of the General Fund Court held on 5th June last were read and approved of and subscribed by the Convener. The clerk read a letter from Mr John M Hendry Clerk to the Morgan Trust intimating that the term of office of Mr Thomas M Cappon as a Governor of the Trust on behalf of the Nine Incorporated Trades expires on the 1st day of August next and he had a Print of the Scheme for the administration of the Trust and also the Dundee Advertiser of 26th ulto containing the Notice calling the Meeting on the table. He also read a letter from Mr Cappon regretting his inability to be present to thank the Members for the confidence reposed in him during the time he had held office & stating that he did not wish re-election. The Meeting then proceeded to the election of a Governor of the Morgan Trust when Mr John Walker nominated Convener Nicoll and no other Member being nominated the Convener declared himself duly elected a Governor of the Morgan Trust on behalf of the Nine Incorporated Trades and that for the five years ensuing 1 st August 1912 and appointed his Election to be certified by the Clerk.</p><p>At Dundee the fourth day of September 1912 At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Clerks Office at Seven o’clock Present: Convener W S Nicoll, Ex Convr Mollison </p><p>Deacons Assessors Bakers Fraser Couttie Shoemakers McGowan Mann Glovers Mitchell</p><p>7 Tailors Young Taylor Bonnetmakers S. Sibbald C J Bisset Fleshers Alex Stewart Findlay Hammerman Cuthbert Bisset Weavers Fairweather Ower Dyers Stevenson Stevenson</p><p>(blank) in the Chair The Meeting adjourned for want of a quorum</p><p>At Dundee the 7th day of October 1912 At a Stated General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee Held this day within the Town House Buildings Dundee at 3 o’clock afternoon Convener W. S. Nicoll in the Chair The Minutes of the General Meeting held on 3rd July last were read and approved of and subscribed by the Convener The Minutes of the General Fund Court Meeting held on 4th September last was adjourned for want of a quorum. The Boxmaster reported to the Meeting on behalf of the Baker Trade that the following Members of that Trade had been admitted since their Lockit Book was last docqueted vizt: here follows the list of names now recorded in the File of Members.</p><p>The present Meeting being called for the Election of a Convener (for the ensuing year) Convener Nicoll thanked the Meeting for the confidence reposed in him during the time he had held office. The Meeting hen proceeded to the Election of a Convener for the ensuing year when Bailie Forwell nominated and moved that Mr William Steel Nicoll be re-elected Convener for the following year which nomination and motion was seconded by Deacon Sibbald. And no other Member being nominated the Motion was unanimously agreed to. The Clerk was instructed to certify the Conveners election accordingly.</p><p>At Dundee the 22nd day of October 1912 At a Special Meeting of the general Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee Held this evening within the Clerk’s Office at Eight o’clock Convener W. S. Nicoll in the Chair Deacons Assessors Bakers Simon G Fraser James Couttie Shoemakers John E Mann James McGowan Glovers D S Mitchell W C F Stewart Tailors C P Young N M Young Bonnetmakers John G. Sibbald C J Bisset Fleshers John M Findlay J A Cordiner Findlay Hammerman J P Bisset George Cuthbert Bisset Weavers N Walker Charles Ower Dyers James Stevenson J K Stevenson The Meeting unanimously approved of action of the Convnr on calling a Special Meeting on Thursday first to consider the proposed City Improvements. The Convener having reported the result of a Meeting which he & the Clerk had had with the City Engineer today there was discussion. The Meeting thereafter unanimously approved generally of the Town Councils Scheme for the improvement of the West end of the High Street & the Overgate of Dundee.</p><p>At Dundee the 24th day of October 1912 At a Special Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee Held in the Town House Buildings Dundee at 3 p.m. Convener W. S. Nicoll in the Chair</p><p>(Mr Ower spoke also Mr Girrity & Bailie Spence & Mr Binny, Mr McGregor, Fleming Mr T. B. Taylor Mr McIntosh Bailie Fraser Mr Smith Deacon Sibbald) Mr I. S. Smith moved general approval of the Town Council Scheme – Mr C. Ower seconded.</p><p>8 The Notice calling the Meeting having been read the Convener explained fully the purpose of the Meeting. After discussion in which Mr Charles Ower, Bailie Spence Bailie Fraser Deacon Sibbald Mr T. P. Taylor and other Members took part Mr I. S. Smith moved that the Meeting approve generally of the Town Councils Scheme for the Improvements of the West end of the High Street & the Overgate which was seconded by Mr Charles Ower & unanimously agreed to. A Vote of Thanks to the Convener concluded the Meeting</p><p>At Dundee the 6th day of Novr 1912 At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Royal British Hotel at 7 o’clock p.m.</p><p>Present Convener Nicoll, Ex Convener Mollison</p><p>Deacons Assessors Bakers Fraser Couttie Shoemakers Mann McGowan Glovers Mitchell Stewart Tailors Young Young Bonnetmakers Sibbald Bisset Fleshers Findlay Cordiner Findlay Hammerman Bisset Cuthbert Bisset Weavers Walker Ower Dyers Stevenson Stevenson The Boxmaster reported to the Meeting on behalf of the Weaver & Shoemaker Trades that the following Members of that Trade had been admitted since their Lockit Book was last docqueted vizt: here follows the list of names now recorded in the File of Members. Whereupon the Meeting admitted and do admit the said the names are again listed Free Members of the Nine Incorporated Trades The Meeting proceeded to correcting the Lists of Poor lodged by the respective Trades and having compared the same with last years Lists fixed the same as follows:</p><p>Wholes Halves Wholes Bakers 6 10 11 Shoemakers 3 1½ Tailors 2 2 3 Bonnetmakers 7 9 11½ Fleshers 4 5 6½ Hammerman 1 3 2½ Weavers 8 0 2 38</p><p>The Meeting adjourned till Friday at Eight o’clock then to meet finally to adjust the Lists of Poor and allocate the payments for the year. The following were appointed a Committee to audit the Boxmasters Books & accts for the current year, to arrange for the Biennial Dinner and to invest the Finds of the Corpn on such terms & conditions at such rates of Interest and for such period of time as they may think expedient with full powers vizt: The Convener, Ex Convr Mollison, Deacons Fraser Sibbald & Mitchell, the Convener to be Convener and three a Quorum,. The Clerk & Boxmaster was continued. It was resolved to print 250 copies if the List of Members as ay 1 st Jany 1913 & it was remitted to the Auditing Com to make the necessary alterations on the Rules carried by recent legislation with powers.</p><p>At Dundee the 8th day of Novr 1912 At an Adjourned Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Royal British Hotel at 8 o’clock p.m.</p><p>Present Convener Nicoll, Ex Convener Mollison</p><p>9 Deacons Assessors Bakers Fraser Couttie Shoemakers Mann McGowan Glovers Mitchell Stewart Tailors Young A M Young Bonnetmakers Sibbald Bisset Fleshers Findlay Cordiner Findlay Hammerman Bisset Cuthbert Bisset Weavers Walker Ower Dyers Stevenson Stevenson</p><p>The Lists of the Poor were again considered and finally adjusted. The Meeting resolved to allocate the sum of £8 to each full share and halves in proportion payable to the Deacons or Boxmasters of the respective Trades on Monday next between the hours of 10 and one o’clock. Receipts for Payments to the Poor by the respective Trades were then produced and examined and found correct. The Lockit Books of the respective Trades were then produced and docqueted as follows: The Boxmaster reported to the Meeting on behalf of the Bakers, Tailors, Bonnetmakers & Weavers & Shoemaker Trades that the following Members of that Trade had been admitted since their Lockit Book was last docqueted vizt: here follows the list of names now recorded in the File of Members.</p><p>At Dundee the 11th day of Novr 1912 At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Town House Buildings at 12 o’clock noon forenoon Convener W. S. Nicoll in the Chair The Minutes of Stated General Meeting held on 7th October last were read and approved of. The Minutes of Special Meeting of the General Fund Court held on 22 nd October last were read and approved of The Minutes of Special General Meeting held on 6th inst last were read and approved of. The Minutes of Stated Meeting held on 7th October last were read and approved of. The present Meeting being called for the Election of a Director to the High School in room of the retiring Director the Clerk laid the Constitution of the High School of Dundee and the William Harris Endowment & Dundee Education Act 1882 on the Table Convener Nicoll having been heard in regard to the state of the school. Mr W G Anderson nominated Convener W S Nicoll for re-election which was seconded by Ex Lord Provost Hunter and no other Member being nominated the Convener declared himself to be dully elected as a Director if the High School of Dundee for the year ensuing the third Monday of November 1912. The clerk was instructed to certify his Election accordingly.</p><p>At Dundee the 4th day of December 1912 At a Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Clerks Office at 7 o’clock p.m.</p><p>Present Convener Nicoll, Ex Convener Mollison</p><p>Deacons Assessors Bakers Simon G Fraser James Couttie Shoemakers John E Mann James McGowan Glovers D S Mitchell W C F Stewart Tailors C P Young W M Young Bonnetmakers John G Sibbald Christopher J Bisset Fleshers John M Findlay John A Cordiner Findlay Hammerman John N Bisset Norman George Cuthbert Bisset Weavers N C Walker Charles Ower Dyers James Stevenson John L Stevenson</p><p>10 Convener Nicoll in the Chair The List of Poor of the Baker Trade was again considered. It was reported that Mrs Petrie 30 Dura Street Dundee Widow of William Petrie Baker Dundee (who had been admitted as a Pensioner two years ago on the death of her husband) had died on 4th Novr last before the payments had been allocated to the Poor and the sum of #£8 which had been paid to the Baker Trade on her behalf was therefore repayable. Having considered applications by two Daughters of the said William & Helen Petrie for the benefit of the Pension Fund the Meeting unanimously resolved to admit the said (blank) as Petitioners they being each entitled to a half share. The List of Poor of the Baker Trade was again considered one share being repayable in consequence of the death of Mrs Helen Petrie and two halves being added in respect of her two daughters Jane Petrie and Ann Petrie. The List of the Poor of the Hammerman Trade was also again considered one half share being added thereto inn respect of Rebecca Baxter Watson a Daughter of the late James Watson.</p><p>At Dundee the 18th day of January 1913 At a Meeting of the Auditing Committee held within held within the Clerk’s Office at 8 o’clock pm Present: Convener Nicoll. Ex Convener Mollison, Deacons Fraser, Mitchell & Sibbald Convener Nicoll in the Chair The Boxmasters Books and Accounts for the past year as Audited by Messers Alexr Tosh & Son C A Dundee were carefully gone over and examined and compared with the Vouchers and docqueted as correct, the Funds being as Follows:</p><p>Heritable Property 5500. 0. 0 Heritable Bonds 4900. 0. 0 Feu Duties 192.15. 7 Ground Annual at 22½ years purchase 225. 0. 0 Dundee Water Comrs Stock 800. 0. 0 Harbour Bond 100. 0. 0 Annual bequest from Pullar M @ 20 years Pur 100. 0. 0 Gold Badge & Chain 20. 0. 0 Dundee Police Comrs Deb Int Receipt 100. 0. 0 Due by Bank on Current Account 24.15. 55 -do- Deposit Account 16. 9.11 12029. 0.11</p><p>The Committee took into consideration certain Heritable Securities falling due at Whity first. In regard to one of them Mrs Crawford’s Loan of £300 they agreed to dispense with a Re Val to allow the loan to lie for another period of years provided the rate of Interest is raised to 4% from and after Whity first. In regard to another Mr D Nicolls Loan of £2000 they resolved to allow the Loan to lie provided £250 is paid to Account at Whity first. In regard to the third Mr W S Wilkies Loan of £1200 they resolved to require a Re Val of the property at the Borrower’s expense and to allow two thirds of the sum inn the Valuation to be for such period as may be agreed upon. In the event of the Borrower not agreeing to these proposals it was resolved to call up the Loans at Whity .</p><p>At Dundee the 27th day of Jany 1911 Note: the date sown is that in the Minute At a Meeting of the Committee appointed to arrange as to the Biennial Dinner held in the Royal Hotel at 8 o’clock pm Present: Convener Nicoll , Ex Convener Mollison, Deacons Fraser Mitchell & Sibbald The Committee after deliberation fixed Thursday the 13th Day of March next for the Biennial Dimmer and that within the Royal Hotel at 7 o’clock. Tickets for Members to be 10/- each and for Members Guests 15/- and £10 to be contributed from the General Fund. Notice to be given in both Daily Papers.</p><p>At Dundee the 20th day of Feb 1913 At a Special Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Clerks Office at 7 o’clock p.m.</p><p>Present Convener Nicoll, Ex Convener Mollison</p><p>11 Deacons Assessors Bakers Fraser Glovers Mitchell Bonnetmakers Sibbald Bisset Hammerman John N Bisset Norman George Cuthbert Bisset Weavers Walker Ower Convener Nicoll in the Chair The Convener stated that the Meeting had been called to consider a proposal to present a small replica of the Convener’s Badge to the Ex conveners, the Chaplain and the Clerk. The proposal was approved of and adopted and the matter was emitted to the Auditing committee with powers.</p><p>At Dundee the 20th day of Feby 1913 At a Meeting of the Auditing Committee held within held within the Clerk’s Office this afternoon at 2 o’clock pm Present: Convener Nicoll. Ex Convener Mollison, Deacons Fraser, Mitchell & Sibbald Convener Nicoll in the Chair The Committee in terms of remit from the Special Meeting of the GFC held of this date resolved and hereby resolve to accept the offer of Mr Ferguson Jeweller Dundee to supply Ten Gold Medallions being replicas of Convener’s Badge for the sum of £2. 8/- each. The Clerk was instructed accordingly.</p><p>At Dundee the 5th day of March 1913 At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Clerks Office at seven o’clock Present Convener Nicoll, Ex Convener Mollison The Meeting adjourned for want of a quorum</p><p>At Dundee the 26th day of February 1913 At a meeting of the Auditing Committee Held within the clerk’s Office at 11 o’clock Present Convener Nicoll, ex Convener Mollison, Deacons Mitchell and Sibbald</p><p>Convener Nicoll in the Chair</p><p>Mr W. Ferguson Jeweller was also present. Mr Ferguson having represented that the cost of executing the replicas of the Convener’s Badge in enamel would cost more than double the sum mentioned in Minute of Meeting of the Committee held on 20th Inst. (Not recorded) which had been quoted in error of the nature of the work it was resolved to have the Badges executed in gold with the arms of the Trades engraved thereon. It was also resolved to ask tenders from a number of Jewellers in Dundee to do the Work. Offers to be lodged in writing with the Clerk on or before Friday the 28th Inst. at 12 noon. The Clerk was instructed accordingly. The Clerk submitted a Proposal for Loan over subjects in Cowgate Dundee which along with a detailed Rental was carefully considered by the Mtg. The Clerk was instructed to obtain a Valuation of the Pty & if this is satisfactory the Mgt agreed & hereby agree to lend 2/3rds of the sum in the Valuation on the said subjects and that at 4% per annum for 5 yrs from Whity first. </p><p>At Dundee the 28th day of February 1913 At a meeting of the Auditing Committee Held within the clerk’s Office at one o’clock afternoon Convener Nicoll in the Chair</p><p>The Clerk produced sealed Offers to make Ten Replicas of the Convener’s Badge, which were opened in presence of the Meeting & carefully considered. The Meeting thereafter accepted an offer by Mr Wm. Ferguson Jeweller Dundee to execute the work for the sum of Two pounds six shillings each. The Clerk was instructed accordingly. </p><p>12 At Dundee the 10th day of March 1913 At a meeting of the Auditing Com held within the Royal Hotel at 8 p.m. Convener Nicoll in the Chair The Clerk reported that having obtained a satisfactory Valn of the Property in Cowgate Du referred to in Minute of Meeting of the Com held on 28th Fey last it had been agreed to lend £300 being two thirds of the sum in the Valn on the security of the said property. The Clerk was instructed accordingly.</p><p>At Dundee the 14th day of May 1913 At a Stated General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Town House Buildings Dundee at 7 p.m. Convener Nicoll in the Chair The Minutes of General Meeting held on 11th November last were read & approved of and subscribed by the Convener The Minutes Meeting of the General Fund Court held on 4th December last were read & approved of and subscribed by the Convener. The Minutes of Meeting of Committee appointed to Audit the Boxmasters Books and Accounts held on 10th January last were read & approved of and subscribed by the Convener The Minutes of Meeting of Committee appointed to arrange the Biennial Dinner held on 27 th January last were read & approved of and subscribed by the Convener The Minutes of Meeting of the Auditing Committee held on 28th February last were read & approved of and subscribed by the Convener. The Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court held on 5th March last was adjourned for want of a quorum. The Minutes of Meeting of the Auditing Committee held on 18th March last were read & approved of and subscribed by the Convener. The Boxmaster reported to the Meeting on behalf of the Bonnetmakers Trade that the following Members of that Trade had been admitted since their Lockit Book was last docqueted. Here follows the list of names which are to be found in the full Members Lists in a separate file.</p><p>The present Meeting having been called for the Election of three Directors of the Dundee Royal Asylum in room of those retiring being messes W G Anderson, J A Mackay and James Smith the Clerk laid Copies of the Charters of the Asylum on the Table. Mr W G Anderson & Mr J A Mackay two of the retiring Directors having been heard in respect of the affairs of the Asylum and the management and the Convener gave notice that at next Meeting he would move the following Motion vizt: That in future the Stated General Meetings called for the Second Wednesday in May be held at twelve o’clock Noon instead of seven o’clock evening Mr Thomas Russell Mr W G Anderson be elected which was seceded by ex Convener Taylor. Bailie Forwell moved that Mr J B Hay be elected which was seconded by Mr Shaw. Ex Deacon Stewart moved that Mr James Smith be elected which was seconded by Mr Wood. Bailie Forwell moved that Ex Lord Dean of Guild Smibert be elected which was seconded by ex Deacon Keith but Mr Smibert having declined to stand and no other person being nominated the Convener declared that Messers W G Anderson, James Smith & Mr J B Hay duly elected Directors of the Dundee Royal Asylum on behalf of the Nine Incorporated Trades for the ensuing year. The Clerk was instructed to Certify their election accordingly.</p><p>At Dundee the 30th day of May 1913 At a meeting of the Auditing Committee Held within the Clerk’s Office today at twelve o’clock noon Convener Nicoll in the Chair The Clerk reported that Mr David Nicoll had failed to pay the sum of £250 at Whity last to account of his loan of £2000 from the Nine Trades and he produced the following letter from his Agents Messers J & H Pattullo & Donald Solrs Dee in explanation. There is a blank in th entry until the following. … in reduction of the sums in their Bond for £2000 & of the Bond by Mr Nicoll in favor of Pullars M for £1250 proportionally. It was reported tha the Trs of Pullars Mortn agreed to this course being followed.</p><p>At Dundee the 9th day of June 1913 At a Special Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Clerks Office at three o’clock afternoon Present Convener Nicoll. Ex Convener Mollison Convener Nicoll in the Chair</p><p>13 Deacons Assessors Bakers Fraser Couttie Shoemakers Mann Glovers Mitchell Stewart Tailors Tailor Simpson Bonnetmakers Russell Fleshers Findlay Cordiner Hammerman Cuthbert Weavers Walker Ower</p><p>The Clerk reported that Mr David Nicoll had failed to pay £250 at Whity last to account of his Loan of £2000 from the Nine Trades but that his Interest which had been raised to 4% from Whity 1923 had been punctually paid. He produced the following Letter from Mr Nicoll’s Agents Messers Pattullo & Donald Solrs Dee in explanation (take in). Having considered this Letter and the whole circumstances of the case the Meeting resolved to dalay sisting the subjects contained in this Bond in the meantime. They further resolved to cause an action of H & D agt Mr Nicoll and to apply the surplus Rents</p><p>At Dundee the 9th day of June 1913 At a Stated Meeting of the G F Court of the Nine incorporated Trades of Dee held this afternoon within the Clerk’s Office at three o’clock.</p><p>Present: Convener Bisset Bakers Lorimer Couttie Shoemakers Mann Glovers Mitchell Stewart Bonnetmakers Sibbald Bisset Ham Bisset Weavers Walker Ower</p><p>Convener Nicoll in the Chair No other entry appears under this heading</p><p>At Convener the 3rd day of September 1913 At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine incorporated Trades of Convener held this evening within the Clerk’s Office at 7 o’clock. Present Convener Nicoll Ex Convener Mollison Shoemaker Deacon Mann The Meeting was adjourned for want of a Quorum</p><p>At Dundee the 7th day of October 1913 At a Stated Meeting of the G F Court of the Nine incorporated Trades of Dee held this afternoon within the Town House Bgs at three o’clock afternoon At Dundee the 9th day of June 1913 At a Stated Meeting of the G F Court of the Nine incorporated Trades of Dee held this afternoon within the Clerk’s Office at three o’clock Convener Nicoll in the Chair The Minutes of General Meeting held on 14th May last were read & approved of. The Minutes of General Meeting held on 4th June last was adjourned for want of a quorum. The Minutes of special Meeting of the General Fund Court held on 9th held on 14th May last were read & approved of June last were read and approved of. The Minutes of General Meeting held on 3rd September last was adjourned for want of a quorum. Convener Nicoll moved in terms of Notice given at last Meeting called for the second Wednesday in May be held at Twelve o’clock noon instead of Seven o’clock Evening which was unanimously agreed to. The Clerk produced a Letter dated 8th July last from Mr W S Kett Chairman of the Dundee Watchmakers & Jewellers Association requesting assistance in the Technical Training. The Special Meeting being called for the Election of Convener, Convener Nicoll thanked the Meeting for the confidence reposed in him during the time he had held office. The Meeting then proceeded to the Election of a Convener for the ensuing year when Ex Convener Dickie nominated and moved that Mr Christopher Johnston Bisset be appointed which nomination was</p><p>14 seconded by Ex Convener Taylor and no other Member being nominated the Convener declared Mr Bisset to be duly elected for the ensuing year and installed him with the Insignia of Office. Convener Bisset then took the chair. Lord Dean of Guild Nicoll moved a vote of thanks to Ex Convener Nicoll which was cordially awarded.</p><p>At Dundee the 5th day of November 1913 At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine incorporated Trades of Dundee Held this Evening within the Clerk’s Office at seven o’clock p.m. Present Convener Bisset </p><p>THe Meeting proceeded to scrutinize the Lists of Poor Lodged by the respective Trades and having compared the same with last years Lists fixed the same as follows:</p><p>Wholes Halves Wholes Bakers 5 12 11 Shoemakers 1 3 2½ Tailors 2 2 3 Bonnetmakers 7 8 11 Fleshers 4 5 6½ Hammerman 1 3 2 ½ Weavers 2 0 2</p><p>The Meeting adjourned until Thursday at Eight o’clock then to meet finally to adjust the Lists of Poor and allocate the payments for the year. The following were appointed to audit the Boxmasters Books and Accounts for the current year and to invest the Funds of the Corporation on such terms and conditions at such rates of interest and for such period of time as they may think expedient with full powers vizt: The Convener, Ex Convener Nicoll, Deacons Lorimer, Russell and Mr Ower. The Convener to be Convener and three a quorum. The Clerk & Boxmaster were continued.</p><p>At Dundee the 5th day of November 1913 At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine incorporated Trades of Dundee Held this Evening within the Clerk’s Office at seven o’clock p.m. Present Convener Bisset, Ex Convener Nicoll Deacons Assessors Bakers Lorimer Couttie Shoemakers Mann Glovers Stewart Tailors Taylor Simpson Bonnetmakers Russell Fleshers Findlay Cordiner Hammerman Bisset Cuthbert Weavers Walker Ower Dyers Stevenson</p><p>The Lists of the Poor were again considered and finally adjusted. The Meeting resolved to allocate the sum of £8 to each full share and halves in proportion payable to the Deacons or Boxmasters of the respective Trades on Monday next between the hours of Eleven and One. Receipts for Payments to the Poor by the respective Trades were then produced and examined and found correct. The Lockit Books of the respective Trades were then produced and docqueted as follows:</p><p>At Dundee the 10th day of Novr 1913 At a Special General Meeting of the Nine incorporated Trades of Dundee Held this Evening within the Town House Bldgs at 11 o’clock forenoon Convener Bisset in the Chair The Minutes of General Meeting held on 7th October last were read & approved of. The Minutes of Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court held on 5th inst were read & approved of. The Minutes of Adjourned Meeting of the General Fund Court held on 6th inst were read & approved of. 15 The present Meeting being called for the Election of a Director of the High School in room of retiring Director the Clerk laid the Constitution of the High School of Dundee and the Wm Harris Endowment and Dundee Education Act 1882 on the Table. Ex Convener Nicoll having been heard inn regard to the state of the School Mr D M Fleming nominated Ex Convener Nicoll for election which was seconded by Mr Charles Ower and no other Member being nominated the Convene declared Ex Convener Nicoll to be dully elected a Director of the High School of Dundee for the ensuing year the third Monday of November 1913. The Clerk was instructed to certify his election accordingly.</p><p>At Dundee the 3rd day of December 1913 At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine incorporated Trades of Dundee Held this Evening within the Clerk’s Office at 7 o’clock p.m. Convener Bisset in the Chair</p><p>Deacons Assessors Bakers Lorimer Couttie Shoemakers Mann Glovers Stewart Mitchell Tailors Taylor Simpson Bonnetmakers Russell Williams Hammerman Bisset Cuthbert Weavers Ower Dyers Stevenson Stevenson</p><p>The Clerk transmitted a Letter from Mr W. S. Kett Chairman of the Watchmakers & Jewellers Association dated 10th Ulto. thanking the Nine Trades for their kind donation of £3.3/- towards establishing a class in Dundee Technical College for the training of apprentices in Practical & Theoretical Watch & Clock making.</p><p>At Dundee the 6th day of February 1914 At a meeting of the Committee for Auditing the Boxmasters Books and Accounts for the past year held within the Clerk’s Office at Eight o’clock p.m. Present: Convener Bisset, Ex Convener w S Nicoll, Deacons Lorimer & Russell and Mr Charles Ower Convener Bisset in the Chair </p><p>The Boxmasters Books and Accounts for the past year as audited by Messers Alexander Tosh & Son C A Dundee were carefully gone over and examined and compared with the Vouchers and docqueted as correct the Funds being as follows:</p><p>Heritable Property 5500. 0. 0 Heritable Bonds 5000. 0. 0 Feu Duties 192.15. 7 Ground Annual at 22½ years purchase 225. 0. 0 Dundee Water Comrs Stock 800. 0. 0 Harbour Bond 100. 0. 0 Dundee Police Commissioners Int Receipt 100. 0. 0 Annual bequest from Pullar’s Mort @ 20 years Pur 100. 0. 0 Gold Badge & Chain 20. 0. 0 Due by Bank on Current Account 43.14.10 -do- Deposit Account 26.10. 6 12108. 0.11 </p><p>The Boxmaster reported that the currency of the Loan of £350 to Mr Robert Stewart Broughty Ferry expires ay Whitsunday first. The Committee being satisfied with the Security agreed to allow the Loan to lie for a further period of three years the rate of interest being raised of Four per cent per annum and instructed the Boxmaster accordingly.</p><p>16 The Clerk submitted a Circular from Dundee Harbour Trustees intimating that they were willing to continue the Loan of £100 from the Trades on the present conditions after Whitsunday with interest from that date at Four per cent per annum and renew the Loan for a period not exceeding three years from Whitsunday first at that rate. The Committee resolved that the Loan be renewed for three years from Whity first at Four per cent and instructed the Clerk accordingly. </p><p>At Dundee the 4th day of March Nineteen hundred and fourteen At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine incorporated Trades of Dundee held this Evening within the Clerk’s Office at 7 o’clock p.m. Present Convener Bisset, Ex Convener Nicoll </p><p>Deacons Assessors Bakers Lorimer Shoemakers Mann Glovers Mitchell Bonnetmakers Russell Hammerman Bisset Weavers Walker Ower The Boxmaster reported to the Meeting on behalf of the Bonnetmaker and Glover Trades that the following Members of that Trade had been admitted since their Lockit Book was last docqueted vizt: Here follows the details of the new Members which are listed separately in one single file.</p><p>At Dundee the 13th day of May 1914 At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine incorporated Trades of Dundee held this Evening within the Town House Building Dundee at 12 o’clock noon Convener Bisset in the Chair The Minutes of General Meeting held on 10th Novr last were read & approved of. The Minutes of Stated Meeting of the Comm for auditing the Boxmasters Books held on 3rd December last were read & approved of. The Minutes of Meeting of the Comm for auditing the Boxmasters Books held on 3rd December last were read & approved of. The Minutes of Stated Meeting of the G F Court held on 4th March last were read & approved of. The Boxmaster reported to the Meeting on behalf of the Bonnetmaker Trade that the following Members of that Trade had been admitted since their Lockit Book was last docqueted vizt: Here follows the details of the new Members which are listed separately in one single file. The present Meeting being called for the election of three Directors of the D R L A in room of those retiring being Messers W G Anderson, James Smith & J b Hay the clerk laid Copies of the Charter of the Asylum on the Table Messers (blank) two of the retiring Directors having been heard in regard to the affairs of the Asylum & its management Mr Nicoll moved that Mr Anderson be elected which was seconded by Mr Sibbald. Mr Sibbald moved that Mr Finlay be elected which was seconded by Mr Binny Mr Ferguson moved that Mr Hay be elected which was seconded by Mr John Walker and no other person being nominated the Convener declared Messers Anderson, Hay, & Finlay duly elected Directors of the DRLA on behalf of the N In Trades for the ensuing year. The Clerk was instructed to certify their Election accordingly.</p><p>At Dundee the 3rd day of June 1914 At a Stated Meeting of the G F C of the Nine In Trades of Dee held within the Clerks Office at 7 o’clock Present: Tailors Assessor Simpson, Weavers Deacon Ower Snr The Meeting adjourned for want ot a quorum.</p><p>At Dundee the 2nd day of Sept 1914 At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine In Trades of Dee held within the Clerks Office at 7 o’clock</p><p>Present: Deacon Lorimer Bakers. There is no further entry presumably for want of a quorum</p><p>17 At Dundee the 12th day of Octr 1914 At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine In Trades of Dee held this day within the Town House Bld at 3 o’clock afternoon Convener Bisset in the Chair The Minute of General Meeting held on 13th May last were read and approved of. The Minute Meeting of the G F C held on 3rd June last was adjourned for want of a quorum. The Boxmaster reported to the Meeting that he had received payment of a Legacy of £100 (less Legacy Duty £10) bequeathed to the Nine Incorporated Trades by the late Ex Convener James Arnott Stewart. The Members present expressed their appreciation of the Legacy the first received by the Incorporation for many years with which Ex Convener Stewarts name will be kindly remembered & associated. The present Meeting being calledfor the election of a Convener for the ensuing year when Bailie Paton nominated and moved that Mr Christopher J Bisset be re-elected Convener for the following year which nomination and motion was seconded by Mr Sibbald and unanimously agreed to. The Clerk was instructed to certify the Conveners Election accordingly.</p><p>At Dundee the 12 day of Octr 1914 At a Joint Meeting of the G F C of the Nine Trades & the Comrs of Jas Pullars Mort Present: From the N T From Pullars Mortn Convener Bisset Convener Bisset Ex Con Nicoll Rev A H Ferguson Deacon Lorimer Mr Thos Russell Deacon Walker Wm Bisset Duncan Russell</p><p>Convener Bisset in the Chair The Chairman having explained the position of matters in connection with the loan over D Nicoll’s City Road property by the Nine Trades & Pullars Mort respectively a letter dated 7th inst from Messers Pattullo & Donald was produced offering to pay at Martinmas first such as with the amount collectable under the Action of Maills and Duties will make a repayment to account of principal of £250 on condition that the Bondholders cease to retain possession of the property under their Action of Maills & duties. The Meeting agreed to this course provided that all expenses in connection with the matter be paid by Mr Nicolls.</p><p>“A” The Boxmaster reported to the Meeting on behalf of the Tailor and Weaver Trades Here follows the details of the new Members which are listed separately in one single file</p><p>. At Dundee the 4th day of Novr 1914 At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Clerk’s Office at Seven o’clock p.m. Convener Bisset in the Chair The Meeting proceeded to scrutinize the Lists of the Poor lodged by the respective Trades and having compared the same with last years Lists found the same as follows:</p><p>Wholes Halves Wholes Bakers 4 10 9 Shoemakers 1 2 2 Tailors 1 2 2 Bonnetmakers 7 8 11 Fleshers 5 4 7 Hammerman 1 2 2 Weavers 2 2 2</p><p>The following were appointed a Committee to audit the Boxmasters Books and Accounts for the Current year and to invest the Funds of the Corporation on such terms and conditions art such rates of interest and for such periods of time as they may think expedient and generally to attend tp the Investments of the</p><p>18 Corporation with full powers vizt: the Convener, Ex Convener Nicoll, Deacons Lorimer and Russell and Mr James Simpson, the Convener to be Convener and three a quorum. The Clerk and Boxmaster was continued. It was resolved to print 250 copies of the List of Members as at 1st January 1915. The Boxmaster reported that he had recd payment from the Trs of the late Ex Convener James A Stewart of a Legacy of £100 less £10 of Legacy Duty bequeathed by him to the Incorporation. The Meeting resolved to make a Grant of £10 to one of the Charitable Funds in connection with the War. The matter was remitted to the Convener & the Clerk with powers. The Meeting resolved to allocate the sum of £8.10/- to each full share and halves in proportion payable to the Deacons & Boxmasters of the respective Trades on Monday next between the hours of Eleven and One. Receipts for payments to the Poor by the respective trades were then produced and examined and found correct. The Lockit Books of the respective Trades were also produced and docqueted as Here follows the details of the new Members of the Glovers, Tailors and Bonnetmaker Trades which are listed separately in one single file.</p><p>At Dundee and within the Guild Hall there on Friday the 6th day of Nov 1914 at Eleven o’clock forenoon At a Joint Meeting of the Members of the Guildry Incorporation of Dundee , The Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee and the Three United Trades of Dundee of not less that six months standing in the said bodies respectively dully called and held for the purpose of electing two Trustees of the Harbour of Dundee for Three Years from the third Tuesday in November 1914 to the Third Tuesday on November 1917 all in terms of the Dundee and Tay Ferries Consolidated Act 1911</p><p>Convene Bisset was unanimously elected Chairman and read the Notice calling the Meeting. The Meeting unanimously approved of the following Regulations for the conduct of the business at this and future Joint General Meetings of the said bodies under Section 14 of the said Act which had been approved of and enacted at a Joint Meeting of the Members of the three bodied held on the third day of November 1911. 1. The Joint Meeting provided for by the said Section shall be held at Eleven o’clock forenoon in such place and on such date between the First and Tenth days of November as the Dean of Guild may specify in the advertisement calling the Joint Meeting in terms of the Act. 2. The Joint Meeting shall in the first place elect a Chairman and Clerk, the latter of whom shall be responsible for making the return to the Harbour Clerk provided for by the Act. It is recommended that the Dean of Guild and the Clerk to the Guildry should be appointed Chairman & Clerk respectively to the First Joint Meeting and the Convener of the Nine Trades and Clerk to that body Chairman and Clerk to the second Joint Meeting and the Convener of the Three Trades and Clerk to that body Chairman & Clerk respectively to the next Joint Meeting and sop forth thereafter on the same rotation. 3. Nominations for the office of Harbour Trustee shall be competent betwixt Eleven and half past eleven o’clock forenoon on the day of the Joint Meeting. If only two candidates are put in nomination they shall be declared by the Chairman to have been duly elected 4. In case more that two candidates are put in Nomination the Meeting shall as soon as possible after the nominations are completed proceed to elect two Trustees by ballot under the superintendence of two or more Tellers to be appointed by the Meeting. 5. The Names of the several candidates nominated shall be written or printed in alphabetical order on a voting ticket which will be furnished by the Clerk to the Meeting or his assistant to each person entitled to vote and applying for a voting ticket. Votes shall be marked by the Voter placing a cross against the name of each of the candidates for who he desires to vote and the voter shall then deposit his ticket in the ballot box. 6. The Ballot shall continue open till three o’clock pm when it shall be closed by the Tellers who shall immediately retire and proceed to ascertain the number of votes given for each of the candidates. so soon as this has been done they shall make and subscribe a written Report of the state of the votes, they shall then return to the Guild Hall or other place of Meeting and deliver the Report to the Chairman by whom it shall be publicly read to the Meeting and the two candidates having the greatest number of votes shall thereupon be declared dully elected as Trustees of the Harbour for the ensuing three years. 7. In the event of two or more candidates who cannot all be elected receiving an equal number of votes the Chairman shall have and exercise a casting vote. “A” Mr McGrady & Mr T B Taylor the retiring Trustees were then heard on the Harbour Affairs. The Meeting proceeded to nominate Members as Harbour Trustees when the list when Par J Hunter nominated Mr Henry McGrady which was seconded by Mr Sibbald. Mr F Joiner nominated Mr T B Taylor which was seconded by J Milne (take out). Half past eleven o’clock having arrived and no other Members being nominated the Chairman declared Mr Henry McGrady and T B Taylor to have been duly elected as Trustees of the Harbour of Dundee by the said</p><p>19 three Incorporations for the three years beginning the Third Tuesday in November 1914 and ending the Third Tuesday in November 1917. The Clerk of the Meeting was instructed to certify their Election.</p><p>At Dundee the 9th day of Novr 1914 At a Stated Gen Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Town House Bldgs at eleven o’clock forenoon. The Minute of General Meeting held on 6th Octr last were read approved of and subscribed by the Convener The Minute of Stated Meeting held on 4th inst were read and approved of and subscribed by the Convener. The Minutes of Joint Meeting of the Members of the Guildry Incorporation of Dundee, The Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee and the Three United Trades of Dundee were read and approve of and Subscribed by the Convener. The present Meeting being called for the election of a Director of the High School in room of the retiring Director the Clerk laid the Constitution of the High School and the William Harris Endowment and Dundee Education Act 1882 on the table. Ex Convener Nicoll having been heard in regard to the State of the School Mr Dickie nominated Mr W S Nicoll for election which was seconded by Mr Fleming and no other Member being nominated the Chairman declared Mr Nicoll to be duly elected a Director of the High School of Dundee for the year ensuing the Third Monday of November 1914. The Clerk was instructed to certify accordingly.</p><p>At Dundee the 2nd day of Decr 1914 At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Clerks Office at 7 o’clock pm Present: James Simpson Deacon of Tailors: W C Walker Deacon of Weavers (blank) in the Chair The /Clerk reported that the Convener and he had given the Grant of £10 voted by the General Fund Court at their Meeting on 4th November last to the Field Force Fund for the purpose of providing Comforts for the Troops at the Front especially of the 5th Battalion of the Black Watch in which Dundee is more specially interested which was approved of. The Meeting adjourned for want of a quorum.</p><p>Dundee the 21st day of Jan 1915 At a Meeting for auditing the Boxmasters Books and accounts for the past year held within the Clerk’s Office at half past One p.m. Present: Convener Bisset, Ex Convener Nicoll, Deacons Lorimer, Russell & Simpson Convener Bisset in the Chair The Boxmasters Books and Accounts for the past year as audited by Messers Alex Tosh & Son CA Dundee were carefully gone over and examined and compared with the Vouchers and docqueted as correct, the Funds being as follows:</p><p>Heritable Property 5500. 0. 0 Heritable Bonds 4550. 0. 0 Feu Duties 192.15. 7 Ground Annual at 22½ years purchase 225. 0. 0 Dundee Water Comrs Stock 800. 0. 0 Harbour Bond 100. 0. 0 Dundee Police Commissioners Int Receipt 640. 0. 0 Annual bequest from Pullar’s Mort @ 20 years Pur 100. 0. 0 Gold Badge & Chain 20. 0. 0 Due by Bank on Current Account 19.1.11 -do- Deposit Account 210. 4. 8 123557. 2. 2</p><p>To this there falls to be added Income Tax recoverable for the Year to Marts. “A” The Boxmaster reported that the currency of the Loan of £30 to Mr J R Martin over subjects at Wellgate Park Newport expires at Whitsunday first.</p><p>20 He was instructed to intimate to Mr Martins Agents that the Committee would be willing to consider a Proposal to continue the Loan for such period of years as may be arranged the rate of Interest being raised from 3% to 4% from Whity first provided a satisfactory Valn be obtained at the expense pf the Borrower.</p><p>Dundee the 10th day of Feb 1915 At a Special Meeting of the General F C of the Nine Incorporated T of Dundee held this afternoon within the Clerk’s Office at 3 pm Present Convener Bisset, Ex Convener Nicoll, Deacons Simpson Tailors, Ressell Bonnetmakers, Walker Weavers, Assessors Bisset Hammerman, Ower Weavers Conver Bisset in the Chair The Boxmaster reported &c (take in “A” prev page). He Clerk produced the following Letter from Messers J G Sibbald & Son Factors for the Victoria Road Property (take in). the matter was remitted to the Convener and the Clerk with powers. On the motion of the Convr it was unanimously resolved that the Biennial Dinner of the Trades which in ordinary course would be held in March should not be held in the meantime.</p><p>At Dundee the 3rd day of March 1915 At a Stated Meeting of the G F C of the 9 Incor T of Ddee held this evening within the Clerks Office at seven o’clock pm Present: Convener Bissett, Ex Convener Nicoll The Meeting adjourned for want of a quorum.</p><p>Dundee the 21st day of Jan 1915 At a Meeting Auditing Committee held within the Clerk’s Office at 2 o’clock p.m Present: Convener Bisset, Ex Convener Nicoll, Deacons Lorimer & Russell Convener Bisset in the Chair The Clerk reported that having obtained a satisfactory Valn from Messers Charles Boase & Co Architects Dee of the property in Newport belonging to Mr J W Martin he had arranged to renew the loan for three Years from Whity first the rate of Interest being raised from 3% to 4% which was approved of.</p><p>The Clerk submitted a proposal for a Loan of £600 over House “Ellengowan” Hillcrest Road Dundee which was carefully considered by the Meeting. The Clerk was instructed to obtain a Valuation of the Property and if his is satisfactory the Meeting agreed & hereby agree to grant the said Loan and that at four per centum per annum, for 3 Years from Whity first.</p><p>At Dundee the 12th day of May 1915 At a Stated General Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Town House Bldgs at 12 o’clock noon Convener Bisset in the Chair The Minutes of General Meeting held on 9th inst were read and approved of. The Stated Meeting of the GFC held on 2nd Decr last was adjourned for want of a quorum. The Minutes of the Com for Auditing the Boxmasters Books held on 20th Jany last were read and approved of. The Minutes of Special Meeting of the GFC held on 12th Fey last were read and approved of. The Minutes of the Committee for Auditing the Boxmasters Books held on 8th March last were read and approved of. The present Meeting being called for the election of Three Directors pf the DRLA in room of those retiring being messes W G Anderson, J B Hay and J M Findlay. The Clerk laid 6 copies of the Charter of the Asylum on the Table. Messers Hay & Anderson two of the retiring Directors having been heard in regard to the affairs of the Asylum and its Management. Mr Kidd moved that Mr J Hay be re-elected which was Seconded by Convener Bisset Mr Ninny moved that Mr Anderson be re-elected which was Seconded by Mr Hay Mr Smith moved that Mr Fiddes be elected which was seconded by Mr Wood an no other person being nominated the Convene declared Messers Anderson, Hay and Fiddes duly elected Directors of the DRLA ib behalf of the Nine Trades for the ensuing year. The Clerk was instructed to certify their Election accordingly. The Convener gave Notice that at next General Meeting he would move the following Motion vizt: That the Stated Meetings of the General Fund Court held on the first Wednesday of March, June, September and</p><p>21 December be not called unless here is business to be transacted or the Convener for the time should deem it expedient for any of them to be held.</p><p>At Dundee the 2nd day of June 1915 At a Stated General Meeting of the G F C of the 9 Incorp T of Dundee held this evening within the Clerks office at 7 o’clock pm Present: Bonnetmaker Deacon Russell The Meeting was adjourned for want of a quorum.</p><p>Dundee the 3rd day of Augt 1915 At a Meeting Auditing Committee held within the Clerk’s Office at 12 noon Present: Convener Bisset, Ex Convr Nicoll Deacon Russell The Clerk reported that Messers Guild & Shepherd W.S. Edin the Agents for the Superior of the Subjects at Victoria Road belonging to the Nine Trades had written Mr Sibbald. A Requiring description of the future Causalities exigible in respect of such property and he produced Letter from them dated 15th Ulto to that effect. He also reported that he had sent Copies of their Letter to Messers J & W Macdonald Solrs Arbroath the Agents for the Proprietors of another portion of the Victoria Road Property and he produced a Letter from them dated 236th Ulto in reply. Having carefully considered the matter the Meeting resolved to pay an additional Feu duty of £9. 9.10 per annum commencing at Marts first the first half yearly payment of the increased Feu duty being made at Whity 1916. The Clerk stated that Messers J & W Macdonald are also prepared to pay an additional Feu duty rather than a slump sum, the addition to the Feu duty in that case being £5.13. 9 per annum. The Clerk as instructed to intimate this resolution to Messers Guild & Shepherd & Messers J & W Macdonald At Dundee the 1st day of Sept 1915 At a Stated Meeting of the G F C of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Clerks office at 7 o’clock pm Present: Convener Bisset, Ex Convener Nicoll. The Meeting was adjourned for want of a quorum.</p><p>At Dundee the 5th day of October 1915 At a Stated General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day within the Town House Buildings Dundee at Three o’clock afternoon Convener Bisset in the Chair Jas H Nicoll, Wm P Neave James Hunter &John A Beattie The Minutes of General Meeting held on 12th May last were read and approved of and subscribed by the Convener. The Minutes of the Auditing Com held on 3rd Augt were read and approved of and subscribed by the Convener. The Meeting of the GFC held on 1st Sept last was adjourned for want of a quorum. The Boxmaster reported to the Meeting on behalf of the Baker Trade that the following Members had been admitted since the Lockit book had last been docqueted Here follows the details of the new Members of the Trade which are listed separately in one single file. In terms of Notice given at last Meeting Convener Bisset moved the following motion vizt: That the Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court held on the first Wednesday of March, June, September & December be not called unless there is business to be transacted or the Convener for the time should deem it expedient for any of the to beheld which was unanimously agreed to. He present Meeting being called for the election of a Convener for the ensuing year when Ex Convener Nicoll nominated and moved that Mr Christopher J Bisset b re-elected Convener for the following year which nomination and motion was seconded by Mr W G Anderson and unanimously agreed to. The Clerk was instructed to certify the Convener Election accordingly.</p><p>At Dundee the 3rd day of November Nineteen hundred and fifteen At a Stated General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day within the Clerk’s Office at seven o’clock pm Present: Convener Bisset, Deacons Assessors Bakers Couttie Barclay r Shoemakers Mann Mann</p><p>22 Tailors Simpson Young Bonnetmakers Russell Fleshers Cordiner Fiddes Hammerman Cuthbert Bisset Weavers Ower Fairweather The Convener in the Chair He Meeting proceeded to scrutinize the Lists of Poor lodged by the respective Trades and having compared them with last years Lists find the same as follows:</p><p>Wholes Halves Wholes Bakers 3 11 11½ Shoemakers 1 2 2 Tailors 1 2 2 Bonnetmakers 8 8 12 Fleshers 5 4 7 Hammerman 1 2 2 Weavers 2 0 2</p><p>The Meeting resolved to allocate the sum of £8.10/- to each full share and halves in proportion payable to the Deacons or Boxmasters of the respective Trades on Tuesday next between the hours of Eleven and Twelve o’clock. Receipts for Payments by the respective Trades were then produced and examined and found correct. The Lockit Books of the respective Trades were also produced and docqueted 5 Members vizt Bakers Here follows the details of the new Members of the Baker Trade which are listed separately in one single file. Shoemakers, Glovers, Tailors, Bonnetmakers< Fleshers, Hammerman, Weaver and Dyers – no entries. The following were appointed a Committee to audit the Boxmasters Books and Accounts for the current year and to invest the Funds of the Corporation on such terms and conditions at such rate of Interest and for such period of time as they may think expedient and generally to attend to the Investments of the Corporation with full powers vizt: the Convener Ex Convener Nicoll Deacons Couttie, Russell and Mr J A Bisset, the Convner to be Convener and three a quorum. The Clerk & Boxmaster were continued.</p><p>At Dundee the 8th day of November 1915 At a Stated General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day within the Town House Buildings at eleven o’clock forenoon Convener Bisset in the Chair The Minutes of General Meeting held on 5th October last were read & approved of and subscribed by the Convener. The Minutes of Meeting of the General Fund Court held on 3rd inst were read & approved of and subscribed by the Convener. The present Meeting being called for the Election of a Director of the High School in room of the retiring Director the Clerk laid the Constitution of the High School of Dundee and the William Harris Endowment and the Dundee Education Act 1882 on the Table. Ex Convener Nicoll having been heard as regards to the State of the School Mr Sibbald nominated Mr W S Nicoll for Election which was seconded by Ex Convener Taylor and no other Member being nominated the Convener declared Mr Nicoll to be duly elected a Director of the High School of Dundee for the Year ensuing the third Monday of November 1915. The Clerk was instructed to certify his Election accordingly.</p><p>At Dundee the 8th day of February 1916 At a Special Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades held this evening at 2 Union Street at Seven o’clock pm Present: Convener C J Bisset, Ex Convener W S Nicoll Deacons Assessors Bakers James Couttie A V Barclay r Shoemakers John E Mann Robert B Mann Glovers David Stewart D S Mitchell Tailors James Simpson C P Young Bonnetmakers Thomas Russell John E Williams 23 Fleshers J H Cordiner Robert Fiddes Hammerman George Cuthbert J N Bisset Weavers Charles Ower John Fairweather Dyers John L Stevenson Francis Stevenson See Minute prepared by Convener</p><p>Minute of G Meeting of 11th Feby 1916 See Minute prepared by Convener </p><p>Dundee the Twenty eighth day of February Nineteen hundred and sixteen At a Meeting for Auditing the Boxmasters Books and Accounts for the year ended 31st Dec last held within the Clerk’s Office No 12 Bank Street Dundee at a quarter before one o’clock afternoon Present: Convener Bisset, Ex Convener Nicoll, Deacons Russell and Bisset Convener Bisset in the Chair The Boxmasters Books and Accounts for the year to 31st December last as Audited by Messers Alex Tosh & son C A Dundee were carefully gone over and examined & compared with the Vouchers & Docqueted as Correct, the Funds being as follows:</p><p>Heritable Property 5500. 0. 0 Heritable Bonds 5750. 0. 0 Feu Duties 192.15. 7 Ground Annual at 22½ years purchase 225. 0. 0 Dundee Water Comrs Stock 800. 0. 0 Harbour Bond 100. 0. 0 Dundee Police Commissioners Interm Receipt 40. 0. 0 Annual bequest from Pullar’s Mort @ 20 years Pur 100. 0. 0 Gold Badge & Chain 20. 0. 0 Due by Bank on Current Account 13. 2. 2 -do- Deposit Account 229. 0. 4 12369.18. 1</p><p>An Extract of Income & Expenditure was also submitted which is as follows:</p><p>I Income Interest from Investment & Money in Bank 260. 4. 0 Rents 172. 2. 1 Pullar Mortification 5. 0. 0 Gross Revenue 437. 7. 1 Admission - one 27.1. 0 464.17. 1 II Expenditure Income Tax allowed & paid 35.13. 3 Pensions 327. 3. 0 Salaries 41. 5. 0 Auditing Expense 6. 6. 6 Insurance Prems paid 10. 9. 3 Printing, stationery & Advertising 8. 8. 9 Law Agents Business Account 7. 7. 0 Conveners fee 5. 5. 0 Miscellaneous 10. 1. 5 452. 1. 2 Surplus 12.15.11</p><p>At Dundee the 12th day of May Nineteen hundred and sixteen At a Stated General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day within the Town House Buildings at 12 o’clock noon Convener Bisset in the Chair The Minutes of the General Meeting held on 8th November last were read and approved and subscribed by the Convener. 24 The Minutes of the Special Meeting of the General Fund Court held on 8th February 1916 were read and approved and subscribed by the Convener. The Minutes of the Special Meeting of the General Fund Court held on 11th February 1916 were read and approved and subscribed by the Convener. The Minutes of Meeting of the Auditing Committee held on 28th February 1916 were read and approved and subscribed by the Convener The Boxmaster reported to the Meeting that on behalf of the Bonnetmaker Trade the following Members had been admitted to that Trade Here follows the details of the new Members of the Trade which are listed separately in one single file. The present Meeting being called for the election of three Directors of the Dundee Royal Lunatic Asylum in room of those retiring being Messers W G Anderson, J B Hay and Robert Fiddes. The Clerk laid Copies of the Charter of the Asylum on the Table. Messers Hay and Fiddes who were present were then heard in regard to the affairs of the Asylum and its Management and a letter from Mr W G Anderson who was unavoidably prevented from being at the Meeting on the same subject was red by the Convener. thereafter Mr T B Taylor proposed and Bailie McCabe seconded that Mr J B Hay be re-elected and Mr C P Young proposed and Mr Charles Wood seconded that Mr Fiddes be re-elected. No other person being nominated the Convener declared Messers J B Hay and W G Anderson and Robert Fiddes duly elected Directors of the Dundee Royal Lunatic Asylum in behalf of the Nine Incorporated Trades for the ensuing year. The Clerk was instructed to certify their election accordingly.</p><p>At Dundee the Third day of October Nineteen hundred and sixteen At a Stated General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day within the Town House Buildings at three o’clock afternoon Convener Bisset in the Chair The Minutes of Stated General Meeting held on 10th May last were read and approved and subscribed by the Convener. The Meeting them proceed to the business for which it had been called namely the election of Convener when ex Convener Nicoll nominated and moved the re-election of Convener Bisset for the ensuing year and this having been seconded by Mr W G Anderson was unanimously agreed to, Convener Bisset in accepting the office referred to the abnormal circumstances of the times as hampering in some measure the activities of the Trades but assured the Meeting that he had their best Interests at heart and returned thanks for their expressions of confidence in re-electing him for another year. The Clerk was instructed to certify the Conveners election.</p><p>Dundee the 11th day of October Nineteen hundred and sixteen At a Meeting of the Auditing & Investments Committee of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held at No 12 Bank Street Dundee Present: Convener Bisset, Ex Convener W S Nicoll, Deacons Couttie, Russell & J Bisset Convener Bisset in the Chair The Clerk read a Letter dated 30th Sept 1916 which he had received from Messers Little & French Solicitors with reference to certain investments forming part of the Estate of the late Mr john Milne, explaining the position of these investments & requesting an expression of opinion as to whether these should be retained or if possible sold. He also explained to the Meeting the information he had otherwise been able to get as to the several Companies referred to & read the clauses in deceased’s Will bearing on the Trustees investment powers and immunities. After careful consideration and a full exchange of views the Meeting was unanimously of opinion that the question whether the investments should be retained or disposed of was one entirely for Mr Milne’s Trustees but that so far as could be seen meantime it would appear to be a wise exercise of discretion on the part of the Trustees were they to retain the investments until such time as the Stock markets approach wore closely to the normal conditions. The Clerk was instructed to write Messers Little & French to that effect.</p><p>At Dundee the First day of November Nineteen hundred and sixteen At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Clerks Office at seven o’clock Present: Convener C J Bisset Deacons Assessors Bakers Couttie r Shoemakers Mann Mann Glovers Tailors Graham</p><p>25 Bonnetmakers Russell Williams Fleshers Fiddes Wood Hammerman J Bisset Cuthbert Weavers Charles Ower John Fairweather Dyers The Convener in the Chair The Minutes of stated Meeting of the General Fund court held on 1st March last and the Minute of Meeting pf the Auditing Committee held on 11th October last were read, approved of and subscribed by the Convener. The Meeting then proceeded to scrutinize the Lists of Poor and there was produced an Application under the auspices of the Baker Trade on behalf of Mrs Anne Blair. The circumstances being well known the application was unanimously granted. The Lists for this year having been Produced and compared with those for last year the Current years allowances were fixed as follows:</p><p>Wholes Halves Wholes Bakers 3 10 11 Shoemakers 1 2 2 Tailors 1 2 2 Bonnetmakers 8 8 12 Fleshers 5 4 7 Hammerman 1 2 2 Weavers 2 0 2 In all 30</p><p>The Meeting resolved to allocate the sum of £8.10/- to each full share and halves in proportion payable to the Deacons or Boxmasters of the respective Trades on Friday tenth November current. Receipts for payments to the Poor of the respective Trades were then produced and examined and found to be correct. The Minute then lists the new Members of each Trade whose details are held in a separate file.</p><p>The following were appointed a Committee to Audit the Boxmasters Books and Accounts for the Current year and to invest the Funds of the Incorporation on such terms and conditions at such rate of interest and for such period of time as they may think expedient and generally to attend to the Investments and Financial interest of the Incorporation with full powers, namely: The Convener Ex Convener W S Nicoll, Deacons Couttie, Russell & Fiddes the Convener to be Convener and three to from a quorum. The Clerk and Boxmaster were re-elected. The Convener was cordially thanked for his conduct in the Chair.</p><p>At Dundee the thirteenth day of November Nineteen hundred and sixteen At a Stated General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Town House Buildings at (blank) In the absence of the Convener Ex Convener Bisset who had been called out of town on important public business Ex Convener T B Taylor was called to the Chair. The Minute of the Stated Meeting of the Trades held on 3rd October last were read passed and signed by the Chairman. The Minute of Meeting of the Auditing Committee held on 11th October last was read and approved of. He present Meeting having been called for the purpose of electing a Director of the High School in room of the retiring Director elected by the Incorporation the Clerk laid on the table a Copy of the Constitution of the High School of Dundee and of the William Harris Endowment and Dundee Education Act 18482. Thereupon the Ex Convener W S Nicoll the retiring Director was hears as to the financial position thereof and on the Call of the Chairman a hearty vote of thanks having been accorded Mr Nicoll Bailie Powrie moved and Ex Deacon Thos Russell seconded that Ex Convener Nicoll be re elected Director of the High School for another term. There being no other nomination Ex Convener Nicoll was declared duly elected to the Office and the Clerk was instructed to Certify the election</p><p>Dundee the Eleventh day of January Nineteen hundred and seventeen At a Meeting of the Auditing & Investments Committee of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Clerks Office at eleven o’clock this forenoon Present: Convener Bisset, Deacons Russell & Fiddes</p><p>26 The Boxmaster submitted his Accounts for the past year with a Draft Vidimus thereof and these were remitted to Messers Alex Tosh & Son CA for audit as formerly. It was agreed to lend £350 @ 3% per annum to any of the City or Parish Boards in Dundee & the Boxmaster was instructed accordingly. A Letter from Messers Little & French Solicitors asking suggestions as to epitaph to be put on proposed tombstone to late Mr John Milne was submitted & the Clerk was instructed to reply that the Committee were to make any suggestion it would be to the effect that some reference should be made to Mr Milne’s Charitable bequests but that the matter seemed to be one essentially for Mr Milne’s Trustees.</p><p>Dundee the Ninth day of March Nineteen hundred and seventeen At a Meeting for Auditing the Boxmasters Books and Accounts for the year ended 31st December last held within the Clerks Office No 12 Bank Street at seven o’clock evening Present: Convener Bisset, Ex Convener Nicoll, Deacons Russell & Couttie Convener Bisset in the Chair The Boxmasters Books and Accounts for the year to 31st December last as audited by Messers Alexander Tosh & Son CA Dundee were carefully gone over and examined and compared with the Vouchers and docqueted as correct, the Funds as detailed in the Vidimus of Accounts impressed in the Cash Book amounting as at said last mentioned date to twelve thousand five hundred and seventy nine pounds 13/2d.</p><p>At Dundee and within the Guild Hall there on Friday the sixteenth day of March nineteen hundred and seventeen at Eleven o’clock forenoon At a Joint General Meeting of the Members of the Guildry Incorporation of Dundee , The Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee and the Three United Trades of Dundee of not less that six months standing in the said bodies respectively dully called and held for the purpose of electing two Trustees of the Harbour of Dundee under the Dundee and Tay Ferries Consolidated Act 1911 in place of the late Henry McGrady Esq for the period until the Third Tuesday on November nineteen hundred and seventeen</p><p>On the proposal of Lord Dean of Guild Dickie Convener Bisset was unanimously elected Chairman and Mr James Simpson was appointed Clerk to the Meeting. The Clerk having read the advertisement calling the Meeting Convener Bisset before proceeding to the business made sympathetic reference to the Loss sustained by the Guildry and Trades through the death of the late Mr McGrady and on his suggestion it was resolved that an expression of the Meetings admiration and appreciation of Mr Mc Grady’s great services and the Deep sympathy with the bereaved family be put on record. Ex Convener T G Taylor associated himself with the Chairman’s remarks and referred hi own deep at the loss of his much esteemed colleague at the Harbour Board. The meeting unanimously approved of and adopted the regulations for the conducting of the business at Joint General Meetings by the said bodies under section 14 of the said Act which had been approved of and enacted at a General Joint Meeting of the members of the three Bodies held on Thursday the Third day of November Nineteen hundred and eleven. The Meeting then proceeded to nominate a member to be a Trustee of the Harbour of Dundee in place of the late Mr McGrady when Mr J W Fleming nominated Mr John Greig Sibbald which nomination was seconded by Mr J S Smith. Half past eleven o’clock having arrived an no other member being nominated the Chairman declared Mr Sibbald to have been duly elected as Trustee of the Harbour of Dundee by the said Incorporations in place of the late Mr McGrady for the period until the Third Tuesday of November Nineteen hundred and seventeen. The Clerk to the Meeting was instructed to certify the election.</p><p>At Dundee the ninth day of May Nineteen hundred and seventeen At a Stated General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day within the Town House Buildings at twelve o’clock noon The Minutes of the stated Meeting of the Trades held on 13th November last were read and passed. The Minutes of Meeting of the general Fund Court held on 1st November last were read and approved of. The Minutes of Meeting of the Auditing Committee held on 11th January last were read and approved of. The present Meeting having been called for the election of three Directors of the Dundee Royal lunatic Asylum in room of Messers W g Anderson and Robert Fiddes retiring and Mr J B Hay deceased the Clerk laid Copies of the Charter of the Asylum on the Table.</p><p>27 The Convener intimated an apology for absence from Mr Fiddes. Mr Anderson before proceeding to give a Report on the Asylum affairs made sympathetic reference to the death of Mr J B Hay and the loss occasioned to the Trades hereby. On his motion the Meeting unanimously resolved to minute their deep sense of this loss and heir respectful sympathy with Mr Hay’s family and friends. Thereafter Mr Anderson gave an interesting resumé of the years proceedings at the Asylum Board & indicated difficulties that had been encountered and were as he fully hoped and believed on the point of being surmounted. The Convener then in name of the Trades thanked Mr Anderson for his services, and statement and nominations being called for: Bailie Forwell moved and Ex Deacon Sibbald seconded that Mr G Anderson be put in nomination for re-election. Ex Deacon Sibbald moved and Mr W S Nicoll seconded that Mr Alexander Duncan be nominated for election. And there being no other nominations the Convener declared Messers Anderson, Fiddes and Duncan duly elected Directors of the Dundee Royal Lunatic Asylum ob behalf of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee for the ensuing year. The Clerk was instructed to certify the election as use is.</p><p>At Dundee the Sixth day of July Nineteen hundred and seventeen At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day within the Town House Buildings at twelve o’clock noon</p><p>The Minute of General Meeting of the Trades held on 9th May last was read and passed and signed by the Chairman. The Meeting having been called for the purpose of electing a Governor to the Morgan Trust in room of Mr W S Nicoll retiring at 1st August next the Clerk laid on the Table a print of the Scheme under the Educational Endowments (Scotland) Act 1882 for the administration of the Trust. Mr Nicoll retiring Governor was hen heard & gave a detailed Statement of the work of the Endowment and the financial position and thereafter the Convener having on behalf of the Trades thanked Mr Nicoll for his past services and called for Nominations. Mr W G Anderson proposed and Mr Kerr seconded that Mr W S Nicoll be re-elected for a further period of 5 years from 1 st August next and this being the only nomination the Chairman declared Mr Nicoll duly re-elected accordingly and appointed his re-election to be Certified by the Clerk.</p><p>At Dundee the Second day of October Nineteen hundred and seventeen At a Stated General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day within the Town House Buildings at three o’clock afternoon The Minutes of the General Meeting of the Trades held on the 6th July last were read and approved and signed by the Chairman. The present Meeting having been called for the purpose of electing a Convener Mr Bisset the retiring Convener gave expression to the pleasure he had had in fulfilling the duties for the past four years and his thanks to the Trades for their Confidence and Support during that time. Nominations being called for Mr W G Anderson proposed and Bailie Forwell seconded that Mr James S Nicoll No 4 Whitehall Street Dundee be put in nomination for the office. There being no other nomination Convener Bisset declared Mr Nicoll to be duly elected Convener for the ensuing year and installed him with the Insignia of Office. Whereupon Mr Nicoll the new Convener took the Chair and thanked the Meeting for the honour conferred and confidence reposed in him. The Clerk was instructed to certify the Convener’s election as use is. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded to ex Convener Bisset for his excellent service during his term of Office.</p><p>At Dundee the Eighteenth day of October Nineteen hundred and seventeen At a Special General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day within the Clerk’s Office No 12 Bank Street Dundee Convener J S Nicoll presiding Present: Convener Nicoll, Deacon Mann Shoemakers, Deacon Power Weavers, Deacon Stevenson Dyers, Assessor Stevenson Dyers. The Clerk submitted a letter dated 25th September last received from Messers Little & French Solicitors Agent for the Trustees of the late Mr John Milne of Ravensby together with the Copy abstract of Accounts and Copy holograph writing herein referred to and a draft letter in reply to Messers Little & French’s letter and these having all been fully considered and discussed the draft letter was adjusted and the Clerk instructed to write Messers Little & French in terms thereof.</p><p>28 It was agreed to raise the annual subscription to the Infirmary to Ten guineas & the Boxmaster was instructed to make the current years subscription up to that sum.</p><p>At Dundee the Seventh day of November Nineteen hundred and seventeen At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Clerk’s Office at seven o’clock Present: Convener J S Nicoll, Deacons Barclay, Fiddes and Ower, Boxmasters Goodfellow, Shaw, Wood, Cuthbert, Fairweather, Stevenson. The Convener in the Chair The Minutes of Meeting of the Auditing Committee held on 11th Jany last & 9th March were read and approved. The Minutes of Special Meeting of the General Fund Court held on 8th Oct last were read and approved & signed by the Convener. The Meeting then proceeded to scrutinize the Lists of Poor when the following Petitions were produced viz; Petition by Charles Wood a Member of the Flesher Trade and Petition by Miss Ann B K Hill daughter of a Member of the Tailor Trade. These having been duly considered were granted and the Petitioners admitted to the benefit of the Pension Fund during the pleasure of the Court. The Lists for the Current year were then considered & compared with those of last year and the Current years allowance fixed as follows:</p><p>Wholes Halves Wholes Bakers 6 10 11 Shoemakers 1 2 2 Tailors 3 1½ Bonnetmakers 8 7 11½ Fleshers 6 3 7½ Hammerman 1 2 2 Weavers 2 0 2 In all 37½ </p><p>The Court Resolved to allocate the sum of £10 to each full share and halves in proportion payable to the Deacons or Boxmasters of the respective Trades on Monday 12th November Current. Receipts for payment to the poor of the respective Trades were then produced examined and found to be correct. The Lockit books of the various Trades were also produced and examined when as follows The Minute then lists the new Members of each Trade whose details are held in a separate file. The Convener immediate Ex Convener and Deacons for the time of the Baker, Bonnetmaker and Shoemaker Trades were appointed a Committee to Audit the Boxmasters Books and Accounts for the Current year and to invest the Funds on such terms & conditions, at such rate of Interest and for such period of time as they may think expedient and generally to attend to the investments and financial interests of the Incorporation with fiull powers the Convener to be Convener and three to form a quorum. The clerk & Boxmaster wee re-elected. The Convener was cordially thanked for his conduct in the Chair.</p><p>At Dundee the Twelfth day of November Nineteen hundred and seventeen At a Stated General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day within the Town House Buildings at (blank) o’clock Convener J S Nicoll in the Chair The Minutes of Meeting of the Trades held on 2nd October last were read and passed and signed by the Convener. The Minutes of Special Meeting of the General Fund Court held on 18th October last were read and approved. The present Meeting being called for the purpose of electing a Director of the High School the Clerk laid on the Table a Copy of the Constitution of the High School of Dundee and of the William Harris Endowment and Dundee Education Act 1882 He Chairman then read a letter he had received from Ex Convener W S Nicoll the present representative of the Trades on the High School Board who was prevented by indisposition from attending the Meeting. On the nomination of Ex-Convener Bisset seconded by ex-Deacon Sibbald, Ex Convener Nicoll was</p><p>29 unanimously re-elected a Director of the High School for another year and the Clerk was instructed to Certify his election.</p><p>Dundee the Eleventh day of March Nineteen hundred and eighteen At a Meeting of the Auditing and Investments Committee of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Clerks Office umber Twelve 12 Bank Street at twelve o’clock noon Present: The Convener and Ex-Convener Bisset, Deacons Williams and Mann and the Clerk, the Convener presiding An apology for absence from Deacon Barclay was intimated. The Minutes of Meeting of the Auditing Committee of the 14 Feby 1918 was read and approved. The Meeting proceeded to consider the Investments of the Incorporation and the Boxmaster explained that as instructed he had purchased £500 National War Bonds against which he had got an advance of £400 from the Bank. This was approved. The loan of £100 to Dundee Harbour Trustees matures at Whitsunday and the Boxmaster was instructed to obtain repayment of the money and apply the same in reduction of the Bank Overdraft. The Boxmaster was also instructed to intimate to Wm Pullar that the interest on his Loan would be 3% per annum from & after Whitsunday next. The other investments were also considered and the action of the Boxmaster in increasing the sums insured on Victoria Road property was approved. The Auditors fee of five guineas was passed for payment.</p><p>At Dundee the Eighth day of May Nineteen hundred and eighteen At a Stated Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day within the Town House Buildings at twelve o’clock noon Convener J S Nicoll in the Chair The Minute of Stated Meeting of the Trades held on 12th Novr last was read passed and docqueted by the Convener. The Minute of Meeting of Committee of the General Fund Court held on 7 th and 9th November last and of the Auditing Committee held on 14th Feby and 11th March were read and approved. The Boxmaster reported to the Meeting on behalf of the Bonnetmaker and Glover Trades The Minute then lists the new Members of each Trade whose details are held in a separate file. The present Meeting having been called for the election of three Directors of the Dundee Royal Lunatic Asylum in room of Mr W G Anderson, Robert Fiddes and Mr Alexander Duncan retiring at this time the Clerk laid on the table Copies of the Charter of the Asylum. Messes Anderson and Duncan were then heard on the work by the year and thereafter on the call for nominations the only parties put in nomination were Messers W G Anderson, Fiddes and Duncan the retiring representatives who having been nominated and seconded were unanimously chosen and elected Directors of the Dundee Royal Lunatic Asylum on behalf of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee for the ensuing year. The Clerk was instructed to Certify the election. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded to the Convener.</p><p>Dundee the Twenty fifth day of June Nineteen hundred and eighteen At a Meeting of the Auditing and Investments Committee of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Clerks Office umber Twelve 12 Bank Street Dundee Present: Convener J Nicoll ex-Convener C J Bisset and Deacons Barclay and Mann The Clerk submitted a letter dated 11th June current which he had received from Messers Little & French Solicitor Dundee together with the copy Special case referred to. These having been fully considered it were remitted to the Clerk to take the necessary steps to have the Trades represented in the Special Case. The Minute of the Meeting held on 11th March inst was read and approved. This was all the business.</p><p>At Dundee the Eighth day of October Nineteen hundred and eighteen At a Stated Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day within the Town House Buildings at three o’clock afternoon Convener James Nicoll in the Chair The Minute of Stated Meeting of the Trades held on 8th May last was read approved and signed by the Convener. The Minutes of Meeting of the Auditing Committee held on 25th June last were read and approved. The present Meeting being held for the purpose of electing a Convener Mr James Nicoll the retiring Convener cordially thanked the Trades for the kindness and support received during the past year. Nominations being then called for Mr W G Anderson proposed and Ex Deacon Sibbald seconded that Convener Nicoll be re- elected for the Current year and this being unanimously approved by the Meeting the Convener declared himself</p><p>30 duly re-elected and again thanked the Trades for their continuing confidence in him. the Clerk was instructed to Certify the election as use is.</p><p>At Dundee the Sixth day of November Nineteen hundred and eighteen At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Clerk’s Office at seven o’clock Present: Convener J S Nicoll</p><p>Deacons Assessors Bakers Duncan r Shoemakers Mann Smith Glovers W G Stewart Tailors Graham Bonnetmakers T Shaw Fleshers Wood Maiden Hammerman Cuthbert Weavers Ower Fairweather Dyers J Stevenson The Convener in the Chair The Minutes of the Stated & adjourned Meetings of the General Fund court held on 7 th and 9th November last were read approved and signed by the Convener. The Minute of he Meetings of the Auditing committee held on 14h February and 11th March and 25th June last were read and approved. The flowing admissions were received and Noted of the Flesher Trade The Minute then lists the new Members of the Trade whose details are held in a separate file. The Clerk submitted a Petition lodged on behalf of Mrs Margaret Rattray or Stewart No 1 Invergowrie Widow of Thos Stewart Joiner late of Mo 4 King Street Dundee who was admitted a Member of the Glover Trade on 4th March 1914 for admission to the Annuity fund and the same having been considered was grated and the petitioner admitted to the benefit of the fund during the pleasure of the Court. The Meeting then proceeded to scrutinise the lists of Poor for the current year and those having been compared with those of last year were fixed as follows:</p><p>Wholes Halves Wholes Bakers 6 10 11 Shoemakers 1 2 2 Tailors 1 3 1½ Bonnetmakers 8 7 11½ Fleshers 6 3 7½ Hammerman 1 2 2 Weavers 2 0 2 In all 38½ </p><p>The Meeting adjourned till Friday evening for final adjustment and to fix allowances/ the Convener, immediate Ex-Convene and Deacons for the time of the Baker, Bonnetmaker and Dyer Trades were appointed a Committee to audit the Boxmasters Books and Accounts for the Current year and to invest the funds on such terms and conditions at such rate if interest and for such periods of time as they may think expedient and generally to attend to the investments and financial interests of the Incorporation with full powers the Convener to be Convener and three to form a quorum.</p><p>At Dundee the Sixth day of November Nineteen hundred and eighteen At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Clerk’s Office at seven o’clock Present: Convener J S Nicoll</p><p>Deacons Assessors Bakers Duncan r Shoemakers Mann Smith Glovers W G Stewart</p><p>31 Tailors Graham Bonnetmakers T Shaw Fleshers Wood Maiden Hammerman Cuthbert Weavers Ower Fairweather Dyers J Stevenson Also Ex Convener Cappon and Ex Deacon Sibbald The Convener presiding The Court having resumed consideration of the Lists of Poor and State of the Funds resolved to allocate the sum of £12..10/- to each full share and to halves in proportion payable to the Deacons or Boxmasters of the respective Trades on Monday 11th November Current. Receipts for last years payments to the poor by the various Trades were then produced examined and found to be correct. The Lockit Books by the respective Trades were then produced and examined when found as follows: The Minute then lists the new Members of the each Trade whose details are held in a separate file.</p><p>At Dundee the Eleventh day of November Nineteen hundred and eighteen At a Stated Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day within the Town House Buildings at eleven o’clock forenoon Convener J S Nicoll presiding The Minutes of the Stated Meeting held on 8th October last was read approved and signed by the Convener. The present Meeting having been called for the purpose of electing a Director of the High School the Clerk laid on the Table a Copy of the Constitution of the high School of Dundee and of the Wm Harris Endowment and Dundee Education Act 1882. The Convener Mr J Nicoll the retiring representative of the Trades on the High School Board was then heard on the past years work and present position and he having been thanked for his two service and attention Mr McIntosh moved and Mr W Anderson seconded that he be reselected for another term of Office. There being only one nomination for the Office the Convener declared Ex- Convener Nicoll duly elected to represent the Nine Trades of Dundee on the Directorate of the Dundee High School and the Clerk was instructed to Certify the election accordingly.</p><p>Dundee the Thirteenth day of February Nineteen hundred and nineteen At a Meeting of the Auditing and Investments Committee of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Royal British Hotel Dundee at seven o’clock evening Present: the Convener and Ex Conveners Bisset, Nicoll and Mollison, Deacon Williams & the Clerk The Clerk submitted the Boxmasters Books & Accounts for the year ending 31st December last along with a Vidimus thereof and the Vouchers and these having bee examined were found correct and a docquet to that effect was subscriber in the Books & Accounts. The Vidimus was ordered to be printed and distributed amongst the Deacons as use is. The Clerk explained that present position of matters with reference to the bequest to the Trades by the late John Milne Esquire of Ravensby. It was resolved to recommend that no Biennial Dinner be held this year or at least that same be postponed until Michaelmas.</p><p>Dundee the Twenty fifth day of March Nineteen hundred and nineteen At a Meeting of the Auditing and Investments Committee of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Clerk’s Office NO 12 Bank Street Dundee Present: Convener Nicoll and Ex Convener Bisset, Deacon Stevenson & the Clerk The Minute of Meeting of the Committee held on 13th Feby last were read approved and signed by the Convener. The Clerk produced a Deposit receipt for two Thousand Pounds being a payment on Account of Capital which he had received from the Trustees of the late John Milne esq. of Ravensby together with a Receipt for that sum. The terms of the receipt was approved and same were signed by the Convener and Boxmaster on behalf of the Trades. It was resolved to lend Two thousand pounds to Dundee Town Council for 3 years at 5% and remitted to the Clerk to arrange accordingly. It was resolved to recommend that the Clerk & Boxmasters Salary be increased to ten pounds annually. The Clerk reported the present position of the Special case.</p><p>At Dundee the Fourteenth day of May Nineteen hundred and nineteen </p><p>32 At a Stated Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day within the Town House Buildings at noon Convener James S Nicoll presiding The Minutes of the Stated Meeting of the Trades held on 11th November last were read and approved and signed by the Convener. The Minutes of Meetings of the General Fund Court held on 6 th November and 8th November last were read and approved. The Minutes of Meetings of the Auditing and Investments Committee held on 13th February and 25th March last were read and approved. The present Meeting having been called for the election of three Directors of the Dundee Royal Lunatic Asylum in room of Messers W G Anderson, Robert Fiddes and Alexander Duncan the Clerk laid on the Table Copies of the Asylum Charter. Wm Anderson having been heard and thanked the Convener called for nominations when the following were duly nominated and seconded and unanimously chosen viz; w g Anderson, Alexander Duncan and Charles Ower Benora Broughty Ferry as Directors of the Dundee Royal Lunatic Asylum Representatives on behalf of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee for the ensuing year. The Clerk was instructed to certify the elections. The Convenor was accorded a vote of thanks </p><p>At Dundee the Seventh day of October Nineteen hundred and nineteen At a Stated Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day within the Town House Buildings at three o’clock afternoon Convener James S Nicoll presiding The Minute of Stated Meeting of the 9 Trades held on 8th May last was read approved & signed by the Chairman The present Meeting was held for the purpose of electing a Convener and Ex Convener Bisset proposed and Ex Convener J R Taylor seconded that Mr J S Nicoll be re-elected for another term. This was unanimously agreed to and Convener Nicoll declared himself dully elected to the Office. The Clerk was instructed to Certify the election as use is. Thereafter Convener Nicoll returned thanks for the continued confidence reposed in him. The Meeting unanimously resolved to recommend the General Fund Court of the Trades to make a contribution from the Trades funds towards the expense of the Organ about to be installed in St Andrews Parish Church. Ex Convener Taylor suggested that more convenient dates and hours for the Stated Meetings of the Trades might be fixed if possible and this was remitted to the General Fund Court.</p><p>At Dundee the Fifth day of November Nineteen hundred and nineteen At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Clerk’s Office at 7 o’clock Present: Ex-Convener C J Bisset who in the absence of the Convener who was indisposed presided and the following Viz:</p><p>Deacons Assessors Bakers Goodfellow Burnett </p><p> r Shoemakers Mann Glovers D S. Smith Tailors R R Taylor J A Graham</p><p>Bonnetmakers Fleshers Wood Maiden Hammerman Cuthbert M Bisset Weavers C L Fairweather Dyers The Following Minutes were read and approved namely: Minute of adjourned Meeting of the General Fund Court held on 6th November 1918 Minute of Meeting of the General Fund Court held on 8th November 1918 Minute of Meeting of the Auditing Committee held on 13th February 1919 and Minute of Meeting of the Auditing Committee held on 25th March 1919 The following admissions were received and entered namely: The Minute then lists the new Members of the each Trade whose details are held in a separate file.</p><p>33 The Clerk submitted the following Petitions for admission to the Annuity Fund viz: John Stewart a Member of the Baker Trade Mrs Jane Ethel Porter Widow of a Member of the Bonnetmaker Trade Mrs Mary Bell Duncan or Robertson daughter of P M Duncan of the Baker and Bonnetmaker Trades Mrs Christina Baxter Daughter of D H Baxter a Member of the Weaver Trade These all having been fully discussed & considered were granted the petitioners being admitted on the usual terms during the pleasure of the Court. The Meeting then proceeded to a Scrutiny of the lists of Poor for the current year and these having been compared with those of last year were fixed as follows: </p><p>Wholes Halves Wholes Bakers 6 10 11 Shoemakers 1 2 2 Glovers 1 1 Tailors 1 3 1½ Bonnetmakers 9 7 12½ Fleshers 5 3 6½ Hammerman 1 2 2 Weavers 1 1 1½ In all 38</p><p>The Convener immediate Ex Convener and Deacons of the Baker, Bonnetmaker and Glover Trades were appointed a Committee to Audit the Boxmasters Books and Accounts for the Current year and to invest the funds on such terms and conditions at such rate of Interest and for such periods of time as they may think expedient and generally to attend to the investments and financial interests of the Incorporation with full powers, the Convener to be Convener and three to form a quorum. The Clerk and Boxmaster was re-elected. The Meeting adjourned till Friday evening within the Royal British Hotel Dundee for further adjustments and to fix allowances for the Current year.</p><p>At Dundee the Seventh day of November Nineteen hundred and nineteen At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Royal British Hotel Dundee Present: Ex Convener C J Bisset & T B Taylor, </p><p>Deacons Assessors Bakers David Goodfellow R Burnett </p><p> r Shoemakers A B Smith J E Mann Glovers D S. Smith Tailors R R Taylor J A Graham</p><p>Bonnetmakers J E Williams Thos Shaw Fleshers W Maiden Hammerman J Cuthbert J M Bisset Weavers C L Fairweather Dyers J L Stevenson Ex Convener Bisset presided It was intimated that Convener Nicoll was still indisposed & unable to attend The Court resumed consideration of the Lists of Poor and state of the Funds and resolved to allocate the sum of £15 to each full share and to halves in proportion payable to the Deacon or Boxmaster of the respective Trades on or before 11th inst. receipts for last years payments to the Poor wer produced, examined and found in order. The Lockit books of the respective Trades were then produced & examined when the admissions were found as set forth in the Minute of Meeting of 5th inst The Boxmaster reported that the dues if admission had been received & he was authorised to issue Certificates in usual form.</p><p>34 At Dundee the Tenth day of November Nineteen hundred and nineteen At a Stated Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Town House Buildings at eleven o’clock forenoon Ex Convener T B Taylor presiding in the absence of Convener J S Nicoll indisposed The Minutes of the Stated Meeting held on 7th October last was read, approved & signed by the Chairman. The present Meeting having been called for the election of a Director of the High School the Clerk laid on the Table a Copy of the Constituting of the High School of Dundee and the William, Harris Endowment and Dundee Education Act 1882. Ex-Convener W S Nicoll the retiring representative of the Trades on the High School Board was then heard on the past years work and present position and he having been cordially thanked for his services & address the Chairman called for nominations when Ex Convener Nicoll was nominated seconded by Mr J S Smith. This being the only nomination the Chairman declared E Convener Nicoll duly elected to represent the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee on the Directorate of the Dundee High School and the Clerk was instructed to Certify the election accordingly. A very hearty vote of thanks was accorded to the Chairman. </p><p>At Dundee the 29th day of January Nineteen hundred and twenty At a Special Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Clerks Office at 7 o’clock Present: Convener Nicoll, Ex Convener Nicoll Deacons Fairweather & Wood and Boxmasters Maiden and Mann The /Convener explained that he had called this meeting to consider as to resuming the Trades Biennial Dinner by having one this year. After hearing Ex Convener Nicoll on the former practice it was resolved that no dinner be held this year. The following admissions were intimated from the Bonnetmaker Trade. The Minute then lists the new Members of the each Trade whose details are held in a separate file. The Clerk having reported that the dues had been received. Certificates of Admission were authorised to be given out.</p><p>Minute of Meeting of the Auditing Committee of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Royal British Hotel Dundee on 19th February 1920 at 6.30 pm Present: Ex Convener Bisset and Deacons Goodfellow, Williams & Stewart also Ex Convener Nicoll & Ex Deacon Sibbald Ex-Convener Bisset presided on the absence of the Convener who was incapacitated The Boxmaster submitted his Accounts for the year ended 31st December last with the vouchers and a Vidimus and these having been examined were found correct and a Certificate to that effect Signed in the Books of Accounts. The Vidimus of Accounts was ordered to be printed & distributed. The Meeting then considered the recommendations from the Trades that a Contribution should be made from the General Fund towards St Andrews Parish Church Memorial to those Members of the Congregation who fell in the Great War and after a full discussion it was unanimously resolved to recommend to the Fund Court to contribute a sum of two hundred pounds towards the Memorial.</p><p>At Dundee the Second day of March Nineteen hundred and twenty At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Clerks Office at 7 o’clock Present: Ex Convener C J Bisset, Deacons Williams, Wood & Fairweather & Smith, and Boxmasters Shaw & Maiden & D S Smith, Ex-Convener Bisset presiding Apologies for absence from Convener Nicoll Baln Smith Deacon Goodfellow && Memrs Burnett & J L Stevenson were read The following Minutes were approved & Signed by the Chairman Minute of Meeting of the General Fund Court of 5th Novr 1919 -do- 7th Novr 1919 -do- 29th Jany 1920 Minute of Meeting of the Auditing & Investments Committee of 19th February 1920 The Meeting being held mainly for the purpose of taking into consideration the recommendation by the Trades made at the Stated General Meeting of the Trades held on 7th October 1919 that the General Fund Court</p><p>35 should make a contribution from the Trade Funds towards the expense of the Organ about to be introduced onto St Andrews Parish Church by way of a Memorial to those Members of the Church who fell in the Great War. The Clerk having read the terms of the recommendation together with the recommendation of the Auditing & Investments Committee to subscribe a sum of two hundred pounds for the purpose stated. the Meeting after full discussion on the motion of Boxmaster Maiden seconded by Deacon Wood unanimously approved of the recommendation and resolved to contribute said sum of Two hundred Pounds from the General Fund of the trades towards the said Memorial & remitted to the Convener the Ex-Convener & Clerk with powers to try in some suitable way to associate with their gift the name of John Milne Esquire of Ravensby by whose benefactions the Trades have benefited so handsomely and who was a Member of St Andrews Church.</p><p>At Dundee the Twelfth day of May Nineteen hundred and twenty At a Stated Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Town House Buildings Dundee Convener James S Nicoll presiding The following Minutes werw read and approved: Minute of Stated Meeting of the Trades held 10th November 1919 Minute of Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court held 5th November 1919 Minute of Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court held 7th November 1919 Minute of Special Meeting of the General Fund Court held on 24 Jany 1920 Minute of Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court held 5th November 1919 Minute of Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court held 29 Jany 1920 Minute of Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court held 2nd March 1920 Minute of Meeting of Auditing Committee held 19th Feby 1920 The present Meeting having been called for the election of three Directors of the Dundee Royal Lunatic Asylum in room of Messers W G Anderson, Alexander Duncan & Chas Fiddes the Clerk laid on the Table Copies of the Asylum Charter. The retiring Directors having been heard & thanked Mr Ower intimating that he was not to seek re-election for health reasons the Convener called for nominations whereupon Ex Convener Bisset proposed and Mr J S Smith seconded that Mr W G Anderson be put in nomination and also that Mr Alexander Duncan be put in nomination and Convener Nicoll proposed and Deacon Fairweather seconded that Mr William Frain Merchant 3 Roxburgh Terrace Dundee be put in nomination. These being the only nominations made the Convener after the usual Call declared Messers Anderson, Duncan & Frain unanimously chosen & elected Directors of the Dundee Royal Lunatic ?Asylum on behalf of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee for the ensuing year. The Gentlemen elected having returned thanks the Meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Convener.</p><p>At Dundee the Third day of October in the year Nineteen hundred and twenty At a Stated Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Town House Buildings Dundee at 3 o’clock afternoon Convener James S Nicoll presiding The Minute of Stated Meeting of the Trades held on 12th May last were read approved and Signed by the Chairman. The present Meeting being held for the purpose of electing a Convener of the Trades for the ensuing year Mr W G Anderson proposed and Mr J G Sibbald seconded that Convener James S Nicoll be re-elected. This was unanimously agreed to and Convener Nicoll thereupon declared himself re-elected Convener of the Trades for the ensuing year and returned thanks for the continued confidence reposed in him. The Clerk was instructed to certify the election in the usual form.</p><p>At Dundee the Second day of November Nineteen hundred and twenty At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Clerks Office at seven o’clock Present: Ex-Convener Bisset who in the absence of the Convener presided</p><p>Deacons Assessors Bakers Goodfellow</p><p> r Shoemakers Mann Glovers Stewart Smith Tailors Young</p><p>36 Bonnetmakers Mills Fleshers Maiden</p><p>Hammerman Weavers Fairweather Dyers</p><p>The Minute of the General Fund Court held 2nd March last was read and approved. The Meeting proceeded to scrutinise the Lists of Poor when the following Petitions were produced viz: David Beveridge Bruce 33 Caldrum St Dundee a Member of the Baker Trade. Miss Rankin Macdonald 36 Molynex Street Daughter of James Macdonald a Member of the Baker Trade Mrs Jane Banakin Rattray McInnes 18 Durham St Monifieth widow of George Powrie McInnes a Member of the Bonnetmaker Trade and George Wilson 12 Molison Street a Member of the Flesher Trade . These having been fully discussed and considered were granted and the Petitioners admitted to the benefit of the pension fund during the pleasure of the Court. The Lists for the Current year were then compared with these of last year and the current years allowance fixed as follows viz:</p><p>Wholes Halves Wholes Bakers 7 9 11½ Shoemakers 1 1 1½ Glovers 1 1 Tailors 3 1½ Bonnetmakers 10 6 13 Fleshers 5 3 6½ Hammerman 2 2 3 Weavers 2 1 1½ In all 27 25 39½ </p><p>Receipts for payments to the poor by the various Trades were then produced examined and found to be in order and in accordance with the Lists. The Lockit books of the various Trades were then produced and examined when found as follows: as regards the Bonnetmaker Trade The Minute then lists the new Members of the Trade whose details are held in a separate file The Convener immediate Ex Convener and Deacons for the time of the Baker, Bonnetmaker and Hammerman Trades were appointed a committee to Audit the Books and Accounts for the Current year and to invest the funds on such terms and conditions at such rate of Interest and for such periods and they may think expedient and generally to attend to the investments and financial interests of the Incorporation with full powers, the Convener to be Convener and three to form a quorum. The Clerk & Boxmaster was re-elected. The Meeting then adjourned to Wednesday the 10th day of November Current at 7 pm within the Royal Hotel Dundee for sharing of funds to Poor.</p><p>At Dundee the Tenth day of November Nineteen hundred and twenty At an Adjourned Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Royal Hotel Dundee at seven o’clock this evening Present: Convener Nicoll & Ex-Convener Bisset </p><p>Deacons Assessors Bakers Goodfellow Burnett</p><p> r Shoemakers A B Smith Mann Glovers W C F Stewart D S Smith Tailors C P Young Bonnetmakers T Shaw Mills Fleshers W Maiden Cuthbert</p><p>37 Hammerman Bisset Cuthbert Weavers Fairweather Dyers J L Stevenson</p><p>The Court having resumed consideration of the Lists of Poor resolved to allocate the sum of £12.10/- to each full Share and halves in proportion payable to the Deacons or Boxmasters of the respective Trades. It was resolved to resume the Biennial Dinner next year and remitted to the Auditing & Investments Committee to make all arrangements with full powers to add to their number for that effect.</p><p>At Dundee the Eighth day of November in the year Nineteen hundred and twenty At a Stated Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Town House Buildings Dundee at eleven o’clock forenoon Convener James S Nicoll presiding The Minute of Stated Meeting held on 3rd October last was read, approved & signed by the Chairman. The present Meeting having been called for the election of a Director of the High School the Clerk laid on the Table a Copy of the Constitution of the high School of Dundee and of the William Harris Endowment and Dundee Education Act 1882. Ex Convener W S Nicoll the retiring representative of the Trades on the High School Board gave a resumé of the last years work and present position and answered many questions put by Members present. The Meeting having thanked Ex Convener Nicoll for his service and address he Chairman called for Nominations when Ex Convener Nicoll was duly nominated and seconded for re-election and tgher having been no other nomination the Chairman declared Ex Convene Nicoll duly elected to represent the Nine Incorporated of Dundee on the Directorate of the Dundee High School. The Clerk was instructed to Certify the election. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded to the Convener.</p><p>Dundee the Fourteenth day of March Nineteen hundred and twenty At a Meeting of the Auditing Committee of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Clerks Office No 12 Bank Street Dundee at four o’clock afternoon Present: Convener J S Nicoll, Ex Convener Bisset and deacon John W Bisset A proposal for Loan of £4400 over subjects Nos 7 to 11 Cardean Street Dundee by Mr David Robertson Bank clerk Falkirk was considered and it was agreed to give the Loan subject to Mr J G Sibbald reporting satisfactorily on the property.</p><p>Minute of Meeting of the Auditing Committee of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Royal British Hotel Dundee on the eighteenth day of March Nineteen hundred and twenty one Present: the Convener and Ex Convener Bisset and Deacons Shaw, Goodfellow and Bisset The Minute of Meeting of Committee held on 14th March was read approved & signed by the Convener. The Boxmaster submitted his Accounts for the year ended 31st December last with the vouchers and a Vidimus and these having been examined were found correct and a Certificate to that effect signed in the Books & Accounts. The Vidimus of Accounts were ordered to be printed & distributed. The investments were then considered and the Clerk was asked to examine along with Mr J G Sibbald the property belonging to Mr Nicoll over which a Bond is held. A suggestion was made that the Victoria Chambers property might be sold in lots and it was resolved to get Mr Sibbald’s opinion as to that with a view to offering the property before Whitsunday 1922. </p><p>Minute of Meeting of the Auditing Committee of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Clerks Office Dundee on Wednesday the 29th day of June 1921 Present: the Convener and Ex Convener Bisset and Deacon Bisset The Clerk submitted a Letter dated 16th June and receive from Messers Little & French Solicitors regarding the sum to be set aside for Mr Simpson’s Annuity & asking approval of the course they proposed to follow together with draft of the proposed reply. The Meeting approved of the dft &instructed the Clerk to write in terms thereof. The Clerk submitted (word illegible) feuduty of £10 per annum offered for sale by Messers David Duncan & Sons for the subjects in Victoria Road Dundee. He was instructed to purchase the feu duty for a Sum of £130 or thereby provided he should find the Title satisfactory.</p><p>At Dundee the Eleventh day of May Nineteen hundred and twenty one</p><p>38 At a Stated Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Town House Buildings Dundee at 12 o’clock noon Convener James S Nicoll presiding The following minutes were read and approved: Minute of Stated Meeting of the Trades held 8 Novr 1920 Minute of Meeting of the General Fund Court held 2 Nov 1920 -do- 10 Nov 1920. Minute of Meeting of the Auditing Committee held 14 March 1921 -do- 18 March 1921 The present Meeting having been called for the election of three Directors of the Dundee Royal Lunatic Asylum in room of Messers W G Anderson, Alexander Duncan and William Frain the Clerk laid on the table Copies of the Asylum Charter. Mr W G Anderson having been heard on the past years work & present position of the Asylum the retiring Members were heartily thanked for their services. A letter was read from Mr Duncan asking the Meeting to relieve him from representation and the Convener called for nominations whereupon the following Gentlemen were dully put in nomination namely: W G Anderson No 3 Gladstone Place B Ferry John R Christie Helenville Strathern Road W Ferry Wm Frain No 3 Roxburgh Terrace Dundee. There being no other nomination the Convener then with the unanimous consent of the Meeting declared these Gentlemen to be chosen and elected Directors of the Dundee Royal Lunatic Asylum on behalf of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee and the Clerk was instructed to Certify the election as use is. The elected gentlemen having returned thanked the Meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Convener.</p><p>Minute of Meeting of the Auditing Committee of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Clerks Office Dundee on Thursday the 22nd day of September 1921 Present: Convener J S Nicoll who presided and Ex Convener Bisset and Deacons Shaw and Bisset The Minutes of Meetings of the Committee held on 18th March and 29th June last were read approved and signed by the Chairman The Clerk explained that the proposed purchase of feu duty referred to in these Minutes had fallen through for reasons which he explained & which were accepted as satisfactory. He submitted a Proposal by Mr David Brown Murray Plumber Broughty Ferry for a Loan over subjects in Brook Street Broughty Ferry. The Proposal having been considered it was resolved to lend £1400 or such less sum as a Valuation would justify at 6% per Annum for five years to commence from Martinmas next and remitted to Mr Simpson to carry the matter if he shall be satisfied with the title offered, the Valuation to be by Mr John G Sibbald House Agent Dundee.</p><p>At Dundee the Fourth day of October Nineteen hundred and twenty one At a Stated Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the City Chambers Dundee at three o’clock afternoon Convener James S Nicoll presiding The Minute of Stated Meeting of the Trades held on 11th May last were read approved and Signed by the Chairman. The present Meeting having been called for the purpose of electing a Convener Mr J S Nicoll the retiring Convener thanked the Trades for the confidence reposed in him and the Assistance recorded to him during the tenure of his office. Nominations then being called for Ex Convener C J Bisset proposed and Ex Convener W S Nicoll seconded that Mr Thomas Russell Engineer & Blacksmith The Cottage Nelson Terrace Dundee Ex Deacon of the Bonnetmaker Trade be put in nomination. This being the only nomination Ex Deacon Russell was declared duly elected Convener of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee for the ensuing year. Ex Deacon Russell not being present owing to indisposition the Clerk explained that he had in writing his consent to accept id elected and on the motion of Ex Lord Dean of Guild Dickie seconded by Councillor John M Soutar the Meeting adjourned till Thursday first at 3 p.m. for installation of the new Convener. The Clerk was instructed to certify the election in usual form.</p><p>Minute of Adjourned Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the City Chambers Dundee on Thursday sixth day of October Nineteen hundred and twenty one Convener James S Nicoll presiding It being explained that Convener Russell is still confined to bed Commission was given and granted to Ex Convener Nicoll. Ex Convener Bisset and the Clerk to install the new Convener at the first convenient opportunity.</p><p>39 At Dundee the Second day of November Nineteen hundred and twenty one At a Stated Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Clerk’s Office at seven o’clock Present:</p><p>Deacons Assessors Bakers Burnett Beattie</p><p> r Shoemakers Mann Smith</p><p>Glovers D S Smith R Allan Tailors R R Taylor Bonnetmakers Mills Fleshers Maiden Cuthbert</p><p>Hammerman John G Bisset Weavers Fairweather Dyers</p><p>In the absence of the Convener & Ex Convener, Deacon Burnett presided The following Minutes were read and approved of viz: Minute of General Fund Court Meeting of 2nd November 1920 Minute of General Fund Court Meeting 10th November 1920 Minute of Meeting of Committee of 14th March 1921 Minute of Meeting of Committee of 18th March 1921 Minute of Meeting of Committee of 29th June 1921 Minute of Meeting of Committee of 22nd September 1921 The Meeting proceeded to scrutinize the Lists of Poor while the following Petitions were provided viz: Norman Brash Rollo Westgrove Avenue Perth a Member of the Bonnetmaker Trade. Mary S Bruce Salem Street Constitution Road Dundee Widow of Robert Bruce member of the Baker Trade. William Whyte 184 High Street Lochee a Member of the Shoemaker Trade and these having been fully discussed and considered were granted and te Petitioners admitted to the benefit of the Pension Funds during the pleasure of the Court. The Lists of Poor for the current year were then compared with those of last year and the current year’s allowance fixed as follows viz:</p><p>Wholes Halves Wholes Bakers 8 7 11½ Shoemakers 1 1 1½ Glovers 1 1 Tailors 3 1½ Bonnetmakers 10 6 13 Fleshers 5 3 6½ Hammerman 2 2 3 Weavers 2 1 1½ In all 27 25 39½ </p><p>Receipts for payments to the poor of the various Trades were then produced examined and found to be in order and in accordance with the Lists. The Lockit Books of the various Trades were then produced and examined and found as follows: The Minute then lists the new Members of the Trade whose details are held in a separate file</p><p>The Convener immediate Ex Convener and Deacons for the time of the Baker, Bonnetmaker and Flesher Trades were appointed a Committee to audit the Boxmasters Books and Accounts for the current year and to invest the funds on such terms and conditions at such rate if Interest and for such periods as they may think expedient and generally to attend to the investments and financial interests of the Incorporation with full powers the Convener to be Convener and three to form a quorum.</p><p>40 The Clerk & Boxmaster were re-elected. The Meeting then adjourned to Wednesday the 9th day of November current at 7 pm within the Royal British Hotel Dundee for division of funds.</p><p>At Dundee the ninth day of November Nineteen hundred and twenty one At an Adjourned Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Royal British Hotel Dundee at seven o’clock evening Present:</p><p>Deacons Assessors Bakers Burnett Beattie</p><p> r Shoemakers Smith Mann</p><p>Glovers D S Smith Robert Allan Tailors R R Taylor Bonnetmakers Mills Fleshers Maiden George Cuthbert</p><p>Hammerman John G Bisset Weavers Fairweather Dyers</p><p>The ‘court havind resumed consideration of the Lists of Poor resolved to allocate the sum of Seventeen Pounds to each full share and the halves in proportion payable to the Deacons or Boxmasters of the respective Trades before 11th current.</p><p>At Dundee the Seventh day of November Nineteen hundred and twenty one At a Stated Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Town House Buildings at eleven o’clock forenoon The Minute of the Stated Meeting of the Trades held on 4 th October last and the Minute of the Adjourned Meeting held on the 6th October last were read and approved and signed by the Chairman. The present Meeting having been called for the election of a Director of the High School the Clerk laid on the Table a copy of the Constitution of the high School of Dundee and of the William Harris Endowment and Dundee Education Act 1882. Ex Convener W S Nicoll the retiring Director gave a résumé of the past years work and present petition and the Meeting having thanked Convener Nicoll for is services and address the Chairman called for nominations. Thereupon Es Deacon Williams proposed and Ex Treasurer Ritchie seconded that Ex Convener W s Nicoll be re-elected for the office for another year and this being the only nomination the Chairman after the usual call declared Ex Convener W S Nicoll duly elected to represent the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee on the Directorate of the Dundee High School for the ensuing year. The Clerk was instructed to certify the Election. The Meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Convener.</p><p>At Dundee on Thursday the twenty second day of December nineteen hundred and twenty one At a Meeting of the Auditing & Investment Committee of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Clerks Office at twelve Bank Street Dundee this evening at a quarter past seven o’clock Present: Convener Thomas Russell, Deacons Bennet, Shaw and Maiden The Convener presiding The Clerk submitted a letter dated 22nd inst received by him from Messers Little & French Agents for the Trustees of the late Mr John Milne’s Trust together with a copy letter written by Messers Little & French to Messers Jas h Pattullo & Donald referred to therein. Mr Simpson explained what had been done when the Special Case was presented to the Court and pointed out that from the correspondence it would appear that Mr Milne’s Trustees were of opinion that the fund held by them to produce Mr Charles Simpson’s annuity should now be handed over to Mr Charles Simpson’s Trustees without further litigation. The Meeting was unanimously of opinion that if a Special Case was previously necessary to ascertain the amount of the actual sum upon which Mr Charles Simpson was entitled to test, that necessity had not been obviated by any decision of the Court end the Clerk was therefore instructed to writer Messers Little & French to that effect and to say that the Committee</p><p>41 were inclined to think that they would advise that the Trades be a party thereto provided the whole expenses come out of the fund in dispute. At the same time if the other beneficiaries agree to the money being handed over without further procedure the Committee thought that the Trades should not stand in the way. The Clerk then read a letter from Messers Smith & Moncur Solicitors Agents for the Testamentary Trustees of the late Deacon Charles Ower of Benora Broughty Ferry dated 29th Novr last in which they mention that Mr Ower had bequeathed to the Trades one half of the residue of his Estate subject to the liferent of his brother Mr Stephen Ower and under he condition that the sum be earmarked as “The Charles Ower Bequest”. The Meeting instructed the Clerk to write Messers Smith & Moncur expressing the gratification of the Trades at this handsome legacy and understanding to give effect to the condition expressed. The Clerk than produced a Report by Mr John G Sibbald dated 8th December 1921 with reference to the sale of the Trades property at Victoria Chambers in flats. The Meeting instructed the Report to be inserted in the Minute book and agreed with Mr Sibbald in thinking that the property would not likely sell in separate lots in consequence of the heavy feuduties and that am endeavour to purchase the present feuduty at a reasonable price should be made at an opportune time. This was all the business.</p><p>At Dundee the twenty Seventh of April nineteen hundred and twenty two At a Meeting of the Auditing & Investment Committee of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Clerks Office No 12 Bank Street Dundee this evening Present: Convener Russell, Ex Convener J S Nicoll, Deacons Burnett & Maiden The Boxmaster produced his Account Book which had already been audited by Messers Alex Tosh & Son CA and this having been examined was docqueted by the Committee. The meeting then considered the Investments and the Clerk submitted a proposal for a Loan of £3000 on subjects in Bellfield Avenue Dundee at 5½% per annum. It was resolved to give the Loan provided a satisfactory Report on the property obtained from Mr J G Sibbald House Agent and remitted to the Clerk to see the matter carried through. The Boxmaster was instructed to take repayment of Dundee Police Loan of Two thousand pounds maturing at Whitsunday. The Meeting was of opinion that the allowance or fee paid to the Convener at present is much too low and that the Salary of the Clerk & Boxmaster should also be augmented and it was resolved to recommend to the General Fund Court (1) (on the motion of Deacon Burnett seconded by Convener Nicoll) that the Convener fee be fixed at Twenty five guineas per annum as from Michaelmas last and (2) (on the motion of the Convener seconded by Deacon Maiden) that the Salary of the Clerk & Boxmaster be increased to Twenty five guineas per annum as from Martinmas last, this sum to include Factor fee presently charged against the John Milne Bequest.</p><p>At Dundee the tenth day of May Nineteen hundred and twenty two At a Stated Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the City Chambers Dundee at twelve o’clock noon Ex Convener Bisset in the absence of the Convener presiding The Minutes of the Meeting of the Trades held on 7th November last were read approved & Signed by the Chairman. The following minutes were also read and approved viz; Minutes of Meeting of Auditing and Investment Committee held on 29th June 1921 and 22nd September 1921. Minutes of Meeting of General Fund Court held on 2nd November and 9th November 1921. The present Meeting having been called for the election of three Directors of the Dundee Royal Lunatic Asylum in room of Messers G Anderson, John R Christie and William Frain the Clerk laid on the Table copies of the Asylum Charter. Mr W G Anderson having been heard on the past years work of the Asylum and the retiring Members thanked for their work the Chairman called for nominations whereupon Messers Anderson, Christie and Frain were duly proposed and seconded and no further nomination been made the Chairman declared these Gentlemen to be chosen and elected Directors of the Dundee Royal Lunatic Asylum for the ensuing year and the Clerk was instructed to Certify the election as use is. The Meeting then closed with a vote of thanks to the Chairman.</p><p>At Dundee the sixteenth day of August Nineteen hundred and twenty two At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the City Chambers Dundee at twelve o’clock noon Convener Thomas Russell presiding The Minute of Stated Meeting of the Trades held on 10th May last were read approved & Signed by the Chairman.</p><p>42 This Meeting having been called for the purpose of electing a Governor of the Morgan Trust in room of ex-Convener W S Nicoll retiring the Clerk laid on the Table a print of the Scheme under the Educational Endowment (Scotland) Act 1882 for eh administration of the Trust. Ex Convener Nicoll the retiring Governor having been heard at length on the work of the Trust he was heartily thanked for his services. The Convener thereon called for nominations for the vacant office whereupon Sir James Urquhart proposed and ex Deacon J G Sibbald & Lord Provost Spence seconded that Ex Convener Nicoll be re-elected for another term. There being no other nomination the Chairman declared ex Convener Nicoll re-elected a Governor of the Morgan Trust on behalf of the Nine Incorporated trades of Dundee for another term of four years and the Clerk was instructed to Certify the election as use is.</p><p>At Dundee the third day of October Nineteen hundred and twenty two At a Stated Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the City Chambers Dundee at twelve o’clock noon Convener Thomas Russell presiding The Minutes of general Meeting of the Trades held on 16th August last was read approved and signed by the Chairman. The present Meeting being held for the purpose of electing a Convener, Convener Russell thanked the Trades and Office bearers for the assistance accorded to him as Convener during the past year and expressed the pleasure he had had in performing the duties of Office. He then called for nominations when Ex Convener Bissett proposed & Ex Convener T. B. Taylor seconded that Mr Russell be re-elected for another term of office. His being the unanimous wish and choice of the Meeting Mr Russell accepted and thus became Convener of the Nine Incorporated Trades for the ensuing year. The Clerk was instructed to certify the election as use is.</p><p>At Dundee the First day of November Nineteen hundred and twenty two At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Clerks Office at 7 o’clock Convener Thomas Russell presiding</p><p>Deacons Assessors Bakers Beattie</p><p> r Shoemakers Bailie Smith Tailors Bonnetmakers F J Mills R Loggie Fleshers G Cuthbert</p><p>Hammerman John G Bisset Weavers C J Fairweather Dyers In the absence of the Convener and Ex Convener Deacon Mann presided The following minutes were approved of viz: General Fund Court 2nd Nov 1921 General Fund Court 9th Nov 1921 Auditing Committee 22nd Dec 1921 Auditing Committee 7th April 1922 The Clerk reported the following admissions had been Certified since last General Meeting and that the dues in respect thereof had been received: The Minute then lists the new Members of the various Trades whose details are held in a separate file The Meeting proceeded to scrutinise the List of Poor when the following new Petitioners were presented Viz: Robert Grindlay 27 Milnbank Road Dundee Son of David Grindlay admitted in 1877 from the Flesher Trade. George Scott 111 Strathmartine Road Dundee admitted 1892 Mary Kyd Smith 7 Kings Road Dundee Daughter of john Smith admitted in 1869 and from the Bonnetmaker Trade Mr Christian Mackenzie 11 Lillybank Road Dundee Widow of James Mackenzie admitted in 1900 Mrs Minnie Peet or Young 29 Forfar Road Dundee Widow of Capt James Young admitted in 1901</p><p>43 Misses Mita Rhine Mitchell and Norah Rhine Mitchell Daughters of David R Mitchell both of 4 Norman Vine Magdalen Yard Road Dundee Daughters of David R Mitchell admitted in 1847 These having been fully discussed and considered were granted and the petitioners admitted during the pleasure of the Court. Consideration of Numbers 607 (three words illegible). The Lists of the Poor for the current year were then compared with those of last year and the Current years allowances were fixed as follows Viz:</p><p>Wholes Halves Wholes Bakers 8 7 11½ Shoemakers 1 1 1½ Glovers 1 1 Tailors 3 1½ Bonnetmakers 11 6 14 Fleshers 5 4 7 Hammerman 2 2 3 Weavers 1 1 1½ In all 41</p><p>Receipts for payments to the poor of the various Trades were then produced examined and found to be in order and in accordance with the Lists. The Lockit Books of the various Trades were then examined and found as follows; The Minute then lists the new Members of the various Trades whose details are held in a separate file The Convener immediate Ex Convener and Deacon for the time of the Baker, Bonnetmaker and Glover Trades were appointed a Committee to Audit the Boxmaster Books and Accounts for the current year and to invest the Funds on such terms and conditions at such rate of Interest and for such periods as they may think expedient and generally to attend to the investments and financial interests of the Incorporation with full powers, the Committee to be Convener and three to form a quorum. The Clerk and Boxmaster was re-elected. The Meeting then adjourned to Friday the 3rd day of November current at 7 pm within the Royal British Hotel Dundee for division of Funds. It was resolved to hold the Biennial Dinner and the following were appointed a Committee to make all arrangements with powers to add to their number viz the Convener Ex Convener J S Bisset & C J Bisset, Deacon Burnett and Deacon Mills.</p><p>At Dundee the Third day of November Nineteen hundred and twenty two At an Adjourned Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Royal British Hotel at 7 o’clock The #court having resumed consideration of the Lists of Poor resolved to allocate the sum of Eighteen pounds to each full share and halves in proportion payable to the Deacons or Boxmasters of the respective Trades before 11th current</p><p>At Dundee the thirteenth day of November Nineteen hundred and twenty two At a Stated Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Town House Buildings Dundee at eleven o’clock forenoon Convener Thomas Russell presiding The following Minutes were read and approved: Stated Meeting of the Trades held on 3rd Oct 1920 Minute of Auditing Committee 12 Dec 1921 -do- 7 April 1922 General Fund Court 1 Nov 1922 -do- 3 Nov 1922</p><p>The present Meeting having been called for the election of a Director of the High School the Clerk laid on the Table a Copy of the Constitution of the High School of Dundee and of the William Harris Endowment and Dundee Education Act 1822 E Convener W S Nicoll the retiring representative of the Trades on the Directorate of the High School gave an interesting Report on the past years work and he having been cordially thanked for his service the Convener called for nominations to the vacant office. Thereupon Baker D S Smith proposed and Ex Convener J S Nicoll seconded that Es Convener W s Nicoll be put in nomination for another year pf office. There being no other</p><p>44 nomination the Convener declared Ex Convener Mr C Nicoll duly elected to represent the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee on the Directorate of the Dundee High School for the ensuing year. The Clerk was instructed to Certify the election and the Meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chairman.</p><p>At Dundee the (blank) day of March Nineteen hundred and twenty three At a Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Clerks Office at 8 o’clock Convener Thomas Russell presiding</p><p>Deacons Assessors Burnett Beattie</p><p> r Mann Mann Smith Laing</p><p>Mills Loggie Cuthbert Gray</p><p>Cuthbert J A Bisset J L Stevenson</p><p>The Minutes of Meeting of the General Fund Court held on 1st & 3rd November last were read approved and signed by the Chairman The Court resumed consideration of the Petitions presented by Misses Mita Rhine Mitchell and Norah Rhine Mitchell adjourned from the Meeting of 1st Novr last when the Clerk submitted a letter he had received from Jas McIntosh Clerk to the Bonnetmaker Trade dated 5th December last along with the Copy of Miss Mita Mitchell’s letter therein referred to. Deacon Mills & Boxmaster Loggie spoke in support of the Petitioners and after consideration they were unanimously granted on the normal terms the sum of from including Martinmas last. The Clerk reported that there would be a deficit on the Biennial Dinner Account and he was instructed to debit same against the General Fund. A vote of thanks was accorded to the Chair.</p><p>Minute of Meeting of the Auditing & Investment Committee of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Clerks Office in Friday (blank) day of March at twelve Bank Street Dundee this evening at a quarter past seven o’clock nineteen hundred and twenty three Present: The Convener, Ex Convener Jas Nicoll and Deacon Mills The Boxmaster produced his Books and Accounts for the year ended 31st December last with the relative Vouchers and these were found correct & in order. A docquet to that effect was subscribed in the Cash Book. It was resolved to renew the Loan of £1500 to Dundee Education Authority.</p><p>At Dundee the seventh Day of October Nineteen hundred and twenty three Ata Stated Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the City Chambers Dundee at 3 pm Convener Russell in the Chair The Minutes of Stated Meeting of the Trades held on 9th May last was read approved and signed by the Chairman</p><p>The present Meeting being held for the purpose of electing a Convener for the ensuing year Convener Russell before calling for nominations conveyed his thanks to the Trades and their Office bearers for the assistance accorded him as Convener during the term of the Office & expressed the pleasure he had had in performing the duties of the Office. He then called for nomination whereupon Ex Convener T B Taylor proposed and Bailie D S Smith seconded that Mr Russell be appointed Convener for another term. The proposal was unanimously accepted and Convener Russell having signified his assent he therefore became convener of the Nine Incorporated Trades for the ensuing year. This was all the business.</p><p>45 At Dundee the Seventh day of November Nineteen hundred and twenty three At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the NIne Incorporated Trades fo Dundee held within the Clerk’s Office at 7 o’clock pm Present: Convener Russell & Ex Convener J S Nicoll Trade Deacons Boxmasters Bakers R Burnett J R Bathie</p><p>Shoemakers R B Mann J G Mann Glovers R Laing J G Bruce/D S Mitchell Tailors R R Taylor J R Graham Bonnetmakers F R J Mills Robt Loggie Fleshers R Cuthbert J Gray Hammerman G Cuthbert J R Bisset Weavers C L Fairweather J R Graham Dyers R Stevenson</p><p>The following Minutes were read and approved viz; General Fund Court 1st March 1923 Auditing Committee 30th March 1923 -do- 20th June 1923 The Clerk reported that the following admissions had been certified since last General Meeting & that the dues in respect thereof had been received. Here follows that List of new Members held in a separate File The Meeting proceeded to scrutinize the Lists of Poor when the following new Petitions were presented: Mrs Jessie Caldwell or Page Widow of Wm C Page a Member of the Bonnetmaker Trade John Alexander Cooper & Susan Moncur Cooper Son & Daughter of John Cooper a Member of the Baker Trade Elizabeth Dick Daughter of John Dick a Member of the Hammerman Trade Jane Watson Widow of George Watson a Member of the Flesher Trade William Anderson a Member of the Flesher Trade Jean Anderson Pennycook Baxter Daughter of James A Baxter a Member of the Flesher Trade Having being discussed and considered were granted and said Petitioners were admitted to the benefit of the Pension Fund during the pleasure of the Court. The Lists of Poor for the Current year were then considered with those of last year abd the Current years allowances were fixed as follows:</p><p>Wholes Halves Total Bakers 7 9 11½ Shoemakers 1 1 1½ Glovers 1 1 Tailors 6 3 1½ Bonnetmakers 12 8 16 Fleshers 6 5 1½ Hammerman 1 3 2½ Weavers 1 1 1½ Dyers 1 1 1½ 29 30 44</p><p>Receipts for payments to the Poor of the various Trades were then produced examined and found to be in order and in accordance with the Lists. The Lockit Books of the various trades were examined when found as follows: Bonnetmaker Trade eighteen Entries as above set forth Flesher Trade twenty seven new –do- Glover Trade One –do- Baker Trade three –do- The Books of the other Trades showed no entries since last examined. The Convener and immediate Ex Convener and Deacons for the time of the Baker, Bonnetmaker and Flesher Trades were appointed a Committee to audit the Boxmasters Books and Accounts for the current year ant to invest the Funds on such terms and conditions and at such rate of Interest and for such periods as they</p><p>46 may think expedient and generally to attend to tyhe investments of the Incorporation with full powers, the Convener to be Convener and three to form a quorum. The Clerk & Boxmaster was re-elected. A letter dated 3rd inst from Mr J Wynhart Clerk to the Bonnetmaker Trade was read in which refund is asked of the cost of printing & posting Circulars call. Discussion followed and it was resolved to bring up the method of calling Meetings & the Trades at a General Meeting thereanent. It was resolved to get a new hat for the convener & to have his robe cleaned and repaired The Meeting then adjourned to Friday the 9th at 7 pm within the Royal British Hotel Dundee for division of Funds.</p><p>At Dundee the 9th day of November nineteen hundred and twenty three At an adjourned Meeting of the General Fund C ourt of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Royal British Hotel at seven o’clock pm Convener Russell presided there was a full attendance. The Court having resumed consideration of the Lists of Poor resolved to allocate the sum of Twenty pounds to each full share and halves in proportion payable to the Deacons or Boxmasters of the respective Trades before 12th inst.</p><p>At Dundee and within the Guild Hall there on Friday the Ninth day of November nineteen hundred and twenty three At a Joint General Meeting of the Members of the Guildry Incorporation of Dundee, the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee and the Three United Trades of Dundee of not less than six months standing in the said bodies respectively duly called for the purpose of electing two Trustees of the Harbour of Dundee under the “Dundee Harbour and Tay Ferries Consolidation Act 1911” in place of Ex-Convener T BTaylor and Ex-Deacon J. G. Sibbald who retire at this time but who are eligible for re-election. On the proposal of Lord Dean of Guild Bisset Convener Russell was unanimously elected Chairman and Mr James Simpson was appointed Clerk to the Meeting The Meeting unanimously </p><p>AT DUNDEE and within the Guild Hall there on Friday the Ninth day of November Nineteen hundred and twenty three at eleven o'clockiJ forenoon. At a Joint General Meeting of the Members of the Guildry Incorporation of Dundee the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee and the Three United Trades of Dundee, of not less than six months standing in the said bodies respectively duly called and held for the purpose of electing two Trustees of the Harbour of Dundee under the "Dundee Harbour and Tay Ferries Consolidation Act 1911" in place of Convener T. B. Taylor and Ex-Deacon J. G. Sibbald who retire at this time but are eligible for re-election.</p><p>On the proposal of Lord Dean of Guild Bisset Convener Russell was unanimously Elected Chairman and Mr.</p><p>Jane Simpson was .appointed Clark to the Meeting. The meeting unanimously approved of and adopted the regulations for the conducting of the business at Joint General Meetings of the said three bodies under Section 14 of the said. Act which had bean approved of and enacted at a General Joint Meeting of the members of the three bodies held on the Third day of November Nineteen hundred and eleven. The Meeting proceeded to nomination. of Candidates for the vacant offices, Whereupon Ex-Lord Dean of Guild P. S. Nicoll proposed and Bailie D. S. Smith seconded that Ex-Convener Thomas Barron Taylor, Coal Merchant 25 Shamrock Street, Dundee be put in nomination And Lord Dean of Guild Bisset moved and Bailie Anderson seconded that Ex Deacon John Greig Sibbald House and Property agent 368 Perth Road be put in nomination. Half past eleven o'clock having arrived and no other member having been nominated. the Chairman declared Convener Taylor and Ex- Deacon Sibbald to have been duly elected as Trustees of the Harbour of Dundee by the said three incorporations for the ensuing three years. The Clerk to the Meeting was instructed to certify the election</p><p>At Dundee the twelfth day of November Nineteen hundred and twenty three At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Guild Hall Old City Chambers Dundee at eleven o’clock forenoon Convener Russell presiding The Minute of Meeting of the Trades held on 2nd October last was read approved and signed by the Chairman.</p><p>47 The present Meeting having been called for the election of a Director of the High School the Clerk laid on the Table a Copy of the Constitution of the High School of Dundee and of the William Harris Endowment and Dundee Education Act 1882. Ex-Convener W S Nicoll the retiring representative of the Trades on the Directorate of the High School gave his report on the past years work and was cordially thanked for his services. The Convener then called for nominations to the Vacant Office whereupon Ex-Convener Sibbald proposed and Deacon Burnett seconded that Ex Convener W. S. Nicoll be re-elected for another term of office. There was no other nomination and the Chairman duly declared Ex-Convener W. S. Nicoll duly elected to represent the Trades on the Directorate of the Dundee High School for the ensuing year. The Clerk was instructed to certify the election in common form ad the Meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chairman.</p><p>48</p>
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