• DIRECTORY.] SHROPSHIRE. LlTfLE WESLOCK! i6.S National PTovinciat Bank. cf England Turner Matilda (Mrs.), Wbi~ Horse Lacon. Limited (branch) ('fhos, McLachlan hotel, High street [Names marked thus • letten are rtceiYed 1 Ronald, manager), Bighstreet; draw Va.ogha.n Carrie (Mrs.),Fox P.H.Higb st through Preet!, Whitchurch.] on head office, London E c Volunteer Battalion(2nd) King's Shrop­ Bloore Samuel, farmer, Lacon ha.Il Newton, Gough & C~ tanners, Noblest shire Light Infantry (Capt. E. Wood, Cook Charles, farmer Oakes Henry L.R.C.P.Edin. surgeon & commanding), Town hall *HouldingThos.P.farmer,HigherLacon medieal officer & public vaccinator, Ward Sarah (Mrs.), china & earthen- *Powell John, farmer, Higher Lacon Loppington district, W em union, ware dealer, High street Brunswick lodge, New street Ward Thomas, clog maker, High street Sleap. Ormiston Robert, shopkeeper, High st Water Works (T. Tipton, superinten­ BrolVn Jaunes, farmer Owen Caleb, hide dealer, Noble street dent); office, High street Lea John, farmer, Sleap hall Parsonage Frederick & Sons, painters, Watkin Martha (Mrs.), blacksmith, Madeley Joseph, farmer New street & Aston street Aston street Pitchford John, farmer, Sleap house Parsonage John, tailor, 43 New street Watkin Thomas, wheelwright, Aston st Phillips George, bricklayer,The Laurels, Watson Edwin, boot maker, High st Horton. High street WeeverThomas( exors.of),confectioners, Brown Henry, farmer Piggott Samuel, hair dresser, Aston st High street Brown John, farmer Pike Matilda & Frances Isabel (Misses), Welch Michael, haberdasher & marine Johnson John~ farmer ladies' school, Islington villa, New st store dealer, High street Rogers William, blacksmith Platt & Do bell, cheese factors, Belle vue Wem Fire Brigade (C. F. Griffiths, Twiss Ann (Mrs.), farmer Powell William, wheelwright, Aston st capt. ), High street Wilkes Thomas, farmer Prendergast William, teacher of pmsic Wem Gas Light & Coke- Co. Limited Williams John, farmer & church organist, Noble street (Peter Climer, sec. ; Thomas Ashley, Lowe & Ditches. Pugh William, tailor, High street manager), High street Elkes Samuel, farmer, Ditches Puleston Elias Fras. maltster, High st Wem Working Men's Club (E. Wood Evans Sarab (Mrs.), farmer Pulford Waiter Egerton, inland revenue ~lko~cockT~hsec.fi).hC&hapel stdreel tA t t Faulkner William, farmer officer, Summerfield W.~ mson os. s game r.. s 00 s Powdrell Richard farmer Lowe ball Ridgway William, shopkeeper, High st Wdson Sarah (Mrs.), Black LIOn P.H. ' 1 Richards Fredk.Geo.auctnr.I7Chapel st High street j Soulton. Roberts Thos. provsn. dealer, Noblest Woollam Caroline (Mrs.), Vaults P.H.l Ball George, farmer, Brook farm Rogers Geo.Hy.Bull's Head P.H. High st .High s~r~t . Deakin Henry, farmer, Soulton hall Ronald Thomas McLachlan, manager Wyatt Wtlbam, civtl eogmeer, architect Harding George, farmer, Dairy house of the National Provincial Bank & & snrveyor, 28 Noble street Harding Row land G.cattle dlr. Dairy ho treasurer to the union & rural sani­ Wycherley Brothers, millers (steam), T'll tary authority, High street Creamore mills • 1 ey. Rutter George, bntcher, High street Wycherley Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker, Clegg James Arthor, Palms hill SimpsonArth.mechanid. engnr.Aston st Woodbine cottage, High street Jenkins Griffith Parry, Summer boos& Stinger Robt. Thos. chemist, 3 I High st Stinchcombe Joel, Tilley lodge Smith George, farmer, Pool's farm Aston. Thellussoo Herbert, Tilley house Smith Mary (Mrs.), Dickins' Arms P.H. Wood Mrs. Aston park COMMERCIAL. Noble street COMMERCIAL. Ashton Robert, farmer, Trench farm Stockall Martha E. (Miss), shopkeeper, Blockley Thomas, farmer, Hill Top bank BellissHannah(Mrs. ),farmer, Trench vil High street Hrown John, farmer, Aldery lane Darlington Joseph, farmer Stokes Benjamin George, relieving & Burgess George, farmer, Aston house DuttonThomas Geo.fal"mer,Fernda.le ho vaccination offi.for the union,Aston rd Clorley George, farmer, Barker's green Forrester William, farmer Stokes Enoch, rlairyman, High street Cook John Robert, farmer, The Villa Gresty Abraham, farmer, Trench farm Strong Thomas, printer & statnr.High st Edgerton Charles, brick ma..Harker's go Handley Samuel, beer retailer Taylor Fras. watch ma.&jewellr.High st Edwards Benjamin, blacksmith Jackson <leorge, farn1er Teague G. C. & L. K. (Misses), ladies' Hulme James, farmer, Moat house J ones Mary Ann (Mrs. ), beer retailer school, Mill street InionsJ!ichd. Cl owes, farmer, Hrockhurst Kynaston Arthur, farmer, PenkylD8.ns Tborniley & Son, timber mers. Aston st Inions Thomas, farmer Matthews John, farmer, Woodhouse Tomlins Charles, grocer, Corn market Madeley Henry, farmer, Aston ball Mottersbead Job~ farmer, Taking3 'l'omlins Eva Georgina (Mrs.), confec- Smith Jane (Mrs.), farmer, The Weir Mottershead Thon1as, farmer tioner, High street Williams Edwd.shopkpr.MoatHouse cot Owen William, tailor Tommy Charles, builder, Noble street Williauns Thomas, farmer, Aldery lane Page Robert Henry, plumber, Tilley cotl Tommy Jonathan, builder, Noble street WoodArthur,land agt.& frmr.Aston prk Starkey John, farmer, Tilley park Town Hall, High street Woodfin John, farmer Watson William, blacksmith Tudor Edwd grocr.&prov.dlr,2gHigh st W oolley Williams, farmer Wilkinson Wm. farmer, Wain house • LITTLE WENLOCK, styled in ancient records at Christmas; Margaret Poole, in 1874, gave [19 I9S. to th« "Wenlock-under-the-Wrek.in," is a village and parish, in a rector and churchwardens, the interest of which, 12s. 9(l. is pleasant position under the south stde of the- Wrekin, com­ distributed in bread and flannel on St. Thomas' day. The manding some fine vielVS over a picturesque and delightful Wrekin stands partly in this parish and also extends'!;() tha district, 3 miles south from Wellington, 3 north from Iron~ parishes of Wellington, Wroxeter and Uppington; it 'rises to bridge, 5 north-east from Much Wenlock, u south-east from an altitude of 1,320 feet, and from its summit portions of Shrewsbury, 2~ miles north from Buildwas station on the seventeen counties can be seen ; the view presented in ever~ Severn Valley branch of the Great Western railway and 2 direction is most extensive, varied and magnificent. The west from the Horsebay station on the We11ington and Willow Moors and Wrekin Farm are in a sequestered 'Vale Craven Arms branch of the same line, in the Mid division of near to the Wrekin, and are supposed to have been the scene the county, petty sessional division of Wenlock, Madeley of a battle at some remote period: in the year 1835 a union and county court district, 1:ural deanery of Wenlock, labourer, in cutting a drain about IOO yards from the road, archdeaconry of Ludlow and diocese of Hereford. The from Little Wenlock to Wellington, can1e upon a heap of church of St. Lawrence is an ancient building of stone and broken spears, numbering between two and three hundred ~ brick in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave in the immediate vicinity are five barrows. The minerals and an embattled western tower containing a elock and 5 are ironstone, coal and limestone. Lord Forester is lord of bells t the stained east window is a memorial to John George the manor and sole landowner. The soil is a mixture of clay Weld, 2nd Baron Forester, d. 10 Oct. I874; there is also a and gravel ; subsoil, various. The chief crops are wb.eat,. memorial window in the baptistery to William Edmonds, barley and beans. The area is 2, 8o8 acres ; rateable Tl'lUSf. x872, erected by Dorothea Elizabet~ his widow, and his £2,599; the popolation in I88I was 555· 1 brother the Rev. George Edmonds M • .A.. lata rector, I84I-8g. NEw WoRKS is in Lawley ecclesiastical parish, and will be 'fhe register dates from the year I69S· The living is a rec. found under that heading. LEASOWES, I mile sootb-east aud. tory; average tithe rent-charge £445, net yearlyvalue£390, the WILLOW MooRS, x mile north-west, are pla<.-es here including 8 acres of glebe, with residence, in the .gift of Lord HUNTINGDON is a hamlet, I mile north from the church~ Forester, aud held since x88g by the Rev. Thomas Augostos CoA1.MORE is a hamlet, I mile east from the church.. N ash loi.A.. of Worcester College, Oxford, and honorary canon of Sexton, San1uel Haddenham. Norwich. The charities are as follows:-Maurice Hayward be­ LETTER Box cleared at 7 p.m. soodays excepted. Letters' queathed in 176o the interest of£ Io for bread on St. Thomas' are received through Horsehay (Railway Sub-Office). Tb~ dt.y ; Mrs• .Alioe Gree~ in :1:748, left us. 6d. yearly to the nearest money order office is Horsehay & telegraph -offiOtt pool:'; M;rs. Mary Tipton, in Il44, left to the parish and for at Dawley the repair and painting of the monument erected to her Parochial School (mixed), built, with residence for-mistre88, memory, the interest of £so yearly~ Mrs. Hannah Shepherd, in I8fi7, for 70 children; average attendance, 34; Miss in J:845, gave the interest of £too for clothing for the poor Grace Carolina Clark, mistress .
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