<p> PLEASANT PLAINS TOWNSHIP PO Box 239 Baldwin, MI 49304 </p><p>MONTHLY BOARD MEETING MINUTES March 22, 2013</p><p>Meeting called to order at 7:19pm.</p><p>1. Roll Call</p><p>Supervisor Jeff Chamberlain-present, Clerk Kellie Allen-present, Treasurer, Julie Hoffman-present, Trustee Craig Davis-present, Trustee Deb Russell-present</p><p>2. READING OF THE MINUTES</p><p>Trustee Russell motioned to accept the minutes with corrections; Trustee Davis seconded. All in favor: none apposed. Motion carried.</p><p>3. Visitors:</p><p>Ryan Wood-Is the student Architect that is working with the Capital Improvement Committee to develop the site plans for the new township building and grounds. Ryan presented a contract to the board detailing what he will present to the board and what he is charging. Ryan will be working with the Capital Improvement Committee as well as the Zoning Administrator while developing the plans/drawings. Once Ryan has completed his contract he will submit a stamped paper copy of the plans. Ryan did a presentation that demonstrated his skills with the computer software. Ryan stated that he could make adjustments to the plans at the board’s request. According to Ryan’s contract, he is requesting $18.00 an hour to complete this project plus $50.00 a trip for mileage. Ryan stated that he did not expect the project to exceed $1800.00 (100 hrs) plus mileage. Ryan stated if he exceeded the 100 hours, he would be working for free until the project was complete. He estimates the site plan will be complete mid-June. Trustee Davis made a motion to sign the student Architect’s contract at the pay rate he has requested. Treasurer Hoffman seconded: all in favor; none apposed. Motion carried. </p><p>Adam Gandolfi from Municipal Underwriters of MI INC-Adam is the townships Insurance agent and was present at the meeting to discuss the townships insurance coverage and bonding. He provided a 3 ring binder to the Clerk with all the coverage information as well as his contact information. Clerk Allen requested copies of the bonds for her records. Adam stated he would get those to her. Adam stated that there is a Risk Reduction Grant Program that awards grant money twice a year for items for the township that protect the public and/or the township for property damage with a maximum amount of $5000.00 per grant. There is no limit to the amount of grants that can be awarded to any township. </p><p>4. Audience Comments</p><p>Mr. Lenn Todd presented a Pleasant Plains Township ordinance stating that Oakwood Manor is able to pay Pilt money to the township instead of paying property taxes. Treasurer Hoffman stated that Oakwood Manor has been paying the Pilt money. It states in the ordinance that Oakwood Manor is not exempt from paying property taxes to the Village. According to Mr. Todd, there are no records at the Village that Oakwood Manor has paid Village taxes. In order for a tax bill to be generated, a taxable value needs to be determined. Supervisor Chamberlain stated he would contact the Township assessor regarding this. Mr. Todd stated that Oakwood Manor has changed owners and feels the ordinance needs to be updated. Mr. Todd stated that he understands once a taxable value is established then a tax bill will be generated and he feels that the Township and Village need to work together regarding the money’s not collected from 2009 until current. Whether the money owed is reduced, forgiven or whatever is decided. </p><p>John Weeks presented two requests from the Capital Improvement Committee: First-The committee is requesting the board proceed with the purchase of the property on M-37 per the terms of the purchase agreement. Closing would be completed in approximately 6 weeks once all the requirements have been completed, such as the survey, etc. Second- To have Lake Osceola State Bank be put on the agenda for the April 29th meeting so they can conduct a brief presentation regarding the financing. Trustee Davis clarified that the township was not financing the land, but the building itself. A suggestion is to possibly divert mileage money to possibly pay for the land. The township does have the down payment for the land allocated in the 2013/2014 budget. Trustee Davis discussed that marketing the building/new site is needed. Motion was made by Trustee Russell to except the contract to purchase the property Section 10 in Pleasant Plains Township for the future site of Pleasant Plains Township Hall. Funding will be distributed out of the 2013/2014 budget. Trustee Davis seconded. Roll call: Supervisor Chamberlain-yes, Clerk Allen-yes, Treasurer Hoffman-yes, Trustee Russell-yes, Trustee Davis-yes. Motion carried.</p><p>REPORTS:</p><p> a. Zoning Administrator’s Report</p><p>1. Monthly report-written report provided</p><p>2. Annual Report-written report provided</p><p>3. Other than an email that Treasure Hoffman received, no one was notified that Pleasant Plains Township did not get the BLIGHT grant that Ms. Applewhite applied for. </p><p>4. Planning/Zoning Administrator Contract-Trustee Russell made a motion to except the contract as written. Trustee Davis seconded. All in favor; none apposed. Motion carried. Contract was signed. </p><p>5. 2013 Planning Enabling Ordinance-was given for approval so all Pleasant Plains Ordinances can be enforced. Trustee Davis made the motion to except the Planning Enabling Ordinance. Supervisor Chamberlain seconded. All in favor, none apposed. Motion carried</p><p> b. Assessor’s Report</p><p>The Assessor completed March Board of Review. Supervisor Chamberlain read the report that wasreceived from the Assessor. </p><p> c. Cemetery Caretakers report 1. Cemetery Ordinance-Clerk Allen compared the Newaygo Cemetery Ordinance to the CD provided in the Cemetery book. Mr. Sullivan presented the board with the old Pleasant Plains Cemetery Ordinance. Clerk Allen suggested to review and update the information provided in a workshop, then present it at the next Board meeting. Clerk Allen has questions regarding sizing of monuments. Clerk Allen stated she is going to present the new ordinance to anyone purchasing a plot once it is complete. </p><p>2. Contract corrections-Clerk Allen pointed out corrections to the Cemetery Caretaker/Sexton contract. She pointed out the throughout the contract it does not address and include “Sexton” next to “Caretaker”. Also on page 3 item V, the contract states the job will be going up for yearly bids no yearly review. Due to the Cemetery Caretaker/Sexton contract stating the person will get a flat rate, the bidding portion is incorrect. Clerk Allen stated that the contract needs to verbalize that the Caretaker/Sexton is a contracted employee, and the township will provide him with a 1099 at the end of the year instead of a W2. Trustee Russell made the motion to except the Cemetery Caretaker/Sexton contract with corrections. Trustee Davis seconded. All in favor; none apposed. Clerk Allen will contact Greg Nichols once she receives a corrected copy of the contract. Treasurer Hoffman suggested the Caretaker/Sexton complete a visual check of the cemetery at least once a month during the winter months and report his comments on his monthly report. Mr. Nichols stated that he would like to have is wage paid to him monthly. </p><p> d. Trustees Comments- Trustee Davis stated that he felt the budget workshops were very beneficial. He stated that he has a much better understanding of the budget process. Trustee Russell agreed. e. Clerks Report</p><p>1. Correspondence- Diversity participation affidavit from Spectrum Health. Per Supervisor Chamberlain the township has not completed this in the past. Five Capp is asking for information to receive a 1099. Per the board, the township does not receive money from Five Capp so this form does not need to be completed. </p><p>2. Old information being found-Clerk Allen stated that she is finding some very old documents that would be nice to display in the new building to give the public some history of Pleasant Plains Township history. The board agreed it would be a good idea. </p><p>3. Library Service Contract-The Library Board requested that the Board add the data entry for the Cemetery to the contract of services. Supervisor Chamberlain stated he would add that to the agreement. </p><p>4. May meeting date change-May meeting was changed to May 20, 2013 due to the holiday. f. Treasurer’s Report-Due to illness Treasurer Hoffman does not have a report to present this month. g. Supervisor’s Report-Supervisor Chamberlain researched property for someone that was interested in purchasing it. After contacting the State of Michigan it was discovered the property was sold in the 90’s. Supervisor Chamberlain stated that he will be receiving a copy of the deed via email. Trustee Russell explained that the deed will need to be record and that could cost about $300.00. Mr. Sullivan stated the person that purchased the property from the state did not record the deed. Trustee Davis asked about the deed issues for the 100 acres. Supervisor Chamberlain stated that he would be working on this once the budget process was complete. </p><p>5. OLD BUSINESS:</p><p> a. Update re: street light update-Supervisor Chamberlain stated he has not been out to check on street lights. He asked if any were out, Treasure Hoffman stated hers is still not taken care of. Trustee Russell contact Consumers regarding putting more street lights by the school. </p><p> b. Street Sign-Someone stated there isn’t a sign for Ft. Wayne. Supervisor Chamberlain will order the sign. </p><p> c. Copy machine follow up-Per Supervisor Chamberlain, it would cost the township $6750.00 to pay off the copy machine. The township decided to continue to pay the monthly payments until the copier is paid off. </p><p> d. Giving township property back to county follow up-Trustee Davis asked if Supervisor Chamberlain contact the County Treasurer about the township property going to the County to be sold in the Land Bank. Supervisor Chamberlain stated he had not contacted her. Mr. Weeks, an audience member and business owner, stated that he spoke with the County Treasurer and she stated she would not take the contaminated properties, but she would consider taking the other property owned by the township. Deb presented a packet to all the board members of the properties the township does own. Mr. Weeks stated that he would give the information to the County Treasurer and request that she put in writing what properties she would accept. </p><p> e. Bill from Contractor follow up-Per Supervisor Chamberlain, he left a message with Orshal Construction and they have not returned his call. Supervisor Chamber stated that he did not have a copy of the full contract. Treasure Hoffman stated that Orshal will be providing her with a copy of the contract via email. </p><p>6. NEW BUSINESS</p><p>Sandy Clark’s contract had some verbiage that the board is concerned with. Trustee Davis stated that the contract is not protecting the township. The contract will be reviewed and brought up at the next meeting. </p><p>7. PAYMENT OF BILLS</p><p>Clerk Allen questioned whether the township will be holding 3% from the bill. Trustee Davis made the motion to take out the 3% administration fee from the DDA bill. Seconded by Clerk Allen. 4 in favor, 1 didn’t vote due to being on the DDA Board. Motion carried. </p><p>Motion to pay the bills was made by Clerk Allen; seconded by Trustee Davis. All in favor; none apposed. 8. AUDIENCE COMMENTS LIMITED TO 3 MIN. EACH-Mr. Sullivan stated that the Planning Commission did approve the new Zoning Ordinance. Planning will be conducting a public hearing and the hope is to have the ordinance to the Board for approval at the end of April. The Zoning Ordinance was emailed to the board and Mr. Sullivan also has it on flash drive if anyone needs it. </p><p>9. ADJOURMENT</p><p>Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Trustee Davis. Seconded by Clerk Allen.</p><p>All in favor; none apposed. Meeting adjourned at 10:34 pm</p><p>Disclaimer: The monthly board meeting can be heard in its entirety by appointment in the Clerk’s office</p><p> for up to 30 days after that meeting was held. </p><p>Meeting minutes approved by: </p><p>Kellie Allen, Clerk</p><p>Jeff Chamberlain, Supervisor</p>
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