Issued by Authority of the President of the Legislative Council s2

Issued by Authority of the President of the Legislative Council s2

<p>PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEES PROGRESS ON INVESTIGATIONS To 31 May 2003</p><p>55th Parliament</p><p>Issued by Authority of the President of the Legislative Council and the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly</p><p>2 The Parliamentary Committees of the Victorian Parliament are appointed pursuant to the Parliamentary Committees Act 1968. The functions of the Joint Investigatory Committees are detailed in sections 4C to 4EF of the Act which, by section 4F, also makes the following provisions regarding their role, sources of references and priorities in considering references: (1) A Joint Investigatory Committee — (a) is required to inquire into, consider and report to the Parliament on any proposal, matter or thing relevant to the functions of the Committee which is referred to the Committee —</p><p>(i) by resolution of the Council or the Assembly: or (ii) by Order of the Governor in Council published in the Government Gazette; and (b) may inquire into, consider and report to the Parliament on any annual report or other document relevant to the functions of the Committee which is laid before either House of the Parliament pursuant to a requirement imposed by or under an Act. * * * * * (3) A resolution of the Council or the Assembly or an Order of the Governor in Council referring a proposal, matter or thing to a Joint Investigatory Committee pursuant to paragraph (a) of sub-section (1) may specify a period of time within which the Committee is required to make a final report to the Parliament on the proposal matter or thing. (4) In carrying out its functions a Joint Investigatory Committee is required — (a) to give priority — (i) firstly, to all proposals, matters or things referred to it by resolution of the Council or the Assembly; and (ii) secondly, to all proposals, matters or things referred to it by Order of the Governor in Council published in the Government Gazette — before all other proposals, matters or things being inquired into or being considered by the Committee; and</p><p>(b) to comply with any limitation of time specified pursuant to sub- section (3).</p><p>* * * * *</p><p>3 DRUGS AND CRIME PREVENTION COMMITTEE</p><p>Level 8, 35 Spring Street, Melbourne 3000 Telephone: (03) 9651 3541 Facsimile: (03) 9651 3603</p><p>Email: [email protected]</p><p>Website:</p><p>Members: (Council) Ms C Hirsh and The Hon S M Nguyen. (Assembly) Hon R R Cooper, Ms K Marshall, Mr Ian Maxfield, Dr B Sykes and Mr K Wells. Chair: Ms C Hirsh, MLC Executive Officer: Sandy Cook</p><p>INQUIRY INTO WHITE COLLAR CRIME</p><p>Referred to the Committee by the Legislative Assembly on 28 November 2001, for inquiry, consideration and report by 30 September 2001 on: (a) The extent and nature of fraud and white-collar crime in Victoria; (b) The impact of new technology supporting e-commerce on the opportunities for fraud; (c) The current and proposed state, commonwealth and international strategies and initiatives in relation to dealing with fraud and white-collar crime, and (d) The need for policy and legislative reform to combat fraud and white-collar crime in Victoria.</p><p>This inquiry lapsed with the prorogation of the last Parliament. The terms of reference were re-referred to the Committee by Order in Council on 17 April 2003.</p><p>Activities during May 2003  Advertisement announcing the reissuing of the terms of reference and inviting responses to the Discussion Paper, placed in The Age and Herald Sun on 24 May 2003.  Proposal for the remainder of the Inquiry adopted.  Hon Sang Nguyen MLC and Executive Officer attended the seminar Crime in the Digital Economy 15 May 2003, organised by Monash Law School.</p><p>4  Speaker approved request for Dr Russell Smith to be employed as a consultant to the Inquiry.  Dr Russell Smith attended the Financial Crimes Summit 2003, 28 May -30 May 2003, in Sydney.  Letters sent to individuals and organisations who had sent submissions advising them that the Committee has been reissued with terms of reference for the Inquiry and informing them that their submissions will be considered.</p><p>ISSUE OF AMPHETAMINE AND ‘PARTY DRUG’ USE IN VICTORIA</p><p>Referred to the Committee by the Legislative Council on 15 May 2002 to inquire into and report to Parliament, by the first sitting day in 2003, on the issue of amphetamine and ‘party drug’ use in Victoria. In particular, the committee is requested to: 1. examine the nature, extent and culture of amphetamine and ‘party drug’ use. 2. determine the demographic profile of users. 3. examine the short and long term consequences of amphetamine and ‘party drug’ use. 4. examine the relationship of amphetamine and ‘party drug’ use to other forms of licit and illicit substance use. 5. review the adequacy of existing strategies for dealing with amphetamine and ‘party drug’ use. 6. consider best practice strategies to address the issue of amphetamine and ‘party drug’ use including regulatory, law enforcement, education and treatment responses.</p><p>This inquiry lapsed with the prorogation of the last Parliament. The terms of reference were re-referred to the Committee by Order in Council on 17 April 2003.</p><p>Activities during May 2003  Research and review of literature continued.  Writing of Discussion Paper.  Inquiry framework adopted for the remainder of the Inquiry.  Chair and Executive Officer attended the 4th International Conference on Drugs and Young People, Focusing on Solutions – The Way Forward, 26 May-28 May 2003, Wellington New Zealand.  Letters sent to individuals and organisations advising them that the Committee has been reissued with terms of reference for the Inquiry and informing them that their submissions will be considered. </p><p>5 INQUIRY INTO STRATEGIES TO REDUCE HARMFUL ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION</p><p>Referred to the Committee by the Governor in Council on 6 May 2003, to inquire into, consider and report to Parliament on strategies to reduce harmful alcohol consumption. In particular the Committee is required to:</p><p>1. Investigate the nature, extent and culture of alcohol consumption on the Victorian community and the associated costs to the community.</p><p>2. Examine the role of alcohol advertising including its influence on harmful alcohol consumption and high-risk groups such as young people and Kooris.</p><p>3. Review the adequacy of existing strategies for reducing harmful alcohol consumption.</p><p>4. Recommend best practice strategies to address the issue of harmful alcohol consumption, including regulatory, law enforcement, education and treatment responses.</p><p>5. Examine national and international legislation, reports and material relevant to this issue.</p><p>The Committee is required to report to Parliament by 30 September, 2004.</p><p>Activity during May 2003  Terms of Reference received from Governor in Council 6 May 2003</p><p>6 7 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE</p><p>Level 8, 35 Spring Street, Melbourne 3000 Telephone: (03) 9651 3592 Facsimile: (03) 9651 3691</p><p>Email: [email protected]</p><p>Website:</p><p>Members: (Assembly) Mr H F Delahunty, Mr B J Jenkins, Ms M Morand and Mr T G Robinson</p><p>(Council) The Hons B N Atkinson, R H Bowden and N Pullen</p><p>Chairman: Mr T G Robinson, MP Executive Officer: Mr R A Willis</p><p>INQUIRY INTO EXPORT OPPORTUNITIES FOR VICTORIAN RURAL INDUSTRIES</p><p>Terms of Reference received by Order in Council on 15 April 2003. Report due 30 September 2003.</p><p>Activities during May 2003 Committee organising future public hearings, interstate and New Zealand visit. Review of existing evidence and preliminary drafting of report.</p><p>Future Activities Melbourne public hearings scheduled for 23 and 24 June 2003.</p><p>Canberra meetings scheduled for 14 July 2003 with key government departments.</p><p>Committee meetings scheduled for 15-18 July in Auckland and Wellington to discuss marketing and branding of food exports.</p><p>8 9 EDUCATION AND TRAINING COMMITTEE</p><p>Level 8, 35 Spring Street, Melbourne, 3000 Telephone: 9651 3570 Facsimile: 9651 3601</p><p>Email: [email protected]</p><p>Website:</p><p>Members: (Council) The Hons Helen Buckingham and Peter Hall (Assembly) Ms Anne Eckstein, Mr Steve Herbert, Mr Nicholas Kotsiras Ms Janice Munt, and Mr Victor Perton. Chairman: Steve Herbert MP Interim Executive Officer: Mark Roberts</p><p>Activities during May 2003. As at 31 May 2003 the Committee was yet to receive Inquiry terms of reference. The Committee received evidence on 19 May 2003 from the following representatives from the Department of Education and Training- </p><p>Mr Michael Kane, Acting Director of Schools, Ms Andrée Butler, Acting Deputy Director of Schools and Mr Phil Clark, General Manager, Policy and Resourcing.</p><p>The Staffing Sub-Committee is currently evaluating applications received for the position of Executive Officer, with interviews to be scheduled shortly.</p><p>10 11 ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE</p><p>Level 8, 35 Spring Street, Melbourne, 3000 Telephone: (03) 9651 3533 Facsimile: (03) 9651 3537</p><p>Email: [email protected]</p><p>Website:</p><p>Members: (Council) The Hons A Coote, D K Drum, J G Hilton, W Lovell. (Assembly) Ms J T Duncan, Ms J M Lindell and Mr G Seitz. Chairman: Ms J M Lindell, MP. Executive Officer: Mr B Miles</p><p>LAPSED INQUIRIES </p><p>The following inquiries which were referred to the Committee during the 54th Parliament lapsed with the prorogation of the Legislative Council and dissolution of the Legislative Assembly on 5 November 2002 and have not been re-referred to the Committee: Improving the Procedures for the Acquisition of Private Land for Use as a Park Impact, Management and Use of Carp Possession and Trade of Exotic Vertebrate Animals Floodplain Management in Regional Victoria Urban Cat Control and Management in Victoria</p><p>ADEQUACY AND EFFECTIVENESS OF VETERINARY PATHOLOGY SERVICES</p><p>Referred to the Committee during the 54th Parliament by Order in Council on 20 March 2001 under section 4F of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1968. Work commenced on the Inquiry in January 2002. A discussion paper was released, submissions called for, inspections and public hearings held, a survey of veterinary practitioners undertaken, and a draft report prepared. The inquiry lapsed on the prorogation of the Legislative Council and dissolution of the Legislative Assembly on 5 November 2002.</p><p>12 Essentially identical terms of reference were re-referred to the Committee by Order in Council on 15 April 2003 under section 4F of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1968.</p><p>Activity during May 2003. Consideration of draft report.</p><p>Future Activity Inquiry report scheduled to be tabled on Wednesday, 4 June 2003.</p><p>13 FAMILY AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE</p><p>Level 8, 35 Spring Street, Melbourne 3000 Telephone: (03) 9651 3520 Facsimile: (03) 9651 3691</p><p>Email: [email protected]</p><p>Website: Members: (Council) The Hon D Davis (Assembly) Ms H McTaggart, Ms L Neville, Mrs E J Powell, Mrs H Shardey, Mr R Smith and Mr D Wilson Chairman: Mr R Smith, MLC Executive Officer: Mr P L Bourke</p><p>EXAMINING THE IMPACT ON THE VICTORIAN COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC HOSPITALS ON THE DIMINISHING ACCESS TO AFTER HOURS AND BULK BILLING GENERAL PRACTITIONERS</p><p>Referred by Order in Council 6 May 2003</p><p>Activities during May 2003 Discussion of possible witnesses.</p><p>Organisation of Rural Hearings.</p><p>Preparation of databases.</p><p>EXAMINING THE ROLES OF COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEES OF METROPOLITAN HEALTH SERVICES</p><p>Referred by Order in Council 6 May 2003</p><p>Activities during May 2003 Discussion of possible witnesses.</p><p>Organisation of visit to Metropolitan Hospitals.</p><p>Preparation of databases.</p><p>14 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF URBAN DESIGN AND THE OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC ART IN VICTORIA</p><p>Referred by Order in Council 6 May 2003</p><p>Activity during May 2003 Inquiry has not yet commenced.</p><p>CURRENT FORMS OF COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT BY VICTORIAN COUNCILS</p><p>Referred by Order in Council 6 May April 2003</p><p>Activity during May 2003 Inquiry has not yet commenced.</p><p>15 LAW REFORM COMMITTEE</p><p>Level 8, 35 Spring Street, Melbourne 3000 Telephone: (03) 9651 3644 Facsimile: (03) 9651 3674</p><p>Email: [email protected]</p><p>Website: </p><p>Members: (Council) Ms D. G. Hadden, the Hons A Brideson, and R.A. Dalla-Riva. (Assembly) Ms D.A. Beard, Mr R. Hudson. Mr A. G. Lupton and Mr N. J. Maughan. Chairman: Mr R. Hudson, MP Executive Officer: Ms M. L. Mason</p><p>INQUIRY INTO FORENSIC SAMPLING AND THE USE OF DNA DATABASES IN CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS</p><p>Referred by Order in Council in the Government Gazette of 17 April 2003. To inquire into, consider and report on: The collection, use and effectiveness of forensic sampling and the use of DNA databases in criminal investigations, with particular emphasis on identifying areas and procedures which would more effectively utilise forensic sampling and improve investigation and detection of crime. The Terms of Reference for this inquiry exactly replicate those of the reference given to the Committee in the 54th Parliament and which lapsed when Parliament was prorogued in November 2002.</p><p>Activities during May 2003  Second and third briefings on the inquiry for the Committee.</p><p> Re-advertised the inquiry and advertised the June public hearing </p><p>16 Summary of work completed during 54th Parliament </p><p>Meetings during an overseas study tour January/February 2002 San Francisco Police Department Ms Cydne Holt Supervisor, Forensic Biology Section Forensic Services Division</p><p>California Department of Justice Mr Harry Dorfman Assistant District Attorney Attorney-General’s Office Federal Bureau of Investigations Mr John Behun Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) Forensic Science Systems Unit</p><p>New York City Police Department Robert Messner Assistant Commissioner, Legal Bureau Civil Enforcement Unit</p><p>Sergeant Martin Gleeson Managing Attorney</p><p>Mr Peter Ostapenko Associate Staff Analyst, Office of Management Analysis and Planning</p><p>Mr Thomas Prasso Director, License Division</p><p>Thomas Doepfner Assistant Commissioner, Legal Bureau</p><p>George Grasso Deputy Commissioner, Legal Matters</p><p>Detective Edward Wallace Senior Crime Scene Analyst, Forensic Investigation Division</p><p>Office of Forensic Services, New York State Division of Criminal Justice Mr John Hicks Director, Office of Forensic and Victim Services, Division of Criminal Justice Services</p><p>Ms Julie Pasquini DNA Collection Coordinator</p><p>Dr Bob Shaler Director, Forensic Biology NYC Office of the Chief Medical Examiner</p><p>UK Forensic Science Service Mr Mark Lowther Manager, Corporate Markets, Market Sector Development</p><p>Mr Chris Hadkiss DNA Manager, Forensic Science Services</p><p>Mr Denesh Kara Interpol Mr Werner Schuller Operational Police Forensic Support, Manager Interpol DNA Projects</p><p>17 Discussion Paper distributed with initial contact letter to stakeholders requesting submissions. Also available on Committee website.</p><p>Commissioning of three expert papers, which have been placed on Committee website:</p><p> Legal and ethical issues – prepared by Barrister Dr Ian Freckelton</p><p> Practical and technical issues – prepared by the Victorian Forensic Science Centre</p><p> Forensic Procedures: Potential Impacts on Victoria’s Indigenous Community – prepared by Dr Greg Gardner, Parliamentary Library</p><p>Members of the Committee and staff attended Law Asia Seminar on DNA related legal issues.</p><p>Public hearings were held on 22 and 23 July 2002. Witness Affiliation Commander P. Hornbuckle Corporate Policy; Acting Inspector A. O’Connor Legislative Review and Proposals Detective Inspector D. Cowlishaw DNA Implementation Unit, Victoria Police.</p><p>Dr J. Gans Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Melbourne University.</p><p>Mr D. Hoenig Executive Officer, New South Wales Innocence Panel, and Senior Policy Analyst, New South Wales Ministry for Police.</p><p>Ms L. Weathered Director, Griffith University Innocence Project.</p><p>Ms K. Edwards Co-ordinator, Innocence Project, University of Technology Sydney.</p><p>Mr P. Chadwick Privacy Commissioner.</p><p>Acting Prof. D. Wells Head, Division of Clinical Medicine, Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine.</p><p>Ms A. Radonik Case Worker Ms S. Nicholson Director Youth Law.</p><p>Mr R. Punshon SC Chair Mr R. Nankivell Member Criminal Bar Association of Victoria.</p><p>18 Mr D. Faram President Ms A. Palk Assistant Mr D. Laschko; Law Institute of Victoria Mr J. Scheffer Biology Division, Dr P. Stringer, Victoria Forensic Science Centre.</p><p>Mr N. McNamara Mr N. Halvagas Crime Victims Support Association.</p><p>Mr J. Magill Private Citizen.</p><p>Ms M. Parsell Manager, Forensic Science Laboratory Accreditation Program, National Association of Testing Authorities.</p><p>Mr P. Coghlan QC Director of Public Prosecutions Ms R. Sharp Solicitor, Office of Public Prosecutions.</p><p>Mr V. Stojcevski Victoria Legal Aid. Mr J. McLoughlin</p><p>Father P. Norden Director, Jesuit Social Services.</p><p>Ms E. Hunt Co-Executive Director, Public Interest Law Clearing House.</p><p>Mr D. Meagher Lecturer in Law, Deakin University.</p><p>Mr G. Connellan Vice-President, Victorian Council for Civil Liberties (Liberty Victoria).</p><p>Committee and staff visited the Victorian Forensic Science Centre in August 2002 to inspect the laboratory and be briefed on the Centre’s activities.</p><p>Committee members travelled to Brisbane, Sydney and Adelaide for meetings during September 2002. </p><p>19 Brisbane 19 September 2002  Queensland Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Mr Paul Rutledge, Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions.</p><p> Australian Council for Civil Liberties, Mr Terry O’Gorman, President.</p><p> Queensland Police Service, Chief Superintendent David Melville, Senior Sergeant, Gary Pettiford, Officer in Charge, DNA Unit, Sergeant Michael Briody, Senior Sergeant Michael Ede.  Queensland Department of Health Scientific Services Laboratory, Associate Professor Leo Freeney, Senior Scientist.</p><p>Sydney 20 September 2002  NSW Police Service, Dr Peter Gunn, Manager, Scientific Support, Forensic Services Group, Mr Wayne Tosh, Manager, Procedures Implementation Team DNA, Ms Natalie Dugandzic, Solicitor, Court and Legal Services Unit.</p><p> NSW Public Defenders’ Office, Mr Peter Zahra, Senior Public Defender, Mr Andrew Haesler, Public Defender, Member of the ALRC Working Group on Law Enforcement and Evidence for the Protection of Human Genetic Information Inquiry.</p><p> NSW Legislative Council Standing Committee on Law and Justice, Hon Ron Dyer, Chairman, Hon John Ryan, Deputy Chair.  NSW Ombudsman, Mr Stephen Kinmond, Assistant Ombudsman (Police).</p><p>Adelaide 25 September 2002  South Australia Police, Inspector England, Head DNA Project Team.</p><p> Forensic Science Centre, Dr Hilton Kobus, Director, Mr Robert Locan, Assistant Director, Operations.</p><p> Director of Public Prosecutions, Mr Paul Rofe QC, Ms Wendy Abraham QC, Associate DPP, Ms Geraldine Davidson, Senior Solicitor.</p><p>Future Activities</p><p> Additional public hearings to be held on 2 June 2003.</p><p> Redrafting of report</p><p>20 INQUIRY INTO THE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE OFFENCES</p><p>Referred by Order in Council on 6 May 2003. To inquire into, consider and report on: 1. The current state of law in Victoria in relation to administration of justice offences (such as perjury, perverting the course of justice, falsifying evidence and threatening witnesses); and 2. Whether these laws should be amended, and in what way, having particular regard to interstate laws and the recommendations of the Model Criminal Code Officers Committee Discussion Paper on Administration of Justice Offences (July 1997).</p><p>Activities during May 2003</p><p> The Committee determined that a discussion paper should be prepared before the inquiry is advertised.</p><p> Research commenced.</p><p>Future Activity  Discussion paper release and call for submissions planned for July 2003.</p><p>21 OUTER SUBURBAN/INTERFACE SERVICES AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE</p><p>Level 8, 35 Spring Street, Melbourne 3000 Telephone: (03) 9651 3570 Facsimile: (03) 9651 3601</p><p>Email: [email protected]</p><p>Website:</p><p>Members: (Council) Mr J E Scheffer and Mr A K Somyurek</p><p>(Assembly) Mr E N Baillieu, Ms R Buchanan, Mr M F Dixon, Mr D A Nardella and Hon K M Smith</p><p>Chairman: Don Nardella MP Interim Executive Officer: Mark Roberts</p><p>As at 31 May 2003 Committee had not received any Inquiry terms of reference.</p><p>The Staffing Sub-Committee is currently evaluating applications received for the position of Executive Officer, with interviews to be scheduled shortly.</p><p>22 23 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS AND ESTIMATES COMMITTEE</p><p>Level 8, 35 Spring Street, Melbourne 3000 Telephone: (03) 9651 3551 Facsimile: (03) 9651 3552</p><p>Email: [email protected]</p><p>Website:</p><p>Members: (Council) The Hons B Baxter, B Forwood (Deputy Chair), G K Rich-Phillips and Ms G D Romanes. (Assembly) Ms C Campbell, Mr R W Clark, Mr L Donnellan, Ms D Green, Mr J Merlino. Chair: Hon. C. Campbell, MP Executive Officer: Ms M Cornwell</p><p>UNFUNDED SUPERANNUATION LIABILITIES IN VICTORIAN UNIVERSITIES</p><p>Source of reference: Parliamentary Committees Act 1968, section 4F(1)(b). Summary of work completed during the 54th Parliament Report No. 39 tabled in the Parliament on 22 March 2001. On 2 November 2001, the Secretary of the Department of Treasury and Finance advised that an issue proposal was being prepared to the Urgent Issues Group of the Australian Accounting Standards Board to resolve the matters raised in the Committee’s report. On 8 July 2002, letter sent to the Chairman – Urgent Issues Group of the Australian Accounting Standards Board requesting information about the status of the review of unfunded superannuation liabilities. On 31 July 2002, response received advising that the Urgent Issues Group (UIA) Agenda Committee has agreed to include a project on the unfunded superannuation liabilities in the financial statements of Australian universities on the UIA’s work program. Parliament prorogued on 5 November 2002.</p><p>24 On 22 April 2003 the new Committee considered a letter from the Chairman of the Australian Accounting Standards Board advising that the Urgent Issues Group has now reached a consensus concerning the accounting by universities in relation to unfunded superannuation. Future Activity New Committee to monitor developments.</p><p>2000-2001 BUDGET OUTCOMES</p><p>Source of reference: Parliamentary Committees Act 1968, section 4F(1)(b). Summary of work completed during the 54th Parliament On 19 September 2002, draft report forwarded to the Chairman of the Committee of the 54th Parliament to review. Parliament prorogued on 5 November 2002. During April 2003, the Chair of the new Committee reviewed the draft report. Activities during May 2003 On 5 May 2003, the new Committee discussed the draft report and agreed to refer the report to the former Chairman for comment. Draft report forwarded to the former Chairman. Future Activities On 4 June 2003, advice to be received from the former Chairman. On 10 June 2003, draft report to be further considered by the Committee. Report to be tabled in the Parliament and distributed.</p><p>2002-2003 BUDGET ESTIMATES Source of reference: Parliamentary Committees Act 1968, section 4F(1)(b). Summary of work completed during the 54th Parliament On 25 September 2002, the draft report was forwarded to the Chairman of the Committee of the 54th Parliament to review. Parliament prorogued on 5 November 2002. In April 2003 the draft report was forwarded to the Chair of the new Committee to review.</p><p>25 Activities during May 2003</p><p>On 5 May 2003, the new Committee discussed the draft report and agreed to refer the report to the former Chairman for comment.</p><p>Draft report forwarded to the former Chairman.</p><p>Future Activities On 4 June 2003, advice to be received from the former Chairman. On 10 June 2003, draft report to be further considered by the Committee. Report to be tabled in the Parliament and distributed.</p><p>2003-2004 BUDGET ESTIMATES Source of reference: Parliamentary Committees Act 1968, section 4F (1)(b) On 2 April 2003, estimates questionnaire distributed to all Departments, the Environment Protection Authority and the Presiding Officers of the Parliament. Activities during May 2003 On 8 May 2003 a briefing for Members of Parliament on the State Budget for 2003- 2004 was held. Background briefing papers on the budget estimates for each portfolio prepared. Estimates hearings held on the following dates:</p><p>Tuesday, 13 May Premier 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Minister for Multicultural Affairs</p><p>Wednesday, 14 May Minister for State and Regional Development 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and Minister for Innovation Treasurer 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Minister for Arts Minister for Women’s Affairs Minister for Planning Thursday, 15 May Minister for Health 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.</p><p>2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Minister for Consumer Affairs Minister for Finance</p><p>26 Friday, 16 May Minister for Education and Training 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. 2 p.m. to 4.45 p.m. Minister for Employment Minister for Education Services Minister for Youth Affairs</p><p>Friday, 23 May Minister for Local Government 9.30 a.m. to 11.45 a.m. Minister for Housing</p><p>2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Minister for Corrections Minister for Police and Emergency Services</p><p>Tuesday 27 May Minister for Environment 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Minister for Water Minister for Victorian Communities</p><p>Wednesday 28 May Minister for Financial Services Industry 9.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. Minister for Manufacturing and Exports</p><p>2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Minister for Resources Minister for Energy Industries Thursday 29 May Minister for Information and Communication 9.30 a.m. to 12 noon Technology Minister for Small Business</p><p>2 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. Minister for Community Services</p><p>Friday 30 May Minister for Tourism 9.30 a.m. to 12 noon Minister for Gaming and Minister for Racing 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Minister for Industrial Relations Minister for WorkCover Attorney-General</p><p>On 26 May 2003, follow-up questions forwarded to the Premier, Minister for Multicultural Affairs and the Treasurer. Future Activities Estimates hearings to be held on the following dates: Tuesday, 17 June Presiding Officers of the Parliament 9.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. </p><p>27 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Minister for Major Projects Minister for Transport</p><p>Wednesday, 18 June Minister for Agriculture 9.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.</p><p>Thursday, 19 June Minister for Sport and Recreation 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Minister for Commonwealth Games</p><p>2 p.m. to 4.15 p.m. Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Minister for Aged Care</p><p>Follow up questions to be forwarded to Ministers. Draft report to be prepared and considered by the Committee on 20 August 2003. Report to be tabled in Parliament and distributed.</p><p>REVIEW OF AUDITOR-GENERAL’S REPORTS</p><p>Source of reference: Parliamentary Committees Act 1968, section 4F(1)(b). Summary of work completed during the 54th Parliament The Committee of the 54th Parliament resolved to undertake follow up Inquiries into Performance Audit Reports Nos. 51 Victorian Rural Ambulance Services and 65 Reducing Landfill – Waste Management by Municipal Councils. Evidence taken from the Auditor-General. On 31 October 2002, a list of questions relating to the Auditor-General’s Report No. 51 was forwarded to the Minister for Health. Parliament prorogued on 5 November 2002. On 7 January 2003, response received from the Minister for Health. On 22 April 2003, the new Committee resolved to recommence the Inquiries undertaken by the previous Committee and considered Briefing Papers on proposed strategies for undertaking the Inquiries.</p><p>28 Activity during May 2003</p><p>On 5 May 2003, the Auditor-General and officers of the VAGO briefed the Committee on the Report on Parliamentary Control and Management of Appropriations. </p><p>Future Activities In relation to Report No. 51, a list of further questions to be forwarded to the Minister for Health and a public hearing to be arranged for August 2003. In relation to Report No. 65, briefing paper to be revised and reconsidered by the Committee. Public hearing to be arranged. Paper to be prepared on the Report of the Auditor-General on Parliamentary Control and Management of Appropriations. </p><p>FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT REFORM PROGRAM</p><p>Source of reference: Parliamentary Committees Act 1968, section 4F(1)(b). Future Activity On 20 August 2003, the Committee to brief Members of the NSW Public Accounts Committee on its work in relation to financial and performance management issues.</p><p>PERFORMANCE AUDIT PROGRAM Source of reference: Audit Act 1994, section 16(2). On 31 March 2003, discussions held with the Auditor-General concerning the proposed performance audit program for 2003-04. Activity during May 2003 On 20 May 2003, the Committee wrote to the Auditor-General nominating a number of areas that could be included in the next annual plan of audits to be undertaken by the VAGO. Future Activities On 18 June 2003, the Sub-Committee to consider the objectives and specifications for four proposed performance audits. On 4 August 2003, the Sub-Committee to consider the objectives and specifications for two proposed performance audits.</p><p>29 DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES – SERVICE AGREEMENTS FOR COMMUNITY, HEALTH AND WELFARE SERVICES</p><p>Source of reference: Parliamentary Committees Act 1968, section 4F(1)(b). On 18 April 2002, PAEC Report No. 47 tabled in the Parliament. Government response to report was tabled on 17 October 2002.</p><p>Activity during May 2003 On 5 May 2003, the new Committee considered a briefing paper on the Government’s response to the previous Committee’s report. Future Activity Committee to seek clarification about a number of matters contained in the Government’s response.</p><p>CORPORATE GOVERNANCE IN THE VICTORIAN PUBLIC SECTOR</p><p>Source of reference: Parliamentary Committees Act 1968, section 4F(1)(b). Summary of work completed during the 54th Parliament Inquiry advertised on 6 April 2002. Issues paper distributed to all government entities and other interested parties. On 1 May 2002, evidence taken from the Municipal Association of Victoria; the Auditor- General’s Office; Victorian Council of Social Service; Energy Action Group; and Professor Graeme Hodge. 51 submissions received. Submissions analysed and briefing paper prepared.</p><p>On 24 October 2002, a whole of government submission received. Parliament prorogued on 5 November 2002.</p><p>Activity during May 2003</p><p>On 5 May 2003, the new Committee resolved to complete the Inquiry commenced by the previous Committee.</p><p>Future Activity Public hearings to be organised for August 2003.</p><p>30 VALUATION AND REPORTING OF HERITAGE AND INFRASTRUCTURE ASSETS</p><p>Source of reference: Parliamentary Committees Act 1968, section 4F(1)(b). On 30 October 2002, PAEC Report No. 49 was tabled in the Parliament. Activity during May 2003 On 20 May 2003, Government response to the report was tabled in the Parliament. Future Activity Briefing paper to be prepared and considered by the Committee at a meeting in August. </p><p>PRIVATE SECTOR INVESTMENT IN PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE</p><p>Source of reference: Parliamentary Committees Act 1968, section 4F(1)(b). Summary of work completed during the 54th Parliament Terms of reference adopted by the Committee on 6 February 2002 and Sub-Committee appointed to undertake Inquiry. On 2 March 2002, Inquiry advertised in various metropolitan and national newspapers.</p><p>31 On 30 April 2002, the Sub-Committee was briefed by representatives from the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office, Department of Treasury and Finance; Tasman Economics; Institution of Engineers; Transfield; PricewaterhouseCoopers; Professor Graeme Hodge and Dr Raphael Arndt. 34 submissions received and background briefing paper prepared. On 15 August 2002 a public hearing was held with the following witnesses: Mr T. Cave, General Manager, Major Projects Delivery and Mr J. Charleson, Deputy Secretary, Corporate Services, Department of Justice; and Mr G. Campbell, Partner, Maddocks.</p><p>On 20 August 2002 a public hearing was held with the following witnesses: Mr G. Joyce, Graeme Joyce Pty Ltd; Dr A. Smith, Director and Ms M. Baker, Melbourne City Link; and Ms C. Hilder, Director, Policy, Australian Council for Infrastructure Development.</p><p>Public hearing held on 24 September 2002 with the following witnesses: Mr J. Myers, Head of Business Strategy and Ms S. Gandur, Head of Communications, National Express Group; Mr Paul Kennelly, Research Officer, Australian Education Union – Victorian Branch; Ms Cath Smith, Chief Executive Officer, VCOSS, and Ms C. Atkins, Policy Analyst, VCOSS; Mr Don Johnson, General Manager – Victoria, Thiess. Public hearings held in Brisbane, Sydney and Canberra with the following individuals and organisations:  Infrastructure Partnerships Taskforce, Department of State Development, Queensland  Queensland Audit Office  Queensland Council of Unions  Department of Health, Queensland  Queensland Transport and Main Roads  Treasury NSW  NSW Auditor-General  Professor Sheil, academic, University of New South Wales  Tony Harris, Australian Financial Review  Macquarie Bank  NSW Public Accounts and Estimates Committee  Robert Opiat, Director PPPs, Baulderstone Hornibrook  Commonwealth Auditor-General  Mr John Quiggin, academic, Australian National University.  Mr Kenneth Davidson – media commentator</p><p>32 Parliament prorogued on 5 November 2002.</p><p>Activities during May 2003 On 5 May 2003 the Committee considered a background briefing paper on the status of the Inquiry and key issues identified.</p><p>On 5 May 2003, the new Committee resolved to complete the Inquiry commenced by the previous Committee.</p><p>Future Activity Draft report to be prepared and considered by the Sub-Committee in September 2003.</p><p>STATUTORY INDEPENDENT OFFICERS OF PARLIAMENT LEGISLATION</p><p>Source of reference: Parliamentary Committees Act 1968, section 4F(1)(b). Summary of work completed during the 54th Parliament Terms of reference adopted by the Committee on 12 April 2000. Inquiry advertised. Ten submissions received. Submissions analysed and key issues identified. Evidence taken from the New Zealand statutory Officers of Parliament, the Speaker of the New Zealand House of Representatives, the Officers of Parliament Committee and officials from the New Zealand Treasury, the Victorian Auditor-General, Mr W. Cameron, and the Assistant Auditor-General, Mr J. Manders, Mr Peter Salway, Commissioner for Public Employment, Dr Wayne Chamley, Management Group, The Purple Sage Project, Professor Colin Clark, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Business and Law and Head of the Public Sector Research Unit, Victoria University of Technology, Mr Michael De Martinis, Lecturer, School of Accounting and Finance, Victoria University of Technology, Mr Harry Evans, Clerk of the Senate, Mr John Parkinson, Convenor of the Australasian Council of Auditors-General and A.C.T. Auditor-General, Mr Ron McLeod, Commonwealth Ombudsman, Mr Oliver Winder, Deputy Commonwealth Ombudsman, Mr Bob Charles, MP, Chairman of the Commonwealth Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit, Dr Margot Kerley, Secretary to the Commonwealth Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit, Dr John Uhr, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University, Professor Roger Wettenhall, Visiting Fellow, Research School of Public Sector Management, University of Canberra, Dr John Tamblyn, Victorian Regulator-General; and Dr Barry Perry, The Victorian Ombudsman. Research undertaken on developments overseas. Parliament prorogued on 5 November 2002.</p><p>33 Activity during in May 2003 On 5 May 2003, the new Committee resolved to complete the Inquiry commenced by the previous Committee. Future Activities Draft report to be revised to take into account recent amendments to the Audit Act and relevant developments overseas. Draft report to be considered by the Committee in early August 2003.</p><p>AUDITOR-GENERAL’S OFFICE</p><p>Source of reference: Audit Act 1994, sections 7A(2) and 7D(2). Summary of work undertaken in the 54th Parliament On 27 May 2002, suggested statement of protocols between the Committee and the Auditor-General received. Protocol statement discussed at the Committee’s meeting on 26 September 2002 and revised. Proposed changes to the protocol statement forwarded to the Auditor-General on 4 November 2002. Parliament prorogued on 5 November 2002. On 31 March 2003 the Auditor-General briefed the new Committee on the VAGO’s proposed budget and annual plan for 2003-04. The Committee sought advice from the Department of Treasury and Finance on the proposed 2003-04 budget of the VAGO. On 2 April 2003 the Committee forwarded a response concerning the Auditor-General’s budget estimates for 2003-04 to the Treasurer. On 22 April 2003 the Committee discussed the VAGO proposed annual plan for 2003-04. On 22 April 2003 the new Committee considered the Auditor-General’s response to the Committee’s suggestions for changes to the protocol statement. Committee resolved to adopt the protocol, subject to some minor changes to reflect the new membership arrangements.</p><p>34 Activities during May On 5 May 2003, the Committee was briefed by the Minister for Finance on proposed changes to the Audit Act. On 5 May 2003 the Committee again discussed the VAGO proposed annual plan for 2003-04. On 20 May 2003 the Committee’s response to the Draft Annual Plan forwarded to the Auditor-General. Future Activities On 27 June 2003, the Chair to be the keynote speaker at the Auditor-General’s conference for VAGO staff. Protocol statement between the PAEC and the Auditor-General to be formally signed at the Auditor-General’s conference.</p><p>CHANGES TO THE VICTORIAN PUBLIC SERVICE</p><p>Source of reference: Referred by the Legislative Council on 21 November 2001.</p><p>On 30 October 2002, PAEC Report No. 50 tabled in the Parliament.</p><p>On 29 April 2003, Government response to the report was tabled in the Parliament.</p><p>Activity during May 2003 Briefing paper on the Government’s response prepared.</p><p>Future Activity Briefing paper to be considered at a meeting of the Committee in August.</p><p>UNAUTHORISED DISCLOSURE OF CORRESPONDENCE </p><p>Source of reference: Parliamentary Committees Act 1968, section 4F(1)(b).</p><p>Activities during May 2003</p><p>On 5 May 2003, the Committee resolved to undertake an Inquiry into the leaking of correspondence to the media.</p><p>35 Sub-Committee comprising the Chair, Deputy Chairman, Mr Donnellan and Mr Clark appointed.</p><p>Letters and statutory declaration forms sent to all Members and staff of the Committee, to the journalists who wrote the articles about the letter, and to the Auditor-General seeking information about the leaking of the document.</p><p>Future Activity Sub-Committee to meet to consider responses received.</p><p>36 37 ROAD SAFETY COMMITTEE</p><p>Level 8, 35 Spring Street, Melbourne 3000 Telephone: (03) 9651 3634 Facsimile: (03) 9651 3691</p><p>Email: [email protected]</p><p>Website:</p><p>Members: (Council) The Hons Barry Bishop, John Eren and Graeme Stoney MLC. (Assembly) Mr Alistair Harkness, Mr Craig Langdon, Mr Terry Mulder and Mr Ian Trezise, MP. Chairman: Mr Ian Trezise, MP Executive Officer: Ms A Douglas</p><p>ROAD SAFETY FOR OLDER ROAD USERS</p><p>Terms of Reference issued by Order in Council on 15 April 2003. Activity during May 2003 The Committee met with the Director Public Transport Planning Department of Infrastructure; the Chief Executive, and General Manager Road Safety, Transport Accident Commission; and the Assistant Commissioner and Superintendent Traffic and Operations Support Department, Victoria Police who all briefed the Committee on issues pertaining to the Inquiry into Improving Road Safety for Older Road Users.</p><p>Future Activity Briefings are to continue during June with meetings scheduled with the Department of Human Services, Department of Infrastructure, Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV), Alzheimer’s Association, La Trobe University School of Occupational Therapy, Centre for Eye Research Melbourne University and the Monash University Accident Research Centre.</p><p>OTHER ACTIVITIES</p><p>Following the retirement of the Office Manager, Mrs Lois Grogan, Ms Beth Klein has been appointed as her replacement. </p><p>38 39 RURAL AND REGIONAL SERVICES AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE</p><p>Level 8, 35 Spring Street, Melbourne 3000 Telephone: 9651 3580 Facsimile: 9651 3691</p><p>Website:</p><p>Email: [email protected]</p><p>Members:- (Council) The Honourables J M McQuilten and R G Mitchell</p><p>(Assembly) Mr M Crutchfield, Mr B P Hardman, Mr C Ingram, Hon Dr D N Napthine and Mr P L Walsh</p><p>Chair: Mr Ben Hardman MP Interim Executive Officer: Mr Geoff Westcott</p><p>INQUIRY INTO THE CAUSE OF FATALITY AND INJURY ON VICTORIAN FARMS</p><p>Referred to the Committee by Order in Council on 6 May 2003, for inquiry, consideration and report to Parliament by 31 December 2003 on:</p><p>1. The main causes of fatality and injury on Victorian farms compared to other jurisdictions. 2. The matter and type of injuries on Victorian farms compared to other industries and jurisdictions. 3. Current programs and initiatives designed to improve occupational health and safety on Victorian farms. 4. Any impediments to sustaining improvements in farm safety. 5. The financial and social cost of death and injury on Victorian farms.</p><p>40 6. The need for further strategies to reduce the incidence of injury and fatality on Victorian farms, what form the strategy should take and whether they are best developed by government agencies, industry bodies, worker representatives or a combination of these. In particular the committee should consider the creation of further codes of practice or education and training programs.</p><p>Activities during May 2003  Committee first met on 6 May 2003.  Advertised for an Executive Officer.  Terms of reference received.</p><p>41 SCRUTINY OF ACTS AND REGULATIONS COMMITTEE</p><p>Level 8, 35 Spring Street, Melbourne 3000 Telephone: (03) 9651 4008 Facsimile: (03) 9651 3674</p><p>Website:</p><p>Email: [email protected] (Scrutiny of Bills) [email protected] (Scrutiny of Regulations) [email protected] (Administration)</p><p>Members: (Council) The Hons. L. Argondizzo and A. P. Olexander. (Assembly) Ms L. D’Ambrosio (Chair), Mr K. S. Jasper, Mr M. A. Leighton, Mr P. J. Lockwood, Mr A. J. McIntosh, Mr J. Perera and Mr M. H. Thompson (Deputy Chair). Chair: Ms Lily D’Ambrosio MP Executive Officer: Andrew Homer</p><p>SUBCOMMITTEES</p><p>Redundant Legislation Subcommittee Hon. Lidia Argondizzo MLC Ms Lily D’Ambrosio MLA Mr Michael Leighton MLA Mr Andrew McIntosh MLA Hon. Andrew Olexander MLC</p><p>Regulation Review Subcommittee Ms Lily D’Ambrosio MLA Mr Ken Jasper MLA Mr Peter Lockwood MLA Hon. Andrew Olexander MLC Mr Jude Perera MLA</p><p>42 FULL COMMITTEE</p><p>The Committee met on 19 May 2003 to consider Alert Digest No. 3 of 2003, concerning the following Bills: Albury-Wodonga Agreement (Repeal) Bill Appropriation (2003/2004) Bill Appropriation (Parliament 2003/2004) Bill Attorney-General and Solicitor-General (Amendment) Bill Audit (Amendment) Bill Australian Crime Commission (State Provisions) Bill Confiscation (Amendment) Bill Corrections (Amendment) Bill Corrections and Sentencing Acts (Home Detention) Bill Courts Legislation (Amendment) Bill Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Volatile Substances) Bill Energy Legislation (Consumer Protection and Other Amendments) Bill Estate Agents and Sale of Land Acts (Amendment) Bill Fair Trading (Amendment) Bill Fisheries (Amendment) Bill Health Legislation (Amendment) Bill Livestock Disease Control (Amendment) Bill Major Events (Crowd Management) Bill Outworkers (Improved Protection) Bill Planning and Environment (Metropolitan Green Wedge Protection) Bill Retail Leases Bill Road Safety (Heavy Vehicle Safety) Bill Royal Agricultural Showgrounds Bill State Taxation Acts (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill Travel Agents (Amendment) Bill Victims of Crime Assistance (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill Victorian Urban Development Authority Bill</p><p>REDUNDANT LEGISLATION SUBCOMMITTEE</p><p>The Subcommittee did not meet in May.</p><p>REGULATION REVIEW SUBCOMMITTEE</p><p>The Subcommittee met on 5, 12 and 26 May 2003 to consider the following Regulations: Statutory Rules 2002 SR No. 105 — Magistrates’ Court General (Further Infringement) Regulations 2002 SR No. 106 — Fundraising Appeals (Renewals) Regulations 2002 SR No. 107 — Wildlife (Whales)(Amendment) Regulations 2002</p><p>43 SR No. 108 – National Parks (Point Hicks Marine National Park) Regulations 2002</p><p>SR No. 109 — Gaming Machine Control (Responsible Gambling Information) (Amendment) Regulations 2002 SR No. 110 — Subordinate Legislation (Country Fire Authority Regulations 1992 – Extension of Operation) Regulations 2002 SR No. 111 — Fire Services (Amendment) Regulations 2002 SR No. 112 — Trade Measurement (Fuel Measurement) Regulations 2002 SR No. 113 — Road Safety (Vehicles)(Amendment) Regulations 2002 SR No. 114 — Road Safety (General)(Responsible Driving) Regulations 2002 SR No. 115 — Road Safety (Drivers)(Demerit Points) Regulations 2002 SR No. 116 — Road Safety (Road Rules)(Speeding Offences) Regulations 2002 SR No. 117 — Payroll Tax (Prescribed Sporting Club)(Amendment) Regulations 2002 SR No. 118 —Supreme Court Library Fund (Investment) Rules 2002 SR No. 119 — Subordinate Legislation (Public Records Regulations 1992 - Extension of Operation) Regulations 2002 SR No. 120 — Subordinate Legislation (Forests (You Yangs Regional Park) Regulations 1992 - Extension of Operation) Regulations 2002 SR No. 121 — Supreme Court (Chapter I Amendment No. 22) Rules 2002 SR No. 122 — Supreme Court (Chapter V Amendment No. 4) Rules 2002 SR No. 123 — Magistrates' Court Civil Procedure (Amendment No. 9) Rules 2002 SR No. 124 — Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (Amendment No. 10) Rules 2002 SR No. 125 — County Court (Chapter 1 Amendment No. 8) Rules 2002 SR No. 126 — County Court (Chapter 1 Amendment No. 9) Rules 2002 SR No. 127 — County Court (Chapter 1 Amendment No. 10) Rules 2002 SR No. 128 — Crimes (DNA Database) Regulations 2002 SR No. 129 — Adoption (Inter-country Fees) Regulations 2002 SR No. 130 — Motor Car Traders (Fees) Regulations 2002 SR No. 131 — Environment Protection (Distribution of Landfill Levy) Regulations 2002 SR No. 132 —Building (Building Envelope) Regulations 2002 SR No. 133 — Private Agents (Interim)(Amendment) Regulations 2002 SR No. 134 — Petroleum (Submerged Lands)(Amendment) Regulations 2002 SR No. 135 — Treasury Corporation of Victoria (Prescribed Agencies)(Amendment) Regulations 2002 SR No. 136 — Land Tax (Index Factors) Regulations 2002 State Environment Protection Policy (Prevention and Management of Contamination of Land), June 2002</p><p>Statutory Rules 2003 SR No. 1 — Bail Regulations 2003 SR No. 2 — Crimes (Alibi Evidence) Regulations 2003 SR No. 3 — Subordinate Legislation (Court Reporting)(Fees) Regulations 1992 – Extension of Operation) Regulations 2003 SR No. 4 —Health (Seizure) Regulations 2003 SR No. 5 — Subordinate Legislation (Police)(Charges) Regulations 1992 - Extension of Operation) Regulations 2003</p><p>44 SR No. 6 — Police Regulations 2003 SR No. 7 — Road Safety (Vehicles)(Fees) Regulations 2003 SR No. 8 — Magistrates' Court General (PERIN Court) Regulations 2003 SR No. 9 — Magistrates' Court General (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2003 SR No. 10 — Environment Protection (Vehicle Emissions) Regulations 2003 SR No. 11 — Land Conservation (Vehicle Control) Regulations 2003 SR No. 12 — Parliamentary Allowances Regulations 2003 SR No. 13 — Parliamentary Committees Regulations 2003 SR No. 14 — Members of Parliament (Register of Interests) Regulations 2003 SR No. 15 — Subordinate Legislation (Occupational Health and Safety (Noise) Regulations 1992 - Extension of Operation) Regulations 2003 SR No. 16 — Occupational Health and Safety (Asbestos) Regulations 2003 SR No. 17 — Conservation, Forests and Lands (Infringement Notice) (Waterways) Regulations 2003 SR No. 18 — Meat Industry (Amendment) Regulations 2003 SR No. 20 — Legal Practice (Admission)(Amendment) Regulations 2003 SR No. 21 — Water Industry (Prescribed Persons) Regulations 2003 SR No. 22 — Fisheries (Fees, Levies and Royalties) Regulations 2003 SR No. 25 — Fisheries (Commercial Abalone) Regulations 2003 SR No. 27 — Private Agent Regulations 2003 SR No. 29 — Zoological Parks and Gardens Regulations 2003</p><p>45</p>

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