![IS 1382 (1981): Glossary of Terms Relating to Glass and Glassware [CHD 10: Glassware]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान का अधकार, जी का अधकार” “परा को छोड न 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 1382 (1981): Glossary of terms relating to glass and glassware [CHD 10: Glassware] “ान $ एक न भारत का नमण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda “Invent a New India Using Knowledge” “ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी चराया नह जा सकताह ै”ै Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” I : I8 : 1382- 1881 hiiun Stan&d F&“Repriat AUGUST ‘1990 mc 666’1: owa Indian Standard _ GLOSSARY OF TERMS --,* . RELATING TO GLASS AND GLASSWARE ( First Revision ) Glassware Sectional,Committee, CDC 10 chahan - DRS.KUMAR Centra~ra~Jig’&Ceramic Rcmrch Intihttc ( CSIR ) M#mbem DR K. P. SRIVAIITAVA (Memok to Dr S. Kumar ) SRRI P. N. AUARWAL Hindustan Safety Class Works Ltd, Calcutta SERI P. K. AQARWAL ( Altmotr ) Smu K. K. SARAN AGOARWAL Dcve~lownen~ommisoioner, Small Scale Industria, SXRI S. K. WADXWANBY( Altemats) SERI C. G. AYIN Alcmbic Glass Indurtria Ltd, Vadh SRRI N. G. BMAK Directorate General of Technical ~DweloP~t, NM Delhi Saru I. K. KAPUR( Afhrnatr) ‘!hu V. R. BHIDB Victory Flask Co Pvt Ltd, Bombay DR K. H. DAVR - Wine Institute, Bombay SERI P. S. mAVAN ( Al&m&) D~JTY DIIUHXORSTANDARDI Ministry of Railwaya p.Qg~ I- 11, RDSO, DR S. P. Suwn DHA~AR~Y Ministry of Defencc ( DGI ) Saiu NARENDRASIN~H (Altmnala) SIXESS. K. GUPTA J. G. G1a.w Indrutria Pvt, Pune SZKRIA. B. KARANDXICAR (Al&ma& ) SERIS. P. GUPTA Hindustan Pilkiugton Glaaa Works Ltd, CMcu@ta Smu C. K. MRHROTRA Export Inspection Council of India, Calcutta SARI0. P. DHAMIJA( Afh~~tr ) DR A. V. R RAO National Building Orgauization, New Delhi SERI JOXAR SBN GUPTA ( Ahmufr ) (-*)yrz) 1 8 Copyr&hI 1982 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Thir publication is protected under the Indim Copvri#ht Act (XIV of 1957) md reproduction in whole or in part by gnu means except with writtenpermission of the .pWbaa shall k deemed to be an infrinpemcnt of copyright uodor the mid Act. IS::1382-1981 (Contiau8dj~~mpug8 1 ) hfolnbws w* SRI: R. SA~AX Hindustan Vacuum Glass Ltd, Faridabad sslr s. c. SHAllUA( Alt#ma& ) Ssrr K. SlillilZU Indo-As&i Glass Co Ltd, Calcutta &RI S. B. PRAUD ( Ahtalr) SEm u . v. Sxnas Indian Chemical Manufacturers Association, Calcutta SRRI C. K. SOMANY Hindustan National Glass & Industries Ltd, Calcutta SEN R. K. GUPTA ( Alfmalr) Sang B. M. ROY ( Al&matr ) Sssw C. K. TAICTAWALA Shree Vallabh Glass Works Ltd, Bombay Snas HEMANTC. PATEL ( Ahrnak ) DR HAN BHAOWAN, Director Genaral, IS1 ( Ex-o&i0 M&n) DlalcroR(CHeu) Sunfa~ SHRXANJAN ICAR Deputy Director ( Chem), IS1 General Glass Subcommittee CDC 10 : 4 SHRI K. H. PAIllXR Vazir Glass Works Ltd, Bombay wmbars Snnx S. D. MARKSTZASI( Allrrnatr to Shri K. H. Parikh ) SHRIG. C. AOARWAL Dcvclo~~cDntst~mmissioner, Small Scale Industries, SNRI C. G. AWN Alcmbic Glass Industries Ltd, Vadodara Snni N. G. BAIIAX Directorate General of Technical Development, . New Delhi SHRII. K. KAPUR ( Alftrnott ) Ssmx V. R. BHIDB Victory Flask Co Pvr Ltd. Bombay DZPUIYSUPERINTSNDENT Indian Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Rishikesh SHRI R. N. Grr~,mr Ministry of Defencc ( DGI ) Snm N. C. Boss ( Altwo ) SHRI 0. S. JOHAR J. G. Glass Industries Ltd, Pune Ssxm 0. N. TANDON ( Ahrnalr ) DR J. MLUURJI Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute ( CSIR), Calcutta DR K. P. SRIVABTAVA ( Altern&) Senr J, L. MUXWERJBX Export Inspection Council of India, Calcutta Snap R. C. PALHAN ( Al~urnatr) SHRZM. V. NADMRNI Hindustan Antibiotics Ltd, Pimpri SURIS. B. PHADKZ( Allrmafr ) ( Conriawd on PopI 57 ) 2 Indian Standard GLOSSARY OF TERMS RELATING TO GLASS AND GLASSWARE ( First Revision) 0. FOREWORD 0.1 This standard was adopted by the India0 Standards’ Institution on 30 December 1981, after the draft finalixed by the Glassware Sectional Committee had been approved by the Chemical Division Council. 0.2 This standard was first published in 1961, under the title Glossary of terms relating to glass industry’. However, the Committee responsible for the preparation of the standard decided to revise it taking into consideration that a number of new terms have come to be used in the glass industry and needed incorporation in the glossary to make it comprehensive. In the preparation of this standard considerable assistance has been derived’from the following publications: C 162-71 Standard definitions of terms relatiog to glass and glass products. American Society for Testing and Materials, USA. ISO/DIS/4791/1 Laboratory apparatus - Vacabulary for termino- logy relating to apparatus made essentially from glass, procelain or vitreous silica : Part I Names for items for apparatus. Inter- national Organixation for Standardization ( IS0 ). ISO/DP/7086/1 Glass and glass-ceiamicware intended to come into contact with food - Release of toxic materials - lead and cadmium : Part I Method of test. International Organization for Standardization (IS0 ). 1. SCOPE 1.1 This standard covers the terms and definitions relating to glass, giass- ware and related products. 1.2 This standard does not cover terms related to glass containers and their defects. 3 -xS:1382-1981 A Acid Poliahiog - The polishing of a glass surface by acid treatment. Air ReRs - Bubbles of irregular shape formed generally during the pressing or moulding operations in the manufacture of optical glass. Air Line-A greatly elongated, bubble of small cross-section, usually exceeding 25 mm in length, -occurring in tubing, rod or drawn flat glass. Alao” Glass -A milky-white glass that difuses light without fiery . Alcove - A narrow channel to convey molten glass from refiner to fore- hearth, or to the revolving pot where it is gathered by the Owens machine. ARtall - The oxides of sodium or potassium; less frequently of lithium. AIkaRnity - A measure of the alkali extracted from the glass under specified conditions. Amber Glass - Glass varying in colour between light yellowish-brown and deep reddish-brown. Amporde - A glass container designed to be Wed and sealed by fusion of the glass neck. Angular Cut -See W&of-!3qmre End’. AmmUng -A process to prevent or remove objectionable stresses in’ glass~glassware by controlled heating at and/or cooling from a suitable temperature. AnneaRl Point - The temperature at which internal stresses disappear rapidly without deformation of the glass. It is also termed as upper annealing point. It corresponds to the equilibrium temperature at which the glass has a viscosity of 101s.’ poises ( see also Wraio POW ). Annealing Range - The range of glass temperature in which stresses in glass articles can be relieved at a commercially desirable rate. For purposes of comparing glasses, the annealing range is assumed to correspond with the temperature between the annealing point ( AP) and the strain point ( StP ). Antimony ( Sb,O, ) - An industrial term for antimony trioxide used as a refining agent. Arch - A part of a furnace; a crown. Araenic(A,Os)- An industrial term for arsenic trioxide used as a refmmg agent- .4 B Back Wall - The uharging end wall of a glass-melting furnace. $~~kn~butiou - Deviation from the intended distribution. of wall . Badging - Marking of glass,or glassware to indicate capacity or ownerships or for other purposes, for example; trade-mark; also termed ‘Labelling’. BafUe- The part of a blank mould which ‘sealsthe delivery or batae h&e.- Badle Mark a) hiark or seam on glass container resulting from a mould. joint, between blank mould and batIIe plate. b):. A seam on the base corresponding to the joint of the batlIe plate. BatUe Wall - A wall used to deflect gases or games in a furnace structure, Bait- The tool dipped into molten glass to start any drawing operation.. B8riwn crown hss -An optical crown glass containing a substantial quantity of barium oxide. Barium Flint Glass - An optical flint glass containing a substantial quantity of barium oxide. Base - The bottom of a container. Basic Fibre - Unprocessed glass fibres directly from the forming equipment. p~ct~E;w materials, properly proportioned and mixed, for cl&w& . Bat& Charger - A mechanical device for introducing batch to the fum&. Batch Feeder - See ‘B&b Charger’. Batch House -The place where batoh materials are received, handled, weighed, and mixed for delivery to melting units. Batch Stems - Incompletely dissolved material from the glass making batch. Bead a) A small piece of glass rod or tubing fused round a wire. b) An enlarged, rounded edge of a glass article, or any raised section extended around the article. c) A small piece of glass,. solid. or hollow, of a given shape; for instance, beads used for jewellery. 5 IS :1382-1981 BedIng - See ‘Bead’ (b). Bearer Areh - One of a series of arches that support the checkerwork in regenerator. Belt Marks - Marks made on the bottom of glass articles as they ride through the lehr on a chain belt slightly over-heated. Be& - Floor of a pot furnace ( see also ‘Siege’ ). Bench Worker -A worker who forms glassware from tubing or rod by .
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