<p> AMERICAN HEALTH LAWYERS ASSOCIATION 2011-2012 Practice Group Planned Activities and Project Report May 2012</p><p>Practice Group: Hospitals and Health Systems Chair: Marc Goldstone * Also see chart for Healthcare Reform Educational Task Force for additional information</p><p>Projected Actual Project Title Project Project Description Start Date Completion Completion Status Coordinator(s) Date Date Chair Marc Goldstone 9/2/11: Submit FY 2012 Planned Activities and Project 7/1/11 12/9/11 1/9/12 Ongoin Report g to staff 12/9/11: Submit written Mid-Year Report to the Board of Directors 5/18/12: Submit written Annual Report to the Board of Directors</p><p>Membership Chip Hutzler Vice Chair to serve as liaison between Practice Group 7/1/11 6/30/12 Ongoin and Membership Board Committee to recruit and g retain members for the Association and the Practice Group.</p><p>Publications Hal McCard Vice Chair to serve as liaison between Practice Group 7/1/11 6/30/12 Ongoin and Professional Resources Board Committee and to g coordinate newsletters, Member Briefings, etc.</p><p>Educational Lisa Ohrin Vice Chair to coordinate Mid-Year and Annual Meeting 7/1/11 6/30/12 Ongoin Programs Luncheons, webinars, and serve as a liaison between g Practice Group and Program planning committee.</p><p>Research and Andrew Murray Vice Chair to coordinate AHLA Connections feature 7/1/11 6/30/12 Ongoin Website article and email alerts. Monitor and oversee relevant g PG sub-site of AHLA website; make suggestions for additional postings, web links, etc.</p><p>AHLA encourages all Practice Groups to collaborate, communicate, and cooperate with other Practice Groups. Strategic Activities Claire Turcotte Vice Chair responsible for Affinity Group development 7/1/11 6/30/12 Ongoin and activities. g</p><p>Social Media Tom Donohue Coordinator responsible for working with the Vice Chair 7/1/11 6/30/12 Ongoin Coordinator of Research and Website on reviewing the HHS PG g website.</p><p>Discussion List (#1) Claire Turcotte Regularly monitor the HHS List and post questions to 7/1/11 6/30/12 Ongoin Hospitals and stimulate activity. g Health Systems List</p><p>Discussion List (#2) Greg Anderson Regularly monitor the FMV List, post questions to 7/1/11 6/30/12 Ongoin Fair Market Value stimulate activity, and use the discussion list as a g List Summer Martin medium to communicate FMV developments and upcoming programs on FMV. Andrea Ferrari</p><p>AHLA encourages all Practice Groups to collaborate, communicate, and cooperate with other Practice Groups. Meeting: Mid- Co-sponsor a luncheon meeting with the 2/10/12 2/10/12 Done Year Business Law and Governance and In-House Counsel PGs, and the Enterprise Risk Management Task Force at the 2012 Hospitals and Health Systems Law Institute (February </p><p>2012). Description and faculty due to AHLA on November 11, 2011. Date: Friday, February 10, 2012 Title: I Went to Law School—How in the World Am I Supposed to Help With Quality Initiatives? Speaker: Robin Nagele</p><p>Meeting: Annual Co-sponsor a luncheon meeting with the Healthcare 6/26/12 Liability and Litigation and Regulation, Accreditation, and Payment PGs at the 2012 Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL (June 25- 27, 2012). Description and faculty due to AHLA on December 30, 2011. Date: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 Title: Understanding the Business/Legal Implications of Integrated Delivery Systems from the Perspective of the Health Plan Speakers: Kirkland McGhee</p><p>Newsletter (#1) Hal McCard Publication of newsletter discussing and 10/11 12/11 12/22/11 Done H&HS Rx analyzing recent developments in relevant areas of health law.</p><p>Newsletter (#2) Hal McCard Publication of newsletter discussing and analyzing 3/12 4/12 H&HS Rx recent developments in relevant areas of health law.</p><p>AHLA encourages all Practice Groups to collaborate, communicate, and cooperate with other Practice Groups. Member Briefing Title: Hospital/Physician Integration: 3 Key 8/11 10/11 10/11/11 Done (#1) Models Authors: Michael Cassidy, Thomas Dean, Christopher Harmon, Kitty Juniper, Anne McGeorge, Glenn Prives, Mark Thompson, Ernest Tsoules, Robert Wade, Kevin Wood, Charles Wright, and Nili Yolin</p><p>Co-sponsors: BLG, Antitrust, Fraud, Tax, HHS, and Physician PGs</p><p>Member Briefing Topic: M&A trends in a tough capital market (#2) Author: TBD Co-sponsor: BL&G PG</p><p>Webinar (#1) Title: A Primer on Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 4/11 7/14/11 7/14/11 Done and Anti-Corruption Issues for Healthcare and Life Science Companies Part III: Defensive Strategies in Conducting an FCPA Compliance Investigation and Responding to a Government Inquiry Speakers: Jay Darden and John Kelly Moderator: Carol Poindexter Co-sponsors: Fraud, HHS, THAMC, HCL, and LS Webinar (#2) Title: So You Are a TRICARE Provider? What’s 7/11 7/28/11 7/28/11 Done Next? Your Affirmative Action Plan and OFCCP Enforcement Speakers: Margaret Kurlinski and Chritine McLaughlin Moderator: Maria Greco Danaher Co-sponsors: Labor, HHS, and IHC PGs</p><p>AHLA encourages all Practice Groups to collaborate, communicate, and cooperate with other Practice Groups. Webinar (#3) Title: Health Insurance Exchanges: A Fifty State 8/11 8/24/11 8/24/11 Done Moving Target Speakers: Cindy Gillespie and Ilyse Schuman Moderator: Katherine Keefe Co-sponsors: HCR TF, HIT and PPMC PGs Webinar (#4) Title: The Future of Hospital Class Action 7/11 10/4/11 10/4/11 Done Lawsuits After Dukes and Concepcion (reschedu Speakers: Lorie Almon and Scott Schieger led from Moderator: Kendall Harrison 8/4/11) Co-sponsors: HHS, BLG, HCL, IHC, and Labor PGs Title: Overview of the Medicare Shared Savings Webinar (#5) 10/11 10/26/11 10/26/11 Done Program Final Regulations, Part I Speakers: Lauren Haley, Claire Turcotte, and John Washlick Moderator: Michael Schaff Co-sponsors: ACO TF Title: Overview of the Medicare Shared Savings Webinar (#6) 10/11 10/27/11 10/27/11 Done Program Final Regulations, Part II Speakers: Thomas Bartrum, Paul DeMuro, and TJ Sullivan Moderator: Kim Harvey Looney Co-sponsors: ACO TF Webinar (#7) Title: Antitrust Guidance for ACOs: 10/11 11/2/11 11/2/11 Done Understanding the Antitrust Enforcement Agencies' Final Policy Statement on Accountable Care Organizations Speakers: David argue, John Miles, and Christine White Moderator: Douglas Ross Co-sponsors: Antitrust PG and ACO TF</p><p>AHLA encourages all Practice Groups to collaborate, communicate, and cooperate with other Practice Groups. Title: Overview of the Medicare Shared Savings Webinar (#8) 10/11 11/3/11 11/3/11 Done Program Final Regulations, Part III: CMS & OIG Final Interim Rule on Program Waivers Speakers: Troy Barsky, Julie Kass, and Vickie Robinson Moderator: Daria Niewenhaus Co-sponsors: ACO TF Webinar (#9) Title: Health Insurance Exchanges, Part II: 11/11 11/8/11 11/8/11 Done Essential Health Benefits Speakers: Joel Ario, Julie Barnes, Mary Senkewicz Moderator: Anne Hance Co-sponsors: HIT, PPMC, and HCR TF Webinar (#10) Title: Essentials for the Hospital and Health 11/11 11/15/11 11/15/11 Done Systems Lawyer: Fair Market Value Speakers: Robert Cimasi, Kirk Ogrosky, and David Pursell Moderator: Greg Anderson Co-sponsors: HHS and FMV AG Webinar (#11) Title: Accountable Care Organizations Revisited: 11/11 11/16/11 11/16/11 Done Physician Issues Under the New Regulations and Guidance Speakers: Robert Clark, Robert Gerberry, and Robert Homchick Moderator: David Lewis Co-sponsors: Physicians and ACO TF Webinar (#12) Title: Follow the Money: Understanding the 11/11 12/1/11 12/1/11 Done Payment Implications of the Final ACO Regulation Speakers: Mark Hamelburg, Susan Feigin Harris, and John Pilotte Moderator: Thomas Bartrum Co-sponsors: RAP and ACO TF AHLA encourages all Practice Groups to collaborate, communicate, and cooperate with other Practice Groups. Webinar (#13) Title: Social Media Webinar Bootcamp Series, 11/11 12/13/11 12/13/11 Done Part I: Introduction to the Hows and the Whys Speakers: David Harlow and John Zimmerman Moderator: Robert Coffield Co-sponsors: HIT, HHS, Labor, Physician, and TH PGs</p><p>Webinar (#14) Title: Advanced Problems in EMTALA 11/11 12/15/11 12/15/11 Done Speakers: Sandra Sands and Rachel Seifert Moderator: Marc Goldstone Co-sponsors: HHS, Physician and TH PGs</p><p>Webinar (#15) Title: Social Media Webinar Bootcamp Series, 11/11 1/11/12 1/11/12 Done Part II: How to Use Social Media and Social Networking: Focus on Facebook and LinkedIn Speakers: Matthew Fisher and John Zimmerman Moderator: Gary Kaplan Co-sponsors: HIT, HHS, Labor, Physician, and TH PGs</p><p>Webinar (#16) Title: Healthcare Fraud and Abuse Bootcamp 11/11 1/17/12 1/17/12 Done Webinar Series, Part I: Fraud Healthcare Primer Speakers: Kevin Raphael, Laura Laemmle- Weidenfeld, and Anjana Patel Co-sponsors: Fraud, HCL, HHS, IHC, Physicians, and RAP PGs</p><p>Webinar (#17) Title: Corporate Practice of Medicine Webinar: A 11/11 1/26/12 1/26/12 Done Review of the Doctrine and Its Applications Speakers: Ericka Adler, Roy Breitenbach, Andrew Demetriou, and Dawnmarie Matlock Moderator: Rosanna Willis Co-sponsors: BLG, HHS, IHC, LTC-SIR, and Physician PGs</p><p>AHLA encourages all Practice Groups to collaborate, communicate, and cooperate with other Practice Groups. Webinar (#18) Title: Social Media Webinar Bootcamp Series, 11/11 1/31/12 1/31/12 Done Part III: How to Use Social Media and Social Networking: Focus on Twitter, Blogging, and Up and Comers Speakers: Robert Coffield and John Zimmerman Moderator: David Harlow Co-sponsors: HIT, HHS, Labor, Physician, and TH PGs</p><p>Webinar (#19) Title: Healthcare Fraud and Abuse Bootcamp 11/11 2/14/12 2/14/12 Done Webinar Series, Part II: Stark Law: Soup to Nuts Speakers: Don Romano, David Matyas, Julie Kass, and Joan Daily Co-sponsors: Fraud, HCL, HHS, IHC, Physicians, and RAP PGs</p><p>Webinar (#20) Title: Health Insurance Exchanges, Part III: A 2/12 2/16/12 2/16/12 Done Transformed Marketplace: State Exchanges and the Essential Health Benefits Package Speakers: Joel Ario and Daniel Durham Moderator: Julie Barnes Co-sponsors: HCR TF Webinar (#21) Title: Social Media Webinar Bootcamp Series, 11/11 2/23/12 2/23/12 Done Part IV: How to Use Social Media and Social Networking: Is there a Policy For That? Speakers: Daniel Goldman, Samantha Johnson, and Valerie Montague Moderator: Amanda Bhikhari Co-sponsors: HIT, HHS, Labor, Physician, and TH PGs</p><p>AHLA encourages all Practice Groups to collaborate, communicate, and cooperate with other Practice Groups. Webinar (#22) Title: AHLA/HFMA Webinar Series, Session I: 12/11 2/28/12 2/28/12 Done Current Trends in Healthcare Mergers, Acquisitions, Consolidations, and Affiliations Speakers: Carsten Beith and Beth Guest Co-sponsors: AHLA PGs</p><p>Webinar (#23) Title: Healthcare Fraud and Abuse Bootcamp 11/11 3/1/12 3/1/12 Done Webinar Series, Part III: The Federal Anti- Kickback Law: An Overview, Recent Enforcement Trends and Impact of Healthcare Reform Speakers: Cathy Martin, Tom Crane, and Heather O’Shea Co-sponsors: Fraud, HCL, HHS, IHC, Physicians, and RAP PGs</p><p>Webinar (#24) Title: Preventive Medicine for Your Healthcare 2/12 3/13/12 3/13/12 Done Contracts: Practical Tips and Tricks for Avoiding Noncompliance and Unwanted Litigation Speakers: C. Frederick Geilfuss and J. Wells Hutchinson Moderator: Lisa Ohrin</p><p>Webinar (#25) Title: AHLA/HFMA Webinar Series, Session II: 12/11 3/15/12 3/15/12 Done Deal Killers: Navigating Compliance, Financing, and Other Obstacles Speakers: Daniel Cain, Paul DeMuro, Deborah Gordon, and Scott Powder Co-sponsors: AHLA PGs</p><p>AHLA encourages all Practice Groups to collaborate, communicate, and cooperate with other Practice Groups. Webinar (#26) Title: Social Media Webinar Bootcamp Series, 11/11 3/20/12 3/20/12 Done Part V: How to Safely Use Social Media and Social Networking in Your Health Law Practice: Avoid Privacy and Security Pitfalls Speakers: David Harlow, Vadim Schick, and Glenn Prives Moderator: Valerie Montague Co-sponsors: HIT, HHS, Labor, Physician, and TH PGs</p><p>Webinar (#27) Title: U.S. Supreme Court Arguments on the 2/12 4/2/12 4/2/12 Done Constitutionality of PPACA, Part I: Supreme Court Experts Analyze the Arguments Speakers: Daryl Joseffer, Elizabeth Papez, and Mark Hall Moderator: James Boswell Co-sponsors: HCL and HCR TF and PPMC, HHS, RAP, and Labor PGs Webinar (#28) Title: U.S Supreme Court Arguments on the 2/12 4/4/12 4/4/12 Done Constitutionality of PPACA, Part II: Substantive Impacts of the Decision Speakers: Timothy Jost, Paula Stannard, and Peter Urbanowicz Moderator: Julie Barnes Co-sponsors: HCL and HCR TF and PPMC, HHS, RAP, and Labor PGs Webinar (#29) Title: Healthcare Fraud and Abuse Bootcamp 11/11 4/5/12 4/5/12 Done Webinar Series, Part IV: Federal Civil False Claims Act Speakers: Steve Sozio and Carol Poindexter Co-sponsors: Fraud, HCL, HHS, IHC, Physicians, and RAP PGs</p><p>AHLA encourages all Practice Groups to collaborate, communicate, and cooperate with other Practice Groups. Webinar (#30) Title: AHLA/HFMA Webinar Series, Session III: 11/11 4/18/12 4/18/12 Done Components for Effective Post-Deal Transitions, Integration, and Planning Speakers: Anthony Perez and Sarah Swank Co-sponsors: AHLA PGs</p><p>Webinar (#31) Title: Disclosure and Apology Law Following 3/12 4/23/12 4/23/12 Done Medical Errors: Ethical, Legal, and Emotional Considerations Speakers: John Banja and Rachel Rose Moderator: Robert Carroll Co-sponsors: ERM TF</p><p>Webinar (#32) Title: Social Media Webinar Bootcamp Series, 11/11 4/24/12 4/24/12 Done Part VI: How to Practice Safe and Ethical Social Networking: Be Careful While Friending, Linking, and Tweeting Your Way to Success Speakers: Alan Goldberg and Barbara Saunders Moderator: Matthew Fisher Co-sponsors: HIT, HHS, Labor, Physician, and TH PGs</p><p>Webinar (#33) Title: Have the New ADA Regulations Really 3/12 4/25/12 4/25/12 Done Changed the Game for Employers Speakers: Tara Aschenbrand and D. Lewis Clark Moderator: Susan DiMickele Co-sponsors: Labor, IHC, and HHS PGs</p><p>Webinar (#34) Title: FTC v. ProMedica: Views from Both Sides 2/12 4/30/12 4/30/12 Done of a Contested Hospital Merger (reschedu Speakers: David Argue, David Marx, led from Matthew Reilly 3/26/12) Moderator: Charles Wright Co-sponsors: Antitrust, HHS, Physicians, and PPMC PGs</p><p>AHLA encourages all Practice Groups to collaborate, communicate, and cooperate with other Practice Groups. Webinar (#35) Title: Practical Guidance for Managing and 3/12 5/2/12 5/2/12 Done Responding to CMS Surveys Speakers: Mark Guza and Ann Sparkman Moderator: Sandra DiVarco Co-sponsors: TH and HHS PGs Webinar (#36) Title: Healthcare Fraud and Abuse Bootcamp 11/11 5/3/12 5/3/12 Done Webinar Series, Part V: Compliance and Transactions Speakers: Mark Bonanno Co-sponsors: Fraud, HCL, HHS, IHC, Physicians, and RAP PGs</p><p>Webinar (#37) Title: Fair Market Value: Legal, Theoretical, and 3/12 5/8/12 5/8/12 Done Practical Considerations Speakers: Michelle Axelrod, Mark DeWyngaert, and John Petrolino Moderator: David Weinstock Co-sponsors: LS PG and NYSBA and Fraud, HHS, TH PGs and FMVAG Title: AHLA/HFMA Webinar Series, Session IV: Post-Deal Webinar (#38) 11/11 5/1712 Integration Specifics: Standardizing Delivery Processes and Contracting Speakers: David Ehrenberger, Hans Wiik, and Sarah Swank Moderator: Jay Martus Co-sponsors: AHLA PGs and HFMA</p><p>W ebinar (#39) Title: Social Media Webinar Bootcamp Series, Part VII: 11/11 5/22/12 Why Use Social Media and Social Networking? Reputation Monitoring and Background Checks Speakers: Robert Coffield, Wade Harrison, and John Zimmerman Moderator: Melissa January Co-sponsors: HIT, HHS, Labor, Physician, and TH PGs</p><p>AHLA encourages all Practice Groups to collaborate, communicate, and cooperate with other Practice Groups. W ebinar (#40) Title: Healthcare Data Breaches: Enterprise Impact and 3/12 5/24/12 Enterprise Approach Speakers: Beth Diamond, David Finn, and Lynn (reschedul Sessions ed from Moderator: Peggy Nakamura 3/28/12) Co-sponsors: HIT, HHS, Labor, Physician, and TH PGs</p><p>W ebinar (#41) Title: Public Health Reporting Through a Health 4/12 5/29/12 Information Exchange Speakers: TBD Moderator: TBD Co-sponsors: HIT and HHS PGs, Public Sector Health Lawyers Task Force</p><p>W ebinar (#42) Topic: Essentials for Hospitals and Health Systems: 7/10 5/31/12 Clinical Trials Speakers: TBD Moderator: TBD Co-sponsors: TBD</p><p>W ebinar (#43) Title: Healthcare Fraud and Abuse Bootcamp Webinar 11/11 6/7/12 Series, Part VI: Trends in Government Enforcement and Best Practices for Investigating and Defending Healthcare Fraud Actions Speakers: William Mathias Co-sponsors: Fraud, HCL, HHS, IHC, Physicians, and RAP PGs</p><p>W ebinar (#44) Title: Social Media Webinar Bootcamp Series, Part VIII: 11/11 6/19/12 Employer Concerns with Social Media: Harassment, Disclosure of Confidential Information, Privacy Issues, and Anti-Discrimination Laws Speakers: Maria Danaher and mark Peters Moderator: Thomas Shorter Co-sponsors: HIT, HHS, Labor, Physician, and TH PGs</p><p>AHLA encourages all Practice Groups to collaborate, communicate, and cooperate with other Practice Groups. W ebinar (#45) Topic: Stark & Real Estate Transactions Systems: 7/10 6/21/12 Clinical Trials Speakers: TBD Moderator: TBD Co-sponsors: TBD</p><p>W ebinar (#46) Topic: Avoiding a union organizing campaign TBD Speakers: TBD Moderator: TBD Co-sponsors: HHS and Labor PGs</p><p>Roundtable Andrea Ferrari Title: Fair Market Value and Commercial 11/11 1/3/12 1/3/12 Done Discussion (#1) Reasonableness in Hospital/Physician Jim Lloyd Transactions: What’s the Difference? Speakers: Daryl Johnson, Lisa Ohrin, and Summer Lawrence Vernaglia Martin Moderator: Andrea Ferrari Co-sponsors: HHS and FMV AG David Pursell</p><p>Roundtable Walter Neilsen Title: A Review of the Stark Law and Anti- 2/12 3/16/12 3/16/12 Done Discussion (#2) Kickback Statute as Applied to Real Estate Transactions Speakers: Andrew Dick and Kevin Howard Moderator: Walter Neilsen Co-sponsors: HHS and REAG</p><p>Roundtable Title: Let's Talk Tuomey: The Fourth Circuit's 3/12 4/16/12 4/16/12 Done Discussion (#3) Recent Stark Analysis and Its Impact on Hospital-Physician Arrangements Speaker: William Horton and Julie Kass Moderator: Gary Herschman Co-sponsors: Fraud, BLG, HHS, and Physicians PGs</p><p>AHLA encourages all Practice Groups to collaborate, communicate, and cooperate with other Practice Groups. Roundtable Andrea Ferrari Title: Fair Market Value TBD Discussion (#4) Speakers: TBD Jim Lloyd Moderator: TBD Co-sponsors: TBD Summer Martin</p><p>David Pursell</p><p>Email Alerts Andrew Murray Email membership upon issuance of important issues. 7/11 8/11 (1) Ongoin g 2/12 (1)</p><p>4/12 (2)</p><p>AHLA Connections Andrew Murray Write a feature article for the August 2012 issue of 6/15/12 Due FY13 Feature AHLA Connections. Article due to AHLA on June 15, Article 2012. Title: TBD Authors: TBD</p><p>Leadership Marc Goldstone Schedule regular conference call with Chair, Vice 8/11 8/11/11 8/11/11 Conference Calls Chairs, Liaison, Staff, and other interested parties. 9/8/11 9/8/11 Call held 10/13/11 10/13/11 every 11/10/11 11/10/11 second 12/8/11 12/8/11 Thursda 1/12/12 1/12/12 y of the 2/16/12 2/16/12 month at 3/8/12 3/8/12 2:00 pm 4/12/12 4/12/12 Eastern 5/10/12 6/14/12</p><p>PG Scope Leadership Annually review Practice Group scope and discussion 7/1/11 6/30/12 list description; recommend updates, if necessary.</p><p>AHLA encourages all Practice Groups to collaborate, communicate, and cooperate with other Practice Groups. Membership Survey membership for suggested topics, 1/12 2/14/12 2/14/12 Done Survey projects, etc. for Practice Group and to solicit volunteers. Educate AHLA members on proposed healthcare Task Force (#1) 7/1/11 6/30/12 Ongoin reform initiatives as well as report on ongoing Healthcare Reform g experiences with recently enacted reform initiatives. A Educational Task joint task force of HHS, HC Liability, In-House, LS, Force MSCPR, Physicians, PPMC, RAP, and TH/AMC PGs.</p><p>Task Force (#2) Jay Martus Advance the understanding and application of risk 7/1/11 6/30/12 Ongoin Enterprise Risk management principles to the healthcare industry. g Management Monitor and evaluate the implementing statutes, Task Force (#3) 7/1/11 6/30/12 Ongoin regulations, cases, and secondary materials Accountable Care g concerning ACOs. A joint task force of Antitrust, Fraud, Organizations Task HIT, HHS, HC Liability, In-House, LTC-SIR, MSCPR, Force Physicians, PPMC, RAP, Tax, and TH/AMC PGs.</p><p>Affinity Group (#1) Greg Anderson Promote a dialogue on the many methodologies of 7/1/11 6/30/12 Ongoin Fair Market Value developing FMV for hospital referral source g Andrea Ferrari transactions, and to foster discussion with respect to common and divergent experiences across the country Jim Lloyd with respect to valuation of referral source transactions and assets. Summer Martin 2/10/12 2/10/12 Sponsor a breakfast on a fair market value Done David Pursell topic during the Hospitals and Health Systems Law Institute </p><p>Affinity Group (#2) Affinity Group for individuals who work for 7/1/11 6/30/12 Ongoin Public Nicolas government-run or –owned hospitals. g Hospitals/Health Romanello Systems Dan Bailey</p><p>Charles Luband AHLA encourages all Practice Groups to collaborate, communicate, and cooperate with other Practice Groups. Affinity Group (#3) Walter Neilsen Affinity Group for individuals who understand the 7/1/11 6/30/12 Ongoin Real Estate unique issues that hospitals and health systems face in g the development, leasing, operation, and management of their real estate</p><p>Special Project (#1) R. Michael Repurposing this project to be published as a 7/09 Medical Scarano standalone chapter in the Health Law Practice Guide. Transportation Law Handbook</p><p>Special Project (#2) Hal McCard Consider development of a New Lawyer Mentoring 7/09 New Lawyer Program. Mentoring Program Subcommittee of the Membership Committee is working on structure, timeline, applications, guidance documents etc. This will be an AHLA-wide initiative and PG Vice Chairs of Membership (or designated Vice Chair) will be involved in an Advisory Task Force that will oversee implementation of the program, including the matching process, providing guidance to mentors/mentees etc.. </p><p>AHLA encourages all Practice Groups to collaborate, communicate, and cooperate with other Practice Groups. Special Project (#3) Lisa Ohrin Develop a leadership internship program that will 7/1/11 6/30/12 Ongoin Leadership Marc Goldstone actively engage HHS PG members in the PG. Each PG g Development Vice Chair would be responsible for an “intern” who Program would be involved in generating content for the PG. The participants will work on projects selected by HHS PG leaders and identified as goals of the group’s annual “Practice Group Planned Activities and Projects Report” for the current year. The Leadership Development Program is not designed specifically as a prerequisite to a HHS PG leadership position; it is expected that successful participants will develop project skills, gain an awareness of leadership roles and responsibilities, and have the opportunity to develop personal and professional resources that will enable them to become effective AHLA participants and serve in leadership roles in the AHLA if and when appropriate. The Program is currently in its second year. </p><p>Special Project (#4 ) Coordinate with the MS 01.01.01 Work Group on the 4/10 MS 01.01.01 topic of Joint Commission MS 01.01.01 standards and Organizational core privileging. Group Co-sponsors: HHS, MSCPR, and Physicians PGs</p><p>Special Project (#5 ) Develop a toolkit that brings together all of the issues 5/10 Corporate Practice that the Corporate Governance Task Force has worked of Medicine Work on since its inception. Group Workgroup: Representatives from each of the sponsoring Practice Groups: BLG, HHS, LTC, and Physicians PGs Suggested steps of action: 1) Development of operating guidelines; 2) Choosing the topics to be included and assigning responsibility for each section; 3) Deciding what cases, articles, and other materials should be included. AHLA encourages all Practice Groups to collaborate, communicate, and cooperate with other Practice Groups. Special Project (#5 ) Create two educational tools 8/11 Educational Database (1) Develop database of educational programs completed so that the leaders can review what’s been covered, how recently/long ago, how successful it was, etc. ; </p><p>2) form- fill out a form for each educational program- who spoke, co-sponsored, how’d it go, etc.—and pass it to manager of the database to update</p><p>Special Project (#5 ) Hold a FMV AG breakfast at the 2012 Hospitals and 11/11 2/10/12 2/10/12 Done FMV AG Breakfast Health Systems Law Institute. at the Hospitals and Health Hold a FMV AG webinar simulcast at the 2012 Annual 6/26/12 Systems Law Meeting. Institute</p><p>FMV AG Webinar Simulcast at the Annual Meeting</p><p>AHLA encourages all Practice Groups to collaborate, communicate, and cooperate with other Practice Groups.</p>
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