2ND GRADE PHONICS SCOPE and SEQUENCE Week / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 Principle 23A

2ND GRADE PHONICS SCOPE and SEQUENCE Week / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 Principle 23A

<p> SECOND GRADE ELA and SOCIAL STUDIES YAG</p><p>Genre Sequence TEKS Rdg Phonics TEKS Vocabulary TEKS Writing Artifact TEKS Grammar TEKS Social Studies & Spelling Vocab 17A-E Wrtg Skill Gram Integration Skills B1 1 Launch 2H, 23A* (4) 8/23-26 2 FICTION 9A Short 2Ai Use 5B STORIES 18A Nouns 21Aii Geography 8/30-9/2 Possible Subgenres: consonant 2Bi context WITH BME 5A, 5B, 5D Historical and vowel Fantasy review 3 Realistic 9A consonant 2Aii Use 5B Nouns 21Aii Geography (4) blend context (Subject 5A, 5B 9/6-9 MEDIA LITERACY -l (spl-) of a sentence) 4 9A consonant 2Aii Use 5B Verbs 21Ai Citizenship 9/12-16 16A-C blend context (Predicat 13D -r (thr-) e of a sentence) 5 9A consonant 2Aii Use 5B Verbs 21Ai Geography 9/19-23 16A-C blend context (Predicat 8A, 8B, 7D -s e of a sentence) B2 6 INFORMATIONAL/ 14D Floss rule 2A Use 5B PERSUASIVE 20A Subject/ 21B Geography 9/26-30 EXPOSITORY (ff,ll,ss at context STATEMENTS Verb 8A, 8B, 7D the end of For school, Agreeme word) home, or nt community (Complet audiences e Sentence **portfolio s) 7 14D consonant 2Aiii Use 5B artifact** Subject/ 21B Government 10/3-7 diagraphs context Verb 12A-D -ck Agreeme nt (Complet</p><p>1 e Sentence s) 8 14D consonant 2Aiii Use 5B Ending 21AVii Geography (4) diagraphs context Punctuati 21C 6A 10/11-14 sh-, th- on/ 22Ci Interroga tive and Declarati ve Sentence s</p><p>2nd Grade – SS Technology Integration 1st 2.8A K-2.1B iPa TLW identify ways in which people have modified the physical environment by comparing ariel views of the Deer Park area Grading d including one view from 1945 and one from 2015. TLW will then look for changes such as new buildings and roads and Period -Ne evidence of land clearing. arp od We b- Nea rpo d SECOND GRADE ELA and SOCIAL STUDIES YAG</p><p>Genre TEKS Rdg Phonics TEKS Vocabulary TEKS 6 Trait Writing TEKS Grammar TEKS Social Sequence & Spelling Vocab Focus Artifact Wrtg Skill Gram Studies Skills 17A-E Integration B3 9 INFORMA 15A consonant 2Aiii Prefixes 5A 6+1 PROCEDU 19A Ending 21C Geograph 10/17-21 TIONAL/ 14D diagraphs and Trait RAL punctuati 22Ci y PROCEDU ch-, wh-, suffixes Focus: **portfoli on/ 6A 2 RAL ph- Organiz o Interrogat ation artifact** ive and declarativ e Sentences 10 15A,B VCe 2Biv Prefixes 5A Time 21Avii Governme 10/24-28 (aCe) and Order nt suffixes Transitio 12A,B,C,D n words 11 15A,B VCe 2Biv Long 23Biii Time 21Avii Citizenshi 10/31-11-4 (iCe) vowels Order p Transitio 13A n words B4 12 INFORMA 13A VCe 2Biv Long 23Biii SHORT 19B Features 22Biii History 11/7-11 TIONAL/ 14D (oCe) vowels LETTERS of a letter 1A, 4B, CULTURE (uCe) 13B AND VETEREN’S HISTORY DAY 13 LITERAR 10A r- 2Bv Prefixes 5A Features 22Biii History 11/14-18 Y/LITERA controlled 2Bii and of a letter 2E 1A RY ar, or suffixes Abbreviat NONFICTI ions ON Thanksgiving B4 14 LITERAR 10A r- 2Bv Prefixes 5C 6+1 SHORT 19B Proper 22Bi History 11/28-12/2 Y/LITERA controlled 2Bii and Trait LETTERS nouns 2E 2A,B,C RY er,ir,ur suffixes Focus: NONFICTI Organiz ON ation B5 15 LITERAR 6A consonant 2Aiii Prefixes 5C IMAGINA 18A Adjectives 21Aiii Note 12/5-9 Y/THEME diagraphs and TIVE ongoing & GENRE -ng, -nk suffixes STORIES TEKS 16 LITERAR 6A vowel 2Biv Use 5C Adjectives 21Aiii Culture 12/12-16 Y/THEME 9A,B diagraphs context 16A,B & GENRE oo</p><p>Christmas</p><p>3 2nd Grade – SS Technology Integration 2nd Grading Period 2.12-A-B K-2.1B TLW use a picture collage to identify the name and role of our current government leaders.</p><p>SECOND GRADE ELA and SOCIAL STUDIES YAG Genre Sequence TEKS Rdg Phonics TEKS Vocabulary & Spelling TEKS Vocab B5 17 LITERARY/THEME & 6A long a - vowel diagraphs 2Aiv Antonyms and synonyms 5A (4) GENRE - Fables 9A,B ai, ay 1/3-6 18 LITERARY/THEME & 6B long o - vowel diagraphs 2Aiv Antonyms and synonyms 5A 1/9-13 GENRE – Legends & Myths oa, ow</p><p>B6 19 Literary/Fiction 9B long e - vowel diagraphs 2Aiv Antonyms and synonyms 5A (4) ee, ea 1/17-20 20 Literary/Fiction 9B long i - vowel diagraphs 2Aiv Antonyms and synonyms 5C 1/23-27 igh, y, ie 21 Literary/Fiction 9A,B vowel diagraphs 2Aiv Vowel diagraphs 23Biv 1/30-2/3 ou, ow B7 22 INFORMATIONAL/ 14A,B vowel diagraphs 2Aiv Vowel diagraphs 23Biv 2/6-10 EXPOSITORY - Bridging oi, oy 23 INFORMATIONAL/ 14C,D hard and soft 23Bi Contractions 2F 2/13-17 EXPOSITORY - Bridging c, g 23E</p><p>24 INFORMATIONAL/ 14A-D spelling patterns 2C Contractions 2F (4) EXPOSITORY - Bridging -ing, -ink, -ank 23E 2/21-24 B8 25 Data Driven Instruction common suffixes 2D Contractions 2F 2/27-3/3 READING BENCHMARK ed, d, t 23E Begin Research after BM 26 RESEARCH 14A-D double consonants in the 2C Contractions 2F 3/6-10 24A-B median 23E 25A-C Spring Break 2nd Grade – SS Technology Integration 3rd Grading Period 2.4A K-2.1.B & K-2.3B iPad Chatterpix Kids TLW use PebbleGo to find contributions of historical figures including Thurgood Marshall, Irma Rangel, John Hancock, and Theodore Roosevelt. TLW then demonstrate knowledge by producing a ChatterKid or Voki explaining their historical Web – Voki figure's important contribution Additional Ideas for Wordle – Students can use Wordle to put important words from their research project in a word cloud. Research: Tagxedo – Students can create a word cloud in the shape of their research topic with important words from their research. iPad -Popplet – Students can use the app to create a bubble map </p><p>4 SECOND GRADE ELA and SOCIAL STUDIES YAG Genre Sequence TEKS Rdg Phonics TEKS Vocabulary & Spelling TEKS Skills Vocab B8 27 INFORMATIONAL/ 14A-D final stable syllable BViii Alphabetize 5D 3/20-24 EXPOSITORY RESEARCH 16A-C 28 MEDIA LITERACY 24A-B Syllabication 2B Alphabetize 5D 3/27-31 25A-C</p><p>B9 29 POETRY 7A long e – final y 2A Alphabetize 5D 4/3-4/7 11A 30 POETRY vowel diphthongs 2Aiv Alphabetize 5D (4) -aw, -a, -al 4/10-13 31 POETRY vowel diphthongs 2Aiv Adjectives 5D 4/17-21 Bridging -ew, -ue</p><p>B10 32 Data Driven Instruction spelling pattern 2C Spell base words with 23D 4/24-28 Bridging double before inflectional endings -ing. -ed 33 Data Driven Instruction spelling pattern 2C Spell base words with 23D 5/1-5 Bridging drop before inflectional endings -ing, -ed 34 DRAMA 8A spelling pattern 2C Use resources for correct 23F 5/8-12 READING BENCHMARK changing f to v when spelling plural 35 DRAMA 8A complex consonants 23Bi DDI 5/15-19 kn, gn,wr</p><p>36 DDI 5/22-26 2nd Grade – SS Technology Integration 4th Grading Period 2.1B K-2.1B iPad –Popplet TLW find and label a picture of various community, state, and national landmarks. TLW will then explain the significance of each landmark by typing Kidspiration Additional ideas for Poetry: Wordle – Students can use Wordle to create a poem. Tagxedo – Students can use Tagxedo to create a shape poem. Poll Everywhere – The teacher can use Poll Everywhere to create a class poem.</p><p>2ND GRADE PHONICS SCOPE AND SEQUENCE</p><p>Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Principle Short consonant Consonant blends Consonant blends Consonant blends Floss Rule (ff,ll,ss Consonant Consonant 23A, 23Bi-iv, 23D 5 and vowel review l r s at the end of word) diagraphs diagraphs ck sh, th Fountas and LS2 LS6 LS6 LS5 SP8 SP2 LS13 Pinnell Lesson Connections Principle Words tab blab trip stem staff black ship bud clip frog scan smell slick thin mad flop grip step chess stack dash sun glum crop skim sniff lock bath rag plot crib sled grill speck smash pup sling prop smog bliss shock cloth jam blast grid spit doll check crush hut clasp wrap snap scuff trick rash fan slit crab sped fuss wick math dug plus grab swam puff stuck thud High Frequency want know new any going said around goes Words again now does walk once find because come 2G, 22Bii, 23C what some where talk when our first ask they who think were could always don’t both every away Sunday give says Monday been there Application cap blast brim stop shell pluck shut Words ham glad hop spot cliff shack than 2H map slid drop swim thrill neck shed rut slept drip scat drill tuck fish up plant fig skin kiss flock path Week 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Principle Consonant Vowel Vowel Vowel r controlled r controlled Consonant Vowel diagraphs diagraphs consonant silent consonant silent consonant silent vowels vowels diagraphs oo ch, wh, ph, “e” “e” “e” ar, or er, ir, ur ng, nk aCe iCe oCe, uCe Fountas and LS13 SP3 SP3 SP3 LS7 LS7 SP7 LS9 Pinnell Lesson SP10 6 Connections Principle chop blade pride choke sport her blink moon Words when fade wide smoke pork bird prank broom chin bake glide stone cord curb trunk tooth much case bike cube whip daze hive flute horn term sank room rich flame kite mute short girl rink spoon such grade price globe start spur fling stood photo jade ripe rule charm fern sprang wood graph lake shine zone smart whirl prong hook chum pace white nose barn hurt swung brook harm turn fang shook High their about use write laugh eight long friend Frequency these from very your bring draw found alone Words those buy which work carry kind never own here right wash better Tuesday pull would Wednesday done full else small drinks only Thursday when Application chip ate mile fluke chart burn slang gloom Words wham chase spice bone ford germ crank goose which frame slide mice stork shirt string noon chill shape five robe chant trade bride rice harp stir brink good yarn surf wrong blood</p><p>7 8 Week 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Principle Long a vowel Long o vowel Long e vowel Long I vowel Vowel Vowel diagraphs Hard and Spelling Common suffixes Double diagraphs diagraphs diagraphs diagrams diagraphs oi, oy soft patterns ed, d, t consonant in ai, ay oa, ow ee, ea igh, y, ie ou, ow c, g ing, ink, ank, the median ng,nk Fountas and LS17 LS16, LS17 SP13 SP12 LS21 LS16 LS14 SP7 WS5 LS11 Pinnell Lesson SP11 SP14 LS15 WS6 Connections Principle chain croak greet sigh mouth joy can blink played pepper Words braid coach peek high south coy circus drink melted butter plain goal gleam might pout soy came stink walked buzzer faint roam speak right pounce ploy cell think piled hammer strait boast fear flight bounce toy ginger sling wanted dollar clay mow cheap by plow broil giant sting liked rabbit spray blow smear cry chow spoil gem swing shaved dinner tray crow queen dry brow oil game thing added swimmer slay grow heat tie vow join climb blank kissed spatter hay flow green lie cow moist get crank used glimmer High together enough upon below threw become myself before many gone Frequency people small bought under idea few yourself large almost another Words over try live tomorrow against nothing often young ready sometimes early thought should read through push since while January special behind care Friday above Saturday most more May February March</p><p>Application bait toast tweak bright scout coil gym drank screamed filler Words stain load beak slight shout coin city thank needed common thigh brain cloak steer brown joint girl wing hiked winner shy stray glow beef my now boy gel slink picked mutter ray low clean house Roy cop pink landed happen</p><p>9 28 29 30 31 32 33 Syllabication Long e final y Vowel diphthongs Vowel diphthongs Spelling pattern double before Spelling pattern drop before aw, a, al ew, ue ing, ed ing, ed N/A N/A LS21 LS21 WS18 WS18</p><p> discuss bumpy bawl blew hopped hiking employ dusty claw chew drummed raced enjoy gladly dawn few stopped hoped ignore ugly hawk grew snapping icing law dew napped noted invite very bald blue begging placing percent frosty ball glue netting scored perform itchy call hue planning skating until family chalk due shipping stored perfume copy stalk true stepped trading compose crispy country busy straight listen anything why anyway perhaps among beautiful behind place change suddenly though something much week usually learn weigh year good across August across able world June July</p><p> forget handy raw stew skipped used admit sixty yawn crew jogging voting confess softly saw new slipped waved entire body walk argue tripping chasing hall clue tapped baked excite grumpy DPISD SECOND GRADE ELA and SOCIAL STUDIES YAG</p><p>10 The Year at a Glance (YAG) was created by the DPISD Second Grade Curriculum Team to be implemented during the 2016-2017. This document is to be utilized to pace instruction throughout the school year. The following TEKS should be taught ongoing with each genre.</p><p>Students use a flexible range of metacognitive reading skills in both assigned and independent reading to understand and author’s message. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater depth in increasingly more complex texts as they become self-directed, critical readers. The student is expected to: 19 (A) establish purposes for reading selected texts based upon content to enhance comprehension; (B) ask literal questions of text; (C) monitor and adjust comprehension (e.g. using background knowledge, creating sensory images, re-reading a portion aloud, generating questions); (D) make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding; (E) retell important events in stories in logical order; and (F) make connections to own experiences, to ideas in other texts, and to the larger community and discuss textual evidence.</p><p>Students comprehend a variety of texts drawing on useful strategies as needed. Students are expected to: 3 (A) use ideas (e.g., illustrations, titles, topic sentences, key words, and foreshadowing) to make and confirm predictions; (B) details about stories and other texts and support answers with evidence from text; and (C) establish purpose for reading selected texts and monitor comprehension, making corrections and adjustments when that understanding breaks down (e.g., identifying clues, using background knowledge, generating questions, re-reading a portion </p><p>. Students read grade-level text with fluency and comprehension. Students are expected to: {4} read aloud grade-level appropriate text with fluency (rate, accuracy, expression, appropriate phrasing) and comprehension.</p><p>Students read independently for sustained periods of time and produce evidence of their reading. Students are expected to: 12 (A) read independently for a sustained period of time and paraphrase what the reading was about, maintaining meaning.</p><p>Students write expository and procedural or work-related texts to communicate ideas and information to specific audiences for specific purposes. Students are expected to: 19 (C) write brief comments on literary or informational texts.</p><p>, Capitalization, and Punctuation. Students write legibly and use appropriate capitalization and punctuation conventions in their compositions. Students are expected to: 22 (A) write legibly leaving appropriate margins for readability; 22 (B)</p><p>Students use comprehension skills to listen attentively to others in formal and informal settings. Students continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity. Students are expected to: 28 (A) listen attentively to speakers and ask relevant questions to clarify information; and (B) and give oral instructions that involve a short related sequence of actions. Students speak clearly and to the point, using the conventions of language. Students continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity. Students are expected to: 29 (A) share information and ideas that focus on the topic under discussion, speaking clearly at an appropriate pace, using the </p><p>Students work productively with others in teams. Students continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity. Students are expected to: 30 (A) follow agreed-upon rules for discussion, including listening to others, speaking when recognized, and making appropriate contributions.</p><p> with each genre. . The student understands how historical figures, patriots, and good citizens helped shape the community, state, and nation. The student is expected to: 4(C) explain how people and events have influenced local community history. . The student understands the locations and characteristics of places and regions in the community, state, and nation. The student is expected to: 6(C) examine information from various sources about places and regions. . The student understands the purpose of governments. The student is expected to: 11(C) describe how governments tax citizens to pay for services. - - Book Fair - - . The student identifies customs, symbols, and celebrations that represent American beliefs and principles that contribute to our national identity. The student is expected to: 14 (A) recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag and the Pledge to the Texas Flag; 14 (B) identify selected symbols such as state and national birds and flowers and patriotic symbols such as the U.S. and Texas flags and Uncle Sam; and 14 (D) identify how selected customs, symbols, and celebrations reflect an American love of individualism, inventiveness, and freedom. . The student understands how science and technology have affected life, past and present. The student is expected to: 17 (A) describe how science and technology change communication, transportation, and recreation; and 17 (B) explain how science and technology change the ways in which people meet </p><p>. The student communicates in written, oral, and visual forms. The student is expected to: 19 (A) express ideas orally based on knowledge and experiences; and create written and visual material such as stories, poems, maps, and graphic organizers to express ideas. 11 . The student uses problem-solving and decision-making skills, working independently and with others, in a variety of settings. The student is expected to: use a problem-solving process to identify a problem, gather information, list and consider options, consider advantages and disadvantages, choose and implement a solution, and evaluate the effectiveness of the solution; and use a decision-making process to identify a situation that requires a decision, gather information, generate options, predict outcomes, take action to implement a decision, and reflect on the effectiveness of that decision.</p><p>12</p>

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