Electronic CIP Budget Narrative Spending Workbook Training Materials

Electronic CIP Budget Narrative Spending Workbook Training Materials

<p> Oregon Department of Education 2007–08 Oregon School District CIP Budget Narrative/Spending Workbook Assurances and Certifications Susan Castillo, Superintendent of Public Instruction</p><p>2007 User Guide for Web Based Application</p><p>April 2007 2007 User Guide For</p><p>Web BasedTable of ContentsApplication</p><p>Introduction ...... 4</p><p>Budget Narrative Security...... 5 User Roles...... 5</p><p>The Web Based Application...... 6 The Budget Narrative Menu...... 6 Prerequisites...... 7 Things to turn in...... 7 Description of Things to turn in...... 8 Attention Consortiums!...... 9 Things to enter in the application...... 10 Contacts...... 10 Private Schools...... 11 Consolidated Spending...... 12</p><p>The Workbook Menu...... 13 Budget Narrative...... 13 Workbook ...... 13 Status ...... 14 Program Eligibility...... 14 Application Status...... 14</p><p>EXAMPLE Title II-A...... 15 Example Title II-A Overview...... 15 Example Title II-A - Budget Narrative...... 16 How to complete the Budget Narrative...... 17 Add Narrative Line Budget Narrative Box Function Code Amount Entering Function Codes...... 18 Highly Qualified Staff...... 18 Example Title II-A – Spending Page...... 19 Import/Export Function...... 19</p><p>Points of Interest...... 20 Title I-A...... 20 Overview...... 20 Set Asides...... 20</p><p>2 of 26 Electric CIP Budget Narrative Spending Workbook Guide 2007 Carryover ...... 21</p><p>Targeting...... 22</p><p>Title I-C...... 22 Priority for Service</p><p>Title III...... 22 Narrative</p><p>Title VI-B REAP...... 22</p><p>Carryover – All other programs...... 23</p><p>Help –...... 23</p><p>Special Directions for Consortium Members and Institutions...... 24-25 Perkins Basic Consortium...... 24 Title I-C Consortium...... 24 Title III Consortium...... 25</p><p>Appendix...... 26 Appendix A – Assurances...... A 1-8 Appendix B – NCLB Statement of Assurances...... B 1 Appendix C – School Prayer Certificate of Compliance...... C 1 Appendix D – Perkins Statement of Assurances...... D 1</p><p>3 of 26 Electric CIP Budget Narrative Spending Workbook Guide 2007 Electronic CIP Budget Narrative Spending Guidebook Guide Materials for 2007-08 April 2007</p><p>For the 2007-2008 School year, the CIP Budget Narrative Spending Guidebook (BNSWK) will be a web based application. This guide has been developed to assist applicants in understanding the format of the application and provide guidance through the submission process. Specific program questions not addressed will need to be directed to the appropriate education specialist.</p><p>Type of Grant Open Date Due Date Perkins June 1 No later than June 30 Title III July 5 No later than October 5 ALL Other August 1 No later than November 21</p><p>Note: If you plan to decline all NCLB/Perkins Funds, please turn to p. 12 for directions. </p><p>The application is located at the ODE District Website: https://district.ode.state.or.us/apps/login/</p><p>4 of 26 Electric CIP Budget Narrative Spending Workbook Guide 2007 Budget Narrative Security</p><p>This application’s security is administered using the same web application as other ODE district web applications, via ODE’s “web security” application (webadmnet). This is the first application to include role-based security, where a user may have zero or more roles in addition to having access to the application. The district web administrator will be responsible for assigning roles.</p><p>Roles that may be granted include the following:  Submit/Revise  Edit Everything  Edit Title I-A  Edit Title I-C  Etc. (one for each Title/Program)</p><p>The “Submit/Revise” role is for whoever has final authority to submit budget information to ODE. This would most likely be the same people who have authority to claim funds in the E-Grant system. This authorizes the user to submit budgets or revise already-approved budgets for ALL titles/program.</p><p>The “Edit Everything” role is for someone who has authority to edit all of the titles and other screens such as Consolidated Spending and Contacts. A District Business Manager would be a typical person who would need this role.</p><p>The “Edit Title I-A”, “Edit Title I-C”, etc. are roles which allow editing only that particular title or program. These roles are appropriate for those who specialize in only one or two program areas. For example, a Title III coordinator might just have the “Edit Title III” role.</p><p>A user with no roles assigned, but who has been given access to the application, will have “Read-Only” access to all of the screens. This might be appropriate for an administrative assistant. </p><p>Note:  An individual may be assigned multiple roles or none at all  Maximum access is granted by assigning both the “Submit/Revise” and “Edit Everything” roles</p><p>5 of 26 Electric CIP Budget Narrative Spending Workbook Guide 2007 The Web Based Application: </p><p>The Budget Narrative Menu – This Menu provides management tools. </p><p>Note: Budget Year!</p><p>Summary: The application allows the users to track the progress of each of the steps involved in the submission and revision. Programs can be submitted one at a time for review as the sections are completed.</p><p>Search: Allows the user to search for key words throughout the application.</p><p>Print: Allows user to print all or part of the Budget Narrative/Spending Guidebook. Be careful to follow the printer set up directions.</p><p>E-mail: This feature allows the user to email sections of the BNSWK to others within your system for review. </p><p>Archive: The user can review previously submitted documents using this feature.</p><p>Budget Year Selection: This section allows the user to switch between budget years. The program will automatically default to the most current budget year. The current budget year is displayed in the upper right corner of the screen. For community colleges who apply directly as well as a consortium, this is also used to switch between those two modes (consortium vs. direct).</p><p>6 of 26 Electric CIP Budget Narrative Spending Workbook Guide 2007 Prerequisites </p><p>This information is located under the Budget Narrative Menu on the “Summary” screen. All prerequisites must be met prior to being able to submit your application.</p><p>These are the first steps in the application process; all prerequisites must be submitted and approved prior to any program request being able to be submitted. The following information will help in getting your prerequisite requirements completed. Please note - ALL of these should be completed no later than the opening date for your particular program.</p><p>Things to turn in to ODE: The items turned in to ODE are listed below. Once they are turned in and approved ODE staff will indicate their acceptance on the summary screen.</p><p>What Who Note 2005 Tech Plan Ann Kaltenbach Should already be on file 2007-08 ELL Plan Jaime Patzer Due May 31, 2007 2005-07 CIP Stacie Ankrum Should already be on file 2007-09 CIP Stacie Ankrum November 21, 2007 2007-08 NCLB Statement Stacie Ankrum Must be submitted and recorded prior to of Assurances ability to submit any application for funds 2007-08 School Prayer Linda Dunn Must be submitted and recorded prior to Certification ability to submit any application for funds 2007-08 Perkins Barbara O’Neill Must be submitted and recorded prior to Statement of Assurances ability to submit any application for funds</p><p>7 of 26 Electric CIP Budget Narrative Spending Workbook Guide 2007 Description of things to turn in to ODE:</p><p>2007-08 ELL Plan: Submit your ELL Plan to Jamie Patzer by May 31, 2007.</p><p>2005-07 Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP): This year we will indicate if you have an approved CIP on file from the 2005-07cycle. This will be updated when your new plan is turned in on November 21, 2007.</p><p>2007-09 Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP): Guidance can be found at: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=890 </p><p>NCLB Statement of Assurances: A new assurance is signed by the superintendent every year. It is the superintendent’s responsibility to read and implement the items in the assurances. The signature on the form indicates the district has these requirements in place. A copy of the assurances form is at the end of this guidebook, Appendix B, or at: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/results/?id=201. Print, sign and submit an original to Stacie Ankrum. </p><p>NCLB School Prayer Certificate of Compliance: Each year superintendents must also sign a school prayer certificate of compliance as well, certifying that the requirements in the compliance are being met. A copy of the certificate form is at the end of this guidebook, Appendix C or at: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/results/? id=201. Print, sign and submit an original to Linda Dunn. </p><p>Perkins Statement of Assurances: A copy of this assurances form is at the end of this guidebook, in Appendix D. The 2007-08 Perkins IV Local Transition Plan Guide can be found at: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=480 </p><p>8 of 26 Electric CIP Budget Narrative Spending Workbook Guide 2007 Attention Consortiums!</p><p>Districts within the consortia must have the above prerequisites completed and also have the following done prior to the consortium being allowed to submit an application.</p><p>Title IC Consortium: Districts participating in a Title IC consortium must contact their consortium lead if they have not signed a "Member of a Consortium Certification.” Consortium leads will provide the certification form to each consortium member and mail them to Stacie Ankrum by April 20, 2007. </p><p>Title III Consortium: Districts participating in a Title III consortium will need to print and sign a Consortium Membership agreement which they obtain from the T III Consortium lead. All consortium Memberships must be turned into the consortium lead before that application can be submitted. Districts declining further participation in a T III consortium must notify Jaime Patzer at least one week prior to the due date for all T III applications.</p><p>Perkins Consortium: Contact Jim Schoelkopf for information regarding the Perkins Consortium needs.</p><p>More consortium information is located on pages 24 and 25.</p><p>9 of 26 Electric CIP Budget Narrative Spending Workbook Guide 2007 Things to enter in the application:</p><p>The following items must also be completed in order to correctly feed the other portions of the application. Therefore, these items are also considered prerequisites and must be completed before submitting any title or program.</p><p>Contacts: </p><p>Please enter information into all fields and double check for accuracy. This is the information that will be entered into EGMS and is extremely important. Throughout the year if contacts change, you need to change the information on this page and then resubmit. This will notify EGMS and the update can then take place.</p><p>Please notice the SAVE button!</p><p>You may use the button “Same as Above” to copy the exact information from the contact above. This will facilitate filling out contact information when the same person is responsible for several areas. </p><p>When “Email on Title Status Change” is checked, this person will receive notification whenever ODE prompts the program contact that a change has taken place. This will also feed an email list serve of contacts when ODE specialists need to get information to the field. </p><p>At times there is more than one contact for a program area. “Additional Contacts” provides the applicant an opportunity to enter that information. They will not be added to EGMS but will be added to the email notification process.</p><p>10 of 26 Electric CIP Budget Narrative Spending Workbook Guide 2007 Private Schools: </p><p>Private schools are eligible to participate in many NCLB programs. It is required that each year districts consult with private schools – ideally in the spring of the previous year – to determine their participation in the federal programs. Districts must maintain written proof of this consultation process each year.</p><p>When the application is opened, this information will need to be entered. ALL private schools in the district should appear on this page. If the private school does not want to participate, they should still be entered into the system.</p><p>11 of 26 Electric CIP Budget Narrative Spending Workbook Guide 2007 Consolidated Spending: </p><p>All titles for which you receive an allocation will appear. </p><p>ATTENTION: If districts are choosing to decline ALL NCLB/Perkins funds, they are asked to log in, check “Decline Funds” for each line, SAVE, then go back to the Summary screen (pg. 4) and click Submit for Consolidated Spending. This notifies ODE that you are declining all funds.</p><p>Please notice the SAVE button!</p><p>It is of VITAL importance that you negotiate and get an approved indirect rate for applicable programs NOW, as the application will not allow you to submit with any indirect amounts until the indirect rate has been approved.</p><p>The transfer rules apply here and the application will not allow you to transfer more than you are eligible to transfer.</p><p>12 of 26 Electric CIP Budget Narrative Spending Workbook Guide 2007 The Workbook Menu </p><p>This Menu provides instant navigation to all areas of the budget application.</p><p>There are three common sections in each program area:  Overview: This section gives general information about the grant program and provides links and resources.</p><p> Budget Narrative: In this section, applicants will enter program activities to match the allocation available.</p><p> Spending Worksheet: In this section, applicants will match Budget Narrative items to expenditure codes.</p><p>Additionally, there are some program areas with additional sections required for the grant application process.</p><p>13 of 26 Electric CIP Budget Narrative Spending Workbook Guide 2007 Status:</p><p>By looking on the Summary Page applicants can determine their program eligibility. Only eligible programs will allow entrance into the application.</p><p>This screen also shows the status of the application:</p><p> In Progress: The applicant is working on the application and it has yet to be submitted to ODE.</p><p> Under Review: The applicant has submitted the program application and is now under review by ODE specialists.</p><p> Response Required: ODE has reviewed the application and applicant revisions are required prior to approval. The applicant must make the revisions and resubmit the application. When this happens the user will see the status change to “Under Review.”</p><p> Approved: This message indicates that the application has been submitted and approved.</p><p>14 of 26 Electric CIP Budget Narrative Spending Workbook Guide 2007 An Example: Hillsboro Title IIA</p><p>The information contained in this example is fictional. Hillsboro has given us permission to use their district as an example.</p><p>EXAMPLE Title II-A Overview:</p><p>The first section gives guidance on the purpose of Title II-A and the program priorities. The second section requires applicants to enter information regarding the required needs assessment results. There is information provided for applicants there, as well as links for further assistance.</p><p>Notice the RED ! This denotes an error.” Errors must be resolved prior to the applicant being able to submit the application.</p><p>In order to enter information in the box, click in the box, type and make sure to hit the save button. Once this information is entered and saved, the error message will go away.</p><p>15 of 26 Electric CIP Budget Narrative Spending Workbook Guide 2007 EXAMPLE Title II-A - Budget Narrative:</p><p>Notice the information on this page. Again the applicant is provided with information about the program and an internet link to the non-regulatory guidance. </p><p>This page has two error messages. The Green! is considered an informational message. This tells the applicant and ODE staff that there is an item to pay attention to. There is another kind of message (not shown) which is yellow. This is a warning message. Only the red error messages keep you from submitting your application. Yellow warnings and green informational messages do not stop you from submitting.</p><p>In this case the informational message reminds the applicant that the narrative should include mention of the private schools that wish to participate in Title II-A funded activities.</p><p>The Program Activities section is where the applicant will be working. Notice the application has pulled your allocation, minus your indirect rate and gives you the allocation remaining to budget. As items are added to the budget narrative, that amount will also be calculated and removed from the dollars remaining. </p><p>Notice the Red! – error message. It tells the applicant that the total amount in the narrative must equal the grant allocation. In order to remove this error, applicants must match budget narrative activities to the allocation. The “Dollars Remaining” box can help figure out what is left to budget.</p><p>16 of 26 Electric CIP Budget Narrative Spending Workbook Guide 2007 How to Complete the Budget Narrative Section:</p><p>For each program, activity or staff funded, applicants will need to use the Add Narrative Line. This will give the user the following screen. </p><p>Please notice the SAVE button!</p><p>The user will click into the Budget Narrative box and “describe explicitly” the activity. Applicants must provide sufficient detail to give the reader enough information to know if the activity is allowable under the title. </p><p>The applicant will choose the Function Code from the drop down menu corresponding with the planned expenditures for that activity. There can be more than one function code/amount per activity. The total amount for the activity will appear in the light blue section. </p><p>Finally, the applicant will enter the Amount to be allocated for each function code. Round all amounts to the nearest dollar.</p><p>When the applicant is finished entering information for that activity, use the SAVE button. This item will then be added to the Budget Narrative. For additional activities, just repeat the process.</p><p>17 of 26 Electric CIP Budget Narrative Spending Workbook Guide 2007 Entering Function Codes:</p><p>Further down on this screen, the applicant will find a list of function codes that are allowable for Title II-A activities to use as a resource. </p><p>The final section on this page is a note about Highly Qualified Staff. The information provided on this page is pulled from the staff collection recently submitted and will give applicants and the ODE reviewer a reminder concerning staff in the district who are not highly qualified and therefore need to be addressed in the narrative.</p><p>18 of 26 Electric CIP Budget Narrative Spending Workbook Guide 2007 EXAMPLE Title II-A – Spending Page:</p><p>Please notice the SAVE button!</p><p>Again the allocation information is pre-populated to this page in the top bar of the grid. At the bottom, the total by function that was entered in the Budget Narrative, then needs to be distributed between the different object codes. If the user hovers the mouse over the function and object codes, they will expand to show the entire title of that function or object.</p><p>The totals on the spending page will need to match the allocation and the budget narrative totals.</p><p>Import/Export Function: You may export the spending page to Excel using the Export button. This allows for easier editing and integration with other calculations. To import numbers from Excel back into the spending page, click the Import button. Then select the editable cells (the white ones) in Excel, copy them, and paste them into the box in the web page. When the SAVE button is clicked, the spending page will be updated with the new values.</p><p>Most programs contained in the application follow the same general use principles. Applicants will find similarity between the pages, but specific questions and requirements are tailored to each page. The next section points out some differences and other features of the guidebook.</p><p>19 of 26 Electric CIP Budget Narrative Spending Workbook Guide 2007 Points of Interest</p><p>The intent of this section is to point out some of the few differences from the above format.</p><p>Title I-A: The differences for the Title I-A section are the Overview, Carryover, Set Aside and Targeting pages.</p><p>Overview: The Overview section asks for specific information for any TAS plan the district may be operating. The Narrative and Spending page operate the same as described above. </p><p>Set Asides: The requirements for the set aside are built into the program.  If an amount is entered, then text must be entered.</p><p> Since Homeless is a required set aside, a red error will appear until a set aside is entered for it. </p><p> While we are unsure at this point if we will be able to determine school and district improvement – the program is built to enforce set asides in those areas as well.</p><p>Funds are automatically totaled at the bottom of the page.</p><p>20 of 26 Electric CIP Budget Narrative Spending Workbook Guide 2007 Carryover: Carryover is built into this application and interfaces with current expenditures in EGMS. </p><p>Please notice the SAVE button!</p><p> If EGMS shows you have not entered a claim through 9/30, a warning will appear and will ask you if you have expenses after the current date. </p><p>NOTE: Make sure to read all information provided</p><p> Districts must enter the reason that funds were not expended as planned.</p><p> The applicant must then add narrative lines and explain how the carryover will be used.</p><p>As this is part of the initial application process for the following year, this request will be submitted to along with the entire Title I-A pages when the “Submit” button is pushed on the summary screen.</p><p>21 of 26 Electric CIP Budget Narrative Spending Workbook Guide 2007 Targeting: The targeting has a number of pre-populated items as well as places to enter data.  The targeting page will pre-populated schools and grade configuration. </p><p> District personnel will need to add enrollment and other information to the screen. </p><p> NOTE: Private school students in poverty also go on the targeting page. In the past, some districts have had trouble understanding that the private school students must be entered in the public school information where they would attend if they were in public school.</p><p> Once enrollment and poverty information are entered, the user may scroll to the top and click a button to sort by grade span or by poverty rank.</p><p> As with prior years, the per-child amount should be adjusted until the allocation remaining is used. This information can be found at the bottom of the targeting page.</p><p> SAVE!! </p><p>Title I-C:</p><p>Priority for Service: On this page the applicant will indicate which schools will be participating in the project and the number and types of students that have been identified. </p><p>Title III:</p><p>Narrative: For reporting purposes, there are a number of required text boxes that all grant recipients must clearly fill. Also, Title III requires amounts to be entered by both function and object code. This is done in lieu of a spending page.</p><p>Title VI-B REAP: REAP districts have different rules for use of funds. Districts eligible for reap will find their allocation at the bottom of the VI-B REAP Budget Narrative page. REAP districts can then choose how to spend those total dollars based on allowable activities.</p><p>22 of 26 Electric CIP Budget Narrative Spending Workbook Guide 2007 Carryover: All other programs</p><p>Carryover requests will be made from the Summary Screen.</p><p>Again, only programs the applicant is eligible for will appear in this section. The process is the same as described in Title I-A initial application process, but is not submitted until the end of the school year. This application takes the place of the former paper carryover requests. </p><p>Once carryover information is entered, authorized user will hit the Submit button. This will inform ODE Specialists that a review is necessary. Once the ODE specialist reviews the request they will either</p><p>Approve – This will immediately notify EGMS and the district that carryover has been approved.</p><p>Response Required – This will immediately notify the applicant that there is attention needed prior to approval.</p><p>Help By using the help Menu, the user can access the current list of ODE specialists working with each program.</p><p>23 of 26 Electric CIP Budget Narrative Spending Workbook Guide 2007 Special Directions for Consortium Members and Institutions:</p><p>Perkins Basic Consortium: Applicants for a Perkins Basic Consortium will see the following screens. The number in the parentheses is where these screens are addressed in this guide.  Contacts  Consolidated Spending (12) o When opened all member allocations will be included in the consortium allocation shown here. o Make sure indirect has been negotiated. (12)  Perkins Basic (The Workbook Menu, p.13) o Overview (13) o Budget Narrative (13) o Spending (13)  Perkins Basic Carryover (23)</p><p>Title I-C Consortium: Applicants for a Title I-C Consortium will see the following screens. The number in the parentheses is where these screens are addressed in this guide.  Prerequisites (9) o All member districts will need to fulfill all prerequisites. The status of their progress is shown  Contacts  Consolidated Spending (12) o When opened all member allocations will be included in the consortium allocation shown here. o Make sure indirect has been negotiated. (12)  Title I-C o Overview (9) o Priority for Service . The consortium must enter this information for each district in the consortium . Use the UP arrow to move from one district to the next. o Budget Narrative (16) o Spending (19) o Carryover (21)</p><p>24 of 26 Electric CIP Budget Narrative Spending Workbook Guide 2007 Title III Consortium: Applicants for a Title III Consortium will see the following screens. The number in the parentheses is where these screens are addressed in this guide.  Prerequisites (9) o All member districts will need to fulfill all prerequisites. The status of their progress is shown  Contacts  Consolidated Spending (12) o When opened all member allocations will be included in the consortium allocation shown here. o Make sure indirect has been negotiated. (12)  Title III o Overview (The Workbook menu, p.13) o Budget Detail (17) o Budget Narrative (17) o Carryover (21)</p><p>25 of 26 Electric CIP Budget Narrative Spending Workbook Guide 2007 Appendix</p><p>Appendix A: NCLB Assurances A 1-8</p><p>Appendix B: NCLB Statement of Assurance B 1</p><p>Appendix C: NCLB Certification of Compliance, School Prayer C 1</p><p>Appendix D: Perkins Assurance D 1</p><p>26 of 26 Electric CIP Budget Narrative Spending Workbook Guide 2007 Assurances Title IX General Assurances for all Title Programs</p><p>The school district, in regard to all Titles in this act for which the applicant requests funding, assures that P  Each program will be administered in accordance with all applicable statutes, regulation, program plans, and applications. R  The control of funds provided under each such program and title to property acquired with program funds will be in a public agency or in a nonprofit private agency, institution, organization, or Indian tribe, if the law authorizing the program O provides for assistance to those entities, and the public agency, nonprofit private agency, institution, or organization or V Indian tribe will administer the funds and property to the extent required by the authorizing statutes. I  The district will adopt and use proper methods of administering each such program, including o The enforcement of any obligations imposed by law on agencies, institutions, organizations, and other recipients S responsible for carrying out each program; and I o The correction of deficiencies in program operations that are identified through audits, monitoring, or evaluation. O  The district will cooperate in carrying out any evaluation of such program conducted by or for the State educational agency, the Secretary, or other Federal officials. N  The district will use such fiscal control and fund accounting procedures as will ensure proper disbursement of, and S accounting for, Federal funds paid to the applicant under each such program.  The district will o Submit such reports to the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) and the Secretary as the ODE and Secretary may require to enable the ODE and the Secretary to perform their duties under each such program; o Maintain such records, provide such information, and afford such access to the records as the ODE after consultation with the Governor or the Secretary may reasonable require to carry out ODE’s or the Secretary’s duties.  Before the application was submitted, the district afforded a reasonable opportunity for public comment on the application and considered such comment. </p><p>Uniform Provisions in NCLB</p><p>The following uniform provisions apply to all districts receiving any funds under No Child Left Behind.</p><p>The district agrees to  Comply with the provisions of section 9501 concerning the participation of private school children and teachers. Title IX 9501; Title IA 1120  Allow the Boy Scouts of America will have equal access to school and district facilities. Title IX 9525 Section IV D1  Prohibitions concerning sex education and dissemination of information and condoms in public schools. Title IX section 9526</p><p> Comply with the requirements for providing armed forces recruiters with access to students and student recruiting information. Title IX 9528  Comply with maintenance of effort requirements. Section 9521 </p><p>Assurances Title I-A Improving Basic Programs</p><p>In accepting Title IA funding the school district assures that it has a plan that meets the requirements of Section 1112. Local Educational Agency Plans as outlined in NCLB.</p><p>The district further assures that it will  Participate, if selected, in State National Assessment of Educational Progress in 4th and 8th grade reading and mathematics carried out under section 4111(b)(2) of the National Education Statistics Act of 1994.  Inform eligible schools and parents of Schoolwide Program authority and the ability of such schools to consolidate funds from Federal, State, and local sources.  Provide technical assistance and support to Schoolwide Programs.  Work in consultation with schools as the schools develop schools’ plans pursuant to section 1114 and assist schools as the schools implement such plans or undertake activities pursuant to section 1115 so that each school can make adequate yearly progress toward meeting Oregon student academic achievement standards.  Fulfill such agency’s school improvement responsibilities under section 1116, including taking actions under paragraphs (7) and (8) or section 1116 (b).  Provide services to eligible children attending private elementary schools and secondary schools in accordance with section 1120, and timely meaningful consultation with private school officials regarding such services.  Take into account the experience of model programs for the educationally disadvantaged, and the findings of relevant scientifically based research indicating that services may be most effective if focused on students in the earliest grades at schools that receive funds under this part.  In the case of a district that chooses to use funds to provide early childhood development services to low income children below the age of compulsory school attendance, ensure that such services comply with the performance standards established under section 641A of the Head Start Act.  Work in consultation with schools as the schools develop and implement their plans or activities under section 1118 and 1119. D1  Comply with the requirements of section 1119 regarding the qualifications of teachers, paraprofessionals and professional development  Only hire highly qualified paraprofessionals in Title I-A schoolwide programs and highly qualified paraprofessionals who are funded under Title I-A in Targeted assistance programs.  Only hire highly qualified core content teachers in Title I-A schoolwide programs and highly qualified core content teachers who are funded under Title I-A in targeted assistance programs.  Ensure that every effort is made to have a highly qualified teacher teaching all core academic classes in the district.</p><p> Ensure that poor and minority children are not taught at higher rates by non-highly qualified or inexperienced teachers then other children in the district.  Inform eligible schools of the district’s authority to obtain waivers on the school’s behalf.  Coordinate and collaborate, to the extent feasible and necessary as determined by the district, with the ODE and other agencies providing services to children, youth and families with respect to a school in school improvement, corrective action or restructuring, if the school requests assistance from the district in addressing major factors that have significantly affected student achievement at the school.  Ensure, through incentives for voluntary transfers, the provision of professional development, recruitment programs, or other effective strategies that low income and minority students are not taught at higher rates that other students by unqualified, out of field or inexperienced teachers.  The district has on file a written assurance of compliance with comparability of services requirement (section 1120A, NCLB) by demonstrating that they have established and implemented o A district wide salary schedule; o A policy to ensure equivalence among schools in teachers, administrators, and other staff; and o A policy to ensure equivalence among schools in the provision of curriculum materials and instructional supplies. The district will evaluate comparability yearly and will maintain documentation of the evaluation at the district level.  Use the results of Oregon State Assessment (OSA), and other measures or indicators to review annually the progress of each school served by the district and receiving Title IA funding to determine whether all of the schools are making the progress necessary to ensure that all students will meet Oregon proficient level of achievement on OSA by 2014.  Ensure that the results from OSA will be provided to parents and teachers as soon as is practicably possible after the assessment is given in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practicable, provided in a language that the parents can understand.  Assist each school served by the district and receiving Title IA funds in developing or identifying examples of high quality, effective curricula consistent with section 1111.</p><p>Assurances Title I-A D1 Improving Basic Programs Funding Parental Involvement Assurances</p><p>The district assures that it will develop jointly with, agreed upon with, and distribute to, parents of participating children a written Parental Involvement policy, with attention to the participation of the parents of LEP, disabled, economically disadvantaged and major racial and ethnic students. The policy shall be incorporated into the district plan developed under section 1112. The policy shall describe how the district will meet the requirements set forth in section 1118.</p><p>In addition the district assures that  Each school served under this part shall jointly develop with, and distribute to, parents of participating children a written parental involvement policy agreed on by such parents, that shall describe the means for carrying out the requirements of subsections (c) through (f) of section 1118 of NCLB.  Each school served under Title IA as a component of the school parental involvement policy shall jointly develop with parents for all children served under this part (in a Targeted Assistance School, this means all students served by the program, in a Schoolwide Program this means all students enrolled at the school)a school-parent compact that outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve Oregon’s high standards. The required elements of the compact are outlined in sec. 1118, NCLB.  Each school principal operating a Targeted Assistance or Schoolwide Program has attested in writing as to whether the school is in compliance with the Qualifications for Teachers and Paraprofessionals, section 1119, NCLB requirements. And that these statements are kept on file at the school and district office and are available to the public.  Parents of students in Title I schools are notified of the availability of information on teacher and paraprofessional qualifications and are notified if their child is taught for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified Section 1116.</p><p>Title I-C Education of Migratory Children</p><p>All Consortium Migrant Education Project, District Migrant Education Projects and all districts participating in Title IC Consortium Migrant Education Projects assure that funds received under this part will be used only  For programs and projects, including the acquisition of equipment, in accordance with NCLB Title IC.  To coordinate such programs and projects with similar programs and projects within Oregon and other States, as well as with other Federal programs that can benefit migratory children and their families.</p><p>D1  To insure programs and projects will be carried out in a manner consistent with the objectives of: section 1114, subsection (b); (d) of Section 1115, subsections (b); and (c) of section 1120A and part I.</p><p>In planning and operation of Oregon Migrant Education Projects, Consortium Migrant Education Projects, District Migrant Education Projects and all districts participating in Title IC Consortium Migrant Education Projects will  Consult with parent advisory councils for programs of one school year duration, and insure that all such programs and projects are carried out in a manner that provides for the same parental involvement as is required for program and projects under section 1118, unless extraordinary circumstances make such provision impractical; and in a format and language understandable to the parents.</p><p> Provide for adequate provisions for addressing the unmet education needs of preschool migratory children.  Determine the effectiveness of such programs and projects and if feasible, use the same approaches and standards used to assess the performance of students, schools, and districts under Title I part A.  To the extent feasible, provide for advocacy and outreach activities for migratory children and their families, including informing such children and families of, or helping such children and families gain access to, other education, health, nutrition, and social services; professional development programs, including mentoring, for teachers and other program personnel; family literacy programs, including such programs that use models developed under Even Start; the integration of information technology in educational and related programs; and programs to facilitate the transition of secondary school students to postsecondary education or employment.</p><p>In addition, the district will  Identify priority for service migrant students, assess their needs, implement a program to meet those needs and annually evaluate the effectiveness of the program designed to meet students’ needs.  Provide high quality and comprehensive educational programs for migratory children to help reduce the effect of educational interruptions and other problems resulting from repeated moves.  Ensure that migratory children receive full and appropriate opportunities to meet the same challenging State academic content and student achievement standards that all children are expected to meet.  Identify, recruit and certify all eligible migrant students.  Participate in the Oregon Migrant Student Information System (OMSIS) and keep adequate records for OMSIS, such as types of instruction and support services.  Insure meaningful and effective parent participation in planning, operating, and evaluating their children's educational program.  Provide ongoing support and professional development to migrant program staff.  Provide support services identified by a comprehensive needs assessment to enable migrant children to participate in the educational programs. D1  Provide interagency coordination with existing agencies to provide services to migrant families.</p><p>Assurances Title II-A Preparing, Training, and Recruiting High Quality Teachers and Principals</p><p>The district assures that it will target funds to schools within its jurisdiction that (A) have the lowest proportion of highly qualified teachers; (B) have the largest average class size; or (C) are identified for school improvement under section 1116(b).</p><p>The district assures that the activities listed in the budget narrative spending guidebook are based on the results of the needs assessment required in section 2122(c)</p><p>The district assures they have conducted an assessment of local needs for professional development and hiring, as identified by the district and school staff.</p><p>The district assures that the needs assessment involved teachers, including teachers in Title I-A funded schools.</p><p>The district assures that sufficient funding from Title II-A is set aside to assist teachers in becoming highly qualified.</p><p>The district assures that all teachers hired with Title II-A class size reduction funds are highly qualified.</p><p>Assurances Title II-D Enhancing Education Through Technology</p><p> The district assures and certifies compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) regulations, policies and requirements.  As required under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the district will use these funds to implement its qualifying technology plan.</p><p>D1 Assurances Title III Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students</p><p>Districts receiving Title III funds, either directly or through a Title III Consortium, must agree to spend Title III funds on two required activities: 1) increase English proficiency and student academic achievement of ELLs; and 2) provide high-quality professional development to classroom teachers, principal, administrators involved in the education of ELLs (Sec. 3115). All Title III activities must be directly linked to the goals of this program: 1) Assist ELLs in attaining English proficiency 2) Assist ELLs in meeting the state’s academic standards; 3) Develop high quality English language instruction programs for ELLs; 4) Develop and enhance high quality instruction programs designed to prepare ELLs to enter all-English instruction settings; 5) Build capacity to establish, implement, and sustain language instruction programs and programs of English language development for ELLs; 6) Promote parental and community participation in language instruction for the parents and communities of ELLs. (Sec. 3102)</p><p> In accordance with the provisions of Title III, the signature below assures the Oregon Department of Education that the district or consortium lead agency will submit a sub-grant application that addresses Title III requirements.  The district, or the consortium lead agency on behalf of its Title III consortium members, further assures the Oregon Department of Education that the district is in compliance with the following Title III provisions: o Compliance with parental notification, prior to and throughout each school year (Sec. 3302);</p><p> o Annual assessment of English proficiency of ELLs in grades K-12 (Sec. 3116); o All activities proposed in the sub-grant application are based on scientific research demonstrating program effectiveness on teaching ELLs (Sec. 3115); o Activities are designed to significantly increase the English proficiency of ELLs in listening, speaking, reading and writing and assist ELLs in meeting state content standards. (Sec.3115); o The district has consulted with teachers, researchers, school administrators, and parents, and, if appropriate, with education-related community groups and nonprofit organizations, and institutions of higher education, in developing this sub-grant application (Sec 3116); o The district is in full compliance of any State law regarding the education of ELLs such as ORS 336.079 Special English courses for certain children; ORS 336.081 Opportunity to qualify to assist non-English speaking students; ORS 327.013(7)(a)(B) State School Fund distribution computations (added ADM for students enrolled in an English as a Second Language Program) as well as OAR 581-022-1140 (Equal Educational Opportunities), OAR 581-21-0046(8) (Program Compliance Standard-(8), Bilingual or Linguistically Different Students) and OAR 581- 23-100 (3)(C)(b)(4) (Eligibility Criteria for Student Weighting for Purposes of State School Fund Distribution - .5 times the ADM for students in ESL classes). OAR 581-23-100 (3)(C)(b)(4) charge districts to develop programs for English language learners that meet basic U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights guidelines.</p><p>D1 Assurances Title IV Part A Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities</p><p>The district assures that  The activities or program comply with principles of effectiveness and foster a safe and drug free leaning environment.  The drug and violence prevention programs convey a clear and consistent message that acts of violence and illegal use of drugs are wrong and harmful.  The schools and LEAs have a plan for keeping schools safe and drug free including: o Discipline policies that prohibit . Disorderly conduct; . Illegal possession of weapons; . Illegal use, possession, distribution and sale of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs by students; o Security procedures at and on the way to and from school; o Prevention activities that are designed to create and maintain safe, disciplined and drug-free environments; o Crisis management plan for responding to violent or traumatic incidents on school grounds; o Code of conduct for all students that clearly states responsibilities of students, teachers and administrators, in maintaining a class room environment that . Allows teachers to communicate effectively with all students; . Allows all students to learn;</p><p>. Has consequences that are fair and developmentally appropriate; . Considers the student and circumstances; . Is enforced accordingly.  The application and any waiver will be available for public review after submission.</p><p>Assurances Title V Promoting Informed Parental Choice and Innovative Programs </p><p>The district assures that it will  Comply with the provisions of section 5142 concerning the participation of children enrolled in private nonprofit schools.  Comply with requirements of Title V for participation. D1  Keep such records, and provide such information to the ODE, as may be reasonably required for fiscal audit and program evaluation (consistent with the responsibilities of ODE under this part).  Have programs carried out under this part will be evaluated annually.  Have the evaluation be used to make decisions about appropriate changes in programs for the subsequent year.  Have the evaluation describe how assistance under this part affected student academic achievement and will include, at a minimum, information and data on the use of funds, the types of services furnished, and the students served under this part.  Have the evaluation be submitted to the ODE at the time in the manner requested by ODE.</p><p>Assurances Title X - McKinney-Vento Act</p><p> The LEA assures the Oregon Department of Education that it will implement appropriate educational policies and practices in keeping with the intent and purposes of NCLB - Title X (2002 McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act [PL 101- 645, Subtitle VII-B]), maintaining adequate documentation to fulfill statutory and regulatory requirements for audit and monitoring purposes.</p><p> The LEA assures that it will implement policies and procedures to ensure that activities will not isolate or stigmatize homeless children and youth.</p><p> The LEA assures that funds awarded will be used to supplement, and not supplant, other federal, state and local funds that are available to provide services to homeless children and youth.</p><p>D1</p>

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