Early Years Literacy Plans

Early Years Literacy Plans

<p> Reception Plans</p><p>Early Years Literacy Plans </p><p>Year A Autumn Term Description Ourselves: Non-fiction: Names, These sessions start with the chn themselves and their experiences. They share information and labels & captions – Weeks 1-2 write imaginative captions and labels, using books as stimulation. They remember themselves as babies and create amazing self-portraits. Journeys: Fiction: Fantasy & Chn talk about journeys they’ve made, local & long-distance. Using books by Anthony Browne & reality – Weeks 3-5 John Burningham they explore & write about fantasy journeys. An Animated Tale about a swallow leads on to work on animal journeys & migration. Journeys: Poetry: Mountains, Penguin poems kick off this unit enabling chn to read and write shape poems on mountains and penguins & shape poems – Weeks arctic creatures. Linking to continued topic work on journeys, chn think about hot and cold 6-7 climates, insulation and what to wear! Stories & Celebrations: Fiction: Inspiring unit on traditional tales linking to topic work which includes winter festivals. Looking at Traditional tales – Weeks 8-11 ‘goodies/baddies’, using storytelling as a structure, chn end by telling & writing a trad tale. You will be amazed at the outputs. Stories & Celebrations: Poetry: Using some poems, chn explore their feelings about the dark & then relate these to Hanukkah & Hanukkah, lights & Christmas – Christmas. Use an Animated Tale to think about the meaning of Xmas. Chn look at candles, cook, Weeks 12-13 make Advent calendar & stars & create a Christmas poem present.</p><p>© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust 2012, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Reception Eng Plans Year A Spring Term Description Dinosaurs: Non-fiction: Use a ‘dinosaur egg’ to stimulate discussion about eggs & dinosaurs. Have fun with a range of Information texts Weeks 1-2 activities - count & sound out words, pelmanism, Top Trumps & Dinosaur Dash! Make various dinosaur-related objects, ‘steal’ dino eggs & draw & label Dinosaurs: Fiction: Dinosaurs Use two Animated Tales & a book about dinosaurs. Chn find out about the structure of stories & stories – familiar settings/fantasy discuss the characters. They create their own dinosaur characters, write a story, role play, make – Weeks 3-4 dinosaur teeth & fossil footprints & enjoy dinosaur biscuits. Dinosaurs: Poetry: Dinosaurs – Play a rhyming game with chn. Read two dinosaur poems & discuss the rhyming words. Write a class Weeks 5-6 poem using a similar structure & then chn write their own. Using further poems as a stimulus, chn write dinosaur couplets or a poem about crocodiles. Growth & Change: Non-fiction: Use the Animated Tale 'The Not-So-Boring Day' to discuss new life & the animals that Winston Letter writing – Week 7 found. Look at the layout of letters & write to the Zoo & to Winston asking about his day. Find out about baby animals & how we change as we grow. Growth & Change: Fiction: Not so Use the Animated Tale 'The Not-So-Boring Day' to explore the structure of stories. Examine the boring day – Weeks 8-9 sequence of events together & collect ideas about the beginning, middle & end. Chn write their own version of the story when Winston finds a different baby. Growth & Change: Non-fiction: Read books about food & compare fiction & factual texts. Relate to own experience with vegs. Explanations – Weeks 10-11 Make seed packets & find out how plants stay healthy. Discuss a series of changes including tadpoles, caterpillars, popcorn & babies walking. Write explanations. Growth & Change: Poetry: Easter & Watch the animated tale Phoenix Reborn & tell the story stressing the structure. Chn re-tell the resurrection – Week 12 story using descriptive writing & phonics to help with spellings. Look at Easter verses & discuss symbols of new life. Make Easter cards with greetings.</p><p>© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust 2012, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Reception Eng Plans Year A Summer Term Description Space: Non-fiction: Information & Use the Animated Tale The Baby and the Rocket to introduce chn to information texts. Compare instructions Weeks 1-2 facts & fiction. Make a large rocket & use photos of the construction to write instructions. Lots of activities for chn to investigate both planets & rockets! Space: Fiction: Beegu, Aliens & Chn listen to two stories; they make predictions, express opinions & compare, giving reasons for Thad (animated tale) – Weeks 3-4 preference. Chn investigate the characters & use speech bubbles. An Animated Tale further inspires chn to create their own alien characters & write sentences. Space: Poetry: Aliens & other poems Read several poems from Space Poems (chosen by Gaby Morgan) & use them to initiate – Week 5 discussion about stars & moon & to write a poem. Here Come the Aliens by Colin McNaughton inspires creative work on aliens. Explore rhymes, play games & make things! Space: Non-fiction: List, recipes & Read Q Pootle 5 to chn who then prepare for their own Space Party & write invitations. They invitations - Week 6 explore the structure of lists & simple instructions & write some recipes for the party. Chn have fun cooking, painting & making decorations, party plates & models. Castles: Fiction: Mouse Quixote Use Don Quixote Animated Tale to learn, act out & retell the story. Create character profiles (animated tale) and other fairy for kings & princesses, make a variety of castles, role play, dress a knight & create a 20- stories – Weeks 7-8 mattress collage! Write own version of DQ & compare traditional tales. Castles: Non-fiction: Letters, Chn explore info books about castles, indentifying features. They write captions, letters in role, captions & labels 9-10 produce Trump cards & a class info book about castles. Fun activities include juggling, building castles from sand, Lego & cake & making a jester’s hat. Castles: Fiction & Poetry: Dragon Share Dragon Machine by Helen Ward & stimulate chn to write own version. Chn explore stories & poems – Week 11-12 different dragons & create dragon profiles, then look at stories that contest role stereotypes. Activities include making dragons using various media & dragon footprints!</p><p>© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust 2012, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Reception Eng Plans Autumn A Spring A Summer A 3 F 1</p><p>F - 1 _ 1 2 F F - 1</p><p>N P</p><p>_ 8</p><p>9 s s 1 s - F 2 N 1 k s r e s</p><p> s 1 s P s 8 - F _ k v u</p><p> w r</p><p> r F l 7 y y</p><p>0 _ F</p><p> a F k s u w N u 2</p><p> e e e 1 s</p><p> s 8 k 1 _ a k P a</p><p> w N s n 4 n n s</p><p>- o -</p><p>0 s s s r w - r w r N o n 1 1 n 5 e 7</p><p> o 2 o k</p><p> i u i u</p><p> u 3</p><p>- 1 o - g e n e</p><p> t n</p><p> i 6 o s w o k i i 1 D 9 O</p><p> n g s</p><p> g a s t</p><p> k J J w F a D k n F r D k n e k a s s</p><p>P w F a P h r a _ F g b _ k w k w</p><p> w e</p><p>Objectives/Units </p><p> h n h b e C s c 7 w 5 w N N l 6 4 e s e a</p><p> e C</p><p>C - e - a - - l e</p><p> c l c e & s h e 2 p 2 6 l 3</p><p>5 t e 3 a C a & & - e c -</p><p>C</p><p> t</p><p> l h s S p</p><p>C p s 1 s 1 a s s s</p><p> t t a & h h k k & p S k S a k s s s t t</p><p>& C w s w</p><p> w C S a k w k w h o w w s e C t i r w o w o e r r i r w G o r o G G t o r t S G P S</p><p>La1. Listen to stories with increasing attention and recall. X X X X X X X X X</p><p>La2. Join in with repeated refrains & anticipate key events X X X X X X X X X X & phrases in rhymes & stories.</p><p> a La3. Maintain attention, L</p><p>- concentrate & site quietly during X X X X X X X X n appropriate activity. o i t</p><p> n La4. Two-channelled attention – e</p><p> t can listen & do for short span. X X X X X X X t a</p><p>& La5. Listen attentively in a range </p><p> g of situations. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X n i n</p><p> e La6. Listen to stories, accurately t s</p><p> i anticipating key events & respond L to what they hear with relevant X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X comments, questions or actions.</p><p>La7. Give their attention to what others say & respond appropriately, while engaged in X X X X X X X X X X X X another activity.</p><p>© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust 2012, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Reception Eng Plans Autumn A Spring A Summer A 3 F 1</p><p>F - 1 _ 1 2 F F - 1</p><p>N P</p><p>_ 8</p><p>9 s s 1 s - F 2 N 1 k s r e s</p><p> s 1 s P s 8 - F _ k v u</p><p> w r</p><p> r F l 7 y y</p><p>0 _ F</p><p> a F k s u w N u 2</p><p> e e e 1 s</p><p> s 8 k 1 _ a k P a</p><p> w N s n 4 n n s</p><p>- o -</p><p>0 s s s r w - r w r N o n 1 1 n 5 e 7</p><p> o 2 o k</p><p> i u i u</p><p> u 3</p><p>- 1 o - g e n e</p><p> t n</p><p> i 6 o s w o k i i 1 D 9 O</p><p> n g s</p><p> g a s t</p><p> k J J w F a D k n F r D k n e k a s s</p><p>P w F a P h r a _ F g b _ k w k w</p><p> w e</p><p>Objectives/Units </p><p> h n h b e C s c 7 w 5 w N N l 6 4 e s e a</p><p> e C</p><p>C - e - a - - l e</p><p> c l c e & s h e 2 p 2 6 l 3</p><p>5 t e 3 a C a & & - e c -</p><p>C</p><p> t</p><p> l h s S p</p><p>C p s 1 s 1 a s s s</p><p> t t a & h h k k & p S k S a k s s s t t</p><p>& C w s w</p><p> w C S a k w k w h o w w s e C t i r w o w o e r r i r w G o r o G G t o r t S G P S</p><p>U1. Respond to instructions involving two-part sequence. X X X X</p><p>U2. Understand humour, e.g. nonsense rhymes, jokes. X X X X</p><p>U3. Able to follow a story without pictures of props. X</p><p>U4. Listen & respond to ideas U</p><p>- expressed by others in X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X</p><p> g conversation or discussion. n i d</p><p> n U5. Follow instructions involving a</p><p> t several ideas or actions. X X X X X X X X X X X X s r</p><p> e U6. Answer ‘how’ or ‘why’ d n questions about their experiences X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X U in response to stories or events.</p><p>S1. Extend vocabulary, especially by grouping & naming, exploring the meaning & sounds of new X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X words.</p><p>© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust 2012, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Reception Eng Plans Autumn A Spring A Summer A 3 1 F F</p><p>- _ 1 2 F 1 F 1</p><p>N - P</p><p>_</p><p>9 s s 8 1 s - F</p><p>2 N 1 k r e s</p><p> s 1 s s P s 8 - F _ v u</p><p> w r</p><p> r F l 7 k y y</p><p>0 _ F</p><p> a F k s u N u 2</p><p> e e e 1 s w s 8 k 1 _ a k P a</p><p> w N</p><p> s n 4 n n</p><p>- o -</p><p>0 s s s s r w - r w r N o 1 1 n 5 e 7</p><p> o 2 o k</p><p> i n u i u</p><p> u 3</p><p>- 1 - g e n e</p><p> t n</p><p> o 6 o s w o k i i 1 D 9 O i</p><p> n g s</p><p> g a s</p><p> k J t J w F a D k n F r D k n e k s s</p><p> a P w F a P h a _ F g b _ k w k w</p><p> w e</p><p> r</p><p>Objectives/Units </p><p> h n h e C s c 7 w 5 w N N l b 6 4 e s e a</p><p>C</p><p>C - e - a - - e e c l c e & s h e l 2 p 2 6 l 3</p><p>5 t 3 a C a & & - e c -</p><p>C e</p><p> t</p><p> l h s S p</p><p> p s 1 s 1 a s s s C t t a & h h k k & p S k S a k s s s t t</p><p>C w s w & w C S a k w k w h o w w e C t i r s w o w o r r e r w G i o o G G r t r o S t G P S S2. Use language to imagine & recreate roles & experiences in X X X X X X X X X X X X X play situations. S</p><p>-</p><p> g S3. Link statements & stick to a n</p><p> i X X X X X X X X X X X X X X</p><p> k main theme or intention. a e p S S4. Use talk to organise, sequence & clarify thinking, ideas, X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X feelings & events.</p><p>S5. Introduce a storyline or narrative into their play. X X X X X X S6. Express themselves X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X effectively, showing awareness of listeners’ needs.</p><p>© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust 2012, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Reception Eng Plans Autumn A Spring A Summer A 3 1 F F</p><p>- _ 1 2 F 1 F 1</p><p>N - P</p><p>_</p><p>9 s s 8 1 s - F</p><p>2 N 1 k r e s</p><p> s 1 s s P s 8 - F _ v u</p><p> w r</p><p> r F l 7 k y y</p><p>0 _ F</p><p> a F k s u N u 2</p><p> e e e 1 s w s 8 k 1 _ a k P a</p><p> w N</p><p> s n 4 n n</p><p>- o -</p><p>0 s s s s r w - r w r N o 1 1 n 5 e 7</p><p> o 2 o k</p><p> i n u i u</p><p> u 3</p><p>- 1 - g e n e</p><p> t n</p><p> o 6 o s w o k i i 1 D 9 O i</p><p> n g s</p><p> g a s</p><p> k J t J w F a D k n F r D k n e k s s</p><p> a P w F a P h a _ F g b _ k w k w</p><p> w e</p><p> r</p><p>Objectives/Units </p><p> h n h e C s c 7 w 5 w N N l b 6 4 e s e a</p><p>C</p><p>C - e - a - - e e c l c e & s h e l 2 p 2 6 l 3</p><p>5 t 3 a C a & & - e c -</p><p>C e</p><p> t</p><p> l h s S p</p><p> p s 1 s 1 a s s s C t t a & h h k k & p S k S a k s s s t t</p><p>C w s w & w C S a k w k w h o w w e C t i r s w o w o r r e r w G i o o G G r t r o S t G P S</p><p>S7. Use past, present & future forms accurately when talking about events that have happened X X X X X X X X X or are to happen in the future.</p><p>S8. Develop their own narratives & explanations by connecting X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ideas or events.</p><p>R1. Continue a rhyming string. X X X X X X R R2. Hear & say the initial sounds -</p><p>X X X X X X X X X X X X in words. g n i d</p><p> a R3. Segment the sounds in simple e</p><p>R words & blend them together & know which letters represent X X X X X X X X X X X X X some of them.</p><p>R4. Link sounds to letters, naming & sounding the letters of the X X X X X X alphabet.</p><p>© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust 2012, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Reception Eng Plans Autumn A Spring A Summer A 3 F 1</p><p>F - 1 _ 1 2 F F - 1</p><p>N P</p><p>_ 8</p><p>9 s s 1 s - F 2 N 1 k s r e s</p><p> s 1 s P s 8 - F _ k v u</p><p> w r</p><p> r F l 7 y y</p><p>0 _ F</p><p> a F k s u w N u 2</p><p> e e e 1 s</p><p> s 8 k 1 _ a k P a</p><p> w N s n 4 n n s</p><p>- o -</p><p>0 s s s r w - r w r N o n 1 1 n 5 e 7</p><p> o 2 o k</p><p> i u i u</p><p> u 3</p><p>- 1 o - g e n e</p><p> t n</p><p> i 6 o s w o k i i 1 D 9 O</p><p> n g s</p><p> g a s t</p><p> k J J w F a D k n F r D k n e k a s s</p><p>P w F a P h r a _ F g b _ k w k w</p><p> w e</p><p>Objectives/Units </p><p> h n h b e C s c 7 w 5 w N N l 6 4 e s e a</p><p> e C</p><p>C - e - a - - l e</p><p> c l c e & s h e 2 p 2 6 l 3</p><p>5 t e 3 a C a & & - e c -</p><p>C</p><p> t</p><p> l h s S p</p><p>C p s 1 s 1 a s s s</p><p> t t a & h h k k & p S k S a k s s s t t</p><p>& C w s w</p><p> w C S a k w k w h o w w s e C t i r w o w o e r r i r w G o r o G G t o r t S G P S</p><p>R5. Begin to read words & simple sentences. X X X X X X X X X X X X</p><p>R6. Use vocabulary & forms of speech that are increasingly influenced by their experiences X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X of books.</p><p>R7. Know that information can be R retrieved from books & X X X X X X X X X X X -</p><p> computers. g n i</p><p> d R8. Read & understand simple a</p><p> e sentences. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X R</p><p>R9. Use phonic knowledge to decode regular words & read X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X them aloud accurately.</p><p>R10. Read some common irregular words. X X X X X X X X X X X X</p><p>R11. Demonstrate understanding when talking with others about X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X what they have read.</p><p>© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust 2012, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Reception Eng Plans Autumn A Spring A Summer A 3 F 1</p><p>F - 1 _ 1 2 F F - 1</p><p>N P</p><p>_ 8</p><p>9 s s 1 s - F 2 N 1 k s r e s</p><p> s 1 s P s 8 - F _ k v u</p><p> w r</p><p> r F l 7 y y</p><p>0 _ F</p><p> a F k s u w N u 2</p><p> e e e 1 s</p><p> s 8 k 1 _ a k P a</p><p> w N s n 4 n n s</p><p>- o -</p><p>0 s s s r w - r w r N o n 1 1 n 5 e 7</p><p> o 2 o k</p><p> i u i u</p><p> u 3</p><p>- 1 o - g e n e</p><p> t n</p><p> i 6 o s w o k i i 1 D 9 O</p><p> n g s</p><p> g a s t</p><p> k J J w F a D k n F r D k n e k a s s</p><p>P w F a P h r a _ F g b _ k w k w</p><p> w e</p><p>Objectives/Units </p><p> h n h b e C s c 7 w 5 w N N l 6 4 e s e a</p><p> e C</p><p>C - e - a - - l e</p><p> c l c e & s h e 2 p 2 6 l 3</p><p>5 t e 3 a C a & & - e c -</p><p>C</p><p> t</p><p> l h s S p</p><p>C p s 1 s 1 a s s s</p><p> t t a & h h k k & p S k S a k s s s t t</p><p>& C w s w</p><p> w C S a k w k w h o w w s e C t i r w o w o e r r i r w G o r o G G t o r t S G P S W1. Use some clearly identifiable letters to communicate meaning, representing some sounds X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X correctly & in sequence.</p><p>W2. Write own name & other things such as labels & captions. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X</p><p>W3. Attempt to write short sentences & meaningful contexts. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X W4. Use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X W</p><p>- match their spoken sounds.</p><p> g n i t</p><p> i W5. Write some irregular r common words. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X W</p><p>W6. Write simple sentences which can be read by themselves X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X & others. W7. Some words are spelt correctly & others are X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X phonetically plausible.</p><p>© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust 2012, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Reception Eng Plans Year B Autumn Term Description Families: Non-fiction: Names, Discuss families & the various roles within them. Chn write a book about someone who cares for captions & notices – Weeks 1-2 them using similes & also notices for family members. They learn their address too. Activities include paper people, house plans, family portraits & names. Undersea Worlds: Fiction: Taking inspiration from stories about sea creatures & whale song chn describe their gift to the Stories/ imaginative language – whales & write own version of Whales’ Song. Chn also measure a whale, bake Nemo biscuits, study Weeks 3-4 floating & sinking, paint pebbles, & play crab football.</p><p>Undersea Worlds: Non-fiction: Chn learn facts about sea creatures (esp whales & sharks) & the features of non-fiction texts. Information texts – Weeks 5-6 They work together to produce class books about sea creatures. Chn also learn about endangered species, make salt paintings & move like a whale to music. Undersea Worlds: Poetry: Shark & Chn listen to poems about sea creatures, write their own couplets for a class poem, learn a poem other deep sea poems – Week 7 off by heart, and make a seascape covered with onomatopoeic words. Activities include baking a fishy fruity cake, a class sea painting, and shadow play. Magical Me: Fiction: Fantasy Using fantasy stories about magical events & people, chn retell a story using role-play & freeze stories – Weeks 8-9 frames to sequence events, & write own versions of It’s a Secret with a new problem & characters. Chn plan a magical party, making decorations & party foods. Magical Me: Non-fiction – Entering the world of Harry Potter chn write rules for a school of witchcraft & wizardry, make & Instructions – Weeks 10-11 write instructions for magic milk, ink & lemon fizz, & study potion recipes before writing their own recipe. Chn also design a school crest & play Quidditch. Magical Me: Poetry: Room on the Explore the use of poetic language & rhyme to create their own poetry. Use phonic knowledge to broom & other magic poems – Week generate rhyming words. Learn & recite a poem, performing it to an audience. Activities include 12 potions in cauldrons, paper plate models & junk monsters.</p><p>© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust 2012, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Reception Eng Plans Year B Spring Term Description Toys: Non-fiction: Labels, Taking inspiration from I Love You Blue Kangaroo chn share favourite toys & write descriptions. captions, description - Weeks 1-3 They talk about toys from long ago with a visitor, learn about old bears & make a class toy museum of old & new toys writing factual statements for displays. Toys: Fiction: Stories about toys Chn become familiar with a teddy bear story that they sequence, write in their own words & act – Weeks 4-5 out. Read other stories about toys, express preferences, discuss issues, investigate hula hoops, balls & spinning tops, draw bears & make a Jack-in-the-Box. Toys: Poetry: Classic poems/ Read a range of classic poems about toys. Chn write their own rhyming couplet about a favourite chants about toys – rhyming toy & also learn a skipping chant about a toy off by heart. They add verses to the chant & learn to couplets – Week 6 skip. They make pots & find out which toys float or sink. High in the Sky: Fiction: Flying Chn listen to three stories on the same theme, with similar plots. They act out a similar story, above the clouds – Weeks 7-8 produce a character profile, sequence events and then use these to plan and write their own story. Activities include baking, cloud patterns & salt pictures. High in the Sky: Non-fiction: During these two weeks chn look at aeroplanes, rockets, kites & flight & explore differences Information & instructions - Weeks between fiction & factual writing & study the features of information texts. They write 9-10 instructions & design a 21st century aeroplane & make & fly planes. High in the Sky: Poetry: Bear flies Chn tackle many tasks based on the poetry story Bear Flies High. They look at rhymes & read high & weather poems – Weeks 11- together. Study other poems including some about weather & discover that words that sound the 12 same can be written differently. Cook, paint & make windmills!</p><p>© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust 2012, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Reception Eng Plans Year B Summer Term Description Buildings: Fiction: Stories about Listen to stories about diff homes for people & creatures & decide where they would like to live. homes & houses Weeks 1-3 Chn write their own version of Town & Country Mouse & use The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch to plan best lunches! Keep diaries, make lighthouses & stormy music! Buildings: Non-fiction: Information Using The Three Little Pigs as a starting point chn discuss materials of which houses are made, texts – Weeks 4-5 before creatively describing their own home. They use info texts to create a brochure about their ideal imaginary home. They also plan & build model homes. Buildings: Poetry: The House that Chn listen to & read together an old cumulative poem (The House that Jack Built). Through the Jack Built, cumulative poems – Week week, they learn this poem by heart & perform it for an audience. They also study the poem ‘The 6 Gingerbread Man’ & look at rhyming words. Paint & count too! Beaches: Fiction: Stories about Read The Sand Horse & chn learn the sequence of it, & write their version. Read another beach beaches - Week 7-9 story & discuss the narrator (a dog) & chn write as if they were a pet. Other activities: role play, read maps, make biscuits & moving dogs, doubling & painting. Beaches: Non-Fiction: Postcards & Read books of postcards with chn. They study the layout of postcards & their address. Chn letters – Weeks 10-11 write some postcards of their own. Other activities include discussion about missing home & beach creatures, beach ball games, counting shells, painting & collage. Beaches: Poetry: Beaches Week 12 Chn read a variety of poems & rhymes & identify features of poems & explore rhyming words & patterns. Chn then share their experiences of the beach & use these ideas to write poetry. Other activities include a beach shop, sand sculptures & scavenger hunt.</p><p>© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust 2012, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Reception Eng Plans Autumn B Spring B Summer B P P F F F F F</p><p>F</p><p>_ _ _ F P 6 2 _ 3 9 F</p><p>F P 1 - - N N N</p><p>_ 4 N k 2</p><p>1 7</p><p>F - s 8 1 1 7</p><p>6 5 w N !</p><p>- - 0 s k 1</p><p>3</p><p> s - - e 9 1 s 1 k F - k 7 1 s</p><p> k w 5 4 -</p><p> s - 1 e 1</p><p>0 _ g w</p><p> w M F i s w 8 k - </p><p>9 s 1 l s s n s</p><p> i l k N i P s 0 e w k k 5 s s k s s s a</p><p> d 1 g w - m h e k l k w 3 w d</p><p> c k 6 w s i n l a i c</p><p>4 - s h i y w d w w u r s s a g 1 y k F l</p><p> k c</p><p> k d ! s o g d a B l e r k y F a s w l s i e w k S</p><p> n</p><p> o</p><p>B k e e</p><p>S i Objectives/Units r k u ! M W s w 2 M</p><p> o e h</p><p>B d S P e B - w y e W l</p><p> a l c s h i 1 o h e</p><p>M s a 2 a W e y t u a</p><p> t s T 1 h s c y o e l</p><p> e B</p><p> i a n k t r o a i s n B T</p><p> k g e</p><p> i e c w r T</p><p> n a i s w h i d e h r g g n M d i g e a h i n U g d H i M H n U H U</p><p>La1. Listen to stories with increasing attention and recall. X X X X X</p><p>La2. Join in with repeated refrains & anticipate key events & X X X X X phrases in rhymes & stories.</p><p> a La3. Maintain attention, L concentrate & sit quietly during - X X X X X X X X X X</p><p> n appropriate activity. o i t</p><p> n La4. Two-channelled attention – e X X X X X X X X t can listen & do for short span. t a</p><p>&</p><p>La5. Listen attentively in a range g X X X X X X X X X X X X X X n of situations. i n e</p><p> t La6. Listen to stories, accurately s i anticipating key events & respond L to what they hear with relevant X X X X X X X X X X X X comments, questions or actions.</p><p>La.7 Give their attention to what others say & respond appropriately, while engaged in X X X X X X X X X X X another activity.</p><p>© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust 2012, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Reception Eng Plans Autumn B Spring B Summer B P P F F F F F</p><p>F</p><p>_ _ _ F P 6 2 _ 3 9 F</p><p>F P 1 - - N N N</p><p>_ 4 N k 2</p><p>1 7</p><p>F - s 8 1 1 7</p><p>6 5 w N !</p><p>- - 0 s k 1 3 </p><p> s - - e 9 1 s k 1 F - k 7 1 s</p><p> k w 5 - 4</p><p> s - 1 e 1</p><p>_ 0 g w</p><p> w M F i s w 8 k -</p><p>9 s 1 l </p><p> s s n s</p><p> i l k N i P s 0 e w k k 5 s s k s s s a</p><p>1 d g w - m h e k l</p><p> w 3 k w d</p><p> c k s 6 w i n l a </p><p> i c</p><p>4 - s h i y w d w w r u s s a g 1 y F k l</p><p> k c</p><p> k d !</p><p> s o g d a l B e r k y F a s w l s i e w k S</p><p> n</p><p> o</p><p>B k e e</p><p>Objectives/Units r S i k u ! M W s w 2 M</p><p> o e h B d S P e B - w y W e l</p><p> a l c s h i</p><p>1 o h e</p><p>M s a 2 a W e t y u a</p><p> t s T 1 h s c y o e l</p><p> e B</p><p> i a n k t r o a i s n B T</p><p> k g e</p><p> i e c w r T</p><p> n a i s w h i d e h r</p><p> g g n M d i g e a h i n U g d H i M H n U H U</p><p>U1. Respond to instructions involving two-part sequence. X X X</p><p>U2. Understand humour, e.g. nonsense rhymes, jokes. X X X X X</p><p>U3. Able to follow a story without</p><p>U X X</p><p> pictures of props. -</p><p> g</p><p> n U4. Listen & respond to ideas i</p><p> d expressed by others in </p><p> n X X X X X X X X X X X X X</p><p> a conversation or discussion. t s r</p><p> e U5. Follow instructions involving d X X X X X X X X n several ideas or actions. U</p><p>U6. Answer ‘how’ or ‘why’ questions about their experiences X X X X X X X X X X X X X in response to stories or events. - S1. Extend vocabulary, especially </p><p> g X X X X X X X X X X X n</p><p> i by grouping & naming, exploring k</p><p> a the meaning & sounds of new e words. p S S</p><p>© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust 2012, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Reception Eng Plans Autumn B Spring B Summer B P P F F F F F</p><p>F</p><p>_ _ _ F P 6 2 _ 3 9 F</p><p>F P 1 - - N N N</p><p>_ 4 N k 2</p><p>1 7</p><p>F - s 8 1 1 7</p><p>6 5 w N !</p><p>- - 0 s k 1 3 </p><p> s - - e 9 1 s k 1 F - k 7 1 s</p><p> k w 5 - 4</p><p> s - 1 e 1</p><p>_ 0 g w</p><p> w M F i s w 8 k -</p><p>9 s 1 l </p><p> s s n s</p><p> i l k N i P s 0 e w k k 5 s s k s s s a</p><p>1 d g w - m h e k l</p><p> w 3 k w d</p><p> c k s 6 w i n l a </p><p> i c</p><p>4 - s h i y w d w w r u s s a g 1 y F k l</p><p> k c</p><p> k d !</p><p> s o g d a l B e r k y F a s w l s i e w k S</p><p> n</p><p> o</p><p>B k e e</p><p>Objectives/Units r S i k u ! M W s w 2 M</p><p> o e h B d S P e B - w y W e l</p><p> a l c s h i</p><p>1 o h e</p><p>M s a 2 a W e t y u a</p><p> t s T 1 h s c y o e l</p><p> e B</p><p> i a n k t r o a i s n B T</p><p> k g e</p><p> i e c w r T</p><p> n a i s w h i d e h r</p><p> g g n M d i g e a h i n U g d H i M H n U H U</p><p>S2. Use language to imagine & recreate roles & experiences in X X X X X X X play situations.</p><p>S3. Link statements & stick to a main theme or intention. X X X X X X X X X</p><p>S4. Use talk to organise, sequence & clarify thinking, ideas, feelings X X X X X X X X X X X X X & events.</p><p>S5. Introduce a storyline or narrative into their play. X X X X S</p><p>-</p><p>S6. Express themselves g</p><p> n effectively, showing awareness of X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X i</p><p> k listeners’ needs. a e p</p><p>S S7. Use past, present & future forms accurately when talking about events that have happened X X X X X X X or are to happen in the future.</p><p>S8. Develop their own narratives & explanations by connecting ideas X X X X X X X X or events.</p><p>© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust 2012, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Reception Eng Plans Autumn B Spring B Summer B P P F F F F F</p><p>F</p><p>_ _ _ F P 6 2 _ 3 9 F</p><p>F P 1 - - N N N</p><p>_ 4 N k 2</p><p>1 7</p><p>F - s 8 1 1 7</p><p>6 5 w N !</p><p>- - 0 s k 1 3 </p><p> s - - e 9 1 s k 1 F - k 7 1 s</p><p> k w 5 - 4</p><p> s - 1 e 1</p><p>_ 0 g w</p><p> w M F i s w 8 k -</p><p>9 s 1 l </p><p> s s n s</p><p> i l k N i P s 0 e w k k 5 s s k s s s a</p><p>1 d g w - m h e k l</p><p> w 3 k w d</p><p> c k s 6 w i n l a </p><p> i c</p><p>4 - s h i y w d w w r u s s a g 1 y F k l</p><p> k c</p><p> k d !</p><p> s o g d a l B e r k y F a s w l s i e w k S</p><p> n</p><p> o</p><p>B k e e</p><p>Objectives/Units r S i k u ! M W s w 2 M</p><p> o e h B d S P e B - w y W e l</p><p> a l c s h i</p><p>1 o h e</p><p>M s a 2 a W e t y u a</p><p> t s T 1 h s c y o e l</p><p> e B</p><p> i a n k t r o a i s n B T</p><p> k g e</p><p> i e c w r T</p><p> n a i s w h i d e h r</p><p> g g n M d i g e a h i n U g d H i M H n U H U R1. Continue a rhyming string. X X X X X X R</p><p>R2. Hear & say the initial sounds - in words. X X X X X X g n i</p><p> d R3. Segment the sounds in simple a</p><p> e words & blend them together & R know which letters represent X X X X X X X X X some of them. R</p><p>R4. Link sounds to letters, naming -</p><p> g & sounding the letters of the X X X X n i alphabet. d a</p><p> e R5. Begin to read words & simple R sentences. X X X X X X X X X</p><p>R6. Use vocabulary & forms of speech that are increasingly influenced by their experiences X X X X X X X X X X X X X X of books. R7. Know that information can be X X X X X X retrieved from books & computers.</p><p>© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust 2012, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Reception Eng Plans Autumn B Spring B Summer B P P F F F F F</p><p>F</p><p>_ _ _ F P 6 2 _ 3 9 F</p><p>F P 1 - - N N N</p><p>_ 4 N k 2</p><p>1 7</p><p>F - s 8 1 1 7</p><p>6 5 w N !</p><p>- - 0 s k 1 3 </p><p> s - - e 9 1 s k 1 F - k 7 1 s</p><p> k w 5 - 4</p><p> s - 1 e 1</p><p>_ 0 g w</p><p> w M F i s w 8 k -</p><p>9 s 1 l </p><p> s s n s</p><p> i l k N i P s 0 e w k k 5 s s k s s s a</p><p>1 d g w - m h e k l</p><p> w 3 k w d</p><p> c k s 6 w i n l a </p><p> i c</p><p>4 - s h i y w d w w r u s s a g 1 y F k l</p><p> k c</p><p> k d !</p><p> s o g d a l B e r k y F a s w l s i e w k S</p><p> n</p><p> o</p><p>B k e e</p><p>Objectives/Units r S i k u ! M W s w 2 M</p><p> o e h B d S P e B - w y W e l</p><p> a l c s h i</p><p>1 o h e</p><p>M s a 2 a W e t y u a</p><p> t s T 1 h s c y o e l</p><p> e B</p><p> i a n k t r o a i s n B T</p><p> k g e</p><p> i e c w r T</p><p> n a i s w h i d e h r</p><p> g g n M d i g e a h i n U g d H i M H n U H U</p><p>R8. Read & understand simple sentences. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X</p><p>R9. Use phonic knowledge to decode regular words & read them X X X X X X X X X X X aloud accurately.</p><p>R10. Read some common irregular words. X X X X X X X X X X</p><p>R11. Demonstrate understanding when talking with others about X X X X X X X X X X X X what they have read.</p><p>W W1. Use some clearly identifiable </p><p>-</p><p> letters to communicate meaning, </p><p> g X X X X X X X X X X X X X X</p><p> n representing some sounds i t</p><p> i correctly & in sequence. r</p><p>W W2. Write own name & other things such as labels & captions. X X X X X X X X X X X X X</p><p>W3. Attempt to write short sentences & meaningful contexts. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X W4. Use their phonic knowledge X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds.</p><p>© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust 2012, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Reception Eng Plans Autumn B Spring B Summer B P P F F F F F</p><p>F</p><p>_ _ _ P 6 2 _ F 3 9 F</p><p>F P 1 - - N N N</p><p>_ N k 2</p><p>4 1 7</p><p>F s 8 1 1 7 -</p><p>6 5 w N !</p><p>- - 0 s k 1</p><p> s - - 3 e 9 1 s k 1 F - k 7 1 s</p><p> k w 5 - 4</p><p>- 1 e 1 s _ 0 g w</p><p> w M F i s w 8 -</p><p>9 s 1 l </p><p> k s s n s</p><p> i l k N i P s 0 e k k 5 s s k s w s s a 1 d g w - m h e k l</p><p> w 3 k w d</p><p> c k 6 w s i n l a </p><p> i c</p><p>4 - s h i y w w w r u s s d a g 1 y F k</p><p> k c</p><p> l k d !</p><p> s o g d a l B e k y F a s r w l s i e w k S</p><p> n</p><p>B k e e o </p><p>Objectives/Units r S i k u ! M W s w 2 M</p><p> o e h B d S P e B - w y e l</p><p>W a l c s h i 1 o</p><p> h e</p><p>M s a 2 a W e t y u a </p><p> t s T 1 h s c y o e l</p><p>B</p><p> i e a n k t r o a i n B T</p><p> k s g e</p><p> i e c w T</p><p> n r a i s w h i d h e r</p><p> g g n M i g e a d h i U n g d H i M H n U H U</p><p>W5. Write some irregular common words. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X W6. Write simple sentences which can be read by themselves & X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X others. W7. Some words are spelt correctly & others are X X X X X X X X X X X X phonetically plausible.</p><p>© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust 2012, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Reception Eng Plans </p>

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