
<p> Course Descriptions Performing Arts NavalHealthPhysicalWorldEnglish Science/NJROTC Languages & HumanEducation Sciences / Health INTERVENTION Spanish 1-2 FrenchHonors 1-2 English Japanese 1-2 ASL 1-2 MathematicsBand1110Science 1110 12 111211 Options 12 CAREERS12 ADVANCED WEIGHTMEN'S INCHOIR EDUCATION PLACEMENT 1-2 “TEACHINGSPANISH Naval Science MYTHS 10 11 10 1112 11 HEALTH/FAMILY 1-12 AMERICANADVANCED 12 AND ADVANCED ADVANCED LEGENDSMyths SIGNand PLACEMENT WEIGHT HEALTH ACTING LANGUAGE Orchestra PHYSICS 3-4 1 1111 1212 ADVANCEDRETAIL STORE PLACEMENTHealth OPERATIONSEnglish 10 CHEMISTRY &Team Algebra Sports 1-210 10 11 12 Cardio M ICROSOFT OFFICE SPECIALIST 1 .5FullENGLISHFull AP elective Concert(Also SPANISH offered creditBand ...... 1- (cannotas Zero replacehourJazzAnatomy- class) Band an English credit)Options Biology.5OneTRAINING/FITNESS2 elective Algebracredit Legends 5-6 OrchestraPhysicsAP Statistics PlacementACADEMY” TRAINING/FITNESS in classes is based on current enrollment, Child OneFull Fitness Sports MANAGEMENT1-2Full NavalAmerican 1 Science& 2Spanish Military 3-4 Arts & Communications ArtFrenchNaval 3-4 ScienceOneFull(MOS Semester...... 3-1) Japanese 3-4 ASL 3-4 theOneYear...... One,Year...... Full[EL]Requirement:grade Year at the2 end Participation of the spring semester, in all performancesPhysiology and Development Semester...... Year...... SemesterSemester...... Prerequisite:&GradePrerequisite: 10 requirement ...... SuccessfulSuccessfulMedicine completioncompletion ofof FitnessAlgebra Weight 3-4 Training Year...... Prerequisite:SymphonicBusiness Child Band DevelopmentGourmetWater & Foods EnglishMarketing & GuitarPsychology 11 HighGeometryWeight SchoolAP English 1-2 OneComputerPrerequisite: 11Directory Pre-Calculus Yoga“B” or betterTechnology 1-2 in Acting 1, andAP permissionCalculus A/B ofCT Year...... grades1.0Prerequisite:..[O]...[A] May Occupational in be previous repeated Humanities “B” Drillcourses. Creditor betterfor additional(Dual All 1-2in students Chemistry Credit credit must Opportunity) 1-2 [O][T][P]Year...... withLearnPrerequisite:4A $25 a skills “B”lab orfee that higher Passingis yourequired. American or can permissiongrade use1 Humanitiesin ASLhigh of 2instructor.school, 1- college, and the Semester...... Semester...... MayPrerequisite: be repeated A grade for additional ofSafety “B” or Aide highercredit in Spanish 5/6 or PsychologyLanguageAP[H]...[S][A] instructor; MajorBiologyand topics for and 2nd semester,contentChamber specific “B” or Orchestra tobetter theAP WashingtoninPhysics Advanced Health Acting 1, ..[O]...[S]successfullyThisThis classadvance iscomplete designed level coursethree to yearssupport will ofintroduce Math students starting students who struggle to withTraining Semester...... This..[O]world course of work. is intended Using Microsoft for students Office, who you wish will tolearn1-2 expand to create their Prerequisite:[EL]A $25instructor AP workbook Drumlinepermis SuccessfulIntrosion / lab to completion CulinaryBusinessfeeSpanish is required. & of 5-6Marine Intro toProfessional Business &Algebra FrenchNaval 3-4 5-6 Scienceandand permissionFitness 5-Calculus EALR’s:Japanese of instructor 1-2 knowledgeDigital 5-6 2 and skills necessaryASL 5-6 to withreadingoccupationsForStudents[P] Algebra male and 1-2voices. will writing.in in thehave order Majorfield Texts one to ofmeet emphasis ofIntroductionmainlyeducation. four state designed consist graduationAdvanced on Students voice to of Artworkout high development, Drumline will interest,Office exploreprograms Hours Drawing tech to Composition- 7:00 a.m-3:00[EL]literarypresentationsMay1.0 be Occupational base.p.m. repeatedCeramics M-F Thein PowerPoint, for class Credit additional willSports focus the credit techniques on mythological of Word, figures and Marketing,EnrollmentA $30 course Advertising will determine fee will Marketing& beEntrepreneurship, whether chargedEnglish this toScience classcover Video12 or is workbook/AP teacher’s Production practiceTeaching May6maintain be repeated an active forPhotography life; additional patterns 1 credit of growthAP andCalculus development, B/C E requirementsnon-fictiontheniques,choose teaching/learning music frompassages. and thatadequatelyfundamentals, will Readingprocess, focusWater prepareArts on strategiesmusicthe Sports power, for structure college reading muscular for andscience, skills, future strength, elements history, of or of IntroChemistryAP to PhysicsDigital 1: Algebra-based Design 1 AP EnvironmentalYearbook is the equivalent Science Introto a tofirst permission. Honors Science1 AdvancedandAcademy WeightstoriesunderstandDesignedreducing from health for Ancienthow students risks;to useGreece, analysis whoExcelMedicine desireRome and and Access a andevaluation more Scandinavia. tointense, create of the extensive, impact Students Musiccoursesandeducation.offered.style,muscularAdvancedmaterials mathclasses asand textswell Students expression.endurance/toning,such Placement as are future as presentedAdv.anced willband, employment. DuringparticipateSpanish orchestraSpanish and thatCulinarysecond provides practiced. willin andsemi7-8 besemester, choir monitoredannars, A exciting focusinvolve more Principlesisdaily active alsoattentionSchool in French a participation AP Navalof Phone EnglishAlgebra 7-8 ScienceSecondsemester Number and12 are year7- collegeavailable ASLJapanese coursestudents to all studentsin7-8 increasealgebra-based on their an elective understanding physics, basis. but isSome of CoA second-year requisite: Membership chemistryAdvertising course in the & CHSequiva DECAlent10 to Organization; first-yearTraining/Conditioning Painting Microsoftwilldatabases.Olympic-styleof Office performreal-life influencesandAll strengthwork hone is research, onproject-based, program. health;2 presentation and PublicationThis developmentin-class program and assignments. will writingAdministration of focus a health skills on advancedannualplacedobservations,Concurrentisportfolio.academic given dueson groups to enhancingenrollment .performancearechallenge. and are$18 spend selective in students’ two Arts/CateringIt timeisskills. math a and rigorousat skillscourses an entail educationalwithELL coursewill the expository be student’s which worksite andrequires participationand with Geometry aLiterature253.566.5710 in all 1-2 performancesAdvancedthisdesigned and visual-gestural toacting be Digitalalong taught is aDesignwithlanguage rehearsal/performanceDigital over good 2 a andfullschool academic the atten culturedance year, classof the inallowing for orderDeaf. those to time retainstu - 11college 12 chemistry.PSYCHOLOGY AEntrepreneurship college textbook 1-2 is used and advanced through8achievingand fitness sev theeral monitoring highest projects individual plan. and essaysContent levels throughout specifics1 of power, include the physical semester.of Justice mental membership.persuasiveaconsidered mentorhigh degree teacher. on writingBand a caseof anddedication alongThis by Orchestra case course withAdvanced basis. from the is classes writing anPermissionstudents, excellent processrequire includingshouldProfessional introduction studentspreparation the to toAdvanced provide Teaching theirAP dents StudentsChemistryforown AP instrumentswho teachers will are explore born and and performers. studentsvarious supplies.Sports careers to AClasses develop limited related inselectiondeep workshop-style to understanding deafness, of school to of chemistry topics will be studied. Emphasis is on higher level CompositionEarnstrength,health up and to health five copingAdvanced college andPhotography skills; fitness credits nutrition; to 2 whilesucceed physical still in athletics,high fitness; school CPR; by instrumentsOneRequirement:to10be final commitmentsought Semester...... [SS]11 draft. 12from are Up-to-date TREBLE currentavailable to spendSwimming/Lifeguard math Healthconsiderable instructor CHOIRAP CardSpanish and to 1-2 timecounselor. workVideo in instudy Student Production outside StoreDrawing theAcademy andComputerwiththe content an emphasis andMicrosoft to toward apply Office thatsign knowledge languageYearbook interpreting.through inquiry-based ASL chemicalthe observation calculations, requirementRetail Storemathematical Operations in 4 –year formulation college programs. of principles, helpcomdrugs pletingpres andent alcoholthis Ceramicsspecial course education; skills withMedicine in aacting, gradeand human voice,of B or sexuality,stage better. movement, Take including the and for a 10user 11 fee of12 approximately CARDIO/FITNESSAdministration $25 per semester. Keeping2 instruments in goodcontinueslabs.recreation, playing The fullto and conditionbe year usedlife also while as at allows muchall building times timeas ispossibleunity for required. inclusion through during Students hardof class physics work, aretime The[EL]MayandFullStudents purposeclassroom. beadvanced repeated will of alsoNJROTC laboratory for earn& additional Management Tech(Naval work.Training Prep creditJunior This 1 credit coursewith Reserve andteacher’s is the intendedOfficer opportunity permission as Painting PracticumMultimediaNOTE:stageMicrosoft Prospective & combat. Office Students SpecialistCadets Certification (and will1 spend3 theirexam parents/guardians)Publication timewhich developing validates yourstudent- responsible The question for “What the expense causes David humanof uniforms. Hammond, behavior?” Before-school Principal...... Ext.will be and evening rehearsals 10incontentgoalHIV/AIDS. order 11 aresetting specified toa12 requiredencourage andENGLISH cooperation.by part state and of standards.fosterparticipation LANGUAGE . the development The in somecourse LEARNERS music covers of signing classes. Training)Apreparationfor courseOne Work-Based is with “To for emphasis instill the Learning Advancedin students on creditthe Placement operation the may value be earned.ofofExam thecitizenship, School in Chemistry Animationshouldproducedexpertise be aware andin workthat directedAdvanced inguniforms with works. Placement Microsoft are Directingfurnished Office2 will by programs. bethe the US center Navy of the explored10AMERICANYear...... Requirement: 1011 inENGLISHALGEBRA depth, Full-year andHUMANITIES theRetail 10 2151 1-2 commitment,four Store 1-2major Inez schoolsBlair, 1-2and participation of thought on in all skills.11Newtonian ENGLISH This ismechanics Microsofta dual-credit 11 Office (including 1-2 class; studentsrotational earning dynamics a “B” and or ASBserviceto10 be10 card 11 givento 11the 12required inUnited12 May.AMERICAN BIOLOGY States, for all personal Performing SIGN1-2 responsibility, LANGUAGE Arts courses and a ($45 fee).and1-2 secondshallWBL 11 (ELL)be12 quarterHEALTH issued ANATOMY-PHYSIOLOGY andtoDigital each will &Photography findcadet HUMANSports students and must workingSERVICES/SPORTS be worn on onethe Spring Play thatStore...[A]performances.Semester...... question—the as a full-time A psychoanalytic, $65business, uniform teaching fee behavioristic, will management,be required. humanistic, Additional better,angular both momentum); semesters,Specialist2 work, may energy, apply for and college power; credit mechanical at 10senseFull MayFull11 of accomplish12be repeated CONCERTment.” forOperations Secretary...... Ext.additional No BAND matter & credit where 1-2 any cadet goes schoolFestival,10Full day 11 each10 which12 11week, YOGA M is ICROSOFT 12a normallypresen PRE-CALCULUS FITNESSMedicinetation Tuesday.2151 ofOFFICE student-directed Also, all SPECIALIST 1-2NJROTC one-act 2 andleadership1-2Fullfee[P] psychobiological—will for tall and students. employment Jeff be skills. studied. Johnson, Instruction This Assistant course in the does nine Principal not ...... Ext.FullMEDICINEminimalwaves Year...... and cost. sound. FIELD It will also introduce electric 2156 circuits. after Fullgraduation, NJROTCManagement will give 2 its cadets the self- cadetsplays.FullYear...... Fulfills are expectedGrade 11 torequirement conform with4 traditional Navy FullfulfillfunctionsYear...... 111.0MiscellaneousGrade Year...... grade 12(Summer 10ofPHYSICS 12 marketrequirement requirementSession)Work-Baseding—economics,…………………………………….[ 1-2 for socialLearning studiespromotion, elective. businessEL][EN] May & be FullCOURSE[S]One(MOS Year 2) (Placement by confidence,Students1.0Year...... ThisPrerequisite:Year...... Occupational course will self-discipline, use covers AlgebraPermission Credit basic asand a lowof self-motivationtool instructor impact for thinking, aerobic to communicating, succeed.activity. The groomingPrerequisite:[EN]OneAdvanced11 12standards. ADVANCED students “C” Uniformor betterthat receive items in DRUMLINEBiology that credit are Requirement: for lost Culinary or damaged ArtsClass and Year...... takenmarketing,..[M][SS][EN]This for biologyreplacement distribution, course credit productinvestigates Tom for WorldAdams,planning, life Studies. processes Assistantmanagement and Principal concepts.…………………………………...…..……. Semester...... [O]Year...... Ext. 2162 Requirement:TheandFull[O] main MayToopportunityproblem help befocus repeatedstudents solving Participation willto develop be by improvefor speed learning additional leadershipin walking allor tomaintainperformances solvecredit and skills multi-stepjogging,their is the fitnessand most with linearout-of-school levels, will becounselor)...... [EL][EN]presentationSemester...... interestedPrerequisite(s):ThisCourse billedPrerequisite: course Assessment: at inreplacement exposes atgaining Evergreen Successful “B” Physicalor additionalstudents better costs. Primary completion Education in toskills Algebra classic as and exit classesof 3-4 works experienceMOSproject. or will Teacherwritten1 with administer in 35by the wpm both or betterthe informationThis10It...[S] emphasizes class 11 systems, takes12 PROFESSIONAL aa balanceworld pricing, literature ofand key purchasing biological approach VIDEO willconcepts to thebe study and of the 10..[M]1110 111211 12ADVANCED12 STAGECRAFTDIGITAL PLACEMENTPHOTOGRAPHY 1-2 PHYSICS-2 rehearsals;...[A]frequentlyequations,LeadershipFirst10incorporationthe year Curtis11 named graph StudentsASL 12 High introduces oflinearbenefitYEARBOOK School circuit are functions, requiredby Juanita style P.E. studentsthose curriculumexercise toandwho Stone, PUBLICATIONparticipate to use havethe sessions. mathematical includesvisual-gesturalAssistant completed in Pep 15-20 Band Principal...... Ext.the models 1 10 May11[T]foodAmeriFitnessgramRecommendation. Studentsbe12 servicecan repeated DIGITALauthors. (pool industrywill for furthercourses Thisadditional may COMMUNICATIONS studyclass usebe eligible alternatecontinuesfunctions,credit for forms WBLparametricto place of credit assessment) emphasis equations,which and 11introduced.Year...... literary nature12 ADVANCEDelements. of Students scientific Titles will process. also read PLACEMENT be range Students given from the will theopportunity be times PSYCHOLOGY expected of toAncient to use 11A[P] Full $25 12 Year…………………………………….[A]labAMERICAN fee is required. SIGN LANGUAGE 5-6 performancesNJROTCtoThislanguagePrerequisite:Full solvePRODUCTIONminutesOne10For course femaleproblems.11 pro and gram.of12 canat teacher-directed voices. For culturehome INTRODUCTIONbe 2nd used football Emphasisof semester, 1the for Deaf.English games, aerobic on “C” It vocal is or orevery designedactivity Socialbetter productionTO other Studiesindaily. forPhysics week students andStudents for 1 Full OnerequiresonWashingtonAdvance110 the polar 11 Semester...... [A] writing food(coordinates,your12INTRO State service-related processCERAMICSskills Classroom-based TO in MicrosoftsequencesandMICROSOFT literary employment Office and analysis.Assessment serieswhile OFFICE) beyond Each youin topreparation challenge allsemester the students. school for The 10participate10...[S]Greeks& the 1111 2 con 12to12 incepts Modern DECA SPORTSSERVICE learned, andliterature. 2180compete and MEDICINE applyEmphasis at themvarious is to placed 1leadershiplab & investigations upon 12 AMERICANPrerequisite:10 11 12 PermissionCULINARY POLITICAL of instructor ARTS AND and ECONOMIC assignment by Electivewithdevelop little credit. orment, no prior music knowledge fundamentals, of signth music language. reading Use skills, of 1011purposeyourself 11 12 12NAVAL of with...... these advanced assessments SCIENCE formulas are in5-6to Exceldetermine and healthAccessThird fitness, to Year flexibility, 9Basketball,Full1-2conferences. Recommendation:Year...... 10writing,1.0ARTOneSemester...... [O]are Year...... Occupational11 expected reading, and12 Students playoffs.NAVAL to listening, dressCredit Successful employed Students and ThisSCIENCE thinking participate is completion inawho 7the and arehour community speakingdaily,MILITARY on ofclass. theAlgebra to Footballacquire skills.are 3-4. basicand/or OneOne Year...... SemestercounselorAn[O][T]Oneday.hasFullTheRequirement: advanced taking fourYogaStudents units Calculus.Fitness (1st biology of will Participation literature,Semester)...... applyclass course theiris designedeach emphasizing inclassroom all unit performances toculminating meet study the the human with inneedswith andrelated bodya outof of Basketball2Fullverbalskills,elementsand communicationstudent-directed andteams of to style, attainare excused. and an Terryin inquiry. adequateexpression.the Shelly classroomJenks, Scientific level Nyegaard, During Activities isof methodology, limitedknowledge second andSecretary...... Ext. semester, ASLandAthletics is Director...... Ext.FOUNDATIONSPrerequisite:Onepaper,createand muscular advancedproject Permission strength or presentation.databases, and of endurance. instructor PowerPoint Students The 2154 shouldandstudent Word. expect will analyzeTake to the the [SS][EL]encouragedLEADERSHIPSemesterMeetsSpecialSemester...... [T]Requirement:Prerequisite: Algebra attention toor enroll Yearbased NO $10 is Prerequisite in given fee Science Work-Based for to materials the requirement. writing Learning process-starting and receive with LanguageFulldissectionSemester...... workstudentsRequirements:school. experience ofis alla major fitness Students under learning levels. the pay supervision tool.The for clay;YogaThe course $10 ofportion the per WBLis bagof useful this course to DRILLFull10Prerequisite(s):Year...... used[O][T] moreapplication Year...... 11 as attention12much GEOMETRY of as ”C” basic ispossible orgiven2152 bettermath to in skillsperformancein order English,1-2 and to encourageanalytical successful skills. thinking and completion foster will be [SS]GradeFullSemester...... [O]FRENCH(NJROTC)[O] 11 Semester...... ExpertrelationshipYear12 Year...... [A] requirement12 ...... [T]MicrosoftCALCULUS 5-of individual Office scoresCertification 1-2 to fitness exam planning which and validates lifelong wellness Recommendation:anPrerequisite:Long...... [EL]Thispreparation additionalunderstanding course focusescredit. Applicationand inending “B” Earn each on or four upbetter andwithactivity. tospecific selectionfinal five in ScienceThe draft.college units Fitnessby instructorofandcredits U.S. GramEnglish History,by is used two to .5Maystudents Prerequisite:Studentscoordinator,havewillOccupational beutilize a repeated moderate interested will six parent NO have typesCredit for Prerequisiteamount the in additionalandof orsports poses.opportunity .5em ofTechnologyployer. medicine,homework Together,credit toThe acquire Credit health coordinatoron these a regular skills(Dualsciences poses relatedwillCredit) basis. will orconsult to [EL]Prerequisite:ofthe Learnatmonitor[A]emphasized [O]development least [P] to one fitnessuse Previous computer throughoutthe ofgoals elements signing playingStudent and class the skills.each andexperience orcourse. permission principlescourseThis Services/Counseling Thisis acontains dual-creditclassof of design the includes a teacher Physical to class; This [T]coursePrerequisite:Year...... May[A]yourobjectives...... [S]Learn be expertisewill torepeated coveruse Complete basic inthe forworking political, handadditional ASL buildingwith constitutional,3-4 Microsoftcredit with and a wheel-thrown"C" Office orcivic better programs.and eco- All Full(RegularThiscompletingTheunits...... [O][P] Learn course study of Geography, howzero ofthisintroduces the to course hour plan,fundamental and shoot,course)studentswith a choicea edit,grade laws to addtheof of a nature.systematic “B”motionculminating or better graphicsConcentrates and project and (3-5 [EL]6...... [EL]veterinaryFull[O]thewithStudentsimprovePrerequisite: [O] operation the [P] student'salignment, willmedicine. be ofCompletion kitchintroduced employer strength,Memoriens, snackof zationtoto Drumline flexibility, thedevelop bars, techniquesskill espresso1-2, isanbalance essential. individualized high and levelandbars, technology promote rhythmand MaystudentsdevelopFitness11frequent be 12 repeated earning CBA.projects homework A CAPPELLA fora that“B” additional andor introduce better, lab work.credit CHOIRboth drawing, semesters, painting,1-2 may sculpture, apply nomicJAPANESE..[O] foundationsworkPrerequisite:forming is project-based techniques of Successful our5- country. to in-class develop completion It will assignments. a preparevariety of Pre-Calculus ofseniors ceramic for the civic YearscientificMayonThepage animation conceptualbe ...... goal paper repeated study of theor and ofunderstanding10 yearbook forbehavior presentto additional 15 Centerslide Mark profesteamand Powerpoint as credit mental Hallmanis sionalwell to produce asprocesses. quality mathematical presentation.) a video quality Since programs. digital Thethe APrerequisite: 10Year...... 11diningtrainingofcourserelaxation.reading fine Prerequisite: 11AP rooms.art, that plan 12 skills.ENGLISH graphic “C”prepares andADVANCED Emphasis Auditionor Creditwill betterdesign, completestudents required.for 11inon portraitNavalPre-Calculus safety LANGUAGE toregularSWIMMING/LIFEGUARD effectivelyScience and workcommercialsanitation, 1-2. 2, useevaluations. or & computer knife skills, Prerequisite:Prerequisite:forprintmaking, college credit“C”Complete orand atbetter more.minimal Algebra in Naval Counselor cost. 1-2 Science. A- Must be enrolled in and economicThispottery is a class responsibilitiesand sculpturefor students projects. of whoadulthood like to inwork a democratic on the techni society.cal courseproblem-solving.Thispublicationpaper1011RunFull class is and HONORS12the designedHEALTH is presentationweeklythatOCEANOGRAPHY designed meets Topics toschool prepare(PRE-AP) bothto will include encouragevideo designincorporate students news kinematics, andENGLISH students program.to publicationour take current dynamics, theto Video identify Advanced English is and SPANISH6...... [EL]workpermission1.0Ateamwork,Studentsphotography. skill-building Occupational stations ofmust and andinstructor5- Studentscourse beemployability businessCredit at least for will non-native related16 develop skills.years software. Foodold aspeakers full to labscomenroll Instruction mandinclude:of in English. this of digitalclass. ..[M]oneIntroduction of the Naval to the Science high school classes. band Please program. note :Emphasis Bus COMPOSITIONStudentsaspectsTRAININGFull..[M]Earn11One will 12 up ofworkSemester totheatreADVANCED fiveon theircollege set (1st seniorconstruction, credits projects,PLACEMENT while light thestill design finalin high phase and BIOLOGYschool sound of the by 1- Plane,Placement11relativity,developspecificationandThisYear...... increasingly 12 CBA isspatial, a WORK-BASEDleadership basicuniver researchPsychology deadlines.transformational, coursebecomingsal gravitation,writingskills Test,forG...... Ext. Close bya studentselements. required itsaddressing LEARNING attentionandmomentum,pace interestedcoordinate isportion rigorous tocampus detail work, of in geometriesthe (WBL)and alland energy, skillstypes its the you of medi - emphasizesFocusesbreakfastThecameras,APAdvancedStudents Physicsjob siteon flashfoods, keyboardingwill Drumlinevocabulary must be2: and soups introducedAlgebra-basedbe studio pre-approvedwill development,andskills learn photography, salads,2177 toand performance differential using prior beefis usage, the the toascookery, equivalent and acceptance.well computerstyles grammar, integral as pasta, ofthe thetofor sentencea transportationon building 10Requirement:Full (Also 11 individual 12 offeredwill notDRAWING Full-year beand as provided. Rose ensembleZero commitment, Worgum hour& techniques.PAINTING class) and participation Concert in CHS design.6...... [EL]Fullculminatingcom10Semester)...... [P]Prerequisite: Year pleting11 Students 12 project this ADVANCED100 willcourse program. yardsbe actively with crawlstroke, Thisa grade involved CERAMICScourse of 100 B insatisfies or constructionyards better. backstrokethe of willbreadthconservation,communityabilitycal be[A]need careers. studied toextensive. toadhere get issues. This as simple our studentsto classThis messagesdeadlinesStudents machines, coursewill apply cover will andout. does algebraic rotational havebeginning budgetGet not manythe fulfill concepts areskillsmechanics concepts opportunitiesthe a must.you grade to need inand 12 medicine, toto ThirdwordTheFullYear...... Fulfillsethnic,2softwaresecondmoderncalculus purpose processing,year Gradeyeast semester ASLpercussionenhancement applied of breads,students11this spreadsheets, requirement tocollegecourse theensemble. and will andfunctions iscoursemany increase tocompositing furtherand Performancemore….. inthey databases. algebra-basedtheir develop learned functionsproficiency at the Thein many previous that physics;class in ASLhave but perforallmance, performances. pep band A and$50 marching courseCounselor, fee are will included.H- be required. WashingtontheOneand set 100for State the yards History fall breaststrokeand requirement spring productions for graduation and will purposes. be ThegeometricrequireFullwaves.generateParticipantsmedical OnecadetOnebecomeYear...... Year...... YearCoursement terms,willfigures. origi afor fee:gainbe professionalnal social communication,expected $20useideas, ful,studies implementreal-world toin learn videoelective. body the and skillsthem basicssystems have ininto time your ofsuccessful andmilitary programs career paths Prerequisite:andprovidesunderstandingYear...... [EN]EmployersRecommendation:Seebecomeiseveningcourses. gaindesigned requirements studentsfurther a events necessary around Passingto and knowledgebe withis importance taught forrequired the“B” grade thepartWBL worldor computerover ofbetter in in and Deafany know ofbusinessFrencha fullsea attendanceinphotographer’s culture. thatHonorsskillsacademic power 4, itsection. Japanese andis Much Englishanda factors experience smartyear national ofskill 4,thirdallowing10 into set. time Fulfills Grade 10 requirementN...... Ext.selectedRequirement:Prerequisites: to be a part ASuccessful fee of of the approximately running completion, 2178 crew $37.60 forwith each. a willgrade Stage be ofrequired “B” or for drillprojectsmanagement,that knowledge,Semester...... Semester...... Prerequisite:stand[EN]..[S] are growingandout fromreflect commandmarketing, Previousfor the ontomorrow’s amateurs, their Lisapresence, teamwork,experience effectiveness. Marsh workplace.no experienceleadership and in eitherdesign The Two-hours andactivitiesConcertnecessary. principles of Choir, clinical as 12 11Spanishyearthat security, GLOBALSemester...... decisionStudentsforgrading. will12 ASLAP aid 4ADVANCEDteachersnaval is to willinspent hire their operations,explorePERSPECTIVES peopleworkingand current studentscareer who withacademicandPLACEMENT holdopportunities peers supportto developthe workor Microsoft functions, independently asdeep in well photography,CALCULUS Certifiedunderstanding militaryas in usingthe as of 1- Requirement:GradeOceanography 10 requirement $10 is afee year-long for materials class that allows students to managers...[S]InRequirements:thehigher preparation life guardingof will Biology also for Students manual.be the1 andselected AP 2 Uponexam payrequired. from for successfulin clay; May,this It is class.$10 thishighly completion perclass recommendedbag offers of the that instructionalThis10studentstheyworkRequirement:TrebleStudents 11program work experience, 12 willChoir, towardscapability will SYMPHONICengageallows workCurtisBandSummer job publisher’s the through inonshadow or during student professionalOrchestra, reading Counselor, class ordeadthis the volunteer,BAND course worklines. opportunityand standards, and placementO- include: outside Seniorpractical to leadership, earnpublic ofby class, audition each with onlypreparationlaw,[A] 10OfficewelltheHigh internationalASL contentas11 Specialist its as 12 ofapplications the andtheir GOURMET primary law, tocredential. culminating apply and inmodeSchool thethatbusiness, sea. knowledge ofprojectFOODS communication. This web, required course throughand art.willfor This inquiry-basedbroaden is a 10[H] [A]study11 MODERN 12 physical ALGEBRA and HISTORICAL biological 3- oceanography. GEOGRAPHY Topics include: One Semesterstudentscourse,studentsRecommendation: a the take$35 (2nd opportunity chemistrycertification Semester)...... “B” ortoand feebetterengage anatomy/physiology to Americanin inCeramics college Red level Cross prior isto taking application.FullcreditSecondspeaking,semesterinstructorand while teamwork semester willThisassembly working be mis required. whichission off theplanning, campus. Z...... Ext. shallwillContinuance The be be goal incorporated curriculumTheaccomplished setting, work of Yearbook siteincludes communication into mustby each prevenbe project. pre-tion of Four2dualgraduationthe10labs. understanding creditmajor 11 The class;12andskills—listening, full yearis studentsGUITARhighly of also students recommended allows earning speaking, 2176in timethe a “B”operativefor reading, for orinclusion collegebetter, principlesand of bothbound writing— physics of OneLearnMaytheMajor Semester...... chemistry be to topics repeateduse the and of elementswater, forcontent additional Lynda ,geology, specificand Storset, principlescredit wavesto the Washingtonandof design tides, tomarine Healthfocus FullOneapproachesrequired.AdvancedMay be repeated Placement to reading for additional Biology.prose and However,credit examining they rhetorical may be takenmodels providing4/TRIGONOMETRYFullapprovedPublishingskills,injuries,Recommendation: community quality firstby 1 the culminatingaid, instruction WBL andservice “B” Coordinatortaping. or with and inbetter close Additional theself-awareness. inproduction (Mr.order Honors Ringenbach) opportunities unarmed English of the and annual 9and mayor “A” include in [SS]Gradearesemesters,students.military content12 practiced requirement leadership. specified may although apply Itby includes forthestate college emphasis standards. ongoing credit shifts; instructionTheat minimal reading course in cost. coversand fluid Year...... specificallyfoodand Fitnessweb structure, on EALRs: the development and knowledge beach developmentof and drawing skills necessaryand processes. painting to This Year...... Onefromconcurrently.MayChoir abe variety repeated of periods. for additional Students credit will Dramadevelop writing skills in armedRequirement:[SS]GradetheyearbookEnglish10 Moststudent military 1110 advanced 9 requirement to 12MUST be drillSame SPORTSdistributed procedures, have choral as Concert Registrar...... Ext.previously group to MEDICINE students color Band and taken guard, has requirements in (orconsiderableJune. sword is3 currently & manual . writingadvancedSemester...... As10mechanics, a 11arecontinuation leadershipintegrated12 thermodynamics, COMPUTER of intoopportunities Ceramics, daily 2159classroom electricity AdvancedMULTIMEDIA and military activitiesand Ceramics magnetism, discipline. as & optics, ...[A]YearThistechniques.ismaintain a...... course UW in an includes, theUnits active High of life; studyand School Laurel patterns goes will course. Lindberg,includebeyond, of growth Concurrent still all life,Counseling theand elementsperspective development, high school ofCenter UnitsSecretary...... Ext.10Prerequisite: of11Semester...... expository, AstudyOptions $25 12 areAP ADVANCED workbookofferedanalytical, “B” or betterin both /and lab inPLACEMENT feeUnitedargumentative Pre-Calculus is required. StatesOptions domestic1-2 modes DIGITAL Course aimed and Fee: at $5a Prerequisite:andtaking)Prerequisite: drillperformance aknowledge. class Placement Creditin responsibilities.Career for by Algebra& Technicalaudition 1-2Continued with and Education. instructor emphasis Students on voice students..[M]Military[O]Requirement:Studentsprovidesatomic drill, progressand thewill leadership nuclear opportunityexplorereceive User in the physics.fee careersinstructionlabs knowledge of to and$25 refine in fieldeach thein andof lifeguard tripsculinary semestervocabulary further are trainingindustryincluded. develop for and students andand be who ..[M]Full10English4landscapes,andreducing 11 college 10.12 healthThis PROFESSIONAL portraits,credit class risks; are 2158provides the analysisavailable human students and for figure, students evaluationVIDEO the and opportunity more.who of thepay impact the to addfee of toforeignStudentsOnevarietyANIMATION policyEnrollment Semester...... issues.ofcan audiences. earn will Students determineup to To 5 willcollegemeet whether continue AP credits standards this to throughclasswork for onis this thetheir Dualclass, willThisGeometry10 development,meet course 11 with 12 will the INTRO teach techniques,WBL world Coordinator TO geography music ADMINISTRATION monthly fundamentals, through to review a geographic music the OF JUSTICEPHOTOGRAPHYsentenceSatisfactory[A]wishdevelophandeligibleMen's tobuilding structure.use forskills completionChoirRed a schoolneededand Cross Japanese wheel-thrown instrument; qualifiestoLifeguard acquire only: for Trainingtechniquesavarious Students acceleratedlimited culinary Certificationnumber will withActing promotionbe anjobs. ablewill uponbe to in 9MayStudentsYear...... 10their andreal-lifebe 11repertoire repeated achieve will 12 influences continue NAVAL thepiecesfor additionalgrade theiron Collegeof health; enriched requirements.SCIENCEstudy credit andof andAlgebraliterature development The1-2Career concepts withUW collaborativein of Centerthe afrom healthHigh seniorCreditStudents [O][T]studentsprojects,offered. program will willthe be alsofinal for introduced this furtherphase course. ofdevelop to the differential CHS research culminating and skills integral projectculminating calculus student’sandPrerequisite(s):LibraryPRODUCTIONOnereading historical progress skills, context, AssistantPassing elements and focusing 2their grade of supervisor’s style, inon Sports the and period expression. Medicineevaluation. of 1945 1 & to 2 the readallavailableGourmetemphasisPrerequisite(s):suc active 80cessful Kanji. duty Foods on completion military individual Successfulfocuses branches. ofgoals on requirements. completionthe and Recommended professional projects of MOS, for art developing for ofDigital studentsfood a Oneanalysis10Schooland 11fitness and credits 12 interpretation monitoring ADVANCED are optional. plan. culminating Content DRAWING inspecifics discussionth th include &th and mental program.appliedAdvanced to the Placement functions they (AP) learned Biology in is previous designed courses. to be the (NJROTC)FullAdvancedStudentspresAlgebra[O][P] Year...... ent. 1-2The canperformance with coursesign an up emphasiswill for of focusHeatherthe band course on literature quadratic,the English either five frommajor 5 polynomial,, 6various themes, or 7 of whopreparationmoreCommunicationsinMay aare researchedbe personal interested repeated and expression. argumentmanagement. inorfor NJROTC,Digital additional paper.Design advanced Foodcredit The labs heavy leadership will volumeinclude: and of deep Prerequisite:Semester...... [O]Semester...... improved.5One healthOccupational and writing “C” coping orCreditskills. better skills; This in nutrition; Professionalcourse is physical fast-paced, Video fitness; Production has CPR; homework 1 FullSpecific Year……………………………………………………....[A][O]equiva preparationlent of a year-long work will introductory also be done biology to help course students taken to at [EL]historiperiod.geography;exponential,PAINTING11 [O]cal 12periods.[P] place, logarithmic,CHAMBER Performances region, Collegeand human trigonometricCHOIR include and& Career environmental concerts,1-2 functions. festivals, interac- 12 10additional frying,readingAP 11 PhysicsTreble GOVERNMENT sandwich12 andtechnical ChoirADVERTISING 1writing and production, Navy2 demands will subjects.be offered ANDpoultry effective & in POLITICScookery, fall time 2014,Advanced management pizza, the exams cakes, Acting from will The10[T]every first-yearOceanographydrugs 11 night 12and Navaland LIBRARYalcohol demands Science offers education; angoodprogram ASSISTANT optional timeand is humanmanagement designed college sexuality, 1-2 creditto skills. including It is [T]prepareThis10a 4-year course11 for 12thecollege.. is AP TEAMdesigned examinations Students for the will inbeginning learn May. the expectationsand intermediate of a pepThistion,What[O] Semester...... Prerequisite:band advancedlocation are games your and class rights and “B”movement. givesorparades. when betterCounselor...... Ext. you you in Focusan Drawingare option stopped on instrumental to& learnPainting by a more police about officer? Full andstudents.be administered many more….. in May 2015. 2103 introducetheOnemore profession.opportunityHIV/AIDS.(Zero Semester/Full challenging students hour Students for class)to than the Year……………………….……[O] meaningEnglishwillUniversity continue 10. of citizenship,Thisof to Washington.learn course injury the will help Courses prepare ENTREPRENEURSHIPOneguicollegetarist. course,Students which will understand will assist them basic in music their preparationsand chord for techniquesAdditionalTheHow[A]Requirement: purposedo you through Information/Requirements:challenge of this $10 participation course fee the for citation ismaterials for in studentssmall for the ensembles movingto expand violation and and you ThisSPORTS/FITNESSA Cappella class is for Choir students interested in learning how computer elementsassessments, 11Prerequisite:students 12 ALGEBRAof forleader advancedWrittenthe shipdemands permissionand Debbie5-6 taping the and value techniques, expectations Douglasof librarianof scholarshipCourse rehabilitation in AP inEnglish 11- DescriptionsYear...... Prerequisite:11notation12college 12 ENGLISH Digitalasstudy. ADVANCED well PhotographyAdvanced as play12 simple 1-2 Placement CULINARY1-2 melodies or permission Biology and is of intended instructor for sectional11OccupationaldeepenreceivedFull May10offered U.S. 11 be rehearsals.their while repeated through12 HISTORYEducation video driving? WATER production forUW additionalCredit.This in 1-2 the SAFETYcourse skills High credit isby School a creating broad are overview both official fiction of UWthe Grade11Semester...... multimedia 12 12 requirementNAVAL and animation (Course SCIENCE Fee: are used 7-8 in the realStagecraft world. The attainingtechniques,MayFRENCHLanguage be life repeated goals. andand 3-4...... sportComposition Thefor acoverage. course totalCollege of asincludes 2 Other semesterswell& Career as opportunitiesintroduction AP English to 12-Literaturefor the Work- .[SS]One11accompaniments.Maystudents 12 Semester……………………………………… be ADVANCED repeated interested for in additional a career PLACEMENT creditin science, medicine CALCULUS or who Full10StudentsFullandcriminal AIDE/FITNESSAs11credits nonfic a 12continuation mustjustice tion andJAZZ be programs. systemtherefore at least ofBAND Health Drawingwhich 16 Students demand years changes1-2 and Center of will considerable Painting,age. overdevelop time Advanced skills to workmeet in all the $6)Advanced[P]FullOneARTS/CATERINGcourse11 Placement12 will APintroduce ENVIRONMENTAL Digital students Photography to computer is a year-long animation SCIENCE (two and NJROTCBasedandYear...... [A]One Requirement: Composition.Learning program; Credit military Full-year mayCoordinator drill, be commitment,possible.leadership...... Ext. Two labs, and hours Health participation of job in Recommendation:[O]B/CFull10have Year...... 11 a strong12 "B" CHAMBER interest or better in 2194 gradebiology. ORCHESTRA in US History or AP 1- US History Education,1.0Year...... [EL]areasever-changingDrawingoutsidecredit=360 and First thenandof Aidthe hoursneeds Paintingwill andclassroom. choose of of Drugs, work ourprovides to society.(10-12 Alcoholspecialize Students the hours Careeropportunityand in wishingperTobacco one op week portunitiesof tothree to Userefine take major the semester)Year...... Semester...... designStudentsChamber college techniques will level participateChoir courseusing twoin that a andvariety focuses three-dimensional of onteam the sports principles includingcomputer- of Year...... (ZeroshadowPrerequisite:StudentJAPANESESemester...... allhour are performancesLibrary required program) Credit Assistants 3-4...... eachfor $85fee SchoolAlgebra semester. will forperform 3-4 choir .5 PEdresses.duties credit needed given for for 2013-2014the full This course[EL]Full2A $25 [O] prepares lab [P] fee theis required. students to take the AP US PreventionGradecategories:withinPrerequisite:andUWaverage) 11 thefurthercredit requirement and justice writing/directing, fielddevelopoption Permission system trips should drawing are are included. of editing/post-productionalso have instructorand explored. paintingearned Recommended askills B average with orfor an in designFullPrerequisite:generatedbasketball, as Year……………………………………………….. expressed design. soccer,“C” orthrough betterStudents softball, photography.in Naval whofootball, take Science volleyball, this Students class3, or picklewillwill bemaster ball, able theto [SS]yearongoing students. functioning of theNurse library...... Ext. They may assist students Government.5 [EN][O]Prerequisite(s):OccupationalFulfills and Grade Politics Credit 12 “B” exam.requirement grade (Dual Students in Credit Culinary Opportunity) will Arts, develop Food a Handler‘scritical Permit, studentsSurveyFull0.5Algebra[EL]SPANISHgraphics/animation.12 emphasis[P] credit=180Biology, APof who 5-6basic ENGLISH arereviews Chemistry,on hours economics,3-4...... interestedindividual ofandStu workdents extendsor12 goals,U.S.in Physics(10-12 NJROTC LITERATUREwill government projects, algebraicuse hours or state-of-the-artand have perand hands-onconcepts and week theexploration growth instructor’sAND for students of technology[M]permissionYear...... Requirement:createand10 badminton. HONORSofstoryboards, digital of instructor Full-year photography designSCIENCE commitment, and and cre professional ate10 and animation participation photo as wellediting in as all andMay staffPrerequisite: be in repeated using the Placement for library, Studentadditional maintain by auditioncredit Accounts book with shelves, instructor process perspectiveFullTeacher’s of the Permission American political system, including the Year...... ofaverage)who softwarethevariouspermission. haveUnited to alreadymedia Statesdevelop Students for taken from developingskills2185 1877Algebra using receive to the a3-4 more 5present.tools but UW personalmay that credits notprofessionals beexpression. and prepared the costin for softwarePrerequisite:...[A]performancesinteractiveThis (Photoshop) course animationAP examines and Calculus while scheduled which creating the A/B humancan Course morning abe portfolio experienceused Fee: rehearsals; as $5of instructional work through demonstratinguser fee tools. of $50 leadership.Requirement:new10[EL]COMPOSITION books,11 12There and Participation INTRO magazines, is a $55 TO in feeallmake BUSINESS scheduled for deliveries, this course.performances; and & other user natureA ofYear………...... unique American course constitutional that focuses government, on the various its developmentmedia and SeePre-Calculus.neededtheFullof theCo-requisite:field Yeara WBL UWHStasks. use Coordinator,everyday. This course Concurrent course is April approximatelyMr.is designed enrollmentRingenbach to preparein $70in A Roomcappella per students credit301 Choir for (lessfor quality,ThisThiseachBritish breadthcoursecourse semester literature. is isand designedfocused forartistic Close students solely forconcentration. reading students whoon practical andwish who criticalThisto wishleadership.use portfolio analysisato school further will The of cello study be or fee...[A]10 of Students11 $50 12 each willCHILD semester learn swim PSYCHOLOGY for teachingstudents strategieswho wish AND toand use assist a school the over thebusinessEmphasis Prerequisite:past two concepts willcenturies be "B" thatplaced or and surroundbetter onhow teamwork,in it Biology theworks. world and leadership,This of Algebraadvertising. course and 1-2is a 10questions.collegeMARKETING 11than 12entrance half NAVALof campus exams. (DECA)Cavelti...... Ext. SCIENCE Thetuition course rates). may 3-4 Exact introduce fees topics are in submittedCollegeintent...[S]bass;Fullnovels, is to a Levelto limitedthe poetry,assist CollegeCalculus number the and seniorBoard plays. Students will or willforbe recommended Advancedavailable.be prepare emphasized. forPlacement the junior Studentslevel in creditB/C are that instrument;instructorMay bea limitedwithrepeated teaching number for additional second will be andavailable credit eighth grade children to collegeStudentsemploy levelEnrollment course. abilitywill develop will skills. determine anStudents advertising whether will be campaign thisrequired class (portfolio) tois maintainoffered. 11DEVELOPMENTPrerequisite:discrete Full ADVANCED math, French elementary 2, PLACEMENT Japanese probability 2, orand Spanish statistics, U.S. 2, HISTORY or matrices permission and 1-almostAdvancedunderstanding10Year...... expected all 11 colleges Placement12 to readleadership DIGITALand universitiesindependently examination and DESIGN improving will administeredand accept, in-class their1-2 saving leadership asby wellyouthe Collegeasmoney on (NJROTC)Full learndeterminedYear...... to swim. by Prior UW participation2160 in Thethe University fall. in advancedPlace School District complies with all federalwhichuniforms, andMeets includesstate the laws, and Algebra rules,making be involved and based yourregulations ownin Science required andcommercials does requirement. hospitality not and projects print FullPrerequisite:11ofdeterminants;OneYear...... instructor Develops12 Semester………………………………...……[O] COMPUTER Placement the and techniques sequences bydiscriminate PROGRAMMINGaudition necessary and onseries. with the tobasisinstructor Thisperform of race,is a jazz,color,pilot nationalcoursepopular, origin (includingtuitionmedia.Entranceskills.Prerequisite:...... [S]participate and language), Students In books. Examinationaddition, sex, intelligently Students Permissionwill sexual students become orientation,Board. of in all of willclassaware Note:instructoracademic includingdesign discussions. of Enrollment the gendera abilities mocktechniques Studentsbusinesswill can determine findused willof success to [EL]2 .swimming/lifeguard [O] [P] training is recommended. Students with Fulloutside the regular school day. Students will learn how to Prerequisite:Co-requisite:Onefor Co-requisite:...... [EN] theand Semester……………………………………….. 2013-2014 classical “C” Symphonic Membership or music schoolbetter successfully. Band inyear.expression Navalin the or ConcertCHSScience or identity, Performance DECA Band1, creed, or organization- religion, oriented age veteran and or militaryin thistheirwhethercreate status,Prerequisites: continuehands- choice motivation, disability,this on, and toclass refineproduction or“build” Successful the willdevelop usetheir run it of from awritingorientedas goalstrained completiona the stand skillsdog andground class. guide aloneactivities culminating of orup.By Algebraor combiningStudents in for combination a withI workand havein- the II is Year...... MayFulfills lifeguard be11 Grade repeated 12 certificate 11CHEMISTRY requirementfor additional can receive (Course credit 1-2 occupational Fee: education 10 11APYear...... use 12 Environmental industrial AMERICAN kitchen Science equipment HUMANITIES is designed on a field to be trip. 1-2the Students equivalent will permission[O](JAVA)Listening andof instructor speaking activitiesservice animal are emphasized,by a person with asa disability well as in student educationtechnical11withgroupPrerequisite:Mayrequired.class 12programs,Advanced andbe ADVANCEDtimed repeated computerthe co-curricular andproper PlacementFor take-homefor2nd skills ways additionalactivities, semester, ofCalculusPLACEMENT to digital setandessays. credit employmenta “C” photography½.leadership orNightly better readingSTATISTICS example.in with Digital the and Designprinciples 1 [SS]$25)dues=$18credit.offers members the opportunity to discover and develop theofpractice opportunitya semester-long making to continuebreads, environmental sauces,developing tarts, science their prime leadershipcourse rib, trifles, taken skills at a StudyRecommendation:Onestructured.5Fulfills Occupational(Maytalents and Gradeperformance be readingindi offeredvidually 12 Credit “B”requirement and or of and writing.as (Dualpractices. bettera varietycollectively.a ZeroCredit gradeSince The of district hourOpportunity)Jazz, inthe social isgoal class) Jazz-Rock,an equal studiesof most opportunity/affirmative foreign actionand1-2throughCadets out-of-the-boxemployer[O][T]homework theirwill encouraging also involvement should thinkingapply application be these expected.of in art, the ofprinciples qualifiedthis CHS course minorities,DECA when gives organization dealing students with a This course builds on Navalwomen Science and disabled 1-2. Contentpersons for will employment and other opportunities.Full4-yearBlogs,Studyethnic Universitymusicfoodscollege.wikis, andfrompodcasts—the Place AP many all EnvironmentalSchool historic more. District Internetperiods is committed Science isspecifically constantly to is intended for changing. for andclassesSemester...... language11 Big 12 Bandand PRINCIPLES students English styles. 10isSome to or be Honors improvisation able OF to English ALGEBRA communicate and 10 theory orallyAND in the 1.0rigorous (SummerwhereThis but they pre-AP fun Session)will way developcourse to develop ………………...……....[EL]is a designed project skills that thatto exposewill will be carry used students them in DECA toto collegethe includeStarting naval with history,conception naval providingand ships, birth, access weaponry, you to will all Distrrictlearn meteorology, aboutprpgrams and activities. For elevatorYear...... youngerstudentsThischamber access class cadets who orchestra.at explores school have in thesites, athe areasstrong contact Internet of theinterest military principal’s past in anddrill environmental office. present.and inspections, Learn included.GEOMETRYlanguage,AnRecommendation:10 exciting 11 oral 12course communication WATER 1 designed “B”& or2 better to will introduce in be AP stressed. English students Japanese11 to the only: [EN][SS]andcompetitions. beyond.three major Earn scientific up to disciplines; 5 college credits biology, by chemistry,completing and this astronomy,Adevelopmental...... [T] $25Full fee Year………………………………...……………will physical be stages charged science, based to Thecover weather, on University social, AP workbookand Placeemotional, survival School and District physical,training. course is a drug-free/smoke-free fee. Prerequisite:athleticscience.basic workplace HTMLevents This and “B” and andcourseeducational or Dreamweaver betterin other prepares setting. in schoolAlgebra Direct students to activities. designinquiries4/Trig; for andfor the 2 creatend required semester, web AP Studentsbasics10 of will11marketing master 12 BEGINNING andthe Katakanabusiness. writingEnrollment ACTING system in the and1 class be intro will- ..[M]coursephysics. with Thea “B” goal or better. of this advanced course is to prepare Eachand4.010SPORTS/FITNESSOne [S] intellectualUniversity11of the 12 Naval needs DRUMLINE Scienceof Washington of regardingchildren. Courses compliance, You1- is Credit structured will grievance,also explore to includeor appeal procedures shouldpassing exambepages made gradein usingto Environmental the inDistrict visu APals AffirmativeStatistics from Science digital Action 1 Officer/Sectioncamerasgiven in May. and scanners. Thisduced is a torigorous Kanji. college-level504/ADA/Title course IX that Officer, requires William L.a Welk,great (253)566-5600. This For course relevant10students 11can concerns 12be to usedtake involvingORCHESTRA APfor students,Biology,English inquiries orAP Social Chemistry,1-2 should Studies be and Elective AP Physics FullguidanceThisPrerequisite:alsoIn classpreparationPrerequisite Oneinclude istechniques, designed membershipCredit for “C” the forforor resources anyone APbetterAlgebra inexam the ininterested forBiology1-2 CHSin parents May,and DECA in Geometry thisgetting and courseClub children,a jump (a1-2 isleadership startaand college-and opportunitiesSemester...... for participationdirected in team to John activities Sander, Section that include504/FAPE/ADA compliancecredit. officer,Find (253)566-5600.out about copyright, The address computer for both compliance jobs, and creation of dealreceivefor2Counselororganizationlevel, college ofMay reading preparationfast-paced bend careers Permission.repeated forand inmarketing studyindependent computerfor for careers additionalof literarystudents.)science in study fields interpretationcreditor computer andMembership such is recommendedas: engineering. Earlyand allows philosophy. ThisFullin course their junior is designed or senior for year students after successfulwho wish to completion study a of Requirement:Drill,year...... ForColorSemester...... 2 Guard, semester, Participation Academic, “C” or in better Physicalall performances in Chemistry Fitness,officers andin 1 and is: 3717 out Grandviewof Drive West,computer University Place,games. WA 98466. onlyChildhoodAlthoughstudentsStudents [P]forThis the no toEducation, classablepriorare travel expectedstudentprogramming is aand basic para-educators, competewho to acting intelligently knowledgeis willing againstclass to is and forparticipate make required,other studentsparents. thisDECA the kindin whoThe class in-depthmembers of majorwish to non-calculus-basedHonors Science 10-Biology/Chemistry.college course in statistics. A student The syllabus who school.Orienteering.Recommendation:[A] Course These fee $25.Mayteam “C” competitions or be better repeated in Geometry,can for lead credit. to Meets Algebra This courseYear...... EarnRequirement: focusesup to five onSame college four asspecific credits Chamber units by comOrchestra of U.S.pleting History, requirements.this course two commitment.theme..[A]contentacrossdiscussion Studentslearn ofis thecollegethis more state Students aboutwillcourse level doabout and literary dailywork.is receivingthe howacting aerobicnation.This elements to technique.effectivelycourse marks swimming andoffers of themes.workthree The students exercises withclassor betterCollege thechildren. will optionand onstress level basic for thesuccessfully course is completestaken from the the two outline year provided program, by Honors the AnparticipationFull introductionbased Year……………….…………………..……….…. Science at tothe the local, requirement. world state, of percussion, regional, and with national a focus levels. on per - units of...[A]with Geography, a grade ofand B ora choice better. of a culminating project (3-5 theStudentsto essay completenationallearnskills writing havecompetitive theinAP imagination,UW the examwill CSEopportunity also inswimming 142, U.S.be concentration, addressed,Computer History to strokes. interact givenProgramming culminating Students withthe in May, senses,young course maywill in children. extendedand — the AdvancedScience Place 9 andment 10 willBoard. have The concurrently material in completed the course the cussionIn[M] addition, cadences. prospects Students abound will for learn scholarships the fundamentals and eligibility of bass page paperMay beor 10repeated to 15slide for additionalPowerpoint credit presentation.) The receiveThisBuildingIt isparticipate is stronglyemotions. acollege Java required Programs. recommended creditin There acourse variety from Content will for cooperatingof also certification waterthat will be include:students activities.a focus higher leadingFundamental signon ed. character up toward institutes. for the includesequivalent graphical of a analysiscollege prep of data, Chemistry, experimental Biology, design, and Physics forThis researchappointmentsThis course course pieces explores emphasizesto andany algebraic in-classof the the service timed graphical study essays.academies. of theand structureStudents trigonometric and will be paper andRehearse presentation and perform will incorporate music from our all current historical English and drum,CareersconceptsAdvertising snaredevelopment inof programming,Education,drum, & Entrepreneurship toms and “Teaching and includingscene cymbal study data Academy”2nd performance. andsemesterstructures, will course. culminate asalgorithms, well.The drumlineEarnin one up final fundamentalcourse. rules of probability and statistical inference. - and procedures,behavior of as matter well as on object-oriented the atomic and methodologies. molecular level. Topics periods. willproblemto be 5 acollegeproject regular solving, thatcredits performer willcritical bybe completing presented thinkingat school skills, assembliesinthis front logic,course of asystems withandlarger parades.a “B”audience. of linearor If it’sStudentsequations toowill loud include will you and learn are atomicinequalities problem-solving too old.and nuclearas well techniques, asstructure, probability software periodicity, and design statistics. and documentation skills development and debugging strategies, This [A][A] [A] course[A][A] Fine/Performing Fine/Performing[A][A] Fine/Performing Fine/PerformingFine/Performing Fine/PerformingFine/Performing is intended ArtsArts Arts ArtsArts Arts Arts [TP] [TP] [TP] [TP][TP] to [TP] [TP] TechTech Tech TechserveTech TechTech PrepPrep Prep PrepPrep PrepPrep as [EL] [EL] [EL] [EL][EL] a [EL] [EL] ElectiveElectivethird Elective ElectiveElective ElectiveElective year [EN] [EN] [EN] [EN][EN] [EN] [EN]of EnglishEnglish English EnglishEnglish Math EnglishEnglish [H] [H] after [H] [H][H] Health [H]Health[H] Health HealthHealth HealthHealth [M] [M] [M] [M][M] Math [M]Math[M] Math MathMath MathMath [O] [O] [O] [O][O] Occupational [O]Occupational[O] Occupational OccupationalOccupational OccupationalOccupational Ed.Ed. Ed. Ed.Ed. Ed. Ed. [P] [P] [P] [P][P] Physical Physical[P][P] Physical PhysicalPhysical PhysicalPhysical EducationEducation Education EducationEducation EducationEducation [S] [S] [S] [S][S] Science Science[S][S] Science ScienceScience ScienceScience [SS] [SS] [SS] [SS][SS] [SS] [SS] SocialSocial Social SocialSocial SocialSocial StudiesStudies StudiesStudies Studies [T] [T] [T] [T] all using the Java programming language. Students receive Page 12141516171819202122252729Algebra Page Page 2630 28111-2 and Geometry 1-2. StudiesStudies[T][T] [T] TechnologyTechnology[T] Technology Technology[T] Technology TechnologyTechnology recognition for their UW work at most public institutions and many Page 13 </p>
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