<p> Bulletin: 22-320 Effective: 05/30/07 Replaces: 08/15/81</p><p>SUGGESTED SPECIFICATION</p><p>”DUOPHASE” SYSTEM Constant Pressure Water Booster System</p><p>SECTION I: GENERAL</p><p>1.1 System Description/Design</p><p>Furnish and install a prefabricated water pressure booster system Model “DUOPHASE”, as manufactured by SyncroFlo, Inc., Norcross, GA. The system shall be capable of automatically providing a regulated system pressure of ___ psig with flow rates from 0 to ____ GPM, with a minimum suction pressure of ___ psig and a maximum suction pressure of ___ psig. Incoming power shall be ____ Volt, 3 phase, 60 hertz. Pump and motor design criteria are as follows:</p><p>Pump Flow Head Power Max. Speed Min. Eff. (GPM) (Ft.) (HP) (RPM) (%) 1 2 3 4 5</p><p>1.02 Code Compliance</p><p> American National Standards Institute (ANSI) American Standards for Testing Materials (ASTM) National Electric Code (NEC) Underwriters Laboratory (UL), Electrical Assemblies-UL508A Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 70)</p><p>All packaged equipment shall be independently Third Party labeled by UL and ETL. Safety certification label shall be permanently attached to pump system.</p><p>1.03 Manufacturer’s Qualifications</p><p> a. Equipment under this section shall be furnished by a single supplier. b. The supplier shall have the sole responsibility for proper functioning of the system and equipment supplied, as per specs and approved submittals. 1 c. Equipment shall be products that the manufacturer regularly produces. d. Manufacturer shall have in place a documented quality assurance program. e. Manufacturer shall have at least thirty years manufacturing and pump systems application experience. f. Manufacturer shall have a facility capable of testing the specified system at design flow and system pressure. Facility shall be capable of providing a suction pressure throughout the specified range. </p><p>1.04 Submittals </p><p>Prior to fabrication, submit an electronic copy to the engineer for approval, including the following:</p><p>1. Certification that the manufacturer is a UL listed control panel manufacturer. 2. Manufacturer’s ETL approval as a manufacturer of factory assembled pumping systems meeting OSHA safety standards. 3. Easily readable functional description of the proposed equipment. 4. Sequence of operation. 5. Electrical schematics showing internal and external wiring connections. 6. Test facility location, flow capacity, and all standard measurements taken. 7. Pump performance curves plotting flow, head, efficiency and NPSH required. 8. Panel face drawing showing location of door mounted components. 9. System data sheet listing all mechanical components and overall system size. 10. Control panel data sheet listing major components and pressure switch settings. 11. System warranty. 12. Detailed drawing or description of all the components listed in section II. 13. Cut sheets on all the major components of the system.</p><p>1.05 System Warranty </p><p>The complete pumping system shall be guaranteed in writing by the manufacturer for a period of one year from date of startup or eighteen months from shipment, whichever comes first, against defects in materials and workmanship, when installed, operated and maintained in accordance with the factory recommendations. Warranties and guarantees by the suppliers of various components in lieu of single-source responsibility by the manufacturer will not be accepted. </p><p>1.06 Spare Parts</p><p>The following spare parts are to be provided with the system: 1 pint of touchup paint, set of control power fuses, set of light bulbs and one spare mechanical seal for each pump.</p><p>SECTION II: PRODUCTS</p><p>2.01 Factory Prefabrication</p><p>2 The system shall be factory prefabricated. Furnish (flanged) (grooved) schedule 40, 304SS suction and discharge headers for right hand connections on 6” and smaller pipe. 8” and larger headers shall be FDA approved epoxy coated steel. The only field connections required will be to system headers, tank (only when remote mounted), over-temperature drain tube, and one incoming power connection at the control panel. </p><p>All skid members shall be properly designed structural steel members to adequately support the weight of the entire system and resist bending during transportation. All pressure sensing lines shall be ¼”, 304SS with brass ball valves and fittings. </p><p>2.02 System Components</p><p>A. Pumps</p><p>The pumps shall be SyncroFlo constant speed vertical turbine pumps. The bowls shall be flanged type constructed of close grained cast iron conforming to ASTM A48, class 30 fitted with sleeve type bearings of bronze alloy C89835. The bowls shall have glass line enameled waterways for maximum wear protection and efficiency. Enclosed impellers shall be from ASTM B584 silicon bronze and shall be balanced to grade G6.3 of ISO 1940 as minimum. They shall be securely fastened to the bowl shaft with taper lock of C1018 steel. The bowl shaft shall and lineshaft shall be from ASTM 582, type 416 stainless steel, the column pipe from ASTM A53 grade B Steel.</p><p>The discharge head shall be flanged made from ASTM A48, class 30 cast iron or from fabricated steel. It shall be fitted with mechanical seal with seal flush line and OSHA approved coupling guard. The mechanical seal shall be sleeve mounted and replaceable without removing the motor, disassembling the pump, or disturbing the piping connections. Provide a thermal relief valve located in the discharge head next to the mechanical seal to relief flow in case of excessive temperature build up in the pump.</p><p>The bowl assembly shall be installed inside an appropriately sized can to ensure proper flow characteristics for the pump. The top can flange shall be designed to match the pressure rating and drill pattern of the discharge head. The can shall be made from stainless steel and shall have a 0.5" drain at the bottom.</p><p>B. Motors</p><p>Each motor shall be (WP-1) or (TEFC), (Vertical hollowshaft) or (Vertical Solidshaft) designed to NEMA standards to operate within the rated capacity at any point on the pump curve. It shall be furnished with a non-reverse ratchet to prevent reverse rotation. Include a hex- type shaft coupling with air vent and a steady bushing for each pump-motor assembly. </p><p>C. Pressure Regulating Valves</p><p>System pressure shall be regulated by a pilot-operated diaphragm-type pressure regulating valve with opening speed control on each pump discharge line. Valve body and cover shall be FDA approved epoxy-coated ductile iron. Seat and stem shall be stainless steel. Stem shall be guided 3 from both top and bottom. Disc guide, disc retainer, and diaphragm washer shall be cast bronze or epoxy-coated cast iron. Tubing shall be copper. The valve assembly shall be suitable for operation at pump shut-off pressure plus maximum suction pressure. Pressure drop through the valve shall be no more than 5 psi at pump duty point.</p><p>D. Check Valves</p><p>Provide a wafer style check valve to prevent back flow of water on each pump discharge. Check valve shall be manufactured from gray iron and shall be rated for a minimum of 200psig W.P. All contact surfaces shall be suitable for potable water service.</p><p>E. Isolating Valves</p><p>Provide isolation valves on the suction and discharge of each pump. Valves shall be lug style butterfly valves with hand lever operator rated for a minimum 200psig W.P. Valves shall be suitable for operation at pump shut-off pressure plus maximum suction pressure. All contact surfaces shall be suitable for potable water service. Valves shall be 100% factory tested for bubble-tight shut-off in both directions. Gate valves shall not be acceptable.</p><p>Provide isolation valves for all gauges and instrumentation. Valves shall be threaded bronze ball valves. Valves shall be suitable for operation at maximum pump pressure plus maximum suction pressure.</p><p>F. HydroCumulator Tank</p><p>Provide a factory pre-charged, ASME code and NB stamped, HydroCumulator tank, size (185 gal), (132 gal), (106 gal) rated for maximum suction pressure plus pump shutoff pressure. Tank shall include a replaceable FDA approved Butyl rubber diaphragm to separate air and water. No water shall come in contact with the walls of the tank. The HydroCumulator tank shall be shipped pre-charged to the proper design conditions. </p><p>HydroCumulator tank shall be mounted on the pump system skid, and piped between the lead pump and the lead pump check valve. Piping connection shall be size 1½". Connect HydroCumulator tank to all equal size pumps on the system. </p><p>G. Power and Control Panel</p><p>Furnish a single compartment SyncroFlo power and control panel in Nema 1 enclosure. Enclosure and base pan shall be corrosion resistant steel. It shall house all control components and include control power transformer with control power light, pulsating audiovisual alarm system, and other necessary controls. </p><p>Provide a Motor Starter Protector (MSP) that features a manual ON/OFF switch, a Class 10 adjustable bimetallic overload relay, and magnetic trip elements for short circuit protection. All of the electrical components shall be factory wired and tested by the pump system manufacturer 4 in accordance with the provisions of the National Electrical Code. All control wires shall be individually numbered and each component shall be labeled accordingly. All internal wiring shall be copper stranded, A.W.G. with a minimum insulation of 90o C rated or higher and must be sized in accordance with the latest requirements of UL508a.</p><p>H. Programmable Controller</p><p>Provide a UL listed programmable controller to control all pump starts and stops and indicate alarm conditions. The controller shall have the following features:</p><p>1. Nonvolatile EEPROM memory to prevent program loss due to power failure 2. Program cartridge or loader which allows program changes to be made by the factory and sent to the field for simple loading by the operator 3. Input and output “on” status lights for ease of monitoring 4. Controller shall be designed to operate in an environment with the following criteria as a minimum: Ambient temperature: 0-55° C (32 - 131°F) (in operation) Ambient humidity: 35-85% RH Vibration resistance: 10-55Hz 0.02in , Max. 2G for 2 hrs in each of 3 axis directions. Shock resistance: 10G 3 times in 3 directions. Noise immunity: 1000 Vpp noise voltage, 1µs pulse width at 30-100Hz Insulation resistance: 5MΩ or larger by 500 VDC insulation resistance tester</p><p>I. Instrumentation and Emergency Controls</p><p>1. Flow sensor shall be an insertion type with non-magnetic impeller. Sensor shall be brass or stainless steel. Output shall be digital to eliminate signal interference with the PLC. 2. Temperature relief valve shall be mounted in the pump casing, seal bypass line, or right after the pump discharge for the fastest and most accurate response time. 3. Pump system shall have pressure gauges for pump discharge pressure, suction pressure and system pressure. 4. All pump or header mounted pressure gauges shall be 4” glycerin filled gauges. All panel mounted gauges shall be 2 1/2” glycerin filled gauges. Gauges shall have a stainless steel case and crimp ring, copper alloy movement with the case connection sealed with EPDM “O”-ring. Gauges shall be according to ASME B40.100, Grade A and shall have an accuracy of 1% of span. 5. Provide pressure sensors for low system pressure and low suction pressure conditions. All pressure sensors shall be control panel mounted. 6. Hand-Off-Auto switches shall be external to any operator interface terminal and wired to allow manual pump operation in the event of PLC operator interface failure. 7. Provide individual alarm contacts.</p><p>2.03 System Performance</p><p>A. Normal Operation</p><p>5 The lead pump shall run continuously. Lag pumps shall be sequenced on and off by an insertion- type paddlewheel flow meter. As a backup, lag pumps shall be sequenced on and off by the low system pressure sensor.</p><p>Automatic sequencing shall include the following features: a. Successive and 24-hour alternation of equal capacity pumps b. Pump overlap during 24-hour alternation c. Lag pump exerciser function d. Sequential pumps starts and stops e. Minimum run and stop delay timer for each pump f. Field adjustable time delay for low system pressure start signals</p><p>B. Low Flow Operation</p><p>Provide a pressure switch and flow sensor to automatically control lead pump operation. These controls shall prevent lead pump short-cycling while maximizing the stored water available from the HydroCumulator tank. </p><p>C. Emergency Alarms and Control</p><p>Automatic alarm sequencing shall include the following features: 1. Sequence shifting that adjusts the pump sequence when any pump is disabled without waiting for low system condition. 2. Delayed start to reduce dangerous hydraulic and/or electric surges after power restoration or alarm reset. 3. Provide a pressure sensing device for low system and low suction conditions to activate the alarm system. For low suction alarm, all pumps shall stop requiring visual inspection and manual reset.</p><p>D. Factory Test and Certification</p><p>The manufacturer shall set all pressure switches, timers, pressure regulators, check motor rotation, etc… prior to shipment. It shall certify in writing that the water pressure booster system and its component parts have undergone a complete operational electric and hydraulic flow test prior to shipment. The test shall include a system operating test from zero to 100% design flow at the specified suction and system pressure conditions. System test shall be accurate within 1% of duty point. Testing equipment calibration shall be traceable to NIST standards.</p><p>SECTION III: EXECUTION</p><p>3.01 Installation</p><p>The Contractor shall install the system in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. The contractor shall ensure that the house pad is level and flat with a tolerance of no more than 6 ¼” per foot of concrete. The house pad shall extend 12” outside of the skid on all four sides and shall be at least ___” thick. </p><p>A. Include a floor drain sized according to local code. Drain shall provide emergency drainage to prevent building damage in the event of seal failure. B. Anchor pump system in accordance with system manufacturer’s recommendations. C. Pipe temperature relief valve discharge to drain. D. Install a by-pass line around the pump package to isolate system during maintenance. E. Install flexible connectors between the suction and discharge connections and building piping to accommodate any minor misalignment and dampen any excessive vibration. F. Pipe system bypass line with isolation valve. G. All field anchoring, piping, and wiring shall comply with local codes.</p><p>During system installation, Contractor shall pay special attention not to add any undue strain to the system headers that may cause pump misalignment and excessive vibration. </p><p>3.02 Startup Service</p><p>The service of a factory-trained representative shall be made available on the jobsite to check installation, supervise startup, and instruct the operator on proper system operation and maintenance. To ensure proper start-up procedure and warranty documentation, the start-up form must be signed by all parties after the successful completion of start-up and a copy returned to the factory for their records.</p><p>OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT</p><p>The SyncroFlo “DUOPHASE” system is available with several optional equipment that will enhance the performance of the system and customize it to your specific application. Please select one or more of the available options that is required for your application:</p><p> Nema 4 panel mounted elapsed time meter TEFC motors NEMA 12 enclosure NEMA 4 enclosure Nema 4 Operator Interface Terminal Energy savings mode light (during high suction or tank operation) Low level alarm in lieu of low suction (controls by others) Electric high temperature sensors and purge valves Split skid Digital (1-6 kHz) pressure transducers on suction and discharge Remote analog pressure transmitter (4-20mA) Pressure gauges mounted in a gauge board Flexible connectors to be mounted on end of headers X-Y plot of system test Witnessed system test 7 Webcam witnessed test</p><p>8</p>
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