<p> KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA RECKONG PEO</p><p>HOLIDAY HOMEWORK(SUMMER BREAK)</p><p>CLASS-IX</p><p>SUBJECT-SCIENCE</p><p>(MATTER IN OUR SURROUNDINGS)</p><p>Q=Draw the apparatus of sublimation and label it</p><p>Q=Convert from K to degree C</p><p> a) 398 K b) 423 K</p><p>Q=Convert from degree C to K</p><p> a) 293 degree C b) 500 degree C c)124 degree C d)23 degree C</p><p>Q=How hydrogen sulphide smells?</p><p>Q=Which gas gives us foul smell on dissolving it in iron sulphide compound?</p><p>Q=Write any two characteristics of particles of matter.</p><p>Q= Convert 543K to Celsius scale.</p><p>Q=Define melting point</p><p>Q=Name the metal liquid at room temperature.</p><p>Q= Convert K into °C</p><p>293K</p><p>470K</p><p>Q=When a solid melts, its temperature remains constant. Where does their heat energy given to it during melting goes?</p><p>Q=A vapour on cooling changes into______.</p><p>Q=Arrange the three states of matter in increasing order of their compressibility. Q= WRITE FACTORS WHICH DETERMINE THE STATE OF A SUBSTANCE.</p><p>Q=Arrange the following substances in increasing order of force of attraction between the particles –water, sugar, oxygen.</p><p>Q= Write characteristics of particles of matter</p><p>Q= Why does the temperature remains constant during the change of state?</p><p>Q= State an activity to show that particles of matter has space between them.</p><p>Q= Why does evaporation causes cooling?</p><p>Q= How the water kept in earthen pot becomes cool during the summers.</p><p>Q= Why does steam causes more severe burns than boiling water?</p><p>Q= CO2 is a gas. Write two properties to justify this.</p><p>Q= Why does evaporation cause cooling?</p><p>Q= Solid CO2 is also known as dry ice .Why?</p><p>Q= Write any two differences between solids, liquids, and gases.</p><p>Q= Write two methods for changing the states of matter.</p><p>Q= Why is ice at 273Kmore effective in cooling than water at same temperature?</p><p>Q= The melting points of two substances are 280K and 320K. Are these substances liquid at room temperature?</p><p>Q= Give difference between chemical change and physical change.</p><p>Q= Define melting point of solid. At what temperature in Kelvin scale does ice melts.</p><p>Q= A solution contain 40g of common salt in 320 g of water. Find out the mass percentage of the solution</p><p>Q= State two differences between Evaporation & Vaporisation.</p><p>Q= Explain why air is considered a mixture and not a compound.</p><p>Q= Why during summers sitting under fan makes us comfortable?</p><p>Q= What do you mean by sublimation? Give any two Examples of sublime substances. Draw the labelled diagram of the apparatus of sublimation. Q=What is latent heat?</p><p>Q= why it is difficult to dry clothes in humid weather.</p><p>Q= (a) Define latent heat of fusion?</p><p>(b) Gases are so easily compressible where as it is impossible to compress a solid or a liquid.</p><p>Q= Why do we see water droplets on the outer surface of a glass containing ice cold water?</p><p>Q= List the factors affecting evaporation.</p><p>Q= (a) Define evaporation.</p><p>(b) How does increase is surface area affect rate of evaporation? Support your answer with an example.</p><p>Q= A mixture contains powdered camphor and sand. Name the process you will carry out to separate the two components. Draw a labelled diagram too.</p><p>Q= The smell of incense stick spread around in the house even though it is lighted in a corner of a room. Identify the process involved.</p><p>Q= State an activity. To show that particles of matter are very small in size. Draw a labelled diagram of the same. (CELL)</p><p>Q= Who discovered nucleus in a cell?</p><p>Q= In which solution do cells gain water by osmosis?</p><p>Q= In which solution do cells lose water by osmosis?</p><p>Q= In which form do chromosomes contain the genetic information?</p><p>Q= What are the functional segments of DNA?</p><p>Q= Who discovered protoplasm in a cell?</p><p>Q= The raisins added to porridge swell up after sometime. Name the process involved.</p><p>Q= Why is the cell called structural and functional unit of life.</p><p>Q= Name the factor which decides the movement of water across the plasma membrane.</p><p>Q= Starch, glucose and cellulose are different types of?</p><p>Q= What happens when a red blood cell is kept in concentrated saline solution?</p><p>Q= Why plasma membrane called a selectively permeable membrane?</p><p>Q= Who discovered the Golgi apparatus in a cell?</p><p>Q= What is the function of leucoplasts?</p><p>Q= What do vacuoles occupy in a cell?</p><p>Q= What is the contribution of Robert Brown in cell biology?</p><p>Q= Who examined the living cells for the first time?</p><p>Q= Which is the smallest measuring unit in the field cell biology?</p><p>Q= Why are ribosome called protein factories?</p><p>Q= Name the smallest bacteria with size?</p><p>Q= Write the full form of DNA, RNA, ATP, ER, RER, and SER.</p><p>Q= Which membrane is also known as selectively permeable membrane?</p><p>Q= Give two main points of cell theory.</p><p>Q= Name the plastid which stores starch oils and protein granules? Q=Name the phenomenon taking place in the following situations.</p><p> i. Amoeba obtaining food.</p><p> ii. Onion peel kept in concentrated salt solution.</p><p> iii. Raisins kept in water.</p><p> iv. Sugar crystals kept in water.</p><p> v. Random movement of particles of matter.</p><p> vi. Appearance of water droplets on the surface of a glass container.</p><p>Q= State the function of chromosome in a cell.</p><p>Q= Where are proteins synthesised in the body.</p><p>Q= Write notes on nucleus and plastids.</p><p>Q= Name the factor which decides the movement of water across the plasma membrane.</p><p>Q= Write down the name of the tissues which conduct water and food in plant.</p><p> i. Drugs from blood.</p><p> ii. Acetone and water.</p><p> iii. Small pieces of metal from the engine oil.</p><p> iv. Butter from curd.</p><p>Q= Name the outer most layer of –</p><p>(a) Plant (b) animal cell.</p><p>Q= Difference between osmoses and diffusion. (two point)</p><p>Q= Give two different between prokaryotic cell and Eukaryotic cell?</p><p>Q= Name two cell organelles that contain their own genetic material?</p><p>Q= State the function of chromosome and ribosome in a cell.</p><p>Q= Why are lysosomes known as suicide bags?</p><p>Q= Name any two types of plastids in plants and state their function.</p><p>Q= Name the processes by which CO2 and H2O move into and out of the cell. Q= Why chloroplasts are called the ‘Kitchens’ of the cell.</p><p>Q= Why do plant cell possess sized vacuoles?</p><p>Q= What happens and why in the following case.</p><p> i. When a deshelled egg is placed in the pure water.</p><p> ii. When a deshelled egg is placed in salt solution.</p><p>Q= What would happen to the life of a cell if these was no Golgi apparatus?</p><p>Q= Draw a labelled diagram of a neuron.</p><p>Q= Why is mitochondria called power house of cell? List any two similarities between mitochondria and plastid?</p><p>Q=Draw a typical plant or animal cell and label the following:</p><p> i. Mitochondrion.</p><p> ii. Endoplasmic reticulum</p><p> iii. Lysosomes</p><p> iv. Cell membrane</p><p> v. Ribosome</p><p> vi. cytoplasm</p><p>Q= Why do dry apricots placed in salt solution do not swell while they do so when kept in water?</p><p>Q=Make a comparison and write down ways in which plant cells are different from animal cell.</p><p>Q=Describe the structure and write any two functions of the Golgi apparatus?</p><p>Q=What are the three describable traits for the cross breeding programs between desi (indigenous) and exotic breeds?</p><p>Q=Write down two functions of stomata.</p><p>Q=What will happens if i. Ribosome’s are removed from the cell.</p><p> ii. Golgi apparatus is removed from the cell?</p><p> iii. Plasma membrane ruptures?</p><p>Q=Which cell organelle is called the suicide bag of the cell and why?</p><p>Q=Give three differences between cell wall and cell membrane.</p><p>Q=What will happen when:</p><p> i. Ribosome’s are removed from the cell.</p><p> ii. Golgi apparatus is removed from cell.</p><p> iii. Plasma membrane raptures. (MOTION)</p><p>Q=What can you say about the motion of an object whose distance time graph is a straight line parallel to the time axis?</p><p>Q=Give differences between distance and displacement?</p><p>Q= What can you say about the motion of an object when speed time graph is a straight line 11 to time axis.</p><p>Q= Mr. Gupta takes 4 and half rounds of a circular lawn of radius 14m. Calculate the distance covered & displacement.</p><p>Q= A body moves 3m in east & than turns 900 to move 4m in south. Calculate distance & displacement.</p><p>Q=Name the force which is responsible for change in position or state of an object.</p><p>Q= Define acceleration and give its SI unit.</p><p>Q= What is velocity? Give its SI unit.</p><p>Q=Draw velocity time graph for-</p><p> a) A body travelling with uniform acceleration</p><p> b) A body travelling with uniform velocity</p><p>Q=Write S.I. Unit of a)Velocity b)Acceleration c)Displacement</p><p>Q= State Newton’s first law of motion. Explain why some leaves may get detached from a tree if we vigorously shake its branches. Q= A 200m long train cross a 400m long bridge with a speed of 36km per hour. Calculate the time taken by the train to cross the bridge.</p><p>Q= What is average velocity?</p><p>Q= Sai Sherya swims in a 90m long pool. She covers 180m in 1min by swimming from one end to the other & back along the same straight path. Find the average speed & the velocity of Sai Shreya.</p><p>Q= What is the ratio of vel. to speed in non-uniform motion of the body?</p><p>Q= An object travel 10m in sec and then another 26m 6sec. Find its average speed.</p><p>Q= Two objects of masses m1 and m2 having the same size are dropped simultaneously from height h1 and h2 respectively.</p><p>Find the ratio of:</p><p>(a) Time</p><p>(b)Velocity with which they would reach the ground.</p><p>Q= Derive s=ut+1/2at2</p><p>Q= A car accelerates uniformly from 18km/hr-36km/hr in 10sec. Calculate the acceleration produced.</p><p>Q= Name the S.I. Unit of mass, force and momentum.</p><p>Q= Obtain an equation for the velocity-time relation using the graphical method.</p><p>Q= An automobile vehicle has a mass of 1500kg. What must be the force between the vehicle &the road if the vehicle to be stopped with a negative acceleration of 1.7m/s2 ?</p><p>Q= A trolley while going down an inclined slant has an acceleration of 1cm/s2.What will be its velocity after 36 of the slant?</p><p>Q= What is the nature of distance-time graph for uniform and non-uniform motion</p><p>Q= What can you say about motion of an object if its velocity-time graph is a straight line parallel to the time axis, and what will be the acceleration?</p><p>Q= Give three equations of motion</p><p>Q= Explain graphically the second equation of motion. Q= An object has moved through a distance. Can it have zero displacement? If yes, support your answer with an example</p><p>Q= An athlete completes one round of a circular track of diameter 200m in 40s. What will be the distance covered and the displacement at the end of 2 minutes 20s?</p><p>Q= While driving Jayant travels 30km with a speed of 40km/h and next 50 km with a uniform speed of 20km/h. Find his average speed?</p><p>Q= 15m 15m</p><p>15N 25N</p><p>In which case will the object move and in which direction give reason.</p><p>Q=A racing car has a uniform acceleration of 4m/s. what distance will it cover in 10s after start?</p><p>Q= On a 100 km track, a train travels the first 20 km at a uniform speed of 30 km/h. how fast the train travel the next 70 km so as to average 40 km/h for the entire trip.</p><p>Q= A body having mass of 5000kg is moving along a circular path of radius 7 m . find the distance covered and the displacement after it has covered half the circle</p><p>Q= A stone is thrown vertically upwards with a speed of 29.4 m/s. find the-</p><p> a) The time taken to reach the maximum height</p><p> b) Maximum height reached by the body TISSUE</p><p>Q= Name</p><p>(a) The connective tissue found between the skin and the muscles.</p><p>(b) The tissue which connects two bones.</p><p>(c) The epithelial tissue which forms the lining of the kidney tubules.</p><p>(d) The tissue which is present in the veins of leaves.</p><p>Q= Name the outermost layer of</p><p>(a)Plant (b) Animal cell</p><p>Q= How is the shape of a neuron related to its functions? Draw a well labelled diagram.</p><p>Q= Write two differences between meristem and permanent tissues in a tabular form.</p><p>Q= Write out term for the following tissues</p><p>(a) That joins muscles to bones</p><p>(b) Fat reservoir of our body.</p><p>(c) Supporting fills the space inside the organs and helps in repair of tissues.</p><p>Q=Differentiate between</p><p>(a) Tendon and ligament. (b) Red blood cells and white blood cells.</p><p>Q= Blood is considered to be a connective tissue. Give reasons?</p><p>Q= What is complex permanent tissue. Give two examples</p><p>Q= What is plasmolysis & endocytosis?</p><p>Q= Differentiate between aerenchyma and Chlorenchyma?</p><p>Q=Which are the dividing tissues?</p><p>Q=Which materials are transported by blood in our body?</p><p>Q=The process of taking permanent shape and size in a tissue is called ______.</p><p>What materials are stored in parenchyma of stems and roots?</p><p>Q= Where is the sclerenchyma tissue present?</p><p>Q=Which coating does epidermis has on its outer surface?</p><p>Q=Name the hair like projections on outer surface of epithelial tissue.</p><p>Q=What is the name of fluid matrix present in the blood?</p><p>Q=Name the strong and non flexible tissue.</p><p>Q=Which tissue provides flexibility in plants?</p><p>Q=Why do cells need oxygen?</p><p>Q=Where is the fat storing tissue found in our body?</p><p>Q=Which tissue is largely found in our body?</p><p>Q=What causes movement in animals?</p><p>Q= Name the chemicals present in the cork cell</p><p>Q=Name the chemical substance that has waterproof quality.</p><p>Q=Name the structural and functional unit of muscle fibres?</p><p>Q=WHICH TISSUE MAKES THE HUSK OF COCONUT?</p><p>Q=TISSUE THAT FORMS OUTER LINING OF THE BODY Q=TISSUE THAT STORES FAT IN OUR BODY </p><p>Q=TISSUE WHICH UNDER GOES CONTRACTION AND RELAXATION</p><p>A) WRITE THE COMPONENTS OF XYLEM TISSUE </p><p>B) TISSUE THAT CONNECTS MUSCLE TO BONE IN HUMAN </p><p>C) TISSUE THAT TRANSPORTS FOOD&WATER IN PLANTS </p><p>D) STORES FAT IN OUR BODY.</p><p>Q=A) TISSUE THAT FORMS THE INNER LINING OF OUR MOUTH </p><p>Q=GIVE THE FUNCTION OF ADIPOSE TISSUE.</p><p>Q=WRITE TWO FUNCTIONS OF STOMATA AND ITS BENEFITS IN EPIDERMIS</p><p>Q= WHAT IS THE NAME GIVEN TO A NERVOUS CELL. DRAW IT’S LABELLED DIAGRAM.</p><p>Q= WHAT ARE STOMATA? GIVE IT’S TWO FUNTIONS.</p><p>Q=DIFFERENTIATES BETWEEN PARENCHYAM, CHOLLENCHYMA AND SCLERENCHYAM ON THE BASIS OF THEIR CELL WALL. </p><p>Q=IF A LEAFY BRANCH OF A HEALTHY POTTED PLANT IS COVRED WITH A POLYTHENE BAG, TINY WATER DROPLETS ARE SEEN ON THE INSIDE OF THE BAG. WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN? WHICH PARTS OF THE LEAF IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS FUNCTION? WHAT ARE ITS OTHER FUNCTIONS?</p><p>Q= WHAT IS THE FUNCTION OF PHLOEM? WHAT ARE THE CONSTITUENTS OF PHLOEM?</p><p>Q=A) PRESENT AT THE GROWING TIPS OF ROOT AND SHOOT.</p><p>B) THAT FORMS OUTER VOVERING AND INNER LINING OF ORGANS IN ANIMALS.</p><p>C) THAT HELPS THE PLANT FLOAT IN WATER.</p><p>D) THAT CONTAINS CHLOROPHYLL AND HELP IN PHOTOSYNTHESIS.</p><p>E) THAT HAS SOLID MATRIX IN IT.</p><p>F) THAT CAN FLOW.</p><p>Q=A) TISSUE RESPONSIBLE FOR MOVEMENT IN OUR BODY</p><p>B) CONNECTIVE TISSUE WITH A FLUID MATIR C) TISSUE THAT STORES FAT IN OUR BODY</p><p>Q=WHAT ARE COMPLEX TISSUE? NAME THE TWO TYPES OF COMPLEX PERMANET TISSUE PRESENT IN PLANTS GIVE ONE FUNCTION OF EACH COMPLEX TISSUE.</p>
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