<p>EHP3 for SAP CRM 7.0 April 2014 English</p><p>Service Order Management Standalone (C68) Test Script</p><p>SAP SE Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 69190 Walldorf Germany SAP Best Practices Service Order Management Standalone (C68): Test Script </p><p>Icons</p><p>Icon Meaning</p><p>Caution</p><p>Note</p><p>Typographic Conventions Icon Meaning</p><p>Example text Words or characters that appear on the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons as well as menu names, paths and options.</p><p>Example text Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation.</p><p><Example text> Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries.</p><p>Document Revisions Revision Change Date Description 3</p><p>© SAP SE Page 2 of 30 SAP Best Practices Service Order Management Standalone (C68): Test Script </p><p>Copyright</p><p>© 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice.</p><p>Some software products marketed by SAP AG and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. National product specifications may vary.</p><p>These materials are provided by SAP AG and its affiliated companies ("SAP Group") for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind, and SAP Group shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The only warranties for SAP Group products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. </p><p>SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and other countries. Please see http://www.sap.com/corporate-en/legal/copyright/index.epx#trademark for additional trademark information and notices.</p><p>© SAP SE Page 3 of 30 SAP Best Practices Service Order Management Standalone (C68): Test Script </p><p>Contents 1 Purpose...... 6 1.1 Purpose of the Document...... 6 1.2 Purpose of Service Order Management Standalone...... 6 2 Prerequisites...... 6 2.1 System Access...... 6 2.2 Roles...... 7 2.3 Master Data, Organizational Data, and Other Data...... 7 2.4 Business Conditions...... 8 3 Process Overview Table...... 9 4 Testing the Process Steps...... 10 4.1 Optional: Create Service Order Template...... 10 4.2 Optional: Create Service Order as Follow-up from Service Order Template...... 11 4.3 Create Quotation...... 14 4.4 Check Quotation Items...... 16 4.5 Send Quotation to Customer...... 17 4.6 Convert Quotation to Service Order and Release...... 18 4.7 Assign Service Item(s) to Service Employee(s)...... 19 4.8 Create Service Confirmation...... 22 4.9 Complete Service Order...... 24 4.10 Release Items for Billing...... 25 4.11 Create Billing Document...... 26 4.12 Send Invoice to Customer...... 27 5 Appendix...... 29 5.1 Process Chains...... 29</p><p>© SAP SE Page 4 of 30 SAP Best Practices Service Order Management Standalone (C68): Test Script </p><p>5.2 Troubleshooting...... 29</p><p>© SAP SE Page 5 of 30 SAP Best Practices Service Order Management Standalone (C68): Test Script </p><p>Service Order Management Standalone</p><p>1 Purpose</p><p>1.1 Purpose of the Document This document provides a detailed procedure for testing the scope item Service Order Management Standalone after solution deployment, reflecting the predefined scope of the solution. Each process step is covered in its own section, providing the system interactions (i.e. test steps) in a table view. Steps that are not in scope of the process but are needed for testing are marked accordingly (see column Test Step). Customer project-specific steps must be added. Note for the customer project team: Instructions for the customer project team are highlighted in yellow and should be removed before hand -over to project testers. The appendix is included for internal reference, in particular to support A2O, and should also be deleted before hand over to the customer, unless deemed helpful to explain the larger context. </p><p>1.2 Purpose of Service Order Management Standalone This document illustrates the entire process flow concerning a service order. The process starts with the creation and printout of a service quotation and goes on with the appropriate service order related steps like creation, planning and dispatching, confirmation, completion, billing and billing document printout.</p><p>2 Prerequisites</p><p>This section summarizes all prerequisites for the test in terms of system, user, master data, organizational data, and other test data and business conditions.</p><p>2.1 System Access The test should be conducted with the following system and users:</p><p>© SAP SE Page 6 of 30 SAP Best Practices Service Order Management Standalone (C68): Test Script </p><p>Type of Data Details System System <Provide details on how to access system, e.g. system client or URL> Standard User BP Service Employee User ID SERV_EMPL, Password welcome Standard User BP Service Manager User ID SERV_MAN, Password welcome Standard User BP Service Technician User ID SERV_TECH, Password welcome</p><p>If the password is invalid try the password initial.</p><p>2.2 Roles For non-standard users, the following roles must be assigned to the system users testing this scenario: Business Role Business Role ID Process Step Sample data Barbara Lee, BP Service Employee YBP_SRV_EMPL See Process Overview Table User SERV_EMPL, password welcome Ryan Reval, BP Service Manager YBP_SRV_MAN See Process Overview Table User SERV_MAN, password welcome Matthew Carter, BP Service Technician YBP_SRV_TECH See Process Overview Table User SERV_TECH, password welcome</p><p>2.3 Master Data, Organizational Data, and Other Data The organizational structure and master data of your company was created in your system during implementation. The organizational structure reflects the structure of your company. The master data represents materials, customers, and vendors, for example, depending on the operational focus of your company.</p><p>© SAP SE Page 7 of 30 SAP Best Practices Service Order Management Standalone (C68): Test Script </p><p>Use your own master data to go through the test procedure. If you have installed an SAP Best Practices Baseline package, you can use the following Baseline package scenario data: Data Sample Value Details Comments <Sold-To Party> 100000 Customer domestic 00 <Contact Person> Frank Bauer <Installed Base> YBP_IB01 Best Practices IBase 01 External ID <Component> <No of installed base Trading Good 7 External ID component for <Product>> for which you have assigned a warranty <Product> H21 Trading Good 7 <Service> CSSRV_01 Maintenance <Spare Part> H100 BP Spare Part 100 <Contract> <number of newly created Contract assigned to <Component> (for service contract> contract creation: see the Configuration Guide of building block C3J - CRM Service Contract). <Warranty> BP_WTY BP Warranty Time Dependent</p><p>2.4 Business Conditions Before this scope item can be tested, the following business conditions must be met:</p><p>Business Condition Comment 1 Service Contract To assign a service quotation to a contract, the contract must have been created, as described in Configuration Guide C3J - CRM Service Contract, section Creating Service Contract. </p><p>© SAP SE Page 8 of 30 SAP Best Practices Service Order Management Standalone (C68): Test Script </p><p>3 Process Overview Table</p><p>The scope item Service Order Management - Standalone consists of several steps provided in the following table. Process step Business condition Business role Expected results Optional: Create Service Order Template Service Employee Service Order Template</p><p>Optional: Create Service Order as Follow-up Service Employee Service Order from Service Order Template</p><p>Create Quotation Service contract created Service Employee Service Quotation Header</p><p>Check Quotation Items Service Quotation Header Service Employee Quotation Items</p><p>Send Quotation to Customer Quotation Items Service Employee Quotation Printout</p><p>Convert Quotation to Service Order and Release Service Quotation Service Employee Service Order</p><p>Assign Service Item(s) to Service Employee(s) Service Order Item Service Manager Resource Plan Qualifications</p><p>Create Service Confirmation Service Order Item Service Technician Technical Confirmation</p><p>Complete Service Order Service Confirmation Service Employee Service order completed</p><p>Release Items for Billing Service Order Confirmation for Billing Service Employee Billing Document ID</p><p>Create Billing Document Confirmed SO Item Service Employee Billing Document Debit Memo</p><p>Send Invoice to Customer Billing Document Service Employee Invoice Printout</p><p>© SAP SE Page 9 of 30 SAP Best Practices Service Order Management Standalone (C68): Test Script </p><p>4 Testing the Process Steps</p><p>This section describes test procedures for each process step that belongs to this scope item. The test should take approximately 2 hours.</p><p>4.1 Optional: Create Service Order Template</p><p>Purpose You use service order templates to define reusable sets of service-related data that minimize the amount of time required to create a service transaction. A service order template describes only the scope of planned services and not the actual execution (customer and time frame). A service order template is created directly in the CRM system by a service employee.</p><p>Procedure Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass / Fail / Step # Field Name: Value Comment 1 Log on Log on to the CRM WebClient as The Home page appears. service employee. Navigation option to access Service Orders is available. 2 Open New On the navigation bar, choose New Service Order Template Service Order opens. Template Service Orders Create: Service Order Template In the Select Transaction Type Web page dialog, select transaction type BP Service Order Tpl (YSOT), if necessary.</p><p>© SAP SE Page 10 of 30 SAP Best Practices Service Order Management Standalone (C68): Test Script </p><p>Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass / Fail / Step # Field Name: Value Comment 3 Enter General In assignment block Service Order Description: Product Data Template Details, make the defective required entries. Employee Responsible: Press Enter. <If applicable> Note: <If applicable> Template Search Term: <If applicable> 4 Add Item Data In assignment block Items, add the Product ID: (for example, relevant sales items. CSSRV_01 - Maintenance) Select the required data (using the input help). Quantity: <quantity > 5 Change Status Change the item status from Open The Service Order Template to Released. status has been changed. 6 Save Save your entries. A service order template has been created in the CRM system. Note down the number of the service order template for further reference.</p><p>4.2 Optional: Create Service Order as Follow-up from Service Order Template</p><p>Purpose In this step you create a service order as follow-up transaction from a service order template by the service employee.</p><p>© SAP SE Page 11 of 30 SAP Best Practices Service Order Management Standalone (C68): Test Script </p><p>Procedure Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass / Fail / Step # Field Name: Value Comment 1 Create Follow-up To create a service order as The New Service Order screen follow-up transaction, choose opens. Create Follow-Up from the application toolbar. In the Follow-Up Web page dialog, select transaction type BP Service Order (of category Service Process), if necessary. 2 Choose items to In the Follow-Up – Select Items Items are copied from the be copied Web page dialog, highlight the template. relevant item and select Choose. 3 Enter Sold-To In assignment block Service Order General Data Service order is generated with Party Details, enter the required data. referenced data. Sold-To Party: <Sold-To Press Enter. Party>, for example 100000</p><p>4 Select In the Select Organizational Data Service: Service Back Organizational Web page dialog, select one or Office (BP_SRV) Data both of the responsible organizational units shown on the Sales: Sales right, if necessary. (BP_SALES) 5 Select In the Select Organizational Distribution Channel: 10 Organizational Attributes Web page dialog, select (Direct Sales) Attributes the combination shown on the right, if necessary. Division: 10 (Product Division) You can also directly select all necessary organizational units for Sales and Service in the assignment block Organizational </p><p>© SAP SE Page 12 of 30 SAP Best Practices Service Order Management Standalone (C68): Test Script </p><p>Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass / Fail / Step # Field Name: Value Comment Data. 6 Enter Service In assignment block Service Order General Data Order Details Details, enter the required data Contact: < (using the input help) if not already Contact determined. Person> (if not already entered) Press Enter. Processing Data Priority: High Reference Objects Installed Base Component <Component> (component description: Trading Good 7) Categorization <if applicable> 7 Check Item Data In assignment block Items; make Item No. <filled sure that the item was copied automatically> correctly from the template. If that Product ID: < > should not be the case, make the Product required entries. (for example, CSSRV_01) Quantity <Quantity> (for example, 1) 8 Change Status Set Status to Released. The Service Order status has been changed. 9 Save Save your entries. Service order is saved.</p><p>© SAP SE Page 13 of 30 SAP Best Practices Service Order Management Standalone (C68): Test Script </p><p>4.3 Create Quotation</p><p>Purpose Instead of using a service order template, the starting point of this business process would be the creation of a service quotation directly in the CRM system by a service employee.</p><p>Procedure Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass / Fail / Step # Field Name: Value Comment 1 Log on Log on to the CRM WebClient as The Home page appears. service employee. Navigation option to access Service Orders is available. 2 Navigate to Choose Service Orders from the Service Orders work center Service Orders navigation bar. appears. 3 Create New Access the transaction by New Service Quotation screen Service Order choosing the following navigation (BP Service Quotation) opens. Quotation option: Service Orders Create: Service Order Quotation In the Select Transaction Type Web page dialog, select transaction type BP Service Quotation (YSOQ) if necessary. 4 Provide In assignment block Quotation Description: Product Quotation Details, make the required entries. defective General Data Press Enter. Sold-To Party: <Sold-To Party>, for example, 100000 5 Select In the Select Organizational Data Service: Service Back Organizational Web page dialog, select the Office (BP_SRV)</p><p>© SAP SE Page 14 of 30 SAP Best Practices Service Order Management Standalone (C68): Test Script </p><p>Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass / Fail / Step # Field Name: Value Comment Data responsible organizational units Sales: BP_SALES shown on the right, if necessary.</p><p>6 Select In the Select Organizational Distribution Channel: 10 Organizational Attributes Web page dialog, select (Direct Sales) Attributes the combination shown on the right, if necessary. Division: 10 (Product Division 10) You can also directly select all necessary organizational units for Sales and Service in assignment block Organizational Data.</p><p>7 Provide In assignment block Quotation General Data Service order quotation is Quotation Details generated with referenced data. Details, make the required entries Contact: <Contact (using the input help) if not already Person> (if not already determined. entered) Processing Data Priority: High Reference Objects Component: <Component> (with Component Desc.: Trading Good 7)</p><p>8 Select Contract / In the Contract/Agreement Agreement Assignment Web page dialog, select the relevant <Contract>.</p><p>Then highlight the relevant <Service> and select Choose.</p><p>9 Edit Quotation Enter a quantity for each selected </p><p>© SAP SE Page 15 of 30 SAP Best Practices Service Order Management Standalone (C68): Test Script </p><p>Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass / Fail / Step # Field Name: Value Comment</p><p>Item item.</p><p>10 Add Service In assignment block Parties Service Employee Group: Employee Group Involved (scroll down), add the BP_TECH (BP Service relevant service employee group if Technicians Group) necessary. Select the required data using the input help.</p><p>11 Save Save your entries. A service order quotation has been created in the CRM system. Note down the transaction number for further reference.</p><p>4.4 Check Quotation Items</p><p>Procedure Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass / Fail / Step # Field Name: Value Comment 1 Check Quotation In assignment block Items, you Service Order Quotation item is Item can choose button Edit in order to opened. check the details of the service item.</p><p>In assignment block Service Item Details, you can check the data of the service contract and warranty that have been determined (service profile, response profile, accounting indicator).</p><p>2 Check Price In assignment block Price Details, You have checked the Service </p><p>© SAP SE Page 16 of 30 SAP Best Practices Service Order Management Standalone (C68): Test Script </p><p>Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass / Fail / Step # Field Name: Value Comment</p><p>Details you can check the influence on the Order Quotation items. pricing conditions.</p><p>3 Exit You returned to the quotation Choose Back. overview.</p><p>4.5 Send Quotation to Customer</p><p>Purpose Now you can print out the service quotation and send it to your customer as a letter. Your customer can now decide whether they want to accept your service offer.</p><p>Procedure Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass / Fail / Step # Field Name: Value Comment 1 Preview the From the CRM WebClient toolbar, Preview of service order quotation Service Order choose Print Preview to access a is displayed. Quotation preview of the service order Document quotation printout document. 2 Print the Service From the Print Preview Web page A service order quotation Order Quotation dialog, choose the Printer button in document has been printed out Document order to directly select the relevant and can now be sent to the printer and print out the generated customer as a letter. PDF file.</p><p>© SAP SE Page 17 of 30 SAP Best Practices Service Order Management Standalone (C68): Test Script </p><p>4.6 Convert Quotation to Service Order and Release</p><p>Purpose In this step you create a service order as follow-up transaction from a service order quotation by the service employee.</p><p>Procedure Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass / Fail / Step # Field Name: Value Comment 1 Create Follow-up To create a service order as Creation of follow-up document is follow-up transaction, choose started. Create Follow-Up from the application toolbar. 2 Select Service As category select Service Order Header Process with transaction type BP Information Service Order. In the Web page dialog, select all quotation items and click Choose. 3 Edit or add In assignment block Items you can Service Order now either edit existing items or Items add additional service or spare part items. 4 Change Service In assignment block Service Order Processing Data Order Details Details, select the required data. Status: Released 5 Save Save your entries. A service order has been created for further reference. Note down the service order number for further reference. 6 Log off Now you can log off the CRM WebClient UI as a service employee and log on again as service manager.</p><p>© SAP SE Page 18 of 30 SAP Best Practices Service Order Management Standalone (C68): Test Script </p><p>Result A service order has been created.</p><p>4.7 Assign Service Item(s) to Service Employee(s)</p><p>Purpose The service manager or a dispatcher now dispatches the newly created service order to a service technician from the responsible organizational unit BP Service Technicians Group.</p><p>Procedure Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass / Fail / Step # Field Name: Value Comment 1 Log on Log on to the CRM WebClient UI The Home page appears. as service manager. Navigation option to access Resource Planning is available. 2 Start Resource Access the transaction by Resource Planning module is Planning choosing the following navigation accessed. option: Resource Planning Search: Resource Planning 3 Adjust Settings From the application toolbar, Visualization of Resource choose Settings. View Mode: Select a Planning Board In the Planning Settings Web page value from the dropdown dialog, select the required entries list. and choose Save. Time Time Zone: CET Days per Week: 7 Days</p><p>© SAP SE Page 19 of 30 SAP Best Practices Service Order Management Standalone (C68): Test Script </p><p>Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass / Fail / Step # Field Name: Value Comment Defaults Resource View: Weekly List Assignment Appearance: List Schedule Strategy: Standard 4 Access search In assignment block Resources, criteria for choose Show Search Fields in available order to access the search criteria. technicians 5 Find available Select a time frame (for example, The system displays the available technicians This Month) and choose Search. technicians. You get a list of all technicians available during the selected time frame. As an option, you can save the search result. In the field Save Search As enter <your title> and choose Save. Choose Hide Search Fields again. 6 Access search In the assignment block Service criteria for Demands, choose Show Search demands to be Fields in order to access the planned search criteria. 7 Find demands to Select a time frame (for example, The system displays demands to be planned This Month) and choose Search. be planned. You get a list of all service demands that need to be processed during the selected </p><p>© SAP SE Page 20 of 30 SAP Best Practices Service Order Management Standalone (C68): Test Script </p><p>Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass / Fail / Step # Field Name: Value Comment time frame. As an option you can save the search result: In field Save Search As enter <your title> and choose Save. Choose Hide Search Fields again. 8 Optional: Show Optional: in assignment block Map Demands and or resources or data on map choose Show Data on Map. shown on the map. 9 Create In the Resources result list, Assignment for highlight the technician to assign available to planned service demand (here: resource Service Arrangement for Matthew Carter). In the Service Demands result list, highlight an unplanned service item to assign to the selected technician. 10 Create Service In assignment block Assignments, Demand choose Create. 11 Edit Assignment Enter the required data for the <Fields for Planned Details assigned service demand. Start>: <next Monday> 09:00 <Fields for Planned End>: <next Monday> 11:00 Status: Released 12 Assign Service Choose Apply. The service demand automatically Demand gets the appropriate staffing level. A service demand has been You can also see the assignment staffed with an available service within the service order you </p><p>© SAP SE Page 21 of 30 SAP Best Practices Service Order Management Standalone (C68): Test Script </p><p>Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass / Fail / Step # Field Name: Value Comment created before. In assignment technician. block Items; choose the button Edit to enter the service item details. In assignment block Assignments you find the assigned service technician who will fulfill the service demand. 13 Log off You can now log off the CRM WebClient as service manager and log on again as service technician.</p><p>4.8 Create Service Confirmation</p><p>Purpose The service item was processed by the assigned service technician. Afterwards, the technician enters the confirmation data. In this case, the confirmation data is entered directly in the CRM system after the technician returns from the customer visit.</p><p>Procedure Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass / Fail / Step # Field Name: Value Comment 1 Log on Log on to the CRM WebClient UI The Home page appears. as service technician. Navigation option to access Service Orders is available.</p><p>© SAP SE Page 22 of 30 SAP Best Practices Service Order Management Standalone (C68): Test Script </p><p>Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass / Fail / Step # Field Name: Value Comment 2 Navigate to Access the transaction by The Search view appears. Service Order choosing the following navigation option: Service Orders Search: Service Orders 3 Search for Search for the newly created Service Order ID: <your Service order is opened. Service Order service order. document number> Select the service order by clicking the service order ID. 4 Create Follow-up From the application toolbar, Creation of follow-up document is choose Create Follow-Up. started. 5 Select Service In the Web page dialog, select Confirmation category Service Confirmation with Header transaction type BP Confirmation. Information From the Follow-Up - Select Items Web page dialog, highlight the service item(s) you want, confirm and click Choose. 6 Add Service Optional: You can now add further Actual Duration: 2,00 Confirmation information, for example: Hours Item Details For a service item, you Status: Completed can set the exact duration of the service process (press the Edit icon next to item number). In assignment block Items, you can enter the spare part(s) and the service technician needed to fulfill the service order </p><p>© SAP SE Page 23 of 30 SAP Best Practices Service Order Management Standalone (C68): Test Script </p><p>Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass / Fail / Step # Field Name: Value Comment demand. 7 Finish service In assignment block Service Status: Completed confirmation Confirmation Details, switch the document confirmation status to Completed. 8 Save Choose Save. Service Confirmation has been created. Note down the confirmation number displayed as a system message in the status bar for further reference. 9 Log off You can now log off from the CRM WebClient UI as a service technician and log on again as service employee.</p><p>4.9 Complete Service Order</p><p>Purpose The preceding service order is to be completed to release confirmation items for billing. This step is explicitly required for items with billing relevancy Transaction-Related Billing After Completion.</p><p>Procedure Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass / Fail / Step # Field Name: Value Comment 1 Log on Log on to the CRM WebClient UI The Home page appears. as service employee. Navigation option to access Service Orders is available.</p><p>© SAP SE Page 24 of 30 SAP Best Practices Service Order Management Standalone (C68): Test Script </p><p>Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass / Fail / Step # Field Name: Value Comment 2 Navigate to Choose Service Orders in the Service Order work center Service Orders navigation bar. appears. 3 Search Service Choose the following navigation Service Order ID: <your Result List appears. Order option: document number> Service Orders Search: Service Orders Search for the newly created service order. 4 Select Service Select the service order by clicking Service order is opened. Order the service order ID. 5 Edit Order Item In assignment block Service Order Status: Completed Service order is completed. Details, choose Edit and select the required data. 6 Save Choose Save. The service confirmation that has been created before can now be released for billing.</p><p>4.10 Release Items for Billing</p><p>Purpose Items with billing relevancy Transaction-Related Billing After Completion need to be explicitly released for billing in the CRM WebClient.</p><p>© SAP SE Page 25 of 30 SAP Best Practices Service Order Management Standalone (C68): Test Script </p><p>Procedure Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass / Fail / Step # Field Name: Value Comment 1 Access billing To prepare the invoice, access the due list billing due list by choosing the following navigation option: Billing Search: Release for Billing 2 Display As search criteria you can select, Billing due list appears. documents ready for example, the number for invoicing (transaction ID) of the service confirmation. Choose Search. 3 Release for Highlight the service confirmation The service confirmation is now Billing you created before. released for billing. Choose Release for Billing. Service confirmation can now be invoiced. Note down the billing document ID that is displayed afterwards.</p><p>4.11 Create Billing Document</p><p>Purpose In this step you create an invoice in SAP CRM based on confirmed time and material data.</p><p>© SAP SE Page 26 of 30 SAP Best Practices Service Order Management Standalone (C68): Test Script </p><p>Procedure Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass / Fail / Step # Field Name: Value Comment 1 Access billing To prepare the invoice, access the due list billing due list by choosing the following navigation option: Billing Search: Billing Due List Items 2 Display As search criteria you can select, Billing requests are displayed. documents ready for example, Billing Type ID F2SV for invoicing (Invoice). Choose Search. 3 Create billing Highlight the service confirmation The system generates a billing documents you created before. document. Choose Collective Billing.</p><p>Alternate Billing Parameters (Optional): You can enter values that will override the existing values. These will be applied to the new billing documents. Choose Continue in the application bar to go ahead with the billing process. 4 Save Choose Save. The system has created a new billing document. Note down the billing document ID that is displayed afterwards.</p><p>© SAP SE Page 27 of 30 SAP Best Practices Service Order Management Standalone (C68): Test Script </p><p>4.12 Send Invoice to Customer</p><p>Purpose In this step you print out the billing document(s) and send the printout to your customer as invoice(s).</p><p>Procedure Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass / Fail / Step # Field Name: Value Comment 1 Select Billing To print out the invoices, access the Search for created billing Document overview of billing documents by document. choosing the following navigation option: Billing Search: Billing Documents Choose Search and select the collective billing document that you created before. 2 Preview the From the application toolbar, choose The system displays a preview of Billing Document Output Preview. the service billing document. Click the Printer symbol, select the corresponding printer, and choose OK.</p><p>© SAP SE Page 28 of 30 SAP Best Practices Service Order Management Standalone (C68): Test Script </p><p>5 Appendix</p><p>5.1 Process Chains This appendix is merely for internal reference. Delete before hand-over to customer unless relevant for e.g. A2O reasons.</p><p>The process to be tested in this test case is part of a chain of integrated processes. </p><p>5.1.1 Preceding Processes You may first have completed the following business processes and conditions before you start with testing this scope item:</p><p>Process Business Condition Interaction Center Service Order Management (CSJ) An IC service agent may have created a number of service tickets which you can now process further. This scenario would then start with process step Convert to Service Order. Configuration guide C3S - CRM Service Plan CRM Service Plan describes how to create a sample service plan. Based on this, service orders can become available for regular maintenance activities requested by the customer CR2 – Interactive Reporting Beforehand as a manager you may want to get an overview of the workload of your employees. This is available to you in case CRM Interactive Reporting was configured in your system. For details about the reports available refer to CR2 - Interactive Reporting User Guide.</p><p>5.2 Troubleshooting If the test steps do not run through as expected, or expected results are not achieved, refer to this section for additional hints. This section is aimed at consultants or system administrators. </p><p>© SAP SE Page 29 of 30 SAP Best Practices Service Order Management Standalone (C68): Test Script </p><p>5.2.1 General Hints Test Step Problem Solution All The assignment block given in the test procedure is not Use the Personalize button in the application toolbar to adapt the screen. visible. In the Personalization dialog you can select and deselect all assignment blocks that are available for your overview screen (for example, Organizational Data).</p><p>5.2.2 Hints for the Process Steps</p><p>Process Step 4.4. Check Quotation Items Test Step Problem Solution A warranty is found for the selected installed base The warranty discount only works if condition type 1308 has been component, but a 50% discount is missing. assigned to the master data of the service product (on tab Conditions).</p><p>Process Step 4.11 Create Billing Document Test Step Problem Solution It can happen that the system splits two billing If you want to see the reason for the split, highlight both documents, documents due to differences (for example, in choose Split Analysis, and then choose Back. incoterms, address data, billing dates, etc.) between both preceding documents, service order, and confirmation.</p><p>Process Step 4.12 Send Invoice to Customer Test Step Problem Solution You cannot perform the preview printout (message Check the action profile used for the invoice to get the function Preview Manual action cannot be performed). as well as Process available (for details, see the configuration guide of building block C3N - CRM Service Billing (CRM Standalone), chapter Checking Action Profile for Invoice Printout).</p><p>© SAP SE Page 30 of 30</p>
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