<p> World Bank Technical Documentation</p><p>HDM-4 Road Use Costs Model Documentation Version 1.20</p><p>March 3, 2007</p><p>The World Bank</p><p>TRANSPORT THE WORLD BANK SECTOR Washington, D.C. BOARD Disclaimer</p><p>The World Bank makes no warranty in terms of correctness, accuracy, currentness, reliability or otherwise regarding the model. The user relies on the products of the software and the results solely at his or her own risk. In no event will the World Bank or anyone else who has been involved in the creation of this product be liable for its application or misapplication in the field. The World Bank Reserves the right to make revisions and changes from time to time without obligation to notify any person of such revisions and changes.</p><p>Contact Information</p><p>Rodrigo Archondo-Callao Highway Engineer World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C., 20433, U.S.A Phone: 1 202 473 3978 Fax: 1 202 522 3223 E-mail: [email protected] Web: http://www.worldbank.org/highways</p><p>2 HDM-4 Road Use Costs Model Documentation Version 1.20, March 3, 2007</p><p>Introduction</p><p>This model is designed to compute unit road user costs adopting the Highway Development and Management Model (HDM-4), version 1.3, road user effects equations.</p><p>To compute unit road user costs, follow the steps below:</p><p>Step 0 - Enable Excel macros when asked opening the workbook. Note that the macro security level should be set to medium on Excel Tools/Options/Security/Macro Security /Security Level.</p><p>Step 1 - Go to the Road Characteristics worksheet and enter, on the cells with a yellow background, the characteristics of the road to be evaluated.</p><p>Step 2 - Go to the Vehicle Fleet Data worksheet and enter, on the cells with a yellow background, the vehicle fleet unit costs and basic characteristics. Note that if you don't want to evaluate a particular vehicle type, enter zero as the new vehicle cost and the average daily traffic.</p><p>Step 3 - Go to the Vehicle Fleet Calibration worksheet and optionally, on the cells with a yellow background, change the default vehicle fleet HDM-4 calibration parameters, which represent modern technology vehicles, and the congestion parameters. </p><p>Step 4 - Press the button at Calculate Unit Road User Costs at the Menu to compute the corresponding unit road user costs.</p><p>Step 5 - View the results at the Unit Road User Costs worksheet that presents the unit road user costs for the road being evaluated</p><p>Step 6 - View charts presenting the road user costs of one vehicle at the Chart One Vehicle worksheet, where you need to select one vehicle. View charts presenting the road user costs of all vehicles at the Chart All Vehicles worksheet, where you need to select a road user costs indicator.</p><p>Step 7 - View at the Roughness Sensitivity worksheet, a roughness sensitivity table and cubic polynomials relating roughness to unit road user costs for the given input daily traffic.</p><p>Step 8 - View at the Traffic Levels Sensitivity worksheet, a unit road user costs sensitivity table to the traffic levels (T1 to T9) defined at the Vehicle Fleet Data worksheet for the given input roughness. Here you can also view the cubic polynomials relating road user costs to traffic.</p><p>3 Step 9 - View at the Traffic Levels Roughness Sensitivity worksheet, the average vehicle fleet unit road user costs sensitivity to roughness for each of the traffic levels (T1 to T9) and traffic composition defined at the Vehicle Fleet Data worksheet. Here you can also view the sensitivity in the form of the cubic polynomials relating road user costs to roughness.</p><p>Move to a different worksheet using the hyperlinks at Menu and return to the Menu by pressing the hyperlink “M” located at the top left side of a worksheet. Print a worksheet using the Excel Print feature.</p><p>4 Road Characteristics Worksheet</p><p>This worksheet stores the characteristics of the road to be evaluated. The required inputs are given below.</p><p>Roughness (IRI, m/km): Deviations of a surface from a true planar surface with characteristics dimensions that affect vehicle dynamics, ride quality, dynamic loads and drainage, measured with the International Roughness Index (IRI, m/km) unit.</p><p>Carriageway Width (m): Width of the carriageway in meters.</p><p>Surface Type (1-paved / 2 –unpaved): Select the surface type: Enter 1 for paved roads or 2 for unpaved roads).</p><p>Rise & Fall (m/km): Rise plus fall is defined as the sum of the absolute values of total vertical rise and total vertical fall of the original ground, in meters, along the road alignments over the road section in either direction divided by the total section length, in km. The Figure below illustrates how this value is computed for a given section.</p><p>Rise plus Fall = (R1+R2+R3+F1+F2) / Length (meters/km)</p><p>Horizontal Curvature (deg/km): Horizontal curvature is defined as the weighted average of the curvatures of the curvy sections of the road, the weights being the proportion of the lengths of curvy sections. It units are degrees/km. The horizontal curvature of a curvy section is the angle (in degrees) subtended at the center by a unit arc-length of the curve (in km). Note that the curvature of a curvy section is an inverse of function of the radius of curvature:</p><p>Cs= 180,000 / ¶ / RCs</p><p>Where RCs is the radius of curvature, in meters. Further, the angle subtended by an arc of a circle at the center is equal to the external angle made by the tangents to the circle at the ends of the arc. Thus the curvature also expresses the absolute angular deviation of the two tangent lines at the end-points of the curve by the arc-length. The Figure below illustrates how this value is computed for a given section.</p><p>5 Horizontal Curvature = (C1+C2+C3+C4) / Length (degrees/km)</p><p>Number of Rise & Fall per Km (#): This value represents the number of rises plus the number of falls, as defined on the computation of the rise & fall of a road section, per km of a road section.</p><p>Superelevation (%): Average superelevation is defined as the weighted average of the superelevations of the curvy sections of the road, the weights being the proportion of the lengths of curvy sections. It is a dimensionless quantity. The superelevation of a curvy section is the vertical distance between the heights of the inner and outer edges of the road divided by the road width.</p><p>Altitude (m): The model uses the altitude of the terrain (the average elevation of the road above the mean sea level, in meters) to compute the air resistance to the vehicle motion. </p><p>Speed Limit (km/hour): Posted speed limit defined by law based on safety and economic consideration.</p><p>Speed Limit Enforcement (#): The speed limit enforcement factor is the speed by which traffic travels above the posted speed limit under ideal conditions. It can be estimated by conducting a speed survey on a tangent road and comparing the mean speeds to the mean posted speeds. A value of 1.1 indicates that traffic will travel up to 10 percent above the posted speed limit.</p><p>Roadside Friction (#): This value is a speed reduction factor of the desired speed due to roadside activities, for example, bus stops, roadside stalls and access points to roadside development. The desired speed is the speed at which a vehicle is assumed to be operated in the absence of constraints based on vertical grade, curvature, ride severity, and traffic congestion, being influenced by the driver’s behavior in response to psychological, cultural and economic considerations. A value of 0.9 indicates that traffic will travel 10 percent below the desired speed defined on the vehicle fleet calibration parameters. The default value is 1.0.</p><p>6 NMT Friction (#): This value is a speed reduction factor of the desired speed due to the presence of non-motorized transport, for example, pedestrians, bicycles, rickshaws and animal carts. A value of 0.9 indicates that traffic will travel 10 percent below the desired speed defined on the vehicle fleet calibration parameters. The default value is 1.0.</p><p>Percent Time Driven on Water (%): Percent of time traveled on water covered roads. This value is used to compute the rolling resistance of a road.</p><p>Percent Time Driven on Snow (%): Percent of time traveled on snow covered roads. This value is used to compute the rolling resistance of a road.</p><p>Paved Roads Texture Depth (mm): Average depth of the surface of a road surfacing expressed as the quotient of a given volume of standardized material (sand for sand patch test) and the area of that material spread in a circular patch on the surface being tested. </p><p>7 The HDM-4 model recommends default values for the different road characteristics. The recommended HDM-4 default values for roughness are given on the table below.</p><p>Paved Roads Roughness (IRI, m/km) Road Primary Secondary Tertiary Condition Roads Roads Roads Good 2 3 4 Fair 4 5 6 Poor 6 7 8 Bad 8 9 10</p><p>The recommended HDM-4 default values for road geometry parameters are given on the table below.</p><p>Number Speed Rise & Rise & Horizontal Super_ Speed Limit Roadside NMT Road Fall Fall Curvature elevation Altitude Limit Enforcement Friction Friction (m/km Geometry ) (#) (deg/km) (%) (m) (km/h) (#) (#) (#) Straight and level 1 1 3 2.0 0 110 1.1 1.00 1.00 Mostly straight and gently undulating 10 2 15 2.5 0 100 1.1 1.00 1.00 Bendy and generally level 3 2 50 2.5 0 100 1.1 1.00 1.00 Bendy and gently undulating 15 2 75 3.0 0 80 1.1 1.00 1.00 Bendy and severely undulating 25 3 150 5.0 0 70 1.1 1.00 1.00 Winding and gently undulating 20 3 300 5.0 0 60 1.1 1.00 1.00 Winding and severely undulating 40 4 500 7.0 0 50 1.1 1.00 1.00</p><p>The recommended HDM-4 default values for texture depth are given on the table below.</p><p>Surface Texture Depth (mm) Texture Surface Treatment Asphalt Concrete Good 1.50 0.70 Fair 0.70 0.50 Slippery 0.30 0.30</p><p>The recommended HDM-4 default values for percent driven on snow and water are given on the table below.</p><p>Climate Percent Time Percent Time Temperature Driven on Driven on Classification Water (%) Snow (%) Tropical 20 0 Subtropical-Cool 15 0 Subtropical-Hot 10 0 Temperate-Cool 5 10 Temperate-Freeze 10 20</p><p>8 Vehicle Fleet Data Worksheet</p><p>This worksheet stores the basic characteristics of the vehicle fleet to be evaluated. The required inputs are given below.</p><p>Economic or Financial Unit Costs</p><p>You may specify either financial or economic unit costs. Financial costs represent the actual costs incurred by transport operators in owning and operating the vehicles over the road. Economic costs represent the real costs to the economy of that ownership and operation, where a adjustments are made to allow for market price distortions such as taxes, foreign exchange restrictions, labor wages, etc, and where the implicit costs of passengers' time and cargo holding are accounted for. For an economic evaluation or if you are interested on economic road user costs, you should enter economic unit costs; in this case, the resulting road user costs will be in economic terms. If you are interested on financial road user costs, you should enter financial market costs; in this case, the resulting road user costs will be in financial terms. You can enter the unit costs in any currency; the model will compute the corresponding road user costs in the same currency per vehicle-km.</p><p>New Vehicle ($/vehicle): The new vehicle price (cost per new vehicle) affects directly the following predictions: maintenance parts, depreciation and interest. If you enter zero as the new vehicle price for a given vehicle, no unit road user costs will be computed for that vehicle.</p><p>New Tire ($/tire): The new tire cost (cost per new tire) affects directly the following prediction: tire wear.</p><p>Fuel ($/liter): The gasoline or diesel cost (cost per liter) affects directly the following prediction: fuel cost.</p><p>Lubricating Oil ($/liter): The lubricant cost (cost per liter) affects directly the following prediction: lubricant cost.</p><p>Maintenance Labor ($/hour): The maintenance labor cost (cost per labor-hour of vehicle repairs and maintenance) affects directly the following prediction: maintenance labor.</p><p>Crew ($/hour): The crew time cost (cost per crew-hour of vehicle operation) affects directly the following prediction: crew cost.</p><p>Overhead ($/year): The overhead cost per vehicle-year (lump sumo overhead cost per vehicle, in input currency per vehicle-year) affects directly the following prediction: overhead.</p><p>Interest Rate (%): The annual interest rate (annual interest charge on purchase of new vehicle) affects directly the following prediction: interest.</p><p>9 Passenger Working Time ($/hour): The passenger delay cost doing work activities (cost per passenger-hour delayed) affects directly the following prediction: passenger delay cost</p><p>Passenger Non-working Time ($/hour) The passenger delay cost doing non-work activities (cost per passenger-hour delayed) affects directly the following prediction: passenger delay cost</p><p>Cargo Delay ($/hour): The cargo delay cost (cost per vehicle-hour delayed) affects directly the following prediction: cargo delay cost.</p><p>Basic Vehicle Fleet Characteristics </p><p>Annual Km Driven (km): The average annual utilization in kilometers is the number of kilometers driven per vehicle per year.</p><p>Annual Working Hours (hours): The average annual utilization in hours is the number of working hours per vehicle per year.</p><p>Service Life (years): Average service life of the vehicle in years.</p><p>Private Use (%): This value is the percent of the time a vehicle is driven for private use; therefore, when no crew costs are computed.</p><p>Number of Passengers (#): This value is the average number of passenger per vehicle.</p><p>Work Related Passenger Trips (%): This value is the percent of the time passengers use the vehicle for work related trips.</p><p>Gross Vehicle Weight (tons): The gross vehicle weight is the sum of the tare weight plus the average payload of the vehicle in tons.</p><p>Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT): The average annual daily traffic is used to compute the average vehicle fleet road user costs and the congestion effects.</p><p>Country Name: The country name is stored just for reference purposes. It is not used on the road user costs calculations.</p><p>Currency: The currency name is stored just for reference purposes. It is not used on the road user costs calculations.</p><p>Year: The year of the currency is stored just for reference purposes. It is not used on the road user costs calculations.</p><p>10 Exchange to US$: The exchange rate to US$ of the currency at the given year is stored just for reference purposes. It is not used on the road user costs calculations.</p><p>Traffic Levels Data: The data needed to perform the sensitivity of road user costs to daily traffic and the sensitivity of the average vehicle fleet road user costs to roughness for each traffic level. Enter the daily traffic for each traffic level and the corresponding traffic composition.</p><p>Vehicle Fleet Calibration Worksheet</p><p>This worksheet stores the vehicle fleet calibration parameters of the vehicle fleet to be evaluated. The parameters that are presented on this worksheet are the HDM-4 default values for a modern technology vehicle fleet. If needed, the user can change these parameters to calibrate the road user costs model to reflect local conditions. Refer to the HDM-4 Volume 4 “Analytical Framework and Model Description” and HDM-4 Volume 5 “A Guide to Calibration and Adaptation” for guidelines on calibrating the model and a description of all the vehicle fleet calibration factors.</p><p>This worksheet also stores the following parameters used to calculate road user costs under congested condition:</p><p>Traffic Flow Pattern: The year is divided into 5 periods and for each period one needs to define (i) the percentage of the annual traffic on each period and (ii) the number of hours on each period. Period 1 typically represents the peak hours and Period 5 typically represents the overnight period. The recommended HDM-4 default values for different road uses are given on the table below.</p><p>Number Period of Percentage of Annual During Hours Traffic on Each Period the Year (hours) Seasonal Road Commuter Road Inter-Urban Road Period 1 87.6 4.25 3.05 2.17 Period 2 350.4 13.24 11.33 7.59 Period 3 613.2 16.60 16.55 11.64 Period 4 2978.4 40.32 56.26 40.24 Period 5 4730.4 25.59 12.81 38.36 Total 8760.0 100.00 100.00 100.00</p><p>Speed Flow Type Parameters: These parameters define the speed to hourly flow relationship and are: (i) Ultimate capacity of the road, expressed in passenger car space equivalent per hour, that is the maximum number of vehicles that can pass a point or transverse a road section in one hour (total all directions); (ii) Free flow capacity, expressed as a fraction of the ultimate capacity, which indicates the flow level below which traffic interactions are negligible. (iii) Nominal capacity, expressed as a fraction of the ultimate capacity, which indicates the flow level at which the speeds of all vehicles are the same and start to decrease at the same rate with the increase in traffic.</p><p>11 (iv) Jam speed at capacity, expressed in km/hour, which is the vehicle speeds at ultimate capacity.</p><p>12 The recommended HDM-4 default values for different road types are given on the table below:</p><p>Free- Jam Ultimate Flow Nominal Speed at Width Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity Road Type (m) (pcse/hour) (#) (#) (km/hour) Single Lane Road < 4.0 600 0.00 0.70 10 Intermediate Road 4.0 to 5.5 1,800 0.00 0.70 20 Two Lane Road 5.5 to 9.0 2,800 0.10 0.90 25 Wide Two Lane Road 9.0 to 12.0 3,200 0.20 0.90 30 Four Lane Road >12.0 8,000 0.40 0.95 40</p><p>Desired Speed Adjustment Factor: This factor is used to calibrate the desired speed. It multiplies the input desired speed.</p><p>Acceleration Noise Parameters: These factors are used to calibrate the acceleration noise calculation used to estimate the incremental road user costs due to accelerations and desacceleration under congested conditions.</p><p>Operating Speed Adjustment Factor: This factor is used to calibrate the operating vehicle speeds. It multiplies the operating vehicle speeds computed by the model.</p><p>Acceleration Effects Flag (1-Yes, 0-No): This flag indicates if the incremental road user costs due to the acceleration noise should be included on the resulting road user costs. Enter 1 to include these costs or 0 to exclude these costs.</p><p>13 Unit Road User Costs Worksheet</p><p>This worksheet stores the resulting unit road user costs and speeds. To obtain the results presented on this worksheet and the other output worksheets, press the button “Calculate Unit Road User Costs” located at the Main Menu worksheet. The worksheet presents for each vehicle type and for the average vehicle fleet:</p><p> a) The unit road user costs, in $ per vehicle-km, which is the sum of vehicle operating costs plus time saving costs. b) The vehicle operating costs, in $ per vehicle-km, which is composed of the following components. Fuel Lubricants Tire Maintenance Parts Maintenance Labor Crew Time Depreciation Interest Overhead c) The time saving costs, in $ per vehicle-km, which is composed of the following components. Passenger Time Cargo Time d) The predicted vehicle speed, in km/hour.</p><p>14 Chart One Vehicle Worksheet</p><p>This worksheet presents two charts. The top chart shows the road user costs and road user costs components for a particular vehicle. The bottom chart shows the sensitivity of road user costs to roughness for one vehicle.</p><p>Chart All Vehicles Worksheet</p><p>This worksheet presents two charts. The top chart shows a road user costs indicator for all vehicles. The bottom chart shows the sensitivity of road user costs to roughness for all vehicles.</p><p>Roughness Sensitivity Worksheet</p><p>The worksheet presents for each vehicle type and for the vehicle fleet:</p><p> a) A roughness sensitivity table of unit road user costs. b) The coefficients of the cubic polynomials relating road user costs to roughness.</p><p>The results are computed for the input daily traffic (AADT) and traffic composition entered at the Vehicle Fleet Data Worksheet at the Vehicle Fleet Data Table.</p><p>Traffic Levels Sensitivity Worksheet</p><p>The worksheet presents for each vehicle type and for the vehicle fleet:</p><p> a) Daily traffic (AADT) sensitivity table of unit road user costs. b) The coefficients of the cubic polynomials relating road user costs to daily traffic (AADT).</p><p>The results are computed for the input roughness entered at the Road Characteristics Worksheet..</p><p>Traffic Levels Roughness Sensitivity Worksheet</p><p>The worksheet presents for the vehicle fleet:</p><p> a) The coefficients of the cubic polynomials relating the vehicle fleet road user costs to roughness for each traffic level.</p><p>The results are computed for the input daily traffic (AADT) and traffic composition entered at the Vehicle Fleet Data Worksheet at the Traffic Levels Data Table for each traffic level.</p><p>Note that these coefficients are the inputs needed by the Road Network Evaluation Tools (RONET) model.</p><p>15 Road User Costs Sensitivity</p><p>Sensitivity analysis was conducted as to determine the levels of sensitivity of the input parameters and to rank them. Sensitivity was quantified by the input elasticity, which is simple the ratio of the percentage change in a specific result to the percentage change of the input parameter, holding all other parameters constant at a mean value. For example, if a 50 percent increase in roughness causes an 8 percent increase in unit road user costs, the impact elasticity term of roughness for road user costs is 0.16. If there were an 8 percent decrease, the value would be -0.16. Four classes of model sensitivity have been established as a function of the impact elasticity. The higher the elasticity, the more sensitive are the model predictions. Table 1 presents these sensitivity classes.</p><p>Table 1 Sensitivity Classes Sensitivity Impact Impact Class Elasticity High S-I > 0.50 Moderate S-II 0.20 - 0.50 Low S-III 0.05 - 0.20 Negligible S-IV < 0.05</p><p>When considering road user costs there are two situations that may be of interest, namely the: magnitude of the total road user costs and the road user costs savings due to a road improvement. The first set of analyses considered the sensitivity of total unit road user costs to changes in the input parameters. The road evaluated is in fair condition (4.0 IRI) and located on a bendy and severely undulating terrain (25 m/km rise & fall, 150 degrees/km horizontal curvature and 500 m altitude). The sensitivity was done for the developing countries average vehicle fleet economic unit costs and basic characteristics. Table 2 presents the sensitivity results.</p><p>Table 2 Sensitivity to Total Unit Road User Costs Impact Sensitivity Class Parameter Impact Elasticity High S-I Moderate S-II New Vehicle Cost (US$/vehicle) 0.43 Fuel Cost (US$/liter) 0.20 Low S-III Road Roughness (IRI) 0.16 Number of Passengers (#) 0.15 Working Passenger Time (US$/hour) 0.11 Gross Vehicle Weight (tons) 0.11 Crew Cost (US$/hour) 0.07 Maintenance Labor Cost (US$/hour) 0.07 Rise & Fall (m/km) 0.07 Interest Rate (%) 0.05 Kilometers Driven per Year (km) -0.05 Service Life (years) -0.05 Negligible S-IV Hours Driven per Year (hr) -0.04 New Tire Cost (US$/tire) 0.03 Horizontal Curvature (deg/km) 0.03 Non-working Passenger Time (US$/hour) 0.03 Work Related Passenger-Trips (%) 0.03 Overhead (US$/year) 0.01 Lubricant Cost (US$/liter) 0.01 Speed Limit (km/hour) 0.01 Speed Limit Enforcement (#) 0.01 Percent Time Driven on Water (%) 0.00 Roadside Friction (#) 0.00 NMT Friction (#) 0.00</p><p>16 Texture Depth (mm) 0.00 Percent Time Driven on Snow (%) 0.00 Number of Rise & Fall (%) 0.00 Superelevation (%) 0.00 Cargo Delay (US$/hour) 0.00 Percent Private Use (%) 0.00 Carriageway Width (m) 0.00 Altitude (m) 0.00</p><p>The second set of analyses tested sensitivity of the difference of the total road user costs between 4 and 2 IRI (road user costs savings improving a road from fair to good condition) to changes in the input parameters. The road evaluated is located on a bendy and severely undulating terrain (25 m/km rise & fall, 150 degrees/km horizontal curvature and 500 m altitude). The sensitivity was done for the developing countries average vehicle fleet economic unit costs and basic characteristics. Table 3 presents the sensitivity results.</p><p>Table 3 Sensitivity to Unit Road User Costs Savings (from 4 to 2 IRI) Impact Sensitivity Class Parameter Impact Elasticity High S-I New Vehicle Cost (US$/vehicle) 0.69 Moderate S-II Kilometers Driven per Year (km) 0.20 Service Life (years) 0.20 Low S-III Maintenance Labor Cost (US$/hour) 0.15 Gross Vehicle Weight (tons) 0.09 Fuel Cost (US$/liter) 0.07 Negligible S-IV New Tire Cost (US$/tire) 0.04 Number of Passengers (#) 0.04 Working Passenger Time (US$/hour) 0.03 Working Passenger Time (US$/hour) 0.01 Crew Cost (US$/hour) 0.01 Number of Rise & Fall (%) 0.01 Interest Rate (%) 0.01 Percent Time Driven on Snow (%) 0.01 Non-working Passenger Time (US$/hour) 0.01 Hours Driven per Year (hr) -0.01 Horizontal Curvature (deg/km) -0.01 Percent Time Driven on Water (%) 0.00 Roadside Friction (#) 0.00 NMT Friction (#) 0.00 Overhead (US$/year) 0.00 Carriageway Width (m) 0.00 Superelevation (%) 0.00 Lubricant Cost (US$/liter) 0.00 Altitude (m) 0.00 Texture Depth (mm) 0.00 Cargo Delay (US$/hour) 0.00 Number of Rise & Fall (%) 0.00 Percent Private Use (%) 0.00 Speed Limit (km/hour) 0.00 Speed Limit Enforcement (#) 0.00</p><p>References</p><p>Highway Development and Management Model (HDM-4) Version 2.0. 2005. HDMGlobal Consortium, Birmingham, United Kingdom. http://civ-hrg.bham.ac.uk/isohdm/. Accessed March, 15, 2006</p><p>World Bank Road Software Tools http://worldbank.org/roadsoftwaretools/ Accessed January 31, 2007</p><p>17</p>
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