City Commission, City of Hallandale Beach s3

City Commission, City of Hallandale Beach s3

<p> REGULAR AGENDA CITY COMMISSION, CITY OF HALLANDALE BEACH WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2011 10:00 AM </p><p>1. CALL TO ORDER</p><p>2. ROLL CALL</p><p>3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE</p><p>4. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (to be heard at 10:05 A.M.)</p><p>5. PRESENTATIONS AND REPORTS</p><p>A. Presentation of Certificates to the Student Citizens of the Month </p><p>B. Proclamation Proclaiming February as Black History Month </p><p>C. Presentation Regarding Activities at the Village at Gulfstream Park (Suzanne Friedman, Development Representative, Village at Gulfstream Park) CAD#029/04</p><p>D. Discussion of Public Works Construction Projects </p><p>E. Presentation of the Police Department Quarterly Report</p><p>6. CONSENT AGENDA </p><p>A. Approval of Draft Minutes - Special City Commission Meeting of August 09, 2010</p><p>B. Pursuant to Chapter 23, Section 108, Cooperative Purchasing, Request Authorization to Award the Annual Purchase of Vehicles Utilizing Florida Sheriff's Association in the Amount of $408,942. (Staff: Director, Department of Public Works)(See Backup) </p><p>7. PUBLIC HEARINGS (to be heard at 10:30 A.M)</p><p>**Time Certains are Provided as a Guide and May Not Be Heard at the Time Specified REGULAR AGENDA - February 2, 2011 Page 2 A. An Ordinance of the City of Hallandale Beach, Florida, Amending Chapter 8, Building Construction and Condominium, Article III, Flood Damage Prevention, Section 8-74, Administration; Providing for Conflicts, Providing for Severability; and Providing for an Effective Date. (Second Reading) (Staff: Director, Utilities and Engineering) (See Backup) CAD#030/03 & CAD#022/03</p><p>ON JANUARY 18, 2011, THE CITY COMMISSION ADOPTED FIRST READING OF THE ORDINANCE BY A ROLL VOTE OF 3/2. </p><p>8. CITY BUSINESS </p><p>A. Presentation by PFM Asset Management, LLC for the Investment Results for Surplus Funds for the Period October 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010. (Staff: Director, Finance) (See Backup)</p><p>TO BE HEARD AT 1:45 P.M.</p><p>B. Presentation by Principal Financial Group of the Quarterly Results of the General Employees and Professional/Management Pension Plans for the Quarter Ending December 31, 2010. (Staff:Director of Personnel & Labor Relations)(See Backup) </p><p>TO BE HEARD AT 2:00 P.M. </p><p>C. Pursuant to Chapter 23, Section 105, Award of Contracts, Request Authorization to Award RFP #FY2009-2010-007, Emergency Disaster Debris Management Services. (Staff: Director of Public Works) (See Backup)</p><p>ON JANUARY 18, 2011, THE CITY COMMISSION BY A 5/0 VOICE VOTE, DEFERED THE ITEM UNTIL THE NEXT COMMISSION MEETING (FEBRUARY 2, 2011) AND INVITED ALL THE RESPONDENTS TO ATTEND AND ANSWER QUESTIONS. </p><p>TO BE HEARD AT 2:15 P.M.</p><p>D. A Resolution of the City of Hallandale Beach, Florida, in Support of Gun Safety Legislation to Ban the Use of Large Capacity Magazines and Strengthen the National Background Check System. (Mayor Joy F. Cooper) (See Backup) CAD#008/11</p><p>9. COMMISSIONER REPORTS</p><p>10. OTHER</p><p>11. PLANNING AND SCHEDULING MEETING (to be heard in Room 257) REGULAR AGENDA - February 2, 2011 Page 3 6B. CITY OF HALLANDALE BEACH MEMORANDUM</p><p>DATE: January 13, 2011</p><p>TO: Mark Antonio, City Manager</p><p>FROM: John Chidsey, Director, Public Works </p><p>SUBJECT: Pursuant to Chapter 23, Section 108, Cooperative Purchasing, Request Authorization to Award the Annual Purchase of Vehicles Utilizing Florida Sheriff’s Association in the Amount of $ 408,942. </p><p>SUMMARY: </p><p>Pursuant to Chapter 23, Section 23-108, Hallandale Beach Code of Ordinances, Cooperative Purchasing, the City Commission authorizing the annual purchase of vehicles utilizing Florida Sheriff’s Association in the amount of $408,942. </p><p>The purchase of fourteen (14) vehicles was authorized by the City Commission during the approval of the FY 2010-2011 budget. In addition, two (2) vehicles are being replaced due to accident damage resulting in total loss; and this purchase is funded through the City’s General Liability Self Insured Fund. F I N A N C I A L D A T A 1. DEPARTMENT: See Attachment 1* . 2. DIVISION: See Attachment 1*. 3. FUND: See Attachment 1* . 4. ACCOUNT #: See Attachment 1* . 5. ACCT. DESCRIPTION: 6515 – Truck 6514 – Passenger Vehicle 6. FY BUDGET: FY #2010-2011 7. AMOUNT BUDGETED: $417,000.00 8. GRANT FUNDS: YES NO X AMOUNT $ 9. FUND TRANSFER: YES__ NO X AMOUNT $______10. FROM ACCT. #: N/A 11. TO ACCT. #: N/A 12. REASON FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR TRANSFER: N/A 13. PRICE ANALYSIS: ATTACHED___ ADD'L MAT FDR___ NONE X </p><p>B I D I T E M D A T A</p><p>14. DESCRIPTION OF BID ITEM: See Attachment 1* . 15. SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL: ATTACHED__ ADD'L MAT FDR__ NONE X 16. # BID INVITATIONS SENT: * Utilizing Florida Sheriff’s Association Contracts 17. # BIDS RECEIVED: N/A 18. # RESPONSIVE BIDS: N/A 19. RECOMMENDED VENDOR: N/A REGULAR AGENDA - February 2, 2011 Page 4 20. BID AWARD AMOUNT: N/A 21. COMMENTS: N/A 22. ESTIMATED QUANTITY TO BE PURCHASED (BULK ITEMS): 17 23. ESTIMATED PURCHASE AMOUNT: $ 408,942.00 24. BID TABULATION ATTACHED: YES___ NO X ADD'L MAT FDR___ 25. TERM OF CONTRACT: September 30, 2011 26. BID VALID TO: N/A 27. BID PRICE VALID FOR TERM OF CONTRACT: YES X NO COMMENTS___ 28. WARRANTY PERIOD: 3 years or 36, 000 miles 29. DELIVERY TIME: 3 to 6 months. 30. STATE CONTRACT: YES; NO: X 31. CONTRACT #: N /A 32. CO-OP PURCHASE: YES X NO___ 33. AGENCY: Florida Sheriff’s Association 34. EXPECTED LIFE OF ITEM: Beach Truck – 6 years. Remaining vehicles 10 years. 35. ITEM DEMO'D: YES___ NO X 36. REFERENCES CHECKED: YES___ NO___ N/A X 37. CONTRACT: ATTACHED___ ADD'l MAT FDR___ N/A X 38. CONTRACT APPROVED FOR LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: YES____ NO____ N/A X 39. CURRENT VENDOR: As determined by Florida Sheriff’s Association Bid 40. CURRENT PRICE: Based on the 2011 Florida Sheriff’s Association Sheriff’s Bid No. 10-18-0907. See Attachment 1* . 41. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See Attachment 2* .</p><p>REPORT PREPARED BY: ______Reinhard Muller Date Supt., Fleet Services</p><p>REVIEWED & SUBMITTED BY: ______John Chidsey, Director Date Public Works </p><p>REVIEWED: ______Mark Antonio, City Manager Date</p><p>_____Approved _____Disapproved _____Hold for Discussion</p><p>COMMENTS:</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>02/02/11 REGULAR AGENDA - February 2, 2011 Page 5 7A. CITY OF HALLANDALE BEACH MEMORANDUM</p><p>DATE: January 20, 2011</p><p>TO: Mark Antonio, City Manager</p><p>FROM: William M. Brant, P.E., Director, Utilities and Engineering</p><p>SUBJECT: An Ordinance of the City of Hallandale Beach, Florida, Amending Chapter 8, Building Construction and Condominium, Article III, Flood Damage Prevention, Section 8-74, Administration; Providing for Conflicts, Providing for Severability; and Providing for an Effective Date. (Second Reading) CAD#030/03 & CAD#022/03</p><p>PURPOSE</p><p>The City Commission consider and adopt on Second Reading an Ordinance amending Chapter 8, Building Construction and Condominium, Article III, Flood Damage Prevention, Section 8-74, Administration, of the City Code of Ordinances, authorizing the City Manager to hear and decide certain appeals and requests for variances from the requirements of this article based upon recommendations of both the Local Administrator and the City Engineer.</p><p>BACKGROUND</p><p>During the October 21, 2009, Regular City Commission meeting, the City Commission directed staff to draft an ordinance to authorize the City Manager to provide an administrative variance to the Code of Ordinances Chapter 8, Building Construction and Condominium, Article III, Flood Damage Prevention, Section 8-74, Administration, pertaining to flood damage prevention. The reason for this directive was to streamline the process for commercial properties located outside the Special Food Hazard Areas (SFHA) being redeveloped or substantially improved. </p><p>DISCUSSION</p><p>On January 18, 2011, the Commission adopted on First Reading the attached Ordinance, and directed staff to meet with each Commissioner to further explain the Variance process and to answer any questions the Commissioners might have prior to Second Reading of the Ordinance, which was set for February 02, 2011.</p><p>Staff has contacted each Commissioner as requested. No changes have been made to the Ordinance since First Reading. REGULAR AGENDA - February 2, 2011 Page 6</p><p>RECOMMENDATION:</p><p>The City Commission adopt the attached Ordinance on Second Reading.</p><p>Prepared by: ______Mary Francis Jeannot Administrative Analyst II </p><p>Reviewed:</p><p>______Mark Antonio, City Manager Date</p><p>_____Approved _____Disapproved _____Hold for Discussion</p><p>02/02/11 REGULAR AGENDA - February 2, 2011 Page 7 8A. CITY OF HALLANDALE BEACH MEMORANDUM</p><p>DATE: January 14, 2011</p><p>TO: Mark Antonio, City Manager</p><p>FROM: Patricia M. Ladolcetta, Director of Finance</p><p>SUBJECT: Presentation by PFM Asset Management, LLC for the Investment Results for Surplus Funds through December 31, 2010</p><p>The Finance Department has made arrangements for David Jang, CTP, Senior Managing Consultant of PFM Asset Management, LLC., to make a presentation to the City Commission on the Investment Results for Surplus Funds October 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010 on the February 2, 2011 City Commission Meeting.</p><p>Accordingly, we have requested a time certain of 1:45 p.m. for the presentation, which should last about fifteen minutes.</p><p>If you need any additional information, please notify me at your earliest convenience.</p><p>Reviewed:</p><p>______Mark Antonio, City Manager Date</p><p>_____Approved _____Disapproved _____Hold for Discussion</p><p>02/02/11 REGULAR AGENDA - February 2, 2011 Page 8 8B. CITY OF HALLANDALE BEACH MEMORANDUM</p><p>DATE: January 19, 2011</p><p>TO: Mark Antonio, City Manager</p><p>FROM: George Amiraian, Director of Personnel/Labor Relations</p><p>SUBJECT: Presentation by Principal Financial Group of the Quarterly Results of the General Employees and Professional/Management Pension Plans for the Quarter Ending December 31, 2010. </p><p>PURPOSE:</p><p>At the request of the City Commission, the Principal Financial Group (PFG) presents the quarterly results of the General Employees and Professional/Management Pension Plans.</p><p>BACKGROUND:</p><p>At the February 2nd regular City Commission meeting the Principal Financial Group (PFG) will present the investment results for the October 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010 quarter for the General Employees and Professional/Management Pension Plans. Steve Geadelmann, Investment Manager and Donald Huegerich, Senior Relations Manager, will be making the presentation to the City Commission. </p><p>Based on travel commitments, staff requests a time certain at 2:00 p.m. and expects the presentation to last thirty minutes.</p><p>Prepared by: ______Radu Dodea, Asst. Personnel Dir.</p><p>Reviewed:</p><p>______Mark Antonio, City Manager Date</p><p>_____Approved _____Disapproved _____Hold for Discussion</p><p>02/02/11 REGULAR AGENDA - February 2, 2011 Page 9 8C. CITY OF HALLANDALE BEACH MEMORANDUM</p><p>DATE: January 24, 2011</p><p>TO: Mark Antonio, City Manager</p><p>FROM: John Chidsey, Director, Public Works</p><p>SUBJECT: Pursuant to Chapter 23, Section 105, Award of Contracts, Request Authorization to Award RFP #FY2009-2010-007, Emergency Disaster Debris Management Services. CAD #002/06</p><p>PURPOSE</p><p>City Commission to hear presentations from top ranked firms/respondents to RFP #FY2009-2010-007, Emergency Disaster Debris Management Services and authorize the award of contracts as recommended by staff.</p><p>BACKGROUND</p><p>During the January 18, 2011 Regular City Commission Meeting, the City Commission considered the award of RFP #FY2009-2010-007 Emergency Disaster Debris Management Services. As various questions were raised during discussion of the Item, the City Commission requested to have the five top ranked companies to be present at a subsequent City Commission meeting to answer questions before awarding the RFP. Upon City Commission Motion, this item was deferred to the February 2nd, 2011 Commission Meeting.</p><p>DISCUSSION</p><p>All five companies have been notified and their presence requested at the February 2nd, 2011 Meeting per the City Commission’s directive. Attached for your information are:</p><p>1) Staff Report dated January 7, 2011 2) RFP #FY2009-2010-007, Emergency Disaster Debris Management Services 3) Experience of the five top ranked firms</p><p>*A time certain of 2:15 P.M. has been set. REGULAR AGENDA - February 2, 2011 Page 10 RECOMMENDATION</p><p>The City Commission to award RFP #2009-2010-007, Emergency Disaster Debris Management Services to the top five ranked firms and authorize the City Manager to execute service agreements with each company and authorize them as needed.</p><p>Reviewed:</p><p>______Mark Antonio, City Manager Date</p><p>_____Approved _____Disapproved _____Hold for Discussion</p><p>______</p><p>02/02/11 REGULAR AGENDA - February 2, 2011 Page 11 8D. CITY OF HALLANDALE BEACH MEMORANDUM</p><p>DATE: January 24, 2011</p><p>TO: Mark Antonio, City Manager</p><p>FROM: Mayor Joy F. Cooper</p><p>SUBJECT: A Resolution of the City of Hallandale Beach, Florida, in Support of Gun Safety Legislation to Ban the Use of Large Capacity Magazines and Strengthen the National Background Check System</p><p>In view of the recent gun shootings and attacks that have taken so many innocent lives, legislation has been introduced in the United States House of Representatives, and will shortly be introduced in the United States Senate, that would ban magazines of more than 10 rounds and close a loophole in the previous ban in which magazines manufactured before the law went into effect could be sold or transferred. Furthermore, this legislation will provide for full funding of the “2007 NICS Improvement Act,” which at this time Congress has appropriated only 5.3 percent of funding necessary to implement the reporting reforms provided within the Act. As you might be aware, the “2007 NICS Improvement Act” was passed by the United States Congress after the Virginia Tech massacre in 2007, and is designed to increase the number of mental health records submitted by states to the federal background check database. Fully funding this program will assist in the responsible retail and utilization of guns, thereby assisting to protect citizens and law enforcement officers.</p><p>As elected officials and public servants, it is our duty to assist in any way possible to protect the health and safety of our residents and law enforcement officials. Therefore, I would like the support of my colleagues in adopting the attached resolution supporting the upcoming legislation.</p><p>Accordingly, please place this item on the agenda for discussion and consideration by the City Commission. 02/02/11</p>

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