INSIDE DEFY at Mighty Mo. A-2 Hawaii Lethal Breeze ‘03 A-3 Salutes A-4 VP-9 in Japan A-5 Destination: Makena B-1 MCCS & SM&SPB-2 Menu B-4 Deployment Resources B-6 Word to Pass B-7 Ads B-8 Pacific Division Matches C-1 Sports Briefs C-2 MMARINEARINE Health & Fitness C-4 Volume 32, Number 15 www.mcbh.usmc.mil April 18, 2003 Feedback enables Hawaii Marines rotate Lance Cpl. Monroe F. Seigle Japan, after a six-month-long de- “This was a grand experience the Red Lions of HMH 363 increased Combat Correspondent ployment. for the new guys in our unit who packed up and shipped out to During the deployment, the have never been away from Iwakuni, to accomplish training support (Editor’s Note: See page A-4 for Marines participated in exercise home,” said Maj. Paul Curran, similar to that accomplished by news of Combat Service Support Eagle Talon in the Philippines, executive officer for HMH-463. HMH-463. Lance Cpl. Group 3’s deployment to Tailand for and conducted training missions “This was a chance for them to Marine Corps Base Hawaii- Monroe F. Seigle Combat Correspondent exercise “Cobra Gold ‘03.) in the Republic of South Korea. get out and see the world while stationed ground combat forces The unit deployment program The Flying Pegasus attained a completing training they can’t do also rotated deployment loca- assures that Marines are con- total of more than 1,100 flying in Hawaii. tions. The Military Commit- stantly deployed to duty stations hours. They successfully flew “It was an awesome adven- The Island Warriors of 2nd Bn., tee for Persons with around the world. CH 53D Sea Stallion helicopters ture, and we are glad to be home 3rd Marine Regiment, returned Disabilities was estab- Recently, Marine Heavy to Iwakuni from MCAS Futenma now.” home from a six-month-long lished aboard MCB Helicopter Squadron 463 re- on Okinawa, Japan, and also to As HMH-463 returned home Hawaii, Kaneohe Bay, to turned from MCAS Iwakuni, Osan Air Base in Korea. from its challenging deployment, See DEPLOYMENT, A-6 improve available ser- vices for members en- rolled in the Exceptional Family Member Program. Through the recom- mendations of these fam- Lethal Breeze hits K-Bay ilies, many recent accom- plishments have and will make life easier for family members with disabili- ties. Now, when an emer- gency occurs that requires the assistance of military police or firefighters, the responding units are aware of the presence of a special needs family member with the place- ment of stickers on the en- trances of these house- holds. Also, throughout the family housing areas of MCB Hawaii, drivers have been made aware of blind or deaf children at play with the installation of new street signs. Marine Corps Base Hawaii now boasts the largest special needs re- source library in the Marine Corps. A com- plete listing of titles is available at the Kaneohe Bay base library, to in- clude the interlibrary ex- change. Titles are cata- loged under “Special Cpl. Jason E. Miller Needs.” The Federal Fire Department rinsed off dozens of victims in the simulated chemical attack on MCB Hawaii, Kaneohe Bay called “Lethal Other improvements Breeze 03”, which was designed to test the base's ability to cope with such a crisis. See page A-3 for more on Lethal Breeze. should better recreational opportunities for individ- uals with disabilities. Children with disabili- ties will be provided with Commandant’s speech motivates troops accommodations to par- ticipate in youth-related Lance Cpl. Monroe F. Seigle Before addressing the service tioned or what their job may be. listed Marine to hold the posi- activities, at no additional Combat Correspondent members, Gen. Hagee presented “There are two kinds of tion, spoke to noncommissioned cost to the supporting the Center of Safety Excellence Marines,” said the Commandant, officers and junior enlisted ser- family members. The newly appointed award to Bo Irvine, director of “Marines that are over in the vice members. Individuals with senso- Commandant of the Marine the Base Safety Center, for estab- Gulf right now and Marines who “Staff NCOs are the backbone ry deprivation are al- Corps, Gen. Michael Hagee, paid lishing a comprehensive safety wish they were in the Gulf right of our Corps,” said McMichael to lowed to enter base func- a visit to MCB Hawaii, Kaneohe excellence program in 2002. now.” the background sounds of loud tions, prior to the begin- Bay, April 10, to give a motiva- During his speech, Gen. Hagee After Gen. Hagee’s remarks, “hoorahs” by Marines. “This has ning of any event. This tional speech to Marines and discussed the importance of the the sergeant major of the Marine been the most prestigious job I change gives them a Sailors, and answer questions mission of every Marine and Corps, Sgt. Maj. Alford chance to acclimate them- about future plans for the Corps. Sailor — regardless of where sta- McMichael, the 14th senior en- See COMMANDANT, A-5 selves to the sights and sounds of the event, and prevents the possibility of overstressing sensory-de- Congressman Abercrombie to give PME here prived individuals in a crowded environment. Cpl. Jason E. Miller presence and sharing his “I think what is cur- fects every aspect of mili- Still to come are com- Press Chief wisdom to a crowd of of- rently expected of our tary life. puters for online disabili- ficers, staff noncommis- military needs some re- The lecture will include ty awareness training, The Pacific War sioned officers and civil- view,” he said. “The role a question and answer pe- which are scheduled to be Memorial Lecture Series ian leaders from the base of the military has under- riod, and the goal is to installed before the end of is now in its official sec- and surrounding commu- gone some drastic chan- provide a first class the month. ond year of operation. In nities at the base theater, ges in recent years, and I Professional Military Positive feedback has 2002, University of Thursday. believe that it’s been put Education event that will been received from fami- Hawaii football head Speakers involved with in a position to deal with intellectually challenge lies since the successful coach June Jones inaugu- the lecture series are gen- both policy and military members of the MCB implementation of these rated the series by becom- erally invited to give at- ABERCROMBIE doctrine. This is inappro- Hawaii community. resources. ing the first featured tendees an outside per- priate.” For more information The EFMP said it will speaker. spective of current situa- ed U.S. involvement in Among other topics, he regarding seat availability continually strive to make For 2003, U.S. Repre- tions that have an effect the Middle East, will give will also touch base on ex- for this PME, contact your MCB Hawaii better for sentative Neil Abercrom- on the military. a lecture regarding cur- plaining the role of civil- unit personnel support families who have mem- bie, D-1st District, will be Congressman Abercrom- rent government and mil- ian leadership in the sections through your pr- bers with disabilities. gracing the base with his bie, who recently contest- itary roles in world issues. Congress, and how it af- oper chain of command. A-2 • April 18, 2003 Hawaii Marine MCBHMCBH MCB Hawaii turns 9 years old NNEWSEWS BBRIEFSRIEFS CONGRESSMAN ABERCROMBIE TO SPEAK AT PWM LECTURE Pacific War Memorial Lecture Series 2-03 will feature Congressman Neil Abercrom- bie of Hawaii’s 1st District on Thursday at ““YYouou areare thethe crucialcrucial fifthfifth 7 p.m. at the base theater. Designed to intellectually challenge at- elementelement ofof thethe MAGTFMAGTF..”” tendees, this officer professional military education lecture is open to ranks E-6 and above, their spouses, GS-7 and above , and — Lt. Gen. Earl B. Hailston local community leaders. Commanding General, Marine Forces Pacific BASE CHAPEL POSTS SERVICES In addition to its regularly scheduled ongratulations to all of you employees and family members. eas and facilities, base security, and services, the Base Chapel aboard MCB at Marine Corps Base These services include Semper Fit, other important administrative func- Hawaii, Kaneohe Bay, will now be open CHawaii, Kaneohe Bay, as the Single Marine and Sailor tions that support the warfighters and Monday - Friday, with private prayer avail- you celebrate your ninth anniversary, Program, the Family Member their families. able Wednesdays and Thursdays until 8 April 15, 2003. Employment Program, Marine Corps In addition, there are numerous p.m. An all-faith service will be held every You are continuing a legacy of sup- Family Team Building, the Youth Marines and Sailors assigned to MCB Thursday at 6:30 p.m. The community is port to the Pacific theater, which the Activities Program and a Teen Youth Hawaii, Kaneohe Bay, who are de- also invited to attend the following: Navy/Marine Corps team has been Center, to name just a few. ployed in support of the global war performing from the Mokapu Your commitment carries over into on terror and Operation Iraqi •Today, Good Friday Peninsula for more than 60 years. your relationship with the local com- Freedom. Your tireless support of Stations of the Cross at 11:45 a.m. This support started in 1939 with a munity and the highly successful those deployed, and their families, Solemn Good Friday Service at 5 p.m. small seaplane base, and expanded base safety and environmental pro- who remain behind, is a tribute to Protestant Service at 7 p.m. during World War II into a major grams, and has resulted in numerous your undying honor and selfless de- •Saturday, Holy Saturday training and support facility.
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