Penn Sustainability Review Volume 1 Issue 6 Energy Policy Article 5 5-1-2015 Recycling Energy: An Exploration of Recycling and Embodied Energy Alissa Johnson Follow this and additional works at: https://repository.upenn.edu/psr Part of the Environmental Studies Commons Recommended Citation Johnson, Alissa (2015) "Recycling Energy: An Exploration of Recycling and Embodied Energy," Penn Sustainability Review: Vol. 1 : Iss. 6 , Article 5. Available at: https://repository.upenn.edu/psr/vol1/iss6/5 This paper is posted at ScholarlyCommons. https://repository.upenn.edu/psr/vol1/iss6/5 For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recycling Energy: An Exploration of Recycling and Embodied Energy This article is available in Penn Sustainability Review: https://repository.upenn.edu/psr/vol1/iss6/5 Recycling Energy AN EXPLORATION OF RECYCLING AND EMBODIED ENERGY Oil tanker, oil pipeline, oil rig ost people are familiar with the concept that recycling Paper: 50 MJ/kg conserves resources and materials. Anyone guilty of throwing out a piece of paper might have been told to re- M Glass: cycle it because we must ‘save the trees.’ While this is an admirable 120 MJ/kg idea, it suggests that physical depletion of materials is our primary reason for recycling. Although some recyclable materials may be Aluminum: 372 MJ/kg in abundant supply, it is essential that we recycle everything that of Embodied Energy Cement: 5-9 MJ/kg we can. Aside from keeping waste out of landfills, a major goal of recycling is to save energy. Every product out there, recyclable Plastic: or not, contains a certain amount of embodied energy. Embodied 60-120 energy is defined as the total amount of energy that is required in order to produce a product, and it is commonly thought of as be- ing incorporated into the product itself. This embodied energy is figure 1 Visual representation of the embodied energy of aluminum, a result of the energy consuming processes necessary to produce glass, plastic, paper, and cement. a product from mining the materials, to transportation, to man- ufacturing and distribution. Recycling products prevents the in- creased energy burden of starting this process anew each time a sive oil tankers and extra equipment are brought in to begin the new product is made. Recycling is an even more essential part of sophisticated process of oil extraction. This is a potential reason energy conservation than most people realize. that the embodied energy of plastic is often higher than that of paper (see figure 1). “Aside from keeping waste out of land- Next, transportation of goods, from raw materials to finished products, will always consume energy. Transportation is a glob- fills, a major goal of recycling is to save al process, and, in the ever globalizing world where we live, the energy.” scale of transportation is large. It is much more than simply driv- ing goods from the factory to the shelves in the store, and then to When it comes to determining the embodied energy of products, our homes. For instance, to make many plastics, we must obtain a plethora of factors from every step along the production line the oil from drilling rigs, or import it from overseas. Then we need to be considered. In order to begin the production process must transport it, via pipelines or tankers, to a refinery. Current- ly, there are 31,000 miles of oil pipelines and 48,000 miles of gas of any product, one must first obtain the raw materials necessary 2 for the job, which can require varying amounts of energy input, pipelines around the world. For an idea of how much oil is trans- ported globally, one oil pipeline, the Trans-Alaska, fills about 70 depending on the product. For instance, to obtain trees for paper 3 manufacturing, they need to be cut down. Not only do the ma- oil tankers per month. Eventually, oil will make its way into the chines that do this need some form of energy to run, it also takes plastic products we use and love, but not before requiring energy energy to make them. Meanwhile, to obtain oil, it must first be to be transported around the globe. Only after manufacturing do located by ships and teams of people who are sent to explore pro- these products need to be transported again, this time more local- spective oil sites. An exploration vessel is used to pick up reflected ly, to make it to the market where consumers can purchase them. and refracted sound waves, then computers image the rock strat- After extracting the raw materials, the actual manufacturing ification to determine where oil might be located.1 Finally, mas- process of goods, of course, requires energy input. In addition to 2 Jackson, A. (2015). Oil and Gas Exploration and Production [PowerPoint Slides]. 1 Jackson, A. (2015). Oil and Gas Exploration and Production [PowerPoint Slides]. 3 Jackson, A. (2015). Oil and Gas Exploration and Production [PowerPoint Slides]. PENN SUSTAINABILITY REVIEW | 19 scrap metal recycling, alumi- num production Meanwhile, secondary production is the creation of aluminum “Embodied energy is defined as the total from scraps, or recycled materials, and requires much less ener- amount of energy that is required in or- gy. Most of our everyday aluminum products are made from sec- ondary production. These types of items can range from bever- der to produce a product, and it is com- age containers to car parts.9 Secondary production requires that monly thought of as being incorporated scrap aluminum be cleaned, sorted and melted down in a furnace, which is usually powered by natural gas. This process does not into the product itself.” require anywhere near the amount of energy that primary pro- duction does. In 2006, the total energy consumed by aluminum this energy, product packaging also requires energy to make. Not production, primary and secondary, was about 300 trillion British only is there energy associated with producing a product such as Thermal Units (BTUS).10 However, secondary production account- apple juice, but, in order for its plastic container to be made, en- ed for less than 25 trillion BTUS (see chart).11 This is surprising ergy needs to be expended to obtain oil and refine petroleum. By when considering that most aluminum products are made from factoring in all these parts, an idea of the embodied energy (per secondary production processes. kg) of certain products can be estimated and calculated. To find It is important to note that the recycling process itself consumes the embodied energy of a product that is composed of multiple energy as well. Transportation, as always, requires energy to materials, it would be an amalgamation of the embodied energies move recyclables to the recycling plant though the energy usage of its components. The embodied energies of some common mate- varies depending on the method of transportation. Estimates for rials are shown below.4 shipping recyclables 1 km by truck state that 1.82 kJ/kg is neces- While it appears that most products have an embodied energy of sary.12 By rail, this value drops to 0.41 KJ/ kg.13 By boat, even less no more than 100 MJ/kg, surprisingly, aluminum’s is dramatical- energy is needed to transport recyclable goods. Once the recycla- ly high. Why is this? With regard to resource availability, alumi- bles reach the plant, energy input is also necessary for the clean- num is in abundant supply. It makes up about 8% of the Earth’s ing and preparation process. Finally, energy is needed to melt crust (by mass) – only oxygen and silicon are more abundant.5 The down old metals, plastics, papers etc. and transform them into problem is that aluminum is not abundant in its pure form, as it new products. In general the collection, preparation, and man- is highly reactive. Presently, there are two ways that aluminum ufacturing processes require 300 KJ of energy per kg of recycled is commonly produced: primary and secondary production. Pri- material.14 mary production is the creation of aluminum from raw materials Even with these additional considerations, recycling, neverthe- and is used for items such as airplanes which demand material less, still saves energy. There is a difference of three orders of mag- quality and consistency in materials. Primary production begins nitude between the amount of energy needed to produce products with the importing of bauxite ore, which is usually imported from raw materials and the amount of energy needed to recycle from Jamaica, South America, or Australia.6 This is then melted them from old ones. The embodied energy of most products is on into aluminum oxide via natural gas through a smelting process the order of mega joules per kilogram and recycling energy input that separates the aluminum from the oxygen. This conversion is on the order of kilojoules per kilogram, so, it is easy to see that requires a strong electrical current, and thus the smelting process consumes a great deal of electricity. On average, 15 KWh (54 MJ) 9 (2012, August 16). Today in Energy: Energy Needed to Produce Aluminum. Retrieved 7 of electricity is required to produce 1 kg of aluminum. Because of from: http://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.cfm?id=7570 these high levels of energy consumption, about 3% of the world’s 10 (2012, August 16). Today in Energy: Energy Needed to Produce Aluminum. Re- electricity usage is dedicated to aluminum production alone.8 trieved from: http://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.cfm?id=7570 11 (2012, August 16). Today in Energy: Energy Needed to Produce Aluminum. Re- trieved from: http://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.cfm?id=7570 4 Jackson, A.
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