Barrow High School Auditorium, Barrow, AK

Barrow High School Auditorium, Barrow, AK

<p> North Slope Borough School District Board of Education Barrow High School Auditorium, Barrow, AK</p><p>Approved Minutes Regular School Board Meeting February 5, 2014 2:00 p.m.</p><p>WORDS OF WISDOM: City Mayor Bob Harcharek provided the words of wisdom for the School Board and listening audience. Mr. Harcharek is a former Board Member of the North Slope Borough School District and shared his experience and knowledge as well as encouragement to the current Board Members and listening audience. </p><p>CALL TO ORDER: Board President Deborah Edardson called the Board of Education meeting to order at 2:25 p.m. at the Barrow High School Auditorium in Barrow, AK.</p><p>ROLL CALL: Debby Edwardson – Present Arnold Brower, Jr. – Present Mary Sage – Present Eva Kinneeveauk – Present Amos J. Nashookpuk – present Roy Nageak, Sr. – Present Della Tagarook - excused M.A.Y.A.C – Hilary Lemen & Asia Leavitt- Miguel - Present</p><p>FLAG SALUTE: The Pledge of Allegiance was led by MAYAC. </p><p>APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MARY SAGE MOVED TO AMEND THE AGENDA BY REMOVING O.1. PROPOSED NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT BETWEEN NSBSD AND THE NSBEA. ARNOLD BROWER, JR. SECONDED THE MOTION. QUESTION CALLED. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. </p><p>APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA: MARY SAGE MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. AMOS J. NASHOOKPUK SECONDED THE MOTION. QUESTION CALLED. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.</p><p>RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: KBRW was not able to join us but the meeting was recorded and played on February 11, 2014 for the public’s information. </p><p>HIGHLIGHTED SCHOOL: Principal Al Strack presented the highlighted school report via VTC from Nuiqsut Trapper School. He shared a power point picture presentation of Trapper students and community activities, events and a video of Trapper School Dancers who performed at the AASB Superintendent’s meeting in Anchorage. There are many great accomplishments and activities that Nuiqsut Trapper School had this school year and Mr. Strack was happy to share with the Board. The distinguished students were also selected for the month of February: Distinguished Students - This year’s Distinguished Student for grades nine through twelve is Opal Fitzwater. To begin with, Opal has had excellent attendance this year. She comes to school almost every day, prepared to learn. This regular attendance has led to a significant improvement in her grades, as well as her willingness to learn. Opal completes every assignment she is given, and asks questions so that she completely understands what she is supposed to do. Opal also has a positive attitude about doing her work. Whether it is her favorite activity or not, she approaches the activities with a strong work ethic, and has expressed many times that she is working hard because she knows the importance of graduating so that she can continue her education. Opal is definitely a student Page 2 Board Minutes February 5, 2014 who is in charge of her own learning; whether it is coming to class, completing assignments, or having a positive attitude about her education, Opal is willing to do whatever it takes to graduate and succeed. Norman Ahtuangaruak was chosen as distinguished student for grades four through eight at Nuiqsut Trapper School. Norman has an excellent attitude about learning. He always tries his best and has made steady progress and in reading and math. He is very attentive in class and asks questions about things we are learning. He often wants to know more about topics we are studying and will do further research to learn more. Norman has also exhibited excellent citizenship in school this year. He is a good friend to his classmates and respectful to everyone in our school community. He is always willing to help others. Norman is a good example for the younger elementary school students at Trapper School. Bonnie Hopson was also chosen from the K-3 grades and has excellent attendance and attitude, is easy going, polite and has many friends. A 2nd grader, Bonnie is already at the 3rd grade level in Math and is an excellent reader and completes her homework on time. Distinguished Teacher - Heather Belcik. Heather is a very creative teacher who is able to differentiate her instruction to meet the needs of her students. She effectively incorporates Smart board technology and ILF & UBD concepts into her lessons. Often, you will see students in her classroom after school for a volunteer study session. Heather also coached Volleyball and also does an admirable job teaching an afternoon PE class and lifeguarding. Her leadership in the district CAIM process has been outstanding and she has also been very effective working with her high school peers in establishing an effective grade 9-12 collaborative team. Most important, she cares deeply about her student’s academic and social growth and interacts well with community and staff. Trapper school is very fortunate to have such an outstanding educator on our staff. Top Notch! Distinguished Classified Staff - Vera Kunaknana. Vera has been an instructional aide at Trapper School for five years, both at the ECE level and grades 1-2. She also is a bus aide and faithfully supervises the gym and cafeteria. She patiently works with students individualizing instruction and helps her co-worker teacher with a variety of tasks. Thank you very much for your steady efforts at making a difference for our students. Distinguished Volunteer - Dora Leavitt. Dora has initiated and maintained the Nuiqsut Little Dribblers for the past 3 years. She was instrumental in securing travel and uniforms for the LD and also for conducting practices and coaching during LD games. Thank you very much for making a difference for Nuiqsut’s youth.</p><p>SPECIAL RECOGNITION: The School Board presented the Distinguished Students, Staff and Volunteer Awards of Nuiqsut Trapper School. The board secretary had forwarded the awards to be presented at the school’s next award ceremony. The school board recognized Kali School for the highest attendance of all schools on the North Slope for 2013-14 first semester. The school board recognized Alak School Volleyball Team who won and participated in the state and regional tournaments and also the Barrow High School Wrestling Team. </p><p>PUBLIC COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS: No comments. </p><p>APPROVAL OF MINUTES: December 2013 and January 2014 un-approved minutes was a consent item that was approved. Although, there was a mistake in the December minutes that was corrected towards the end of the meeting which will be in the March packet for a second review. </p><p>STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE REPORT: Hilary Lemen and Asia Leavitt- Miguel, BHS Students and members of MAYAC presented the student representative report. MAYAC will be a part of the Health Summit that is coming up in April in each village of the North Slope and they had requested advice from the board. Suggestions will also be accepted by Aqumak Okpik who is the coordinator for the Health Page 3 Board Minutes February 5, 2014 Summit. Board Members asked how is MAYAC reaching village students to be included in their meetings and activities, MAYAC responded that is it a challenge but there are a few students involved. </p><p>SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT; INSTRUCTION: None.</p><p>ADMINISTRATION: Finance; Monthly Financial Report; SB14-137. Superintendent Peggy Cowan invited Tammy White, Director of Financial Services to present this action item which supports the NSBSD Strategic Plan Goal 4) We will affectively employ our financial and operational resources to support our strategic goals. The administration recommended approving the December 31, 2013 Monthly Financial Report. 1. Approximately 43% of the budget has been expended, while 50% (6 of 12 months) of the year has passed. 2. The Revenues received as of December 31, were at 54% of budget reflecting the receipt of 75% of the North Slope Borough appropriation. 3. Cash in the general checking account as of December 31, was $5,030,876 while there was $6,017,956 in the Investment Trust Account, for a total of $11,048,832. </p><p>ROY NAGEAK, SR. MOVED TO APPROVE THE MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT FOR DISCUSSION. AMOS J. NASHOOKPUK SECONDED THE MOTION. QUESTION CALLED. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. </p><p>Contracts (Over $10K); SB14-138. Tammy White, Director of Financial Services provided this consent item in the Board Packets which supports the NSBSD Strategic Plan Goal 4) We will effectively employ our financial and operational resources to support our strategic goals. There was one contract submitted for consent approval. </p><p>1. ASRC - Leadership Liaison Position for Healthy Communities - Provide one-fourth of the cost of a liaison position along with NSB, ASNA & ASRC. Fiscal Year 2014 District Administration - not to exceed $24,000 </p><p>Quarterly Reports and Fund Balance; SB14-145. Superintendent Peggy Cowan invited Tammy White, Director of Financial Services to present this informational item which supports the NSBSD Strategic Plan Goal 4) We will affectively employ our financial and operational resources to support our strategic goals.North Slope Borough School District’s Unaudited General Fund Quarterly expenditures to budget report for December 31, 2013 are in the board packet. Year End Total Fund Balance was increased in FY11 by $6.5 million NSB’s appropriation for Impact Aid. The FY 11 Year End Total Fund Balance is $4.3 million. FY12 the Total Year End Fund Balance was increased to $ 4.7 million. Based FY13’s Audited Year End report, the Total Year End Fund Balance to total $5.1 million and the FY14’s projection of $5.3 million. Background: June 30, 2013 estimated of General Operating Fund Unreserved Fund Balance. Fund Balance Discussion. Unreserved Reserved Total Fund Balance FY10 Year End (Audit) ($8,917,788) $6,317,604 ($2,600,184) FY11 Year End Revenues over Expenditures 385,218 385,218 FY11 NSB cash funding of Impact Aid 6,500,000 6,500,000 FY11 Final Audited Adjustment ( 74,494) 74,494 00 FY11 Year End (Audit) ($2,107,064) $6,392,098 $4,305,883 FY12 Year End Revenues over Expenditures 460,973 460,973 FY12 Final Audited Adjustments 68,263 ( 68,263) 0 FY12 Year End (Audit) ($1,577,828) $6,323,835 $4,746,007 Fund Balance Discussion ~ continued Unreserved Reserved Total Fund Balance Page 4 Board Minutes February 5, 2014 FY12 Year End (Audit) ($1,577,828) $6,323,835 $4,746,007 FY13 Year End Revenues over Expenditures 686,113 287,189 973,302 FY13 Reduction to Impact Aid ( 578,928) ( 578,928) FY13 Year End Unaudited Fund Balance ($ 891,715) $6,032,096 $5,140,381 Approved Budget FY14 Year End Revenues over Expenditures 153,240 153,240 FY14 Year End Estimated Fund Balance ($ 738,475) $6,032,096 $5,293,621</p><p>Personnel: Resignations; SB14-139. These individuals had submitted their resignations letters:  Al Strack, Principal of Trapper School.  Chris Tenpas, Teacher of Meade River School.  Janey Hales Tenpas, Teacher of Meade River School.</p><p>Recommendation for New Hires; SB14-043. None.</p><p>Tenured Teacher Contracts; SB14-128. Superintendent Peggy Cowan invited Karen Russell, Director of Human Resources to present this action item which supports NSBSD Strategic Plan Goal #3.1) Improve the hiring and on-boarding process for all employees by incorporating elements from the human resources audit. The superintendent is recommending the following certified administrators and directors for continuing administrative contract’s for the 2014-2015 school year.</p><p>Last Name First Name Position Anderegg Cathy Director Blake Glenn Principal Blizard Kathleen Principal Cole Glenn Principal Freeman Brian Grants Coordinator Hunter-Gillaspie Beverly Principal Johnson Robert Principal Litera Jennifer Principal Manning Patrick Principal Meade Bob Activities & Wellness Administrator Millard Jeremy Assistant Principal Montague-Winebarger Caitlin C & I Coordinator Palmer Jedediah Assistant Principal Patterson Starlette Principal Romeijn Aimee Assistant Principal Roseberry Emily Assistant Principal Seavey Carla Principal Valentour Janet Director Washburn Todd Principal Wells Roger Assistant Principal Wells Cassie Director EVA KINNEEVEAUK MOVED TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS THE ADMINISTRATOR CONTRACTS. ARNOLD BROWER, JR. SECONDED THE MOTION. QUESTION CALLED. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Page 5 Board Minutes February 5, 2014 ARNOLD BROWER, JR. MOVED TO APPROVE THE ADMINISTRATOR CONTRACTS. AMOS J. NASHOOKPUK SECONDED THE MOTION. QUESTION CALLED. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. </p><p>Tenured Teacher Contracts; SB14-129. Superintendent Peggy Cowan invited Karen Russell, Director of Human Resources to present this action item which supports NSBSD Strategic Plan Goal #3.1) Improve the hiring and on-boarding process for all employees by incorporating elements from the human resources audit. The superintendent is recommending the following certified administrators and directors for continuing tenured teacher for the 2014-2015 school year.</p><p>Ahgeak, Mae DelaRosa, Anna Kangas, Alice Roseberry, Mark Ahmaogak, Edna Dye, Douglas Karasiewicz, Lee Saar, Brent Ahngasuk, Margaret Emmelkamp, Karen Karasti, Margie Saxton, Nycki Arnhart, Jeremy Exe, Jill Kelly, Eric Singson, Alonda Avey, Patricia Foster, Jessica Kuhnhausen, Susan Smith Neakok, Kim Bauer, Carrie Fry, O. Brooks Lancaster, Debbe Smith, Bobbie Bauer, David Geiser, Mary Jane Lancaster, Michael Sobey, Glenn Belcik, Heather Gilmour, Angela Lane, Lillian Sobey, Pam Bennett, Joan Gifford, Charlie Leavitt, Samantha Stanford, Ronnie Bennett, O. David Gifford, Teresa Lloyd, Patti Stickel, Erica Boen, Gary Gillaspie, Steve Lloyd, Rodney Stilger, John Brent, Kimberlee Granatir, Cynthia Long, Becky Stilger, Linda Buckley, Tim Henke, Todd McCall, Bonnie Stockton, Allan Burke-Fisher, Hinds, Josh Mekki, Anna Stockton, Robbin Kathleen Cabana, Imelda Hugo, Beverly Nashoalook Gladys Stone, David Sr. Caldwell, Darleia Igou, Christie Nesteby, Kris Stone, Lillian Campbell, Beckie Itta, Julie Ogden, Jerry Testerman, Gabrielle Coleman, Rebecca Jensen, Rondee Prothero, Jeff Voss, Terri Connell, Jamie Juhasz, Loriann Rexford, Flora Vucasovich, Harvey Conrad, Lynn Justice, Chrisann Richards, Lucy Vucasovich, Kyra Davis, Joan Kalvig, Josh Root, Colby Weyiouanna, Dick</p><p>AMOS J. NASHOOKPUK MOVED TO APPROVE THE TENURED TEACHER CONTRACTS. MARY SAGE SECONDED THE MOTION. QUESTION CALLED. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. </p><p>INTRODUCTION AND/OR APPROVAL OF SCHOOL POLICIES AND RESOLUTIONS: First Reading: None. Second Reading: None.</p><p>Administrative Regulations: AR 8320, School Advisory Council (SAC) Meetings Policy Revision; SB14-143. Superintendent Peggy Cowan presented this informational item which supports NSBSD Strategic Goal 2) We will actively engage parents, Elders, businesses and the community as partners in our children’s education. The School Board directed the administration to review the Board Policy on School Advisory Councils (SAC) and bring a recommendation to the Board. The administration does not have any recommendations for changes in the Board Policy on SACs but does recommend changing the Administrative Regulation by elimination of the section on Executive Sessions. The Board adopted, Page 6 Board Minutes February 5, 2014 NSBSD Strategic Plan for 2014 has an objective: 2.4 SAC: Increase the effectiveness of SACs in all communities. An action step under this objective is: 2.4.1 Review the SAC policy to ensure clarity in roles. (Board) In order to do this action step the Superintendent included review of the SAC Policy and Administrative Regulation in the SAC Professional Development session held in August of 2013. The Superintendent requested recommendations from the participating SAC members and from the Association of Alaska School Board’s (AASB) Consultant conducting the session, Timi Tullis. NSBSD SAC members appreciated the thorough review of the SAC Policy and Administrative Regulations and had no recommendation for change. The AASB Consultant recommended the elimination of the section in Administrative Regulation 8320 SAC Meetings on Executive Sessions. She noted that she could not think of any topic that it would be appropriate for a SAC to discuss in executive session. The professional development provided by AASB indicated that personnel matters were not appropriate SAC topics. SAC meetings are intended to be public meetings which include public participation and whose business is done in the public eye. Executive Sessions circumvent this intention of a public session. The administration has included all of the SAC Policies and Administrative Regulations in this packet so that if the Board has an interest in revising other sections, the Board can provide that direction. The board directed to include this into first reading of the next regular meeting for action. </p><p>Resolutions: February 3-7, 2014 National School Counseling Week Resolution; SB14-144; Resolution 14-07. Superintendent Peggy Cowan invited Cassie Wells, Director of Student Services to present this action item which supports NSBSD Strategic Goal 2) We will actively engage parents, Elders, businesses and the community as partners in our children’s education. National School Counseling Week will be celebrated from February 3-7, 2014 to focus attention on the unique contribution of professional school counselors within the school system. National School Counseling Week highlights the tremendous impact school counselors can have in helping students achieve school success and plan for a career. This special week honors school counselors for the important role they play in helping students examine their talents, strengths, abilities, and interests. Counselors work in professional partnerships with teachers and support personnel to provide an educational system where students can realize their true potential. As all educators focus their efforts on improving academic achievement for all students, it is important that we recognize school counselors for their continuing efforts in reducing barriers to learning and improving the support necessary for all students to achieve at the highest level. School counselors are certified professional educators who work as an integral part of a total educational team to provide support services that enhance student achievement. School counselors play a unique role in garnering the support many students need to stay in school and regain access to Alaska’s academic standards. Schools across North Slope are encouraged to celebrate National School Counseling Week with a variety of activities focusing on student achievement, safe schools, multiculturalism, human rights, parent and family involvement, child advocacy, community collaborations, and partnerships. To help principals promote the week, NSBSD encourages schools to celebrate by reading the attached National School Counseling Week Resolution and include “National School Counselor Week” in morning announcements February 3-7, 2014. Resolutions 14-07- FEBRUARY 3-7, 2014 AS NATIONAL SCHOOL COUNSELING WEEK: WHEREAS, school counselors are employed in the North Slope Borough School District to help students reach their full potential; and WHEREAS, school counselors are actively committed to helping students explore their abilities, strengths, interests, and talents as these traits relate to career awareness and development; and WHEREAS, school counselors help parents focus on ways to further the educational, personal, and social growth of their children; and WHEREAS, school counselors work with teachers and other educators to help students explore their potential and set realistic social/personal educational, and career development goals for themselves; and WHEREAS, school counselors seek to identify and utilize community resources that can enhance and complement comprehensive school counseling programs and help students become productive members of society; and WHEREAS, professional school counselors are certified, experienced educators with a master's degree in guidance and counseling. The combination of Page 7 Board Minutes February 5, 2014 their training and experience makes them an integral part of the total educational program; and WHEREAS, comprehensive developmental school counseling programs are considered an integral part of the educational process that enables all students to achieve success in school; NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Education does hereby proclaim February 3-7, 2014, as NATIONAL SCHOOL COUNSELING WEEK in the North Slope Borough School District, and invite all citizens to take due note of the observance.</p><p>ROY NAGEAK, SR. MOVED TO APPROVE THE NATIONAL SCHOOL COUNSELING WEEK RESOLUTION. AMOS J. NASHOOKPUK SECONDED THE MOTION. QUESTION CALLED. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.</p><p>FY15 Budget Resolution; SB14-133; RESOLUTION 14-06. Superintendent Peggy Cowan invited Tammy White, Director of Financial Services to present this action item which supports the NSBSD Strategic Plan Goal #1) All students reach their intellectual potential and achieve academic success through integrating Inupiaq knowledge systems into the core content areas. #2) We will actively engage parents, Elders, businesses and the community as partners in our children's education. #3) We will continually strengthen recruitment, retention and professional development of highly effective staff. #4) We will effectively employ our financial and operational resources to support our strategic goals. The administration recommended that through this resolution the Board communicate to the North Slope Borough Assembly the request of a approval of a $78,037,807 Budget for FY 2015. This includes $32,997,626 from the North Slope Borough in support of education. Due to increased operational costs and loss of grants, it will cost the district an additional $547,781 compared with the FY14 Budget for the district to maintain the school programs in place in 2014 for the 2014-2015 school year. This is without taking into consideration the request for responsible increments or changes in the costs of personnel due to negotiations. This is also assuming flat funding from the Borough and Legislature. The First Reading of the FY2015 Budget for the North Slope Borough School District was at the January 9, 2014 Board Meeting. The Board Budget Hearings on January 7 and 8, 2014 provided an opportunity to inform the Board on the anticipated budget situation and issues for FY15, and for the Board to provide direction to the administration on the budget preparation. For the 2015 fiscal year, the administration presented a base budget that included staffing as in 2014, and anticipated fixed cost increases (e.g. established salary schedules, expected benefit cost increases). Above this base budget, increased staffing or other expenditures are presented on an increment cost sheet as was done in past years. The Board will adopt the FY2015 Budget in this Board Meeting on February 5, 2014 by way of this resolution for transmitting to the Borough. The NSB Budget Hearings are scheduled for March 25, 26 and 27, 2014. Further action may be required following Assembly action, the legislative session adjournment on April 15, 2014, union negotiations and following the October 2014 Count Period. The following is the Board direction to administration on the preparation of the budget for FY15 from the January Board Budget Hearings, Work Session and Meeting: The Board recognized: The half million dollar budget gap and the assumptions incorporated in this gap. The increment requests presented by the departments and schools were responsible. In the past, Maintenance and Operations departments have had severe cuts. Administration is to: 1) Prioritize student learning. 2) Look for decrements in Staff Travel. Including reductions in travel for professional development that may be achieved by utilizing the VTC. 3) Identify the criteria and justification for each of the 4.0 FTE teachers, if reduced. 4) Analyze expenditures such as AIMSWeb and other assessment tools. 5) Analyze the potential cost saving measures with the consolidation of services with the North Slope Borough. 6) Adjust student activities budget to provide more activities for small school sites. In addition, the Board requested the following additional information for their budget decisions: Pupil Teacher ratio for all sites. Square footage of each of the facilities with a comparison to Maintenance and Custodian FTE’s. Scattergrams for classified and certified staff in the budget. Number of students served with student activities by site and activity. Dollar amount per student served with student activities by site and activity. Breakdown of the Board Budget’s Dues and Fee line item (AASB, NSBA etc.). Breakdown of Superintendent Budget’s Professional and Technical line item. During the Board Worksession, the administration provided: Page 8 Board Minutes February 5, 2014 Request to NSB for $500,000 for student activities, listing activities. Current Salary Schedules for certified and classified staff utilized for FY15 Budget document including the percent increase for each step. The Board requested format changes for the Budget document: Line item School’s Student Activities budgets by activity. Narrative for all departments and schools including the description of staff travel. On departments and school’s cover sheets include: 1) Use the position’s titles for all administration on coversheets. 2) List of administrator positions, with cost of salaries, benefits and totals. 3) Incorporate Organizational Chart information. 4) Move ELL position from C&I to Assessment on both coversheets and budgets. ASSUMPTIONS - Revenues - Enrollment - The state foundation formula determines how much the state will provide and how much the Borough must or can provide and is based on student enrollment during the October Count Period. FY2015 enrollment is assumed to be 1,728, K-12 students. The October Count for FY2014 was 1,728. The enrollment in the NSBSD has declined since 1998 in all but four years. Predicting the same number of students this coming year as this year is a conservatively optimistic approach. This assumption is against the trend, but the current number of four year-olds who will be entering Kindergarten, and the count, is greater than the number of current twelfth graders. Although our enrollment has increased in the last three years, the district has had a significant number of students withdraw in December 2013. There were 102 fewer students enrolled the last day of December than the last day of November. Over 40 of these students have returned as of January 20, 2014, but we still have fewer students than in October. State Revenue - We are using the Governor's Budget for FY2015 as the basis for funding from the state. The Governor's budget does not include an increase in the BSA, but does include one-time amount which is equivalent to $100 on the BSA and causes a decrease of the Foundation Formula by the state compared with FY2014. In FY2014 the legislature added additional one-time funding. Although the House Legislative Sustainable Education Task Force recommended reduced education spending, we believe that the needs of students across the state will be compelling and that we should anticipate an equivalent to an increase on the BSA and budget for $425,868 in additional funding from the state from the Governor’s budget. The state funds for Student Transportation were increased by the legislature in 2014. New draft regulations for Transportation funding were released by DEED. These could result in a decrease in Transportation funding further, research will have to be completed. This could affect the NSBSD General Fund Budget as we anticipate not transferring funds from General Fund to Student Transportation. Impact Aid - The district has received no notice from the Federal Government on the effects of sequestration on Impact Aid payments for FY2014 or FY2015. The budget assumption of a slight increase to the Impact Aid payments is due to the removal of the penalty imposed on the FY2013 funding. Borough Support - The Base Budget assumption was flat funding from the Borough in January. This is consistent with the direction given to Borough Departments. This amount does include $500,000 in Activity Funds that the Borough has provided to the district in past years, but which was added as a supplemental request. We do not know at this time if the Borough will include this amount in the base budget. The administration recommends that the District request an additional $122,000 from the Borough for the counselor position that the NPRA grant will not be able to fund. Other Revenues - Interest Income and Other Revenue are projected with a slight decrease due to low interest rates. TRS/PERS On-Behalf went up substantially. E-rate is projected flat at this time. FY2015 is the year for new Internet contracts. Expenditures - Salaries - All salaries are assigned a step increase of 1.5% to 4%, depending on the salary schedule. This budget does not assume any raises. The district is negotiating with both associations representing certificated staff this year. Depending on the results of these negotiations, this budget may need to be revisited. Benefits - The benefits percentage for health insurance was increased from 21.5% to 25% to reflect continuing rising health care costs that the district has experienced over the last four years. Grant Positions - Current school site position funded with a grant that is being eliminated is transferred to the general fund. This counselor position currently funded with NPRA grant funds at Atqasuk's Meade River School. Title IA changes required $22,828 to be funded from the General Fund, primary change was a .25 FTE Records Clerk from Title IA. Increments - A spread sheet summarizing all of the increment requests is at the back for the Budget Workbook and a description is in each schedule. The total increment requests are $956,000. The administration has looked at funding some of these increment requests with grant funds. None are included in this budget proposal. Balanced Budget - With an addition of $425,868 from the Legislature and an increase of $122,000 from the Borough for the NPRA Counselor at Atqasuk, the General Fund Base Budget is balanced. The proposed revenues and expenditures are $78,037,807. Page 9 Board Minutes February 5, 2014</p><p>ARNOLD BROWER, JR. MOVED TO APPROVE THE FY15 BUDGET RESOLUTION FOR DISCUSSION. AMOS J. NASHOOKPUK SECONDED THE MOTION. QUESTION CALLED. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.</p><p>OLD BUSINESS: Harold Kaveolook School Gymnasium Location; SB14-131. Superintendent Peggy Cowan invited Kraig Michels, Coordinator of Maintenance & Operations to present this action item which supports NSBSD Strategic Plan Goal #2.1) Improve the school climate. #2.5) Increase community and business partnerships. The Administrative Recommendation is derived from a combination of input from the community of Kaktovik and the determination of the Board’s CIP Committee to select the site represented as Option 1 by the Architectural Firm of Burkhart Croft and Assoc. Constructing the gymnasium is the number one District priority in the current Six Year Plan. Design funds have been allocated to this project the final site needs to be selected by the Board of Education. Selection of the site allows the project design to move forward on a Board approved site. The project will be out to bid in early 2015 provided the final project funding is advanced through the CIP process and the voters approve the bond issue which would ultimately provide construction funding. The now retired, power plant / washateria building, currently occupies the site. Mayor Brower has directed that the power plant be demolished and the site be prepared to accept the gymnasium if this is the site selected by the Board of Education as the final site for construction of the new gymnasium. Board Members Roy Nageak and Eva Kinneeveauk are current members of the Board’s CIP Committee Board member Brower is the Alternate. Board Member Nageak and the Director of M&O traveled to the village on a flight provided by Mayor Brower in order to attend a public community meeting. The notes taken by the Architectural firm are attached. Board Members Nageak and or Kinneeveauk can provide any additional information and or lead a discussion on the topic.</p><p>ROY NAGEAK, SR. MOVED TO APPROVE THE COMMITTEE’S PREFERENCE RECOMMENDATION FOR SLECTION OF OPTION 1 AS SHOWN ON THE BURKHART CROFT MAP BE ADOPTED AS THE SITE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW GYMNASIUM AT HAROLD KAVEOLOOK SCHOOL. EVA KINNEEVEAUK SECONDED THE MOTION. QUESTION CALLED. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.</p><p>NEW BUSINESS: Proposed Negotiated Agreement between NSBSD & NSBEA was removed from the agenda. </p><p>SCHOOL BOARD REPORT: Amos Nashookpuk and Mary Sage gave a report on their participation at the Elders & Youth Conference and AFN from October 21-25, 2013. Roy Nageak, Sr., Debby Edwardson and Amos J. Nashookpuk gave their report on their participation at the NIEA Annual Convention from October 30-November 2, 2013. Debby Edwardson, Eva Kinneeveauk, Amos J. Nashookpuk, Della Tagarook and Roy Nageak, Sr. gave their report on their participation at the AASB Annual Conference from November 7-11, 2013. Debby Edwardson gave her report on her participation at the AASB Board of Director’s Meeting on November 11, 2013. All Board Members gave their report on their participation at the Joint Meeting with Ilisagvik Board of Trustees on December 4, 2013. All Board Members gave their report on their participation at the Joint Meeting with the NSB Assembly on February 3, 2014. </p><p>PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS: Lonnie J. Solomon, community member of Barrow had a concern about the school bus administration. There was an incident that his child was involved in during a school bus drop off. There were no lights on the bus which he had called to complain about but was not happy with the response of the phone call. The bus driver was not aware of the lights not working which they were fixed the next day. The board thanked Lonnie for sharing his concern and Page 10 Board Minutes February 5, 2014 they also advised and directed the administration to follow-up on the standard operating procedure when there is a malfunction. The Board also advised the administration to be customer friendly and give formal answers to the public and especially to parents. </p><p>EXECUTIVE SESSION: ROY NAGEAK, SR. MOVED TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR REASON #1) MATTERS OF IMMEDIATE KNOWLEDGE WHIC HWOULD CLEARLY HAVE AN ADVERSE EFFECT UPON THE FINANCES OF THE DISTRICT AND BOROUGH. MARY SECONDED THE MOTION. QUESTION CALLED. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.</p><p>DATE AND TIME OF THE NEXT MEETING: MARY SAGE MOVED TO HAVE THE NEXT MEETING ON MARCH 10-11, 2014 IN BARROW. ARNOLD BROWER, JR. SECONDED THE MOTION. QUESTION CALLED. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. </p><p>ADJOURNED.</p><p>Respectfully submitted:</p><p>Jasmine Kignak, Board Secretary </p><p>Debby Edwardson, President </p><p>Mary Sage, Clerk</p><p>______Date </p>

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