<p> April 15, 2004 7:30 P.M. Stewartsville, NJ </p><p>The Township Committee of the Township of Greenwich held a regular meeting on the above date with the following members present: Mayor Frank Marchetta, Deputy Mayor Gregory Blaszka, Committeewoman Deborah Pasquarelli, Committeeman Brian Visconti, Committeewoman Elaine Emiliani, Township Engineer Michael Finelli, Township Attorney Peter Jost, Township Clerk Kimberly Viscomi. </p><p>The Flag Salute was repeated</p><p>The SUNSHINE LAW was read as follows: "Adequate notice of this meeting was given in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act by: 1. Mailing a schedule of this meeting of the Township Committee to the Express-Times, Phillipsburg Free Press, and the Newark Star Ledger newspapers 2. Posting a copy thereof on the Township Bulletin Board, and 3. Filing a copy thereof with the Township Clerk".</p><p> CONSENT AGENDA "All matters listed below under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Township Committee and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will not be discussion on these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately". 1. Approval of Township Minutes: Regular Minutes: February 19, 2004 Executive Session: February 19, 2004</p><p>2. Receive, and File Monthly Reports: Tax Collector Planning Board Municipal Court Treasurer Police Report Building Department Report</p><p>3. Receive, Charge to Various Accounts, and Pay Monthly Bills</p><p>Mayor Marchetta made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Visconti to approve the above listed Consent Agenda</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p>1 PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD</p><p>Committeeman Visconti made a motion, seconded by Mayor Marchetta to open the public comment period.</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Debra Scarbourgh of 2155 New Village Road – Expressed to the Township Committee her concern regarding the possible land preservation near her property. She informed that this land is prime for preservation and that it would be an asset to the Township to have this land in preservation. She stated that the residents could utilize this land with many forms of passive recreation. She also stated that there is an abundance of wildlife on this property and also many types of plants species. </p><p>As there was no other public comment, Committeeman Blaszka made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Visconti to close the public comment period.</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p>RESOLUTIONS</p><p>2004-31 Delay in Introduction of 2004 Municipal Budget</p><p>Committeewoman Emiliani made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Visconti to approve Resolution 2004-31</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p>2004-32 Introduction of 2004 Municipal Budget by Title Only</p><p>Committeewoman Pasquarelli made a motion, seconded by Committeewoman Emiliani to approve Resolution 2004-32</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p>2 2004-33 Special Item of Revenue</p><p>Committeeman Blaszka made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Visconti to approve Resolution 2004-33</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p>2004.34 Special Item of Revenue</p><p>Committeewoman Emiliani made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Visconti to approve Resolution 2004-34</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p>2004-35 Special Item of Revenue</p><p>Committeewoman Emiliani made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Visconti to approve Resolution 2004-35</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p>2004.36Special Item of Revenue</p><p>Committeeman Blaszka made a motion, seconded by Committeewoman Pasquarelli to approve Resolution 2004-36</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p>2004.37Dedication by Rider</p><p>Committeeman Blaszka made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Visconti to approve Resolution 2004-37</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p>3 TOWNSHIP ATTORNEY</p><p>SECOND READING/ PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE 2004-06</p><p>AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE TOWNSHIP OF GREENWICH TO ACQUIRE THE DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS TO PROPERTY KNOWN AS LOT 32 IN BLOCK 23 ON THE TAX MAP OF THE TOWNSHIP OF GREENWICH, WARREN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY</p><p>Committeeman Blaszka made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Visconti to open the public hearing on Ordinance 2004-06</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Committeeman Visconti made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Blaszka to close the public hearing on Ordinance 2004-06</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Committeeman Blaszka made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Visconti to adopt Ordinance 2004-06</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p>OTHER BUSINESS</p><p>Mayor Marchetta</p><p>Firehouse</p><p>Mayor Marchetta announced that the Township Committee would be voting tonight on the plans for the new firehouse.</p><p>Committeewoman Emiliani made a motion, seconded Mayor Marchetta to approve the final plan of SK1 for the new firehouse.</p><p>4 Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Highlands </p><p>Mayor Marchetta informed that there is new legislation being proposed by the State of New Jersey. He informed that Greenwich Township is one of the towns that are in the highlands region. He stated that the issue that prompted this legislation bill is that water resources are in jeopardy in the state, and they want to form a counsel to determine a preservation area in this region. He stated that there is not enough information out yet as to what the impact of this legislation could bring to the Township. He informed that he would like to put together a task force to review this proposed legislation.</p><p>Green Acres / Hamlen Reimbursement / Authorize Mayor to sign</p><p>Committeeman Blaszka made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Visconti authorizing the Mayor to sign the Green Acres documents relative to the Hamlen Reimbursement.</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Rt. 519 / Dumont Road / County Agreement / Authorize Mayor to Sign</p><p>Committeeman Blaszka made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Visconti authorizing the Mayor to sign the Rt. 519 agreement with Warren County.</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Proclamation / National Day of Prayer / May 6 th</p><p>Mayor Marchetta read the above listed Proclamation</p><p>Proclamation / Municipal Clerks Week / May 2 nd through May 8 th</p><p>Mayor Marchetta read the above listed Proclamation</p><p>5 Deputy Mayor Blaszka</p><p>School Board </p><p>Committeeman Blaszka informed that the School Board is still discussing the Shared Service Agreement.</p><p>Planning Board Update</p><p>Committeeman Blaszka reported that the Pulte Homes application was denied. He also reported that Target wanted to put a sign facing Route 78 and that application was also denied.</p><p>Historical Banner Program</p><p>Committeeman Blaszka reported that the Historical Commission wants to conduct a banner program. He stated that the banners would be paid for from area businesses. The banners will be placed on telephone poles on North and South Main Streets. He informed the Committee needs to approve this program.</p><p>Committeeman Blaszka made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Visconti authorizing the Historical Commission to conduct a Historical Banner program.</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Bond Attorney / Open Space</p><p>Committeeman Blaszka informed the Committee that it is appropriate that we start looking at short term bonds, and review for long term bonds. He stated that we have many projects on the table and that the Township needs to put funding plans in place to fund these projects. </p><p>Committeewoman Pasquarelli </p><p>Sewer Subcommittee Report</p><p>Committeewoman Pasquarelli informed the Committee that a copy of the monthly report is in their packets for review.</p><p>Resolution 2004-39 NAPA / WWMP</p><p>Committeewoman Pasquarelli made a motion, seconded by Committeewoman Emiliani to approve Resolution 2004-39</p><p>6 Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Resolution 2004-40 Larken Associates</p><p>Committeewoman Pasquarelli made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Blaszka to approve Resolution 2004-40</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Committeewoman Emiliani</p><p>Municipal Court</p><p>Committeewoman Emiliani reported that there was a review of our municipal court recently done by the State and it has passed. She informed because of the weigh station the municipal court will need to be upgraded and this needs to be listed as a high priority. If we do not upgrade the court, there is a possibility that it could be moved to another township. She informed that the weigh station would bring in revenue to the township. The Township will receive a percentage of the fines imposed. </p><p>Emergency Squad</p><p>Blue light permit for Kevin Young</p><p>Committeeman Blaszka made a motion, seconded by Mayor Marchetta to approve the blue light permit for Kevin Young.</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Committeewoman Emiliani informed that there will be CPR training conducted on April 17th.</p><p>New Members: Susan Perez and Brendan Burns</p><p>Committeewoman Emiliani made a motion, seconded by Mayor Marchetta to approve Susan Perez and Brendan Burns as new members to the Emergency Squad.</p><p>7 Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Police Department</p><p>Resolution 2004-38 Safe & Secure Communities Program</p><p>Committeewoman Emiliani made a motion, seconded by Committeewoman Pasquarelli to approve Resolution 2004-38</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Old School</p><p>Committeewoman Emiliani made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Blaszka authorizing Attorney Jost to get additional information from the individual inquiring purchase of the old school and their intended use of the building.</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Committeeman Visconti</p><p>Recreation Commission</p><p>Committeeman Visconti reported that presently they are discussing utilization of the use of the recreation fields for spring sports. Committeeman Visconti thanked Dan Perez for taking on the responsibility of Recreation Commission President. He reported that the Easter Egg Hunt was very successful. He thanked Rosemary Martin and Nancy Schmidt for all their help in this event.</p><p>Environmental Commission Update</p><p>Committeeman Visconti reported that the Environmental Commission conducted workshop #2 of a three part series. During this workshop they did an ordinance review checklist, discussed watershed throughout the community and also discussed the Master Plan.</p><p>8 Ad-Hoc Recreation & Park Development Committee Update</p><p>Committeeman Visconti reported that they are working on the process of having a special meeting with the Township Committee to do a presentation.</p><p>Service Electric Contract</p><p>Committeeman Visconti reported that he has been working on this with Attorney Jost and Phil Rosenberg in going over the contract.</p><p>TOWNSHIP ENGINEER</p><p>1. STRYKER’S ROAD</p><p> At the February 19, 2004 Committee Meeting, a motion was made to abandon the most recent design and realignment scheme for the project. As of this date, he has not been able to confirm from the NJDOT if they would be willing to “move” the grant monies to with a different project within the Township or towards a direct improvement to the existing Stryker’s Road. He met with Dave Hicks on March 18, 2004 at which time they discussed the Committee’s decision and the options which the Township may now wish to pursue regarding Stryker’s Road.</p><p>Engineer Finelli informed that the NJDOT confirmed that they would be willing to “move” the grant monies to different projects within the Township or towards a direct improvement to the existing Stryker’s Road.</p><p>Mayor Marchetta made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Visconti authorizing Engineer Finelli to write a letter to NJDOT requesting reallocation of the grant monies to other projects within the Township.</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p> The Township Committee should be aware that the total grant award (three separate grants) for the Stryker’s Road project totals $478,000.00.</p><p> The Township has received an extension from the NJDOT to their existing grant until February 27, 2005.</p><p>2. FUTURE DEDICATIONS </p><p> Greenwich Chase, Phase 7</p><p> This is the remaining phase within Greenwich Chase yet to be dedicated. Toll Brothers has recently contacted our office regarding their request for our office to</p><p>9 perform a final inspection and for the final phase of the project to move forward towards dedication. Our office is currently examining this phase of the project and will coordinate with both Toll Brothers and the Township Committee in regards to status of the completion of all improvements and the dedication of same to the Township. Wyndham Farm</p><p> His office will continue to work with both Attorneys Jost and Carney in regards to this matter.</p><p> Greenwich Hills North</p><p> The vast majority of all work has been completed. Greg Weinstein continues to move forward in an effort to secure final acceptance from our office and subsequent dedication to the municipality. At this juncture, there remain a few minor lingering issues which could be resolved within the next month or two. Therefore, there is the likelihood of this project being dedicated within the next few months.</p><p>3. GREENFIELDS @ GREENWICH, SECTION III</p><p> At the March 18, 2004 Committee Meeting, the Committee authorized his office to proceed with a maintenance bond punchlist inspection. George Baldwin from his office is scheduled to perform the inspection within the next few weeks and a punchlist will be developed and forwarded to the appropriate parties subsequent to George’s inspection.</p><p>4. HAMLEN PROPERTY </p><p> As previously requested, his office prepared a plan which depicted various outparcel options (7, 10, 15 and 20 Ac.) for a municipally owned portion of the overall 114 Ac. tract. This plan has been reviewed and discussed at previous Township Committee Meetings. The Township Committee must still render a decision on how large of an outparcel they may wish to extract from the overall tract. Attorney Jost will need to advise the Committee on the timing for making this decision. 5. GREENWICH STREET/WYNDHAM FARM BOULEVARD PEDESTRIAN CROSSING</p><p> The Committee should be aware that the Township (via the County) has recently received an approval from the NJDOT for the installation of the flashing sign. </p><p>6. GREENWICH STREET BIKE PATH</p><p> The Township has received an extension from the NJDOT to their existing grant until February 14, 2005.</p><p>10 The Township authorized his office to put the project out to bid subsequent to receipt of an approval from the Warren County Engineer’s Office. The project has not been advertised to date pending final sign-off from Mr. and Mrs. Ball on their easement agreement with the Township. </p><p>Committeeman Blaszka made a motion, seconded by Mayor Marchetta to authorize Engineer Finelli to advertise for bids upon receipt of Ball Easement.</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p>7. SOUTH MAIN STREET SIDEWALK EXTENSION PROJECT (2003 NJDOT GRANT)</p><p> The Township has received an extension from the NJDOT to their existing grant until February 14, 2005.</p><p> At the March 4, 2004 budget meeting, there was some preliminary discussion relative to the Township not moving forward with the design phase of this project in 2004 due to overall Township budget constraints. A formal decision regarding the Township’s intention on whether or not we will be proceeding with this project in 2004 should be made shortly in order for his office to advise the NJDOT of same.</p><p>8. PHILLIPSBURG REGIONAL WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN (WMP) </p><p> His office previously completed the Phase II Sanitary Sewer Flow Build-out Analysis as required by the NJDEP. This report was forwarded to the NJDEP on July 16, 2003. All members of the Township Committee were previously provided a copy of this report. A brief summary of the status of this project was provided by me at the July 17, 2003 Committee Meeting. At this juncture, we are still waiting for the NJDEP to issue a summary report which will combine the information supplied by each of the five (5) respective municipalities.</p><p>9. NEW JERSEY STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS</p><p> The regulations have finally been adopted and were effective as of February 2, 2004. The Township had previously received their Municipal Stormwater Regulation Program Requirements package from the NJDEP. His office, on behalf of the Township, forwarded the completed Request for Authorization (RFA) form and Grant Application to the NJDEP on March 2, 2004. He has received our approved stormwater general permit from the NJDEP. Our permit # is NJPDES: NJG0153842/PI ID#: 198015. Our Effective Date of Permit Authorization (EDPA) is</p><p>11 April 1, 2004. The Township is now “on the clock” relative to compliance with the new regulations. The first step will be to adopt a Stormwater Management Plan within one (1) year of the effective date of the Township’s permit from the State or April 1, 2005.</p><p> Greenwich Township has been designated as a Tier A municipality which requires some additional and expedited responsibilities versus Tier B municipalities. It will be necessary for the Township to budget some monies for 2004 in order to facilitate the initial stages of compliance with these regulations. He will look for direction from the Township Committee relative to his role in both the budgetary and compliance aspects of this matter. 10. WASHINGTON STREET WEIGHT LIMIT RESTRICTION </p><p> He has spoken with County Engineer Dave Hicks regarding his thoughts on the feasibility of implementing a weight limit restriction on Washington Street. As you may recall, Washington Street was a County road for many years and was just conveyed to the Township in the late 1990s. Based upon that fact, he felt it was appropriate to get Mr. Hicks’ input on this matter. Mr. Hicks suggested that the Township request to use the County traffic counters in order to determine the number, frequency and type of trucks which traverse Washington Street on a daily basis. Mr. Hicks advised him that the County would offer the counters to the Township at no cost and that the counters not only document number of vehicles, but also types of vehicles. With that information in hand, the Township would be in a better and more informed position to consider a weight limit restriction for Washington Street.</p><p>11. REGISTRATION OF TOWNSHIP SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN</p><p> The Township’s Force Main which runs from the pump station located at the end of Tyler Circle (Greenwich Chase) and adjacent to County Route 519 to the Phillipsburg Sewage Treatment Plant is not registered under the State’s “one call” underground utility registration program. Any potential damage to our Force Main caused by an outside contractor who was unaware of the location and/or existence of this main could be extremely troublesome to the Township and all sanitary sewer users within the Township. His office has been coordinating with Jon Hartzell of Aqua New Jersey, Inc. (formerly Consumers) regarding their involvement and responsibilities in this process. Our office previously forwarded a proposal under separate cover, dated February 4, 2004, from Aqua New Jersey, Inc., regarding their costs for performing the work in question. The Township Committee will need to take action at some point regarding their acceptance or rejection of Aqua New Jersey, Inc.’s proposal. No action was taken at the March 18, 2004 meeting. </p><p>12 12. RINEHART PROPERTY / FUTURE POST OFFICE</p><p> His office was recently contacted by an appraiser who was inquiring regarding a number of issues (current zoning, etc.) affecting the property. He provided the appraiser with the information as per his request.</p><p> As mentioned at the March 18, 2004 meeting, the new stream buffer regulations will impact the development of this property. There is a possibility that the property will only be subject to a 150 ft. buffer vs. the 300 ft. buffer. Obviously, if the 300 ft. buffer is applicable, the impact upon the property is significantly greater.</p><p>13. RAYNA PROPERTY: BOUNDARY SURVEY</p><p>As requested at the March 18, 2004 Committee Meeting, his office developed a fee estimate and task breakdown associated with the expedited timeline per the Township’s contract with the Rayna’s. </p><p>PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD</p><p>Committeeman Visconti made a motion, seconded by Mayor Marchetta to open the public comment period.</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Fire Chief Joseph Mecsey – Thanked the Township Committee for their support for the new firehouse.</p><p>Committeewoman Emiliani made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Visconti to close the public comment period.</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Committeeman Blaszka made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Visconti to take a five- minute recess.</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Committeewoman Emiliani made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Visconti to reopen the meeting from recess.</p><p>13 Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p>EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION</p><p>WHEREAS, Section 8 of the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, P.L. 1975, permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances; and</p><p>WHEREAS, this public body is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist.</p><p>NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Greenwich, County of Warren and State of New Jersey as follows:</p><p>1. The public shall be excluded from discussion of and action upon the hereinafter-specified subject matter.</p><p>2. The general nature of the subject matter to be discussed as follows: Contract negotiations, Pending Litigation, Land Acquisition and Personnel</p><p>3. It is anticipated at this time that the above stated subject matter will be made public at: When a decision has been rendered.</p><p>4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately.</p><p>Committeeman Blaszka made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Visconti to adopt the foregoing Resolution and enter into Executive Session.</p><p>Committeewoman Emiliani made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Blaszka to reopen the meeting from Executive Session</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Mayor Marchetta made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Blaszka to authorize Attorney Richard Conley to file counter claim for tax appeal.</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Mayor Marchetta made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Blaszka to authorize Engineer Finelli to conduct Rayna survey at a rate not to exceed $4,400. \</p><p>14 Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p>Committeeman Blaszka made a motion, seconded by Committeewoman Emiliani to hire Garden State Alarm Systems to install fire alarm system in municipal building at a fee of $6,290.</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p>As there was no further business, Committeewoman Emiliani made a motion, seconded by Committeewoman Pasquarelli to adjourn the meeting.</p><p>Voting in favor: Blaszka, Pasquarelli, Visconti, Emiliani, Marchetta Opposed: None MOTION CARRIED</p><p>______Kimberly Viscomi, RMC Township Clerk</p><p>15</p>
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