Hertfordshire County Council s14

Hertfordshire County Council s14

<p> Agenda No. HERTFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY 27 MARCH 2013 AT 10AM 4 HERTSMERE BOROUGH COUNCIL</p><p>INSTALLATION OF TWO MODULAR CLASSROOM BLOCKS (FOUR CLASSROOMS) FOR TEMPORARY PERIOD OF TWO YEARS AT BRIDGEWATER SCHOOL, BRIDLE WAY, BERKHAMSTED, HERTFORDSHIRE, HP4 1ES</p><p>Report of the Chief Executive & Director of Environment</p><p>Contact: Brian Owen Tel: 01992 556255</p><p>Local Member: Ian Reay</p><p>1. Purpose of report</p><p>1.1 To consider application 0/00187-13 for the installation of two modular classroom blocks (four classrooms) at Bridgewater School, Bridle Way, Berkhamsted. </p><p>2. Summary</p><p>2.1 Berkhamsted Schools are being restructured and are changing from a 3 tier model to a 2-tier where education will be delivered by primary and secondary schools. The new arrangement will help deliver the extra school places that are required within Berkhamsted. Existing schools and premises within Berkhamsted have limitations for accommodating additional school places. Also Berkhamsted itself provides few opportunities to accommodate additional development for educational development. The proposed change from 3 tiers to 2 tiers is a response to these factors. Education services have undertaken a town wide consultation as part of coming to this delivery model. The results of the consultation support the proposed change.</p><p>2.2 The proposed 2 tier system mean Bridgewater School would change from a middle tier school to a primary school, including nursery provision. The buildings at the school will need major works to make them suitable for their new use and pupils will need to move out of much of the school buildings when this is taking place. The mobile classrooms proposed are to provide a temporary base for pupils during this time. The changes will mean that both the existing middle tier and new primary age children will be using the school as the change comes into effect. The numbers of older middle tier children will run down as primary numbers build from early years. </p><p>Bridgewater School, Berkhamsted - 1 - 2.3 The school is located within the Green Belt adjoining the urban area to the site. The school has a large site which sits towards the top of the valley sides of Berkhamsted beyond the urban area of Berkhamsted. The site is relatively long and narrow. The site is terraced to accommodate building and provide level surfaces for outdoor sport and play space. The site chosen for the temporary classrooms is part of the sports area and is currently used for a long jump. It is proposed to relocate the long jump to the north of the proposed site of the mobiles alongside an all weather playing pitch. </p><p>3. Site and Surroundings </p><p>3.1 The application site is located on the upper valley side in the west of Berkhamsted. The school lies along the edge of the urban area within the green belt. The western boundary of the site is the edge of the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. </p><p>3.2 The school site is long and relatively narrow. The school buildings are located at the western end of the site. The buildings are a mix of functional system build and block work. </p><p>3.3 The school site is accessed off Bridle Way, where a steep road leads to a short level access road solely serving the school. A car park is located within the school.</p><p>3.4 The proposed mobiles are to be sited on the playing fields, where an existing long jump is located. The site is a level area and the playing fields which extend to the north and east are on a similar level. To the south are a line of trees and a steep bank falling to residential areas. Houses from Dellfield Close and Egerton Road back on the school site. There are some trees along the boundary and further east this forms a dense screen.</p><p>3.5 The site is located within the Green belt. The southern boundary of the school with residential properties is the green belt limit. The AONB boundary is the northern boundary of the school site. The Dacorum Core Strategy has been subject to examination, and an inspector has reported on this. Dacorum have published proposed amendments. Within the Core Strategy the school site is designated an education zone. The site of the mobiles lies within an area of archaeological interest. </p><p>4. The Proposal </p><p>4.1 The proposed two mobiles are 18.2m by 9.2m each which gives a proposed footprint of 335m3. They are to have plastisol coated walls with a single membrane shallow pitched roof. Windows were originally proposed in both elevations with clear glazing. However the proposal is that the mobiles could have no windows provided in the south elevation. The proposal is for temporary permission for a two year </p><p>Bridgewater School, Berkhamsted - 2 - period, though the school believes it should be possible to move the children back into the main school building after one academic year.</p><p>4.2 A mobile classroom, sited to the north of the main school building, was granted planning permission in 1999 with permission expiring in 2004. This mobile was not removed from the site and is currently still required by the school. However following the completion of all the building works this mobile will not be needed and it is proposed to remove this. </p><p>4.3 Construction access would be via the school entrance through the car park and hard play area to the south of the school buildings.</p><p>5. History</p><p>5.1 The school is system build school. Planning permission was granted in 1996 for a new design and technology building. Planning permission was granted under application 4/1231-04 for a new classroom block. In July 1999 planning permission was given for retention of a temporary modular classroom until July 2004. </p><p>6. Consultation</p><p>6.1 Dacorum Borough Council does not object. The school is within the green belt, policy 4 applies also education development is covered by policy 69. Although the policies do not generally support the principle of education development within the green belt it is considered that there are special circumstances. The proposals are of a temporary nature, located on a part of the site that does not encroach further into the green belt than existing buildings. The comments note that importantly the proposals would allow alterations to the main school building required to facilitate the changes to the schooling system in Berkhamsted.</p><p>6.2 Berkhamsted Town Council do not object to the proposal per se but wish to see the mobiles are located so that residents concerns are overcome </p><p>6.3 Sport England do not object and the proposal to relocate the long jump pitch is to their satisfaction </p><p>6.4 The County Archaeologist raises no objection but because the school is within an Area of Archaeological Significance, he recommends that a watching briefing is used during erection of the mobile. </p><p>6.5 The Environment Agency comment that the development would be acceptable if a pre-commencement conditions requiring a detailed surface water drainage scheme is submitted based on the Flood Risk Assessment submitted with the application.</p><p>Bridgewater School, Berkhamsted - 3 - 6.6 The highway authority raises no objections subject to a pre- commencement condition for a construction management plan.</p><p>Third Party Consultation</p><p>6.7 The application was advertised by way of site notice, press notice and letters to properties in the vicinity of the site.</p><p>6.8 At the time of writing there has been 7 representations have been received, one which did not object to the proposal and 6 which raised the following issues;</p><p>. affects views from their properties, . overlooks their properties and affects privacy, . the site of the mobiles is higher than the residential properties, . Is within the green belt, . whilst not objecting to the changes to the school would wish the mobiles to be erected where they do not impact upon residential properties, . there are other locations within the school site, such as to the north of the school buildings, where the mobiles should be located . there should be a guarantee that the mobile is removed after 2 years, . flooding may occur for properties downhill from the mobiles . the site can be seen from 3 public footpaths, . the plans submitted with the applications shows a boundary line directly abutting properties to the south and does not show the public footpath in between. . The school is within the green belt , is inappropriate development and no very special circumstances are demonstrated 7. Main issues</p><p>7.1 The main planning issues for the determination of this application relate to: . Green belt . Educational need . amenity of residential properties</p><p>7.2 Planning applications should be decided in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The Dacorum Borough Local Plan was adopted in April 2004 and forms part of the development plan for the area. The Dacorum Core Strategy was subject to examination by local hearing in October 2012. A further round of consultation on main and minor modifications and any implications on the revocation of the Regional Spatial Strategy ended on 6 March 2013. The Core Strategy and submitted further modifications should be given significant weight in determining this application, due to the advanced stage of preparation and considering any unresolved objections relevant to particular issues raised. The National Planning Policy Framework says that due weight should be </p><p>Bridgewater School, Berkhamsted - 4 - given to relevant polices in existing plans according to their degree of consistency with the NPPF. </p><p>8. Green Belt</p><p>8.1 The application site and the entire Bridgewater School site sit within the green belt. </p><p>8.2 Policy 4, Green Belt of the Dacorum Borough Local Plan says that within the green belt there is a presumption against inappropriate development. Inappropriate development is building development, except in limited cases. No such exception applies in this application. The policy further says that inappropriate development will only be allowed where very special circumstances exist which clearly outweigh the harm to the green belt. Any development that would injure the visual amenities of the green belt is not to be permitted. </p><p>8.3 The Dacorum Borough Plan Core Strategy and submitted post hearing modifications are at an advanced stage and can be given significant weight in reaching a decision. The Core Strategy says the strict application of national Green Belt policy which permits appropriate development will be used to protect openness, local distinctiveness and the physical separation of settlements. The Modifications to the Pre- Submission Core Strategy change the wording deleting strictly, but still requiring compliance. In addition it sets that small scale development will be permitted within the Green Belt where buildings are for the purposes set out in national policy, replacement of existing buildings and limited extensions to existing buildings. The proposal is inappropriate development and national policy should be applied.</p><p>8.4 The NPPF says that within the green belt inappropriate development is by definition harmful to the green belt and substantial weight should be given to this harm. Also inappropriate development should not be approved except where very special circumstances clearly outweigh the harm to the green belt and any other harm.</p><p>8.5 The policy of the Dacorum Borough Plan should be followed as the core strategy and national planning policy framework are not in conflict with respect to the proposal.</p><p>8.6 The very special circumstances for the proposal include need to provide extra accommodation for the pupils at Bridgewater School during buildings works. The building works are to provide a suitable school for primary education rather than the existing middle tier. This forms part of the wider change in Berkhamsted from 3 tiers to 2 tier education. The change is a response to the need to provide further places for pupils in the town. The existing schools in Berkhamsted are constrained and options for new schools are limited. The change takes account of these factors. A wide ranging consultation has taken place within Berkhamsted on the change and how extra places and future </p><p>Bridgewater School, Berkhamsted - 5 - primary to secondary schooling could be delivered within the town. The change to the 2 tier system was the most popular option. </p><p>8.7 The proposals are an integral part of these changes and are considered to contribute to very special circumstances and these changes are given very substantial weight. </p><p>8.8 Policy CS23 of the Core Strategy says that social infrastructure (which is defined as including education provision from nursery through to secondary) will be encouraged. The policy says that the provision of new school facilities will be supported on Open Land and defined zones in the Green Belt. The text supporting the policy says that two education zones have been identified in Berkhamsted. One education zone includes Bridgewater school which is an area of the same width extending over the school site and including a further area to the west of the school. However the policy does note that the effects of new building upon the Green Belt (the proposed modifications change countryside is changed to the Green Belt as written here) must be minimised. The designation of the site for an education zone within the core strategy at its advanced stage can be given significant weight here. </p><p>8.9 The National Planning Policy Framework says that planning authorities should give great weight to the need to create, expand or alter schools.</p><p>8.10 The site of the mobiles has given rise to objections from some local residents. The site that has been chosen is a result of an investigation into other land that would be available for the development within the Bridgewater School site. The temporary buildings need to be close to the existing buildings of the school so that the school can be run effectively. The two buildings also need to be sited close to one another. The school buildings sit on a tiered site which physically limits where the temporary buildings may be sited. Other options for the site considered were a hard play area to the west and north of the school buildings. However this area is the access and play area for the nursery and early year children. The area is not large enough to provide the access needed for young children and a safe and play environment for them and also two mobile classroom blocks. The school car park is needed for school staff and also access through this area for the refurbishment work that is to be taking place in the main school. </p><p>8.11 The hard play area immediately to the south of the school buildings is to be used for hard play and will also partly be a compound for the refurbishment work. Therefore there is not sufficient area for the two mobile classroom blocks proposed. </p><p>8.12 A further area to the north of the main school buildings either does not provide a sufficient level area or there are trees which would need to be removed.</p><p>Bridgewater School, Berkhamsted - 6 - 8.13 The playing fields to the east of the school are too far from the main school buildings to allow for effective running of the school. </p><p>8.14 The buildings are proposed for a temporary period and the school have indicated that they should be able to vacate the buildings quite quickly and would require them for one academic year only. </p><p>8.15 The very special circumstances for extra accommodation as part of the change in education delivery across Berkhamsted are given very substantial weight, and the siting of the building within the education zone within the core Strategy and modifications are given significant weight. The buildings as proposed are of moderate size and are for a very limited period, so harm to the green belt in this respect is limited, Harm to the green belt by reason of inappropriateness is given significant weighting, though this harm is recognised to be temporary in terms of the permanence of the wider green belt. The siting of the buildings does impact upon views from residential properties and this does cause some harm, though privacy is to be maintained by limiting windows on the elevation with views towards the houses. On balance, the very special circumstances described are considered to clearly outweigh the harm to the green belt and any other harm. </p><p>Amenity of residents</p><p>8.16 The proposed mobile classrooms would be visible from some properties in Dellfield Close and Egerton Road. The proposed mobiles are 30m from the boundary and façade of properties in Dellfield Close. The mobiles are 30m from the boundary and 55m from the façade of properties in Egerton Road. The proposal is for two mobiles which are each just over 19m long. The mobiles will interrupt views and from properties be set against the skyline. The school site is terraced and the mobiles sit close to the edge of an embankment which falls towards the houses. The area that the mobiles are to be sited on is level but raises towards the rear of the site. Locally it may appear on the skyline but from outside the site to the north an interruption to the skyline is likely to be very limited. </p><p>8.17 In terms of the pattern of development within the area this is similar to distances between properties across the road from each other in Egerton Road. Policy CS1 (of the Core Strategy): Quality of Neighbourhood Design says that development should respect the typical density intended in an area and enhance spaces between buildings. Objections have been raised by residents that their views will be harmed by the mobile classrooms and also that their privacy will be affected by overlooking. Policy CS12 (of the Core Strategy): Quality of Site Design says that development should avoid visual intrusion, loss of sunlight and daylight, loss of privacy and disturbance to the surrounding properties. Appendix 3 to the Core Strategy Layout and Design of Residential Areas provides useful guidance on standards of privacy for new residential development which can considered </p><p>Bridgewater School, Berkhamsted - 7 - elsewhere. The guidance says that buildings should maintain distances under two headings. The first talks about private gardens having a minimum average depth of 11.5m. Though this can be greater for larger family or executive homes. The second standard says that a minimum distance of 23m should be provided between the main rear wall of a dwelling and the main wall, front or rear, of another. The distance may be increased depending upon on character, level and other factors. </p><p>8.18 In looking at distances between the mobiles and residential properties that are two main distances involved; those between the nearest house in Dellfield Close and those to houses in Egerton Road. The distance to the nearest property in Dellfield Close is 30m with the gable of the residential property facing towards the proposed mobiles though there are views to the rear wall of the property as well. The distances towards the properties in Egerton close which face more directly towards the mobiles is over 50m though there is a fall in levels from the mobiles to the houses. This separation is typical of the density of housing within the area and above the standards of privacy set out in the Core Strategy. The mobiles will be likely to interrupt views however the mobiles are some distance from the houses and are only two blocks of less than 20m each, so this effect is limited. The mobiles are a temporary proposal and the school has said they may only be required for one academic year. The mobiles are higher than the houses and the standards for privacy are met however the school is willing to accept that there would be no windows in the south elevation to further ensure privacy. Tree planting to screen views would not work with the timescale of the proposal.</p><p>8.19 The mobiles would provide some interruption to views for some of the properties in Egerton Road and Dellfield Close. The proposal is for the mobiles to be sited some distance from the properties similar to existing pattern of development in the area. The mobiles would be required for a limited period and the need for the mobiles needs to be balanced against the impact they may have. In this situation it is considered that providing the mobiles are sited for a temporary period and the south elevation does not have any windows and these matters are conditioned that permission should not be withheld. </p><p>Traffic and parking</p><p>8.20 The proposal itself does not give rise to any change in pupil numbers at the school. The change from a middle tier to primary school results from building work which is being carried out as permitted development. The building of the mobiles will generate construction traffic. The highway authority considers that a condition should be imposed to ensure that this construction traffic can easily and safely access the site. There is some concern that the short cul de sac may become congested and make access difficult. The highway authority recommends conditions to manage this issue. </p><p>Bridgewater School, Berkhamsted - 8 - 8.21 The mobile classrooms are for a limited period. There is an existing mobile classroom on site which was granted planning permission in 1999 and which expired in 2004, this is not subject of the application. The school say that they need this mobile until the building works are complete and that it would be removed thereafter. The removal of the mobile should be required by condition to ensure that it is removed.</p><p>Other issues</p><p>8.22 The school site adjoins the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, however the northern part of the school site rises steeply and views from the AONB into the site are limited and the mobiles are not likely to impact upon any views.</p><p>8.23 The Environment Agency advise that a flood risk assessment should be submitted prior to development commencing. The EA believe that issues of drainage can be managed though further details should be submitted prior to work commencing on site.</p><p>8.24 The site is visible form public footpaths and account is taken of the visual impact within the report. One of the objections says that a public footpath runs between the southern boundary of the site and residents boundaries. However the definitive map does not record any such footpath.</p><p>9. Conclusion</p><p>9.1 The report concludes that the site is located within an area of need, close to centres of population and passenger transport services and is a site capable of expansion to provide the additional capacity needed in the local area.</p><p>9.2 The site is located within the green belt and the very special needs of allowing the change in education to take place at the school clearly out weigh the harm to the green belt and any other harm.</p><p>9.3 The mobiles would be visible and affect views from a number of properties however this is for a very limited period and the separation reflects the pattern of the development in the area. Other possible sites for the mobile have been considered and are not possible at the school. On balance the need to provide for the change in school delivery for Berkhamsted is considered to outweigh any limited harm that may occur.</p><p>9.4 It is therefore recommended that planning permission is granted subject to the following conditions (Note the application does not need to be referred to the Secretary of State as it would not significantly impact upon the Green belt and is below 1,000m3):</p><p>Bridgewater School, Berkhamsted - 9 - 1) Removal of mobile classroom – before expiration of two years. 2) Construction management plan. 3) No windows to be provided in south elevation. 4) Archaeology. 5) The mobile classroom sited to the north of the site shall be removed within two years. 6) Pre-commencement surface water drainage plan.</p><p>Bridgewater School, Berkhamsted - 10 -</p>

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